Page 1: Holidays in Our Country-mine Lesson Pan

Holidays in our countrySt

age Activity/Aids Procedure Tasks



on Aims



1. Warm-up The teacher introduces a game called Broken Telephone, explaining the rules of the game.

The teacher first must think of a sentence or phrase and whisper it to the pupil in front of her desk. That pupil will then whisper what s/he heard to the next pupil. Each pupil can only say, "Can you please repeat that?" one time. When the message reaches the end of the chain that pupil must speak out loud.



To activate students and

focus their attention.

5 m



Page 2: Holidays in Our Country-mine Lesson Pan

2. Linguistic introduction

The teacher will ask questions about their favorite holidays and encouraging the pupils to practice vocabulary and make comparisons about the differences in celebrating a holiday in their and in a foreign country.

The pupils will be asked individually:

- Do you like holidays? Why?

- What is your favorite holiday?

- What do you do on that holiday?

- Do you know any other holiday? If yes, which one?

- Is there any holiday that you do not like? If yes, which one a why?

- If you could celebrate any foreign holiday in your country which one would it be and why?

- What are the differences in celebrating mutual holidays in your country and in the foreign ones.



The pupils will learn the differences and be able to distinguish them between their and a foreign culture.




Page 3: Holidays in Our Country-mine Lesson Pan

3. Presentation The teacher will introduce new vocabulary used in the lesson and write unfamiliar words on the blackboard.

The pupils will be introduced with the

new vocabulary items from the

lesson: Resurrection, a basket, a bow, to

dye eggs, egg- cracking game,

decoration, a New Year’s Tree,

ornaments, a tinsel, lights, a sleigh, a

reindeer, a chimney, wrapped presents.


To present the new words in a

clear way, so that everybody can

understand them.

5 m



4. Practice The teacher will introduce the instructions for a miming game, after completing the miming game, the teacher will introduce a fill-in-the-blanks activity with word that were previously listed on the blackboard.

In the miming game, the teacher will whisper a word or an item to the pupil, while he/she has to explain by miming and the rest of the class need to guess which word or item it is. The pupils are distributed handouts with the missing items in the fill-in-the-blanks activity for which the goal is to put the proper item in a proper blank.



To make the students practice the new words.

10 m


es5. Production The pupils will be

divided into 4 groups of 6. The

teacher will distribute slips of

paper with vocabulary items written on them,

one medium piece of paper, collage

papers of different colors, scissors and

color pens.

The pupils must show their group skills by working together in drawing the items on a piece of paper. The items must be connected to each other in the picture.After the pupils finish drawing the items, one representative of the group will be called upon to present the group’s picture and giving the description of it.




To induce students to use

the newly acquired

vocabulary items actively in


15 m



Page 4: Holidays in Our Country-mine Lesson Pan

6. CheckingAnd closing

Revising, repeating and clarifying (if necessary) the lesson that the

teacher presented the pupils.

To get feedback from the students.



To make sure that the students have learned the

new words.

5 m



Homework The students will be given a task to write about their favorite holiday for homework.

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