
Head injuries may typically result in concussion, a fractured skull or more severe injury to the brain. They can occur in road trauma, from diving in shallow or unknown water or even simply running on wet concrete and slipping. Signs and symptoms may include: a period of unresponsiveness headache nausea and vomiting vision problems numbness and/or tingling paralysis convulsions a discharge of fluid from ears, nose or mouth bruising around the eyes bleeding into the white of the eyesIn managing these symptoms you will need to consider the possibility of a spinal injury. If the casualty is responsive, keep them still and reassure them, continually monitor their vital signs, call triple zero and seek urgent medical assistance.In the event of discharge from ear, do not plug the ear but cover lightly with a sterile cloth allowing the ear to drain.If the patient is unresponsive, conduct your primary survey (DRABCD) and call triple zero.Signs and symptoms of spinal injuries may include pain or discomfort in the neck or back region, altered sensation, movement or strength in the limbs or trunk, irregular bumps on the neck or back and slow pulse. If the patient is not fully conscious for any reason, it is safer to assume they may have a spinal injury and be cautious.To manage spinal injuries if the patient is responsive, conduct a primary survey (DRABCD) and call triple zero; keep the patient still and reassure them; minimise any movement of the head and spinal column; monitor the patient's vital signs; maintain body temperature and manage any other injuries.If the patient is unresponsive, call triple zero, conduct a primary survey (DRABCD), support the patient's head and neck avoiding any twisting or forward movement of the neck and monitor their vital signs.Cedera kepala dapat biasanya menyebabkan gegar otak, tengkorak retak atau cedera yang lebih parah pada otak. Mereka dapat terjadi pada trauma jalan, dari menyelam di perairan dangkal atau tidak dikenal atau bahkan hanya berjalan pada beton basah dan tergelincir. Tanda dan gejala termasuk:

periode unresponsivenesssakit kepalamual dan muntahmasalah penglihatanmati rasa dan / atau kesemutankelumpuhankejangkeluarnya cairan dari telinga, hidung atau mulutmemar di sekitar mataperdarahan ke dalam putih mataDalam mengelola gejala-gejala ini Anda akan perlu mempertimbangkan kemungkinan cedera tulang belakang. Jika korban adalah responsif, menjaga mereka diam dan meyakinkan mereka, terus memantau tanda-tanda vital mereka, sebut nol triple dan mencari bantuan medis yang mendesak.

Dalam hal debit dari telinga, jangan pasang telinga tapi menutupi ringan dengan kain steril yang memungkinkan telinga untuk menguras.

Jika pasien tidak responsif, melakukan survei utama (DRABCD) dan memanggil nol tiga.

Tanda dan gejala cedera tulang belakang dapat termasuk rasa sakit atau ketidaknyamanan di leher atau daerah punggung, sensasi diubah, gerakan atau kekuatan pada tungkai atau batang, benjolan tidak teratur pada leher atau punggung dan pulsa lambat. Jika pasien tidak sadar sepenuhnya untuk alasan apapun, lebih aman untuk menganggap mereka mungkin memiliki cedera tulang belakang dan berhati-hati.

Untuk mengelola cedera tulang belakang jika pasien responsif, melakukan survei primer (DRABCD) dan memanggil triple zero; menjaga pasien tetap dan meyakinkan mereka; meminimalkan gerakan kepala dan tulang belakang; memonitor tanda-tanda vital pasien; mempertahankan suhu tubuh dan mengatur cedera lainnya.

Jika pasien tidak responsif, sebut nol tiga, melakukan survei primer (DRABCD), mendukung kepala pasien dan leher menghindari memutar atau gerakan maju leher dan memonitor tanda-tanda vital mereka.

k medical help or call for an ambulance as soon as possible. Meanwhile- sMove the person, if surrounding is not safe sImmobilize the head, neck and body on both sides sMovements may dislocate vertebra and cause further injury sIf there is no sign of breathing, perform CPR sDo not tilt head backward during CPRPrevention sAlways wear a seat belt while driving sUse special seat belts for children and babies sDo not drink and drive sDo not dive into a shallow pool area

If you suspect a back or neck (spinal) injury, do not move the affected person. Permanent paralysis and other serious complications can result. Assume a person has a spinal injury if: There's evidence of a head injury with an ongoing change in the person's level of consciousness The person complains of severe pain in his or her neck or back The person won't move his or her neck An injury has exerted substantial force on the back or head The person complains of weakness, numbness or paralysis or lacks control of his or her limbs, bladder or bowels The neck or back is twisted or positioned oddlyIf you suspect someone has a spinal injury: Call 911 or emergency medical help. Keep the person still. Place heavy towels on both sides of the neck or hold the head and neck to prevent movement. Provide as much first aid as possible without moving the person's head or neck. If the person shows no signs of circulation (breathing, coughing or movement), begin CPR, but do not tilt the head back to open the airway. Use your fingers to gently grasp the jaw and lift it forward. If the person has no pulse, begin chest compressions. If the person is wearing a helmet, don't remove it. If you absolutely must roll the person because he or she is vomiting, choking on blood or in danger of further injury, you need at least one other person. With one of you at the head and another along the side of the injured person, work together to keep the person's head, neck and back aligned while rolling the person onto one side.

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