  • 1. The Gun Powder Quiz 5th Nov 2013Sandesh | Pranshumaan

2. #1. This scene featuring Justus D. Barnes appears at the end of The Great Train Robbery. What did it inspire? 3. 1. Gun Barrel Sequence 2. The ending to Goodfellas 4. #2. Regarding the etymology of X, one version says that X was first used in Europe against the rule of the Capetian House of Anjou on 30 March, 1282. X is supposedly the acronym for Death to France, Italy Ahead, or Death to France, Italy Begs. What is X? 5. Mafia 6. #3. ID the man on the extreme left, the inspiration behind a couple of Bollywood movies. 7. Haji Mastan 8. #4. ___________ (1996) (made into movie, 1999) Survivor (1999) Invisible Monsters (1999) Choke (2001) (made into movie, 2008) Lullaby (2002) Diary (2003) Haunted (2005) Rant (2007) Snuff (2008) Pygmy (2009) Tell-All (2010) Damned (2011) Invisible Monsters Remix (2012) Doomed (2013)Id the missing first name. 9. #5. Finish the quote: 10. #6. The website of this prominent Indian political party got hacked on 2nd November. Which party? 11. AIADMK 12. #7. The design studio Wowmakers, based at Start Up Village, Kochi, on September 28, 2013; proposed Anonymous India (the Indian arm of the global Anonymous movement) to use Xs face, as an alternative to Guy Fawkes. ID X. 13. #8. What has been blanked out? 14. #9. In 2009, making its way around the Web was this photo of Chinese artist Chen Wenlings new sculpture, entitled "What You See Might Not Be Real." The work, then on display in a Beijing gallery, is said to be "a critique of the global financial crisis with the bull representing the golden bull of Wall Street and the man pinned to the wall representing the jailed financier ___________. FITB. 15. Bernie Madoff 16. #10. The jindun gongcheng or The Golden Shield is the censorship and surveillance project operated by the Ministry of Public Security division of the Chinese Government. Through this program, the government has censored websites belonging to outlawed prodemocracy groups and others covering police brutality, Tiananmen protests of 1989, Chinese edition of BBC News etc. Relaxations were allowed during the 2008 Olympics. How do we better know jindun gongcheng? 17. #11. My God, Help Me to Survive this Deadly Love is a painting by Dmitri Vrubel. Created in 1990, the painting depicts Leonid Brezhnev and Erich Honecker kissing. The painting was destroyed in 2009, and Vrubel was commissioned to repaint the piece. What was special about the site of the painting? 18. Mural on the Berlin Wall 19. #12. ID the artist. 20. Banksy 21. #13. Inspiration behind what? 22. Saving Private Ryan 23. #14. The world according to? 24. Nineteen Eighty-Four 25. #15. ______ was here is an American popular culture expression that became popular during World War II. Its origins are debated, but the phrase and the distinctive accompanying doodle a bald-headed man (sometimes depicted as having a few hairs) with a prominent nose peeking over a wall with the fingers of each hand clutching the wall became associated with GIs in the 1940s. The Guardian noted in 2000 that several readers had told them that "Mr. Chad" was based on a diagram representing an electrical circuit. FITB 26. #16. ID the iconic poster. 27. Woodstock 28. #17. What connects these two? 29. World's most prolific killers Behram An Indian Thug, holds the record for most murders by a single individual. He strangled 931 people between 1790-1840 with a piece of yellow & white cloth, called Rumal Elizabeth Bthory The similar record by a woman. However, the count is 610. And the era is 1560-1614. 30. #18. Game Anyone? Not many people have heard of Macaulay Honors College, a school in New York City with 1770 students & just one athletic team: The Marauders. It qualified for a recent world cup. Which game ? 31. Quidditch Sixth Annual World Cup held in Kissimmee, Florida 32. #19. Who is he ? Some of the aliases he has used are: Matches Malone Ragman Detective Hawke Sir Hemingford Grey Frank Dixon Dr. Fledermaus 33. Hint Matches Malone To get into places Ragman Homeless Man that lives on streets Detective Hawke To gain trust of people who would talk to cops Sir Hemingford Grey Uses to purchase land Frank Dixon To get under the cover of a normal person Dr. Fledermaus To get full access of people who have been locked at the asylum 34. #20. Whats that Effect ? X is the phenomenon whereby an attempt to hide, remove or censor a piece of information has the unintended consequence of publicizing the information more widely, usually facilitated by the Internet. 35. Streisand effect: It is named after American entertainer Barbra Streisand, whose attempt in 2003 to suppress photographs of her residence inadvertently generated further publicity. 36. #21. Veteran spy and soldier Nicholas had set out plans for the organization X at some point after World War II, but decided not to act since he felt the U.S. government would deny such a request.A United Nations-based international group somehow obtained the plans, and presented them to the U.S. government. Nicholas recruitment to the post of executive director marked his first knowledge of X's existence.While Nicholas acted as the operational head of the agency, he reported to a twelve-member council.X often operates as much as a covert agency as a quasi-military one. Initially it is depicted as affiliated with the United States government. Later, it was depicted as under the jurisdiction of the United Nations, with vast technological resources at its disposal. 37. SHIELD 38. #22. Which two movies are referenced in this picture released by the White House on Twitter 39. Star Trek and Star Wars During a press conference about his discussions with Congressional leaders to avoid the federal spending cuts known as the sequester, President Obama said, I know that this has been some of the conventional wisdom thats been floating around Washington that somehow, even though most people agree that Im being reasonable, that most people agree Im presenting a fair deal, the fact that they dont take it means that I should somehow, you know, do a Jedi mind meld with these folks and convince them to do whats right. 40. #23. Connect Basil Rathbone, Jeremy Brett, Frank Langella, Peter Cushing, John Barrymore, James D'Arcy, Michael Caine, John Cleese, Peter Cook, Rupert Everett, William Gillette, Stewart Granger, Charlton Heston, Anthony Higgins, Raymond Massey, Roger Moore, John Neville, Leonard Nimoy, Christopher Plummer, Jonathan Pryce, Nicol Williamson, Christopher Lee, Hans Albers , Joaquim de Almeida , Alexander Armstrong, Tom Baker , Keith Baxter , Nicholas Briggs, Clive Brook, Hugo Flink, Matt Frewer, John Gielgud, Guy Henry, Carleton Hobbs, Ronald Howard , Roger Llewellyn , Peter Lawford , Vasily Livanov, John Longden , Patrick Macnee , Algimantas Masiulis , Clive Merrison, Keith Michell, Nis Bank-Mikkelsen, Jonny Lee Miller, David Mitchell, Ron Moody , Alan Napier, Alwin Neuss, Eille Norwood , Peter O'Toole, Reginald Owen, Michael Pennington, Robert Rendel, Ian Richardson, Nicholas Rowe, Richard Roxburgh, George C. Scott, Mack Sennett, Paul Singleton , Tod Slaughter , Robert Stephens, Ben Syder, Robert Webb, Alan Wheatley, Geoffrey Whitehead, Paxton Whitehead , Douglas Wilmer, Arthur Wontner, John Wood, Edward Woodward, Igor Petrenko 41. Robert Downey Jr and Benedict Cumberbacth complete the list 42. #24. Who In 1990 he founded The Film Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to film preservation, and in 2007 he founded the World Cinema Foundation ,a non-profit organization devoted to the preservation and restoration of neglected world cinema +20/-10 He directed a music video for "Bad", starring M.J. and co-starring one of the first appearances of yetundiscovered Wesley Snipes, which was released in late 1987 +15/-5 43. Martin Scorsese 44. #25. FITB In English folklore, a ______ is a household spirit inhabiting fields, marshes or other topographical features. It causes mischief and things to disappear, milk to sour, and dogs to go lame. Always malevolent, the household ______will follow its family wherever they flee It is said that the ______ crawls into people's beds at night and puts a clammy hand on their faces. Hanging a horseshoe on the door of a house and leaving a pile of salt outside your bedroom are said to keep it away 45. Boggart 46. #26. Remember it? X is a term in psychology which is used to describe any familiar situation which is not recognized by the observer. Y is similar to, but distinct from, the phenomenon called tip of the tongue, a situation when someone cannot recall a familiar word or name, but with effort one eventually recalls the elusive memory. 47. X- Jamais vu - any familiar situation which is not recognized by the observer. Y- Presque vu - a situation when someone cannot recall a familiar word or name tip of the tongue Dj vu - "already seen", is the phenomenon of having the strong sensation that an event or experience currently being experienced had been experienced in the past. 48. #27. It is common practice for Political parties in this part of the India to own TV Channels. Which unlikely entity owns Al Manar TV, which broadcasts shows such as: Beit al-ankabut (The Spider's House) Hadith al-sa'a (Talk of the Hour) Al-din wa al-hayat (Religion and Life) Nun wa al-qalam (The 'Nun' and the Pen) 49. Hezbollah 50. #28. During the span of its usage, the X has gone by several names. Some of these are The National Razor, The Widow and The Patriotic Shortener. Antoine Lavoisier, the father of modern chemistry was subjected to the X, after being charged with several offences, including selling adulterated tobacco. What is X? 51. Guillotine 52. Free for All: FITB A (3 letters) is the worlds largest advertising company by revenues, with headquarters in London and Dublin. B is Executive Chairman & National Creative Director of the Indian arm of C, an international advertising and PR agency, which was acquired by A (1989). B recently acted in the movie D, also starring E and F. E received his bachelors degree in Economics from Jai Hind College, Mumbai; and shot to limelight by starring in the G franchise of films. B, during his tenure at C, mentored H, who has won two National Film Awards, the first for movie I, and another for the movie Chittagong (2013). Coincidentally, J starred in the movie I. J and H worked together for the CannesWinning campaign K. J will be seen in the next installment of G. 53. continued F is widely regarded as the first of his kind in India. He produced Jhalak Dikhla Jaa, the Indian version of Dancing With the Stars. L is Bs sister, and starred in the Hindi Comedy Well Done Abba, directed by M. M, a Dadasaheb Phalke Award Winner is Ns uncle, who won the National Film Award for Best Feature Film in English, for O. O, based on the novel of the same name by P tells the story of a young, disillusioned Indian Civil Servant played by Q, who has played in the ARFU Championship, playing both the scrum-half and right-winger position. 54. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P QWPP plc Piyush Pandey Ogilvy/ Ogilvy and Mather Madras Cafe John Abraham Siddhartha Basu Dhoom Prasoon Joshi Taare Zameen Par Aamir Khan Thanda Matlab Coca Cola Ila Arun Shyam Benegal Dev Benegal English August Upmanyu Chatterjee Rahul Bose 55. #28. Long Connect: Give the one word connect 56. Naxalism is the dominant/recurrent theme

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