Page 1: Habitat for Humanity March 2009 Volunteer Newsletter

I N S I D E T H I S I S S U E :

Good Bye to Carla Glasgow


Home Renovation Tax Credit


International Women’s Day


Habitat Vancouver’s Women’s Build Pictures


Schedule of Events


Invite to AGM 5

Habitat Canada Home Contest


Volunteer Celebration


Invite to Volunteer Appreciation Event


Volunteer News M A R C H 2 0 0 9 V O L U M E 2 I S S U E 3

The goal of this organization is to make sure that all families have a good place to live. To accomplish that ambitious goal, decent and good housing must become the heart’s desire of committed and generous people. Substandard housing must become socially, religiously, morally and politically unacceptable.” -Millard Fuller, Founder

Retired or semi-retired tradesmen/instructors, home handymen and reno-enthusiasts to be Crew Leaders on our Burnaby build site Thursday, Friday and Saturday. A Crew Leader is someone who can lead groups of unskilled volunteers on site projects, help familiarize them with site tools and techniques and make the on-site experience more comfortable for less-practiced volunteers. Previous knowledge of construction is useful but not essential. Most important is that Crew Leaders have transferable skills from a related field and the patience to help others learn.

Site Hosts who can welcome site volunteers, ensure that they sign-in and sign the safety waiver properly, pick up and set out supplies for coffee breaks and lunch and ensure that the site is adequately supplied. Site Hosts work from 8am to 1:30pm Thursday, Friday and Saturday at our Burnaby Build Site.

Level 2 and 3 OFA First Aid Attendants to fill in when the regular attendant is not on-site. An extra First Aid Attendant is needed every Saturday on our Burnaby build site.

Carpenters, electricians, cabinet builders, fixer-uppers for Vancouver and Burnaby ReStores Monday through Saturday and our Burnaby Build Site Thursday, Friday and Saturday.

Floor Helpers to help with shipping and receiving, organizing, pricing and stocking shelves in our Vancouver and Burnaby ReStores Monday through Saturday

Cashiers/Customer Service Representatives to ring in sales, make change, and help answer customer calls and questions at our Vancouver and Burnaby ReStores Monday through Saturday

Volunteer Opportunities

We especially need First Aid Attendants with Level 2/3

OFA for most Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays on our

Burnaby build site. If you can volunteer, please

contact Tanya at 604-681-5618 ext. 23 or email her at

[email protected]

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Habitat Has a Hard Time Letting Go Habitat for Humanity is sad to say good bye to its beloved Administrative Assistant, Carla Glasgow. Carla joined Habitat for Humanity Greater Vancouver on Monday August 21st 2006. Over the past 2 and a half years, Carla has been an invaluable part of our team here in the office and throughout the organization. Her upbeat, can-do attitude was what she was best known for and there was no task she was unwilling to do. The office staff don’t know what to do without her. Marvin will always remember her positive outlook and cheery disposition. Miguel’s heart breaks every time he looks towards her desk and sees it empty. Claudia will miss her energy and her laugh. Tanya will never forget their fake British accents and days. “Carla was a great coworker who had time for everyone, infinite patience, and a great attitude. She helped Habitat to grow and was a real help to me personally; I shall miss her greatly!” says Anneke Rees, CEO, looking very forlorn.

Carla has moved on to another job and we will always miss her dearly at Habitat for Humanity. We thank her for her hard work, generosity, optimism and dedication. We also wish her luck in her new position and want her to know she can always come back!

Come to the ReStore and Use Your Home Renovation Tax Credit!

Do you need a good reason to come down to one of our ReStores and by that stuff you’ve been meaning to get to complete your home renovation? Now, you can get some of that money back in the form of a tax credit from the feds! The Home Renovation Tax Credit Plan is part of the federal government’s aim to inject $3-billion to stimulate the economy. It has met with a lot of enthusiasm but also a lot of questions. The plan seems simple: Spend up to $10,000 on renovations and construction on the family home, and you get a tax credit of 15% back up to a maximum of $1,350. The plan will be administered by the Canada Revenue Agency.

FAQS: *How do I apply?

-There are no application forms. There will be a line in the 2009 personal tax return

*Do I need to be

pre-approved before work can start? -No

*What is the eligibility period? -The credit is based on work done and materials acquired after January 27, 2009 and up to February 1, 2010 *When will I get the tax credit?

-The tax credit will be applied when homeowners file their 2009 tax return next year

*I don’t pay very much tax. If the tax credit is more than my personal income tax paid for 2009, will I get a tax refund? -No. It is a non-refundable tax credit *Can the credit be carried forward? -No. It can only be applied for the 2009 tax year *Does it include rental units, such as basements or apartments? -No. Just property owned for personal use

*Do I have to spend $10,000 to qualify?

-No. Home owners can spend a lesser amount and receive a proportionate amount in tax credit

*Can I do the work myself? -Yes. In such cases, the tax credit will apply to the materials, fixtures, rentals and permits purchases. This would include relevant ReStore purchases! *Can we piggyback on other grants currently being

offered by other federal programs? -Yes. Homeowners are eligible for both

*What documents do I need to submit?

-Homeowners need to retain all agreements, invoices and receipts for the work performed available in case the CRA requests them

—adapted from Pedro Arrais’ article, Canwest News Services

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P A G E 3 V O L U M E 2 I S S U E 3

GET YOUR TICKET FOR THE VOLUNTEER EVENT!! Habitat for Humanity Greater Vancouver would like to invite our registered volunteers to an exciting volunteer appreciation event at The Centre in Vancouver for Performing Arts. The event will take place on April 30, 2009 at 7:30pm. As a wind-up to National Volunteer Week, Volunteer Vancouver will host this unforgettable event to honour volun-teers. Together we will celebrate and pay tribute to ALL volunteers in BC—the people who are essential to growing our communities. Throughout the evening, we will be treated to musical entertainment from the Youth Choir from Sarah McLachlan Music Outreach—an Arts Umbrella Project, and a floor-to-ceiling video screen will

feature inspirational videos of unique volunteer contributions. The Sarah McLachlan Music Outreach is an Arts Umbrella Project (SMMO). It is a free music program offered in Vancouver's inner-city. It provides high-quality instruction in guitar, piano, percussion and choir. The program is also a support network that helps youth develop a life-long love of music, enthusiasm for learning and a positive attitude about their own abilities. Guided by the vision of founding partner, internationally renowned singer/songwriter Sarah McLachlan, the program offers

both group and individual music training with a foundation in classical practices and techniques, and opportunities to study with guest artists. Public performances are also an integral part of the program and allow students to develop their musical skills, foster pride and reach out to the community. If you would like to go, please RSVP to Tanya, Volunteer Coordinator at [email protected] or call 604-681-5618 ext. 23 on or before Saturday March 21st. Limit one per registered volunteer.

Women’s Day 2009 In honour of International Women’s Day, March 8th, here are some interesting stats on the women of the world:

*Women use 20,000 words a day while men only use 7,000

*Globally women account for the majority of people aged over 60 and over 80

*Of 1.2 billion people living in poverty worldwide, 70% are women

*80% of the world's 27 million refugees are women

*Women own around only 1% of the world's land

*Women comprise 51% of Canada’s internet users

*Only in Japan and Peru are women more active in starting a business than men

*Women spend more time researching before they invest than men do

*Only 21% of all news subjects (people interviewed or whom the news is about) are female

*Women less than 1% department heads, editors, media owners but third of working journalists

*Women do two-thirds of the world's work but receive only 10% of the world's income

*Women's education is the most powerful predictor of lower fertility rates

*56% of women who voted supported Obama compared to only 49% of men voted for Obama

*Until 20 years ago there had never been more than 5% women MPs globally

Habitat for Humanity Greater Vancouver just held its Women’s Build 2009 on

Saturday, March 14th. Make sure to look on the next page!

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Girl Power!

It was pouring rain and cold but we persevered!

The 2009 Women’s Build was a great success. Over 20 women came out to the Burnaby Build Site and participated in a day of

construction, learning and having fun. Special thanks to all those who attended and to our organizers and

leaders, Sylvia, Terry, Simon and Wayne.

Page 5: Habitat for Humanity March 2009 Volunteer Newsletter

Schedule of Events

March 5, 6, 7—Build Days

March 12, 13, 14—Build Days

March 14—Women’s Build. If you’re a woman and want to gain some new construction skills, register for this fun day of learning and laughter

March 18—Volunteer Orientation

March 19, 20, 21—Build Days

March 26, 27, 28—Build Days

April 2, 3, 5—Build Days

April 10—Site Closed (Good Friday)

April 9, 11—Build Days

April 15—Volunteer Orientation

April 16, 17, 18—Build Days

April 23, 24, 25—Build Days

April 30—Build Day

April 30—Volunteer Appreciation Event

V O L U M E 2 I S S U E 3 P A G E 5

APRIL 2009

Sun Mo Tue Wed Th Fri Sat

1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8 9 10 11

12 13 14 15 16 17 18

19 20 21 22 23 24 25

26 27 28 29 30

We are pleased to report that our new data base is all set up and we are in the process of updating all of your information. Please make

sure to fill out a 2009 waiver the next time you come out to one of our sites to volunteer.


MARCH 2009

Sun Mo Tue Wed Th Fri Sat

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

8 9 10 11 12 13 14

15 16 17 18 19 20 21

22 23 24 25 26 27 28

29 30 31

You’re Invited to Habitat for Humanity’s Annual General Meeting

Wednesday June 3, 2009

This is your invitation to attend the Habitat for Humanity Greater Vancouver Annual General Meeting on Wednesday June 3, 2009 at 6.30pm at the New Life Community Church, 8765 Government Street, Burnaby,

BC. Members will vote for the Habitat Board of Directors and a Special Resolution. Refreshments will be served. RSVP no later than May 29, 2009 to 604-681-5618.

Note: to vote at the AGM you must be a current member of Habitat for Humanity Society of Greater

Vancouver by May 2. (Membership is valid for one year and needs to be renewed annually). If you aren’t a member yet, please fill out the form on the last page of the newsletter and send it into the office at

69 West 69th Avenue, Vancouver, BC, V5X 2W6

Active Volunteers: Please make sure you sign a new waiver

Upcoming Volunteer Orientations: March 18th April 15th May 20th

Our new volunteer t-shirts coming out Spring 2009!

Don’t forget to RSVP for the Volunteer Recognition Event

before March 21st!!

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P A G E 6 V O L U M E 2 I S S U E 3

A Poem of Home You pass me everyday on eighty-second-street, though you never take the time, to let our eyes meet. You never dig in your pocket, for some spare change, Nor give me any money to take away the pain. I know that you think that I'm not worth it, But if you were me, and I were you, Would you want money from my wallet? When it rains you have comfort in your house, While the best friend I have is a small street mouse. You have a family that's so loving and caring, While my only pair of clothes are ripping and tearing. I have no friends out here and I don't feel so good, When people walk away from me like I'm rude. I have no belongings, no friend and no job, In the alleys I'm in the dumpster hiding from a street mob. This little old man may look dirty and wary, But deep down inside he is loving and caring. A home to me is a place to live, to love, to learn, And though we go through the tough times we earn, Our home is where we belong. A home is where your family is, a place to have fun, While all he does is run, run, run. He needs a home, that's all he wants from us, But the best he has is by the bus. So please try and look from his point of view, I did my share, now you do yours too.

Home Sweet Home

A home is a place where you live and eat, A home is a place where you stay and sleep, A home is a place where you rest and play,

It’s where you stay, everyday. You and your family stay there together,

You’re there every day in all kinds of weather

You live in your home and probably don’t care. You think that it is just a place where you eat,

Sleep, and bathe. It isn’t. It is like a gift. It isn’t one of those gifts that you wrap. It is a privilege.

I would say that because if you take a walk in downtown Toronto, I guarantee that you will see at least three

Homeless people. Now multiply three homeless people by how many countries there are in the world.

More than 100 people are homeless. We have homes and should be thankful for it. Also, a home is for relaxation,

entertainment, fun, love, peace, unity, comfort, memories, joy, working, studying, togetherness, and companionship.

You share your home with family and friends who you love.

Here are 21 ways to create a happy home:

1. Create special moments 2. Cook together

3. Think more about your favourite art 4. Express affections

5. Relax and enjoy each other 6. Share special times before bed

7. Play games together 8. Keep good and nutritious foods in the house

9. Enjoy a pet 10. Dance and play music together

11. Appreciate each other 12. Listen to each other

13. Remember the extras like letting fresh air inside and enjoying nature 14. Pamper each other

15. Communicate openly 16. Show interest in each other

17. Share and read stories 18. Keep plants and flowers on a table 19. Have family and friends visit often

20. Acknowledge each other 21. Create a friendly and safe environment

Good Luck!

—Jessica Jaikaran, Grade 4, Ontario

The Meaning of Home What does home mean to you? Home has different meaning for everyone. I would like to tell you all about what comes to my mind when I hear the word home. People can call a place their home, but do they know if it is a real home? A home is a place you can call your own. It is a place where you enjoy living in. A home is a place where you can do what you enjoy like eating, sleeping, and playing board games and video games with your family. I love my home. I watch the time and wait until I can go home after school and eat a snack. My family waits for me to get home and they welcome me when I come in. My home is my favourite place to be. To me, a home is a place where you can be yourself. It is a place where you feel safe and happy. When I come home from school, I feel warm and welcomed. I always feel that there is someone there for me when I am at home. Home also means the people living there. I can spend great quality time with my family when I am at home. I never feel alone. Sometimes I go downtown with my family and when we walk the streets, we see lots of people without homes. This is a crisis not just in Ottawa but around the world as well. Many people think about this crisis but no one does anything about it. My family tries to help by cooking for the homeless at a shelter. You should have seen the smiles on these people’s faces when they ate a hot meal. These people probably

haven’t had a hot meal for a long time. I would really like it if there were more people trying to make a difference by helping someone who doesn’t have as much as they do. I really feel that there should be more people caring about the crisis of no homes. Everyone should remember that they are very lucky to have a home. People are taking This big thing for granted and I don’t like how this crisis is being ignored. People around the world should know that even just al little contribution to the community can make a whole lot of difference. I hope that you have found out what the meaning of home is to me. I would like to ask, “What are your going to do to help the homeless?” —Ivana Brainerd, Grade 6, Ottawa

Winners of Habitat Canada’s Home Contest

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P A G E 8 V O L U M E 2 I S S U E 3

M E M B E R S H I P   A P P L I C A T I O N / R E N E W A L  Habitat for Humanity is an inclusive, non‐profit, non‐government organization seeking to eliminate pov‐erty housing in Canada and around the world. Habitat builds simple, affordable houses and sells them at no profit and no interest to families in need of adequate shelter.  Date:  _____________________________  Name ________________________________    Occupation _________________________________ 

(please print clearly)  

Address ____________________________________________________________________________  City ________________________________________         Postal Code________________________  Home# ____________________    Email_______________________________________  Work# _____________________      Cell# ____________________      Fax# ____________________  Yes! I will support Habitat for Humanity Society of Greater Vancouver with a donation of $_____________ and OR the annual suggested minimum Membership fee of $20.00.  For a total of $_____________. 


VISA/MC/Amex# __ __ __ __/__ __ __ __/__ __ __ __/ __ __ __ __             Expiration Date ___/___  

Signature _______________________________________  

Cheques can be made payable to Habitat for Humanity Greater Vancouver.  Donations of $20 or more will receive an official tax receipt. Registered Charitable number 88198 3183 RR001  Fax to:  604‐326‐0122 or mail with your payment to PO Box 60577 Granville Park, Vancouver BC,   V6H 4B9  


As a member of Habitat for Humanity Society of Greater Vancouver you will be entitled to: a yearly tax receipt for your member‐ship fee, the “Blueprint” newsletter, an invitation to our Annual General Meeting and opportunities to participate in Habitat for Humanityʹs activities in the Vancouver area.  The privacy of members is important and Habitat ensures that personal information is collected only for purposes of newsletter mailings, occasional correspondence and notices of events.  Habitat Greater Vancouver has never sold or lent addresses to any third party and respects all requests to be removed from mailing lists. 

F O R   O F F I C E   U S E   O N L Y  

New      Renewal       Membership # ________     Date entered __ __/ __ __/ __ __    W # ____________ 

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