  • 1.B 2 B M A R K E T I N G E B O O K 5KeystoGeneratingLeadsonYourWebsite

2. Internethasfundamentallychanged thewayinwhichpeoplefind,discover, share,shop&connect The inB2B. Key Statistics to Consider 4-of-5 U.S. adults go online e 84% of those go online at least once daily 3. 87% 78% 77% 71% 70% 61% 59% 38% SOCIALMEDIA BLOGS eNEWSLETTER VIDEO WHITEPAPERS WEBINARS INFOGRAPHICS CASESTUDIES ContentMarketing Tacticslikeblogging,socialmedia,video andcasestudiesaremorecost-effectivethan traditionalformsofoutboundmarketing. Marketersareshiftingtheirbudgets, andseeingresults. Marketersareshifting theirbudgetsawayfrom interruptionadvertising. ContentMarketingTacticsinUse: Key Statistics to Consider 60% of marketers will execute inbound marketing strategies in 2013 34% of overall budget allocated to inbound marketing strategies The average budget spent on company blogs & social media has grown by 50% in each of the past three years 4. SearchandEmailArethe Top2InternetActivities KEY 1 SEARCHENGINEOPTIMIZATION(SEO) Ifyourbusinessisnotrankingwell thenyourenotgettingfoundfor thembypotentialcustomerseither. forthewordsthatdescribe yourproductsandservices Key Statistics to Consider 70% of the links search users click on are organic not paid 46% of daily searches are for info on products or services 75% of users never scroll past the first page of search results 5. Prospects,customersand searchenginesalllovethecontent generatedthroughblogging 82%ofMarketerswhoblogdailyacquireacustomerwith theirblog.Thosewithmorethan15blogpostspermonth average1,200newleadspermonth. KEY 2 BLOGGING Key Statistics to Consider Nearly 40% of U.S. companies use blogs for marketing gains B2B companies that blog generate 88% more leads per month than those who do not Two-thirds of marketers say their company blog is critical or important to their business 6. 2009 2010 2013 Over23of U.S.Internetusers regularlyusea socialnetwork Socialmediaisaneffectivewayto notonlycreateexposureforyourbusinessonline,butitisaproven waytosignificantlyengagewithprospectsandgenerateleads. KEY3 SOCIALMEDIA Key Statistics to Consider 93% of U.S. adult Internet users are on Facebook Marketers who spent +6 hrs./week on social media , engaging and sharing content, saw 52% more leads than those who do not Companies that use Twitter average x2 more leads per month than those that do not usesocial networkson amobiledevice 40% y 7. Contentoffers Byprovidingthemwiththisadvice,theywillcometounderstandhow your goods and services could potentially fill that need - theyshouldalsomaptodifferentstages ofyoursalesprocess,so that leads generated can be nurtured accordingly. onawebsiteshouldeducateyourprospects, makingthemsmarteraboutwhattheyneed. KEY4 CONTENTCREATION Key Statistics to Consider According to FOCUS, it is only in the last third of the sales process that prospects actually want to engage with a sales representative Inbound marketing costs 62% less per lead than traditional, outbound marketing and generates about x3 more leads % 78 CMOswhothink customcontent isthefuture ofmarketing % 87 B2Bbusinessessaycontent hasamoderateor majorimpacton vendorselection 8. LeadNurturing furthereducateand buildrelationships withnon-salesready leadsinascalable, effectiveway. KEY5 LEADNURTURING campaignshelpyou Key Statistics to Consider An MIT study done with, states 78% of sales that start with a web inquiry go to the company that responds FIRST! DemandGen reports that nurtured leads produce, An average 20% increase in sales opportunities versus non-nurtured leads. According to Forrester Research, companies that excel at lead nurturing are able to generate 50% more sales-ready leads at 33% Xcost per lead. NurturedLeads Make47%Larger PurchasesThan Non-Nurtured Leads 9. NeedanInboundLift? If youre looking for an agency that can get your B2B content marketing ideas off the ground, look no further. Give Billy Mitchell a call at 800-265-1244, ext. 227, or reach him online at [email protected]. Hurry up, though. We cant wait to get started. The MLT Creative team brings decades of B2B marketing experience to building your brands and business. We craft winning programs with results that matter. MLTCreativeisanAtlanta-basedB2Bmarketingagency.Foundedbypartners Billy Mitchell and Glenn Taylor, we are known as the Idea Launch Pad for B2B marketers. MLT Creative services include B2B Content Marketing, B2B Marketing Strategy, B2B Digital Campaigns, and B2B Design / Branding. 4020 East Ponce de Leon Avenue Clarkston, GA 30021 Phone: (404) 292-4502 Fax: (404) 292-4480

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