Page 1: Idioms Formatos de La Miss


IDIOMS MEANING SPANISH1. Burning the candle at both ends Do many things at once El que mucho abarca poco aprieta2. Put the cart before the horse to do things in the wrong order Vender la leche antes de ordeñar la vaca3. Put his foot in his mouth Walk long tongue Meter la pata4. Beat around the bush Think twice Darle vueltas al asunto5. Look for a needle in a haystack Is a shipwrecked Buscar una aguja en pajar6. Play with fire Danger Jugando con fuego7. Burn up the wrong tree Take Perder el tiempo8. Look up for one number Learn the lesson Mirar hacia arriba9. Take forever and a day All a long Por siempre jamás10. Kill two birds with one stone Salve two problems at once Matar dos pájaros de un mismo tiro11. Miss the boat Too late Perder una oportunidad12. Jump out of the frying pan and into the fire Get worse and worse Ir de mal en peor13. Between a rock and a hard place January slope Entre la espada y la pared14. Head and shoulders above the rest Be another story Llevar ventaja15. All in a day’s work Fatigue Es todo un día de trabajo16. Jack –of-all-trades Loose Le hace a todo17. Like try to swim upstream Work hand wing Del trabajo a mano18. One in a million Big money Uno en un millón19. Off of the hook Inside of Fuera del gancho20. All in the same boat Addressed in the Cargarle la mano al cochinito21. Like two peas in pot Reality Como dos gotas de agua en el mar22. A chip off the old rock a chip off the old block Hijo de tigre pintito23. On her last legs Stop suffering En sus últimos coletazos24. The tip of my tongue I have a million words En la punta de la lengua25. Two heads are better than one And usually is so Dos cabezas piensan mejor que una26. You could have heard a pin drop You could have heard a raindrop Como oír caer un alfiler27. Six of one, half dozen of the other Monday to toes Seis de una media docena28. To each his own And a god of all Cada quien con lo suyo29. Just my luck That is not mine Devuélveme mi suerte30. No sooner said than done Live the story Del dicho al echo31. His bark is worse than his bite People should not fear scandalous Perro que ladra no muerde32. Where there’s a will, there’s a way! Good god wing Donde hay voluntad hay una manera33. So far, so good!! All good for now Hasta ahora todo bien

Page 2: Idioms Formatos de La Miss

34. Every cloud has a silver lighting! Better late than never No hay mal que por bien no venga35. Rome wasn’t built in a day Time and tide waits for no one No se gana la mora en una hora36. The grass is always greener of the other side of

the fenceThere will always be and exit La hierba es siempre más verde después de la

lluvia37. Turn over a new leaf Change of life Empezar de Nuevo38. Don’t count your chickens before they’re

hatchedNot make the mistake No cuentes los pollos antes de ser encubados

39. Stand on my own two feet Out of bed Pararse por sus propios pies40. Strike when the iron is hot The fat is on fire golpea cuando el hierro está caliente41. Hit the nail right on the head The hammer dar en el clavo derecho42. Look before you leap be cunning like a fox Mira antes de saltar43. Sink her teeth into they shake hands and grab the legs hundir el diente44. Dot all the i’s and cross all the t’s Not all roads lead to Rome no todas las ies cruzan todas las t45. Run around like a chicken with its head cut off run with desperation correr como pollo sin cabeza46. Be a piece of cake a slice of the cake Ser un pedazo un mundo47. Let sleeping dogs lie five feet do not look at the cat Dejar las cosas como están48. Be born with a silver spoon in his mouth born with good luck nacer con mucha suerte

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