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Welcome To… Groovy!

– The Catalyst Language for Programmers

Presentation By-Isuru Samaraweera

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• Introduction to Groovy• Key Features• Closures• Operator Overloading• Array Slicing and looping

• Collections

• Dynamic Methods/Mixins and Properties• Regular Expressions• File IO• Database Operations

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What is Groovy?• Java-like scripting language for the JVM• Dynamic Language• Inspired by Ruby,Python,SmallTalk and Perl • Open Source language

– Apache2.0 license– [email protected][email protected]

• Seamless integration with Java – Follow the mantra…Java is Groovy,Groovy is Java

• Web Application Development– Groovelets,GSP,Grapplet

• Sole alternative dynamic language for the JVM fully supporting frameworks like Spring, Hibernate– Grails– Coding by Convention

• Mobile Application Support • Official web site

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Installation and Configuration

• Prerequisites– JDK1.4 or higher installed and system path should point to %JAVA_HOME%/bin

• Download Groovy distribution from • Unzip the groovy archive

– Set the GROOVY_HOME environment variables.– Add %GROOVY_HOME%\bin to your system path – Try opening groovyConsole.bat

• Eclipse Plug-in–

• IntelliJ Idea Plug-in-Community edition–

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Key Language Features

• Pure Object Oriented 3.times { println "hello" } • Dynamic Typing/Duck typing• Closures• Currying• Operator Overloading• Array Slicing• Dynamic Methods• Expandos• Static imports• Annotations• Covariant return types• POGO support• Mixins

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Java Vs. Groovy No of line Comparison

• Java Codefor (String item : new String [] {"Rod", "Carlos", "Chris"})


if (item.length() <= 4)





• Groovy Code

["Rod", "Carlos", "Chris"].findAll{it.size() <= 4}.each{println it}

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/*A Typical Groovy Class*/

class Customer{ // properties Integer id String name Date dob

// sample code static void main(args)

{ def customer = new Customer(id:1, name:"Gromit", dob:new Date()) println("Hello ${customer.getName()}")customer.setName(“James”)println("Hello ${customer.getName()}")

} }

Java Vs. Groovy No of line Comparison

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Closures• A block of code that can access variables in the scope where it is declared or


• Higher order functions

• A closure will have a default parameter named it if you do not define one

def x = { println it }

• And here's how you call it (two options):

x('Hello, world!')'Hello, world')

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Closure Arguments(Typed or Untyped)• Untyped Arguments

def isList = { i -> i instanceof List } if (isList([]))

{println "This is a List“


• Typed Arguments

def prefix = { String s -> while (s.length() < 17)

{ s = "0$s" } s // return keyword is not required } def id = prefix "1234" // parentheses are not required

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Closures as arguments and Recursion• Closures can be passed as arguments

• Consider the each() method on java.util.Map: { println it.key }

• Recursion• lambda is annonymous

def fac =


int i -> i == 1 ? 1 : i * call(i - 1)


println fac(10)

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Currying• Currying is a programming technique that transforms a function into

another while fixing one or more input values

def multiply = { x, y -> return x * y } // closuredef triple = multiply.curry(3) // triple = { y -> return 3 * y }def quadruple = multiply.curry(4) // quadruple = { y -> return 4 * y }def p = // explicit calldef q = quadruple(5) // implicit callprintln "p: ${p}" // p is 12println "q: ${q}" // q is 20

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Currying contd..

def lSubtract = { x, y -> return x - y }def rSubtract = { y, x -> return x - y }def dec = rSubtract.curry(1) // dec = { x -> return x - 1 }def cent = lSubtract.curry(100) // cent = { y -> return 100 - y }def p = // explicit calldef q = cent(25) // implicit callprintln "p: ${p}" // p is 4println "q: ${q}" // q is 75

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Variable Arguments int sum(int... someInts)


//ellipsis notation

def total = 0

for (int i = 0; i < someInts.size(); i++)total += someInts[i]

return total


assert sum(1) == 1

assert sum(1, 2) == 3

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Operator Overloading ! - 1it does it by following a naming convention for methods.

Operation Method

a+b a.Plus(b)

a-b a.minus(b)

a*b a.multiply(b)

a**b a.power(b)

a/b a.div(b)

a % b a.mod(b)

a | b a.or(b)

a & b a.and(b)

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Operator Overloading ! - 2

a ^ b a.xor(b)

a++ or ++a

a-- or --a a.previous()

a[b] a.getAt(b)

a[b] = c a.putAt(b, c)

a << b a.leftShift(b)

a >> b a.rightShift(b)

switch(a) { case(b) : } b.isCase(a)

~a a.bitwiseNegate()

-a a.negative()

+a a.positive()

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Operator Overloading ! - 3text = "Programing" - "ing" + "er" assert "Programer" == text list = [1,2,3] list += [4,5,6] assert [1,2,3,4,5,6] == list

list << 7 // list.leftShift(7) -> list.add(7)assert [1,2,3,4,5,6,7] == list

s = "A" * 5 assert s == "AAAAA“s = "ABCDE" assert "BC" == s[1..2] s.getAt([1..2]); ranged operation assert "C" == s[2] // s.getAt(2) -> s.charAt(2)

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Looping• General for loop and while loop

• Classical for loop def x = 0 for ( i in 0..9 ) //RANGE { x += i } assert x == 45 // iterate over a list

• Iterate over a list

x = 0 for ( i in [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] ) //LIST { x += i } assert x == 10

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def a = [1,2,3,4,5]


OUTPUT : [2, 3, 4, 5]

def a = [1,2,3,4,5]


OUTPUT: [2, 1]

Array Slicing

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Elvis Operator• Elvis Operator alternative to ternary operator

//traditional ternary operatorString name = “Sam";String displayName = name != null ? name : "Unknown";

//elvis operatorString name = “Sam"String displayName = name ? name : "Unknown"

//eliminate DRY String name = “Sam" String displayName = name ?: "Unknown"

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Agenda• Introduction to Groovy• Key Features• Closures• Operator Overloading• Array Slicing and looping

• Collections

• Dynamic Methods and Properties• Regular Expressions• File IO• Database Operations• Unified Field and Programming Languages

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Collections in Groovy

– Lists

– Ranges

– Maps

– Expandos (Dynamic Objects)

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Lists• Lists have been implemented in Groovy as ArrayLists which store elements of type Object.• Create a list def myList = [1,2,3.6,-9.01,“hello”,“a string”, new Date()]• Create an empty list myList = [ ]• Size of a list myList.size()• Accessing an element of list myList.get( 1 ) or myList[ 1 ] are same.• Add elements to a list myList << 0 << -1 << ‘hello’• Add a list to a list myList << [1,2] << someOtherList• New ways of adding elements to a list myList += 3; myList += [3,5]• Flattening a list of lists

[ 1, [2,3,[4,5],6], 7, [8,9] ].flatten() == [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]

• Nulls are inserted if required.list = ['a', 'b', 'z', 'e', 'u', 'v', 'g']list[8] = 'x'list == ['a', 'b', 'z', 'e', 'u', 'v', 'g', null, 'x']

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Lists contd..• Closures as a way to do common updates

myList = myList.collect { it * 2 }

• Closures as a way of operations[1, 2, 3].find{ it > 1 } == 2[1, 2, 3].findAll{ it > 1 } == [2, 3]

Similar keywords are every and any.• To add all elements in a list [1,2,3,4,5,6].sum() == 21• Other operations available on a list :

– Find max. and min. elements– Use –(minus) sign to remove elements from a list.– Stack operations (push, pop) can be done on a list.– Count method gives the number of elements equal to the one passed in method call.– Sort method will sort a list in ascending order.Reverse will reverse a list.

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Range• Ranges allow you to create a list of sequential values.• Ranges defined with the .. notation are inclusive, that is they contain both values.• def myRange = 5..8 This will make a range 5,6,7,8• A range can be in both orders, increasing, as well as decreasing.• They are accessed same as Lists.

example: myRange += 4..-3 makes myRange as 5,6,7,8,4,3,2,1,0,-1,-2,-3• Even characters can be added to a range. myRange += ‘a’..’d’• And same strings with different last characters can be added myRange += ‘AAB’..’AAD’. • They find their usage in loops. Example for(count in start..end)• They can be used in switch statements too. Example

switch(value){case 1..10: --------;case 11..25: -------;default: -------;}

• They can be used to create Lists[ 1, *3..5, 7, *9..<12 ] == [1,3,4,5,7,9,10,11]

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Maps• Maps have been implemented in Groovy as LinkedhashMap which store elements of type

key:value. By default, Groovy takes key as a String.• Example: def myMap = [name:“Alan", likes:“bread", id:1234]• Empty map is defined as myMap = [ : ]• Values in a map are accessed using key, as usually.• Maps also act like beans so you can use the property notation to get/set items inside the

Map provided that the keys are Strings which are valid Groovy identifiers. Ex:

def map = [name:"Gromit", likes:"cheese", id:1234]

assert == "Gromit"

assert == 1234• Similar operations as that on Lists can be performed on Maps too.

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Expandos (The Dynamic Object)• An Expando is like a Map in Groovy or an object in Javascript that do not have to have their

properties in advance. • It allows you to create dynamic objects by making use of Groovy's closure mechanisms.• An Expando is different from a map in that you can provide synthetic methods that you can

call on the object.• Example:

def player = new Expando() = "Dierk"

player.greeting = { "Hello, my name is $name" }

println player.greeting() = "Jochen"

println player.greeting()

Note: The closure has access to the properties assigned to the Expando, even though these values may change over time.

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Agenda• Introduction to Groovy• Key Features• Closures• Operator Overloading• Array Slicing and looping

• Collections

• Dynamic Methods/Mixins and Properties• Regular Expressions• File IO• Database Operations• Unified Field and Programming Languages

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Groovy Way of Handling…

– Dynamic Methods and Properties

– Regular Expressions

– File I/O

– Database Connectivity

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Dynamic Method Invocation

• You can invoke a method even if you don't know the method name until it is invoked:class Dog

{ def bark() { println "woof!" }

def sit() { println "(sitting)" }

def jump() { println "boing!" }


def doAction( animal, action ){

animal."$action"() //action name is passed at invocation}

def rex = new Dog()

doAction( rex, "bark" ) //prints 'woof!‘

doAction( rex, "jump" ) //prints 'boing!'

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Dynamic Methods/mixins

george = new Wombat()george.mixin("say") { something-> println something }george.say("Hello, world!")

george = new Wombat().mixin(FighterType)

william = new Wombat()

georage.getFighter() // returns william.getFighter()//error

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Dynamic Properties

• You can also override property access using the getProperty and setProperty property access hooks, Dynamically

class Expandable


def storage = [:] //Empty MAP

def getProperty(String name) { storage[name] } //AUTO RETURN

void setProperty(String name, value) { storage[name] = value }


def e = new Expandable() = "bar"

println //OUTPUT: bar

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Regular Expressions• Groovy supports regular expressions natively using the ~"pattern" expression, • Which compiles a Java Pattern object from the given pattern string.• Groovy also supports the =~ (create Matcher) and ==~ (matches regex) operators.• Packages that are used in Groovy for RegEx

– import java.util.regex.Matcher– import java.util.regex.Pattern

• Regular expression support is imported from Java.

def pattern = ~/foo/

assert pattern instanceof Pattern

assert pattern.matcher("foo").matches()

def matcher = "cheesecheese" =~ /cheese/

assert matcher instanceof Matcher

answer = matcher.replaceAll("edam")

def cheese = ("cheesecheese" =~ /cheese/).replaceFirst("nice") assert cheese == "nicecheese"

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Works with standard Java Reader/Writer , InputStream/OutputStream ,File and URL classes

Message Passing … Using Closures

new File("foo.txt").eachLine { line -> println(line) }

Don’t Bother about Resource Closing Mechanism Groovy Methods will handle it.

def fields = ["a":"1", "b":"2", "c":"3"]new File("Foo.txt").withWriter { out -> fields.each() { key, value ->

out.writeLine("${key}=${value}") }}

- No Reader / Writer Object HandlingHandle the resource for you via a closure - which will automatically close down any resource if an exception occurs

- No Data Piping (Stream Management)

- No Exception HandlingThe eachLine() method ensures that the file resource is correctly closed. Similarly if an exception occurs while reading, the resource will be closed too.

File Input / Output

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Executing External Processes

Groovy provides a simple way to execute command line processes.def process = "ls -l".execute() { line -> println line }


Process p = "cmd /c dir".execute()println "${p.text}“


def initialSize = 4096def outStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(initialSize) //STREAMSdef errStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(initialSize) def proc = "ls.exe".execute() proc.consumeProcessOutput(outStream, errStream) proc.waitFor() println 'out:\n' + outStream println 'err:\n' + errStream

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SQL can be more Groovy - 1• You can perform queries and SQL statements, passing in variables easily with

proper handling of statements, connections and exception handling.

import groovy.sql.Sql

def foo = 'cake‘

def database = Sql.newInstance( "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/mydb", "user",



database.eachRow("select * from FOOD where type=${foo}“)

{ println "Smith likes ${}" }

Thanks to closures.

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SQL can be more Groovy - 2• You can perform queries and SQL statements, passing in variables easily with

proper handling of statements, connections and exception handling.

import groovy.sql.Sql

def foo = 'cheese‘

def database = Sql.newInstance( "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/mydb", "user",



def answer = 0

sql.eachRow("select count(*) from FOOD where type=${foo}")

{ row -> answer = row[0] }

Println (“Our menu has $answer dishes to choose from!)

Thanks to closures.

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SQL can be more Groovy - 3• You can perform queries and SQL statements, passing in variables easily with

proper handling of statements, connections and exception handling.

import groovy.sql.Sql

def foo = 'cheese‘

def database = Sql.newInstance( "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/mydb", "user",



def food = database.dataSet('FOOD')

def cheese = food.findAll { it.type == 'cheese' }

cheese.each { println “${} will be delicious" }

Thanks to closures.

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Why to Thank Closures ?A typical JDBC Program should have these Steps 1. Loading a database driver2. Creating a oracle JDBC Connection3. Creating a JDBC Statement object4. Executing a SQL statement with the Statement object, and returning a jdbc resultSet.

try {

Class.forName("sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver");//or any other driver } catch(Exception x){

System.out.println( "Unable to load the driver class!" ); }try {

Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection(url, userid, password);} catch(SQLException ex) {

System.err.println("SQLException: " + ex.getMessage()); }String createString="create table Employees(“+"Employee_ID INTEGER,”+"Name VARCHAR(30))";try {

stmt = con.createStatement(); stmt.executeUpdate(createString);


} catch(SQLException ex) {System.err.println("SQLException: " + ex.getMessage());


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Reduced code noise in Groovy -Simple code is beautiful code

Groovy Will Handle all those common tasks for you, - including Exception Handling, Connection - ResultSet Closing, etc..

import groovy.sql.Sql class GroovySqlExample1{

static void main(args){ database = Sql.newInstance("jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/words",

"words", "words", "") database.eachRow("select * from word")

{ row | println row.word_id + " " + row.spelling } //CLOSURE

wid = 999spelling = "Nefarious" pospeech = "Adjective" database.execute("insert into word (word_id, spelling, part_of_speech)

values (${wid}, ${spelling}, ${pospeech})")val = database.execute("select * from word where word_id = ?", [5])//Negetive Indexing sql.eachRow("select * from word"){ grs | println "-1 = " + grs.getAt(-1) //prints part_of_speech println "2 = " + grs.getAt(2) //prints part_of_speech } }


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