
Hope you people have already done with keeping New Year resolutions and started

towards reaching them. Even this post will help you in redefining your

resolutions/goals for this year 2013. In my last post” (Logic without Perception is

nowhere? Everywhere?) I am sure that, I promised you guys that I will write on “how

to keep a best new year’s resolution”. So here it is!

Keeping /making plans as a resolution/goal is very easy but how hard are you

trying to reach your goals is makes difference. You can say that I believe in myself

that I will reach my goal. Will power alone will not get you to be wherever you want

to be. You need a plan!

Making plans starts with defining them and keeping them in right order. Here is the

“SMART” way to defining goals. This “SMART” way to goals was developed by Paul J.

Mayer. This frame work will help you in keeping the resolutions which you can

achieve in as easy as you can.

So redefine your resolutions according to SMART way, I assure you, this will really

make difference.

I wish you all the very best!

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