Page 1: Horror genre analysis

Scary movies as such.


Page 2: Horror genre analysis

Horror took the world by storm due to the entertainment and different feeling

of these movies. This is because compared to Adventure or Romance

films, Horror is exciting, shocking and scaring the viewer as well as making

you feel sick from gore etc. These horror movies shocking the audience

provide adrenaline and build up the viewers excitement.

The audience now comes in many ages ranging from at least 12 I would say

because horror movies may not be suitable for younger audiences shocking

them and possibly causing psychological damage and traumatize them.

Typically the more the age rating increases the more likely it is to contain

things such as gore, language, and more gruesome and shocking scenes that

will be amazing to see.


Page 3: Horror genre analysis

The purpose of the Horror genre is mainly focused around an opposing

threat to the main protagonist which they have to deal with. This shows that

horror movies frequently show messages of how we should overcome our

fears as well as overcoming anything in our lives.

As a result, if a horror movie fails to scare the audience it may get bad reviews

due to the point horror movies are meant to be scary unless it is a horror-

comedy and certain exceptions etc.

Overall, although the methods have changed in these movies from old props

and costumes to new CGI and effects, the fact remains that these movies still

use the common goal to shock, scare or creep the viewer out and as long as

they follow this they are fulfilling the purpose of horror movies.


Page 4: Horror genre analysis

Horror movies are generally excessive in modern day due to the exploitation

of throwing gore and shocks into a movie and calling it a horror but one thing

most horror movies lack are well thought out scripts and dialogue like in past

horror movies.

The music used in horror movies seems to be the biggest factor in creating

the „shock‟ in a horror movie as it is cued in sync to dialogue and a specific

moment creating a truly terrifying image at points.

However some horror movies have put unnecessary nudity scenes which could

really be thrown out of the movie but was added anyway possibly to appeal

more to the male audience and not making everything just shocks.

“Oh Yes, there will be blood!”-Saw II (2005)

“I‟ve seen enough horror movies to know that any weirdo wearing a mask is never friendly.”-Friday the 13th Part VI: Jason Lives (1986) (Elizabeth)

“We all go a little mad sometimes.”-Psycho (1960) (Norman Bates)

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