  • Grammar in Context: Reported Speech

    We often use reported speech (also called indirect speech) when passing on a telephone message to someone else.For example:

    Direct Speech (using the callers exact words) Reported (Indirect) Speech

    The caller said, I will call back in an hour. The caller said he would call back in an hour.

    The caller said, I cant babysit tonight. She told me she couldnt babysit tonight.

    The called asked, When will you be available? The caller asked when you would be available.

    The caller said, Please send me the report. The caller asked you to send her the report.

    1 Change the following messages from Sara to reported speech.





    2 Record your own message and ask your partner to report it to you.

    1. Please tell Paul thatIm running late andwill be there at 5:00.

    2. Could you please askthe manager to callme back?

    3. Please tell Eduardothat I am cancellingmy appointment.

    4. Can we have theorder by next week?

    L INC 6 Chapter 7 | Telephone Calls 385

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