Page 1: Improve Your IELTS - Writing Skills
Page 2: Improve Your IELTS - Writing Skills


Sam McCarter

Norman Whitby

Page 3: Improve Your IELTS - Writing Skills

• • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Introduction

page 4

Unit 1 page 6

Unit 2 pagt" 1·1

Unit 3 page 22

Unit 4 page 30

Unit 5 page 38

Unit 6 page 46

Unit 7 page 54

Unit 8 page 2

Unit 9 page 70

Unit 10 page 78

Contents • • • •

TOp ic

Change and consequences

The importan ce of the past

Machines. cycles, and processes




Arts and sciences



Individual and socie ty

Sample answers page 86

Key page 6


Tas k 1

Describing trends Relaled verbs a nd nouns Unde rs tanding data

Comparing informalion Adverbs in comparisons Comparing and contrasting

The passive Sequencing

Genera l and specific slatemelliS Comparing information Describing proport ions

Describi ng changes Describing localions

Concluding StatementS Concession ( 1 )


Using <ldverbs 10 evaluate data Avoiding irrelevance

Making predictions Factual accuraq'

Varying vocabulary Checking spelling

Word order Linking using wilh Task ! revision

Ta sk 2

Understanding questions ExpreSSing soitllions Linking phrases

Using trigger words

Using ifltlIl!yltltis/lht'st' Planning essays Developing ideas

Using whirh to organize in formalion Expressi ng result and PUIl)OS~

Avoiding ovcrgcncra ii7.t1tion Developing reaS()IlS

Developing and justifying opinions Writing in troducliom

Expressing ndvanlagcs and disadvanlage:,

Advantage and di sadv.1nlagc vocabulary

ncession (2)

Discussing otha peoph."s opinion Hypothesizing

Articles Wriling conclusiuns

Organizing words Verh-subjccl agreement

Paragraph SUlIC!Ll rc Relevant clnd irrelevant information Task :2 revision

• • • 3

Page 4: Improve Your IELTS - Writing Skills

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

4 •••

Introduction IS _ ••••

What is Improve your IEL TS Writing Skills? lmprtll'i: .Villir fELTS Wnfl1l.'l Skills IS a complete pr<.'parallon course- for tht: ACJdel11ic

Writing papa of the International Engli'ih L1I1guage TeslIl1g SYS tCIll . Through largeled practice. i1 develops skills and language 10 help )'DU ach ieve a higher IELTS score In Ih t' Academic Wriiing paper.

How can I Lise this book? VI)lI (an lISC Imrr{ln' vonf fELTS WritiHg Skills as a book for stud ying on your own or in a class .

If you arc studying on ollr own. Imlw(I\'.' yiJur fELTS Wrillllg Skill:. is designed to gUide you step-by-step through Iht.' adhilics. Tbis book IS abo completely sel f-comained . a clear and accessible key is provided so thai you C,1I1 r..'asi l ~' dlCd; your answl.'rs as you work through the i)l)ol<.. In add ition, there Is a sample answ~r t accl)lllpiinyeach Task I anu Task 2 ques t ion.

II you arc "llId ~ ing iI .. pari clf a class, your teacher will direct you on how 10 usc each ilctivlty. Some aCli\'ilies can he IrL'ated as discussions, 10 which CJ S~ they can be a useful opportunity 10 !tharL' ideas and technIque .. wit h othl'r kamers.

How is Improve your IELTS Writing Skills organized? II consisl~ ollen unlls based around lopics whICh vccur common !)' inlhc rea l lest Each lInit consists of thrl'c sections:

Tas k J: exercises ilnd cXJmplt's 10 de .... elop :; kill~ and language for Task I qu .... sliom.

Tas k 2: exercbt.·s <1Ild examples LO d~vl'lop skills and Itmguage lor TiI!)k 2. questions

Pracrice lest: a comple te Academic Wnting paper based on Ihe unit tOPIC 10 prawsc the ~kJlls learned.

Each Ta<:k I and Task 1 seCII OII 15 suhdivided furth er InlO skills se\..llons. ThesL' focus on spL'tific areas o f rdc-vance to tach task ,

In adultion, ,h~re arl' Tc'CJII1I4111l'S hoxes throughou l the book. TheSl~ reinft rcC' kl'y point'i on how 10 apJlfoadl Academic Writing lasks.

How will Improve your IELTS Writing Skills improve my score?

By developing skills The skills semons fonn a detailed syllabus of l'sscIlIJaI IELTS wriung skill~. For c1I.ample. key c1em('l1[s 1,11 Task I pre para lion such <13 Des(:nblll9 lrmds a nel G'IIIP41n119 IllfimIllHlIUl. are lully co\'creJ Similar! y. Task 2 skills , such as Exprt'sslII.LJ so/uria1lS and DerdI1f1m .• j idtas afe tkalt wi t h in del ail.

By developing language Each unil also cL11llains a resource or LISeful phrases and vtJcilb~lICH)' to lise in I.:Jch writing task OVl.:r the cour"l' of 1I1lPfLJ\'l \'£llIr IELTS Wl'itll/j Skills. ),Oll \\ ill enCOUllIl'r il widl' range 01 idea:. 10 L'nsurc Ihal YOll are nOllo", for words when )'OU ~(..'I III the.: r('al ICSt. These includ.: cunccpt~ such a., wurds, trigger ~\<1Td~ . and linkillg phrJscs. \\ hkh all I.'nn l rillu te tu an appropri,lle.: ilcademlc \\ riling slyle .

By developing test teChnique Thl.' Tn:hl/lljltc ht)\.l's conhlin short 'IpS which can l"i1 .. i1y bl' I1ll'IlH,.lmed (lOci me.:d as rl'mlndcr'i in thl~ rCalll'!l1 These IIlcludc qUI(k and e~lSy Jlivict' aboLl! planning ul1LkrQanding QlIt."'sllom. and how lO usc cffl-cll\'t:!) the langl1age y4Hl h,wl! learne.:d

Page 5: Improve Your IELTS - Writing Skills


How is the IELTS Academic Writing paper organized? The .c~d~mlc, flUllg com ponent of the IElJS I.'t, Olll' hI ur III till te,t. Ihac.lre t"'(1 I.,k< 01 d,ifercllI 1<'0gtl1;, bOth of which ),OU lllu>I ,111 w~r,

What does each task consist of? In Ta ~ I. ),OU wlif hay~ to "'me a l least 150 word til dt:l.crfhc ~l1mc data or a dia):taJl1 Da la I II! n rn1alf' be presented 1I1 Ih. form of ,1 gr.1ph a bar or P'C chart. a table or a cnmbinaLlon of the e. A diagram will norm."llf ' rrlatc LO a I'm'e'" Ihe w(\rJ.i.tJ1gs t) f ,1D ubJect or chang~s in maps ovt'r lime: YClU Jre alwil)'s ~'\rt;' ... tl"d ttl

Urtln,.,tilt' the inl nllatlon b)' describing th main feature m"kmg c,'mparisuns whcrt" rcle \'am

In Ta k 2, you wlif have I "me at lea t 250 words un a I I) pit. You ",til be f res 'nteu wJlh a ll oplnl c)n, all argument, or a probl em , and \ ' \)\1 wlfl he expe' lcri l" resf nntlill SI lTle way. Pur example, in y\)u r resl I1 se. YOll rtlay lIr 'l' kecl ll l:

• l'xpl ess an 01 ini Hi, • give I'!ew, abtH JI IWO diff r~nt piniolls an.l gIve YUUI llwnl1plnit n , • dl; 1I,5 advan lages anJ dlsad,·anlages. • gIve J SolU liollt,'" pI hf rtl by ' ugscsung me" lIles • ulsclI) cau '." of a pr<lblem and sugge I solull '"

Y<lU ar~ ah' J)'s expected to !l1\' C reasons and incfuc1c any I 'Ie , anL e\Jmflle~ from you r o \\n knowledge and c:<pcricnc('

How will I be assessed? fn hotl! In,ks y u I III be as c sci.! on your ability Itl t'~f'lrc \ Ylllml'f/liearly and a curul<ly tn Engl"h

In Tu~' I I' llf an wcr b as es,cJ according III 'our ahilll . 1<) "'ntt' apout data man (lfganfzed way and compa re mlonnauoD where it Is rel"I'ant In dl> ~ll ou should write abllul Ihe mam fea tuft·s of Ihe data and a.ld rek'oInl oetalf where ne(t:sS<1ry

In Tas' 1, your an \\'er is assessed accordll1g to your abillt)' III write III a logical manner as you &I\'C ,1 ,,,lil t ion W J problem. preselll .1I1d ju,tily all Jlplnion, compare ,lOci contrasl cvidcn e and OpII110nS, or 'val uate and ,hJll~ng • 1<1 'a, or argllmt'III~ .

How much tim e should I spend on each task? YOII are advised I pe nd 20 minuleS 011 Ta k I

You del' .,lI-ised Itl pend ·10 minu les n Task 2

Fvcn IhoJlgh Tas\" _ carrie, m re marks. you shoufd ahva)', do 'I;"\,, I first. This t> l.ce.111 ell. honer ancl ps)'Chof glcuUy it fc 'fs bt:llcr " you IIJ"c com rk'l cd (,nt.· lilsk.

Page 6: Improve Your IELTS - Writing Skills




Change and consequences

Unit aims fas\ 1

Oescrlbltlg iffnds Aelsted verb!. and nouns Under"tanding data

fa:;, 2

Umt!!H,landmg questtDfI~ E.x:pras511'19 sollillDtl~ llOloog phrasa USing tllgger ,',l)Td~

••••••• CI •

• • • II • • • • • • • • • •• ••• • ••••

Task 1 D esc rib ing tre nds

1 The f:;raph relate 10 sales (Ifmeciia t~chn olf)gy. Which graph ;1-h d o you think show~ sa IL's rOf each it em in the p hotos 1-47

2 Match c:ach graph (a-h) w it h the most approprlill~ descriptio n below (1-10 .

SJ h,' s of audio C<SSSeae~ fell .. teadll~ .,.,., . ~ ..... .

.2 IPod sales ro.!.C' graduall~' ...... ........ .. .

3 Plasmil TV salrs fluctUJ1Ct.! \\'ildl~ but the trend

\Va" upward , ................ ..

. , Sales III Video cassette, fluctua ted \\dlll) and the

Irend was downward ........ .. ..

I) Tfllal digual camt'ra sales dropped \ Iighll)'

b ilk, uf audiO (aSSl"ue'S Itll Jnd then Ic\'«.'IIt:d olf

7 The sail':' of 1"\P3 ·pla}'l'rs rO~t· gradually a nd then

cJimbt'd sharpl)' .................. .

S Purchases III ,·iJcl.) ca .. selle rCCl)rdc.-~ lkdim'd

~lra matlCa ll y , ............... ..

q Sil les III games consoles dt.'l..IcaseJ and then

len:llt"d off ................ .

JU CD saiL"..; Jropped suddenly_

3 Underline lhe verbs in 2. used to dc<;cribl' trends.


SaIl') of audit! (JS')ClhA<j kU sicadily

4 The v{'rbo; in 2 are mudified b) .1<.h crbs ~lll.h as H'·"lhh·. Find the adverbs and dt'cidL' wh(, lhel' Ihl.') mea n slow or fast changes. Compkll.' the iI!-ls h('I ('I \\ .

Slo w .. :?~~!~.






Page 7: Improve Your IELTS - Writing Skills

• Technique • • • • Include a variety of • • :$ tructures in your • • "'''ling. Use bpth • • ~erb + adverb and • • • • adjective + noun • • \rUClures jn your • • ask 1 answer. • • E~press nouns'BS • • rh. ofar as iWO • • 1nouns •

UNIT 1 Clj{/ /l9~ m ill COIISC' lll/Cll a S


R e lated verbs and nouns

5 Scmcnces conlai ning ve rb phrases such asJell steadily can ort en be rewrillen Ll sing the correc t ro rm of IlIa l! islMI! a n d a re la ted noun . Read [he examples. Then rewr ite SCl1Icnces a-j be low.



The consumption of chocolate [tdl sICadily. (verb + adverb) There was fl steady fa ll in lhe consumpt ion of chocolate . (II/en: WilS fl + ad jective + noun )

There has been d drnmcl/ ic rise in the prod uClion of films. (t"at! Ih1S bl!t!1I a + adjective + n Oll n ) The production o f films has risen dramatiC/lily. (ve rb + adverb)

a Spice ex-pon s fro m Africa f1u ctual ed wildly over Ihe pe riod.

There we re .... .. ........ .. .... .............. .... .......... .. .. ...... ............................. ...... .... .. ............ ..

b The development of new products fe ll gradually.

The re \vas .... ....... .... .... ... ...... ... ... ... ..... ... ...... ... .............. ...... ...................... .................. .

c There has bee n a nOl iceable decrease in resea rch investme nt.

Research .............. .. ........ .. ....... .. ....... ..... .... .................... .. .... .. ...... .. .. .......................... .

d The purd13ses of ti ckets dropped signiric3 mly last month .

The re \vas ................. .. ... .. ................. ... .... .. ... ............... .. ....... ........ ..... ..... .... ........... .. .. .

e On the Internet. the number of sites rose sign ificant ly.

The re .. vas ....... .. ... .... .... .... ..... .. ..... ...... .... ....... .. ... .... ........... ... ........... ........... ..... .. ..... ..... .

There was a sudden decrease in the sa le o f m angos.

The sale .............. ..... .. ........................ .... .... .. ........ .. ........ .. ........ .. ........... .. ................... .

g At the theme pa rk, the re we re very slight flu ctuations in the nu mbe r of


The nnmbe r ... ............... .. .............. .................................. .................. ....................... .. .

11 The re was a grad ual decline in suga r impon s.

Suga r ... .. ..... ...................... ............. ..... .................................. ................... ................... .

The qualil}' 0 1 food in superma rke ts h as increased slow ly.

There has .............. .. ...... .. .... .. .. ... ... .. ... ... ... ...... ........ .... .. .. ... .................. ...... ................. .

j The number o f a ir travelle rs f1uctll a ted rema rka bl y.

The re .. ..... ... ... ... ..... .. .. ....... .... ........ ... ........ ...... ........................................................ ..... .

Phrases sllch as tll c.'CO IISlllllplioll oj c}WCO/alr! can often be re wr ille n as just I w o nouns. Read the exa mp les. Then find and rew rit e o the r exa mp les in S.


Tht' (OIl.Wlllplioll of (/l(lco/ntl! ea n hecom e Chon1/ml! (ol/SIIII/priol/ . Tlte prodllcriol/ 11Jftims can becom e Film productioll. (no t Fi/Ills production).

• • •• 7

Page 8: Improve Your IELTS - Writing Skills

Und "' rs t andin g data

7 It l.'old Ihe gra ph a nd Ihe1' 1 qUC'~li(\n . "'hal was lht" in o n1l' In d"II;u"I'or:

• The Tta RU4.lm m January")

h 1I1h .. 'rnC"t Express In July?

~ \\'1· 11 Calc In November"?

d Caft 001 In DrcC'mbc:r'"

e Tht.' Tell Room In Febru,ul'?


Task I Changing trends In cafo Income

Technique To holpyDu .,' ••

..... '" Jlflwl.i ipmJ "biJwl0 milJlll(S l1ff 11m tllsl

TIll! !JNlIII. sl l (l ll'~ flit: ; " collie of fO il" ClIf,'s j ll t' 1I' l '{JI'k ow:,. I(,.u y etu:

SI/",ulflrb: " ie' ;/lfO n 'h lliilll by .\·c/ecti"9 tlml ''''111.11"';''9 the: mai" ff!OlllreS, (ltId mok,' fOUlI", risoll f 1I'11~ rc.' r eit' I'tllt l.


'80 , .. 1.0·

• ii 110

~ '00

§80 50


, A

'\ / --" · i / '

r -. - y I ~- -, -- - -..../ •

• he g'.ph Wille thu : "arne! ot Ihe caf s

•• IIP. .nd 01 apeh

\\ tll( dllfJlt 1 SO \\\lrJs - - - T'h. Tn Room 20 - ....... -"" I_ InTerN! E_prlU __ Wj(,CaI. • A'S - . - t..fe Coot J , "'AMJ J o N 0 . lIrw ___ _

8 Ano;,wCI Ihe .. e qucslions aboullhe !p.Jph

a Whal do the' Icltcrs J. f, Y\ t'h: alun,-! Iht' t~ltlt)m ollhe graph !TIroln")

II Wiloll doc<; OOOs mean?

(,: Whill polltcrru can you Sec':»

li Wh,lI umpJflSons Gln }Oll 11l.1kr'

9 Rt.'ftd Ihe 111 0 I(' f lex t and decidl! whelher carh IlI l s~ing ph ra~t.' is 11 Vt."rb, .1

nl) UII , o r an ad verb .

Model text



The graph provtdc! InformatIOn aboullhe 1f\t(lf1lC Irtn..16 of lour 'J e~ over the btll l(al"

n\(r( lre I"'" bl~I' 9(O(rJ\ \rCnd!­

&.u"'.lrd at'" "ll\11lrd f46 rC4\rd, The \lrs~. Irx (JrtllIl9So for The: TCJ ~ .... trt

~tI owr 11l( 1cJr b\\lf'9 ...... _. fnm llmOiT $11,,0.000 (In''I14~ l nlonth tOJuM lll..c.rr $';0,000 In D(r,nbrr

e-,- tontrafll. lite ,",OIN for thr Cllhrr Ihrf'r c..':l1C6 'fItnl tip l"j v:11'f1fl9 drgrtt6 1htn "'J':. ,...... n1 wft c.oor6 ~\t6 owr ~"\( f,r'6llCn mCln'\~. tollowed \1'f .l «k..U\rll

8 ••

uv.rra!!!C to $120,000 FurlhcfmClf'c. lhr ,flGOmt or bolh Inl,,,,,1 ('1'''''''''.1 tht wl-fl Cafc J ............ In Deamtitr lilt former U,pc.rIeIlU4 ~ ... ... 10 r~Uit but J tr t\u:. Inc..omC r~ " ....... c.flI:L"9 li1( "" '" apprn>"Nte'l $130,000 l..c~"'R the mod for WI-f, ~l!l u~ Drholun r~ 10 Ji'\1. (Mll,f\)'

............. trom $'50,000 10 ''''''1 Sloo,('(\O .j"k.~ 1 .•..•... to :1rou"o $I~O,OOO

11 IS notlc.eab\{ tnJI the tl",omt for me iea lZQom I~ \OW( rill Ih( winter m(lnlh~ than (lr Inc. olher Inrt\' (lfn

10 M;)t ~ h opllons .1;':' with gaps 1-7 111 the model I ~ .'(I .

• 'illCl,dil}

b then , Jnllhll'd

" 'Il1J;mfteJnth'

< .llst' cndt'd Ihc: )C'.u up

,1 "leaLi)· t..111

~ ,1 l1S('

Page 9: Improve Your IELTS - Writing Skills

Task 2 Under landing questions

1 Task 2 que. li o ns co nt a in a gen era l s ubject a nd o flell In lud e a pc 'n rgnnlz ing word 10 he lp you o rganize ur ('s ay. In each group a-d <10\\ .

wh ich organiz ing word ha a diffe ren l mea nin g from Ih OIhcr IWo)?

a adl'aillage drawbacks b~ndll

b m~a lIreS steps reas os

causes elfe tS COil eq ucnce

d dlsadnn tagcs drawbacks solu lions

2 o mpl Ie each Task 2 ques li on be lo w w ith organiz ing words fr om th(' box. YO LI m ay usc each item mo re l.han on ce .

agree or disagree advantages disadvantages causes solutions measures beneflts

a What a re the b.c:n.~~ .. I learning skills in th e modern ",orld .

b Ally a ll 'rnp i to prescrV( Lhe na tll ral world wil l a lway hilld n cCOlloml

dCI c lopmenl. The beneuts I ill however la r UII clj!h 111<'

.................. Do you .................. ?

Whal arc Ihe .................. and .................. o ll akinK a ycar l)f[ I C[WCCIl ;(hool

and un iver;it y .

d tLldenl should be rained on how to cop lVi lh cha nge In Ihe ml • .krn

world. 1-1 01'1 fa r do you ....... ........... ?

Volumec r work w lLh disadvantaged groLlps m..t! underprivileged children Is

Lhe besl way ror you ng people 10 lea rn .11 ou t Lh c rea l world . Wba l a re Ihe

..... ......... .. .. o f such wo rk?

f Eve r)' day. a n ima ls a re hecom ing eS lincllilro ughoullhe ",prld Whal do

you Ihi nk Ih e ........ ...... .. .. o f Ih is arc? Wha l .. ...... .......... can )'Otl suggesI7

g vercrowdlng in la rge al ies ha a lwars heen a prohlem. bU I "'lI h

popula tions a ro und Lhe world a boLl I 10 d uhl . Ihe <o("inll robkl1l< arc

cen a ln 10 mu ll ipl )'. Wha ' ............ ca n )lOll suggc t l COl11r Il he I r blcms'

3 H I l11a ny pans a re lil ('re in each qucs lio n in 2? For example. (a) ha one pan . If lhere a rt' IIVO o r Ihrcc pari . how a rc Iher rt ld led ?

Page 10: Improve Your IELTS - Writing Skills

. ,-,"-;-~--,.

• iTechnique • • Idenufy tna type of • • qoestlon FOT cause a • oh.lllOn Question a • IVpes, mclude both • • :and give reasons a • and examples • OrganIze your idea -• into an apprOpqSIB • paragraph Struoture • • uSIog linking ",orns :

10 •••••

Expressi~n g solu tions

4 Change is m orc rapid in the modern world than it was in the p as t. umber each calcg ry below 1-5 according to hovi rapid ly each is chan ging in yo ur opinion (1 = 1110S1 rapid; 5 = leas t rapid). Th ink of an example o f rapid change for each category.

W rk Tech nology Travel Commu nica lion Heahh

5 Look 31 lheTask 2 ques tion below and ans wer Ihe questions .

Task 2

}'V/I should spend ab"ut ":O milllll r!s 011 (his task.

Wnll' abou1 Ott fi,l/owmg tapir

M ore and more pepple cI(lim fhar mode,." wo,.k pmwrlls nre a sow n! of stress. What do ),011 rhiu k are rhe CflI lses of rhis? Ca ll YOll sllggest some possible solt/rio" s?

Gn'i for )lour answer a"d mdudt" allY fllcvam (xamplls from your OWII knowll:dgt! or lxperiellu.

a \oVhich part of the q uesllon sta tes a problem?

b Which t wO words in the Question a re important for the orgal1l 7.a tiol1 o f you r answer?

6 Read the co nversa tion belween I WO

sludems discuss ing the prob lem of Slress a l work. Which part o flhe q ues lion i n 5 are Ihey answering? Whal solutio ns


an d result s d o they s uggcsl?

This parag raph suggests a solut ion 10 IheTask 2 q uest ion in 5 . Com plcle each gap wi lh the phrases in a- ffor p resenti ng solutions. examples, and resu hs .

a A further step is to b for example



Shen: "Tina:

Shen: Tina:

Shen: Ti na:

How do you think people can deal wi th their stressful lives. especia lly at work? Fi rstly. llhink employers should encourage workers to relax. How7 Well. in some companies, gym facilities or massage therapies are available, Massage? Yes. If you help your employees to relax, this improves thei r efficiency and production. Are there other so lutions7 I

Of cou rse. Employees could be trained in how to plan their time more effective ly. One way is to stop people taking work home. And then the w orkplace will become a lot happier.

1 ............ for employers to encourage workers to relax, 2 ............ , In some compames. gym facilrtles or massage therapies are avcltiabie. J ............ , thiS Improves their e ficlency and production. 11 ... .. ....... tram employees m how to plan thelT time more effectively. 5 ............ . by stopping people takmg war k home. 6 .. .. .. " .... , the workplace Will become a lot happier.

d As a resu h

C I lhink the most obviolls so lution is

e By doing rhis For in.stance

Page 11: Improve Your IELTS - Writing Skills

UN IT 1 C/ulll9C mill CtJ/l5~I/UCI I (~!

•• •• • •

8 There are seve ral ways to express soluti ons. Should is used for slrong suggestions; (ould is used for poss ib le s uggestions. Other phrases can als be used to express solutions . Read the examples from 6 and 7 on page 10. Then rewrite the sen tences in a-f.


Employers should mcourtlg( workers to relax. I think lhe mOSt obvious solut ion is fo r employas 10 l!llcouroge workers 10 relax . Employees (tJu/d be (rained in how 10 plan Ihei r lime more effect jvely. A furth er step is co train rmployet'S in hm\' to plan their time m orc effectively_

a I think lhe mos t obvious solu tion is 10 encou rage pe pic to exercise more.

People should ............. .... ..................................................................................... ..... . .

b The obviollS answer is to reduce the number of \vorking hours.

The nunlber of \vork ing hours ............................................................................... .

c The govern mcni could provide each employee with their own com puter.

One possibility is ..................... ..... .......... .. ..... .. ......................................................... ..

d One option is 10 persuad(' par(,nlS 10 spend more lIme with thei r ch ildren.

Parents could ......................... .. .... .... ........ ............. ... ................................................. ..

e A good idea is to reslrict lhe number of cars coming into cities.

The number of cars coming into cities ........................................ .......................... .

r The government should bui ld more skyscrapers to solvt' the problem .

A good idea is .......... ................. ............ .... ... ............ .. ....... ................... ......... ............ ..

9 Whi ch prob lems of modem life do lhe sentences in 8 refe r to?

overcrowding traffic congestion obesity lack of discipline stress technology

lO use the fo llow ing phrases 10 add resu lls to the solut ions above. Usc your own icleas and words.


a I think the most obvious sol ution is to encourage people 10 exercise- marC. By dt1i1l9 til is. t l lq wOlfld los! weigh' alld wOllld lui lufta 9r!lferafly.

As a res ult, This would enable/he lp them to This would lead to This m eans that they would By do ing this, Consequently.

• • • 11

Page 12: Improve Your IELTS - Writing Skills

12 • • ••

Lin king p h.rases

11 Linking phm cs mark (he fu nc t ions ur m ile. SClllc nCC''i and phrases. such as 'o lul lom., res-ulls . and e.X"amp les. ·\tHeh ... ach linking phrnsc w llh Ihe correct (lin lion.

addition srod purpose .... _.-.. -condition _ ......... n~a5Qn

("xilmple -... - ... result

U Ing t r i gger words

............ _ .. .... -... _ .......

end conseQuenlly. and 50 since for Instance •

because in order to therefore. if funnermore.

as a result. for exampl.e. -'--

12 )l ead th e.- paragraph from a Tas k 1 essay n overcrowded ci liC's and find the li nking phrases which mal ch Ihe c functions.

Reason Result Example Solufion

,\1any cI[ies in the world have now be orne very overcr wded because people Are m igrnling in rom the countn'side in search of \'-ork. As 3 resu lL, fneili ric like WSler supplies and public transport cannot cope with the demands from increased number o fpcopie, and so they are under severe train. The obviou answer IS

to encourage the creation ofiob oUlSlde the Ilics. F r example

J \VC could encouroge certain bUSlOC': es to set

up bronm e in rural areas.

13 Linking phra es can be used to trigger ideas bee-a use Ih t)' mark fun l i ( tns .

Whe n YOli plan a Task 2 ans wer. writ e! do wn some Lriggcr words 10 he lp you d t" \·clop your basic idea. Use the lrigger words bdo w 10 dcyc:1 p the ideas ~ ivtn .


IIr""rl!! "'~I}r.lfc (('/ ci(ia, Ihe )' uecomc ......... .... ... ..

1\l1d M) ............. ... ..

,\ !ld as. a result .... ............. . A guod Idea \ .... ould be to ................ .. By doing this ................. _


Pt~'rJt rpmd f\!" mlldllWt~ ~liudlllt." n F r (,",\:amp!t' ................. .. CIlnsc:qul·ntly ...... ....... _ .. _ If ................... then .......... _ ..... . Thh will lead to .. ........ _ .. _.

n,( ,tflyh'rmml oIwunsm t1full (((,'h'. rnfltrm"I1"''''''''9 /,,,.JI P(.Jp!t b(,CiHl~t" .... _ ......

F r (~.lmrlt' ...... ........... . Tht' obvi U~ an5w~r IS to .. .... ........... . Furthermore . ... ............ .. .

Page 13: Improve Your IELTS - Writing Skills


UNIT 1 C/rmr9(' m id ctJ"S':llu(',,(~ • • • •• •

• • • • • • • • S • •

Pract ice Test 1

Task 1

rou should Splitt! I1boltt 20 mbllltl's £111 this tlUJ..

The 9rl1(JIJ be.Jo\lf slloll's ill pcrull1tl9~ terms rll~ (110119 ;"9 palltcrnS oJ tlom,:slic flae of

10 moderH Icclu JOlogy in homes i ll tile UK.

Su",mnri:e Ihi! .. "f ormar ion by selecrillf) ami reporti"9 tJJ~ IIIffill fCOit/,.es. mill make compn";.mus where rt:lel'am .

write at Irl1sl 150 mmls.



CD Ilt.~e ,

"'t=~~~8 MobU" ,Ihon, .... " . ..... .... .. ' 60 .• ' ....... --­

.' ----'0 -t-H~o:m:.~,o:m:p:"~,:.,~-_--_----~-~=-.~ .. ~.-~'~:' ~-=·~·'~'~" ______ ~"~" ~"~'~'~~"~C-:'=' -:::-::~~ __ --~==::=j

InlernelloceIP ~-------- .. ..... ", ..

20 '''7.=~= .. "" .. ''C:::' ''.:....' - --.____-=-....e::=-------------l -r ...... ____

o ,,,.,.,

Task 2

}'O/l sitoliM spmd auo ll/ -10 mbw/c's 0 11 tltis task. W,.itZ' ttb(lll( (Itt' fo llow;",!} topic:

PI.'ople Hart/ rally rt!fisl makiug chall.'Je.f illllteir live ....

I 2000.'01 2002103

Wltm kiml of prolJ/ellls en" lit is Cilll"'C? What ... 0111 tiolls emt )IOti .'itI.tJ91.·)·r?

GII 'i.' renSiJlI$ /ilr )'emr mlS\wr mtd illdud.: mly n!/Cl'.11U j· \'l1tltpla from 1'1.1111 (1 \1'11 kll(lwlr!ti9i or I'\/,aiwcr WrtU nrlaw 250 mmls.

• • • 13

Page 14: Improve Your IELTS - Writing Skills

• • • • ::l

Bolloolnl pon, Laszlo Biro

Tin can patented by Peter Durand

Iqu. • • • \. ItIo IIILC,. • • ,nd llIIIIIbe. • • ~nl d,tal" • : In pencil. • •

14 •••••

The importance of the past • • • • • • • • • • • • •• •• • ••••••• •• •

Unlt.lm. Ta 1


1 •• 102

U''"II.~lI''s tIHI~ PI .. n ng ~SIV' o.-.Ioping ,_

-:Ibs Incornpansnr.\ eompa"ng~!ld

• • • • ••••••••••••••••••• •••• Task 1 Comparing informalion

1 The picllln: and text show some invenllon" Jml who Inv~nled them . Answer Th e quest io ns.

Fir$1 mercury thermometer. Gabriel Fahrenheit

Safot'V pin. Walter Hunt

d Which LS the oldest !nvC'lltlon")

'-' \V1l1 h 10; tht: most rC'ct:nt Invcnllnn"

Paper mOl'lev in Ch ina

l Which do yOL think are the most and.l('a~iIlllnpOnanllll\'CnUUn\" d Whar olher imponant histoneal IO\iCntlOns arc 11(11 Included hen.· ...

2 The chan hows me results of a survey aboUi Ihe most lmponolnl illvC'.nIioll!>

in the 1.151 300 yt"us. Answe.r the qUe5tlon!t.


Most Important inventions in the lasl 300 yoars cl What IS the mll5t

stnklng reaturr of Ihe chart'?

b What voting I ",IlCrI1 s. can ytlU sec lur fema!cs")

l Wha t vOllng patterns can yOll

sec fo r malcf'

You can usc a range o f structurei to make compariso ns. Read these cxampl~ d("Scr ibfng the chan I." 2. Then complete sentences a-j with suhab lt" Inf mlJf ton baSt"d on the chaIt.


Morr males rlran ft:InaJ es chose rnt" 1V (mOTt " noun +- tlld" ) FrWtT fcmalC'S thon males chose the TV. (ffH-n + " nUll +- tlran) The TV was mort popu/aramong maks t/rllll remalt"s (mortlltss + adJectlvc­thllll)

The most popillar form o f communic.lIIon was lht' IllIcrntl (tilt ",,,srJlfdj/ + ildJective)

Page 15: Improve Your IELTS - Writing Skills

UN Il 2 TJ,,. IIII/oor'tlll ,'f tll( pdSI


a More femal es .............. ... .... ...... .. males chose the bicycle.

b Th~ bicycle was more ...... ....................... than any other inyen lhlO

c Ti lt' ca r was ............ _ ............... popular among fe mnles than males

d ............. ..... .. ......... Inventlon among bOlh sexes was the TV.

e .. ............ ............... wom~n than men voted f r the mobile ph nc

............................. invention amo ng both sexes was the bIcycle

g ............. ................ males than females picked the radio .

h The compu tcr was ............................. for women than for men.

More people se lected the bicycle ............ ................. an)' olher invenllol1

The TV was .. ........ .. ................. p pular than any 1.her invcntil)n

4 Yo u can a lso compare information by using CIS II1tl l/y • . • (IS w h{'n nu mbers are YC,ry close. or by usi ng ,ro! as 111m,), •. • 15. Read the examp les. Then compare male and fema le a ll il-udes 10 cars and m obile phones.


As mm,y It' l11.1lcs (1.S l11ales ellOS!: the com pUler. Not tiS m"".1' females as males chose the radio.

5 Make compara tive senlences bast'd on !lOle a-g b\,'low <l lI d Ih t' ( hart In 2. Us(> the pass ive or active foml of the verb in Ita lics.


Icn lal~s/m oJlt.' slsd(~.,/t h(' bicyde mdlc:: s' kma1es'jd~ct/ the bicycle

the bkyclc /dtoosd females/males

Mor~ females rlw1/ mah:s stl~4ud the bicycle. F~H~I Il htle:s Ihull kllhl1c:a u/l',uJ elu: tJlqr..!..:

The bicycle U'IU ch asm by mort! females rJIlUJ males .

a m alcs/ remaleslcJlOOStlthe car

b women/mcn /srit'Ll/1he mobile phon e

c the '-nternet /chooulmales/ females

d fcma lcs/males/pickllhe radio

e males/ femal e:slpi"kl lbe radio

the compuler/cJuJostl females/males

g the biC)'dclstlti:tJmales/females

... .................................... ........................... ... ....... ............................................ .. .. ..........

• • • • • lS . •

Page 16: Improve Your IELTS - Writing Skills

16 •••••

Adverbs in comparisons

6 You ca n add adverbs to comparisons to make them mor~ prccise. s uch as 1911ijirul/t ly ( /IIori!) or almost (as many), Re-ad Ih~ examp les. Then undcd in~ Ih t.,

adv("rbs in sentences a-i.


Si~J1IficalllJy mort people voted for lhe bicycle (han lhe other inventions The hicyde W.J5 chosen by alm~1f( as mOIl)' malt'S as females

a Slightl y more women lhdll men vOled for the bicycle.

b In the past. considcrdbly more people lived in the countrY'iide than lowns.

c Many more people can use J computer today than thjrty years aso.

d SUbsldlllially less lime is now spent doing ho usework than berore.

e Thef(' a re signiflcam ly fewe r people flOW worklllg in ll1 ilnufaCluring th.dn an the past.

Sp rtS progTammes are watched by praclica ll }' a~ man y p('op \(.' now as ill previous yca rs.

g The exh ib it ion abou t cinema allra led rar fewl~ r vhi tors Ihalll."X"pectcd,

h IlI ltcrat:y is much less common than in previous gcncr.lIil"llls

Nearly as mJny chi ldren as adull s watch proyralllnu.'s about .1I1\..ICnt Iuslur\-,

7 Which adverbs above mean : cl almOST? b a 1017 C JUS! a rcw-:t

8 L ok again at the sent ences you wrote in 5 on page 15. Acid suil abl l' adverb

Compa~ring and contrasting

9 Answ er Ihesc queslions aboul th e bar chan ,

a What do you think the bar chart provides in rorma tion abou t?

b What could the numbers on lhc lell re lalt' 10"

Whal do you think lhe .. "ords along til(' hOll m or the d1JrI rd ol ll' tn:'

d What could the numbers in I.he box refe r LO?

c Is there a timl' reference for the graph?

---------1 [ a 2~ [ c ·~

Page 17: Improve Your IELTS - Writing Skills


• hlthe lest. make a quick 1111 01

· me~\O!I : stnlclUIES you

befole1DIJ WIlle

10 Malch SCOIc.ncc bt"g innings l-b with c.nd lngs 3-r 10 form C Treel SCnlenccs aboll l Ihc chan .

The ans and craw sodt'ty has the greatcsi number 01 20-}Q yea r-aids.

2 Only 25 people [rom the younger age group Me members of tile hl~lon.::al


3 Some SOdt'lics are d early mo re pular whh one of Ihe: age groups.

4 The' keep fit and social dubs h.we slightl y Tn rc mcmp(.' r5 In Ihe )'f~ungc!"r agr: bracke l.

5 In generat (he 20-30 year-aids are mor actively in\' hIed in sock lieS

6 The keep ril and sodal clubs allrael .1 broMlcr T(lOge or pcopl.:

a \IIha~as the M( hacological s cle lY Is equully I)Opu IM wil li b Ih .

b /II ~·o l1t,m"i.m" Willi the hislOri cJi sodel )'.

bllt It Is o ne of the leasl popular dub:, wll h IIie l) ltlcr a~L' grilUp

d (j}"'Pllrtt/ WIlh IllC oldt!f age.' group

( II/I/ /r the IIgure fo r ..;. 5--65 )' t'ar~ ..,h.h 130 J l)IJlH 'l0 .

IlI/hDugh they are fai rly popu lar with br)lh age gr(1Up"

11 In \\Ihich of the en lenccs in 10 could the e nding <t-r C nl C' first ? Whidl connect ing word in italics ilIe ro llowed by a noun phr,l:Sc.' onl ?

12 Rcad the description or the chart i,n 9. For each or 1-6, twO opt ions are possible and one is inco rrect . Dele te the incorrect option.

Model text

11,,, dut1 provlde.s .nformalion about hoVl 1""0 age 9rou p~ p3rti(. ipa1e in 5(..vera\ c.\ubt, al a (.enlr'e for adults.

.1, <an .. , from Ih. dala Ihal lh. ar<h .. ,0109,<;>I, ~t, t,p f; l, and so<i.1 dub> are pop<lbr ~,Ih bolh old.r ana jO<ln9" people ' Wh,ltAlo •• .,.r!f;y lomrast, Ih, hlstorlc.a\ and arts and (.raft~ ~( dtarlj appeal mort. 10 ant of !he agt gro,,~ In !ht hl.lorltal .Od tlj , 50 of 111<. membc.rfI art bf.~un 45 and !,s. • butlwh,Ir./IJot., .. .,,-II1t.rt. art 0011 25 rom !ht JOI,,"]er age group For lht an. ana ""fl, "",I'lj, II1t. paftom " rt\'trot<!

There arc about 1,0 members 3grd between 2.0 Jnd ,0, 1 bllt/ whertaw,n ,ompar/5l)(l wdh the numbtr of ptop\r III

Ih,. 45 10 \,'j a9' gro,'p I, ' /or/o"9""y/ con:;;derrJbly \ower iht ~ec.p f. t and so,.a\ Glub> art popular w,lh bol11 ago 9rou~, ~ I1oweverIlMlaltilOugl1 Ihtrt art 'I,ghllj ft~er oldtr ptopl., Mtmber,hlp of 1111 3 ... h3toI09".>1 "",'t"1.tana • • 1 'IS [Of' baIh group!>

In gtntral, he jou,,,]<r "9t group In

, "9n, Itantly/almmtlnot,cUlbiy man UlVO\vtd .n 1he vant)U5 fIO(.lcllt!l lru the 1\7-r.5 j",,-old •

• •• • • 17

Page 18: Improve Your IELTS - Writing Skills

18 •••••

Task 2 Using i t/ rhey/ rh is / II,ese

1 Read the lexi be low wrillen by a siudent as piln of a Task 2 essay, Replfl l"C' the w ords in il alics wi lh il. tlr r!)'. (lIis, or Ilr6('.

Archal!'o logislS. for example. hdp us 10 le.1 m aboul Iht' PilSI. Ardl.'uo!o;11t,{ look for evidence in an efactS like pOlS and jewdlcry. Pots lind jn\'t'/1~")1 reveal a lo t 01 info rmation about our ancesto rs. Rl\·t.1/m.'1 ;,r!ornh1ri011 Ilbcw r rlu pan is vcry useful. but llu ill/Onlldlion is still Quitt limited

2 Match 1-4- w ith a-d to explai n how to use il. Or",)" tlris. and r!reu.

1 It and ,his refer to 2 Thry a nd (Ir~S( refe f [0

3 This a nd (Jure are often used to refer to -I Tit/scan also rde r to

a nou ns at the end of the prc vlous SCnlence. b plural nouns. e SilUdtions and processes. d sinl-lular nouns.

3 Und~rli ne the cxaci lex t whi h it. IIrt')'. 11m, Jnd (11.'$1.' rde r 10 in sentl.'n..:-,-,s a-h. The nrsl o ne has been done fOT y Oll .

a liistory leaches children not jusl facts , but.1 range 01 skills. For example. thtycan learn how LO analyst· material. do basIC soning and rcsc:arc:-h.

b Old buildings help creaLe a mort' relaxlIlg ellVlConmcnl in oues than concrete office blocks. This makes th~rn more pk'asanl to work Jnd live.' in.

c Studying history may trigger an imerest in o lh er subject areas. T/r/s. in tum. may IC,ld 10 other hobbies.

d Built· up areas can be made more att ractive by add illg monume.'1115 and 51 ,.l{Ut!S. Tlllse can then e.nrich people 's lives considerably.

e Governments should provide more money to pre erve his tOrIcal sites. By doing this, ou r heritage would be saved for Iwure generations. Trad ition does nOI hold us back as some people D{' lIe,'('. In fact. it hdrs us 10

build the future. S Schools and co ll eges need to e mphasize his tory a nd related subjects a~ r/r o'sc

will ht.'lp give them a wider viC'w of I he world , h The Imcrnet and computers can be lIscd 10 preserve the pas!. For ex,lnlple,

rltq can be used by children to do basic research and slOre Im,lges

4 Complete sen tences a-g with it. cll t')l. tlt is. or rlt.!sl!.

a Lf the past is to be preserved . .................. mUSl be done by using modern ted1l1 logy.

b The art and language of a country represemils hiS"tory. so It is important tha t .............. .... are both preserved.

e The primary role of ad ve.rtis ing is to encourage Ihe public to n: place the: old with the new . ................. . is called progress by some people.

d History broadens the minds of most people \Vh study .................. . but ............ ...... also has the potemial to narrow the minds of some.

c History should be given more emphasis in school. as .................. will help childre n to unde rstand bette r the world they U\'e in. U lusto ry Is emphasized marc in seho Is . .................. will lead to a belle r underslanding of lh t.' world.

S The p~St Informs us of the presem and the fUlure. bu t few people are suffiCiently aware of .................. .

Page 19: Improve Your IELTS - Writing Skills

Planning essays

UNIT 2 TIl<' i/ll/,M1""U "f tlu p(L~1

• •• •

5 Read the hi sto ri ca.l racts in a-f below. Rank the events 1-6 accord ing 10 how important you think they were in human his tory (1 = m osl important; 6 = least impon am) . What other events would you add 10 the lis!?

a In 1792. France abolished the monarchy and inslitUlcd the firsl republic. b In 1953. Frands Walson and James Crick described the Structure and

imporlance oJ DNA. c In October 1492. Christopher Columbus set fOOl in the Americas. d In 1885. Karl Benz built and patented the rirs! automobile . e In 1983. a computer system connecting universities was cre'!Ied. which

later became the Internet. In the nimh century. gunpowder was fjrst invented and used by the Chinese.

6 Read Ihe Task 2 essay question be low. Decide which of points a-g dre relevant 10 this answer.

II is sometimr!s !wid tlUlt histor)' II l! t·!!}" rep!!nts ilself. yel rl li,:rl! is ""lth;/I it wJ,ic:l, is relt!\lolII to Oll r moderu IVorld. SU9ges t some IIltlys ill II'IIidl tile study of II ;story migh t help liS tollll)'.

a There is of len uncerta im y abou t what really happened with n:gard to well-known historica l ('vellls.

b Studying other historical periods gives insights into diHerent ways of life c We can learn abou t the recent by aski ng older relatjves. d H.islory involves investiga tion and illlerpretdtion. so its study develops

th inking skills. e Learning about con fli cts in the past can leach us how to avoid them in

fUlure. r History is a more difficult area [ study than mos t pt.'oplc imagine. g The past can often provide explanat ions (or the situations we face loda y.

7 Read the idea below. Choose some of the trigger words 10 develop this po int. The firsl one has been done for you. Refer to Unit 1 page 12 for more examples of s imilar phrases .

Studying other hislOrical periods gives insights inlO different ways of life .

For example. srudeutJ can invr!stigatt rlu way ill whirlt Pr!op/( lil'i!d itl /II/limr rimes

such as .. .............. . .

As a resu lL ......... ..... ... .

Therefo re • .. ................

Furthermore •. .................

8 Look back at tJ1 e other relevan t sentences you chose in 6 above. Develop those ideas in the same way us ing tri gger words. Then write out your ideas in a paragraph.

• ••• • 19

Page 20: Improve Your IELTS - Writing Skills

Technique To help you blJlld

• bank 01 KJeas. • etVtl~ ,elwdn! : mformaUOn f,om • oUIIl' B.\sa

20 •••••

• • • • •

Developing ideas

9 Read the Task 2 question below, Make a n Ole o r .. my ways you can Ih ink of [0 make hisl ry more inle.resting.

Som e cllildlYlI find limrlti"9 hislor" III school n''J1 e.\'ciri llg . bil l " "m y Ct/UTS ,IIi"k;1 is n "I)' bod"9. III willi' ways am Iristory lu~ brought ro lif!! for (111 S 11001 children?

10 The lis t .l- i below (oorms ideas that a student came up \'I' ith for the essa\ qUl!slio n in 9. There arc Lhree solutions. each with an example and an effecl .

ompl (,lc Ih (' table by marching each idea wh h the <tpprO I>rla tc fun cl ion.

Parag'raph I Paragraph 2 Paragraph 3

Solu tions a

EX.111lp lt's

Effc('"l s

• using the Internel and complllers

" vld tlng hl'ih1rical si tes

c hlS lOrical pl.Jcc:s seem more real

J maJ..c: a poster about local hlSlOq'

" go 1('1 a IOC<l1 archaeological site

Illncreases motivaLion (0 do research

S thest.' skills can be applied in o ther subjects

h doing wriuen projeos

search ror InfonnaLion about histonral figures IIlinc

11 Decide w h ich function in 10 Ih c:-sc lin king: p hrases f('Jatc 10 .

a " nother mel hod is to

b Th is ... "illicad to

For example.

d Last bu t not least. children cou ld

c For instance.

such as

g As a result.

h The bes l way is 10


12 Usc your answers 10 10 and I J 10 writt Ih(' ideas OUt as th rcc paragraphs.

Page 21: Improve Your IELTS - Writing Skills

•••••• •

• • ••••••••• Practice Test 2

Task 1

YOli rlumlrl rpmd nbow ]0 nWlIIttS (m tillS (ask_

Tlli.' graph be/olll shows the contributio" III tl,ree sectors - ag";culwrc. manufacturi"g. and business aud filllwdai sen 'ices - to rile UI\. economy ill ril e: (wel/rieri, ce"tu ry,

S"mmariu lite i,,/ormarion by selectillg dlld replJrti1l9 rite uta;" ledtllres. ami II",kt'

cOlllparisons wJuJ,'e rf'lf1lflllf,

Writ( a/ h'(/s( 150 words

Contribution of se lected sectors to the UK economy in the twent ieth centu ry

o AgrklJ lI l.I ' o • MDOlJfllClurlng o Buslneu and FintlOdal


0 -1-....... '" 1900

Task 2

YOII shollid spc/ld abem 40 millllft's all ,"is ((JJk Writ!! aht111l tlu [01l0wi1l9 ({'pic

To some peop le Studyi"g tlte past Itas }jule l 'a luc: itt tilt' moden' IVltrld. Wily (Ill )'0" thi"k it is important to do so? WI,ar ",ill be.' tlte: effut if ell/'ldr.:" art' 1/01 'tII'fl}II hislDr),?

Gil't' ri!lJS011S [or YOII r m,s\\ 'cr and IIrdlldr any "Iel'm,( examples Irllt" you r 1111'11 knowlti(ill or t:r:ptn'C/h."(.

Wriu at /MS( 250 words.

• Q • II • 21

Page 22: Improve Your IELTS - Writing Skills

Machines, cycles, and processes • • • • •• ••••••••• • •

Unit aims Tast. 1

lllaj)assive Sequencing

r •• k2

U"ng which Ul orgam", ,"'O<m"jon Exprosslng le,ul. and pUIRoSO

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •••••••• Task 1 T h e passive

1 Look 31lhe nvC' objects a-c and answer the q uestions.

a Which mat~rials are u.sed I make these objc:cls?

b Which of the matt.'riab in your list arC' natural and which are m.1nufactured?

2 Natural processes are ar1en described lIsing the ,1:("livc fonn . whereas maIl ufacllJring processes a rc usually clt:scribed using the passlvt'. Rt:ad the cxamp lC's. Then complete 1-6 wllh Ihl" corn:,"! famls of the..' H: ,b .. 111 br.lI.J .. c'"


A rh cr flows from its source to the ocean (aaive) Many electronic goods arl mmlllfamm:d in Japan. (passive: b~ r pasl pa rth.iplt' I

Limestone is the main ingrcdicflI o f cement. Firstl y. it I ........... ....... .. . ....... .

(l'x tract) [10m the ground. Then. at the factory, il 2 ....... ......... ............. (heau to a high lempc ralUre with other ingredientS. After this. il 1 ........... .............. .. .. (cool) wilh blasts of cold ai r.

When wann air' .... _ ..... .... ........ ...... (reach) high ground . il IS forced I n s{' and . .:]s a result . it S ............................. (cool) Moisture tn the air 6 .................... ......... (condense) to rorm ram.

3 When describ ing p rocesses. make sure the subject and verb agrcl.'. Read the example. then complete 1- 8 witJlthe correct rOn115 or Lh e verbs in b r.lckels.

• Example

• == ...... _ ....

22 •••••

The !lU n slrma and the temperalUrt" rUrs.

Some r ck fom1ations I ......... ... (hold ) lurge ~mounts of water Whl'n \I

2 .. .......... (rain) . the tiny spaces in the rock gradually l .......... . . (fill) with wa ter so that the rock' .. .... ...... (bl' come) sat uratcd . The top of t hl li saturated 7. n e IS called the water table' . II long penods o f rain 5 .. ... .. . .... (occur) . the water t.lble 6 ............ (rise ) If there is no ram. the rock 1 ........ .... (hegll1ilo dry out and the water table ............. (faU )

Page 23: Improve Your IELTS - Writing Skills

4 Vc: rb$ wh ich require an object are ca lled Iransllivc. Vc: rb~ which nl.."ve r hay~ an obJl.."ct are a.11 ed inuansili\.'e. Arc the ycrbs in scnten c .l......; trJ.nslli\(~.

int ransl liv . o r both? \"hich sentence cannol ~ p ut Into the passlve7

.. l The temperature/tIlls. b Manu[actur('l'S ""1Ju rubber produas_ c SunLighl (lP~U Lhe leaves. The leaves oprll

5 PUI f ilCh verb In the box imo Ihe corrcalisl: tranSi l lve . Im ransltlvc. or both.

fell design produce rise send dry

bogln grow

manufacture cool obtain die become

Tr.1 llSIlIl'c : In t ran sit ive: fall BOlh:

6 U~C th l.." no tes below to wrile shon 1 <1ra~rilp h ~ .,boll l prod II \,! ion proccsse.:;


TIle prooucl1on of a car involves \lanous slagc~ carldeslgn Pfl'1UI~'re/ ma"'c.: car/mass·product' . car/cUsmbule; carlsell Afur tlu rur u I/al~ll(d, a pr~tN)'pt U madr i1Ild tit( Illr IS lIf,lJS'r rodufr,f Thr r,;r IS thm Jlsmblltld allJ s,~IJ

a TIlt" proJucli n of a mOlOrcycic im Ives "anous <;;t.aSt>'I tnotorc),de ll.iI!!!lgn. prOlol ypc/make: prolOlypc / lesl moto rcycle II11<lnulao Uft:; Inl1l '-' fC) d~ i c'Xf'Ort. m olt>rcyde/sell.

b The dl3gTam shows Ihe Vc1riOUS stages in tht production 01 bread wheat f fllJnt. crop/harvest: whea l/ transport to Ih~ mill: whe,lI /makc flour: fiClur l huy /baker; breadfbake; bread/sold.

7 Somt diagrams require descripti ons us ing pasl tcnse . Comple le the parngr.lph with the ve rbs from the box.

SWAMP 300 mUllon years ago

WATER 100 mUllan years ago

~- ~

. t r :r . t,;;a:<-t~ f"''-Cool -

a died and dloppod b was formed c lived d was covered e was trapped

f turnod 9 is now min d h bunt up

The diagram\ how Iht" prot:t' ~ by whil.:h coal 1 •••••••••••• over a period of millions of yca~ Firs! of all . largl.' plants 2 . ... ........ In enorm us swamps a long lime ago. Thcse l ........... 10 Ihe bottom of Iht' water Over Ihe years. Ihc d~ad plants rormed a (a yer, which became deeper and deeper 1\.\ re and mure eanh ilnd din -' ...... ... ... on 101' orthiS laYN Sub~equentl) . Ihislayer!l ........... by r cks .md dirt. and so the ene rgy 01 the dead "I:lnb' ............ ulJdernealh . A!i Ihe pressure and the heat grew over lime, thc I.l)"crof dead plants , .... ........ In l ('l coal Scams of (oJI were formed, tlnd cOdl' ........... .

• • • 23

Page 24: Improve Your IELTS - Writing Skills


• Wh~n US5cr;PI"O • • prCCeS:iOs., usa • • ph'al9SlUCho. • • Fun OIa1l, A/rar -• thal iiNf I,Wumas .. •. 1Ifll : ::~~~\cq~:ce : • dua5- •

24 •••••

Sequ enci ng

8 Th l." d iagram show s how energy i s produced fr om COil l. A nsw \.'r Ihe Questions.

a How is the coal carried to the po\,,'er planl7 b Whal b added 10 the fumacc~ In addition to co.ll" c What gas Is produced when coal LS burnt in the furnafc' d What do yot;, thmk is femO\'Cu from the gas'? (' Wh.ll is the SolS called following this proces~" f Whal do you th ink the gas dot'S in the turbine" g Wha t docs Iht' turbine do to the generator" h Whert' do the hot cxhau t gases come rrom? I What happens to Ihe gases?


Hot exhaust


Punfiecl syngas

9 Complete lhe mod ei tex i be low by choos ing Ih( co rrect a lte rnative in tach case.

Model text

The diJgram MlO'f'6 Iht vanOU5 6lagt-s In Ill, proou<.tlon of <ltan e",'91 from £Oal

I Fi,..t oj alVAt firs n., Ih, £0,1 " mtf1t4 tn deep pit!l u,lderground and thtn c.amed to the. 5Un3l.r. ~ rl.lrihtrmor('/ After thatlAs a re~Jit, It " tarrrt<l alo"9 ' <oll""'lor btlt 0' P""tr pia" • ,,!>mlthm/where It " bumt<l In a brgt [uma<:c to .h"h 0'19cn " .ddul 4 Otherwl5t.lFrom thtYThenfore. ra-.. "1"9" ,. prOOULt<l Allh, ne.t ""9' of tne prouy", hJrmfu\ &J~t3n(.e6 I,):t Garboo d.o1>,ot. mtr!lIrt. ana wlphur are rt mo"f<l ' Fol/ow"'9 thatl Fol/o",,,,<y Stlbst.quwt. Ihe puni'ed gas 1& u$tJ to

drNe a ga~ turbIne "TIlt turbine 1.0 In ftlm/

afte"",rdolthereJore po.''''' 9,,,rrator, prOOLIG'''9 tIUlnc.ll,( 111(, 936 turbine aiM) prOOUL .. h01 ,mau,1 9"" Tht .. are 1 fhuVthereJorelconSUjutntly plptd '0 a htat ruovtt"f !Iteam ~Ilu::.h

COnvtr16 the. m.allnta The. &IWfTI IS

• cDnSUj'lentlyl.ubuqucntl"'buqt,,,nti) ~ to po'oIcr a ,..\1,dl 1931n ,~ u~ to 9tllel.1te c.\"tnLI"1

Thc tnt'91 " <Ita" b"""" harmful produ£.tfl 3rt rc.movt.d and the l.OJ\ IS l'U1

transported 10 ano1htr Silt to produu e\uln£.It-j

Page 25: Improve Your IELTS - Writing Skills

UNIT 3 M"d/f""J:. n 'r/,·,. IHI.' " n'U·.l.U'J

• •

1 0 Connecl Ihe sentences be low. Use the linking words In brackl"ts in each case.


Th(' parts of the CJr are assembled. The cars are ex-poned (after) A/Ur Ill( parts oftllt (tIT au as.umbll!d. rlr( cars (JU a r iJrrfJ

a The snow falls. II coYers tbe ground with a prOlcctivc layc r. Iwhen)

b Her cubs are born. The lioness licks them all over. (as soon as)

Th( pape r is collected. II is sent for recycling . (onct~)

d Volcanoes erupt. They send huge alllounlS of SITl kc inlO The air (ber re)

(' The:: plants perspire. The air becomes humid. (whcn)

The trec~ art! CUI down . The forl'si b. graduJlI)' dClilroycd ('Ind )

11 Connect these sentences usin g you r own words.

a The food is processed. It is packaged. It is dlstrtbu ted.

b The cycle is completed.. I! repealS liSe If all over again .

C The rubbish is collected. It is sent to a centre fOI soning. It is recycled .

d A new model o f Lhe bicycle is developed. The blcycle is teslcd

t The TV is assembled. It is sen! LO the shops.

The water is purified. It is bou led.

g The da la about the weather is collected. The informa llon is then broadc;]sl

h The prototype is tes led. It is modified.

12 From your own knowledge, write a s ho n paragraph to describe each or lhe proccsst.'S below.

a The process of d igital photography rrom the aCllon or laking a phutvgraph to displaying the image.

b The progress of a leiter or parcel from p.lckaging I dellvcry.

The life cycle of an animal such as a bUllcrfly or J frog.

J The Willer cycle which cremes clouds and rainf.lll .

• ", •••• 25

Page 26: Improve Your IELTS - Writing Skills

26 •••••

Task 2 Using w/liel, to organize information

1 nsw~r the quesiions aboutth~ lis t o rtcchnologlc'i.

computers automatic doors mobile phones video games TV remote controls MP3·players satellit.e novlgatlon systems

dlgllal cameras

a \'vhlch or the ;.cchno!ogies can hdp ptoplc and which can make life mort' difficult?

b which technologies m ight make pcop!~ m orC' lazy"

c Which technologies do you find anno)'lng und which Impl't:ssln~?

2 Read the Task 2 question . Whaltwo key l'kmcnts llIus t you lndudc in yo ur an swer? Underli ne the organjz ing words w hich te ll )lOU Ihl s.

A tY« IIt sl, n 'ey has sl,o"," liu" peopleo! (I II a9i!S are las;"." Ihe abilily ! Id perform basic pracrical tasks a" d IUY~ eSJI!S nt lI'f lr/.:, What tfo J'OIl ,/rillk are 11't: maill couses of "ris? 1'r" ta'solmll", en" you SU99t'Sl?

3 Read the f lIowing paragraph written by J s iude n t and aJIsW( r que~ l l o n s il~,

Peo ple gcneraUy are IOSlOg Lradltio n']! ;trilctical sldll ~ which the} necd 10 fun on in e\'c.ryday life. This has rom~ alwul. In my o ptni n. because people arC' now so over· reliant on mo1chme-s. For e-xample, compulers III one fo rm r anOlher perfo rm many of the l.15ks Lhat people l1~ed t I

do Lhemselves such as [fiee functions. pClllng .md lod n ng doors. or swit hing machines on and ofl. Consequently. w canno l do bllS lC

pracli cal tasks in depth. which in turn h.15 an Irnpa Ion h{w,,' to process basic Inrorrnallon menia lly when they are ill work .

tl Whal kind o f skills are pc pic l osi n~a

b What is the cause o f this?

c Which examples arc given ?

d What is the practical conscquence o f all this?

e \¥hatls the menial consequence]

4 In C.lch sent C'nce below. whal d ocs the w ord in il .lll cs refe r 101

ol Pc pie o ften allow the to do their thmking lor them at home. U'iruh m tum has an impact o n mental ~rformancc .11 wo rk (ErIca)

b Peo ple generally are losing Lraditlo nal praC1ical,kllls w/lldt the)' need 10 fun 1011 in ryery day life ,

Page 27: Improve Your IELTS - Writing Skills

: Technique • Use which as a • • triggerwofd to • • add detail to '/Our • : Wlttil1ll. •

UNIf 3 M(lt'I';II~. cw:Il's. lII l(1 "rl'L'C'5Sa

• ••

5 Combine Ihe fo llowin g paJrs of Scntenccs using whkh ,

a Sometimes. computers make mistakes and pn' ven! things happening. This wastes valuable lim e and can C 51 money.

b TV programmes provide people wilh In forma tion nboul lhe world around them. This lnformation is often very useful.

c MachJncs now give us mo re freedom. This means that we have more lime for leisure acdvi lies.

d Techno logy saves us mo rc and more time. This time can be used ro crea le m OTl' machines.

c Morc and mOTe househo ld tasks arc now ca rried out by rob('ll s Thq ' will be even mOTe common in the future.

ve rylhing seems to be il\ aildblc ill th.: touch 01 a button. Tlli.~ mt1h.c~

peopk expect inS1 anl responses from OI hc r peoph.' .

6 What does wl/ ielt refe r to in each of yo ur answers in 57 In which cases doe lhe wll i II dau e express an effect as in 4a7

7 When com bi n ing semences, a witicit clause oft en o ntains infonnal ion Ihal Is non·cssenllal lo lhe scm en ce. Read the examples. Then combine the sentences in a-e. deciding w h ich informa t ion Is non -esscll ti al.


News broadcasts about world disaste rs, which arc now availabk 24 hours a dill'. ca n make peo ple feel anxious. The situation. whi:h people blame the gove rnme nt ror. is eve ryo nc 's ri1ll1 \.

it The situation has now become much morc complex. II is e fIccti vl'l y ou t of COntrol.

b The problem is everyone's responsibil i[y. Thc public blame the govern ment ror it.

....................... .. ....... ... ... ... .. _ ... ..................................................................................... . c The cause of Lhc problem is the lack o f basic training. The cause is n OI

immediately obvio lls to everyone .

................. .............. . ... .. . ....... .................. . .... ••• .. ••••• .. ••• • •• • •••• • .. • .... ••• • • • •• • ................... M .... .

d The solution U. in my opinion. by filr the besl The solu tion iSIO ho ve d da at work where people do n I lise computers or o lher m.lChlnes.

c: ornce- technology is the ca use of much frUSlJ'iltion a t work It requires lln!)' basic lIa ining 10 usc .

...................... ... ....... ....................... ................. ..............................................................

• • • • • 27

Page 28: Improve Your IELTS - Writing Skills

•••••• • • • • • • • • • Practice Test 3

Task 1

}-~'It sh"uIJ Ipn.J Qbcllltl0 minuuJ on thIs taJk

The lidgrnm beloU' shows I,our salt is rtt"o,~~1 fro", StlJ U'atu 10 milk .. il d riu k dblco

'mrmari:~ 1I,i' i"formation by seJenill9 ami rifJ\1r l i" 9 lilt' ",,,i,, fll""r~\ . m ill ",IIke (ompariscfIIs witt " relevant.

I\'rlU at Itlm /50 words

Saltwater Intake -

Returned to sea

Task 2

Waler forced through membrane Bt high pressure

Seawater concentmle

YOII slrcJu/d rpend about·W mimms on this (ask W,itt ahmt ti lt !iJlI" '''''''.'1l£1pir:

To Integrated water suopty


Water molecules

TIl e widespreild use of IIJ~ 1"li'rH~' lIDS brough' "WIIY fJrolJlolIs. "'Iw, do ),(111 t I, ill k art II,,· "W;II prolJl.!ltIs assodat~d willi tilt US( of till! U"tlJ7 WIrtH sol'" IlJtl;S call yo" SIIlJgf:st'

GUY r(.JSiJ1U lor .wur ,mswtr Ql1d mc1ud( allY rt/tl'Otlt (\;,mr1rs Ir,'", .Wllr~'l171 ktT;lwl(d~I" I"


U'ntf at /t,ut 150 u ,ils.

• • • 29

Page 29: Improve Your IELTS - Writing Skills

30 •••••

Education • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

Unil8ims Ta,, 1

Gone .. 1 and I~mc stamments CcmDiHing IOfurmi!lion Dewibing plllponfon,


Avoldmo o'illllJe~eralrrnl1on Developing <eosun'


Task 1 Ge ne ra l a nd specifi c s ta te m e n ts

1 The sta tements belo w give s tuden ts' reason s for choosi ng <1 part icu lar un ive rs ity, Which of these s tatem ents do yo u ag rc\' with?

J The lectu re rs' q ual ifi cations a rc morc importa nl lhan the quality of the tea hing .

h The SPOrtS fad Jitie-s are a s impf)rttlm as the .1cadc:mlc rc:sourn:s.

( Good library fadlities are tht' l11('1st iml'l.rl<ll1t Iilctflr rllr pn't).!riHI II.l tt· studentS.

d A pleasant environment IS more important lhan the unlvcfSil y's f{'pUlclllon .

2 Look a t th~ p ie cha rts ilnd the Task 1 ques lion. A nswer ques tions a-c below,

The p i t! clwrts below iIIllslra lc rile """,bc!r o{j o ll rnal art;cI~s read fJf! r H'uk by all sw neurs, PIID SI un,·l/ls. ami j lll/ ior k ctll rcr'$ aI au A t4stra!imt ,miw rs it)'.

Number of journal a rticles read by all s tuden ts

Number o f iourn al a rticles re ad by PhD sludenls

Number of journa l articles read by funior leclU rers


1_ 1 105 . aIO'l 012 · 1

Summari:r.' ,li t!. i,,!ormmiolt by selecr i" 9 (l ml refJOrr i ll9 Ilt t!. ma;" [ulflln.'s. aud make comparisorts wile I'r.' rt!.lel'tl tIt,





What does each pie chan describe?

What do the numbers on each pIt' chan represent")

What does tht box at the bottom of the pic charts rdcr I()")

What n IIceable leature can you ste In each chart?

Wha t general stdlements can you make abolll each chan?


Page 30: Improve Your IELTS - Writing Skills

: jrechnique • • • ~i{Tl to male,at • • leasl one gel10181 • • pl8temqnl In the • • middle 01 YOUI lext • •

UNIT. E,Jllr.llimr

• • • • • • •

3 C mplele sentence a-g us ing 111C' phrases be low.

that respect ively for example how but. whIch meanwhile \vhe reas a nd

iI The l11rce pte charts iIIuslrate .................. manr aru Ics from acadl'mk journals are read weekly by PhD students .................. juni r lecturers compared to other students al an AUSI ralian univl.!rsl l y.

b .................. the overwhelming majorily of Ihos(' studying dOClora lt's read at leas t Iwelvt" articles per week in comparison with I he avcrag~ student.

C The figures were SO per cen! and twelve per cell( ........ .......... . d Funhcrmore, only five per cem of PhD level sludcn15 read between one and

rtve articles . .................. lhe average lo r all students in this ralcgory is a he Iy 67 per cen l.

c ............ . for junior leclu rers the patte i'll appcal's It) be slightly diflf:rclIl. Mos t read six or m ore articles pc::r week (99 per cenl) ... .. ...... ........ OUI oll his 10 lJ124 percenl read twelvc or ma rc . ................. . 15 aJmo~1 .1lhird of lil t' corn.:sponding figure for PhD kvcl sludcllIS.

g II Is clt:ar .................. tho e stu de..·nts who .ue rC'ie..'archlOg for a PhD rt'Jd IlWrt.'

Mudc!. than cllher Junior k Clu re..·rs or Iher St uJenb

4 The s~n l en('es in 3 rorm a mode l tex t. Group the sentences int o rour paragraph .

Paragraph 1: Paragraph 2: Paragraph 3: Paragraph 4 :

5 Descrip tions cO lHain genera l and specific stalcmcnts. Specific s ta t em e n ts conlain reference 10 data. whe reas gC Il e.ra i st a t em ent s do nol. Which statcmenlS in 3 are gene raJ7 Which art speclfl ?

6 Divide Iht.' fo llowi ng sCnlences into genera l and speCi fi c Sl a te m Cn l5.


G~nera l : Postgradua te students LCnded lO be..' bCll ~r olllh~n olher studenl!.. Specific: Sevemy·five per cen! of sch 01 children read comics each \Yc~k .

a Far fewer female lecturers as opposed to maJe I~Clurcrs are employed at the uni, 'crslty. 25 and 75 respectively.

b We can see thai there are considerable differ 'nees in Ihe propo rLIon of nationaltties in each course.

c Only ten per cent of students preparing f rtheir Masters iltlended laught clilsses.

d Overall. womeD were more likely (0 rl"ad n vds lhan men. l' Studems preparing for their dOClOratc read tlll" greatesl number of jllurnal

articles . The sales lor all (our companies showed simi lar I fend s.

g The pattern (or senior leClurers was vcr)' different h The VIlSl majority of those sl1Jdents preparing lo r PhDs rcad twelve or more

journal articlcs each week.

• • • 31

Page 31: Improve Your IELTS - Writing Skills

• ,,=''""''-=---~ •

Comparing in forolatio n

7 Rewrite Iht: senl c.nces using Ihe given wo rds so Iha l Ihe meaning IS Ih e" sarn~.

a Far morc PhD students read \'U tw("lvt anlc!cs a wctl compared wuh jUlllo r lecturers. Far (c\\'e:r ......... ..... .. ....... . _ ... .................................................. .................... ............. .

b The average stud~t reads fe"" er journal olnldes th 'ln Ihe .i! \f!'rage j umor h:ct u rr r. The a\'t'. rage juruor leCturer .............. ................................................................. ..

c The ther at the univcrslt}, d not read .1S moln} am des as the a\'erngf!' PhD 5tudeOL The average PhD siudent .. ......... .... ... ...... ........ ..... ........ ....... .. .............. _ ............... .

d JUnior lectllrers do not have as much timt to n.~old articles as th ~C' sludc:nt5 who are researching for a PhD. Those rude nts who are research ing for a PhD .. .... .. " ... . "" ... " .. " ...................... .

Describing proportions

8 The plUilses in the lisl are ah e.rna li ve ways ofdcscrlbi llg proportion . Dl vide Ihe Ii sl inlO fOUI groups thai each havt' s iIII iI .1 T meanln~s.

threaquar1ers almost half one third 75 por cent one In three nearly half 26 per cent 48 per cent about anD in four 33 per cent

three out of four just undor one half iust over a quarter close to one holf

9 Thcst." adjmJve-noun collocati os can also be used t de crilX' proportion. Wrllc the adjeaives next 10 lhe correct meaning In Ih e table.

the vast majority a tiny mtnority a msss[vo85 percent --a modosttwelve percent 8 ho/ryas por cent

a mere twelve per cent the ovorwhe/m;ng malority

Very big ... .. ........................ Very big (used before numbers) ...... ..... ... ............... Very small ............................. NOt very big (used before number5) ........... ............. .....

• Technique • 10 Rewrite sente.nces a-e. rep ladng Ihe phrases in ilallcs with an ahemative

• .L:::;;:::::.:...._ .......

32 •••••


a w~ see trom lhe man that 13 pa mIt of studen ts failed to finish their ullIversuy degree .

b In 1990. film aUlo/lm engineering students were mide. bUI by 2000 th is figure had fallen to t.:rnaly rhru qu/m iN

C In 1900. J..J paant of soence gradua tes went 1010 the Icachmg proft" s..c; ion butm 1970. the figure was jusl 1m piT « ",

d Ex.Jetly iJ1U hul/or tbe student populMlon weer nu:rnbcl1i o f Ihe union In

2001. bUI five years lalt:r Ihe figure was 6.J I'lf U Ilt

(: Nimty· rwo percent of people: surveyed fclt l h iH mixed sC'~ schools were preferable.

Page 32: Improve Your IELTS - Writing Skills

• • ••

11 the T.1Sk I question bclO\ and answer ctuc~tlOIl~ .t-~.

Task 1 Th~ pit chart bl!lolI' sl.oll' 'he- ""mINr of IIours SIJt!"t ;11 n fJ n"t;sl. fU'[ \'tr, ;h'lilmln Iw IIIultrgra,Jmrtcs. lJOs'grad.uu u . and 'ht IOtdl studtlll popllh" ;OIl .

Propo rtion of all s tudents by time spent In library

Proportion of undergraduates by time spent In library

1 .1101 0810" . ,5. 1

ProponJon of postgraduates by lImo .pent in library

S,mmll1ri:t' fl It! ill!ormlH;OfI iJv stlerri"9 tmd rl!ptlrt;JI~/ I "f' IIwi" (t!dlfm'O;, 111111 ""' ~t' omparrsolls wll elY nic'\'(III t.

01 What arC' Iht' s.tnlilanues ben" (!cn JlC'\tgrauualc ,mJ all\ludtlll'o-' b Wh,lI ar~ the maIO dHfercnces between unocrgraouollC ano PIlS1f.:TadUJtC

students? What tendency can you obscf'C' as Studelll5 mll\f: (rnm undl'rgrJuuatc tn postgrad uate?

d What i.J the most lnterC'sung feature of the:' thrc(' chans" c What general conclusions can you draw"

12 hoosc the most suitable aliernaliYc 10 complC'lc Ihl' scntClll..cs bclow aboUl ' he do'oln II .

J Mc.1nwhlle, the pnttcmlm"olllulmdIL1nl,\' (or poslgraduJ tc slUdc:nl~ WiI 'i

'iub-,tantlally different. b Overill!. t he pllt!(mls':l'lprol'ortitJIl of pO'i tgrJduJlc ~lUdcn l ~ who <opent

fihecn ho urs a week or marc In lht" library was very do"e In thc entire 'i ludCI1I body who spent 1-7 hours In Ihe IIbrary_

c The most Slnking difference in the diltil tIlT ui1(krgr.llILiall'~ was Ihal a izeablc ma)orilylmllllJrllylfJumbcr pt:nt only 1-7 houri> pc:r wtck In Iht'

library d A ftr.I)""rylnllncmn'ltot" lof undergraduates (Oloe pcr rcnl) u .. cd thc library

for fiftecn or mort hou~ per wcC'k. C' There ts a dear trtllJlprograstdnft towilrd!t mmg the Htlr')ry more as 'j tudcnls

nH)\·e towards graduation and posl'gradUJtlfln. Undergraduate students were lC'ss likely than postgraduate 'iludents til U"C

lhe hbrary \.,.ith jusl uDder "tf~ qUJrt~rh"'( tll/rdlnh··tlrtr.Js uf the rnrmt'r spending 1-7 hours there

g Ab Ut a tJllrJlquorurlml1umry of 1Indergradu,.nc ~tudC!nt as ,lPlwscd tt,l

nearl) j] third of postgraduate stude- IllS ptnl bctwcen (,INhl and founCl'n hllun studying

13 In your own words, write IWO semcn cs aboul each pic chari clnd a ile summariz ing scnlcm.'c.

• • • 33

Page 33: Improve Your IELTS - Writing Skills


commbn CIiI'C'Stll ollflJS

andin310s I, Ihol t lheyol1lrg6llelQl1lO • In fosk 2 Avolu /I overgsm!lahzmg bY • 91v1nO reasons

34 •••

Tnsk 7 Avo iding overgen era liza lion

1 Reltd lh ~ SCnlcncc below. Then il llSWer ((uesl i 115.1-(.

• The mlt'rnallon., 1 ("ommunil)' :!thould ensue,,' th", ('du(,1,lon b Ir('c lor .,11 schoolchildren

• The) hould plUvide books.

• P.lCent5 should be.- ~ncouragL'd 10 ~c.' orm' ,"\'l}(\·c:·d III schools.

J II w ar~ Ihe Ideas conne-ned""

b Do the second Jnd Lhird SCIllt.'n(L·~ lIpJlOrl Ih 1Ir\1 St'nh.:l1cc'

c Whal IdeJs can )'OU thUlk of ILl suppon the Ilrst 'icllIcncc""

2 Till' opin ion SlalCmCJ1I below is v('ry broad. Inlfollf ol inion. which r.:i1Son Is most approprl .llc?

pin ion SI(1 1CfI1(' l1 l : Educa tion Is .. lllil !C:'lr l .. clOr In lilting pcople "' lIl ('I I p Ollen)'

Rl.'iHIJlI I; ... sl ncl' It gives pcupk rnOn: ideas JbuUI WIMI 10 Ll l,1 with tlwl! II vl'~ ,

Reason :! . because it gives IhL'm gl«,·.llcr oppon Ullhh.'5 when thc}' IOtlh. lor work

3 All of the opinion StJ lernCJlI a- h belo w arc V ('ry br ;ld , I: r each Statement . de Ide whether YOll agree or dl ag ree.

J UIlI\'cf'Snies li.hould make more links wnh buslnc~ses ,

h The: prc'clll young generation ~n(l\\,) more than thclr IUC\'ious counlerpart.)

Teaching thinking;)1 5chool15 essential. c\'cn al pnmal) Ic.-Vt:J

d More time needs tel be dev(ltcd It') Icarmng mtlsi • either during or arh.'r !tl. hool hours

C' Physicall..'ducJtlon is a necessary pan ol the learn ing proce~ lor ill! pupils .

Pld)' IS 11 nwjor pilrl of Ihe learning pro cs} for rhtllhcn

~ II is important f r hildren to try 10 learn .molher 1.1ngllagt' t'Jrly In their ed uca tion,

h Bei ng bored and lea rn il1g to de .. 1 with borcdol1ll~ .1 nc C~Stlry pun oll h«.' It'arnl ng process lor childrc.·n

4 Look aga in at the ta lcmeHiS you ag r('(.·d wit h in 3. Chilusc from the p hr.t1;(:S below 10 intensify yo ur opinion and .uld Ihese 10 the senl l' nces you a~rl' ... d with In 3.

E ample

II u "',p~trlillll th.u unty('rsili~ shQuld tnJh.l' Illlirr links with business

It is Important that There is no doubt that Ono cannot deny that It Is impossible to a rgue aga inst tho fact that

Page 34: Improve Your IELTS - Writing Skills


When you "'O~. a" • oploionstiJ\eme"f ihallS .eN general,

• ake SUII~ you • U,tily ll lllith a • .ason USlI phla'es • !.lJcl. as ~aust! • and uiggs' • IIIOlds,

UNIT 4 f(ll/r" liOr!


5 took again a l Ihe phrases you disagreed wit h In 3. I I Is posslbk 10 prestm Qpinions as belonging 10 someone e lse - possib l)' 10 hi ck your own opinion. Choose rrom Iht~ phrases below and add these 10 Ihe t'1lI~ncts you disagreed wh h in 3.

5001e people thinkifeel/bclieve/claim/argu8 that Other people are of the opinia,.. that

Yet other people put forward the view that

6 To avoid o\'crgcncra li1..alion. g ive reasons. Acid The r<.'asons bt'low to opinions a-h in 3.

si"(l'it crca tcs a health}' basis for Iiller life

2 as It helps the brain 10 function belief and increa!>cs coorli inJliun.

3 br.'fllllSC children now find it more dlfnculltQ reason .

• , SiflCl Ihey have morl' access 10 inrormatlon.

;: /!«( ,JIISC il helps them intc:JJcClually and also helps 10 find a job.

o (/$ this would conneci IJlcir research with the rl'ill wurld .

7 bumlS( interanion helps to dewlop sodal skills.

8 ;lS i l teaches them how to b~ crl'illivc n Iheir OWI1 .

Developing reasons

7 In IELTS. opin ions and reason should be sUPPoTl cd wi lh 'examp les from your knowll'dge and experkncc·. Sellle nce a-(' givl' three ~x<lmplc 10 support Ihe argumenl beJ ow. Malch cad1 C'xampl t' w ith tht! d l'scr iptio ns )-3,

PI.I)' IS 1111111j,lr linn vI lite Imming proCtn' f;'r cillidrOl fl.) IIlflldl($ tJum IWH'1I1 /I f! a" 111l1',1

a Takl' for ('xampl(' child ren in my country w ho lI..'arn rn u'\icaJ gilnlcs al an l'MI)! age ,

b Fo r inSl,1I1(~, children who d raw and pailll are wieldy knOWI110 have grt.'a lcr spaaal awareness .

c For example:. play can dndop a rtiSlic o r musicil l skills.

a generall'Xilmple

2 an t:xample from knowledge

3 ,111 l'xample ir m ('x-perience

• • • 35

Page 35: Improve Your IELTS - Writing Skills


WtlOn vou stale a !Cason, th Ink how YOU could IIIUSI,ate II with el\ilmple. USB phrases slJch as Fore._amp/eand h~6 as wgger words

36 •••

8 Deve lop Ih ~ ideas belo w by adding your own ex.lmpks li ke th ost..' in 7 011 page .35. Use tht" phrases in the l>ox 10 help you.

For instance. For example. like namely Take for exemple A good example Is

ol OUI uf Sdl0 I acth hies ht"lp children dc.'vcl(lfl ,",CC,1U(l' Ihe}' Can learn \ubJe I~ mal arc nOi in Ihl" SdH:..u1 curri<.1Jlurn

b Educalion is being rtdUCl'd I(J a produCtion line htl~aU5l~ the (0 US I on largets ralher than on ICilrnlnf!.

c Tr.wel bdps 10 broaden Ihl' m llld~ ,Jf ch ildren lIe .1 U"",' II hL'lps tll bring 10 lift- t ill' Things the)' read In clrlS'i.

tI Priv41Ic education cornplcrIlcnls ,laiC educa tion vcr)' we'll J~ it (an do things Slate education cannot.

l' Succ('~sful cnuepr~ncurs and spons star~ !thould 11!.1,h In sch ol s. and u11lv~rsltjes since Ihl.')' would provide ~ t role Il1Qcieh lor yUling peopl~,

9 Develop lhr(:e of Ih(' sent ences be low, Use phrilses 10 inh.: nsl f)r yom own or the rs' opinions, Give your WI1 r,,' lIS0ns il nd examples,

Example: Too IllU h emphaSIS is PlIl on pi\(Os'n~ exolTlS.

Som/! I't'vl'lr al th.1t 100 mudl Is pur on passing n:olll5, bt'(twSt'

pupil.s spend a large proponion of !.choolt lme dOing t 'H!. rather Thall lcaOlms Ft1re.-mmr1t, children itl some: Brnish' haoh prr:part' for te"b for wl,.'cks bdore Iht" exams, bur Ihe)' are nOl laughl .1IlYlhmg

a Forclgn language learning should he n\mpul llry.

b lUllt' llis nct"d to have I!ood stud), kill~ an cnu.'rill}o! ull1\'CrSII)'

UI1IVersil)' ICClurc.'rs need )om«: teacher training

d Ru}'", .and girls nughtt he r:duCilleti in 'l'paratc: .. eh"".,,,

c Teilchl'r, ' s.ll.uie) need (0 be a high a., dUC10ri' or 1.1W}' (·r~

Page 36: Improve Your IELTS - Writing Skills

• •••• •

Practice Test 4

Task 1

l'tlll sholild spmd abollt 20 milll ius L'11 (his (I 15k.

Tile bar eltarr sllo ll's llle highest qllal;!icm iOIl a Eta; lied by sex for rite lI. 'ork i 119 a9t! populatiol1 ill IVales ill 200 J 12002 .

Sumlllari:" ril e ;n!ormmioll by selecring and reportiug ,ile IIIni ll /ea lllres. (lw/l1Iak£> comparisons wllere relel'flIlt .

IVri/t' at Ilast 150 It'ords,

Highest qualifical ions atlained: by sex, for working age population 2001/02


~'---~------------------~~-r======~=='­I_ Males I:] Females I




Task 2

Degre!! or eQuivalent

Hlghe, educatIon


GeE A level GCSE gradQ or equIValent A °-e Of


rOlf should spmd abt.'J1If -JD millllh',~ 011 Ihis Ii1sk, IVr;/(' ITb,lut lllr! fi1llt1wil1!J topic:

Othar No quail l icauon, Qualifications

Some people iJeliel 'e tllm compel i t;\ ·/! sports, both team awl imlil'id l/al. ilave I /O pllw' ill I lie school ell r,.iwltl lll . Ho II' fa ,. do .1'011 fl9 ree or d ;sflgree?

Giw r.!,lS0flS it'r Y.;Jllr anSWEr alld inc/mit: a I/ v rt'lel'mlt t'.\'fllllplr!S from Yllllr 011'/1 b tIJ wlf'riflP or r!xpenott't' HIrtle: dllt',ISI 150 words,


Page 37: Improve Your IELTS - Writing Skills





Unilaims Tas~ 1

O.wllllng ' ",,09es [1e""blng 1oc4110n


Task 1 Descr ib ing changes

•••• l .. IZ

De lelopmg eod jtJstl lvmg op.nIOO\ Willing loUodUClloliS

• •••••

1 Read Ihe lOm me nlS b y Ihrcc peopit: I.l lk ing [l bo ll l lhc lown whefe Ihey g rew up. An swer the ques tions bel ow.

Dave I renlt..'l11 ber there \-vasn', much 11._) do here when I \\'a growing IIr My Ificnds dnd I used 10 jU) 1 hang arou nd In Iht.' pl.1lk. l!Cll ing inl() trouhle. TI1(.'se da ys Ihl're's mudl Ill .) rc here for )'ou ng Ih.'l)plc. I;or i n~lancc . fll(

(mtm:J/.1pmt.i lilt iff rwk. llll IdSUf( alltr,. Imd lilt SA ,U( ;'tlrlo. Iml ye.u I wbh I'd had IhlO&5 like that 10 keep me entcrtdlnt·d

Sandra One of Ihe Ihlngs I used 10 really likr aboul th l ~ nrc'] w.1S the r~.l e and qUIet. II was so safe ror us as kIds We could pill} In Ihe ~trccts ur 111 lht" n L~arbr woods and fn~lds . Tltry buill II b,VP,l,U " Id .111 mJustnal rSI,Ut-.1 L'U \'(,rt1 \.:/\1, and Ihere 's been a 101 more tram" and development !aJncc , I d(ln'l feel ii 's safe for my children • • 1nd I'd tn .. e 10 mm(' i1WiJ}


Wcli. YOIl call 'l siand in [he way or change, I SU PPI) (' ' C) , PL'Upit- 10010. .11 1hc IOwn now a nd sa}' ii 'S nOI as pre ll )' \)r pl!illL' ful.l .. 11 \V il:> III Ihe pas I I suppos e: [ha t 's lrue . Even so, [he r.: arC' lIlo [ eJ tlh~ dnd 0pP\)I'wll ltlcs no w th a n the re werc whe n I W;;I S a [ ee nil ~t' r. I HlH.:S-: rUll (I n ' l h tl vc one w ithou t losing the other,

iI Fot ('Jeh speaker. do the), th ink Ih in(tS were hl.' lI c r or worse w h en the)' were }'Ol ll'l g? Why?

b What ch'lOges have occurred to the plan: }' tlll coml' from ') 00 }IOU thUll I her .Ht' positive or ncga llve ("hange .. "

c lIow could you express the phrast') In haJj in ol mort' (oran .'ll woly'? d Imil!!lnc )'OU are a young person moving 10 a I1(,W wwn Which fa ,hlle'" in

tilt" 1I~1 below would be imponi11l1 10 )'UII'"

gol f course gallery

ska te park stadium

thealre ice rink

raHway s tat ion park college

conaert hall aIrport

Page 38: Improve Your IELTS - Writing Skills

~ 9~ -Pr


If' orriEr 10 II. nl l!Y chaT, l1Ui !thldV Ihe maps and numb!:' the chanue~ on Ihe _etOm! one Thln~ of some g,oeml stilh1menl!., anrJ make not!.!:.

2 The map" below show changt'o; Ihal look pl .lu:l n \'ollll~~\' 1I1t- in c \\ Zealand ewer i1 25-),car period from 10 0 10 200S. Answ t"1 lilt" (C) l hIW I I1~ queStlC,1ffi:

01 Whal IS tht' muSt nl"liccable dHfcrco,(, ht'I\\,-"C'1I Ihc 1\\0 01.,1'''-:' h Wa, the town more or less rcsldt'nual in 2001i (f'lIlp.Ut·d III 1080" , Wl'lC Ihere more or [ewer trees In 1000;"1 d Were the changes dramatic or nei!hRlhll' over the.! 'Yl't1r pcnud' ~ Wh .. 1 wt'r~ the: IWO biggesl rh,mgcs nurlh ollhc n\'cr"' I \Vhal happened to the homes and Ifl'n along Ihr r.,d~\.,) Itne '>tluth (,If

Ihl' rivcr"

" t ~ N 9Q~ t r3

~ ~ ~ Stodlum

~ wmi'Q ~


~ station

~ •

Park ~


!IIIIIm nil Warehouse


II Railway slatlol1

~ Alfpon ~1MiB Sl'yscraD<!fS

~ f ~ ~ Faclones II 1980 2005

3 m np lclt' Ihe modc.'1 leX I bclo\\ . USt.· on.: worJ IIf)l"H the hllhmlng Ii'il If) om plct f' each b lank spa ct!. The fi rsl Of! IhL" hcell dune 101 ),011.

houses experienced noticeable factories fael lill •

development"! C0 I1S\I UC l loI1 comparison residential corner

Model text

1\" m,l" !how Inr q.~I9.I"".~.~~. 'fI1t1'" 100\ plxc 111 the wJsta\ to~n of 'r'Otn'9~v,llc bcl""cro IQSO and 200')

In I~s.o 1m 10\0(0 'WJ~ J much 9rctnt'r .. 3rtJ wIth l \arq! number 01

Irf( ~ Jtld. ioOlV'lduJ\ hot.~'!l bul dUrlt'k)

t\or nt" 2., 1t..3r"!llhr 10""" ~ ....... ........ .

.J "un\\}(; 0 .lratnJ!I' d13ngr$ TIlt mo~t • L~ 11'la! J\\ of tnc ~rrt'!i ~ulh

01 Ihr F-,vrr ,Abn:~h ... err w\ do ... o. 'filth

,lIlh' ' .... ........ ...... lio",~ Inr c"lwl1 I"" t"",~ \.""'~r,j dow" ,,,d rrpb<r<1 t>f ~1·1u..rJf'r('!, ~onovrr .a nrw Illdul'lln)\

r ~I Jtr 'fnl\11" ." .....•...•. , ... and warcbOll!ttt.

.pr'ng lip .round Ihr ,,"pori JI1(\ I><.hool

Onl1 a ,~Im, north 01 Ii. nvt, 1T1T\.l,,~d 11" \>OIlO<Illn,hol .. lc.,rrd 10 1n.1I.r w.>j

(or, t..n. l gol( w.1fY. .1 or P-"'""'l .... .... . ...•. furtl!r Ot\'t\~l\tn \<,I'rt

1\, • 0( l5!~Um ti)f IlOCi\l-C..hI<t 01 hi( \J).( :u~ J

fit'" Mrrld1 m rJL\'wJ'of lrom 1\)( f'I'o'tr nn, 1\3 JlrTtt\11'(X1\1 A ImrllU ~ J~ t1..I,\l 3\ ~y.

mounl ",'hr nvt I

Ovmll .. , .. ... . o( Ihe 1'<10 lOa\,,> rr\'r~I\~ J dun~( lrom .llJrgrl1 !llra\ to .l IllJTnli \LrbJIl bllcl&l..lf>t

Page 39: Improve Your IELTS - Writing Skills


00 nOfluSI (/,scrlbe the 1II,P or ntaps OeSllfib. the d.""lopmep th.t took plaAe

40 •••

4 T'ra ns forllllh c: sent ences be low by changing the nou ns inl O ve rbs and us ing: the passi ve: . Refer 10 page 7 fo r more informa tion on lM nla/ l't'rbs tu,,1 ''''1I11S.


Th~rc \\'C'rl~ ,t/,t'cldw{ar,h I1lljt'S in th e .:m..'J . The areJ W,1S (}Uf/19M spcaacularl}' .

• 1 Th~r(' were dramatic developments In Ihl' !Own ccmrf.

11 There was a complelc transformation or the n Ighbollrhood . .......... , ........................................ ........................................... , ................ -................ " ... .

C There was a 10lal reconstruction of the Icsickmial arca

d There was a 10la l redevelopment ol the old fa ctories

c There was a rebuilding or the old houses.

Tht'rc was a complele modernizMiOn o llhc cmlcrtJin111 CnI di slri cl. ......................................................................................................................................

5 Lo k again il l the se.l1l ences you wrotc ill ' I. Which (ould bl.: rc wrlll cn in Ihe aCl i vc form?

6 Rewrite SCll lences a-h below usi ng s)' nonyms from the rnodl'l teX t in 3.

il The m.lps show changes ,vhll.':h (Irolrrfd bcnvcen 1930 and 2005.

b Vcry fcw I rees u~rt Ir!ft . ......... .............. .................... . -.... -- .............. " .. _ ...... , ... ----...... _. --..................................... -

c OYcr the nl';~:l 25 years. allthest houses \ I'ff,' drmollJJrr!d

d The single dwellings U'ift' rrp /dl:id by skyscrilp~r!'t .

c The t rct:5 lI"ar dlc}pp~d dnwlI .

f The area wil1usud drama tic changes.

g The woodland jlll 'i' way 10 a goU course,

h A marina \I 't1Sal.~o(o/lSrru((t'd.

7 Put the verbs bclo \\' im o the correel form. A II of the' cha ng .... s look pluce bt.'lwecn 2000 and 2005.


The block of flats X~~.?P.-:I.~~. (Iurn) mlo a hOlel. (p.nssive) The block 01 f1a ls .. !'!1~.0.~~~~ .. (make way) for a hOi 'I. (aalve)

a Tht row 0 1 old hOllsf."s .................. (kno k down) It') m~lkc way for J ro.ld. h The lorcSI .................. Irul down) 10 build a railwJy. ( Tht.' ,ue.l .................. (redcvelop) complcl(,'ly, d The fa(lory .......... __ ...... (convert) in to ,111 an gallery, t: The ci l)' c .. ' l1m: .......... .. ...... (undergo) a lO la l lrallsfomlJ tion.

Tht: row of o lcllcrr,1('cd houses In the cit)· ..... " ......... ~ (pull dtlWl1) and ... ........ ... .... (replare) by a block 01 [f,tS .

g A sporn ('omple, ..... ............ . (COID lrUClI in the sublllb .. h ;\ number or "penac-ular eh .mgt's ................ " (1.lke plllct) 1 TIll' whole ccmTl' 01 Ih t' 1(1\\ ·11 " ................ t I rMtsfOlIll) hy lIew dcvc\l)jll1lelllS

Page 40: Improve Your IELTS - Writing Skills

UNIT 5 1', '"111 ••• D •••

8 Wh ich of the fo llowi ng canno t b .: used 10 replace the p h rnsc B.'(I1 ',{r!1I1000nujf 20057

a Over the pt:riod b During the five' year period

c Fr m 2000 10 2005 dOver lh e- pc1S"t live )'c.u!i

9 The past perrect (hold dOlt l) can a lso be used to des r ibe chan ge ocl'u rring before a speci fi c time in the pas!. Look at tht: exam ples. Then inSert By 2005 d llh ~ beginning or each senl cnce in 7 and adjusl each semence.


8r1005. the block 01 fl a ts had bun fllnledinto a h wI. tpassiv~) By 1005, Ihe block 0 1 fl a ts had mad, wily lor i\ hOld (3nlvc)

Descri b ing lo catio ns

10 It is sOJll etimes im po rtanl lo s tate loca tio ns d ea d), 011 a map. Read the examples. The n answ e r the q ues lio ns a-g a bo Ul lhe maps 0 11 pa~w 39 us ing the phrases in the box.


Only J fcwlrees ,ranI! v rill rk..r rcm.,ined Where IS Iht golf Cl')urse? It is IwrtJr-\WSI of till! lak~.

south of the river beside the railway line in Ihe south -wE:st of the town north o'f the skyscrapers south of the golf course sou th-west of the stadium nort h-cast of the lake

a Where are the skyscrapers? They are .. ............. .. . , ......... , .

b Where is the stad ium? 11 is ............. , ....... " ...•...

c Where is Ih t" lake") It is ........................... , . .

d Wi1crl' is Ihe hospita l? II is .............. , ..............•

L" Where is lil,' ra il way sta tio n? II is ..................... , ...... .

Where Is Ihe a irpo n ? II is ..... ....... , ......... , ...... .

g Whcrt' is 1 !u· sch ool? It is ........... ............... ... ,

11 Comp lell' the fo llo w ing selllenccs b)t choosing Ihe co rrect p repus itions o f p lace from th l" alt e rnatives.

a Sc\'aal changes 10010.. place d(fmlllllthc lown of Nonhgate. h N nh or the town, there is a lake surrounded ;1I'11jlll), tft'es, c A number o f n('w houses were huill besidd.ltltlll 11ll' rllilway line . d There..' was..l large mdusuial Jr(!a iCleCltcd mllmlll1 the nanll. e A nc\'.1 r.llh ... ay was CUllSt rueted which ran .If/Imlatllll north to ... outh.

TW(1 I1l'W h leis were ereCied /Ju lU/lm the banks of the fiver. g i\ large number u J new villas wen,' bluit bwdt!fatlt" 1111..' ')tJ .

h t\ )'ach ling club was. SC I up 1'"I",f j1f thl" short'S or lht.' lakt: . t\ I1llmber III wind turbin t's w~r(' placed In Ihe Setl, JUSt {ifJ/11/llt~ the coastline.


Page 41: Improve Your IELTS - Writing Skills


I should get p{ll(l mOfe-1 have

marc experience.

I get belief results I should gel mote

2 Developing a nd jtJslif ing opin ions

1 b;uk al the." pillurt.~ ami Ih!! I C~1. ~'n"\\"cr Ihe: qm.'siions bd{l\-\.

a Whkh pl'""nn do ·tlll &l..:rr(' \'\.l1h~

h Du }·ou agree \vith Ihe JlI'JtiriColllll1l 1M l'ad, pt'r~on"" ("pinion")

I!, tlll~ ~IIUil110n th\.'

.. arne Illllwt'r the Wt Ir\(.1"

2 Read th l: fr)lIowing Tas k 2 qlH.'sli o n . Ih \.'n .lI1SWCf que IInns a-b,

Etllph' I'I!' " ,'}wllirl 11"\' Y£lIl II!! flt'ople rllt' lall/e sti ll! f1 ' tI\ o/,h'r colll'd9 ue:, dni"g (11 Sf/llh'jOlt.

TtJ ,,/Jill (.\ h' ''' do yml "gnx or di5t19rft.'?

J nll y~lU ha,·e to ~Irongly agret' or Jhagn:c' , .. I') pt,~ .. ibll' !(llaLc: a ncurcal \"len

h Rc\-\ rill.' the: Stilll.:lI\en 1 in )'(IU r (l\'\."n \\ llrd.. B~~IO \\ II h ),'/111.,1 tmp/t,.\'t;·(

3 Reol d a-~, I.lkl: n rCOI11 an answ('c to the llUeo,lion in.2, Mil l h t.'ach \t:nlen u .. ' or pMt-senICn((' with I he..~c rred runction rmm Ih~ Ih l Th~ Or::.t one has been linne..' for you.

Contradiction Explanation Result Examr)le Reason (x 2) 8ptrtion-!tetemenl

.1 Man\·IW~)plc lwlll"·c thai Wllrh.'I.'r) !.h"uld bl.' I)Jid olCl,:mding to .1!:!l' rather 1h.m men!

h ~hj\\il·\."l'r, I rcellholl Ihl') shl'luld hI..' p.llt111n .. ordin~ It I re~u1t,

\. Ta •• c flll c\amplc ~()mCj,.'\.nc ITllhcir [\\Cll1l(.· .. wlirh-lIlt! In a fmtllH.ul wmpan}

d Thc~ Jl'~t.'c\ eo tn rl'\:Cpol.' Ihl' sam\' salaq

l' bc(.ll1<;l·th\.') art' doin): thl.: ')ame ""rk

\111Il't)\ t'r yllun~ rC11plt' nov,ada" .1f\.'" 'litCI1 l,hll'l .11 ...tUII1): Ihings 111.111 thC'1r tllu\.'r Wtlrh. 1Il1k.1~1Il.'"'

.: \\ htl h o)mpl"n')~l1es fllr I,l\.k III ('\penl'I1(\.'"

Page 42: Improve Your IELTS - Writing Skills

••• • ••

4 Underline the lInki_ng phras e In 3 which Indie.l le the fun C""l ion.s you chose'.

5 U Ing the Sentences in 3 as OJ mood. wril( a pamgrJph xprcsslng your o\'~m opinion in t(,sp nse to the question in 2. Use approprlatC' Ilnking phrases.

6 Read the Task 2 queslion and the mood answe r below. For each of 1-6. two opi l Jl arc possible and ODC' Is incorreCt . Delete the Incorrect option.

omi IJc!ol'll fcelllUl l )'011119 people! J.1U more IlroSll rr w duy tlla" rill' eq" j, 'a/~'" ogl! .'JfOUp did i" prc" j(w 9cI/trillio"s. Olilers 'Mil k ,'m, ,".:)' I/lI Vi! a "",dl i'tlsii:r lifE 1I11l" ,lte;r PI1 1'( II' (liri. "'''nt is)' IIr opi,,;p,, ?

Model lexl

U(, (or 1"< jool19 In locia'(' ~orld " ,11 !Oint. 'ft3'16 arbM\1 more GOl1lforlah\e. lllaf'l for 'h~ In pre ... lous 9tntrJhom I HO loltvtl"fl.-fDrtovrr/C.vtrl 50, one annol &"1 1m fad that 10 a number or artJ~ lof, ,. mULl> .-, d,mand,ng II1an ".,<1 10 bt Ul:t Ill< ~on:pIu' (or <>amp" c.ompt:ht,oo for t\lcl"fjob I~ no," flt.f'(.(, .0 all p,rl. o( ,worle!. 1101 Ju,1 e!ovol0l't<! LOll 1m •• ' w,,," Ibwlu;ela~ 100ng pu>p\c arc mort ~lla\I{,eJ I\E I' prrvlolls

9t.l1trahOI'lfl • FUr1htrmor(IL~("",~Aod. Incr< I, ,nLtC~.,<I n",\>I,i'f o( pt0l'lo ,0 In, Inltt1Ullona\jOb ~1\\'4 'rion:tNl mov' from Ill< far t:.;,,, 10 f,urol'" Ind,a. • for ",.1.,1".1.'''''''" ""rtrw'.r. roo l la"l' pool of mo\>lo ,,-,lIt<! wOf\.l ro 1\1,. 910001,,-,,,on o( JObo ro. ' """,~_t'yl '10"'''''1'/., • "",'t PI" ,nltn~ vn"'''' on 10""9 ptapl' ... I>'j "lrLh or won. Ifl tn!lr home. wuntrl(\ w ~ 5<,""',u,,""Y. ,I " ,,0 101l9er a LMt o(Ju" htlng 900<1 jOU''') 1"'01'1< are '~W·lul 0 b, lop rill<

7 De Ide which runctions are ind iC<lI cd by the ('orrc.: 11I111<111}; phrases In 6 .

• contr.1SI b resull • 'Iddll ilm

2 • con traSt b rt:aSOII c rt'''lIh

) • ~,ddi1 lol1 b contrast ( rc: .. uh

·1 • COlli ras! b addition , l'.\.lmpil'

5 • resull b contrast , rr.l ~OIl

~ J ~xarnrlC' b rea.son c llll1du\IOn

• • • 43

Page 43: Improve Your IELTS - Writing Skills


• WJ1en doveloping aod IUSIIlVm9 opinions. yDu do ~al need 10 'ell 'he '\!uth Mal,e a

• statemen\ and use Iln~lng pl1rases as Ingger words

• to Ihi'lk up anp organl18 ideas.



eep you/ IrlllodlJr.lJOns sheri Wfllo only oneo, two sentences.,

8 Read Ihe SltHCrnenl S below .lnd in each case contradict lhem. Begi n b ~' usi ng one of ro llow ing ex pressions in Ihe box.

Nevertheless, ' fee t ". However, I think •.• Personally. I believe ...

it M<my feci tha i young pe pit: have much more II1fiuc:ncc In the world (han lheir coullIcq ans in the pilSl .

h Ac(ording 10 some people. old!:r workl..'rs an: jusl as equipped 10 deal wllh lhe: mod rn wOrld.15 young people.

c Some people a re of the opinion IhitT advertising shou ld nOt he b(1nned in TV progrcllnmes di rcClcd ill young pt:opte .

Wri ting inlrod UC1:io ns

9 Read the Task '2 qucsl ions a nd inlrO lun ions below, Malch cadl Int roduCilon a-c w llh olle of the q uestions 1-4.

All forms or media bll! especia ll y fil ms tl nd TV programmes :.houlcl be:

(cnsorcd 10 prol<.'C1 }'OlU18 people, To what C'xt!'"' do }'OU agree?

1 The younger genl'ration Mc thc main drivil1g force bl.'.hind milny of Ihe

laleSt technological dcvelopment:.. How far do l'OU agree:?

3 Blog~ o n the web arc vcry clfeC1ive ways kIf people 10 l'xpress lh<.'lr uJeil~

and relicve tensions. \Vhal is your opinion?

4 The modl'rn t.'mphasis on wmpUl c rs reduces thc development ot any

ere.ll iv!' abilily. 1-1 \\l fil r do you agree?

a II hcenainly im ponanl 10 make SU te' Lh ill people arc pro tcctcd tram

harmful m:ncrial in " .. dous media . !-Iow..;: vcr. I feci tha I care !lccds 10 be

t.lken in doing S() lor "ariou reasons.

b In some areas. it does a Jlpear tha t computer reduct.' crcilll" ity. bill I alsu kt.'1

the}' can be used as a 1001 to develop crC41t!\'C abilit ), in num}' fields .

c While Ihe you th of loday dl"finilcly have all impaci oilihe way ncw

t~chnolog)' develops. there c1Te olher faCtors invol\'ed .

10 For the rem ain ing IiI Ie. wri tl' you r own inlrocl uCl\on . Try 10 l>arap ilril sC' 11'1l' stalcml"nt in the I ilJe in one selllcnct.:' . "lnd then w rit c anot her s ta tement to show ho" .. , you in tl'ncl to organize your essa)'.

Page 44: Improve Your IELTS - Writing Skills

UNIT 5 i 'f lut/,

Practice Test 5

Tasl, l

}au should spf!l/d 11 b llf({ 20 milll/ teS t111 this ftlsk

Till! maps be/o il' sho ll ' Ill .! challges fhnt /r (l l'e' tnkt.'/1 pinel! nt tile ~ c(ls irle rcso rt of Templeloll betweell 1990 (J I/d 2005 .

5 11 111 /11 (1 r;:::€ til e i IIfor mo t iOIl by se /eel i 119 a lld rep o,., j 119 ti l(;' mn ; II / C(l 111 r ('s, om/lllake

comporisolls where relel'(l III.

Wrm at Ii!dst 150 U'il/"{is.

- 9 9~ChOOI ~ ~ 9 ~9~ ~ ~~9 wMm • Hospital

9IT 149 14~ -y

_149 ~ ~ 14 9 999 9. ..,. 9 Railway

149 149 14 \

14 ~stat lon




t Task 2

}'ll/l slz(lltfd spmd 11!J,J 1I14 0 lIIill l/(eS (llllhi:> ftl~·k. 1I''';tt' I1b,11f( tltt" jO/hlU'ill!l fl'pic'





)~O Il1l9 PC(lPit' (Ire IIII IC/; IlIO n! (l IL 'o re oj (I li a coll cern ed fl UOIl( is.m es lik e! ' li t' 1.' III 'i roJl Illc:11I. pOl 'er r.\'. {/Ilti (II/ ; /I/ (I{ II'cffa rt! Ih rll l previolls 9c/U: r ntiolls. Wha t is rOI/" OU'1/ Opill ic lH ?

G , l 'c' 1'r?ITSlJllJ Jtll" .\"'lIr ,111511'(1" .lu d mdlllk 11/1.\' reltTaJU l'\-amp/t'5 {null 1'011 r ,1\l '1/ kll f'Wft·d.q. 11/


I I'rllt" Il r If. IS' :!50 lI'Ilt"d.1


Page 45: Improve Your IELTS - Writing Skills



46 •••••

Culture • • • •

Unit aims TIIS 1

• • • • • • •••••• • •••• T 2

COl1cludlng st> !em.nlS CuncIlSSlon ill

ExDtBSSing advantages and diSadvantages Ad> .. ntage end dl .. dVllnrngb vocabulary eont.SIlon i2)

• • • ••• •• •••••• Task 1 Concluding sta tements

1 Han k Ih l' ideas in Lhc li s! below 1- 10 J co rdill ~ 10 how impOrt il lll Ihey itrc in d eveloping u nders tanding b Clw l'en di frcrclll cu ll urcs (I :: mosl importa nt: 10:: leasl impo rl am ). Th ink or eSilmples lojuslify yo ur idc.1S.

organized s!udcm exchilngeo;

1 ,1Ilj! lIa~e learning

internJli('lnaitrade agrl'cnll~nt'i

similar climate and landscape

jOin I cultural events

trill1spon bnks


shared scientific and Icchn olog; oll know-how

poSlOve media unages

similarities in lUestyle and culture

2 Whl h or the ideas in I can be carried OU1 by Indl vidllnls1 Wh ich ( :Ill be carried OUI by governments? Which a rC.' dlrncult 10 chJ lIg~

3 Slalel1lCnlS a-c were used 10 onclude descriptio ns o f d ,l IJ. Put Ihe \'\fords in inlllcs In Ihe co rreCI o rder.

,l It is clellr thai majorirylpt.opldo\'l:nvlldmIll9"'f/r/tt/lI'crtloflfal'('urllll scho(.\1 visll5 between countries.

t'I O\'("rall. JUSt ver haU the p~ople surveyed lund Ihe cllmollc In Ih(' troPICS the most difficult Lhing 10 adapt to. almmrbir/u11JrlsmJI/trl lllUflllJ81Jlldl ilfmyillF",J

C Th(' three languages in q ueslion Spall1~h _ ArabiC. and hlncsc. were named as WJr,'rramJrhtlianguDgtsl mosr after Engli5h by 10thi'll'''' It<l JUlllrtaplthwmbtu

4 Ans \-\'cr these qu estions aboul the sentences In J .

a Which 10PlC U1 I do they relat€' [oJ b Which I>ie chan 1-1 on page ·17 w uld be a good IlIuslro:ul')1l 01 each

concluding statement in .l? Use Ihe proportions In each scnlCIlCC to hdp you.

Page 46: Improve Your IELTS - Writing Skills

~ )


• A t1 10 InclUdf1 sav~rn' •. By leatule

• n~tJul[taSC1'lp on • • uarapl"ale 01 • L"e QUe:suon il

• pr pan1tlO Phrase. • somu tomtuJrtson • r,ome oeneral and • specihc SlilI mnntl. • • and a concluding : STatemenl

UN ll 6 1,."1,,,, ..

" / '" " ..

U 5 Pu:' \- hart s ilre rn·quemly us~d 10 sum m arize dat .l, ThNcfo rl.." . the} t:an Ofl{,,11

by us\."d as the basis for concluding 'i ' al\.'lnCIlIS . MJIi.h \.',1cll o llhe rollowi ll f.t t:onclusions 10 one of the- pi~ charts 1- .:1 ;'tbove.

oJ To (oncilldc. only a small minority tlf IIt.'HPIl"' felt li1.1llhc.'lan)AthlKt: ' .am":l w ould pr{'\'(.' /H lhe development of (u h llrJ! tll1k ...

b I l l ~ c\',dcnt lh.1' opinions arc: spill ..11111 0S1 t'quillIy bl'lWCCIl Ihe tl tr<::c lIplI,-'nS

a5 rC!lards Ih(.' bcnefi15 01 jc>11lI t:U llllr,l l \CUItlH· .. f Ii w('\uld "'cern Ihallhc V,HI m.1Jnrily 411 pc.'f'pk Think 111.:11 Ilw dC'wlnpmt'OI

or trade hn~s has the ~reate"l l mpalt cm Ul!C'II1i111I1n.,1 rd.lIl .. n .. J JU'it under h,llf tile Pl'(lPJc ~un.c}·l·d ,Ul' ,iI II,,· IIPlllll1l1ll1JI ( IUI1..1 \\ II!J

Ih~ hl&gC'>t cultural mnut:nce m Ih(' world by 10';!U l' Al'llUI haIr of the hohda)>' mah.l'r~ viSIted 11011) l'IClJU'tt' thl") \\\"rc: 1Il1l."IC~h:J

in Ihe.Jn ar:d ruhure. whC'rcJs Ih(' food and the' dintal(" were n.lml'd.1 .. rhc mtl)t ImporJnt fa(1of1 bv appro\lInatt"l} ("<lUJ1 nllm~'r' ullht" r('m .1Ulm~

h . .lUnstS in the survey.

6 RC"rrlle Ihe senlences belo\-,· using a suuabl C" phrase rom Ihe li sl.


neDriva third almost equal numbers the vast majority a IIOY minority iust undor holf nearly two-th irds

Government subsidies accounted ror 0] pa .:t'1It 11/,:11 [lIl1d/ll9 r(l\ l · ' nmcn I subsidies aecou n led lor fleM'-!' tll, l·tJllr.Jr ,'fdllllm.Jmj

" F(~hfl'·St'l"t'lIpt'r((lIl ofl"lltddym,J/.;(1·$ I O Ch illJ Wt.· ll' \' l'r~' \J II .. h..:d \Vllh t ll l'lr

cxpenence .

.... ........................................................ ........................... ...... ......... .••..................•....... b It h lear Lhat about 50 rerWIf .. ilwh J(V)" fll\'CllI rcd Il1tTl',l\l'd lull ural


---- -..... ~ ................. -.... - ...... . I.. Only (In'm ;o-rrC(1Jt "ffilm~iJlN thought fIIm\ hdrH:iI rmnlntc l-ultura I


... -.......... ~ ............................. _.. ... .. .. -d In conciuskn. the u('nd is ciCo1r1y upwdrd \\ IIh r fa ~·OIt ~'f .. 'mrjUiW

l"~IJ'-'h5h,"g new tralie and cultural hnk~ In .2005

............................................................... c: To sum up . J1 per WIl of allliJUrisb were on f;nrnt" lorm Ilr patkagc holic..lJ)

....... , ........................................................... .

7 Look again 011 Ihe sentences in 3. 5. and 6 . M,'ke ,I Ib l of phra:,C'., whit-II oUl'

used 10 Indicat e: ondusiolls.


Page 47: Improve Your IELTS - Writing Skills

SatisfactIon rDtlng NO' lu,.

v ..

48 •••••

Ti,e' wblt· b!!lolll s lw n's the Dgr! f}rofih'lJ wllri~b Oil bdckp(lrk l"9 IUlU,I,I\')" (III . gllidc;IIOJl r$ ;" 'eU' ZUI/and i" 2005. tl u,1 tI'L' pic cllorl g;\'(:s tilL' sm isfj w iolJ mljutl of t}, ;!;r stay.

Age ,HofiJe Backpacking Guided lours

18-30 62% 7 ">0

31-10 23% 22Oc


·11-50 IO~o 57%

Olher 5~o 141).0

SumlHtlri:t: rlti' info nllDl iou by SLiu till9 a lld rtporrill8 rilL' "w i" [ a Hlln ·s. mId mal\(' comparisolls 1\"1t~n! ,.d el·anl.

8 I~cad the Task t queslion and answer qll t:Sl io llS i.l-C.

" How d 's the :lge profile or pc pic on celeh holldJ}, tyPt' lIi fl t!r'?

b Which age: group IS almost equally reprcsC.'mcd on ':iH;/i l}'(ll' l" huJtda}':O

( How w/1u ld you descnb~ the oplllIon of IIw 111<JIOfll} 1\1 .. ",11m .. '

9 COm pl l'I C: the modd I CXl wilh ycrbs rro lll the box. The i1 rsl gap hJS becn done for you.

comes accounts for belong make up


rnelude enjoyed is rated


The ta~e. I .~!?~ . .:! brc.a~~n l>f ,,1,,1t<! "9' sroup a th".. on b3<~pll.~,n9 'n<l9u<at<! lour. ,n N.w lLalaod ,n lOa? wMh the p« ,hart ,n<lIL3i1n9 whether Ih'1 ' ................. . 1\"" hohdJj

~ £.an be. !.tr.1l from 'tne. tab\e.. Int. age proM, of ",ople on Ihe ""A arffmnl Ij",' of hol,ailj vanes GOn~d,r,blj For ,,,,mpl,. ih< m'J<lrllj (&1. pte "(1) of tno.c 00 b"'~pat~,"'l hol,cIajs , .................. 10 Ihe IS-30 '9' r,"'l'.

the bolm, '9' 9roup , ........... ...... . ) ,,,,,\I proport,on ( .. ve.n pte uol) a lhoot on 9u<at<! IouI'<; Ho',vr.f Ih' p,mm ,s the complel' r'~ ""'-0 M

< ................ 10 l-?O ~ear-o\d!o Tht.!ot

p«>pl, ' .................. 51 '" r <tol of Ih"'" on 9thc.\td tOllNl, dc.bp'h~. au.oLln1!n9 or onlj leo ptr Geol of b3<~pll.~''''

"-1 ,0nl" .. I. Ihe prof,l .. for bolh b.)'J~PJ'):1(19 ilnd 9~udGd 10Urf>

, .................. r0L19111j <ql.,1 propon,o", from Ih. 31-'\0 '9' group 1.3 ,n<ln ptr ,(.nl re!p'Lhvc.\1

11 ,. GI",r from 1\1, p,e .hantNI New lLabn<l • .................... , popullr hol,dJ.j &'",,'ilIIOO among II" m.lJor, of J\\ ho\,dJ1-mJ~c.N>. w,ln a OU!o5lVt '&3 per «nt from bolh group' slal'ng ih<j

''1lO'f,d """ hollclaj

'0 Which phrilse is used 10 indicalc a oncJ udlr)g Slilicment illlhc rnodellext?

Page 48: Improve Your IELTS - Writing Skills

: Technique

• Shaw that \'OIl can • • CUnblfltl meSl IntO : aJrnplE!A lffl1t OrtO'J5 •

U N IT 6 C" ltlln"

o l1 cessiol1 ( I )

11 Read lh<.' example sentences below, Then answer questions~. E1<Bmpies

Fih}'·sncn per ceDi of pc'oplc on guided IOU~ wert" dGC"U 41-50. although only ten per cent of bad.-packers be.longed to IhlS ag( gTOup Fitly-seven per ceDI of people on guided lOUrs were aged 4 I-50. Nc\'crthdes.s. only ten pc'f cem of backpackers belonged to this age group

a Which linking phrases are used to introduce" a conuu:,!? b How are the phrases used dlnerenlly? c Find three examples of similar ph rases In Lh e lllodcllCXI in 9 Which

I'hrasl's in lhl' example sen lences arc: Ihe)' lIkC? Which phra:,c C~ln only be u~cd bl"forc: a n Oll n or an ·j"!i form?

12 M.11 II a --c below w ith sui ta ble fall W-OI1S 1- 5 10 crea le MfCCI SI.l l l'm e nt ,S aboullhe dala in 8.

a fNS1'1U accounling for nearly equal prnponll1ll5 ul each ilollJal' I )'P~ b .\ 11 11" /1:/" I)t' ~)ple ag<.>d 4 I-SO \\ ef(' Ot IIll1 n,1I11 \111 ~u Itkd II Ill ' " C Ulded tours \Vue least popular "man£: peoplr In Ihe.' 18-10 .lge gr()Up. d Ont" in Itn peorle: said tb.allhe) dtdn I «:I1JO)' Ihelr hollda) r Only founeen rrr ceDI of people from lh(' 'olh(", ' CJlegofr chose gUld~d


Ih(,)' suB accounlcd for one in ten hJd .. p..lckers .2 Nr.'in }ultJ1, most dearly ~xprtsst'J satldatUtm 3 this age group 51111 accounted for und~r a quaner (I I each II f/(tU'n'tr, thai \VilS still a higher proponion Ihan the 18-30 ag~ group. 5 bill they were most popular with the tJldt.'st gr up

13 J oi n ~;'I ch of 11)(.' ro llo wing senu.'nccs te;lng Ihe phr.:Jsc g iven.

a The "as I maJort:y of visito rs Ii.) Brilain CO I1lt' fr om EUffJ I>t..' . lIow('\ cr. Ih\.')' ''lay for fewer thaD len days on average

Al rhough ......................... .................................................... .. ... ... ..... , .. .. ..... .......... .. .

h Fo n y-five pe r cem of people speak a rorelgn languagc. Nevcnhd(,'i !i:. tht: vast majonty are at a lo w level.

A.llhough fort y-five per cent ...... ................ ..... ..... _ .................... ... ................ ....... _

c It has good weather. However. southern Friln« is vlshcd by onl), two per cent 01 Asian t urists.


Despi te ... ............................... ................... .......................•

The COSt o f slude.nt ('xchanges went up Nne:nhdes' exchange: rose

The oumberof srudem exchanges .... .......... " .......... ... _(

The c\'enl was promoted 10 t~enage~ Ne:H'rthcless only n per cent of the audience.

Allhough ....................... _ .. ......... ........... .... ..... ...... " ... , ...... ,

• • • • 49


Page 49: Improve Your IELTS - Writing Skills



54 •••••

Arts and sciences

Unit aims Task I


• • ••

USing ad,elbs 10 evaluate d"a Avoiding I"erevance

• •••••••••• Task 2

OiSl:uSSIIIll Dlhel people's opinions HYPolhesinng

• • • • • •••••••••••••••• •

Task 1 Ad verbs

1 Read these conOicli ng views about sciCnl iSIS moving 10 rich co un lri es. Answ e r q ues tions a-c.

The 'brn in drain ' 01 sk illed worke rs li ke soentiSl5 and tcclin iciJ ll s 10 ri ch economks is m ra ll y w ron g, P~ople should ha ve grea te r freedom to work where they wa n t. Surely, iT '!; J

p~rso n.)l matter

a Which Vl('\\,S lio )'OU agre:e with? b ls t.h is 'brain drain ' a new phenomenon, or has If been around for a long lime'? c Should something be done aboullhe situation or is it Ullsh1ppabk")

2 Head the Task 1 queslion below, Tht.'n a n swer ques ti uns a-c.

Sources of fun ding for R&D in the UK



'" "0 JO "

o Government • Bllli"us o OVcr.leu

Tlli.' cl/Ot't above sltows sources of fUIIf/iu9 fo r t'i!SeO,.f IJ amI (le\'i:/opm c.'1/f (R&[») iu ,Itt! UK from 1999 to 2001, Ti lt! table below s hows tll t:: pt.'reeuwgr! of Plmiolllll iw:omc ~'pellt Oil RlYD fo r 0 rouge of COlllltr;e s .

Proportion of nat.ional income a ll ocated to R&D ( \ 999)

UK USA Germany France Italy Japan EU average:

1.82% 2.75 % 2.4 % 2.3% 1.1 % 2 .9% 1.81 ~o

Su",,,,nr;.:e tlt t: ;" formatioll by sI!Ieaill9 alld reporriug tlte mniu fC{ll ll res. aud II ldke colllparjsolls where reicl'{mt.

a What gellerallrend can yo u see in the chart? b What gen~ral pa ttern can yo u seC' in the labl~? c Which is dearly the main source o r funding in Iht: " ar chart?


d Which piece of dala in the {able ca n you use as a standard fo r comparison? e Which pieces of in fo rmali n in t.he table arc sig,ni fi cant?


Page 50: Improve Your IELTS - Writing Skills

UNIT 7 Arts <111.1 )"ci"","j •••••

3 Complelc the modellext below w ith verbs from the box.

Model text

rose contributed (x 2) was spent is shown

was overtook came snews

Th' <harl ' 5h~ in(ormalion .bou1 last 1\010 1ears it L. ....... . ...... .... 90vernmt nl

tnt main, of funding for stitntific. ",eard, and devr,lopment (lZ.W) in Ih' UK. The proportion of national inc.ome spent on \l.&O b-; c.ountr-j 1 .................. in Ih. tabl.,

B,'wetn 1'lqS and 2001, Ih, amounl of funding alloc.ate.6 from e,ac.h &aura, , """"""""" ve!'j "ighlI1' ilppro.imal" 1 hal( o( all "W. 51menl throughout th' period 4 .. ..... .... .... .. . from bUSnlt.5b, whllt, the government £.on&lstenlli '1 ............ ...... around &t.venttt.n pt.r It i. al;o nmiotabl, thaI in Iqqs and Iqqq ovtr5tab &pt.ndin9 on F-W in tne Uk W3& c.omparab\e to the s, at around bt.venteen per c.tnt. DLlt for tne

&pending in tnis area

N, regard. Ih, proporl ion o( naloonal inwm. allo«lted 10 \<f.O, Ih, highr,. t p.mntag. (2 q p.r "011) ' ",", """""" b'j japan, follow,d <10 .. 11 b'j th, U;". (2.5 per "011), B-j wnlml, IIal'{ B •...... .. ... ... ... the sm~\\est amount of national nll.ome to 1Z-fJ), on1i I I per l.ent, 5'9"ifi<aI111 br,low fur (;U .vtr'gr of I ~I per <ent

II IS Inltrestin9 to note that altholltjh tht Uk'~ &pendn19 on F-&O ' .. .. .... ....... .. . abovt the E.U average In IqqS, II 1& l.onsiderabli bt.h!nd other dose trading parl ner~

Frana, and C."1ermani

4 Find examples of adverbs ending in · Iy used in the madel le-xl.

5 Choose the mosl su.i lab le adverb in Sem eJ1 CeS a-h.


The trend for Olher countries was compJe/elylwr:-H differenl. Government inves tment rose sl!:JI l ijic(/II/Iy lhigltfy.

a The government 's spend ing for the pas t year was siglll/ic(/1/tlyl H'di higher than before .

b Women have been comislmtlyld~eply u oder· re prese t1led in sciencl: jo bs. c Workers in highly/ lowly/ considerably paid jobs are generally healthier. d The company's sa les are slightly/much behind its compe ti to rs. e Sales were margillally/deeply up on the previous quarlt:r. f Investment in me arts rose quite com id.:rablylslightly/uriollsly. g Slightly/Approximately/ Well half the spending was from the private seclor. h The income for the art s centre was slIbstamiallylmllcJtllzighly down on the

previous year.

6 MalCh the adverbs a- g below wit.h t.heir opposil es 1-7. a wcll I rap idJy b margina ll y 2 sligh tly c approximately 3 exactly d constantly 4 badly e slowly 5 considerably f signiJicanlly 6 partially g completely 7 erralic<ll1y

• • • 55

Page 51: Improve Your IELTS - Writing Skills

• Technique • • • • ... "Ullone • Ib 01 adv0,bl.1 • • phtase to holp IOU • • • evalualB the daIB

56 •••••

Using adverbs to evaluate data

7 look again OIl the mod~l l e:ct in ) on page 55 . Which phrases a rc U5l.'d h )

imroducl' scnl(;"J1ces instead of lIotia.lbl" and ju/(rn ri"yly?

8 Rewrite each sentence a-h an adverb Of s(;lJllng with It.


Cltarly. the In:nd is upwa rd. It IS " (&1r that the trend is upward

.1 It IS significam that the number of scientbt5 per ht'ad of flOl'ulallon has declined In re-cent years.

b Inlcrl.'siingly. the sales failed 10 reCOver.

II ........................................................................... ...... " ...... , .................................... . C II is probable tbal numbers wi ll C I1I lnll l.' In f;'lll over lIu' period.

d It is n I surpns ing that there were ski lls S h Orlt'1~WS illlhc chemic.)l industry

t' Evidcnlly. m ... estment nl'l.·d~ 10 ht.' IIlLTCa'iCO

II .................. _ ....... ...... .... .................................... . N Liccably. the pauem for investmenl In lh(" aru b thl' rcvc: rsc

II .. .......... _ ... __ ........................ ................................................................................ .. g More unponamly. the COSt of plasma 5 recos b SctlO Fall

II ............................ .......................................................................................... _ ..... . h Not surpnsingly. analogue TV saks then fell

II ........................................................ .. ................................................................... .

9 Different adverbs can be P U I in differe nl pia cs in 5(.' I1I (' n t's. Which sentences a-d are possib le?

.1 C",,,idttably. sak s (ell.

b Sales fdl (IJlIslduably.

C Cltnrly. the lr('nd was downward.

d The trenci was c/to1riy downward.

10 Putlhc adverb In brackc ts In Ih e corrt~ct pia c in the sente nce. Some' can b l.' used in ma rc than one p lace.


01 The number of sdence graduates fell . (Sig nificantly)

b The number of technical start in hospitals is failing (evldenr!y)

c The cost of training sdentisl5 is ,"creJslng )'ear by year (noticeablyl

d Investmenl in Colpital eqUipment like sprciJlisl mlldlinery 15 do\ .... n on l.:sst year (1I1Iereslingly)

t' ales of nt'W televisions soa red tx-fore lile World up (nol surpnsingly. r Tilt" trend Is no\\' upward. ( bvlous ly)

Write your own sentences about the data In 2 o n page 5·1.

.:I Describe the bar chart. using margillltJly. nppro.nnrauly. <Iud slowly_

b Describe! the ta ble. using romlatfably. ('Vld~lItlv. " ott(tffbly. sil~ltth . ami ,,,ttrurmgfy.

Page 52: Improve Your IELTS - Writing Skills


• 00 not speculote when you d~scrlbe •

• data unles/i you • • are .s~ed 10 AVoId • wrIting Ifsl5.1

detail • .;.=--_ ....

• • • •

Avoidin g irre levance

12 Look a t Ihc chall beJow. which hows how slUdcnlS on all courses at an AustrJlian un iversily viewed differcm subject on iJ ale of easy to difficul! . Afls\V~r quest ions a-f.

De .. \, o M Otluulaly

dlHlcuh • Ollft(:utt


11 Whose opinl ns d es the chan show?

b How mllny 5ubjec15 does the chart show ?

c Which ubjeet was ra led as ' difficult ' by the highnt pt'fcenlJgc of <;1udcnts'"

d Which olher subjeCtS were judged 'diffirult or 'moderately difficult ' t'ly c1

large number (over 70 pc.r cent) of s l udC'nl~?

C' Which subject was rated a5 'easy" hy the hlghc!l1 per cnta~t of 5ludenb?

Is there a c1t!ar correspondence berwun th t type or !luhJcct ilnd whether it Wol! rated as easy o r diffi cu lt? Give namples I show why/ why nolo

Decide whe ther the s tate ments a-r arc rclcv.l n1 o r Irrc:lcva nt , a nd explain wh y. Irre levan t statements m ay conta in an UTIII l't:cssnry opinion . tOO much da lil, or unllccessa.ry specul ation.

;) Th,· subjt"Cl ""hich was ra ted as diffi cult by the highest pcrct.' I1IJgc.: o f students (70 per cent) mathematiCS. mamly because' I think it Is complex r r many students.

b By contrast. the subject which wa:, mOSI ohen JudS~·d as l'asy was Cheml!.tr)

C Thl' chan shows the opinions o[ Austr,lliJI1 stUdents on whether dllfer~nl subjects wrre easy or diUicult.

d African languages were seen as easy. which IS somewhat sUIJ)rislng when you conside r the range o f lan guages In Afrk-a .

l" OriCIllallanguages wert ranked a5 ea~1r by only about 20 pn elll

( The Y aX15 sho\\'S the percentages. and Lhc bars conta in the numbers abtlul lhl" legend at the bolt om

14 Describe the chart in 12 in your own words .

• • • 57

Page 53: Improve Your IELTS - Writing Skills


00 nol , when you describe data unloss you all! Rsked to. A""ld wrillog 1,:;1.5 of dotlltl

UNIT 7 Art.) oJlI.l ,n .. ,,~ •• I! •

Avoiding irreleva_n ce

12 Look 011 the chart be low. which shows how students on a ll ourst..'s al an AuSt ra lian universit y viewed d i rr~rcnl subjectS on il scale:' o( tasy 10 dimclIh. An weT ques tions a-f.

C!I E •• v o Motle,.,.r.,.

dlmeul l • DIfficult

a Whost: opmions does lhr chan how?

b lim' many subjects d ~., lht! chan shuw-:'

c Which subject was rated as 'difncull by the highest p<.'rcrnla~c nf o;;ludcl1l ~'"

d Which other subjecu were judged 'dilllClllt' or ' nll)(!c,..e\ dtlltcult h). large num~r IOHf 70 per ernt) of students?

t Which subje-a was rated as 'easy' hy Ihe highest percl'ntolgc or .. tudent5'?

Is Ihert' i1 clear corrcspondencC' between the type of !!iubJ 'n and \\ hl'thl"T It \Y.U rJted as easy or difficult? GIVe examples 10 5how why/why nOI

13 De Ide whether tilt: s tatcmems a-r nrc n: lcva n1 o r Irrele van t. and exp lain why. Irre lcvn n1 stateme.nls may con l ain an unnecessary opinio n. 100 much d 'lI a. or unnecessary speculation .

a The subjco which was rated as dilfl cull by lhe h lght'S I Ilcrcc:ntagc 01 studt,nts (70 percent) \"' .15 mathema ti CS. tt1dm ly because Ilhjnk it i~ complex (or ma ny students.

b By COntraSl the subject which was mOSI oft~n judged as NSY \\f.U ...

c The han shows the opinions 01 AuStralian students on whetht.'rdllferent subjeru were easy r difficuJt

d African language's seen as easy. which is somewhat surprisIng wh~n you cOllside.r the range o f la.nguages in Africa

e Orlentallanguages were ranked as NSY by only about 20 per cclll

r The Y aXIS shows the pcrcemagt"S. and the bars contain lh(' numbers aboUl the legend 011 lhe bottom

14 Describe the chan in 12 in your own words.

. • ••• 57

Page 54: Improve Your IELTS - Writing Skills

58 •••

Task 2 Oi II ss ing o ther people's op inio ns

1 ompl(:l ~ Ih ~ list belo\\ whh a famous artisl dnd ~dcnli~ 1 from ynur munrry.

leonardo da Vinci Albert Einstein Sir Isaac Newton Nicolaus Copernicus

<1 Art: the people in the list famous 10 your (ounn),-:'

b Whdt do Y 1I know about them If thl')' ,uc'"

c What bcnefu do anislS and sacmiS15 bnng 10 'iOOl'Iy"'

Ii Do JrtlSIS .md SCientists In your society have " high or low Slalu~-'

l' Sh ukl ~cle nJ is l.') and artl\l~ be governed b~' 111,,: s.nne: ril les J:' \Nl' In: .' Wh) d l) )'Oll Ihlllk $("17

2 Read the T.l"ik 2 question be lo\\ and say whh:h p.1ft (l rlhe queslion rd ales (0:

J pt·nph-\ opinion'> ab(lullhe an""

b pC(lple's OpiniOns about soc-neC's'

( ~uur opmlun?

Sm'h~ pl'tJl tJe IJelic!l ',' rJlllr rite ~lr1.5 sJtiJulJ rt!U"" 'l )u/J\iJi..:l or lPtJII.\ I IH/up

fro m :/lH'.:nWII!1II and big C,1"'PUllic:s. Oclra.f (al s" ch fJ.,.-w/iIl9 ,$ II

I",'WI)' olld clIO' i f would bt' b;:trcr if i r 11 e~ im't'slt'" ill cit!lIti{i1 pn1iuh, Disc" .):) boOr V;lWS aud g;"t' }'o"r 0 U'1I opinion .

3 Complet~ the I)d rag raph w ith selllences~.

ol So stl pponcrs ur ilrtS groups fcellh\J[ (he- (UlIIpdll)'\ I r,1\ I.' I .1IId accommooallon COStS ought t(I rcceiY~ mnrl' ~uh\ldlc\ or spl-m<;or<;hlp

b To uring thea tre groups ('I r dance compani 'Ii arc ,1 case In poin t

( Many people feci strongly thJt arts projcct <; like- e",hibitiol1\ of ph') l n~rilphy.

sculptun.'. or painungs should be helped flll.mel.llly by governlllellt Jnd big romp.lIlies .

I ................. They argue that such projects ennch people's lives. often

sImply because they are new and show a dilterent way 01 dOing things.

, ................... National compaOles. for example, can take plays to provinCIal

areas that don't have therr own facdrtJes. This. however. reQuires a lot

at money. , ............. _ ... If thIS were done more by the government and

commerCIal organlzabons, tnen the arts could be brought to a WIder publIC.

4 Which I>hl.lscs are used in Ih~ paragraph in 3 10 indicate SOIneont.' c l"C"s opinion'?

Page 55: Improve Your IELTS - Writing Skills

UN1 T 1 11 ru /lwl ffil'nrl'$


5 Ma tch the s ta tem entS a-h w ith the bes t c..x p la nati o ns 1-8.

Example: (/ -/

a Amateur artS gro ups should be encouraged.

b The wealih of a na tion is connected with sciemillc development.

c Science is now playing a more important role in our lives than in the pas t

d The work of an ists should be censored.

e Scientists should have some involvement wi th art isLS. and vice ve rsa.

f Science is dull and boring.

g Many scientific experiments arc dangerous to socict y.

h The work of scient ists should not be tightly regula ted by SOCIety.

Modem economies can nO l adva nce wi thout a strong scient ific base.

2 Bringing lhese two groups !Ogelher would be bette r for societ y as c1 whole

'3 11 has an eflect on everything we do from ea ling 10 [ra vd1in~

4 Such groups he ip to develop talent and bring people ICIgclhcr.

5 Certain works o f art that arc produced are offens ive and should be banned

6 By lilLlilillg ~Liclltifi'-. \Vurk. wc IlIigllt :'1Op '-.crtaill llc lId idill i.k vt:!lIpmcrn<,

7 There a re ma ny examples whe re serious mistakes have been made,

8 Spending lime alone in laboraLOries without much human contad IS nOI very in te resting .

6 It is often useful to suggest that an opinion belo ngs to someone e lsc. R{'ad Ihe example and phrases in the li sts be low. Then join your a nswers 10 5 .. .v it h s imilar phrases.


SOIllI! p<!opt.' (llil1k (11m a ma le ur arts groups shou ld be encouraged. Tht'Y IIrgllt'llh' t Stich groups help 10 deve lop talent and bring people toge ther.

It is argued by some people that Yet others believe that Many people think that

A commonly held belief is that Some people feel that

They claim that They feel lhat

They maintain that They argue that

7 Use the expressions in the box below to d eve lo p the exp lan a tio ns in 5.


Tiley <lrglle ,ilm such grou ps help to develop tale m a nd bring people logether . .-I good example 11m: is w he re a you ng artist joins a local group a nd progrcsses on to

TV work.

For example. For instance, A very good example here is

A c~ e in point is ... , which Take , .. fo r example. It/They

• • • 59

Page 56: Improve Your IELTS - Writing Skills

Technique Use linking phra,es hi:c "and unless in aM\'JI!f to fa 2 qlJeStiOrts In OId.rla hvpothesl" aboo. • Hocts

60 •••••

H ypothesiz ing

8 Matc h the SC IlI CIlCC ha lves a-<, w ith the r nd ings 1- 5.

a Pcr.~ona l1y, I would argue thaI sdencc nC'\."d 11 01 be

b Howc:ver. it amid possibly be: a rC(luircmcnt Jo r the nrst twu or Ihfer year.;

( During Ihis lime, childr1!u can do exdnng cKrailnems.

d If trips 10 plil cs of SdC'.D l iric In lercst ilTt' also .urnngcd.

( Above all . I th ink it is bellcf fo r scicncc dil~St'~ 10 be optiona l

IhlS ml.'/ /r( m Ollvol te some children 10 take up J scil!ncC' subject

2 obligJI ry .11 tbis level.

3 because 110t all pupils art.' good at such subjectS nnd any rom pulsl n ",,:/'1/ disc urage them.

4 li ke making basic chemic.l1 compou nds or coll t"cllng plants

') as i, would give pupils a laSIl' r.

9 The sentences in 8 rorm a I)arag roph. Wh y hilS the w riter dlosen 10 use words such as "'"111.1, (,mid. and Im!lJrt? Which sC: l1I cnce ask s (hI..' n .',ld er It) IIIIJt;ln .l s il ua ri"n .md ir s const'quencc:?

10 The lin k lns phrases if. prol'iilill.q. pri1l·iJ.', /, ,l nd II I/ IdS can .111 be USI,.'t! lu hYPolheslze. Read the C'xamp le. Then rcwrl!c {' nlenc a-d usi ng Ihe- word give n.


A nation should nunure the lalc:ms of its p<'oplt- II will (hen reap m.1I1'1 bene[] ts . If j J lIafio" IIl1rfllriS th~ talmts olitS P':(1pk ;1 u111 rcap vuwy bmi.'fib

iI WilhoUI being encou ragc=d b)· parems and ICJ ch~rs . buddin~

n'lusicians will nOI develop.

Unlcs$ .............. ........... .......... .... ......................... ................................ , ... ....... .

b Science may o ne da)1 Sl O p Ihe ageing proccs in hu mans, bUI \\'l1llhi 'i bencn l mankin d?

I.f .. ........ , ............................... .. .. ........ " ................. , ... , ..... , .... , ..... ... ............................ ?

c If Ihere Is n d i a rt to kcl"p Iraditional crafts .Jli vc.:. Ih y w ill di "PPl"JI

UnJess "', .......... .. .............. ................. , ............... ...... , ... .... ........... , ............. .......... .... . .

d If InnoVill.lon is encouraged. many new jobs wlll bl,.' crcall.'d .

Providing ..... .. ........... .. .. .. , ... , ..... .................................................... ........................... .

11 Complele th e. fo llo wing se:m e.nces using yo ur o w n id~as. d Provlded parents have an interes'l in music.

........... ....................................................................................................... ..................

b If govemmenl suppon fo r ans projects is nOI available.

c Unless entrance to museums and an galJerics 15Ircc:.

d Providing young sdcmisis a rc siven the rlgh I Ol)pllrlunilit's.

. •

Page 57: Improve Your IELTS - Writing Skills

UNIT' Arl.\ ;111 ,1 ui"~IICC1

•••• •••••• ...........


Practice Test 7

Task 1

)'0 11 should spmd abam 20 mimur!s r)ll this task.

Tilt! charts be/vIII shoUi how selecud oge groups pllc.1IflJl.'d COllccrt, ,ill~mll, ami rllt'tI.lre­ti r kt ls oll/i"t' Ol '('I" till..' fi rsl til rei! 1110111 lis of 2006 ill r 11 rei' countries am} IIoU' rI,e Inur" er U'liS IIccessed.

Summari:e tlu illformat ion by st!/ccriIl9 tlml rt'porrjll9 tile /twi" felllures. 1II ltlllWke compc"'j,'iO" S w/teTt! rtleV(lIII .

Wntt' or Iftlst 150 words.

Most l i ke ly to buy thea tre/concert/cinema t ickets on line

Task 2

70 6.


'" 3. ,. ,. o

r Oil shouM sp(IId abow -10 m illl ltc:S 011 this task Write nbi'"t rll{ [01l'1\1'ill.11 ftlpi(:

M ost common m eans o f access to buy rickets

com pule'

C AU!I"I rul1a

. UK


Mobile pnor>e

Th l! mOlley spellt all Splice resea rch has brough t ellOI'II /O II$ IJl:" efits 10 Il lllll k iwl. b itt it could bl! more uscfullyapplied. Hoii' far do yO Il (tgree?

GiI't' rensrllS fi1r Yill ll' nm"ll't'r fllld ilte/udc .m y re/e l'(/II( n ll1l1ple,'i [r{lm .\'il/I( "' II '" kmlll'h'l i!/I' ,1/

fxpai,:I/({. U'rilt' (]( Ifnst 150 lI'ords.

• • • 61

Page 58: Improve Your IELTS - Writing Skills

• '! NIT


solar panels

w ind turbine

: Technique • • • elornvotl ston • ~lfIlMQ ma i! 0 UII • • f"pcrnJ," ',~'b' • • • • • • • 62 •• •••

Nature •••••••••••••••••••

Unit alms Tas\ '

~ak fig ",iKi ttOl'-l FftttualllQ:,.,IC'I

Tail 2

MItes W'ib~ conclu5tOm

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Task 1 Making predictions

1 An_wtr questions a-d.

il WhCll aspect of lile future do the phOlllS r Id l~ w"l b Wh<lt envi ronmt.'ntal dcve lopl11~nl s do you th ink will h.1PPCIl in yuur

cuuntry In the near future? \. Whell other developments ar(' happellill~ in YOllr UlIIIII f) \\Itlill} Jrt." 11111

happening elsewhere In the world ") J Wholl \Viii your (Cunuy be.' II"-\.' ill 11.'11 yc,u\ WIll'" III l'j ) eMf, Ilm~'"

2 Look ill th(' bar chan and descrip ti on be low. Then ilnCjWeT qU~llon d-C.

TIu' bar d,art sholl's 'he p~jincJ lIu",'u rl1/ builtl"'9l 0"" willlJr' 1'O' L't!rtd b)t solar aud u,";l1d cu~rg)' i" tit,: lur,,~


o 100 200

a Who! does !he (hart show?

JOO mUlion.

b What do the numbers relale [0'"

• WInd OO-W, • ScMaferwov

'00 ...

c Whall) lhe range of lbe numbers along Ihe bonolll (lllh(" chart"

3 The 5truClure " ill .. infmillve or a range..' of prcd lcllon verb .. JU used 10 lalk aboul fUiule sialis lics. Complc l(~: senlences a-c whh IhC! w rds \\111. J' , ,'Jil1h'll 01 prtd,Old.

a The number ofsolar·po\v~rt'd bUlldmgs ......... .. IOLrC'ase til 500 mi llion

tn 1015

b I I b ...... ... ......... thaI tbe number of ~oIJr·puwer('li hlllldlng., , ................ .

IJIcrcase In Ihe future.

c The .................. is thallhe number of bUlldlllgs p«..l "\-erc.-J hy )4'Jar energy

............ ...... increase.

iJ The number IS ................. 10 incrCIlSc 10 500 million III 2025 .

Page 59: Improve Your IELTS - Writing Skills

UNIT 8 Nnlll rt

• • • •• •

4 Answer these ques!ions abo u! the sentences in 3.

a Which of lhese words could replace Ihe word predictioll?

projection assumption fo recast anticipation

b which of lhese words could rep lace Ihe word predil'red?

projected anticipated forecast said

c Which othe r words do you know to replace prtdiClioll and prtdi(It"d?

5 Complete senlenccs a- h w il h the correct forms of the verbs in brac.kcls.

a It .. ... ....... ...... ..... ...... (predkt) thai in 2025. solar energy ........................... .. (provide) energy for ;00 million buildings worldwide.

b In 2015. about 2; million buildings ............................. (l.'X Pt:'ct) tl) ,'t'cdvl,' energy from wind power.

c In 2025. much marc energy 10 power buildings ............................. (l'omc) hom solar energy compared 10 wind power.

d In the future . solar energy ............................. (forecast) 10 be a much grealer source of energy Ihan wind power.

e In !.he (ullIre. wind power ................ ... .......... (nol expect) 10 be as great a source of power as solar energy.

f In years to come. il ............................. (project) that wind power .... ......................... (be) a less important source of energy than solar energy.

g Solar energy ......................... .... (set) 10 assume greater imporlance as a SaUTee of energy in the future .

h In 20 15. it ......................... .... (al1l icipate ) thai solar energy and wi n d power each ............................. (provide) appr ximatciy the same amount 01 energy.

6 Which of the se nl ences below describes something w hich w ill happe n before a fUiure l ime? Which descr ibes something in progress al a li me in the future?

a By 2025. 500 mil lion buildings willlla\ 'e converted lO solar power. (",ill 11<11'( + pasl participle)

b tn /By 2025, 500 miJlion buildings will be using solar power. (will bl! + ·ill~ form)

7 Complete sentences a-e w ith l.he correct fom l of the verbs in brack~t s. Use will + infiniti ve. wifl lravi! + pasl parli ciple, or will bi! + ';119 fo rm. You may a lso need to use the pass ive.

a By 2020, it is expected that 30 million buildings ............ ... ............ .. (use) \vind power.

b By 2025. ve.ry few people .......... ....... ......... ... (live) in the:: countryside. c In 2010. more bicydes ............................. (sell) . d By 2020. it is predicted lhat many animals ............................ . (become)

eXline!. e By the yea r 20 I S. it is anticipated that many natural habitats

................. ............ (destroy).

Page 60: Improve Your IELTS - Writing Skills

Fa ctual accuracy

8 Look 31 1hc dlarls. T hen answer questions a-r.

Forecast for rcforestlon ta le in selected areas or the w orld

Forecast fat worldwide reforestati on rate

Current interest in reforestation

,.,--------------------------1.6 +----f.}----------,..,--

" " ~ 1.0

0.' A. a.' 0.2


[. 2006 0 20 15 t!I 20251

a Which chart provides m ore general in formation? W hich chan C<111 be u-;ed for the conclusion?

b In general. IS Ihe reforeslallon projected 10 incn:a:-.c.: (1 1 dC\.lca :-.c')

l Whh. h r~gloll h pn.1Jt'i.:lc::d h) have I Ill' I lil:ht"~1 r:lIt:'

d For which region does Ihe chan show thl' g r(,Jlcoq diffl:rt:nce bct\.\'!.."l'n :WOc> and 2025]

e Which chart contains inlomlalion which could be u"cd lor a condw>lr,n')

In general. aH~ most people concerned about reforest,mon or not?

9 Find and correct six faCl uaJ errors in the tex t be low .

64 •••••

The ,haM • .now for"".I. for Ine ,nnual c.\dort.f>tailon rale. In ~\ region!. and worldw,de log,1ner wilh Ih, wrrenl al11lude. IOW3rd~ c.OI'lc.ern for Iree. lo~~

(",,,,r,lIj. il for''''l lh'l Ih, reforestation rate. ill the. four re9ion~ w,lI grow unlil 20". Iho"')" at va"1i"9 ral" \I " prQjul,d lt1allr,land will have Ih' nI9",,1 r. l, ,n 2Ot'5 al IS per "nl ollow,<I do.eljl>j r .. man,. Th, [or" .. 1

for both rt9lon~ for lOIS I'() the. !.amt at 1'5 per unl l1u"9'''1. 1>j ,0ntra>1. wllh Ih,low,,1 prOJUled rill' Ihroughoul tne penod. will e."'ptne.n£.e. the. 9reale.~i ovenl\ tn£..rta~ 11 6 antlc.lpalea Imt the. figure '.ul\ c.l.mb from OS per c.e.nt In tol, 10 0 !, ptr £.tnl ana Ihe.n nf>t morr, m,rplj 10 II per eonl

It aiM Vlorth notu19 that the rr.forr.51allon rail. 11111,al\ nd 15 iU1ht'.lpllr..d 10 be e'l-aGt\1In line with the. Vlor\c:\wldr, lvcrlgr [or bOlh 201'5 a"d tot'5. I, per "nl and 1.0 per cent reftpcc.h .... el~ Meanwl1~k.

HUl1g3r"f will br. below the. 11l'1e.I' I'1JhO \ rale!l, wl1llt both lrel3nd and T.¥.I!TIJ!1I3 w,ll ,,,,ted In,m

From the PIe. ,hart. C.3,' be ~r.n thaI 1ft ~mc. obviOUS ,ana m abollt Ihf nc.t.o for planting man Irr.f.fI (£.OI1£.tnlt:(i' 3~ per £.e.I1I, and 'nat .... cr'( wll£.tmr.d· '2.5 pel" Genl) , while al the. ~mt lime there I~

a 5luab\e proporiton of ~op\t who 3rc not Gonttrnr.d


Page 61: Improve Your IELTS - Writing Skills



10 In each of sen tences a-f there is a word m iss ing. Add the m iss ing word.

a II predicled Ihal Ihe use of so lar energy will become more important.

b We see from the charllhal largesl JIllOunt of mon~y was spent on Ihe water

conservation project.

C The chan shows th e dHfcren t types of trees are found in difl e r~nl regions.

d Fr m the pic cha rt , ca n be seen that hydroelectric po ... vc r constitutcs St'vcn

pe r cent of the world energy demand .

e It is dear that majori ty of people are very concerned abom clima te change.

f Rece ntly, a num be r or ca mpaigns have encou raged peopk pla n [ trees.

11 Look aga in a l the tex t in 9. There is a m iss ing w ord in each o f [he last [h [(.'e parag rap hs. Add Ihe m iss ing w ords in th e correct p l ac~s .

12 Read the tab le , w hich descri bes in tho usands the esti ma ted and ar tuJl nu mbe rs o f ho uses b uilt in the UK by r('g ion in 2002. Answer ques tions a-h to ide n tify Ihe COrreCI fac ts.

Regio ns Actual Estima led Scoiland 3.000 3.200

Non hem land 5,000 2.500

Wa les 6.300 2.900

Nonh of England 13.500 9.300

Cent ral England 16.200 8. 100

Southern England 77.500 51.100

(exc. London)

London 47,800 24.800

a What information does the table give'?

b How many regio ns of lhe UK is it div-ided into?

c Usually. was the es timated nu mber above or below th~ actu al number~

d In wh ich th ree regions were the high est numbers of houses buil l? How diU the figures for these regions compare wilh the es timates?

c Wbich region had a clisparity of JUSt o ver four thousand bctwc.-en the es timate and the act ual fi gure? What were the figures for rhis region'?

Which o the r two regions foll owed the usualucnd? What were the figurl' s fo r lhese twO regions?

g In which region was [he lowest number of houses built?

h Which region is an exceplion 10 ~lC generai lrcnd? Whal were lhe ligures fo r th is region?

13 Usi ng the fact s idemi fi ed in yo ur ans w e rs to the q uest ions above. summarize the tab le b y select ing an d re p on ing the mai n fea lU res. and make com parisons w here re levan t. Write a t Icas t 150 w ords .

. , ••• 65

Page 62: Improve Your IELTS - Writing Skills

Task 2 A elicies

1 Answer qucslions a-d .

d ""hal are the mOSt serious threats thai the natu ral world is laci ng 10 Ihe t WCnI ),-rirsl century?

b What Is the most serious threat 10 the em'lronment In your Cf1untry' c What J 1I n is being laken? d What further steps do you think could be taken?

2 The paragraph b elow has bee.n taken rrom an t:ssay on measures to rcdllCl~ ri\'('r po liUl ion thr ughoul Lhe wo rld . Compi cle the gaps w h.h Ihe: nou ns in the box. The firs l one has been done for you.

faClories pol lutants action fish wildlife problem leisure Incentives pressure

&j far Ih. b •• t ~'i to ",Ive Ih, 1.P'.tY,~!~!!.I" . of 'flattr po\lution 16 to louie all 1-•••••••• ••• •.••. •• aw3'j from river!! and \aKe~ and to Innta\\ '1'I3str. tnatmtn1 'enter!> ,0..11 the 1 ......•• .........• Ln the water would th,n b. de;tr"1eO, ,. has been <10(1, In ma"1 ol<l ,n<lustrial arm In Voland and l,c.nnal11 ihl5 .... ould that ~ .................. and s .................. .... oulo be able 10 feturn 10 nvtr~ and people

would be. abk to U5t tbc.m or t.. ..•..••••.••.•.••• \I~t, 6wlmmn'9 Jl u.i f,~hlr'9 Tm:re I ~ w nflldtrablt ' ... ............... 011

mJI'l'f roor 'Oll!ltnt6 10 rvrlop 1nrlr t(.onomlt.!I :lnd ~ ii would br dl iw\t 10

",rwa<l. mJ"1 of tlmn 10 dt:lil~C III(" politi" Ho.ever, I thin. 111.11 , ................ .. "tta! to be tJ).cn .) Pfrh,)~ fllun,.,)1 1 ....••..•.....•... (rom rtc.her Gounlnt~ .... ould hrlp

3 Are the wo rds in the list below coun tab le or unco unt ab l ... ,?

an imal knowledge

information research

nature weather

climate accommodation treB idea situation fact

4 Look again <l I the paragraph in 2. Are the answers CC'l Ul1 l iJbh: or un COlllll .Jb ld

5 Add alall , t"~. or no article 10 sen te nce s a-h.


The plastic bOllles th at I threw OU I yes lerday have been taken ,l\vay for recycTing:' Plas t ic bOllles Jre now being made of .................. biodegrJdJbie- m.:lI tnais I no Jrticle)

a .................. knowledge about the envi ronmcm can bc found in ................. . b oks and on Ihe ImerneL

b .. ................ energy can be generated from bi ·fu els . c Trees hclp to protect ..... ............. soil by conselVlng Willer. d Newspapers now use ...... ....... .... . h.igh percentage of ...... ............ rcq!clc:d

paper. c Looking aher .................. nature is imponant for all of u . I It is beuer 10 see animals in ..... ............. wild than in caplivity. g ... ......... ...... 5 IUlion to the probl~m is to fint." people for dropping ............ .... ..

rubbish. h .................. new planic con tainers which I boughl 1.:1::.1 week arc nOI hannlul

for Ihe environml' nt as Ihey are bi odegra dable .

Page 63: Improve Your IELTS - Writing Skills

UN1T 8 Nol l/lfY'


6 [n each le.'< 1 a-t there is one mi slak e re la l ing 10 anicles. Cor ree l Ihe mistakes by adding or d e le ling a word .


Animals like chimpanzees and apes should n OI be used for ~ experiments,

a Wave power technology is the bes t answer to lh t' problem 01 polltllion

However. tile introdu ction 01 such technology also crcates th e problem.

b Govenunents worldwide should tax the cars more. A measure like Ih is

would make people thi nk more abou t nature.

c In nea r fUiu Te. houses will be more energy-efficien t than they are now.

d Food industry could pay for recycled bo t lies as was do ne in the pelS! . Thl'

bOILi es would then nOI be thrown away.

e InseclS li ke the bees. for example. playa viLal role in most ecosystem:. . Thl'

bee poll inates plants and fl owers.

The facilit ies like J ams and fmests arc also used for Idsure .

Writing conclusions

7 Read the twO Task 2 queslions. Then decide w hich ques t ion each Sen ll'nn' a-g relales to. Write 1 or 2 nex i 10 each sentence.

J PoUwioH from (lit cmft is onl! of tlze IIwill fa cwrs respol/Siblt' for g Jobal1l'armill,g. Wha t measures could be tnkell 10 reduce d ds SO" ,.u of climare change?

2 Whell a cOlllllry becomes riclrer. the lI atural em'irollment lI'ill suffer. It is 1/01 possible for a cOI"" ry 10 borl, develop ils ecoHomy ami protect rite environment. To wllOt extellt do yo u agree or disa9/"1!t!?

a This means t.hat in the short term we will juSt have to accept paying higher

prices for flights and tra ,oelling less.

b In conclusioo. I do DOl agree that developing a country's economy has 10

i.nvolve des troying the na tu ral world .

c If this lype o f eco·friendly business is encouraged, then there IS n o rCilson

w hy a hea llh y econo my and a health y environmenl cannot cxis l togclhcr.

d All in all. I [ecl thaI impOSing higher taxes on airli nes is unavoidable .

e It is true thaI some busi nesses move into new areas with no regard lor their

effect on the environment.

f We can ct'na jnly inves tigate w<l ys o f m<lk ing aircrah lechnology cleaner.

but we do not kn w how long they will take 10 develop.

g However. the re are many examples of local businesses which depend on

and support the loca l environment.

.". 67

Page 64: Improve Your IELTS - Writing Skills

- Technique

Always write a conclusion to yoUr answer AI'tl\d repeattng ytQfds in your conclusion

8 A concl us ion needs to s late yo ur opinion o r yo ur m os l irnporlal1l Idca. and rem ind the reade r of how you argued in favour of 11. The sent ences in 7 on page 67 fo rm cond ud ing parag ra phs It) the exam q uesti on. Wril e OUI the IWO paragril phs w ith Ihe sem~nccs in the best o rde r. foil wln~ the framework s below.

Questio n 1

lalern~nl of most imponam measure:

Another I ossible measure and \'I,rhy II is less ef(cctlvc: .

............. . , .............. .. . _ .......... ....................... , ........... , ........................................................... .

Restatement of most important measure and its consequc:nces:

Q u esti o n 2

SIJlcm Cm of opinion :

Rclercnct' to the opposite view:

................................................................................................................. _ ... ................... . Rc.·il~on a~Jins l Ihe opposite" Vlt..::\V

Rt:stiHClllcnl of opinion:

9 Look a t Ihe underlined phrases in Ihe Sen ll! l1CCS in 7. For each one. choose I WO alt erna ti ves w it h a s imilar mean ing fro m l h e b x bc lo\v.

to s um up I be lieve o f course I would a rgue tha i in ge ne ral

10 Vour co ncl usio n must be cl ear b UI yo u need 10 avo id m ak ing cl a ims tha t sound 100 s tro ng. Onc w ay to avo id Lh is is 10 talk aho ul possl hili ties usi ng I hc p hrase Tllc.'r~ is ,1O r~as(", \lilly + negal ivc. Rc.·ad I he extl lTI p le. Thl'!1 c.:h ange sentences a-d in a simi.l ar way.


A healthy economy and a heal lhy environment (an t:x lst toget.her. T"u~ I$" 110 r(tlSOIl wilY a healthy cxonomy and a healthy ellvlronment ~·.IIII1N l'xist togclher,

a local eco· [riendly businesses can b(' successrul.

... ............... ....................... ... _ ........ .......................................................................... ... .. . b Peo ple could take more h Iidays at home inslt'Jd II I al\yil~'s Hying abr l~HJ

c People could uaveJ by lasl uain in lcad OllJklllg sh n mglw~ .

d GovemmcIll5 should give special financia l slipport 10 cCQ· fnc; ndl), bU::'lIlcss pc pie.

Page 65: Improve Your IELTS - Writing Skills

UNIT 8 Nd rur,'

••••••• •••••

Practice Test 8

Task 1

YO Il should .~pt:11d abo t/! 20 millutes 0 11 (h is ((lsk.

The table below shows 'lie projected COS';"9S ove ,. till! " ex t five years ;11 A meriClIll doll(ll'5 for ,hree ellV;1'OtlmetHal projects f or slls taiuable forestry. Tile pie chart sll ollls tlte expected expenditl/re breakdoH'II al/ocneio,., fDr the firs t year liS the projects lire se t up.

Summari:e tile info rmatio ll by select illg alld reporting til e maill feat l/res. am/ make co",pa' -;501IS Ivllere re leva nt.

Wriu at least 150 words.

YE."arl Yea r2 Yea.r 3

West Africa 105 mill ion 7.5 million 2.5 million

Cen lra l 20 million ! 2 mill iLlIl 5 m ill illn


South-east 30 million 20 million 40 million

A sia

Projected expenditure in Year 1

• Sel-up costs

• Salaries

o Training

o Office expenses

Task 2

YOIl s/rould spend abom -10 m i llllfi.'S 01/ this task . Write abom rIl l.' following ropic:

Year4 Yea r 5

2.5 million 3.5 m ill inn

5 million ") million

50 million 50 million

trl ore and more dty workers a re decidiltg to live ilt rile cOlllt try ami trm'el illio \\Iork every day. Tile resul t is ;lIcreased traffic cOlIgcs tiolt aud da 1llage to tire elll'irollmell i.

WlJat1lle(l5w 'es do ),olllir illk cou ld be raken to en courage people 1I0t 10 t ravel sliclI 10119 distances ;I1tO work?

Gin! reasons for YOllr llllSlI'a and include allY relevGm examples fro lll YOll r 011'1/ k llow/t'rljt! or exp!?rimu . Writ!? at least 250 words.

• • • 69

Page 66: Improve Your IELTS - Writing Skills

UNI T 8 .,fllrt .. . . •••

•••• Practice Test 8

Task 1

YOIl should spend abow 10 mill/J(cs all [his task.

Tlte tab/" b dolll sh01lls lire projected cosli"9s over tI'r: " ext fi ve years ill Am.:r;cau dollars for tilree en v;roumcllta l projects for $lIsta innble fores,,)!. TIle pie dwrt sllouos the expected expendit ll re breCl kdowtJ allocmioll f or lite f irst year (IS tile projecls a re sel lip.

S lI1fl1l1ar;ze the illformat ioll by selecli"g a nd reporril l9 rite main fearu res, alld //take compar;sollS wl,u e' relevant.

Write at/wst 150 lI'ordJ.

Yea r 1 Year 2 Year 3

Wes t Africa 10.5 m illion 7.5 million 2.5 million

Cen l ra l 20 milliun 11 millhm 5 millio n


So uth -eas t 30 millio n 20 mi llio n 40 million


Projected expenditure in Year '

• Set-up cOSts

• Salaries

o Training

o Office expenses

Task 2

YOIt should spmd ,~bo/{t -10 mjllllt~s olltlliJ task Writ( abt;lIt the following topic

Yea r 4 Yea r 5

2.5 million 3. S million

5 milliCln 5 million

50 m illion 50ll1ill il.Jn

More aud more city lI 'orkers are decidi" 9 to live ;1I tlt i! colmtr)' allli tra vel i" to lI'ork every da)l_ Tile result is increased traffic conges tioll and damage to th l? I ' ll virol/m ellt.

What mrnsures do )'011 th ink cOlild be rakell to encou rage peop/t' " o t ro trOl'el sucll 10119 dista l/ces iwo work?

Gh·( rl!aSiJf/S for YOII r al1sU'!:r al,d 1IICIlldt' al 'Y relt~ I '{j11t exampl!s from yOIl rOil'll k,/Cnl '!t'dYf Ilr eXpail?llLt. Wriu at lemit 250 wards.

• • • 69

Page 67: Improve Your IELTS - Writing Skills



70 •••••


Unit aims ras~ I

Varying vocabulary Checking spalllng

• lask2

OrgenizJOD words Verb-subjett agreement

Task 1 Va rying vocab ul a ry

1 Answc.r these que lions ab out hospitals and hea llh care.

a Wha t are the main prinrilies of health carr: In your c('Iuntry?

h How is health ca rc d~ (j vl' red in your home COll nt ry? If you want tl l c('In\tllt a doclor. what d you do?

c An: medICines frec or d o you ha ve 10 pay lo r them?

d Whdt dlcet h<15 Icchnol tJg\' had on medical ca re m you r (l"\Ul1Iry ?

2 Read the Tas k I question o n page: 7 1. The n answer queslion ".3--(, hd~)w. a What genc:ral Sta tement can you ma ke- aboutlhe whCl le ~r.1p h ? Look .11 the

descnplion and lhe graph itsel f.

b Wha t genera l SlJI(:me nt (a n YO li make abou tlhe Fre nch hu::.pil.1P

(; WhOJI general stJtement can you make aboUl Ihe Ukraini.lIl ho\plla l"

d How can you li nk the pie ch artS 10 Ihe graph?

c How could you use these words 10 describe Ihe graph?

trend except that

upward similar panern reach a peak saw a continuous rise change coincide

Page 68: Improve Your IELTS - Writing Skills

• •

Ti' e! clw rls below s 11o 111 ti,e average:: bed lise iU Illree rypicalltosp ;ta ls ;lItemariO/wlly aud tile p roport ioll of hospital blldgt:ts tlf/Dcilled 10 i ll -pa/iell t Cllre before lI lId nIter day-surgery lIIaS illt rodll ced i ll 2003 .

Average bed use for the years 1997-2006

70 60 50

" JO 20 10 o

• • • •

-+- Chinese Ukranhm

1 ___ French 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Funds allocated to in-patient care 2002

In·pallen\ 3S"{,



Funds allocated to in-patient care 2006

In-patient ,,%

Other costs ,,..

S"" wllIri:e rite ill[armaria" by seleClill9 a"d reporting tilt' maill [em ll r"s. m/(J 1II (lke comparisotls IIIl1ere relet-a ll' .

3 Complete the lext w ill, words rrom the box. The first gap has been done fo r you.

peak impact marked reduction

Model text

clea r falling

lh, 9raph prov,des' ... d.~il~ ... about the average beds in LlfIt taGh itar in three similar hospitals b,fore and after the cntrodUc.tion of da~-c..are surgeI"'{.

Da~ -£.3rc surgef'j fJeems to nave had an t .................. on bed list. In all 1hree ho;prtals At th, frend, hospital, th, fIgures sho\ol an upward l ................. . over th, period (rom 40 b,d. to 4~.

How,ver, in 200, bed •..... .... .. ...... . had reached as .................. of just under 10 be.d.s, before \, .................. bac.)::: , p.. Similar pattern was repeated for the UKrtMian ho;prtal, ''''pt thai th, dedin. in bed

occupancy trend signi'ficantly rise

detttHo experienced

1I5e after 2003 was not w 1 ................ . .

tJ~ bed, in 200, .. 39"in,t 11 ,n 200~)

lh' hO'Pilal, bj c.ompariwn, , ....... .. ......... a c.on1Inua\ , ............ ...... In bed u:;r. betwe,n Iq'[1 and 200~, ll and q; respedivel1- HOViever, we see that after 2004 the rate of inc.rease was 10 ....... .. ........ . s\ower than in prt.vIOUS


II i," .... .............. Ihal th, fall in b,d use (.oinw1es with the 11 .................. In the aV'''9' bu~,t alll1, Illree hospital' for In-patient {,are ('3? per a,nt ('ompared. to 21 per a.nt) be1wer..n 2002 and 2.O0!,

• • • 71 ,

Page 69: Improve Your IELTS - Writing Skills

: Technique • BV3Mety

of alternatlvc • e>Jltmlons when

writlng your annvo • to avoid ropetltlQI'\ --'--".

72 •••••

4 Look again at the w ords in the gaps In 3 on page 72 and choose an a lu.'malive for each one frolllihe box. You will nOI usc allt h!.' wo rds.

effect IJse tendency CUI considerablv low increase decreea. dropping information

saw high point sharp dramalieallv

ovident result

5 Fo r each s(!nt(nc~ a-b. there art" Ihr~( ailc rmHivc I hrascs to rcpla C Ihl'

phrase in Ii alics. Delete the op tion wh ich is n OI corre 1.

a TIle graph pnmdt'S details aOOU1 bed use . lq;w'slslJj'slsh"wJ)

b The Introouaion of day·ca rc surgery had 4111 tnlp.W':1II bed usc (h" I/ Ill! ,'fft(1

oll / hnd dl( j lff~ct onlajJtcwf)

c Bed use f(dC/tld a ptak of JUSI under 70 beds. (rta.:lud IU /II://USI ""lwlri~14_lri.i

IIlrtl!jltrllllt.1 prnkJ

d A similar ptHtrm was SCl'n in Ihe Ukraillian hospital. (d(sig" l fft'"dl mlH'{ ,/,,"n

c The hlnese hospilal. by romp"risoll . CO lli inucd to see a rbl.': (hr l"1111(mSII(l1I

tlf( vIlla JUllldlalr(matiVl:fy)

The nUnlbc:r of beds rost lrom 40 10 un '.m" 45 (apf',ot/lll.Hf/\·/t1 /!I.IItI("II'.,r.1 \

~ There was a red union In thl' budget (35 p r celli ~'''''''rl1f(d hI 17 per (cnn.

(as L'rf"Jud tlllas -.Jgl1l11stJumrr.1St wahl

h The hange in bed use it uj1((uJ ill the budge I (rolliN Jitll mh.m Iv \1fUyJ

mlrall bt dttrcud Itt)

6 The d cscripi ions bdo\V surnm.arizc Ihe sent~nce Siructur(' of Iht" model In 3. umber the notes In the con ed order. ba.s~d on the sC.mcnccs in Ihe model.

The fi rsl ilnd Iilst have been done ror you.

J General inlroduClory slate.ment.

b Gener,,1 SliHemenl of first main Irend. Ihell spt.'dfi diJlJ .

General stiJlemcnt about a reinfo rCIng trend. then s~dfic data

d Specihc tin emen! qualifyin,g Ih t' Ire nd. wh hou l deta il.

e Gen era l Slatement abou l the line grJ ph.

r GencriJl SliHCmtn t o f con tra sling trend. I hen specific data .

g Specific Slatemcn! quaUfying tilt: trend. with dt.'lail.

h Gc:nc:rai conduslon based on pie chans


...... J? ....... .

Page 70: Improve Your IELTS - Writing Skills

UNtf 9 Hl'lllth


Checking spelling

7 In each group OrrOUI words, circl e Ihe one which Is spe ll illCorrccll y and corrC'C1 II .

n Iherdor~ opposite belar lim n

b belieYe achieve reae\'c bnel

c staying slayed siuding sltldJed

d lIsclu ll helpful hopefully carefully

• personaly praaical usually normal

effiClenl sulficent ancle.nt ddldenl

g unfortunalely improvement definitl y mano1gcll1c:n t

h comfonable diffrent tempera ture in tc:rcslcd

choise price increase advi ce

preferred committed refered happened

8 Look aga in al your an swers in 7. So me o rlhe spdllLlg::. dl'p<:nJ o n !lirnpll' rul es . Wha t spelling rules explai n the misspell wo rd.s? Compare your ideas wit h the key on page 110.

9 Find and correa the spe lling mistakes in the following scmC'nccs. Ont" of the sentences has I WO spelling mislakes.

J The numbers declined gradualy and siood at jUS11W~nty In 2000

b tn·patient CMe look up 25 pe r cem f lhe fund s. Wlch was an in rCJSl' 01 sL'(

per cenl on LhC' previous year.

e A number of sign ificant changes occured in th~ rolJowing lWc!'llty )rt'afS.

d The per en lagl" increased sha rp ly and reached.a pick In 2003.

e The rigres rose rrom approximaLly 45.000 10 49.000 oyer the period,

f Parien t numbers rose sTeadily ror the firs l Il'n years. and then nil ctu

a round 500 lor the following decade.

S The required number or beds ~x(·eded what was amicipated lo r Ih." )'ear.

h Mosl people In the sef\ley Lhoughllbat mor~ mont)' should be spent on the

health se.rvlce.

10 Read tbe r lIowing cxtraa wrillen by an LELT st udent on th e- num bl..'r of traffic accid ent viaims seen al a local hospilal. Find the eigh t m islakes th <H he made.

The avtri19 number af raad traff'L aLlden1> fram LaN> Ifllrear,ed dromatlWllj btMt.n IqqS and Int1"lr UlOa. r;"n9 from a totol of,. to ns rt.put,vtI1 Owr the.. neJI fIve 1(.ars, inere.. was a nolic..eabk Improvmenl at) numbtr!l fe..\\\\1 10 a new \ow poln1 of 31 in 200(, A6 re.gard motorc..ic..\ aalde.nt!.. howevtr. II 16 dear the.. tre.nd I~ upward. with more ouurlng in In l6 c.att90~ In tht. \al&r penod

••••• 73

Page 71: Improve Your IELTS - Writing Skills

74 •••••

Tas k 2 Organizing words

1 Which of the fo llowing do YOlll.hillk are: mosl Imp0l1ill11 for good ht"allh? Rank '-he.m in ord ~ r of importance ( 1 = mOS I Impo n a nl : 6.:; kasl imp nam ). Arc Ihere any o ther Iifeslyle factors w h ich arc nOI included In Ihe lis!?

ta.klng regular exercise carefullv monitoring your diet haVing a \V de range of interests having a wide ne twork of fr iends

living in the countryside sleeping alleast seven hours a nigh t

2 Complel~ '-he paragraph b y dloosing fh e besf Jdvcrb In c,lC.h casco

11" • fIOrrtkllltl ouiland,shltl ,trangtlt benefl'i3\ c.ffu,1 tnat anlma\~ have. on poopl'. h .. llh and g,,,,.ral w.11 ,. now ' t5<tntKl"tl goodltl wtll ruogn'Led The ,tie..) mai f.e.eITI ptwllar 10 wme people, bt,l ' ""pr""'9lt/ shoa"'gltluflprr.dir.1ably there 1. dear wia,n" of th, partnr."hip Ta~e. Ihc. ,:,.ample of dolphins, wnich art .. wlldltt wldr ly/ hdrdly \..nowil for Ihe lr hCJlmg ~illl\IItt.~ Doq!:l rove .1150 bcrn u",d 10 drt,,1 <."'" «II. "'''I ' duplyl proft~IOf';al1y/auuratelr ,n pal ,e.nh Jrlol

Jrr ' oftenlmrelt!ll<lrdlt tlltn ta en around ho~p"al wJrdfl to be. ullroducea to , .. nOtf,/ylhugrlyld,adlt ,II I"",nt. 111r tffut~ of Illj!l parllw\ar partl'lerShlp arc , IInportal dly/ rullly/ well dowmenlc.d and bave. ltd 10 an'nlJI~ br·'119 < frr"lumtly/ ,tldam/lot. 10 supplement c.Dnvt.nllo ;t\ med",nc. 10 t.v, mllL/earlyl Oddly, the UJI\£.\U!.IOII 1& 10 ITIJ~t mor(. mollC'1 J'r'J,bblt for rCM'JfGh 1111('1 ho. an lmal~ l..lfl benefIt nwnJrn.

3 Whi h pJllcm d oes the paragraph in 1 follow7 which o rga ll iz.i ng word.s art' used 10 emphasize each d eme", of the pallcrn1

a Silu31ion - examples - e[[cCts -conclusion b silualion - effC'ct5 - reasons - c~llmpl~s - concluSion

4 Complete' scnl e.nces a-i wilh an o rganiz ing word from Ihe box.

Idea information Issue knowledgo moasure opinion proble m scheme solution

.1 Th~ be:.! way 10 improve public hCilhh Is to pr vide p<.'oJ, le \Vuh .,lIlh1.: racts, but Ih(' .. .... .... ........ needs 10 be made: Simple.

b It I o ften sugges lcd tha i nationa l hc:alth ),s lems should be ml) liowc:v(r. man}' people are opposed 10 the .. _ ... ............ 01 mooc:nlllall lOn

c ur programme to imroduce new equipment lIccet.'deJ In rcdudng wJltlng Ii [s. but the impro\'cment .................. me l wuh consld e.rabh.'

d The go\'cmment sbouJd invest mort' money In prc\cnttrtg dnlg abuse. Th is ................... if taken. would savc many lives.

t" ObesllY 15 on the rise in many countri~ ilnd not JUSt m Ibe d<.'vcif'red world. Ills now an .................. Ihat demands Immediate allcmlon

' ore nurses nc:cd 10 be trained ralher Ihan docto rs. T1us. , fed. 1<; tht" bcsi .................. to the curren t crisis

g People are often aware of the dangers of smoking. bUI even with Ihl)

\\;despread .................. . if is difficuh to persuade them Iv SlOp h Some people are agains t the involvcment I private c mpanit.') in heahh

care, but this .................. is held by !e\· .... cr peoplc n w.1dl),s. Lack o f health ca rt' is making the li ves o f many peo ple: miserahle, yet il is a .... ... ........... (hat can be ea sily tack led

Page 72: Improve Your IELTS - Writing Skills


Aim to use Bl leaSl one urgnnlzlnn word in eech poragrnpit you write

UNI T 9 fif. l lII,

• •

5 For each or a-h, read the firs! sentence. then c mplelc Ihe ~ lIow·up senu:nlC: with y ur own ideas. u~ the organizing wo rds In italics 10 help QU.

a Some people are concerned tha i mcreaslllg nUlIlbt' rs 01 o ld l'e()I)I~ will mean more sprnding on health can:

ThiS ZSSlil •• . .•..•..••..•......•. .•.•••.•.•••••.•••.•• ••••••••••••••.•••..••••••••••••.••••••••.........••••....•..•..

b ConvrmionaJ and airemati\'e medianc: Coln ct'lmplemelll each other

This ,ala could ._ ............• _ .... _ ............................. _ ................... ...........................•

c In tht' future. health ca re will be much (heo1p~r and for everyone.

This prtdICtioff .. .. .......... ............................................................... . ........................ .

d The PdCt o r change within many natiunal he-allh sy5 tems 15 !l lh.'cdlllg up.

Initia ll y, th is may be a pmbioll, but .................. .... .................... ........................ .. ..

(, Healt h ca rt.' costs are now wor rying plannl'rs I h r'oll~ hn llt the world .

The SirJlnfiL1 tl . hO ..... 't'vcr . ............................................... ... .............................. ........ ..

f J\h.! rt" cmphas i!l sh (.lu l~1 be PllI on I'n' \,cn thL' lllt'dicil1t" lik,,' ht'Jllh t'duC'allon

Afr.l1l1r,:s like this ... ....... ... ................................ ....... ........ ........ .. ............................ .

g AcupunCture IS becoming more and m rc popular aruund the wmll.!

Not surprisingl)'. II is J lri.IIJ ................................................................... .

h If people live longer. then this can It>ad to other COS t S and probkms

TIlls IS a maua ilia t .... .. ... ....... ...... ................... .......................... .......... .... ........ ........ .

6 hoose one of lhc top ics a-< belo w. Ma ke a lis t of ide.tS for the topic: you have chosen. Use Ih(' o rganizing word in the box to tri gger ideas.

i1 th ~ connection between music ilnd hcahh

b huw a lternative therapies an innuen t heah"

c the connection between cxe rdse <lnd hea lth

concl usion effeCI idea Information Issue knowledge matter measure opinion prediction proble m

scheme solut ion tre nd view example

7 Write your own paragraph based on your id l.'il5 In 6. To p lan yo ur .1nswcr. ask yours~ l r these questions .

a Whal paragraph organization can I use7

b Which connecting words can I USl~ 10 link Ihl.' palh:m I hJ\'c Ch05c.n to \-vrile?

c Whlch examples can I uSe" lo ju5tify my .dea5 in c.lch il.1r3gr.lph'?

• .. 75 · •

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Ma~. sU,. you a chac. thai the • 'ubjeC1Hnd thP. • verbs In your

santencas agree.

76 •••••

Verb-subject agreement

8 Complcle the followil.1g sentences w ilh is. au, ltaJ. or lIo\'f',

a The n~mber of people who are su ffering frorn strc~S .. ... .... .... .... . nn tht.' increase.

b The fact thaI people live longer nowadJy~ .. ..... ......... .. led (0 an increAsed nurnber of elderly people in sode ty.

c Predictions about how long a pallenl witll cancer will Ii e ..... .. ..... _ ..... oitf:J1 inaccurate.

d A ban on advenising alilypes of junk food .................. probably the only WJ) to SlOp the spread of obesity.

e The pressurized situa tion in m.any hospitals ...... .......... .. fesuhed in.1 stressed workforce and low morale amongst nu rses.

E.lderly peoplt" who bave a large family ......... ... .. .... gene ra\1y hcallhkr and h::lppier than those who have fewer c ntans with other people.

s The reason why alle rgies are becoming mo re comm on ................ . )!ill nl'! known .

h An mcn~asing number o f patients seem to be dissJ ti sfled wi th c nvclllio na l medicine and ..... ............. turned [ 0 .1Itcm,Jllvc Ihcrupie'i .

9 In sentcn cS a-g , replace tht:' countabl e: noulls in italics whh .1I1 lInw lInl ilhk noun fr III Ihe box, M ak e any other necessary changes In verb l orm~ 01 pronouns .

progress evidence information work advice research equipment

a Everyone is iI,,\'are today of the bad effects of smoking on people 's h(,Jhh These [tiltS Me published allaTOund us, ('ven on dgarellt" packets.

b M 51 doclors recommend a dictlow in su gar and fat , and hIgh in fib rl: U"ft1rlUnatcly, these flt9.9~S rlt",.f are nOI often fo il wed.

c Many n urses nowadays do not ca rry lit basic ('a re such as wa.!o hlll ~ and fcc-d ing patkm s. Ins tead. these ta:ikf arc c{lrricd Ul by heallh can: .1ssiSt,lni.!t.

d Enormous advflllus have been made in undt'rslanding how dist.'ast: sprtad:o., but the possibiliry of a worldwide pandemic IS slilI with us.

e Many pcople enjoy kccpmg fit in the gym by using rowin~ m.1 chmcs, walking machines , and 50 on. H wever, tht.·sc drl'ices eel n bt.' dangt:'rou5 if they are not used properly.

f\-1any doclOrs do not believe in homeopathiC me-didne. Howt.'\·e r. Ihl"rc arc~ cenamly some mdimtions Ihal illS morc lhan JUS! a placebo_

g Some srudirs have beeD carried OUI whidl sh ow Ihal e lderly pC'ople live: longer if Lhey live with a panncr.

Page 74: Improve Your IELTS - Writing Skills


••• • • •••••••

Practice Test 9

Task 1

l Oll shollid spmd aboll! 20 mil/lites 01/ this task.

Tile graph beloUi sllo llls tile average m01lthly tlse of a !tealtlt dub if! Miam;. Florida b)' all f rill . time members over last yea r. The p;e ella res sh ow the age propll! of wah' (Jud [emat.: members,

SIII1U1Ulri:e tile information by selectiug and reponillg tile main featllres, mid make: eompari.solls where rele1'(lI1t.

Writt! at It!ast 150 words.

Health club use over last year






' 00




0 J M A M J J A

IC Female

Male membership by age Female m embership by age

Task 2

)i:lJI shou ld spmd about -10 ",ill lites 011 this task, Wrift' abom rhl! f ol/olVillg topic:.

N o

The IIl1mber of elderly people ill the lI'orld is increasing. Wlrat do ,\lOll r"""k t1r~ til t! pos;til'€ and l1egntil 't! effects o[ rll is treud?

Gil'e' reasolls fil' )'ilt/' answer and illd ud,' nil)' ndel'Qllf examples f'~l11/ YOllr "\\'I/ kllll \! ·It-dgt' 1'1'

experience. Write: d/ieflSl 250 words.

••• 77

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78 •••••

Individual and society • • • • • • • a

UniUims Talk I

Wonlorder linking U~"II wrlh Task 1 r!!'llSlon


!'arnoraph ,uucture Task 2 revISlon Relevant and Irrelevant Tnfonn911on

• • • • • • ••••••• •• • Task 1 Word order

1 The list bc lo w con lains ractors which innuencl' CaIL'cr choicl'. Choose: I he nvc lhal have innuenced you 111 0S1 in choosin g a care:cr. Rank [helll in order or impon ance 1-5 ( I = IUOs t irnpon am ; 5 = leas l imponan t). Then answer quest ions a-d ,

money interest friends ambitIon role models parents teachers

a Why haye you chosen these five factors"

b How did they comribule to your career chOice?

c Why dId you not choose the olber fad rs?

d What other factors might innuence you?

2 Read the Tas k I question, Then answer questions a-c.

Til l! bar cltarts Sl101II tilt' results c7/ n Grlt'k slIn'c), from flt'O

selected age! groups ill 2003 Oil tlt t! relmil 'e importance offiv/! factors ill clwosill9 n c"ree ,:

S/lmmnri:r rite ill/omt I1'iol/ by selcaiug,," d reporting Ore main f~fltllres. (lwl m"ke.' " mlp(lrison wlrere relc! ,'o"c.

Main reasons for choosing a careel - 20-35 age group 30


" " 10


O~~~~~'n~~~~;.~ modol,

Main reasons for choosIng a career - AO-50 age group 30

" '" % 15



o 'T,,<h.,, '

a Whal does each chan refer 10 gel1(~rall}p? l ook .11 the capllons

b Whal do the items along tbe bOil m of Ihe bar charts reftor IO'l

c How do the bar charts relate 10 each other?

d What arc the mosl noticeable features o f Ihe firS1 bar chart?

l' What arc the mosl nOliceable fcalUrcs of [he second bar chan?

Page 76: Improve Your IELTS - Writing Skills


3 Reorde r the words in it a lics in [he mod el tex t below.

Model text

111t. bar c..nart'5 provide. information from a G.ree):: ~LHV'e~ about I rea:XJl1sithe/jor/ maifl/cCJrttr/a/choosin9 3mol19'wo age. 9rou\", 20-3'; and 40-50

It I' dtar that the 1>10 9rou\" ' thtl injluenced/wertl'variov5l'oy!Jactor5 to different dt9ree;, witn tne mo.t influential fadors wni£.n con1ribuled to ,arur ,hoic.t for the 2O-2.? age group belOg monej (appro"matelj 21 per <ent) and lne.n parent~ (2.~ per l.enl) However, the fador. ' the/age/wertlforlreversel grouplthe/4o- '50, with parent. aff«ting tllt,1n mOf:l1 at 30 per Lt.-nl

, ttaehmlaslregardslroltlandimodtls, tne. re\ative. Importanl.e, of ed,\'! wa5 again the otner wa'f round: S nine/fifteen! andlrtspedive/ylgrotlplper/eentlforl youllgerlthe. ana fourleen and eleven per ,.nt for the older

, slmiiarilylonlyltheltheltwo/groups! betweenlage wa. that [nend. had Ie .. ove.r ,arter c.hOh~.e for the jounger and older grou\" ' fadorsl than/emy/other. ~even and ten per a .nt re~ped'\le\~

4 Six of the sent ences a-h conta_in a word in the wrong place. Correct each sent ence by mov ing the word 10 the right p lace.


Traveller numbers have decreased over period in lhe ques tion. Traveller numbers have decreased ver tIll period in ques tion.

a The spcaa list sa les o f to urs have fallen recemly.

b In 2006, more males than fe males lOok up individual sports rather th llll

tcam aaivit ies.

c As can be seen, more people from the younger age group travel on thdr

OWll . in sharp contrast 10 those over Sixty.

d 11 is clear thill 111e number o f flats by single people in occupied major ci lies

in the West is putting pressure on hotl sing.

c: From the graphs. it can be concluded that are you ng people much fIlor\:'

mobile than previous generdlions.

The noticeable pursuit of a professiona l ca reer among bOl h men and

woman has led to a reducti on in the birt h rate.

g There a re similarities in the presc ntation of the several da ta .

h Ove rall . lhe chan shows th at the media people are responsible for [limi ng

i11l0 celebri ties.

• • •• 79

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80 •••••

Lin.k iJlg using \Viti,

5 Read the examp le sem ence rrom the modt'l tcxl in 3 0 11 page 79. The il answ~r the qut:sli o ns below.


I-Iow(!vc=r. the facton were the reverse I r the -10 50 olgt: grnup_ wIth f"lrcnt.:. affc:clIng them most at 30%.

J Wha t fun ctio n does the phfJse beginning \\ ilh until introduce")

b What type o f \'erb stroctllre nonnally follows WIt"?

6 Read the c.~ample. The.njoi.n the sent enCes be low maki ng an y necessa ry change ,


There were scv('raJ similar ities, The most and least Imp n allt facto rs were the same Thcrt' were severa l sim ilariti es, wilh the most ilnd least Im po rtant laclors /1(11 /9 th e: samc,

.J Sa les were upward fo r most of [he yea r. The pr fil re.1chl.'d.1 peak In


b The main reason for career choice was ambhion Fifty per cent hose h

C II is e, peelcd mal the price of onc bedroom flats will rise AccommnJatlll11 for indiViduals II in sho n supply.

d The pattern was differe.nt , Passenger numbel's dropped III )ummer and (('1St: I,n wimrr.

c The trend was d l'arly upwa rd. ManufJCtu rin~ costS clco"c.1sed ,l( !Ill' same uml'

o nsumplion o f energy rosl'. Th l.' hig hes l 1'01 111 W(\ ~ In JJlllwry,

Task I revision

7 Decide Ir lhc ro llowing SialemC0I5 abo ut Task I lechnlqut!s .ue I ru~ 0 1 falsC'.

a Your Om paragraph is usua lly a gC'nl'r.l1 c; tatt'm~m aboul Trul'lFdls(' Ihe subjcct o f the graph. table. map. etc.

h Wnt ing in paragraphs Is nOI imponam for TllSk 1 True/ False c T'ask I will always be written in (hc pasllcnse. True/ Fal l'

d If your English is correct.. then it does n t mallC'r If rour TruC'/ False infonnalian is ir:accurale.

e You need 10 deode which is the most impon.101 or striking Truc:lFJb:e Info rmation In the graph. table. map. ciC. You should qUOII! aU (he figu res tbat lht' InfonnBtion gives you. Tnlt: fFals{'

g In a par.lgraph. sentences which qu tc spcdfic h.!;ures nearty True/Fabl' always m e before gen e raJ sta temen ts,

h Your con luslon .. ,'ill nOt no rma ll y give speclfl figures . True/ Fa lsL'

Page 78: Improve Your IELTS - Writing Skills

UN IT 10 /m/iddlftlillmi socio),


Task 2 Pa.ragraph structure

1 For each Tas k 2 q uestion below. put the sentences lhal follow in I he most logical order 10 creat e a parag raph.

1 Ambieio" is a ncgative fl tlribUle of n perso" 's character. Do you agree or disagree willi e/lis s tare"umt?

a Tills is because. even when they realize an ambi tion. they are still nOI sa tisfied.

b 11 is certa inly lrue that ambitious people do not aJwJYs crealc happiness for themselves or OIhers.

c If we look at the businessman who wams 10 cam a six- figure sa lary. w(.' sec Ihal in most cases, when he reaches thi s posi tion. he will sti ll wanllllore power or an even h igher salary.

2 Pa rticlliar CIIIII/reS are flllder {ll rem IIol\ladays rille to flt l! fan fhat \lit: ar.! /;v;119 in n global vill,lgl? Wlw l do yOIi ["i" k CO" vt! dlJll c..' to prawfl f1 society's traditiollal values (J ud cu lltire?

a Nor does i l mean Ihal Ihey will fail 10 respeci and value othe r people 's cu ltu res ,

b One way to pro lect traditional values and customs is simply 10 leach pt:opk 10 value their own culture.

c On the contrary, it will give them the confidence 10 opera Ie in our globa l village without feeling that I.he ir own identity is under threat.

d This does not mean that Ihey have to resist l.he current movement towards grea ter inrernarionalrrade.

3 £",&1ils are rile most valuable tool f or commllll;catio fl ill rit e twcllty.jirsr cemury. To what exteflt do you agree or disf1gret:?

a They can exchange ideas and discuss things more often as they are working. and the result may be a better end product.

b This allows people 10 work together on the same projeci even if they are on opposite sides of the world .

c Emails have certainly had far· reaching effects on people 's abililY to c0l11mUnic3le.

d It is now possible for people to correspond cheaply and al length from anywhere as long as they have a conneaion.

2 Match each of the paragraphs above 1-3 with the correci Slruetw e be low a--(.

a general Sla lemem - reason why th is statement is rrue - example b genera l sta ternem - reason why thi s sta tement is true - effect - second

effecl c Stalement o f what should happen - sta temenlthat a negative resuh will

nOI occur - sl.atemen! that a second negative resull wiU nOi occur- positive result

•••• • 81

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~ .....

3 Read the ro llowing twO essay ques tions. For each q ues t ion , choose o ne or the parag raph structures in 2 on page 8 1 and w rit e a paragraph which cou ld rorm pari of an answer, roUow ing the St ructu re you have chosen .

MOlley does 1101 make happi"ess. To IVlm I exrellI do you flgr.:e or distlgrel!?

It is betrer 10 reform cr;miuals ;'Jsrend of j us t puuisl,i"9 t"em. HlluJ/ measures could be take" to (m empl to i"tegrate law-breakers back illlo sod ety?

Re levant and irrelevan t information

4 The three paragraphs be low re late to the Task 1 questions in I on pag(' 8 1. In each parag raph , there are severa l opt ions. Choose the optio ns w hich are most relevafltto the question.

Text J I Another reason wh y ambition is not always good is thaI ambi tious people

may use unfair or d ishonest means of reach ing their goal. For example. the), may

.J work so hard lha[ [hey neg!t.·C[ thdr families . b take [he credit for work thatlhcy have nOt done.

2 In some cases, they may damage the careers of people w ho they set' as rivals. perhaps by

a making false accusations about them to their employers. b stealing their money dnd possess ions.

3 In the most extreme cases. they may turn to serious crime ......... .................... . provides a clea r example o f this.

a Shakespeare's StOry of Macbeth b The stOry of Sin bad the sa ilor

Ten 2 4 One way 10 ensure that people value their traditional cultu re is to focli s on

language. With Ihe globa l dominance of English. some minorit y languages sud1 as ... ......... ........... ...... may feel undt'r threal.

a Welsh o r Estonian b Chinese or Arabic

5 H people are made familiar with the history and literature oitheir own language. tben

a they wiU be more able to talk to older people abOlll il. b they will appreaate their own culture morc.

6 This could be done by arranging arts festiva Ls or writi ng competitions. For example, in the UK

a there are many prizes whjch novelists and poe ts can win . b there is an annual festival [Q celebrate the best of Wdsh writ ing ,md culture.

Page 80: Improve Your IELTS - Writing Skills

Text ]

UtJI' 1 0 III,Jh,I. /lItd ,11111 j.",c!", •• •• •

7 Howcver. tht: dfc::CLS of the Internet on rommunic.lllon ilrt' n OI aU posllh e. Emmls can be written and replied 10 "cry quickl), whidl means lhat

a peopl!' often do n t consider carefully whal they havc: writtC'1) b people can check inbox IW or Ihn:c limes OJ dJy

8 Another probkm is thut people simply send olnd rcccwe 100

milny cmalis ......... .......... . The result f thi s is thai the y spend lime dealing with th is constant rueam of mtssagcs insteOJd 01 dOll1g thl'lf real WN\...

a hlldren. fo r example, love to conla I their friends IrcQuelllly by email b An office worker, fo r example, may receive tw('nty or thirty cmails ada)'.

5 Rcad th( Task 2 question. Then an swer ques tions a-c below.

Tilt' curreu' iu,,"'res, ill f"'" ous peoplt! 's priWHC lil 'es has m:.9ntil't: effens bo,iJ fo r tllose pi!opli! aud f or so(.'iely (IS a ",J/(IIi: . NCUfSl'opa S should " or be " Ilotl'ed to publisl' dellliis of people's prim u lil't!s 'mlc:."5 ir Is rI~{lrl" in rltt' " uhlie "'Jt,' rc!sl .

Tel ",lw t .:xulll dlJ you af1ru fl r disl'Yn.:,'?

i1 Think of a famous person who has bee-I] in the n('ws recently for somc:thmg unconnected wuh his /ber job, Whdt were the cffeo.3 of thl~ ~

b How rekv31lliS your example to Iht: qUf."<;tilm. If pos ible. ()l1lpc1n: your example with a partner. Which is the: most rcil'vant an thc quc:stion"

c Write tJ gent'ral natemt'nt-t."xample l)aragrJph, uSing the tXolmpll' lOU havt chosen

Tas k 2 revis ion

6 RCJd tbe Task 2 techni ques in the q uestion na ire. Decide how o ften you d these things.

Task 2 techniques questionnaire

Tick the appropria te bo .,", Ahvay" Someti l1l t') Never

I match the organization 01 my essay 10 the question. 0 0 0 I usc the paragraph SlnlCturc. 0 0 0 I dlvldt· my essay illlo paragraphs, 0 0 0 1 USC: orgilnJzlng words to belp develop my sentences. 0 0 0 I usc a range r linking phrase s - Ilk!. bWfUS(, 0 0 0 for txnmp/( - 10 Irlggl~r my Ideas.

I wrile a .. hort introduCtion Whldl paraphrases the Question. 0 0 0 J know lhal I mu.,t \\Tnl.: atlfas t 250 words . 0 0 0 II~a\lc myself tlmc 10 check my answer. 0 0 0 1 develop functions like:- a,/wmrajt$. disadmlll:lgis, foluliom, 0 0 0 mfasUrtl. WIIStS by USing r((UOlU. (xamp/(s.r{'slillS. {!flat ,

1 can stale my npil'llon clearly and comradia other opinions. 0 0 0

• •••• 8J

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84 •••••

7 Which phrase- can you usc as tdgge r words ror each or lhe fo ll owing runctions? Make your own li s!. a Ex.lmple: For (_mmpk ... ......................... .

b Re" 'on: bcCdllS( ...•..... . ..... •..... . ... ... .

c EUcCl: .-1s (l USI/lt • ...••••••.•••..... ...•••.....

d Addillona l information: /.Core;:t\ 'i!r • .............................

c: Hypothesis: If ........•.........•....... ... r Contrast: bill ............................ . g Concession: Althol/9h ............... ... ....... .. . . h Conclusion: And SI1 .•.•. ....•...................

8 Some runa ions arc relatcd so lhal one sliggesis the olhN. Completc the li st below wi th re lated functi ons. Are the combinations fix ed o r can y Oll

combine Ihem in any w ay? a Problem and ..... .. .... .... .. . b Measures and ............. .... . c Cause and .......... ....... . cI Rt'ason and ...... ... ... ..... . e Example and ........ ......... . r e ffect and ......... ... ..... . g AdJitional inro rmation and ....... .......... . II lll1dll (o n/ HYPOl hc:sis .1nd ................. .

O I1C('~sl~'n and ............ ..... .

9 Read [he Task 2 questio n below. lhen lise Ih l" I rigger words 10 dl'Vl'l llP

sentences J-r w ith your own ideas.

Tim mud, r!mplwsis is pm 011 clln/illy m Oll t!" rmlu: r tJltllllooki"9 [(1r 11 good qualify of lift!· To what i!Xlelll do 'Ott (lgree willi rltis idt!fI?

" Money is nOt (15 impon am as friend). because .............. .. ................................. .. .

b For milny people. keeping rit and healthy is lhe mlll n fa Ch)r whkh I)

necessary fo r a good qua.lil Y of life . However ....... .. .. .................. ........................ .

c If one: is content with life. lhen .. ........ ... ............................................................. . .

d Wha t is involved in achieving a good qualilY f lik depends 11 many factors

rather than j uSt one. For exam pic: .... ...... .................. ...... ... ................... ....... ....... .

e Happmess and c ntentIDem art m re important Ihan the pursui l or (reedoln. The latler ai ln .............. ............... .......... .................................................. .

Many people living in poor housing conditions a rc slill happy. So Ihe idea

thai .................... ................ ... .................................................................................... .

10 Write you r own paragraph about th e import ililce orramll y in maintaini ng a good qua li ty of Iifc. Write abo llt 6O-S0 word s.

Page 82: Improve Your IELTS - Writing Skills

a ...

Practice Test 10

Task 1

You should spmd abol/flO minutes on this lask.

Tltl! bar ellart beJoU' shows tile perCi!ll lnge of people ill Crear Britai,,/hl iIl9 alolle by age an d sex ill 200412005.

SUlllmar;:e tile illformation by selecl;'/9 a lld repor,ill9 rite ma;" /entII rl!S, (1m/mak e:

comparisons II'here relevall t.

Wrift' nI ir!lIsr 150 IIwds.

Peop le liv ing alone: by sex and age, 2004/05. GB



o 10 20 30

Task 2

YOII shollid spend abollt -10 /IIi1ll1ti'S 011 this ({15k.

Write' avom tltt' folloIVi1l9 tapic:

" 50 60

/mlividllais call do 1I0l1dll9 to changl! society. A ,,), lIelll developmt:llfS a m ollly Ill! brough' abol/! by govem",ems lind largl! illstill/liolls. HOIII far do you agree or disagree?

GiI't' reasons for YOII r aJlSU'er and illdude any rele'l'fllll i.'xlllllples from YlJIl r 0\1111 kIlOU'h'dgf or experimce. Writ? at It'asl 250 words.

a • • 85

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•••• • • • • • u

86 • • • •

Sample answers The publishers Sire'S" thai lhl"s(' are.' not offiaal );rol(lc~ ,lilt.! iUl' lor gUilianct." t: nl\ Thl,.'rc I 110 ~uamnlee thaI these answers would obtain thcse.' gracks 10 the I~~I

Practice Test 1

Ta k I

The Rraph lndlca lts lhe vanatioD of the pnv.J1C' use til tntl.'nlt l. P '. mobtle phcmt"S and CD "lAyer In the UK from 190610 :::!OOl.

The Ifl!nd III rour cI~ment5 of the study was upward ex cpt In mllf:!lIc phone Ih ,u was rathtr crrallc. CD player had the btgge$t figurt' among all willi bO % at 1'/96/97 ,md 80% ,ll 200210.3 . While Iht' Internel ilccessonly 5t.m~d In I 998/tJQ showing tht low~1 figure througho~J llhl.' period (from 10% in 1998/99 IUI100VC: jl O~ In 2002103)

Betw(!en 1,0996/97 and 1998/99 mobile phon nnd P were' goll1W upwnrd while just MIt'T 11')99 Ihe r rmer ('xcecded, showing ngurc of 70% COl1lV1HCd h) hUllIe t:omrnlters with 55°" In 200210),

To um UI). II \Vas (xpc'Cled 10 hi1\'f' home cornl'lJl er'i ns exceeding ngurc In Iht" !iolud) d" Iht·) pro\'fde features of CD player and the 'nI(m~1 a..:c('\'\" bUI 0 pillyet ruld Hlubill' phnn \\'cr(­the IWO tOP modem le(hnolo~}' acC05 an hum~. II S~ ~vrJS)

Grad e : 5 ommt:n t : The: lexltS laglcally orgalllud but JI'<."~ I1IH tnJII,.,lI~ (holl (I~ur l!' ~ .lrl,.'

appro)'lmal C' The summary cannot be deduced trom Ihl..' dl.'~rJm VOl"abular, I~

JJt'qU.'lt. despl1t" some errors. However, gramm,ltlul OllSla}.("s espc:oJII) taull} C'Oll1pk;( stnJC1Un'S. cause some difficu lties ror Ihe reader

Ta k 2

II is obI/10m: peoplt' are unwilling 10 make changes In their 1I"t1 aller bdog ac,,:uslOmt"d I iI crulln slyle or Iile. tfowrver thi.5 could c.\Use mllily problenl'!:,

Thke for uamplc. pcople' who leave their country 3nd J:olng .1hroad. They might fil ce man y IS!luC'.s Flrsl o f alJ. they hal'e to adaptlu i1 new cuhurc Dnd hl1blt whldt ml~ht be complctcly dlffcrcrIl h om Ihdr n .. live COUnlry. Nloreover. iT lakes lime II' ndnpi 10 w.:athe'r and It) I he wt'le t new life wlch may be dJUercnt from wh.:rc Ihey lived befort:.

Thrre is .1I)0Iher chiluges in life. For CX'ample. ,ante. l'Ieople at a (.:n"ln momel1l in their li\'C' havr 10 thange 1heu' career. regardless ollhe rl"il.$On!. II b quite difflt:ult Ih.:y Und nOI ta>-y 10 acquire c perlcnrc In their new job and dlWcul1l1) lI1ake n(':\\1 friend; ill work..

In m)' opinion peopk'-should be lIexiblc. Fm pc pIe wht.' leaving their counlry LO Uve and work In anotherrounuy I ilgI'ee lhallhcy mlglll have mAny problc:rns Rich as OJ ne''''' cuhu~ J.nd LJOflUilgc and hahi15 hU I the Integration with people It Nuld ~olv(' Ute' problem By the Ilmt. lil!')' Will find th~ffiS(.lves a pan of Ihe nt'w elY People' who change thtlr carc('I lht' onl)' thJng to do it i3 10 conccmrate in their nc\\ Job Ii pcrlc(lce th.u Ihey n«d Ihe'Y \\'111 4cqulu: with urne.

In rond u!il4n peer!!: hav!' to ready fur an)1\ic\ In Ihelr h\ rllU no RUilfolnlee for an)'one thallhe liCe will bt ltiJbl(': fOfr\·t'r flSO lIWdJ)

Grad e: 6 Com menLS: All parts or tbe prornpt are covered, but the COnt~nt is mrnl'what rcpcl ltlvc . Organi7 ... nion and paragraphing i S.J tlsfacto ry. with some crtectl\"C' U t' of links Vocabulary is generally adequatt However. complc:x sCllIcn cl,.'S arc usual!) IJuit y and there ilIe' man y grammalicai errors ,

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Pract ice Tes t 2

Task 1

Thegraph s11ow'i The: cont ribul'ion or diUer~nt ~eC1 0n 1(.1 lh\! UK e:ctlnomy in the 20lh (elllur)'. In p.lru..-::ulaf II compare'S Ibe: agricuhuraJ, manufact uriug and bUSiness and Onanciru sect rs. FirsT!l'. agrlcul lure seClor shows the: hfghcr \'i!lu~ 31 the beginning o l lhc penod (il found 500" In Ihe 11 .... 1 SO vertn ullhc century). By the 1975. it had suilcrcd iJ Jmmnl ic dC'cfe:ts(' (1'5% ) lollowed by a drop 10 almosluro In :WOO. By ('"nuilst, buslnC)S Bnd hn.lnlia l seelor were a lmojl zero al Ihe. beginning but iT s111uply incra~ed durin~ Ihe period

M~'nufnc1Uring sectQr seem) 10 fotlow the trend ul ngrlcuil urC'. S'lilfilog wilh J value 01 " 5 ~ .. In t 900. In 19:;;:0 il beg,," 1.0 fall till 1975 wherc it wns bd(lw 35% , AI Ihe: em l ollhe pC'liod the 1,c.rccnt:t1ge lor m.lnura~urlng reacht.'s"20%.

In genern!. ilg.rlcuh umland mallufacturing stctor hot:. iI slnl l1ar I rends but I he fQrm er droppcd much more .1 t the f!nd or thc ctnt ury than Ute latte r. In COIlW'Si. Ih~ I rend tl f business ilnd Ilnanciallncrl'iJscd during lhe: period. (U18 \\'O r, /l·)

G rade: 6 Com rne n LS: U~e of I.h~ rub riC lInchanged reduces Ihe wnrJ LOUIll . Thl"' 1I 1! . tfllh.lllilll ,'

logically o rdered . bUI !he business seelor dJta Is o m illed . VocJ Illllary 15 .. dl'lItlilH· and mua ll y approp n i1 tc • • 1S IS th t: range o r Sl'nTen ce fo rms. hUI theft" are SOnle Inlptlrltl l1l errors

Tas k 2

Stud}'inK Ihe- hlslory is onl! of the mosl imponaOl rubje:ct.s i.n the d rculum 01 <lnd .secondary 5(110015. Some people argue Ihal lhere is no bendh of Ihat and hl.1tory can be subsututcd bV other mo~ Impenant subjectS, !1ow(o\·er. ll is nut il Jogirnl opinion lor many n'ol$Ons. Although il ts If Ur: Ihm the t'Yt'n15lhal are sludied in IUS10f)1 Imppcncd ill thl! pnsi. h is also lrue tbat It rcprc.~enl.l vo luable human experience. This CRn be vcr~' usdulln planning for the futurc . If htln1llm kllow the mistakes thill had been done ;"Ind c;l\Jsed d.!sastria$c events iJj Ih~ past. they wiU I ry 10 avoid dbing the: same mistakes In Iht futu re .

Morco\'cr stud yi ng Ihl' P"51 Qf OIhcr nallons will give. tile op.ponunlty to know Illorc auou! their sode ty. This- will hl.'lp in l>ui lding good fl'lnltOl1sbips bel wCen dl rt l!ft ll I COll ntriC's.

Childrc:n iHC Ihe people who will h:ad th l! world In thc rU~\Jrc so they sh uld prc:pare I r IhlS role. The knowh:dgc wluch can be gained [romlhe history is (Hle of Ihe mtlSt imp ft.1I1t sources lor lhc irskllb e,f understand ing the human socicty. As rnurh as the)'leJm Ir m the hfs iory. lh t"' y will be eUidenl In theIr ability 10 dcd ilt when the)' fact: an y problem In the future. Also the hiStOry can give a good InlormalloD dbllUl the dc ... ~ loJ1m l!nt In dnrer~nt

bmndll'S of science. Some ollh('s~ In formaLion rna)' have a good value fllr inven tors.

In conclusi n. it b undenIable Iha! hislory. th.: summary ~tr hUl1lan expc: ric.nce. Is wry Import.lnl i n improvcmt'"nl of human's fUlure If Ihey can use ft prop rl)' (161)

Grade: Comme n u: The (opic is adequately covered. though the re IS s me repc.: tflion Thc order a nd paragraphi ng o f ideas is mostly logical. Vocabu la ry is a Icquatl· amf has SOfTIe preds l on~ Complex sentences are well ma n,'ged. bu t Ihe re a re rnanv milwr grammatical e rro rs

.. II II 87

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88 •••• •

Practice Tes t 3

Ta k t

Th~ d'.gr.un tJIUSlr.JIc:S' tht: various 5lagc:s 1u the: desa lination I se~Wiua 10 make It 5ultabk lo t dnuklng

Ftm uf ,,11. wal~r 15 1a.k~n [rom Ih~ sea and th~ pa.ssed lInouW1 a rr~~trr.1tnH:1lI filler when: lht' t'lig )m'IU"l1~ &lrc r~movt'd. This bac.i.··wash Is then pl~d back Inlo dl~ sea through \lnmh",r (dler AI the n~1 stag~m the Pro(Oj. the rctnillnlng \\,.UI:r 15 torn d th rough a n\(mbr,lnf' at hl8h P[dSUI"I! and any impurities mdmhng sail .Ur" ff'mO\ cd. Afl e r trust Ihe e.Woller roocemralt:ls re-turned to the s~a whll~ Ihe r(!ntainlng W~t(J Ron Iluough d J)(JSll1c..llmcOl procen. In this phase. the wale:r Is trt'illed wIth lim.:. chlQrine: and flu oride: IU molkc II tinnkolbk bcfort it I.s stOred In a rc.scrvoir. FUt.1lJy. Ill e dc~alJnalcd Willer Is dt'flribulcd 10 Lhr" hl legraled watersupply )y5IeJJ] (orpCf,plc 10 IIsc.n drinking Wil ler.

OcsaUI1311on hIVIJlvC5 a proc~ss of purifiani(ln 01 w.ller fdl\llwed uy IIltrallun rind .. ddln~ ch~m lCitI ngcllls. ("J wpoo)

Grade: 7 Comments: Imerest IS ma llliained b)' Ihe ne'\lble use of inpull.lngUJ);l'. and., wiJ r.ll1~l· (I I \ lJcabu la I) a ntJ skiU ull}' dt!pltl) eJ grill11f11dl h •• ll ~t rth.1 U roo t\ II )tJ};!l" o..I fl"

covered a Ufll i Cly. though some aJdlli os are made. The t)l.lCrvl(,\\ shollli.l mllre 11..t~ll·all) be t.hl! second sentence.

Ta k 2

(i t ('o1l changes bavC' tilkc.n place in our Iif~ along with devc10pmenl of ~ety As far a I am concerned the Inte.rne.t plays a big pan in this

Ani uf all with the: opponunJlY of sudin8 Inte.rnet tlr playtng com"ul c:.r ;1J1d "Ideo game). people- howe. II Olore StdemaIY urt!:s[yl~ ChDdren no I ngel pla}' Holmes outSide and gel en m se but the)' ~l>Cnd tune ontht: computer hilS bold elfea on thd r hCllltb and can ColUSe- probkms5uch ru. obesity.

AnOth r r problem is the negative effect on their rcl.lIloruhlp with the'lr family. inlcm ei acce5~ 111Is mo~t )'Ol108 pNpie'stlme. ilnd even thclr Icb ute IIm1:, su this I.s the: Cil ollhd r tIlSCt)nI1C(tlon with Iheir famUy and uhimaltly can have un ('He I on their sodal behllviQur. /II Ihird problem Is thal not olO Intt'r.ncl sitcs oUe useful In foml.lIlon Is o ften nOI aCCUrill C and ~(jmc It t!. are nOI sullilble lor chJldren . Some Intcmel .. hcs IIkt' dloll rooms citn c\'cn be danserous he nllse YOLI dt) nOt know who Is the olher pt.:rstm.

As regarding children 's ust of the: Imenu,!1. Ihl' fIrsI solution nlll1t be: wltJl lhc pa.rcnt.!.

They nc:cd 10 Ihnh hQua thaI childre.n spend on Ihe ct1mpulcr and Itl encourage them 10 ha\'c othcr hobhtcs and pas1imes There is an fmponaJII Ih:cd for II~crn 10 ~pend more lime t' l .. pc~k whh Ihtlr (amUl' than an electronTC collnec1ioll Pt1 rt:n ts )hDUJd also encourase children t tl UK' uthumean5 oLinformalion in addition 10 IOlernel

l\) O)lIdude. I , uld say thallbe mternct hilS brought nwn)' ncndil( and h wlU nOI dl~prcat. Iheldure it Is very unpc:manl WI W( ltaml 10 lIl e: it \HlI lhlll w t' an reap the benefits and n()1 the dL~dvaniages. (l78 ntlroisJ

Grade: 7 COI.runenl5: Thl' topic is co nside red fuJly. wh h ideas prcstnlcd In il clear progrl'5Sinn with mostl y logical pa.ragraphing. A good range o f vo ahulary gIves f1cxtbilily dnd preosi n 10 the wri ting. Sentence strucrure is rcas nilh ly varied. but nun r graJnmlu!cill err IS are freq uent.

. •

Page 86: Improve Your IELTS - Writing Skills

Practice Test 4

Task I

Tilt:: bar chart shows the': Ilgure.s for quallficatiom all<Jincd III w"mc-n ilnd men In Wale:.) In 200 I and 2002 In flcrccl1lagcs.

The Inrormalton can be: divided Into three groullS. The. firsl G!tcgory fncludt's degree a nd higher education qualilicnunn The percenrages were around I '" and appmxlmald)t II ~ for men ilOd women respectively for degree but ror hiBher e-ducation quaUfianiulI 8% for male and 9% for fem;]lc.

For G E A level Dnd GCSE grade A 10 C lhe percen tage was much higher compared whh 11'1(' orner two HTOUps The nwnber of ma lf:S\n GeE A I(,vel was rOll}:lh11' 28% bUI for remales ,'uout 15%. However. the GCSE grade A-C :ihowcd a reverse pnl1crn. 18% and 28% for men <lI1d WO(JU:::n respectively.

TIH.' Ilgures for the third group were much lower. OllJ c:r qualllicall{ms lJgurcs clled 12% {or mcn lind II % {or women. No qualificarions were recorded (or higher numbers ur men and womcrI, 20 6/6 and 2) \;\/0 .

OVerolll, men had more higher degrees whereas women had llIore GeE or c:qu lvateOi qUJlifkaf!ons. (168 1~'imlsJ

Grade: 6 Comments: Details an.' accuratel y listed. htll there IS no renl r)vl,.'r\l iew Thl,.' kt.'} poin t a rc riO! brought out. However. Ihe vOC"ilbulary shows <:orne vanc ty .1I1cl Ilrccis ic)1\ DI,.')plIl,.' minor errors of grammar. s imple senlt.'n cl'S urI,.' u\l.:'d \\dl. hUI complex structures arc lacking.

Task 2

To some eXI('.J1l I disagree with the notion that (ompcll!iv(' sporn cannOI be pan of the school curricu lum . However. Ihe amount of time gh'cn shou ld nOI be ovcrlookC'd.

Spans as a \'Jholc is an Imponant pan of growing up. Sludl:.nts rcgardless ol th tir ilgC take piln In exc rlisc Individually or as a team member. Take primary d\ools lor Insl']n f , th~ y have playgrounds and (iUrly enough ladlltlt:s from whldt 51 udcllIS can 1Ilkt' benefit.

1.11 secondary schools students' attitude \.0 spon chllnges The dt:=nmnd ror 1I10re f,tdlhJc l: and c.qulplllcnts rises. As can be seen. more and morc tCcnOlgers I.urn 10 football . $wlml1lin g.. ('vcn body building outside school hours. They lry to make usc of Ihe f"dlil ies ilvililablc to them at school as well. What is imponalll is lime whkh sit uld nOI he spent on taken up spon and nOI doing Oliter school wor~ or STudy.

On lhe olhe r hand. co nsidering the. availability of the ftldtil.ics to .,11 scho()ls Is nOt a bad idea. To IlIuslrate thiS, some schools arc well equipped whtle others du poorly. No mallcr how linle Ihe fad llty slUdcllIs should be encouraged to take pari in comptlillvt: sJlons.

Allin ali. I think span was pan of C'.\'eryday life In Ihe past and is In lodoly's spon ilmaCtlng socll;'des. The lx'st plac(' you start you r lir(' after honH.' IS sch oQI Everyone d~' Ides whal 10 do .11 t.oarly age AS for spun. II was. pan of curriculum ,,;tae In the paSI and will ~ in Ihe' furure 01 course. wilh a bette.r time manage.m('nt. (154 l\'Cwu)

Grade: 6 Comments: Though th(, ideas are relevant and sufficien!. fa ults In ordering and usc of links sometimcs cause difficulty for the rende r A good rang t.' of vocahulary is mostly used with preasiol1 . A limited bUI aCCliratt: ra nge o f complex scntt:IlCt:)

are deplo)'ed.

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90 •••••

Pract ice Test 5

Ta k I

BelwrC-n I Ql)o and 2005 Lhuc: were-so many c.hangt" Ihnl wok place tn lown of Templcton Ul telm p[ dcvdupme:nu.

Olt the wt'St <, ' the rivo that diyide th e d lY inlO l\ ... n pJnl. ,heu m.11n "lUldUlgs wlI!rr co",uu(,h:d rcplJdn8 put or the- grttn ara and 'he ruburban homr Bt:sld~ more' hou.. .. rs Were' IJ\JIJt 10 reduce the. Brec:n area funhc on rl'. 1\> I.hC )(IU lh (lr Ihe "bo~ dC"\ldopmcllu. dll houses wert: dCnlolJ'slJc:d and new buildings ro1lsed up inslcad tog(thcr with fU~rm4J rkcL

TOlhe c.1 I dl lhe river. .ul afrport was-buih In an art., prevtollsly CO\ cfcd by In:ct and mort t\all-'C's \\ t r t: lidded 10 the a r~a Mound the hosplt1l1

A rn aJ r \h:\'riopmen l look place in S ulh CIISI a rt 01 cilY whe re a r"Clory wlU ('tJllStruClcd nnd 'err)' sc!rvlcc wn:s eSlablrsh cd. replaCing a ll Gl lh\! OM Ih u~cs nnd thl;' iret! rorest Ihal lJcclI plcd Ihe nrca before. MUn:over. il m'w rnllway Irnck wns Inl l dQw n Illcmgsfdc Ihe l·rn!'.ltlkrnt:nl. (1'5 wordt)

Gr.ldc: 6 Comme n ts. : All " ey polnlll were highllghl \.'~1. bill I,H"cd t1 cledl OVCI"\'!c\\ Th~ dJI~

\\IJ'i 1c'~ ll.'II ) .md cnhcrl!l1Ily arra n~cd Thc \'f\Cil buIJrY W i" ",ktl' l.'h' lor l\1e." I."k but mcllJdcd 5 me inappropriacies. Sentence structure5 were vancJ and usual() well c<,ntr.)lI rJ d(5PHC frequ ent grammaticall'IT 'r

Tas k 2

~tln y people Ihlob Ihallbe world existing problcllU ,lie only malltt the )'OWlg generation tn Ihey .Ut' the candldale who arc: taang thelD no\\ and In the fUIU~

Although OJ con.sidt'r.lblc percentage of Ihe pubU mi~lI rC'rer-lll thc\.C hazar\b as hnarcb fOI Ihe ~'OUlly predorrunanu),. yot man)' or Ih~ nctn u iHC o<1ulIll) brought 11110 the sccut' 11)' Ihe old {>('oplt , The previous generation Ort Ihose who lived lhe new Jt' \'dopm~b in ~elc oer .md tcchnolog)1 fhal broughl with them JXIII Ullon, ltO\'c:n V ond pan 01 h illso I)ossiblc distinCtion of Inany spedes-of plants and animals.

o tlley raj c Ihe alarrm for those radIcal and 4tnou ron.scqutncc.s, II [s orten suggcsll'd thai 0111 st'ncr.lI lon nrt: pa.ssmg by and nQt imerC'$tcd In whllt hapJ>c: nIIl 1l 3nd Dnly the young ''''ho glvC1 lh $~ iJle rt5 consldlT.Jble tboughls.

Howe" er IrOIll whal we 3re cxperirncing now, I b ll l mlln)' 01 Krct'n l1e pit nre old and wo rk .w lvdy 10 preserve: animal figh ls 'lltd OWh l ficreely a~illn5 1 ~ Ibba l \\fa nning and clwlrI) IUnenl.,l llollufion. This give us Ihou Ibc pl't~senl worl d concerns Mt". iJ shared intl!resl 011)(11 11 old and new grnuations. Allhough man)' ilolv[SI On these I sues tlpJlca rs In lhe nledl., ond Ihe)' a re l rom the youth. SIU! and probDbly t lUll I num",,""1 from Ihe old lanow the sume fOuTes,

AClutllly no onc In this Ufe: Yoa Ol lO destroy our plau C:1 DcHnilcly c:very parent is 01 con~m about hI< f.'I[sprin~ Ih.·e5 lh~aher. and i elflshne:u J()("~ nOI d':tminalC: our thinking "t all \Yhal one mould be dWil rc or is thai such th rC.l IS ;are nnt .1\\"3)'\ dlsC\u~d or conTempla led In Ihe righ l woly byQld or young genu-u foD, 004 K\JnfJ)

Gra d e: 5 omm en 15: TI10Ugh the ideas are rcl("vilnt anJ '''ell ilr~ued. coht'slon IS (.lullr and

tht! paragr.lphlng Is nOllogicaL Vocabulary is ra lrly volried and prcdsc . However complex struclures. though frequent. an: always (,lUhy. with g ramma tico'll err ~ causing some: sira in fo r Ihe reader.

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Practice Test 6

Task 1

The table illustrates the perceOlagcs of both young boys and girls wh9 lIstcnt:d t musk in the prevJOus month in the capital of Japa n.

rht" most striking feature is that males were more intcres1t:d in music than lhdr female coume.rpans except for listening to CDs n 9% and 22% respectively) . Tht" highest ral~ was 79% for boys who were intereslC~d in MP3-players. ",·hile wilh rt.'gard to The same typc of players for glds the proportion was 40% which was almost slmilar to the pcrccll1age of the Lntcrnel (4·2%). With respect to Uve music, females recorded 44~~.

Turmng to tbe pie chart. 70% of young Japanese people prcft.'r live music. whereas recorded music ra le was 26% and lhose who answered Don' t know thdr rate was JUSt 4%.

In conclusion,. young r~males spem I ~ss time IISte.nlng 10 favou rile music compared to Ihe opposile sex. Regarding prefe rence of music Live music scored the tOP perce.nlage. (150 II'Drds)

Grade: 6 Comments: Th~ kl:Y points arl: mainl) (OVered. bUI Illere IS an ImportaTIL erru[ (pJragraph 3). 11 could be ord l'Tcd more l o£ic~lll y. Hnwevc.:r. cohc"ivl' (1e\'ln" Jrt'

well used . Vocabulary is adequalc lor the purpose. Thert' arc a varic lY 0 1 Set1lencc:­s tructures. but Iheir com plexity somelimcs causes d ifficu lt y for I Ill' rC<l d er.

Task 2

There is no doubt thallhe number of visitors and bUSinessmen and women who aT(' travelling abroad has been increasing ma rkedly in rccem years. However. DOL surprisingly. understanding the cuhure of local people brings many benefits to all types of visitors as well as problems for those who do not understand a new culture.

First of aJI. no sensible person can deny the importance of breaking down barriers bel ween cou ntries. By this I mean. people from di[(ereUi lands can socialize efiectively and rel.:ll c emotionally regardless ollhci r race and religion. if they lake time 10 learn lall1(uagcs and 10 find out about where they nrc going before Illey travel. As a resull . the tension between pc:ople from diHerent backgrounds would be m.e lt ed .

Another Imponnn t advantage Ihal needs [0 be mkcn into accoun t is rilat travellers Cilll

broaden thl'ir borizons by travelling . In o lhl.!r words. people who Ira vel for business or tou rism defjnitl'ly would gain a 101 of information from their hosl satiety. Knowing how to behave Can hell' businessmen make lots of money forthcmselves and for their companies. Undoubu'dly business and tourism playa pivota l role in emplo)' lng of people and reviving the local economy in their own countries and when they travel.

On lhl" other hand lack of undemanding of lilc cuhure and traditions of people may lead 10 misu nderstanding and even Increased tension between differcnl communities. simply because the background of any sodety can act as a mirror 10 reneet lhe nalure personalit y and behaviour of people. Ce rtainly, when we know these vital things we can overcome many difficulties. (262 w"rds)

Grade: 8 Commen ts: The re are many ideas. well o rganized into paragraphs and highlighted clearly. despile minor lapses in focus . The wide range o f vocabulary exhibits flc xi l1ili t} and preciSion. with only occasional inappropriacies. A variety of sentence SITllClurC'S are used. comaining no significam errors .

• • a 91

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92 •••••

Practice Test 7

Task I

T!Jc IW(t har chan Ulustralc: we pcrc~nlaKe of pur hilst' .~n·lllie Illkru of C flcen , cinema. Ollld Ihc.u( In (Australia. t.he UK . • lniJ Ma!ays~). hy 11 seic:'C1w ngt: group and h ow Ihe lntae<1 w~ 1.1 C$)cd on:r thefirst three mouths uf .lOOt.

Purch..ud for 'he .'tSt: group 2>-44 was the same In uu: wet1cm l OUmrla olt 5 ~%. whcrus in Molay"", It waltju" wllic[ -tO~. Surpnsinslr. the pcn:clHi1gc WI1S yerl dose m Ih e UK ami MaJaysl .1 "round 40% fOf the age group 05-+. wllh a slight In Auslrah4 10 about .ISqll.

IlItcrm-S 'l I the m~t (""Omm n meanS of 3tct:$S tC'P bu)t 'I .... ke:u , the: dl.1n , h O\\l) tba l the: desklOI) t."Ompule:rs WaltJIt' predommant means \n MaIJr)illlh(' UK ilnd Au trolia al a bout 60·~. 62 % Dnd 08 respecth'dy. Nrxt carne the bp10I', whh oR dose JlCr~nl .. ge: in AUSIr.l h.l .Ind Mlilaysin nrou nd (45 % cach ). whlk there was-a moder.'ll&: dr I) I lO.51t(. In Ihe UK.

The dill" ml);hl Klv&: us.m Indication abo ul die online purcJI.I!l.lng (J6J wunb)

Grad e: 5 COml1lCn LS: E'(ccs lve u::.e 01 Lhc rubnc rcd u\,c!lo 1 ilL' word lUunl .1 tUt Ilt\. l! I ., ,I p 'nal l~

Therl' inC' mJny h li'h. Ir.1CIt.'S In lh ~ d i.l1 J , wh ich lad .. , In \lVCf\,!CW V\ll~lllul iH) .111..1 lin ks 3fe (na cu nlll'i y used. but gram m ar il nd !.cl1l c:ncc SlrU'"l lI l l") ar(' .ld c'11 lo1 1t.' 101

Ihe I" s k

Tas k 2

The qUC$lj n 01 whether mOlley could be m re wcfully appUeJ 10 Ul .. Ie the cmts aro uud the wOlld rather tron SpeDl it on space r~earch ls a \ocr)' C'OnuO\ic:rsla l luu/! and Il is n w

a mllller iJf (omi ('fOIble publJc concem ThC'fC' are. Ihercfl)re, people on both .sid of lht' ilfJumem who 11a\(' feelings either for or

Many J'K'orle bclil~\'(' Ihal money should be spem to $1)1\1(, food M'1-<is ln Alnca and SOUlh Asia . Drougl11. lor example. kIt Africa whh lilmlne. Every )O .. ecrmdj an African cblld dles df bun~cr ilnd about 4;% 01 dJildren in Soul,11 Asia sufft l Irom mainutril ion. Sunllarty. tht

glowl b sue 15 1he conl1lCl of AIDS in Arncn. Althuugh. there: art' lI\uncrOUJ facton in the sprf'.ld qf IUV/AIDS . II is largel)' rerognized as OJ dlsc;l$C of P vl'ny . .... ' cdldud . for lnslanct', lire vrry expcll!ti\lC and the govc:rnment in I,oor unlrie~ C.l0 nOI .. frurd 10 Ire-,ll the- (tisease. Ihe-rdorl' millions arc dying. while iII rich cQunlriC$ pt'oille nre 11\'lnll: longer.

HlJvln~ satd lhill. however. some pt.·oplt oppose Ihe fonner ;,rgumtOl They laiJ1l th.11 S I)I1\~ I'c~cnrdl bits brought e normous bcneOls II') mi\nkilid. Hel.'efl ll y, NASA ha.s laundled

31elll ld 1m wca th er and climate. which \'Vill gJve Ih\' sde:lllblS iI unique view " I earth 's allnl}!tphc:rt'. hdpl1l8 Ihem 10 Improve: thdr Dbillilel 10 fore 3)1 wcn 1 her ,tnd prcdlC1 cUlI1a tc hnnH,&:.

Prom WhoH ha ~ been dfsrusscd aboY~ Wt may drl1w the rundusiQIl Ihi" both po in1.1 or ,'lew hayc 'heir "":ril~ " AII.haugh, human lift' has pri lilY In uur 'SM1(,llc~ . lldwlII cd research s-hould be c-.m1cd Out 10 lind another suwce 01 energy. Wollrr on othe r ri.ancl.. ;;and to Undtrill1ud Ihc ptilllCb and its' c:lfca on tanh for 111(: benefit u lilll 1170 M"',.,.Js}

Grade : 7 CommenU: TIl uSh lhere are s ufJiacni id~as a nd evidence, the fir t paragr"ph adds noullng Ideas a rc logica ll y o rganizl!d ilnd paragra p hed but t ht' o n clusion I nOl clearly an lru laled, The r e is a good ra nge 01 vocabulary and (·nten SIn! tU n'!.. des-pht" some jarring punaualion erro rs,

. •

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• •••••

Practice Test 8

Task 1

The tilvl~ i1tu~tr,1tes expeaed coSt o ( the three environmental projects in thr~e differt::m pans of the world in the ne. ... t live years .

The eStimated COSt 01 the Afrtca n projea in Year t is 10.5 million dollars, almO:.t h.111 o f th e projected cost (or Central AmcrJca (20 million) and about illie lhird 01 the ASian project (JO mllllon) . It is prelli cLcd that West Africa will spend iess monc)' \n tbe lollowlng years til an in Year I, failing 10 3.5 million In Ycar 5. Cec traJ America shows .. similarpatl cm In Yea,r 5 expected coSt 01 project is 5 million dolJDrs whIch is lour lime51c~ I,han in yenr I Aow('ver. In SOll lh East Asia in year 5 spending will ri:it: to SO million dollars.

Regmdlng tht pie charI. 50% of projected COM will cove r !>alaril!.<; , Th e: rcSI 50% will be sh:Jred un training and office expenses. 10% each. whll l:!' 30% Is expeCted sel up COMS.

To sum up South EaS( Asia has- th e highest projected COSI for environmental projeclS ror Ihe neXI five )'cars. (173 words)

Grade: 7 Comme n ts: The key po in lS are prese m ed logically and an~ SUit<lhly htghllghlt'd by cohesive devices . 1-lllWl'VC r, the ('1vcrview co u ld ht: more ru ll y di:\ dnpcd Th t· voca bulary range allows some nc xibilit y o f presentati o n . SC I1I CIlCC structures Me vMi c d. but so m e basic grammatica l e rro rs occur.

Task 2

Many peopl~ are moving OUI or big cities into th e cOuntryside to Uve to esca pe from chy probkms_ This is causing problems because mOSt the jobs that are avnll Ci ble arc in Ihe ci lies so people have to travel back into I he cities again 10 work. The lIanspon systent ca nnot cope :'>u pt"uph:: a l e lI~ill~ dlCil uwu (<II:' ~llid 111e" cu u llu y:.iJe- I:' il rCccted IJY Ih!;" Iraffic jillllS,

One sol ution 10 encourage people to Slay in cities is to Improve the qualit y o f lift" t.here_ More money could be spent reducing crime, as lhis Is one of the main reasons wh y people leave cilies. POr example. more policemen can be employed Jor city cel11res. which happened in New York and is happening here in UK. As wdl as saft: places to work and li ve d l y C~nt.rC::i

coul d be made more friendly and we.lcoming. The environmenT can be made cleaners and morc agreeable: to live and work in This way people might be enco uraged to slay r.ubcr Ihan moving OU L

A very different way 10 tackle the problem would to mo ve some ollhe jobs ~UI of cit y 10 sma.Uer alies or lowns. People could then stilllivt' in lht' countryside and e.nj l)Y It and only have to travel shondistancc.s to work. Another step is to encourage workers 10 spend pan of t.beir working week a t home perhaps twO days and then t t) go into work in Ihe o ther days. This is happen ing more and marc: in many parts of th e world _

TJle.rc areolber ways to overco me the sit uation but th ese are the most important . (26.1 wordS)

Gra d e : 7 Comme nts : The write r's pro posals are clearly presented, with log ica l pa ragraphIng. but lhe co nclusio n cou ld be mo re fully develo ped. Th e progreSSion o f id eas is wdl m a rke d. The vocabulary is ve ry app ropri a te to the task. Sentence st r uct u res arc re asonabl y vari ed , w ith o ut significant er rors.

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94 •••••

Practice Test 9

Task 1

'IllC" gr.Jph gi'rd lnlorrn,Uion dNlUI the a\'(r.1gc mlJnlhl~' U", of 11 HCilth Club tn ,,\I01ml Flnndt1 hy 'un um~numlbcrs taSl )'~ar4

Ont' ur lhe 010<\ ~rlk1ng kaltUl:s o11hegfOlph ls lit .. , Ibe s)'m WI.) h1gher In f umm.:':r rompJlcd 10 1he olbcor niontltJ ottbe yrar. 1n JnnulIr}' ssn mAle\; yf5!lcd rhe gym tlle. tlgul1: ilC'crellscd ~ng.hllr. Alta thilllh~r(" was i1 significant tnOc1lSC' \n Ihe nuruber 01 males nu:mllt':rJ.hlp Ironl January 10Jum: .. ln June the figure h11 the blghesl poilU of 8500 but In

July there w.n a IIgt1l reduction loDecc.mbc:r The Irend I r ICm.110 membership lollow I Itt' lAme. HO\\'cvcr frq111 July to epu:mber 1200 female> Uselllh~ It)'1n In c:Ycry month.

Turning ta pie chan, ... % m ore ot male membershIp aj;cJ bcIWt'C'J1 21 .lIld '" used Ihe fil Cnhl~ lit gym comp3f(~d 10 femaJt$. Thiny-rwo Ill! rCenl rtem,lle m(,mber hod n~e 65+ tn COnlri\3"1 h.l 151)(. Cl i males. 1\YC.nlY l)t"n:1!Jl1 01 oLhcr 1ll'1C KNIll' IfOlon g: mll ies bQd I he l.nClTlher.shl ll (omp&ucd to 17~& or retn.o.lcs. Overnll. hll:liler numbcr of males u.',ed ule gym 1I1.l11 W men. (/79 Wo1rJS)

Grade: S Comments: Ilpyin~ the ntbric rl"du (C's the wul'll (Oll nl Dali1l~ 1I~Il:J III1"lli.1I1I1.,1Ih

and. and i llclud c~ CiCriOUS tITors. The decllon. whl h b n t wholl y lugi al 1 1ll'~ ,111

verY/cwo The range of bOlh vocabulary am.I Sclltt:IRC 5lrU ("lurn b hm lted. with OIilf1 \ ~rill11mi1tlr.ll (' rmrs.

Task 2

Th(rc 15 no doubtllull OlgC. expe:ctancy has lncn:ased o \'cr r}IC 11m lWl!nly YC4IB. The quffi.! n of \"b.t lhur the Inoc..1siqg nwnbc.r 01 ddcrly people G1USe5 po~hl"c cUecu or Qt'g.,ldvc l5 B m3~H!r 01 ~!lsptl1e4 As far illS 1 .m CDnc~rn('d it It..b negalh'c dh:a far. numlM:r oj re.uolU.

Some people are ot Ibe qpmloo that this ut'nd bould bt lncrca\Cd hcc, Ihere might be ml),c c~~encl-d wQrkcnin soacl )' People: wIll wort.: longer !lu n nuW TIds mlghl 1111ve a j1O;S5ilh'c t'Uc.Cl on economy. As "'~know. Ibest'. pcapl!>" give la"t 10 Ihe gO\lcrnmcol Morcov~r If we ,)ayant:. the)' art hdPPY 10 1I\'c longer 11.~ lhl.")· devolt ml)Sl of their IJvcs !o working. In rCl ireml!nl 3gc: eld~ly people need comlort ;tnd lI ch PCQI~Ic:;J irt' 10 do IIIlmy Ihlnij~ Ihallhc}' did not do bdOrl:. Thus. in ctcaSin8 ;1Uc:d P(WUll1llon gh'es hope 10 Ihe scnlorl who would li ke to enfoy Lhcir Lives.

H~wc"('r, I do hellcv(' thai hIgher aged populaLion m;e;ds hlghcr lnvl.' '1011.'111 n$ people In cldcr liKe ullcr frtJnI dJscJSC!l suc.h a:.; hl!aIt dlsCI1$C:, Stroke, dldbcti.s, A! zI:hnmer dtsease.

fI\'e rllmcnts n.:ed '" Inve5'13 colasal sums ofmonc:y Irentlng slU:h 1"lIhmu, Funhcr more pc:vple in ddcrngt': bel-orne morc dependent 1'6 olhen a5 lhesc rcop'c nt't' to be supervised by olher people. I lbJnk"nobcldy liKes 10 IrYe \vllJ I other Ilcoplr lmd USc Ihe [acHIiJes Ihill art" HOI hc!IODg 10 lhc."m.1'hercfore scniors !iufrer trom lIcpre:,ssl.)Jt nnd Pwchologkil l probkms, AI the il1tne time If people: wGrk longe.r, there ~ IIUl I' UludtHl' r Ihe: youn,l;.cr t-te.ncration bcau).( tnO$t "O~ltlotU /lre occupIed by the ddcrl}' people!. 1'0 ronclude. J feel 'hnt the ntgative effects on St."ICfc\y oUlwclSh Ihr paJ>hl\'e c.Uero bcCilU5C of the obo\ C' rea5qIl$. (2S:! U,\....ts)

Grade: 6 COlllmen15: Then~ art: plenty of ideas. bU I paragraphing is nOI well managl."d. Ho" ... eYcr. Ihl! sentences lend (Q be clearly link~d The range of vocabulary is adcqualt.' for lh(' purpose. as i5 the vari("ty of enlence SlrUCIu rcs. but gramrnatl 411 crr r5 are o btru.s lve

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• ••••••

Pract ice Test 10

Tas k 1

The bar chari illustrates the: percentage 01 people in Great Britain living alone according 10 their age and gender Irom 2004 10 :::W05 ,

It Is immediatelyapPII.r\!"m tlmt living alone increased as pcoplc gell ing o lde r and the percentage oj females outnumbered the: oppo -he se~ , ForinsulnCe, ~h (! laslI:atcgory " I age ShP'f'Il'd \hal the overwhelming majO[ilY of people living alone \Vas females aboul 59% compared only to 18% Qf males.

As regards ma les living on Ihei r own we can see a linl\! dHfercncc in th'eSt!cond Ihlrd and fourth groups of age. The}' almost had the simi lar pcrccruage. However !his was nOI the case In the nrSt category which was just 5%. Unllkc men. women's prtdor'ninanct: began In Ihe b5 /74 year o ld) which showed a dramaric change. For example lhe pcrccntilgl" o f kmales \'Vas 32% as opposed lO 15% (or males. Prior to this group, the third category of age had almoS! the same pe rct'IIIage.

By and large. living a lolle was common among women as they go older. The 35-1-1 y\!ar a ids was Ihe onl,l calego ry with <1 noticcable male predominance . (/82 words)

G rade: 6 Comments: The ru bri c is copk-d . red ucing th e wo rd CO UIl L Tht: re is ... cl ea r Q Vl' n I(;' \ \<.

wi lh we ll h ighli gh ted m ai n point s. Howev er, o rga n izat ion is less c k ar in Ih l: th ird paragraph . Voca bu lary and gra mma r are fa irl y va ri ed. but there arc various inaccu rale usages.

Tas k 2

The re is little doubllhal govenuncnlS and large lnsututions implr:mem many Innoval ions Imo our SOciety. However, from my point of view. !hey arc only able 10 do so wil h Ih{' belp of ideas from Individual citlzens_

For a stan. every pan of society, induding gQvernmeOl and large- instil1ltions. conslsLS of individual members. GovernmenLS hilve the right s to the further use o f Ihe nc w ideas and in Cao should always listen to them. FOr example, a Ukrainian engineer called Platon introduced the idea of building a bridge across the river io Kiev. Seeing the slratcgic imporlance of this bridge the government provided funds to build h . And now th e whole of society bl'nefi lS fTom the use of on e man's Idea.

Funhermorc in l ondon , the Mayo r. Mr Livingstone, announced a competition which can be entered by Individua ls 10 find a new way 10 provide air conditioning for the underground system. 'This Is yel another example of how governments and large instil'ulions rel y on Iht" creativity of individuals to be invenrive and bong about e11.lnge.

Some people migh l say that governments have the strength. power and money 10 realise a nd introduce new ideas Oil thdr own. In the case: o f inslilUlions they pOssess IIp to datt eqUipment and massive' fadlities , However I wou ld say that Iheyart' nOI enough 10 allow thClD to comribute 10 sodety as a whole. Tbis Is where crearlvil y and ou tstanding ideas come in. So if an individual 's dlom arc combined with Ibe governme nts's power and money. Ihere would be many changes that could bellefit everyone.

In concJwion. bOth indh .. iduals and large organizations. Including govcmmcnls need 10 work in partnership LO bring abou l any bencfidal change. (178 IWOO)

G rade: 8 Com.m ents: The wriler d oes n o t fu.Ll y addJ'css th e IOpic bu t does prescm a clear and logica ll y sequenced argumcm. suppo ned by evide n ce . Coh es ive devices are u sed effectively. The range of vocabulary produces fl uency and precis ion . Sen te n ce struCture is va ried and grammaLica ll y accura te .

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• •••• • •••• • • • • • • • • Key •

Unit 1 Task 1

1 Possible answer

lude:nts· ('1\"" answers GrilPru .1S~X1.1I('d wllh Irl\J .1Od OVO mol) ~ cxpcct~d 10 ~ nSlng Ie tlt I). \ .. herr.n graph) JS5oo.1'ed '" IIh audiO and "Ideo cassents lila) ht" c\pcut'd t() be: failing lil. c. ~ 0,. It) .

2 1 ~ 2 c J d •• 5 b b h 7 I 8 < 9 h 10 <

3 1 rllCit'

) nUClll.lICd tI nUl1uiltt'd S drt)PJ'C:o 6 Icll. It:\'dicd off 7 illS •. "Imb"d 8 ~tcdlllc:d Q dCc"rt"obt"d. Ie\ ('!It'd o lf

10 tlroppc.'d

4 1\"'1\\ slc"dJl)" grddudliy.

,lIghll) F.ul \\ Ikll). Shllrpl), dramilllCaU) sulid"'nl)

5 • There we're' \\jJd nu IUJlh)ru.

In \~JllC C'XIXlJIS from Alm~d l;J\'er 'he rcrlNJ

~ There- was a graduo1J Lolli In the de\"C:lopmcm of nc\\ produCl" , RtSeolrdllO\eStmcnt h.15

d dccrea\cd IlIUICl'ably, Thert \\,.1) ,1 ~tgf1lllcant drop III till' pur h:l\cS o ll lckl' t\ lasl IIlrollth

c Tht're was a 101~nifll':;) nI me In Ihe numi\f:r uf mcs on tht" Intt'rnCI

The 5-&11c t.,r nlJlI!:t1S deut'~ nu.tUt'ul)·

96 •••

g The numbtr of \·huon ill the: Iheme" pa rL fiu lu.lled \('r)

shghll )' h Sugar IInporLS dcdll1t'd



Thert: hils b<!en a slow mCfe" ... c In tht"" qualll)' of IOlld In nlpennarkclS TIlere was ol rtmolrkable fluClUatlon In the numbc:r of air ltavdlc:rs

ol Afncan spa.e CXp,)rIS b new pr duci de\'doplIll!lII d IICkel plJrChils(.'s e' Imernci sites I mango sale'S g Iheme" park ,'i) llon

suptm1.l rlel food quaJII)·

7 b S55.000 l S 115.000 d S120.000 < S 1 )0. 000

8 a lIlol11hs uf the ·ear b thou.sands of dollars ( Sales weill lip fOI InletIle'1

hpreS:5. Wl oU Calr. Ilnd Cafc 001 bUI do~'n forTh!" Te,l

Rvom d Betwcen dirlcrcni ('lfcs .HId

hetween diflt.· ((,n1 IOfJ llIho( lor Ihe samt' cafc

9 2 n,1un 1 vcm I noun 5 o1l.h'crb

I> \ crh 7 , cortI

10 1 d 2 g ) < • I S • b c 7 b

Task 2

1 " dro1wbacks h reasoru l cou ...... d SOlutwns

• •••••••• 2 b dISo1d'·""lages agll'C' or

dls.1gree' c ad\".lllfa!,cs/b ncnt~ .\·.lnl.l~C'\ d agree" (1f dl ... agrct' e ad\'o101aR~/t'ICndlts f {"allses. \OIUlluru g me'a urN

3 IJ Ihret Il.IIH. 1\\"0 SlilI ('lIlcn l\

plus tIIlC.'J IIOII

ont.' pari o tWO pMI ... SIJlemell1 Illus

question (' t\\"n pafH. 1oIalcmC:-n1 plus

qucsllun th ree.' l>om s. Slol temeni plu\ 11' 0 qUe.' ... lIom

).: two patl .. , Slalt"mC'flI plu ... qUC'~II(\n


Possible answers w r~ I'('ople h.wl" less )hlble lobs Tc:chnnlog) conblluo1l1y d('\elulltng new compuler systC'mi and cle'ctrrlnic dC"\'lce.'~ Triwt"l · Bjr I,.,\,('\ b stili on Ihe Incrca~{' dnd becoming chcarl'r

omrnunlGtllon· people me uSing I('xt meSs.lgcs m Ol C

Ifcah lt life' C\JleChSllC)' I ~ ill reolsing

5 01 fint St'nlenC'(' ~ caUSes . \UIUIIOns

6 The) arc .10\wc=n ngo can) uu suggesl SOI11( po~ ihlr .... ll ull(!fl"" The'y ~ u~f.:e!ll eno)urJglng cm plo)'('c'i 10 ,cI.n providing gyms and Ola'tSolge therapy. trillnin!.: cmplll)"(,cs 10 1Il.l/lil~ [, Ihctr lime hellt'r Results peuple will ~(' I11nrr dfide", ami product}\'«.· thc \\ OrkpJ.1cC will be: hapPlcr

Page 94: Improve Your IELTS - Writing Skills

7 II,. 2! 3d 401 5 h b C"

8 n People "houltJ be cncour.1~('d

10 ('\crO!l( mun~.

b Th.:- number of \Y rkll1~ hours ~h uhJ be: reduced -

c One posslbllily is lor dIe ~Q\.:crnm('nt II) provide (ach c:mpII.lYc( wi lh Ih~ir OWI1 compult"t

d Parl' lli s (Ou ld be pers uild cd to spend ml)r(' wile Wllh their child re n

c The nl! mbl'r 01 cars comins In to Clllc~ .. hould /could be reSlrlctcd A good ide., Is for Lhl' g \CfTlmenllO build more \ k},.)CTilPl'f'.i .

9 ,1 o~sily (or sue"s) b Slrf.'':'S

l leehn log)' d 1.1,,-k ul dlsdplJnt' C Irafhe congcs" n f ,n ctCTo wding

10 Possible answers h As a resu ll. Jleop le would be

uhh}:!cd 10 milllilJ:c." thei r tune lIIore clrn:l lvcl y.

(' This \\ uliid enable [henl 1(.'

wCl rk ft m IW lTle and Avoid \l rC5sful journeys imu \\I Irk

d nI ls wou llt lead 10 hrutr Cl1mrnumcauon bCl\\ccn famil)' llIemhe~

(' onSC'~I\I('n ll). there would


be Ie,) (rMII con';(:51lon '1I1d juurnt'Y times would be rc'l!u(l'd Or dotnSt rhb. Ihc) w(tuld t' n"u re thaI Ihere were' fewer P~ll l}l t' h\'ln~ In crowded o r su/:'lstilnJard accomnlt\(la tion

iHldilion and. funhC'nTIore C\llldlllnil II

\(11111.'(' . for IOSIlUlCC. lor


pUrpOse: 10 order 10

rtd lln bCl')USC'. 510 C

resull consequently. ,lnd ')0 Iherdorc. i15 a (e ... ul!

12 (('.lS0n ;


t'(ample solUllon :


bec.Jus t" as a resuh . ilnd so fo r ('xample the obVIOUS dOS \\er U

Possible answers A

1/ PCOllic migralc to eliit's. Ihey becolllC' UJPIJcd 111 poor, overcrowded accornmodauun Jnd 50 Ihelr hC,lhh dC It'f10ralt's llnd 11

d (esuh thcll Quallt)' 01 life rna) be no bl"Her Ihan bclore A good Idea would tx- 10 If)' In create nC'\\ Jobs IIllhc counlrysldt:. B)'dmng Ihls. pcople would nOI fcellhl" nc~d 10 mo\ (' Into !tie!' whic'h M(' alTejl dy o vC' rcrowdl"d


People spl"nd 100 tou ch lime" wiuching TV For c:\'arnplC'. somc children sta) up laiC w,lImmg TV In Iheir bedroom insh.'o1d o f ge lll ng.1 good nishI'S steep.

unscqllenlly. thc)' arrlve.)t S hoolmcd ,lnd unable 10 leJm II household~ ju~t ha \ e one l V In the main h\'lng ar 'n, Ihen II WIll he t' aSltT (0 onlrol ho\\ m,lll) hours o1(e SPl"nI ill i ront 01 It. Thl .. \\ I1 l tcad 10 hetter resu it s.1' school.

c The de\"doJlfilC'n1 of I OUnqn

often creales reS('ntmen l ,lm1mg 10\:011 people beC11115C' lOurtSl.S do nOI help Ihe I lal eeonOIll) Fllr C',(,lmplc, Ihe) nl.l} Sla) In Intcrnational hencb which m.lke IJ cge profi15 oUI'iide Ih~ COIlIl If)' Th t" obnllus .1ns\\ cr Is to C'ncouro1~e 10UnSls It) USt'

I,) .111), 01 \'01113111(' <1C(:orl1ntOdall(m

Fmlhennort: b)' dOlOR tillS, Ihe) would le-am mOre .1bou t Ihe: Cl}ullIr) Ih~)' .nc \'h:flin~


Unit 2 Task 1

1 a paper monc}'. around cigilih

(cnlury 1\1)

b ll.1l1POIl1I pen palenll,'d PHS (01 her d.1leS In'' F.1hrenht'u 5 thC'rrnofOeTt'r J 71,1 Durand's tin can I g I O. and HUIlI's S.J I(,I~ pm 180191

c Students ' own il"SWcr~ , d There a rt'lIlan) mher

iml}Ofl o1lll his lo ri a l IIl ve n ljom, They could Indude papcr, Ihe lI~hl bulb, rJdiO Jl1d n '

2 a Thr- tllC)'C/(: was r,m)"ed as

mosl Ullpurianr h)' O1n ... , males and femaln

b More fenlJlt s 1110111 lllo"lies rankeu Iltt' b~ 1'c1r, moNic phont', oIl1d (oldl(1 .1S .he mOSt important


More mai("( Ih.m f('m.lle s ranked the GH. ompult'r, Intcmt:l . and TV.n Iht' mOSI

a Ihan 11 I>OPUI.-H C less d TIll' le<l'i! IXlpu lar l' 1'\ \ r

The m SI J)t)pulou g r ... wc:r h Jcs~ 11111'0n.1111

Ihan It'~s

4 Possible answers 'Ot as m.ln)' female ... 1\ mJIl"s

chost' Ihc l'a( XOI oJ\ m.lll) males 011, lemales (hos~ th e mobil!!' phone

• • • 97

Page 95: Improve Your IELTS - Writing Skills

5 a More ma les than females

chose lhe car. b Morc women than men

selected the mobile phone. c The Internet was chosen by

more males than femal es. d More females than males

picked the radio. e Fewer mc1ies than females

picked lhe radio. The computer was chosen by fewer females than males.

g The bicycle was selected by fewer males than females.

6 a Slightly b considcrabl)' c Mall}f d Subsl.<lIl1ia ll y c sign ificantly

practically 8 lar h much

Nearl y

7 a nearly. pr.1C1ically b considerably. many.

substantially. significantl y. far, much

c sligh tly

8 Poss ible answers a Far more males than females

chose the car. b Conside rably mo re women

than me n selected lhe mobile phone.

c The Internel was chosen by significantly more males than females .

d Sub!>lc1ntially more females than males picked the radio.

e Significal1lly fewcrm.1les than fe males picked thl.' radio ..

f The compule r was chosen by slighl l}' fewer females than males.

g The bicycle was selected by slightl y fe wer males than fem a les.

98 • • • •

9 Possible answers a The bar chart probab ly

provides info rmatio n abou t Ihe number of people in IWO

different age groups w ho had vario ll s imcn:sts.

b numbers o f people c interests/societi es d age groups c There is no lime referen ce .

10 I e 2e 3<1 41 5 d 6 b

11 End ing co uld co rne rim : 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Noun ph rase on ly: ill comparisoll wirh, compared IViIIl

12 Correct options 1 However, By cont rast 2 but . while 3 but , whereas 4 far, collsiderilbly 5 but. ahhough 6 significantl}'. nOliceably

Task 2

1 Archeologisls. for example. help liS 10 learn aboul lhc past. Th ey look for evidence in a n cfaCislike pOlS and jewellery. T"es~ re .... eal a 101 of informa lion a boul our ancestors. This is very useful. but ir is still qui te limited.

2 Id 2b 3 3 ·Ie

3 b Old buildings help creale a

m ore relaxin~ environment 10 ci ties tha n concrete office blocks.

c Sit/dying hi sto ry may 1.I:ig&.eI a n interesJ in OIh('[ subject

=. d Built-up areas can be made

more amilClive by adding m OIJUiDl'!1I S ilnd sta t ues,

e Governmen ts should prOVide morc m one y 10 Dres !.~ rvc

hi slOricai sjles.

Tradjljon d ocs IIOt ho ld us back as some people believe ,

g Schools and colleges need to cmphasize h15100' and r<:liltl'd subiccts . .

h The iOicmet and cQmpyters can be used to preserve Ihe pas!.

4 a it / this b Ihey c This d it. L1

c it / lhi s r this g thi s

5 Sludl.'llI s· own a nswers, Other importam hislorical events cou ld b e the discovery o f AlISlralia, lht! di scovery that the earth goes ro\llld tht sun . or Ih e first splil1ing ollh(' atom.

6 Rdcvam points: b. d. e. g

7 Possible answers ... such as in Ancient Greece or during the Ro man Empire . As a result , Ihe)' will be able 10

compare thes e socie ties with our own. Therefore. they will become more aware of the kind of societ y that we live in. Furthcrmo n:. they will come to appreciate lhe cont ribu ti on that these societies made to th e wa y we lhink loday,

8 Slude m s' own answers.

9 Possible answers They could vi sit histOrical places such as cas tles or archacological sites. They co uld research Iheir own ra m ily hi st ry. They co uld do project work on historical pe riods o r figures who in le resl them

Page 96: Improve Your IELTS - Writing Skills

10 I'arolgrnph

I l 3

Soluliom • b h

Examples I c d

Effecu I < g

1 1 a solulion b ('ffen c ~xamplC' d 5011111 n c ex.,mplt> I r:xamplC' g cfl eci h :.olUlion


12 Possible answers One way is to ncourage childrcil to stud)' h istory b) uo;lng th e Inlernet. I~or eX.1tn l)lc, lhey cou ld senf h for inform:llion about hlSI neal figUft'S online. This !.."Quld IncreaSt' their mOtiviltion 1(,1

do hLStOnc.a1 rt'.5C'arch The ~CSI wa}' is probably 10 ViSit

1l15h1riC'JI sittS t:or Instance. children could \'bl1 :llocal .,fcheologk., l sitc A\ a n:sult. Ih~ historical plates will rome 10 ('('111 1110rt" real

An Iher method Is Ii) in"QI\'t" children in ding \\ ruing pr 1CClS, ~lIch ,15 producing a pOSte r or an Inforrll i1 1lon bookici . , 'II/: sk ill ~ th'11 lhcy pra tise in these SO riS 01 proJcns (ould then he nppllcd in ulht'rsubjcru.

Unit 3 Task 1

1 Possible answers a fInR: gold. ~1J\'er

house: (en\(~1lI. 'J lone. wood. glass baK: pla'il i lIh c: le.Hhcr (.1 r: steel. plastic. glass

b n.1lUral gold. 'Jlh('r stone-. wood. Icalhe-I manufauurcd ceil)cnt, glass. p i.1Sl ic. ~ u:1.'1

2 is extracted

~ is healed I t$ cooled 4 reaches , cool'

• conde.nses

3 hold

1 rains J nil .1 becomes

4 a imransi live h tra nsi live ( bOlh

5 OCCUI 0 nSl'S

begins 8 falls

SeOlt'nce a CdnnO! be pUI '010 tite passive:: .

5 Trolmitive: design. produ c. st'nd. rnanUfJCIUfC. obtain. become IntrolrJ.Silivc: filII . rist'. die BOlh begin. dry, grow. (001

6 Some' variation is l1ossibll'

a After the mOlorcydl' is designed. a prolol p~ is milde 11 is tested and the motorcycle Is manu la UTeri . Ahcr Ih l~. II Iscxpo n ed and sold ,

h !lim the whctll Is pl iHllcd . • ,nc! later U1l' crop is harvcst cd


The whea t is tromp ned 10

the mill where it 15 made il1lo nour. The !lour b bough I by a bdker. La ter the bredd is baked and sold.

b 2 c 3 a ~ h 5 d tiC (88

8 .1 b)' ron"c)or bel! b o:qlgen c raw s)'ngas d cMbon dioxidt". mercury and

sulphur (' purified I II drivcsi l .


• • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

g It tlQ\\l'rs it h the: lu rblne

The)' art! Stili Iva hea l (eetl\'t"I)' Slc.1fn gcncralor

9 I Fir.)1 of all 1 Aft~r that 3 where ·1 From th is 5 Followlns Illal b In tum 7 then 8 subsc:q ut!nt I)'

10 II When Ihe Sri!)\\' 10115. it coven;

Ihe g lou nd with a protcclin' layer.

b As soon dS her cu bs are born. the lIullt"1s li cks them all over

c Once Iht' paper b collected, \I is scnt for recycll ns .

d Ill'f rc volcanoes crupt, they send huge amounts Ismoke Into the :tlr

e When the: plants petSllire. lhe air beromc~ humid

1 1

The trees 3U.' lit down and the torcS! Is ~raduall)' deSlfO)'cd

Possible answers • ., ASsQOnasl hc l o<ll,

procc'\scd. II b p,'Ck.1g~d and thell it Is d lstributN!'

b When tlll' cyclr I, complell~d It repea ts itSelf all oVer again

c Aha the fubbhh is {oliened. It I ~ sent to 11 Centre for sorting .lnd then it Is rcqcled.

d nc\\ model or the bh:ycll' is dc\'e lupcd, II is tt"5lcd

e When thl' 1V is J\'iembled. II h sen t to Ihe 5hops A!i soon il\ the water i~ purlhcd. it b b."ll ilcd

~ The dilla .1bl."llil lhe weather is c IIcaed, Mid Ihe mfcmnalion IS lhen bro., J'n~t .

h Oncc the proIOI)'PC hdS been IcstcU, II I~ In dined

••••• 99

Page 97: Improve Your IELTS - Writing Skills

12 ludents' own answers

Task 2

1 Possible answers a Computers. amoln.Hie doors,

mobile: phones. anJ ~lletrite nnvig:ation systems can all help All of 'hem can make life: dHlk'llh as II Co1" , ... ke some l ime 10 learn how I U!le them and they can go wrong

b AU!Clm.ulc doors "nd TV remote controls mlghl make pc-oplc lazier Video gJOleS and NlP3·players might 4l1s.o make peuple lazy in Ihil' pl.!oplc 111i~hl come to prefer using these inSlead of rnklng up morc active pastimes ,

(" t;luc!c:nl'S ' n\\' n an"\"'C'r'1

2 (".1 USt'S , solutions

3 01 pranical mils lor cvt'ryda)' lifc b ovt'HcliJnl;'c on machinec; C 0 (11«, (unmons. opening

and locking doors. ~\Y i1 chlng mn hines on and 011

d W rkers cannlll do bnslc practical lasks.

c The)' have difncuh y In proct' ing rulic infuTlTl.llion.

4 a alloW lhc TV\()(\othclr

thinking ror them a l home h Irlldilional practical skilb

5 a Sometimes computers make

mistllkes and prevent thIngs hllppcning. w hich wastes valullblc lime and can (oSI monc)'.

b TV programm(-~ provide p..:oplc with m1orm.HJon about the wo rld around them. which Is ohen VCI')' usdul.

e MJdllncs now give uS more frt't:'doltl , wbJeh means wc have more lime for Idsmc 3Ctivuic:s_

100 •••••

d Tcc:hnolog}t saves U5 more and m IC li me, which can be used to create more m.ldull r."S

~ MOre and morc hOlllthl')\ llt5k!\ ,'II'e now c.unc:d OUi b)' robol5. which will be even more common in th l.' IUlli re. Everything secms 10 be ,wilUablc al tht: touch of a bu lton. whjch makes people cXJX'o instant cespons~ from olher l)Cople ,

6 <l compu ters make mlsrakes and

prcvenr things happening b mlor"malion abou t the wo rld c machmes now give us more

freedom d lime e rohols r everything stems 10 be

.1Yilllablc al Ihe touch 01 a hUlt. n

The ulullt -dJuse e~JlrC'\ses:tn eff('o In a. c. d. and f

7 ;) The: sltu,uian. whIch has now

b<comc much mor~ complex. is dfC'aivcl)' out of nHol

b 'fhc problem. \'\'hich the public blarn\' the go\'crnmc:n l for. Is cYe:rl'o nc: 's responsibI lity.

c The cause of th e problem. which is not immC'di.ltc1y obvious to everyone. is a lack of bastc ITaining

d The solution. which in my opinion. is by I.u the !lest. 15 to hnve a day a t w "k when: pcople do not (amputers or o ther machines.

C' ff\et Itchn log)'. which


requires only t-<lsic training to usc. 15 the: cau<;e o f much fruslr.uion dt work .

Paragraph 2 Example: fixing a plug. mend In ' a puncture on a bicyde. or even seWln8 a bunon o n Il sh irt

iluse: l);uenlS no 10ngcI have enough lime to spend i1I ho me wi th thei r ch Erie t: young peop le are cOllsequentl)' deprived of valuBble rime: to learn praokal , kills

Paragraph 3 Cilulie: : IfIlcmauQoalj dn\!,." towards learning oc'" It'chnolot:\ Resu lt I ' y ung people i(,il\'il1~ schoollllcrdtC' in Cc:rI.JI Il compule r skills Resuh 2: i1 };Cncra tl 011 n!rnoo;t dclielenl in basic Ilr.lcllc.,1 ",!..lIb RCiUOI1: technical prublcllI­solving ha~ been squcczed nut ol lhe CUrriculum E.xnmplc makmg tlun~.s In c.1rpelli ry

9 P a_ra g ra ph I Problem.; Fim of all C<lU.)~ , ;\ number 01 reast}llS haH' been pUI fo rward lor Ih b . I\ut h) fDr Ihe moslimp rt.lnt

Pa ragra l) h 2 EXJmpll! . llkc ColU"C hCGlU\t:

EffeCt cl"nloctlu.:ntl)'

Parag rap h .} Came: a lso n('('ds tu ~arr) il t:uoo pnrlljllht hlaml' Rr.-suil i : ThIS ha5 led til Rnuh 2. it has ,]Iso credted Reason because Ex:ullple. like

10 Result ,0

rherdorc COIUe ucmly il .!l a result and s for Ih1 s reason no; i l cnnscquc ll ct' hCllce which Il!acis 10

whl h means rhil t

P urpose in orde r lO so itS 10 whh rhe ~im 01 so Ih.::lt

1 1 Possible answers a Children an~ now Ica rnioj.!

bOW10 do ment,,1 ~rilhm('1 1c .1gain_ which Olt'ilm 1111.' )­will rell' iess on cakulittnn


Page 98: Improve Your IELTS - Writing Skills

r Sume dtlcs d lMge InOlonslS 10 lake th~1I cars IniO thl'" ce ntre in order 10 e ncourage people 10 Uk public uanspon.

c Nlachlne'.l IIrc manufaetured 10 break down aher a certain lime, so 1 hill compantt') enn srll more of IhC'.m.

Unit 4 Task 1

1 Student,' own aruwt"fS

2 a The pie cha rts describe tht'

proportIOns 01 cach ~roup readtng p.uucular numi1cI'l o f Olnldc) cadl week.

b The- numbers re-pre-scn! p<ranlagcs o f people.

C II ShllWS Ihe numbel of anldes lead (',1ch wed There ,m .' Iltrt::c sepa ra te categories.

d Por;1 11 srudcOIs, lhl' m OSI nolict'able fea lu re is thai Ihe rnajorit)' rCOld J-S arlldes For PhD st udents, Ihe mOSt

noLiceable fcaturt' is Ihiff the majority rClld I\vdve or more tlnlcles pe r wee k. For junior Icaurcrs, the most nOlicc.ablc featurc is Ihat Ih\~ mal rhy rt,1d 6- 1 I anicles pt' r wed.

t" In ge.neral. mosl s tudents read be lwecn o ne and fiv(' artlck's a wcek .

3 • b c d < r g

Most PhD !i1Ude.nls read more nnic.iL') Iha.n OIhe r slude.lll5 and junl r lecrurers. A tiny mina nl)' oOumar Iccmrc-ts rcad only 1-5 an ldcs per wcek

h ()w, .1nd For example. respect ively wherc:as .'o1f:anwhllc!. but. which Iholl

4 Para~rarh 1: a Par.,grapb 2: b, c. d Pa ragraph 3: c. I Paritgraph 4: g

5 Gennai: a. c. g pectfic: b, c. I

6 l· h. d. e, L g Spedfi . a, c. h

7 a FM fewer junior lectu rers rt ad

OYer IWc.!vc ankle) a , .. c.-d,. ('ompMcd \Yuh PhD STudent'!.

b The avcr.iJS(' junior leclu rer rcads mort' JournJI Jnidt"s than the average siudellf

c The J\'erage PhD studem reads m OfC articles Ih'.!n 111(.' o lher srudenu ill Ith'

univcrslty. d Those siuden ts Who <Ife

rest.·arching rur a PhD have marc Time to read ,ll'lkl~ than juniur lecturers .

8 26 per cem aboul one: ill four ju!rt ove r a q uane r

H pt' r cent one Ihird a nt' In three

48 per ct'nt a lmost hall lIe.uly half JUSt under one baH close 10 one hal!

75 per cem three OUt f fo ur th rc(' quarteTS

9 W:T)f biW: \'ast ovcn'>'helming very big (used before numbers) mi1SS:ivC:. hefty very small: !.in)' nOI very big (used ~fore numbers): modest, mere

•• • ••••••

10 Possible answers a about ne In r\ll1r/lu~u under.1

quane r b th e uve rwhd mll1g' vol!tl

ntaj o rit }' ul. 75 per cc:nt c abou l o ne In Ihret.· /J u~t I/\'cr

Oll~ Ihird; (101.' in te:n d Fiit)' pel celli; ,1 heft}' 6-1 pC!r

cem) ove:r six OU I of len c The o .... cTwhelmlng/ vasl

majo riT y/ Ahoul mne tit of ten

11 a Thc pcrC\.·nt J~( who sJlC'11t

8- 14 hOUf), In Ihl,.'lihrM) oln" similar' 3~ per (ent I." all studel11.~ Mid 32 pC"f ('c nl l)nSI ~radll.He Thl.' rr"I'Utlh'"' .1 re ilpproxlmald) Ihe "aille. but to! diff~lenl \-"It'gNi\'~ .,1 !lours.

b Thc pcrce.l1IageS f'f ""ldelllj spending 1-7 h OUTS and fi flee n or mou: h~llU'.S Me Vcr) di£f('rcnt in each caSco

(' As sludenl5 ptClgr~s."i li)ward~ pOSlgrJduJte level. the: number 01 h un spent tn the library i n cre"se~

d The: similari ty bClwcen the different p rononinns I r undergr.1duillcs and poslgrad u <1lt's, but fo r different CIllcgorie.s.

C' Under~fi1du ,u \; SlUdcnts ~pend less time Ihnn olher )ludcOl < In Ihe Ifbm ry. Other slIIdl'nts spcl1llll"SS Ilml' in Lhe IIbran tholn poSt!!:rnduillc Slull el1ls ' Postgraduate: ~I udl'nl.s spt"nd mo re lime," lile library than all othel sludems

12 OJ p<1I1I.TI1

b proponlon c majo rlt )' d minonl)'


1,.' trc nd Iwo'lhirJs

~ (iuanef

tudentS' own ~nswers .

• • • • • 101

Page 99: Improve Your IELTS - Writing Skills

Task 2

1 a They are connected b} the

lopic of edU(OI IIOn b o. lIu:y stand allme The

St3leOlems iJrc \'cf) )\\'(('plng .1.nd du not clcftrlr support lhe first one

C You CQu ld give: rColwm Ii.kc bt'CoJtu( thu h'tlu/d Jrdp PalJ,(t 001l1l1n(1 an.f r.I.1r(r 1I ndl rouJ/tnrs ,/tl'tL.·p. Tht"n )'OU

cou ld 81Ye (,;(.lmp l~s. like: F"f (x.lnJl'lt, s.:h"iJls /II pilJlYSllk(


cmtld ill sp(l1tJ(lrtd by ruh~, ilJ lI lIlnfl

BOth S1il le rncn l5 Sl1P1Wrl Ill e opin ion.

3 Students" wn 0111) \\' (1")


Possible answers a It is Impon.lOl tha t

univcrsitks should make mort: hnks with buslnt')ses .

b There is no doubllhal lhe present) oung sC'ner.uloll UlOWS more than Ihdr prc\-lous cou IlI crparu .

c One cannOt deny Ihal tcaching Ihlnkl n t! .1 1 school is essc"nl iill. eve n ill prima r), level

d It is impossible 10 argue agil lnsl lhc lil,:1 Ihill mort' l ime needs to be devo ted 10 Ic:amlng musi c, either during or a fte r school hours.

5 Possible answers <= Some pt'ople believe phy.)lcil l

edUCillion 15.1 necessary pilfT of Ihe learning process ro r all pupil>.

r Some people Icellh.ll plily 15 a major pan r Ihe learning prexcss ro r children

g Q lhc r people art' o l lhc opinion Iha l It 15 important fo r ch ildn: n lO Iry 10 lea rn a n Ihcr l.:m gu<1ge e,lfly in their educa tion,

102 •••••

h Yel o lher peoplc PUI forw ard lhc \'jew ,hal being bored a nd learning 10 deal with boredom is a ncCc$sal1' pan of Ihe ieanting process for ch ildren

6 C' I d 2 c l b 4 S g 6. 7 8 h

7 i1 3 b :2 c I

8 Possible answers j) For C'xample. lhcycan lea rn

I;mguages li ke JJpancsc o r Russian ,

b A good e xample is Ihe endless ({"SIS given (0 school ch ildren 10 some co umncs.

c Take lo r e xam p le Inp" 10:3

pla(cs of h islOrical in lefest like The Greal Wall of Chm3 or istanbul.

d II can. ror example. prOVIde snu lJ dasst's and sometimes even b<: u e r fad li tit's.

e Famous span s SlaTS like footba Jlers could. for InstJn~. conduct training on a regular basis,

9 Possible answers a Some people are 01 the

opinion Lha t fo rc.ign la nguage lea rn ing sho uld be compulsory. beca use it hl'ips in leJlectual developme nr. II em , fo r insla n('e, develop one 's own language and improve communicat io n.

b There is no dou bl that students need (0 h,1\'(' good sludy skills on entering unlvt':B"II Y. since mosl subjects requi re a lo t o f sophisticated $kills like listening 10 lecrurcs, nOlt talong. etc.

c Yet o lhers feel 1.hal universit y lectu rers necd som e: teacher training. a5 they a re used 10 lecturi ng ra th e r tha n leaching wh ich Is no t suit.Jble fo r sma ll groups. Lecturers could lo r insta nce . lo llow short courses o r vi sit colleges or schools,

d II IS Im po n alll ihat b(l)' ~ Jnd Nl rls oughl to be educated I II )Cjl;Jr.l 1e s(hnols ne n:ason for Ihl.s Is Ih.11 they lt.'arn In d .Ucre n t ways . For uarnrh.· bop .Ut kn wn 10 prdel cnmpctltl\ C' actl\ Ilks

e ome peoplt' lhmk Ihat teachcrs' 5illan~ need to bc ,n high as d(xturs' o r IBw)'crs' sinn: the)' h..lvt' such an lmport.JnI jOl"t to do . Fo r IOst.lnce . creatmg a future gener,.1I1on ur ductl>T'S and l ilwycr~ req u ires good w<."l1· paid tcaC'hcrs in the prt'\cnl.

Unit 5

Task 1

1 Suggested an swers ,I Dol\"(' Ihlnk'lll was \.\l'l'\e

That' b nuw IIh.1r~ fllT )'vung people I () do S.lJld rd Iblnk, II was ~ltcr It WolS qulcI .101.1 peaceful. N'O\', there 15 il bypass. "'n m agrees Ihe lown was pre ltler .and mtlre peaceful However he thmks Ih<':re are m rc job~ o1l1d opportunities.

b Siudems' own o1osWers c Dove' The Ice rink. mc Idsure

centre. ilnd the ska te park were opened by I h(' coundl IMI year, SlJnd ra . A bypass a nd nn Industrial est ru t,' WC I C buil l a few yen rs ago.

d StudClll s' Qwn ,lIlswers

2 a The lown hJ ngcd

con 'iider.lbly ove r Ihe period b 11 was mllre residenllal c Therc were fewcr LTecs in

.lOOS d They were dramauc_ e The con)lrunion of Iht'

siadium and the remll\'al of Ihe hOllses They were C\Jt down iJnd rt'placed by skyscrnpt:t1

Page 100: Improve Your IELTS - Writing Skills

3 2 resldl!ntiai 3 expcncnced 4 noticeable 5 houses 6 fa ctories i fa cilities 8 c(inslrunion 9 comer

10 comparison

4 a The I wn (~nlrC was

dcvcl ped dramatlcilJly. b The ncighhourhol)(l was

complete ly Inl osformcd, The residc rn i.Ji area w.15

torall y Tl'cO n Strllc lC'd

d The old factnries were IO lall y redeve lo ped

e The nld h(1m~s we're rebul l! f The elll cnainmeni diStrict was

cllmplt-tcl y rno(krn ized.

5 b The town cenl rc dcve lo ped


6 a The map shows changes

which took plart bctwee.n I QSO and 2005.

b Very few trees rrmrmud. c Qvcr tilL" next 25 YCilCS . • ,11

these huuses Wirt k"..)().:(d

don". d The si ngle dwc ll illg.S "",d.'WfIY

for skysc...,apcrs. c The [rees n'tr( rut dow".

The area o'ptrit'1lcrd drama tic changes.

g nh.' woodland madt way for a golf course:.

h A marina W itS also hm}r

7 a was knocked do\\1'l b was CUI down (" WJ~ n:dcvdoped d was convened c underwent I WDS pulled d wllJreplaC"l:d g wa s COIlSlnlCtcd

h took place: was tr.1fls formcd

8 d cannOt replace &nvt(II 2000 and 1005.

9 J By 1005. the row of o ld

houses had been knocked down to make way for a road.

b By 2005. the foresl had been ru t down to build a railwa y.

c By 2005. the area had bee.n redeve loped completely.

d By 2005. dl(~ facto ry had been convened imo an an ga llery.

I.' By 2005. the tHy centre had undergone a 10lal translonn.alion. By 2005, Ih(' row of old I('rraeed houses in the ci ty had been pu lled down ;lnll replaced b)' a block 01 fiatS

g By 2005. a span s complc..'I: had been con5lruaed In the­suburbs .

11 By 2005. a number o f spectacu lar changes had laken place. By 2005. tho whole centre of the lo\\'n hold been transfoml(~d by nC'w deve lopm(:nts .

10 il They are beside Ihe railway

li n t" . b It Is nonh-easl of the: lake , c It is somh ·west of the

stadium . d It Is south of the golf course , e I I is nonh of lhe skyscrapers. r It is in the sO ul.h -\NCSI of the

lown. g It is saud} of tbc rive.r.

11 a in b by d In c: (rom g beside: h on

Task 2


c beside r on I off

Students' own answers,


2 .1 You can agree or dlsagr{'c

completely You can ag rct' 50 per cent and disilgree SO per cent. )'o u canno t he Il l.'utral. Y u have to e-xp ress In opinio n.

b Yo ung employees should rc:ct'lvc the same amoulli of mo ney as olde r pt.·opl ... If the y do Idemlcill work

3 u Opinion State.ment b on lradlctiot1 c Example d Explill1iltion e Reason f Reason ~ Resu lt

4 a Many pe-oplc bdJe:vl." 111<11 b HO\\'l"VCr c Take lor example d The y deserve to r(:Ct"I\'l' Ihe

same salary .. , e because I Moreovc'f. g whICh

5 Students' own answers.

6 Dele te th e follOw ing: I Morc vc r 2 while 1 And .\ nlso 5 ho wcvtr 6 SubseQuen tl),

7 I a 2 b

3 " 4 L 5 , 6 c

comraSI reason addition example result conclusio n

• • • •• 103

Page 101: Improve Your IELTS - Writing Skills

8 Possible answers a Mall) kd Ihal yo,,"lt pcople

have" much mnC' InflucllI:c In the world Ih.l" 1helr coulllCrpan) In Ihe Pol!!1 Pcrwnillly. I btUC\('lh3llhis IS nOI occcssaril)' !nit: . ~G1Ujc most pc pic In puwcr belting 10 Ih(' "lldfr genc'fo1Tlun For C'X.lmplc, mO)1 polillaans thHlllgholll 'hC' world .1ft' mJln ly mlddlc-J8('d j\loreuvt"r. mOSI wC'ahh Is conccmnllcd amoll8 J~o(ll(' 1Illhcu tonies upwards So. )'oung people lIlil)' "p~nr I I) C':ccn influence. hut It is limited.

b According ta !lome pc.:opk. o lde r wo rkers Jrc:JUSI i1~ equipped 10 1.1..:.11 whit lhe mooc:m \\o'orlll a .. Y'\IIO& people Hm\e\'rt" Ilhln lhal )uungc, rcupk arc fllth:h mort.' prcilared l)ClilUse the)' arc nHI h m rc ,,-,mplilcr­lunalC" Ihan older people: . M orC'H\Cf, Iht'y arc well· Jcqu.unlC'd wll.h Ih(' lait'si 'gadgcts" For aamplC'. many )'('U08 people arc able 10 dcsl~n thelf own web pagt'~ Gnd adilpt quickly 10 the lah.'si 10015. Thus. I red they are bC! IIt.'r iH coping wllh IOda)"s world

c Some pe pI.! Me of lhc: oplOion Iha l Jdv('nisln~ shou ld nOI be banned In TV p rogrammes directed 31 young people. Nevertheless. I feci. adverts in these programmes should be SI PPl..'d as they cncoumge young J'Coplc 10 buy products Ihal neilher they nor Iht'tr parerl~ Gtn aH rd


T .. ke Ihc lalesl l oy~ or 110 1('lcvi~lon sets PartniS maybe pUI under t.'nom10US pressure 10 buy Ih('sc, thus tndlng up In d\"bl So I think some oonlrol must be txtrdstd Over TV commeroat\" In programmes ItT young people

1.1 2c 4b

104 •••••

10 Possible answer Some ~ople fed [h.11 wcblogs are JUSI Ol \VilSIC of time ,lnJ anolht'r way to lu re people on 10 the Intt'rnct . Personally howevCt, I fed Illat !.hey arc \ery us<lul for ~ple f aU ages. c~daU) )'oung pc:oopie. for man)' ruroru

Unit6 Task 1

1 Students' own answers

2 Possible answers Studcnl exchange'S. language ki1rnm~ Jo1m cultural CHili.)

and sha red )Clcntihc .1Od tcchn logical know-how can be carl1ed out by indl"ldlllll .. Trade agrecmcnts, IriUlspon links, and media Imag ...... Citn bt' Improved by gO\ e.mmcnn Tourism can be camC'd OUI

by bolh IOdividuals and govl:nlm~nts

1i0l 0l 1(, and landsG1~, and li festyle and cu lt u re a re dlfflcul! to dlangc .

3 a Ihe ovc rwhelmlng majority of

people were in favou r of b wi th a m a iler numbe r

n.Jmln~ Ji lest)' le a nd I'ood


the most im pon anl lilngu;lgcs. abou l equal numbers of people

a Sentence J relates 10 sludelll exchanges. b relalcs 10

dimal~. and c relale'S 10 language learning.

b Sallenct a IS illustrated by pie chart I. b is Illustrated b) pie chan 4. and c is IlIwualcd b)' pic chart 3.

5 J piC' chJII I b pIC chiln ) l J'l1C'(hart I d I'll.' hart 2 t' pic dum"

6 a The \'aSI maJont), ~\f hohda)

ml1ke" to ChrnJ h It IS cle.u thai illmo~1 1:'111.11

numbers of bt\lh '>c"(es c Only oJ lill), mmUrH . uf

hlmgocrs .. _ d In ..:onclusion. Ihe trl'nd Is

deo1rly upward wllh Ju~t under half of companu· ...

e To sum up, ncarl)' ... thud 01.111 luuriq'i ...

7 Overall 1I1~ de.1' T., t;fllll.:lude It tj c\ Idcl1llhiJt It wt'lIlld ~~crn that II IS cleM thai In l't'lnclu .. lpn Til ~UIII UJl

8 a 1J.1l"'-tlilckmg 1S popul;)1

with lhe: youngC:Slgruup Jml gU ided IQ urlO rl'i.lliVt.'ly unpopu lar. ThiS panern IS

reversed for Ihe oiliest group b ) 1-10 "'~ilr aids l s..1 llsfJed

9 2 t' IIJt1Y('d ) belong ·1 J rountS lor S come~ 6 make up 7 Include 8 Is r.)h:d

10 II b dear

1 1 .J although. nev(' rl he1c::!> ~

h 41/,hoIl9" is a conjunction. 11(I'al/tf/t1J is ... n ,)(lvcrb N(IYrr/I(/(ss nomlilil y Slarlo; cl

sentencc chilI. howcver. dC'jj1l1e

Page 102: Improve Your IELTS - Writing Skills

But Is a conjunction h/JI\'C\'tr is Oil adv(' rb and normil il y ) l ll rtS 3

sen len c Dtspilt ca n n ly be used before II noun or an .ill.'I form

12 • 3 b I <5 dl • •

13 II Ahhough the V.l51 moljorily of

ViSitOrs to Britain ('ome from Europe. they slay for fewer Ihan tcn days on avC'rage .

b Althu ugh fony· fh ·t' PC'I Ct.'ll f of people spcak a fo reign 1,1Ilguilgc. f he VOS I majo rit y are ill il lo ..... lcvcl

(' D~pll e itsJthe good weather. S\)u lhem France Is visited b)' only IWU pt;!r cellI uf ASI.ln tuur[Sl5.

d The n u mbe r or ~1Udclll c:xch,w gcs rose, h tU/a lt ho ugh Ihe (,()SI of Ihcm \'\'cn l lip.

e I\ Jlhough U1C' c.'\en! was prornl)l('d 10 tcenagcr1. thc)' l1ccQunled for only 32 per eemt of the: ,1udienc('

Task 2

1 ludeOiS' own answers ,

2 a Ih<.' nISI SC.n1 encc b the second sentence.'

(J c!v.l1llagcs anti disadvol mages)

3 (Some: olh('r entermlnment de\Tlt'l's ma)' PC possible.)

a AdvJ ll lil ge : iPod, DVD plLlyer b Adval1lag(' : Mobile ph nc. e OISildvanIage: i?od. handheJd

same d Advnntage: fPoo, hnndhe.ld

gllloc: . l' AdvlUlh' ~C : lPod, mobile::

pho ne. handh cJd ga m e. OVO pli'l)'cr Dh:c1.dvanlage: u"lod.

g DLSadvantage: Mobile phone. h Dls,Jdvilnlagc:: IPod. hltndhcld

ga ml'.

4 a bc ne li ls b help c difficull d endbleJhdp c Imerlere


5 Advu m ll8l' : h elp. bC ll cl1l5. Ideal. enable Ois.,dvllOlage: di:flcuh, Inlerfere, eniJblc

6 il C

b ror t'Xamp tc. so, however. hence. nevcnhc::less. beC'lluse

( TIl\'y ,,!low pcol)le h.1 relax.

7 2 J 4 5 b



Ihey illlo\\' people 8re,)tcr fn,.'edom: they Me:.1 Ilubancc ror olher tra vellers

fo r example even It likc \vise though AJlho ll gh li nd Consequentl y

a d isadvantage b c. c, I. h c Main advan lolge: tltis (II/Oil'S

I''''plt srraler /H'r-.1om (I II(/

po:ibiliry and r(lkes alt/(lY t/rt borfJiJm LlfjOUn/t:yJ


Moln disadvamagc p{J)plt .1Tt

Mromi":J mort mId mort uolilud illlhdrolVl! ll'orlJJ, T)u an 0/ (("",mll/;mriolJ is l~ill:J losl

a drllwbacks b chana= c gam d problems C handica p r opp nunities g be n efll

10 S~rious cmphasi7cs dlsad\·olntage.

•• • •••••

11 Advn n lage : .. dVillll.'lg(,U II ~, bc:ncfidill. useful. hw.,lu .lhlc­helpful. con\'C'nicnl Dlsadvantagl:: wunhh~)~ tllfhcull

12 Jd\'3 n lageous - d Is"dvufll.lgt'ous be lldldal -dclrhnl" nl a l usc/'uJ - useless worthless - v.illuablcllnvo.lluablC' Invaluable - wonhkss dltncult - eas)' hdp lul- unhelpful .:onvcnlc l1I - inc(llIvenll'lll

13 Possible answers a Internallonal an fr"II\ JI~

enu.l ura~c Inlerl')1 IIIl1lh('1

pcoplt"s cul l urI:) b t c ndi ne: illi wolks h' '!llll"

Coull itiCS Improve" Iht'lr knowledge of 01111:1 C\l! tUlcS

c I:Ums and COflC'Cns cnhan(\' Ihe quah'l' or pt:',' plc:'s li\'(.'s.

d T(I enable children II) villue thei r hetiugc, we nCl'd It I ... h,)w rh"' m how ~lron ~ly II !' II\I infl uences SOclt.' IY loda)·.

c Personal links can bcndll lrilVcllcr'S when IhC')' ilrc OUI or the'II wn CUUOlr)' Ignorance of other p<:oplc:'\ traditions can hJlldicap busin ess pannership~ ,

g 1'0 prevent counlrl es lram f:tlling OUI with e.1(h olhe r, We

need 10 promo Ie 11l 1C:rcsl In Ilanleularcuhurd

14 .1 J Although, 2 Desphc: b I em phasizes the:


disadvollllage, 2 l-mphilslzcs Ih(' advantage .

n Although b Howc\,(·rlNc.'venhdcss c OCSpltl' d HowcvcrlNev('rlhclc,,!> e: bUI

• •••• 105

Page 103: Improve Your IELTS - Writing Skills

Unit 7 Task 1

1 ludcnls' own .mS\\CI")

2 a There w<lslillle change Over

tbe p<'nod, o nly a slight Increase from e3 h sOllr~

b The t1l8h~51 proportloru wcre allocatcd by non·EuroIK"n countries (Japan and USM.

c business d th!' EU avc:~gc (' The highelll proPlIrlJ n W.1S

alloca ted b), Japan . Iht: IOWdl

by hOlly.

3 2 Is shown j rose ·1 came 5 OOntnbull·J 6 overtook 7 \,.,~ ~Cnl

8 mnlnbUlcd 9 W.IS

4 slightl). approxmliltd)'. consistently. dosely. slgnUkamly. corulllc.'rably

5 ,1 slgnific.lOlly b l:onsislcntiy e hIghly d 511GI1IIy t" marginally f considerably g Appro~imu l ely h SUbSlilOliillly

6 a'; b 5 c I 1 g 6


d 7 < I

II Is also noLlceable;' that It is In l ercsting t nolC~ thaI

8 il The numba 01 SCtentfS15

per head 01 populallon has declined significantly In f CCl.'nl

year'S. b It is Interesung thal lhc 531('s

fillkd (0 reco"c: r e Numb"" ,.UI prob.bly

Qnlinue 10 fall over the pe riod .

106 •••••

d Not 5urprismgly. Ihen' were .skJlls shonages in the chemico1J industry.

~ II is c \'ide.m thOllln\cstment needs to be mcrC'41sed. H Is noticeabIc- Ihlll U1C patlcrn f r investmenl in the ans is Ihe revuse.

g II is more imponam that the cost of plasma screens IS ~el

10 fall h II Il nOI surpri ing thaI

analogue TV s.ll~ t.hen r II.

9 Sentence's b. <: and d are possible .

10 J The number or science

grad ua tes rell significa ntly, b Eviden tly. the number of

h,'dlOlc,a1 start in hospitals Is falling

<: The COSI of uaU1Jng. soellltst:. b tnCf('ilsmg n tJCt'Jbl)' year by year.

d Inte restingly. Im'e'iunelll in Qpital equipment IlkC' spcdallst machinery is down on 1.1.51 year

(' NOt i.1Jt"ll of ne\\ Irk-visIons sooTed before the World Cup.

1 1

The trend is now obviously upward.

Possible answers a Fu nding for R&D trllTea'!'cd

onl y ma rginnlly over the period. Business provided approximately haJJ of the inv('siment in 1998 The am unt of run ding mcreased very slowly ove r lhe period.

b Jap.l n allocated ('ouslderably mort. of its national inc me to R&D than ltaJy. Evid('lltly. the fou r EU coumrks invested less meln the USA or Japan The proportion 01 nOlionai Income given to R&D was noticeably higher In German)' and France than in Ilclly The pr portion allocated by the UK was only slightly above the EU average , I n te resti~g l y. I he avcrage



PIOI}Mtlon among EU unlries WOl~ bdll\\ lha t I~l r

Japan and the USA

It su uJcnts on all C\turscs 31 an AU.!olralian uni\'crsJI}'

b seven c moths d physics. o nental bngu.lgc:s t chemistry f Apparenll not Fur e\.lmplc

chcl1lisl r)' ilnd ph)'SID are


l th sdcncc SuhjeClS but chemistry wa.!, seen ilS t.HY b}

70 per CCIll clf students and ph)'lIia by ani). 25 percent Ukew'lSe. amollg langu,lgt' subjects. AlricJn !angllagl's We re :tl'en J !o co:,y by 60 pcr ~Il t bu t ori('nlil l l "Hlglla~cs by

nn ly 20 pe r l"t'llI

J irrcirvJnt b rdewmt <: rt'lC'vl1l11 d Irrelevant because: il cont,lin<.

an unne ('s~r)' QPlltlt'f1 e rdevalll r Irrdevanl as II 81\'C1 tou much

dellil, or ral.hCf ullneccssJr) inlomlallon .lboul how Iht:" btJr eh.l n is drawn

14 Possible answer The bal chan shows whelht!r SlUdl'IlL" ,1 t :10 AustraU:1Il unive rsity r.l lcd d llltn:nt subjt.·C1S .lS l' i'l5~'. IIlddl'r.lle l )' diUicul l. or

dlfncuh . The subject which was mOSl

ommonly relied a difficult wa Jnath s, by 70 pt'r c~ru 01 slUd~nt5 Only 20 pcr C"Cnt saw it il:!o easy Ph)'slcs WllS also Jargdy Judged IU be a dlUJrult or lIl(M.Ieratcly difficult nlbjcCl Only 25 per cent of students vic:wed II as eil~)' By conlrMI. chemIstry was n:garued a~ cas)' by a maSSive 70 pcr Ct'OI t students

As far .1S languJgc \ubjcus Me conCt'rned. 1.1l1gll.lges III general Wl:'re seen as easy by 40 per en! of 51udcnts This percentage d ropped 1020 percent lor onen!.ll languages. African IJnguagc:s, however. were viewed as e.1SY by 60 pe r cent of studcnts . An W,1)

Page 104: Improve Your IELTS - Writing Skills

Judged t be an eiU)' subjeCt by ani), 30 per (em o r I udenls and. Ilke ph)'sics. SO pt:r rcnl r,w,od II as difficuh In nelusion. Ihere Seem to ~ no dear corresrondencr bctwet:n the.' rype of 5ubJt'Cl and whNher it was gcnc.'rally ratcd as cas) or difficult

Task 2

1 Studc.'nts' own .:m5wcn_

Background InlormoltlOn ' Leona rdo da Vinet W.1 S " famous II RlieHl .mlst and InVel1H,r who palnlt:d the MOlla US;) Allwri Elnst(,1n Wil' .1 famou:5 lheort'I1cai ph»lcbt \ ·"dll\ "lme: up WITh the tltl'(lT)' flf rdatlvl ty 511 lsail c Nc.':wlon WilS an Eng.lish scic.'nti:51 ilnd rnatht"lllalh.:ian who dcscnbc."d thl' pr pt:rt!e o f t:r.J VII Y Nicolaus Copemicw was il Polish Klenl151 who recognized thai thc Earth orbited the un

2 a first Scntem:c b second srlllentc c third sentcn ce."

3 Ir 2b )01

4 M.olny pcopk feel stro ngl) : Tht'y arguc. Supponers of am groups fed

5 a ll bl c) d5 e."2 IS g7 1t6

6 Possible answers b Some people fed thai

the wealth of.l nntlon Is connccted with sdtmlf1c d('vt:loJ'ment Tht' y claim that mode:m t'conomicj cannOI ,1dvDII e Wllh oUI .l stro ng sdenufic base

c A commonly hc:ld tlchd IS that sciencr Is now playing a mo rt: impo rtant role 111 our lives Ihan in the: past Pcorlt' ret'ithat it has an ('(feet on (verytlung we do from caung to travelling.

d It LS argued by somt' pc:op\e that the work of .mlslS should be cnsort:d. They maintain thai C(flaiu works of I1rt thai are produced art' o[fensivt' and should be banned.

t' So me peoplt' think Iholl $(le:ntisu should havc some Involvcmelll wllh arllst , and vice vcrsa . They argue bringing these: IWf) gro ups together would be bellcr for society as a whole SOIltC people fed Iha l soc nct' Is dull and \)(lrlO~ Tht')' maUllain that ~ndlng IImt: alo nt' in LaboratorH:S: without much human COnlao is not "cry Interesting

g II is arguf!d by some people that man)' SClcnufic t' -pcnmcDIS arc dangt'rc us 10

sooery. They dalm tbat Iht're olrc many examples where senous mismkcs hav(' been mil de.

h Yet others believe thlll Ih~ \York of sdt:nll5U sh uld not be tightly regulated b) SOCIe ty. nley argut' Ih.ll by limiting sdentiti c work. we might Sl Op ce rlaln deveiopmcn1.s.

7 Possible answers b A good eXilll1ple he re IS

Gennany. which produCt:s a large number of sa~nCl: gr.1duates and has a thriVing econo my.

(" For ~xamplt~ when W( buy food from the su pennarkt:t the flavouring} and add itlyt's ha\'c all b<:t.n medsun:d and tC"sled scientincn lly

d A case in poiD! arc {'('rtaln w orks which dt'plct rdiglou> figures.

• • • • • • • • •

e FI)r example. l1l(lrt' regula r (0111 01 betwecn the IW~l would help scit'ntislS In ;]J'prl'dalc the way in wluch sdmufic aJvanl'CS arc J)(:r-n-I\'cd 111

soocly as 11 "holt' Takt' the Jet" l1( lab ledmloan for UlSto! U('t: It Im·oh'cs dealing w ith tests and ICSI re~,;uILS . a nd the re h very liult: human OOl aC1 Invllived

g A good example IS certilln It'SIS in which possible new mt'dl cai drugs wcft.·l n",d OUI on humans on I)' 10 (mil lhal Ihe}1 h.ld lJn lolc~l'e n and VCT) sC'rlous cf/ccl5 on Ih(! subjt:C1S' hCdhh.

h Fur In5t.lnCc.' how flu id" c cont inue to rcseMcb ('ures dISC.1 St'S su(h as GlflCCr III AID If the Ilun-"" t'nuh, communit y were al1,, \\ cd 10 Interh:re with S :1(.'nIl5IS work1

8 ,,2 bS c4 d l e3

9 wOII/.I. co llid and tI"gllt talk about po" lbllity clllt'n« d a sks Ihl' rC'ddc r

II) Imagint: a SituJt lon .lnd its c nsequ~nct'

10 a Unless the y arl' encouraged by

p.uents and tcachers, budding musloans wiU nut develop.

b U 5at'ncC' starS Iht' ageing procrss 1I1 hum.1n5 one day. Will This bc:ndiT mankind?

.: Unicss lhert' Is an dr"n to kct'p tradjtionill crah.s ali\'t'. Ihey wtll dlsdppt'ar.

d pfO \id.1ng innOvil t.1 n Is encouragcd. man)' new Jobs will bt: crc.olled

11 Possible answers " Provided parent have an

Inl(' rest 1.0 Illuslc. they wUl e l1courag~ muslcaltd\C'11I in tlH~.Ir children

• • • • • 10'

Page 105: Improve Your IELTS - Writing Skills

b II }!(wcrnmcnl suppon r~)r ans proJcru 1'1" 1l1)1 aVolililblc lhey

'will be: rorced to seek runding d~\ .. here ,

c UnlC'So: cnlr-anc~ 10 mu"eums and .til gallerlcs IS frcl" , many people wliJ neVl'r experienct:' Ihcm;11 illl

d Providing young sacntiSI ~ are given Ihe right oppfinUflluc5. Ih(' w()rk Ihey do ha." lht' pOlcntlal 1 be of enonn\lus beudll 10 sock ty

Unit 8 Task 1

1 Possible answers a The phOlogr<lph rdill e

10 our changmg futurc rd"'l1un~hlp \\1In Ihe ell \-Ironment.

b-d SIUJt'ntS own JnS\\.CD_

2 a II ~how) predictions lor Ihe

IlUrnhCI of buildings Lhal will he powl'red b}' solar and wind l'nerKY·

b They felatc 10 Ihe number of houses

c 0-600 million

3 a will 11 predh.1cd.. wl1l c pcC'dlclion. will d predicted

4 a proJecl ion, rorccast.

anll lJ>'lti n b proJt:C1 ed. antidp.ucd, rurecasl c pcedinion.: expcaauon.


5 a b c d < f g h

predktcd: expcCt('d, eSlhnau:d. S~I

is predicted , will pr arc ('xpcned will come Is forecast Is nm expected is prI)Jeoc.':d. will be is Sci


Is .1l1tiopalCd, will pro"lde

108 •••••

6 Sentence J dccnbcs something whJch will h.1ppcn before OJ fUlUre lime Senlence b desrnbcs something In progress al .lome In the' rUllire .

7 a wUl be using b wlI] be living c will have been sold d Will have bc:con1(~ c will have.' bt:cn destroyed

8 .1 Iht pic chart b It Is projected 10 lncrcaSt"

Irdand d Hungary C I he pie chart I Yes. 6 -1 per cen l

9 Th(' hans show lort-eMh fur th(' annuaJ reforestallon (11011

d((iJrtSl.1fIiJlI) calc 111 sdectC'd regions

2 The}! I recasl Iha l I he reforestation rale In th e lour regions will grow unlil 2025 I"" 20)5)

) It I) projected Ihat Irtiand will ha vl' LIlt' highesl rate In 201') 1111.7 percenl (not J.S ptr mit)

-1 II b Clnl idpa lcd Ihill lhe fi~urc: will c1imh from 0.5 per Ct':n l in 2006 (1l011015)

5 with the worldwIde aver-age forbolh 2015 dnd 2025,1.0 pcr CCnI and 1.3 per C(, llt

n.'SJlcct"jvcly (not I J ami I 0) 6 ('concerned ' 39 pe r ce ll i. and

'wry conce rned ' 25 per ccnl) ,

10 a II /J thai the USC' 01

solar r:ncrgy will beromc m rc: important.

b We see trom In~ chari thai Ill' largest amount of money was 5pC'nt on Ihe \V4l1ef conservation proJcn

c The chan shows lhe d iU 'relll types o f trces "'hldJ are fuund In different regions

d From Ihe pit chan. It can be: secn that h)';clrit puwer COll5111Ules sevcn per ('COl o r Ihe world energy dcmand

co It h dcnr Ih:ll til' m,IJoril} 0 1 people art· \ cry cum:erncd aboul climnle cnilngt' Reccntl)' 01 numht'l uf camp'lign5 hi1"': ellciluragc:d people ((I pl.'tnt Irce~

11 .Icnerall)', II is lorc("&I;:.llh.11 Ih!'

rdort'slillion ralc II Is also wonh n"llnt! Ih.1l From Ihe: pic chan. II e,m 1)(' \c:C'n Iltilt

12 a It gives in Iho\l~nds Ihe

eStimJtc:d and Jl'tual numbers of hOLlSes bUIll in lhe UK 111 2002

b seven c belo ..... d S('IUIIll'nl Enyland (77. 'lon"

London Hi 80m and In (cOirai EnglanlJ II b.1UUI Thc~ fl!o!urc .. la t nl\·('\II·11 Ihe rSUttJilll'S

e Nnnh of En~IJnd The «:SLlm,lIe was 0, 00 hou~cs Wh ile' Iltt' ,1(1u.11 f1J.!uno \\'.1\ 13, 500. Nonh~nl IrdanLi ami W.11t~) In Walt"5, iI was eSlJlnJlcd Ih'-1I 2.900 hOllst" wuulJ bt., bUill. bU I till' real nglJfl' was b.300. LIkewise. III Nnnlu.'fII lrl'limd Ihe eSlimate \\'a~ ff)t 2. 500 l h(lIJ5<lod hpu'l" . bUI Ih(.' real number was 5.000

C Scotland h colland It W,l:1o C)lirmHt'd Ihat


3.200 houses would hc bUll! bUI in the t'VCIII Ihe hgur~' \Va .. o nl y 3.000.

Possible answer The diagram gl\'t'~ Ii~urt' .. for tJ1C actual and cstnnall.'d numbers 01 houscs buill In the UK b}' n:ghm In 2001. In 010)1 east's. lh(' l'SlmMled

number \\'3) below Ihe numbt'r of house willch wece dCtll.11J),

budt, The highest nllmbers llf houses were constructed III Southern England (7 .600). London 147,800), .1nd In Cc:nrral England (16,200). far ~xcecding the: (,51Imal(:5 (S 1.100.2-1,800. and , I 00 rcs~(tI ... dy) Imilarly In fhe N flh of Englnnd. Ihc:re

Page 106: Improve Your IELTS - Writing Skills

was a dlspJntl 01 JU\l 0' t't 4 ,000 bc:tweel1 thc Iv.> IIgUfC\. 9, 00 fOf Ihe ~Ilm.llcd figure' agairul 13. 500 f,'r the IIduI'I1 fillurc Northcm I rt~Jand and Walcs follo\Ycd the StIrnI:' trend.. 2. 500 housC'~ ;u opposcd 10 'i ,000 and 2.900 compared to 6300 Scotland W<lS the regIOn where the IOWesl number of houses \Ve(e buill It was eSl1m.lle'd that 3 • .200 hvuse$ "auld be constructed but In the evcrII th t' figurt was only 3,000 In concl usion, II Is cJCJl lha l lIlan y more hOU~l') \\'!,.'/e builtin the UK in 2002 Ih.111 h"d been ilnticipn tL'd.

Task 2

1 Possible answers .. The: mO~1 senous IhrcoltS are

Wille/ o;hnn.lge-s. drought and OIhcr natural dlsastt'n. as \\'ell;ls other cUcrn of global wamllng

h-d lud.:nt.s" own aOSW(!r"5

2 2 fact ories 0 leisure 3 poll ulilnlS 7 pres ure 4 fi sh 8 adion 5 wlldille 9 In cnllvc

3 animal -counl lIblL' inlnrmdlion - uncountab le nalure - uncounlab le clitnJle - lIncolll1lJbk accommodation - unrountdble k.nowledge - un ount.,)}le rt~Jrch - unrountable weaLhcr - un ountolbll" trC'e - couOI.1ble idr.1 - COUOl.1blc situauon - countable fild - countable

4 problem - ollntJlble faCto ries - collnlilblc pollUl.lllts - coun utblc: fish - UflCOlll1l3blc wildHfe -unc untable k,sure - IIIlClllilUnblc

pressure - uncoumable action - uncounlable lncentivC$ - countable

5 iJ no artide, no anicle b no arude c the d 3. "oan ide e no article ( the 8 The. n anide h The

6 ,1 Wave powe r It'chnology is the

bL'sl answe r to the prob1t'm 01 poll util'n HO\\lr cr, Ihe im roouCli n of such Icchnolo~y a lso crealt'S II prnblem

b Govcmm~m.s worldwide should t.dX ttre (ars morC' A measure like this would make people think more aboul nature.

c In ,lu nC'ar future. housC"S wUl be mort' encrg)'-efhacm tholn Ihcyare now

d The food mdustry could pay for recyded bottles as W3S

done in thC' paSI The bouics would t.hen nOi be th rown a\'V3y.

c Insects like ~ bel'S. fo r example. pIa y a vlttl l role in m OS I ecosystems. The bee lcs plants and fl owt'n

f !fm- Fadlilies like dams and forests are also used for leis-me.

7 a b2c2dle2 I I g 2

8 Questi on 1 Slatement of most imponant me.asure": d Another possibl~ measure Ilnd \Vh )' h is less effective: r RCSlalcmeDt of m ost importMH rn~asurC'" .md its consequencCj ' a



Qu esclon 2 SUllemC'nl 01 t,"pIOion h Relerence to Ihe 0PPOSlIt' "jew e Reouon ag<1IOSI Ihe opp."Kue , 'It'\\ ~ R('SHlteme.nt (If "pullon c

9 In (ondusion ' 10 urn up. hl conclude I do nOt l.1gree : I d n I accept 1 dl~asrl'c wllh Ihe' Ide.llhat Allin a ll. in gelleral allthlllgs cOIl)ldc(ed I feellhal ' J hcllevc.. I w(Hdd nrgut' thllt t,·crHlil.ll)r; 01 (our c, no d ubi

10 !l There Is fH'I rei1son wi1\" local

c('I-fricndl)' bUSlIlc\st's GJnnul hl' <u ("ce$\lul

b Thefe IS nt" re-lISon wh} pcop\.: muld nOI tdlc- mnre hl1hda , \ ill home lnncad of always 11)'1118 abrood

(" There Is n reasun why pe~:lplt'

could not tr.l\'d h) fasl Iram Instead of ti!kmg short nlghl~

d There Ii no reobOn wh) go' emrnents should no t 81\(' spc-dal fll1.1l1o.1\ suppon 10

em-frlcnrlly buslnt.'ss people

Unit9 Task 1

1 SlUcknu' own tlllswer ..

2 Il The graph gl"'C's II1Jormillion

aboullhe: olVera e: usc of bc-ds III three typical hosplI.ds .1round the w rid before lind Ilhet dily-surgt>ry is IntroducC'd

b While the: !rend was upward for Ihe French h 09Jllal. the .wcr3ge bed occupancy dropped notlC"<:o1bl)' ilfter lhe Il1I rodurt lnn 01 dolY-5urgeT}

c The' trend lo r the Ukr,:lInian ho)pil.ll W.1S simll.1t to that the French ho~pllilL bUI till' f(lilln bt:d uSe aher :!OOJ was nOlllS marked .

• • • 109

Page 107: Improve Your IELTS - Writing Skills

d VOU Colt! make.:l conncoi n bet\\'l'Cn the colnctd<! nto1l f.:111 In the budgel fo r inpatlcnt care ilnd the fall in bcd occu pdncy

t' YOll can use lrwd to summarize in fonnmlon. Vou rnn usc Ilrll'drd III show Ihe direction of the Irend.

3 2 3 4 5 6 i 8 9

10 1 1 12

4 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

10 I I 12


You can use the phrase Itmilar p'Wtrn 10 comparc simil.uities. You CdO use nod: a rwJ: 10 de cribe 0 high point You C.111 u se tXCtpt rllilt 10 In lrodu ce de tail which is dlflcU'nl from the f:encra l I fend/pa ltcrn . You can use salVa rOllrimlOl ll nsr as all ahemalh'c 10 rost.

You c.l n usc dllUl!Jt I dt'scrlbe a dlfrcrencc [h .. , o(curs, VOli Cil n use (oinddt I show when Ihl ngs happen a t the samt' t l O1~ , whether the y .He: rdatcd or not,

impaci trend occupancy peak failing marked experienccd rise significantly ciC'.ar rcducilon

delJl1s - info rma tio n Imp.Jcl - effect trcnd - tendency OCCUp,lI1C)' - usc peak - high pollll fo1 J1i ng - dropping marked - sharp e,'!perienccd - saw rise - increase s-Ign lflclln lly - considcrOlbly ci('ar - evldeO! reduclion - cut/decrease

Inco m :ct answers to be deleted: a says b h ad an affeCt 011 c rcached a height d d~$ign

(' "hemalivdy f towards

110 •••••

g contrast with h can be " ie-wed in

6 • I b l c 5 d 7 c 2 f 6 g 4 b S

7 • before b receive C Sludymg d usefu l < p~rsonally

f suHi dC'.01 g definitely h diffe rent 1 choice J referred

8 Spe ll in g ru les 'b fo re t , except ahn c: r~ctivt bUI n OI after dz: eJcJUt\'t

Wnlll< ending in a vmvd tlwl! v: \' does not rhdngc, ~g SIII.tYWj,

Noun + filII: rc:movc the sc u nd I = list/til. Adve rbs [rom adje-cu vc:s l.'.ndlng In -Ill: add -Iyand remove nothing cg I'trs(.mnlly. Adeverbs [rom adjecu\'cs endlllS In ./ ' ;add ·f), and keep the t , cg df/i"iufy. Verbs ending wil h y + ·j,lg: no change. eg studying. Words of morc Ihan one sy ll able: lhe consonant doubles if the final syllabic i!l slIessed: rtflffld.

9 n gr"duall y b which c occurred d peak e figures. approxima tely r flu ctuated g e.'(cceded h survq'

10 ave rage acddems d ramal ically improvement steadily regar ds motorcyclc occurring

Task 2

1 tudcllt 's Ow[] answer~

2 I slr.ln gc:! ly 2 w II 3 surprisingly 4 wlddy 5 a l'Cll nit <:l y 6 o ftcn 7 serious ly 8 well 9 frequently

10 Clearly

3 Th~' plIragraph fo ll uw\ !>CIlICIlCc

pa l tern a.

Orga words itua tiou: The i,/en

EXJIU I)lc ' Take Illl' f.\ .zmr1r II I

Effect'S ' The tl[",11 Cunclu!'HHl Ih~ (1' lIdllJ/(I/I!S

4 J Informalion b idea c s hClUl'

d measure e hs uc I solullon g knowledge h opinion


5 Possible answers (I This Issue need:. II) be

considered when planning the hea lth ca rt." bud1!C'1 for any COLIntry

b Th is Idea cou ld havc bendlu both for peoplc's health and the edUcation of do tors and I1lITSe'5.

c This pred iction rna)' ~('~m 5urpnnng. bUI I belle \'e COSIS wlll be reduc~d as tcctll1olo~y becomes morc wldl'ly available

d Init ially, th is rna)' bl' a problcm. hU llhc changcs will result In iJ mon: effiCIent health service.

&: Th t' situat ion. hllwC'\,cr, IS one th ll l can be prepared for b) :'c lling money O1.o;l de for lhc ftllu re.

Page 108: Improve Your IELTS - Writing Skills

M~d5urt':S Iik~ thl5 could lead '" a sll:nificanl unpr ,'emcnt In the nati on's health .

8 Not surprisingly. h is a trend whi h is n OI looked n favo urabl y by some westcrn dOC! rs.

h Thl5 15 ;1 m.1t1cr th:1I needs to be considered when planning lor future spendmg

6 Possible answers a 11111 .. 1 ilnd heahh

Elltecl. helps people relax. lakl's up ntlcntion . M(· .. hUIC· music therapy. used sometimes 10 treat p.1lknls \\ tlh cnmmuntca lillO problems

b ahern.1I1\'(' thcnplI:s and hC'ahh Ex.lmple. homeopathy, hcrbal t'il1l inh,lrmal ion: l'on lC'Sted by dllfcrrnl ~ pic Opinions: health pracntJoncrs "('NUS peoplt:' who h.wl' cXI)t.'nen ed lht.'st" lht.'r.tpks, EflcCls: may he due 10 lI1f1uenc(' o n the 100nd as wdl as body,

c exerc15c and health


Efleru: strengthens m uscles. help; coordination. helps PCOI)ie to reL-n: . Problem: high COSt 01 gymsl hColhh ce nl res. Scheme: compauies o ffe r gym membership as pan o f package to Slaff

SlIIdcnts' own answcn

B .'1 Is b has C' hns I arc


care db g Is h have

., Thlslf1 fonnalion is published all around us, even n dtFHclle packets,

b Unf "unatdy. this advice is nOI (lli en followed

c Instead. II1IS wo rk s carried OUI by health (.He assi anlS

d En orm us progress ha!i been made m understanding h o\\ d isease spreads . ...

e However. this equipment cltn bt- dan~erous if It is n t lI~d proptrly. Howevcr, there is crn., inly some evidence thai h h mo re than jwt a placc::bo

g Some research has been carried ou t which sh WS Ih.ll dderly pCi)pie live longer Ir they live with it partner

Unit 10 Task 1

1 Students' own aru\\cr1 .

2 d Both charts rder to Ihe llIalll

reaSons for ch oosing ;.1 CMt:'er nccording to age grl"up

b They refe r to Ihe reasons under conside ra tion . They show the dllfereOl wa ys in which til l' twO ag<' groups were Innuenccd by the \ '.,rious faclors

d The mosl noti eab,," features ale lhe tmponance 01 money and Ih~ posidon of fricnd\

e The m SI nouceable fcal\lres 3re the importance 01 mon 'y and parcnls. the reverse o f the you nger age gr lip .

3 the main reaSOns for choosmg a carCB

2 we:re influenced by the various facrol'S

3 wer~ the revcrse fo r the 40-50 age group

·l As regards leachc N and role modds

5 I1Ine and fifteen per cent rcspccdvdy for the younger group

6 The o nly simlhlrit)' between the twO age groups

7 lhan any oUter factors


4 .:J The Sclle~ o f SrtCmllS1 hlU I"j

hol\'e lalle n re(,ently d 11 is clear lhal the number "f

Oat) 41U~Pl(.1 by ~I ngle people­in moljor auC"s In th e W('~I Is putting p ressure: o n h OUSing


c From the graph!> It can be condudc:d thai young pC'lplc .1rr much m re mohlk Ihan prevIOus gencrnltoru Tbe PUrsUIl o f i.1 professional caret r among bC)lh men ,1Ild womoln has led h> a II,lUCl'drif

Tcdunlon in the hlnh rille g There arc ~'('\'l'r,,1 !lHnilnrilu.'s 111

th e preScn lilLJOn n t the dill.l h O'olefJI I. the chari sh(, w~ th.ll

the media arc reslhJll~iblc lur lurnlnl-! rc~I'{i' 1Iltilld ' !'I nIlL"

5 a an l'x-pl.malio n b In III b no rmally followed h) J

noullthcll a "crb with -"'.'l

6 a Salt's were upw,ud lor mosl

f the year, wuh Ihe prufil rc.l chlng it peak in December

b nle mJin r~as n lorciln:er chmee was ambi WJIl. wtlh 50 per cent hoosUl~ II

c 11 is ex-peeled mallh(' priCI: of o ne bedroom nal.) will risc. Wllh accommud,lllim I Ir IndlvlduJ ls being In ~ hl) n supp ly,

d The IHJlIC:m wa!i dH".'rC'nl wllh p.usenger numben dropplO& in summer and ri5tng In wlOter.

e n,e trend was dC'arl) upward . with miJnufiJt'1urlng emlS ng 011 (ite <.1mc lime. Consumption r ~nctll.y ro~e with Ihe highest flOlnt being 111


7 • Trut b Fill~c ( FJlsc d False • TrUI.' I False g False h True

• • •• 111

Page 109: Improve Your IELTS - Writing Skills

Task 2

1 Quc~(i n ih. a, Question .:! : b . d .• ' (

m:stion 3 C. J . b. a

2 Question I : a Quesu\1n 2' c QUI:sLi n 3. b

3 Possible answers M(Ulc!'), dUel II ( l t ", ,,kit IltIpp;m~ss.

To what "xtelll do yOIl lIgru or (listlf)rc! c!?

Ii I ~ Impossible: 10 dellY Ih.ll

mOlley hc!lps people 11) ilchkvt' happiness because ills Impossible to do MI)lIhing in life wililOlIt it For l"xarnplc. if Y(lU Wilnt 10 see a 111m Ilr a pia) ilt the theatH: . )Oll nC1.'J mllfll'Y flit the uclC'1 and fOI lr.mS)I('If1 Also, if )UU wanl to

have., n:lnxing lime at h., m1.' l'oU still need money, t,'Vc..'l1 (0 buy a TVor .... cornpUl<=f. (st ructure bl I I is llc!tlt' r til n:foTm cri",imtls i" slrad of j ust punish ;119 tl,em. 1V1'llt m (QSure.s (cmld b,- ftlk~1J I I,)

nrtcttJI1110 integ rat e!' h,U'-b~dk.:rs v.,rk iura s(,d(ly? Personally. I think that criminals of should be given a chance «) be a pan o f sooc ty rather Ih.ln JUSt being pU I Into pnson. If this is done. Ihell d1t~ orfcndcr will have: .1 beller chance of nOI rcoffcnding. SodelY wil l also nOI hrlvt.' 10 pay for Ihe cOS t of k::cping criminals In prisons. w hich are very exp~nsive places 10 run . 01 course, then sodcl~' as a whole will benefit. (struCTure c)

4 Te~1, I lb 2i1 3a

Tcx t 2 4. 5b 6b

T~. 1 J 7, 8 b

5 Siudents' own answers.

112 •••••

6 H you want 10 adl it.'\e ,1 good score b.,nd. you need to llt' al\le (0

tid, A/u'I7\'1 for all of thc Items in the 1151

7 Possible answers a tor c-x.unpk for H1St,uICC. a

case: In point is. like b ;)5. one reason for 1l1is is. smce c ns a resuil. therefore:. so. thi"

means thal. thi s leads to d moreOver, funherl1l"'lfl". In

addilioll. and. also e if. unless. prOVided f but. however. while. whereas,

.. ksplte-~ although. d",'sp ilC h i1nd so, i1nd lhcrdore. 10 slim

up, .111 in .111. in general

8 Suggested answers a Prohlem .md solution b Measures and res ult s c CtHlse and effect J ReilSl1n dnd ,-"xampk c Example and spccifl( l'xamph.' l E lh~CI and example ~ Addlu noll infomlJIIOIl and

('xampk h ondi lion/HYPol hesis ancl

result onccssTon and 001rast

9 Possible answers a Money is nOI as importan l

as friends. because II (.1111101 provide emollnnal SIIPI)or!.

b For many peo k. Kc,-"ping fit and healthy Is Iht main fJ ... or which is necessary for a good qualhy 01 liCe. II wever, developing a heallhy mind is j usl as importan!.

c If one is conlent with life. then the re is no longer any need 10 pursue ulUealiqic ambitions.

d \V'IUli 15 involved 111 ach1tving a yood quality o f life depends on Illany factors ralher Ihiln j ust one. For example, money is imponam to gain a cenain rimmooi sccurily. bUill is not enough on il5 own.

e Jlappi nc,:ss and ",'Onlt:l1llllc!11 ilrl" Inun: imponanl Ih,l11lhl' pursujl of freC'dtll1l Tht'lalh 't .lIm l.!o an dlu!>IOIl <l !> rwhnd y ~ ever compit'tcl) fr'-"c

r Man~ people living in PI)tll housing l"ondlllon:. arc 'tIUl happ So the IJl.'ol that )'ou have It.! h.wc.l high ) Iolnd.ud of living to be happy I~ falo;c

10 Possible answer And yet Other p",'oplc bc\u:vc.' Ihat lhe family play'S an importa nt role in l1liJmrainmg a good quality lJllile You JllSI have to 10 k al !>Ocil'IICS whefe the re are exlt.:nded fJII1i1lcs III St:e how much more conll~11I

[Jt:ople are becallse Ih\."\ ,m:: surr(ltlnd~d by rdallvc:, who I\lw them and can ItI~'k .1h...-r thent If they r.l11111 ,' r h J \\' problems. Thl!i ~UprOll IS

1101 jll ~ 1 fmanaal bill .lbll


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