
FROM THE BISHOP God’s Beloved People,

The spring is busy and lots is going on! Bits and Pieces for now!

But first, last and always: Blessed Easter on April 8! May Jesus awaken you to the resurrected Life! Susan

and I will remember with joy my brother Scott that day, knowing that his life is safely nestled into Christ, in

God (Col. 3:3) because the power of death has been defeated!

Parochial reports:

The synod and national partner are eager for you to complete your parochial report for 2011. This information

is crucial to our task of directing assets for ministry in the right direction! Please complete your parochial

reports ASAP so that we have accurate information on which to plan for ministry! We’ll be asking a local

volunteer to begin the pestering calls very soon!

Portico Health Assessment:

Did you know that the synod congregations saved over $15,000 dollars last year because we had enough

members take the health assessment? In addition, the synod received $7,000 in incentive dollars that we are

using to promote health and wellness in our synod members and the church. This matters because without the

wellness initiative our health care expenses just keep going up! This is a tangible way to increase your own

well-being while being a steward of church resources. If you’re a plan member Please take the Health

Assessment before April 30, 2012!


Spring Conference of Bishops Meeting I’m just back from our regular meeting. It was primarily house-keeping work,

continuing the adjustments required by a down-sized church. The clear focus of the

whole church beyond congregations is the health, vitality, faithfulness, and support

available to congregations. As we begin our own synod study of concrete assets

needed by congregations and the delivery system for such support we remain very

grateful for the resources and support of the Churchwide partner!

Mission Support and the budget: Thanks be to God!

You will soon receive a letter from me thanking your congregation for Mission

Support in 2011. We were able to finish the year just into the black and we are

thankful for your support! As grateful as we are, the budget for your congregation

and for the synod and Churchwide is a month-to-month focus. Receipts for Feb-

ruary 2012 are just under the amount received in 1992 so the challenge continues.

Pr. Helga Jansons and the Synod Stewardship Table have resources available for

your use.

APRIL 2012

The Cross Connection is a monthly publication of the Eastern Washington-Idaho Synod

published for its clergy, associates in ministry, lay leadership and ecumenical partners.

Jesus, First, Last, Always God’s Grace, Our Gratitude

The Spirit Powers Us No Fear! Transformation

Connections Multiply Miracles Go, Tell & Serve

Continued on page 3

April 2012 Eastern Washington-Idaho Synod Page 2

From the Director of Evangelical Mission


I think being missional is to be emotionally and spiritually interested in the lives of others. This includes peo-

ple you do not know or, the unknown areas in the lives of people you do know. It is being receptive and will-

ing to allow others to transform your thinking and understanding about life. It also means to put your faith on

the line – which may mean you are rejected by that person. It also means to show that you care about strangers.

Being missional means worrying less about ourselves: a self denying forgetfulness about our congregational

size and resources. It is to be concerned with what God is already doing and what God wants to have done in

the community.

The creation of a Missional culture is not our natural inclination, especially in hard times. Such a turnaround

takes work. It needs good leadership. Here are some ideas:

Prayer – seek Jesus’ power, guidance and direction. There is enormous power that is given us and at work

through us. Ephesians 3:20 and especially believe 3:21.

We are to be God bearers: people want to connect with God and experience God’s presence and they want to

feel that they belong and that what they do matters.

Do not be afraid to lead. People want competent leaders. Know what you think and be able to articulate it so

that others can understand it and repeat it.

The priorities of the Pastor’s time and energy are best set together with the Church Council. Then leaders can

back the Pastor up if people should complain.

Be clear about the role and expectations of the Church Council. Decide ahead of time what the purpose of the

Council is, and is not. That way you will focus on ministry, mission and vision and not waste time on things

that the committees must be trusted with.

Committee chairpersons need clarity about their 1) Responsibilities 2) Authority (to spend money, choose

team members, set up meetings or to communicate to the congregation…) and 3) Accountability (who can they

talk to about how things are going).

Establish a Transformational Ministry team as a constant reminder that new ideas are in the making. Evaluate

your church structure. Is it effective and open to new ministry?

Let dying programs die – can’t do it all, stewardship of time and energy. Have the courage to evaluate what is

working and what is worth the time and resources.

As leaders we are to pray, dream and imagine what God might be calling us to do and be. Be specific. See it;

who is there, what are people doing, what is happening?

When a congregation works together to do whatever it takes to share the love of Jesus with people outside the

Church it needs innovation. It is an adventure with some risks. The cost of discipleship is just that! We are not

a “historical preservation society”, are we? Have a theology about new life and a process for how initiatives

can be tried. Continued on page 8

April 2012 Eastern Washington-Idaho Synod Page 3

CALL PROCESS STATUS A Process beginning/congregational study I Interim AP Associate/Assistant Pastor

B Names received or on-site visits in process P Pastor VP Visitation Pastor

C Call in process/issued CP Co-Pastor AIM Associate in Ministry

NV New Vacancy LP Lead Pastor L Lay Position

TC Term Call SP Supply Pastor TM Transition Minister

(available for the open-ended call)


P Ephrata, WA - Holy Trinity A ...................................................... Phylis Stromme I

P Gifford, ID - Good Hope A .................................................... Valerie Beesley TEEM

P Goldendale, WA - Christ the King A .......................................................... Ron Shipman I

P Kamiah, ID - Faith A .............................................................. Art Finney I

P Mattawa, WA—Grace C ............................................................ Dale Larson SP

P Moses Lake, WA— Immanuel NV .......................................................... Steve Myers SP

P Moscow, ID - Emmanuel A ..................................................... Robert Chenault I

P Post Falls, ID - Calvary A .......................................................... Dean Stewart I

P Quincy, WA - St. Paul A ................................................................ Bill Voris I

P Spokane, WA—Bethlehem NV ..................................................... Roger Bruggink SP

P Spokane, WA - Messiah A ............................................... Kimberly Meinecke I

P Wilbur, WA - Wilbur A ................................................................ Tom Inch I

Calls Accepted

Rev. John Stevens has accepted the call from Zion Lutheran in Oregon City, OR to be their pastor. He will begin

serving there May 13. His last Sunday with Bethel Lutheran in Firth, ID and Emanuel Lutheran in Blackfoot, ID will be

April 15.


Rev. David Kappus was installed as pastor of Central Lutheran Church in Spokane, WA, Saturday, March 10, 2012,

11:00 am.

Rev. Ken Carrothers will be installed as pastor of Redeemer Lutheran in Boise, ID Sunday, April 1, 2012, 2 pm.

Rev. John Schrann will be installed as pastor of Christ Lutheran Church in Yakima, Sunday, April 15, time TBD

Rev. Nick Nicolai will be installed as pastor of troy Lutheran Church in Troy, ID April 22, 10:30 am.

Assembly Assembly Assembly!

It’s a pleasure to encourage your attendance at the Synod Assembly later in April (27-29, Wenatchee, WA).

The program committee has put together a wonderful afternoon of activities and learning; a youth assembly is

now receiving registrations; creative worship and joyful noise will resound along the Columbia River; we’ll

welcome and hear news of new ministries among us! I look forward to seeing you in Wenatchee!

Holden Village, after the Assembly?

Holden Village is celebrating a 50th Anniversary this year! Registration fees can be waived if you’d like to

visit April 30 to May 2, 2012 following the Assembly in Wenatchee.

Write to Holden at [email protected].

God’s richest blessings,

Pr. Martin Wells


Continued from Page 1

April 2012 Eastern Washington-Idaho Synod Page 4

Take the 2012 Health Assessment Portico Benefits

Our Chance For $17,000

The ELCA Board of Pensions is offering us the opportunity to earn a 2% discount on ELCA

health contributions again in 2012. Each congregation and organization in our synod will

receive a 2% discount on health contributions if 65% of our eligible ELCA-primary plan

members complete the confidential Mayo Clinic Health Assessment January 1 – April 30.

In 2012 we could collectively save $17,000!

If you have ELCA-primary health coverage, this savings depends on you. Take the 2012 Mayo Clinic Health

Assessment on the EmbodyHealth web portal at January 1 – April 30. We’ll be one

person closer to 65% participation, and you’ll earn $150 in your personal wellness account to offset out-of-

pocket medical costs.

To date 31 have taken the health assessment and we need at least 34 more to take it!

Instructions for taking the assessment are available in the Understand My Benefits section at

Mission Interpreter Up-coming Training

What is a Mission Interpreter? A Mission Interpreter is a Story Teller that tells stories of the mission and min-

istries we are involved in locally, nationally and globally through the ELCA. They inform us not only about

these ministries but how our mission dollars support them and they thank us for our continued, faithful giving

toward these ministries.

It is the goal of the ELCA that every congregation have at least one Mission Interpreter, thus if your congrega-

tion does not have one you will want to participate in one of the next scheduled trainings which are noted

below. This training will give you everything you need to be the best and most capable story teller necessary

for this call. Look for our display table at the assembly where we will be happy to answer any questions you

might have regarding this position, or you can e-mail me at [email protected] .

Sharon Lone-Browder

Mission interpreter Coordinator


April 21, 9 am - noon

King of Glory Lutheran Church, 3430 N Maple Grove Rd.

Please contact Lisa Kraft at [email protected]


May 5, 9 am - noon

Central Lutheran, 512 S Bernard

Please contact Betty Krafft at [email protected]


May 19, 10 am – noon

Central Lutheran, 1604 W Yakima Ave

Please contact Sharon Browder at [email protected]

April 2012 Eastern Washington-Idaho Synod Page 5

APRIL 2012

We ask that you keep the ministry of the synod as well as those listed below in your prayers


05 Bob Chenault (Moscow, ID) ~ 20th anniversary of ordination

14 Mary Johnson (Ellensburg, WA) ~ 10th anniversary of ordination

17 Betty Krafft (Spokane, WA) ~ 10th anniversary of ordination

18 Gary Moore (Spokane, WA) ~ 30th anniversary of ordination

21 Kristine Blaess (Pocatello, ID) ~ 10th anniversary of ordination

27 Teresia Calene-Hasseries (Wenatchee, WA) ~ 15th anniversary of ordination

Please Remember in Prayer …

.. .. Pr. Earl Barnard (Boise, ID) and his wife Sharon as Earl deals with health issues.

.... Pr. Rick Evenson (Medical Lake, WA) and family as he continues his treatment for multiple myeloma.

.... Pr. Shelley Bryan Wee (EWU Campus Ministry) as she continues treatment for cancer.

.... Roger deVeer and Pr. Marilyn deVeer (Horseshoe Bend, ID) as he continues with health issues.

.... Pr. Allen Ingebritsen (Spokane, WA) as he deals with health concerns.

.... Pr. Tom and Betty Ledbetter as they deal with health concerns

.... Pr. Eric Ranum as he continues to deal with health concerns.

.. .. Mrs. Marilyn Ulleland, wife of Pr. Duane Ulleland (Retired - Spokane Valley, WA) as she continues treatment for the

reoccurrence of cancer.

.... Prayers of thanksgiving and celebration for the first ordination of women in the Eglise Evangelique Lutherienne au

Cameroun, on May 6. Pastor Nyla Schoeld from the South Dakota Synod will participate in the ordination service.

Pastor Nyla Schoeld is the daughter of Pr. Tom and Sharyn Christensen (Boise, ID). The pastor to be ordained is a for-

mer student of Pr. Christensen.

.... congregations and rostered leaders in call processes (see page 3)

Prayer Requests . . .to be included in the Synod Prayer Requests, please email your request for inclusion in

the Cross Connection to the synod office by e-mail [email protected] or call 509-838-9871.


Holden Village is seeking volunteers

Holden Village, a Lutheran retreat center located in Washington state's North Cascade Mountains above Lake

Chelan, is seeking short- (minimum of 3 weeks) and long-term volunteers for summer and fall 2012. Each year

Holden operates through the efforts of more than 600 volunteers as a multi-generational community that rejoices in

and embraces diversity of age and experience. Volunteers join the Village's rhythms of worship, work, rest, and

community and have access to Holden's renowned summer programming and hiking opportunities. Volunteer

opportunities are available for individuals and families in a wide variety of roles. All volunteers receive room and

board. Some 3-8 month positions also receive a stipend and health insurance.

For information, please go to or email staff-

[email protected].

April 2012 Eastern Washington-Idaho Synod Page 6


2012 Institute of Liturgical Studies

April 16-18, 2012

Valparaiso University

Theology, Music, Practice

Plenary Presenters Institute Seminars

Gordon Lathrop Sarah Bjornebo

Fred Niedner Phil Horrigan

Marty Stoltz Susan Johnson

Chris Scharen Scott Weidler

North American Association Catechumenate

Training Institutes In 2012 “GO, BAPTIZE, MAKE DISCIPLES”

For pastors, worship leaders, and educators; directors

of spiritual formation

Cost: $280

Minneapolis ~ May 18-20

Spokane ~ August 3-5 ~ download a brochure and/

or register online for the institute of your choice.

Scholarship applications are also available.

PLU Summer Theological Conference

June 18-20

Spiritual Formation in the Home

Conference Leaders

Teresa Ciabattari, Ph.D

PLU Assoc. Professor Sociology

Nathan Frambach, Ph.D

Wartburg Seminary ~ Assoc. Professor Youth,

Culture, and Mission

Samuel Torvend, Ph.D

PLU ~ Professor of Lutheran Studies

For more information:

Living Liturgy: Worship and a Way of Life

June 4-8

Holden Village

The week will take its shape from the four-fold pattern of

the liturgy: Gathering, Word, Meal, Sending, and will

include bible study, sessions on worship planning, liturgi-

cal theology, building leadership skills for musicians, and

forming lay leaders. Join Susan Briehl, Marty Haugen,

Mary Preus, Ben Stewart, and Tom Witt in this

special week of Holden programming.

For more on Living Liturgy:

Register as a regular Holden guest to take part in this





Includes the following topics: Money Autobiography,

Giving, Saving, Spending, Debt management, Financial

Life Planning, Money Leadership and Family Systems in

the Congregation, Personal and Congregational Action


Retreat for all clergy and rostered leaders AND spouses

MAY 11-12 (2pm to 1pm)

Clearwater Lodge at Camp Spalding

(45 minutes north of Spokane)

A gorgeous retreat center and includes 3 meals

$40 per person, $70 per couple

Led by Keith Mundy

(Dir. for Stewardship, ELCA)


Melanie Wallschlaeger

(Dir. for Evangelical Mission, SW WA Synod)

RSVP Synod Office

For further information contact [email protected]



your EWA-ID Synod Director for Evangelical Mission

and Renewed Evangelizing Congregations Table

are available to assist you

Contact: [email protected]

April 2012 Eastern Washington-Idaho Synod Page 7


Sponsored by Trinity Lutheran College ~ guest artist Nate Houge

What are the Holden May Youth Weekends?

The Holden May Youth Weekends are retreat events for high school youth groups

and their leaders, held at beautiful Holden Village, nestled in the beautiful

Cascade Mountains. The program includes sessions, small group conversations, a

service project, and free time activities. There are opportunities to enjoy the

outdoors, including an afternoon hike to see a high mountain lake, mountains, and

wildlife. Holden also has a recreation center, ice cream parlor, and plenty of space

to sit and enjoy the beauty of God's creation!

This year's theme: Keep Church Weird

The Church is weird. For starters, our faith doesn't begin with what we have done for ourselves, but instead

recognizes what God has done for us. In this world, that's different. Even then, the Gospel of Jesus is (and,

therefore the Church should be) counter-cultural, where the first are last, weakness can be strength, and death

actually means living life to the fullest. Then we have our peculiar churchy traditions: sprinkling water on

babies, eating bread, drinking wine, Confirmation, putting handprints on the youth room wall, and all those

church potlucks. Weird stuff, isn't it?

Our large group sessions will tackle such weirdness by exploring our freedom in Christ (Galatians 5:1), what it

means to be a non-conformist in the ways of the world (Romans 12:2),

how we live together as Christians (Acts 2:42-47), and how Christ calls

us in our baptism (Galatians 2:20). Yes, the Church is wonderfully

weird - so let's keep it that way!

Cost is $165 per person.

Contact Kathy Fisher, Holden May Youth Weekends Coordinator, at

[email protected]

Choose from three dates:

Sat., May 19 to Mon., May 21

Fri., May 25 to Sun., May 27

Sun., May 27 to Tues., May 29


MAY 12, 2012 Lutheran Campus Ministry


Eastern Washington


will hold their annual Auction.

Tickets: $15.00 or reserve an entire table of 8 for

$100.00. If are able to help with the auction by either

providing an item or buying tickets (or both), please

contact Pastor Shelley at (509) 951-5701 or email at

[email protected].



June 24-27, 2012 at Shoshone Base Camp

in North Idaho

Three youth and one adult from each congregation in the

EWAID Synod are invited

More information to follow

April 2012 Eastern Washington-Idaho Synod Page 8

From the Director of Evangelical Mission ~ cont’d

Set SMART goals: specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and timely. Set them for no more than a year

ahead of time. If you meet them you will need to make new goals, if not, you will need to re-evaluate whether

your goals were the right ones to have.

Empower others by equipping them for ministry inside and outside the church. People want skills and practice.

Many know what they need to do – like sharing their faith – but they need to hear themselves saying the words

in a safe place.

Team building and training takes time and happens best when leaders are away from the Church building.

Finding common ground, discovering what people are passionate about and understanding where people are

coming from is worth the investment. Everyone has a story of faith to tell.

Many people can share a common goal or direction– but how to get there is the challenge. Most disagreements

are in the details.

Be able to communicate your ideas well. Practice it. Innovative people or the most unique ideas are going to be

more out of step with what people are used to. So it is even more important that you can articulate your per-

spective and ideas.

“Churches are a lot like horses. They don’t like to be startled or surprised. It causes deviant behavior.” Learn

how to make changes. Here are some thoughts:

Test the waters informally with a cross section of people if you have a new idea. Share it and see how people

respond. Do they agree or are they interested? If they resist, pay attention, they will give you a clue to potential

flaws in the idea. Don’t be discouraged.

Present first drafts not proposals. Even if leaders agree with the proposal, the more strongly a pastor/ leader

presents it, the more others will put up a fight. (That’s why some of the best ideas are most resisted). Some-

times it is the presenter who is being opposed. If another person describes an idea it may be received posi-


Most people will not adopt a new idea unless they know that respected people are for it. Find out who are the

strong supporters, ahead of time.

If you go public with a new idea and people are more likely to react, and few people ever back down once

they’ve opposed something publicly.

When information is presented too close to a decision-making process, people see it as lobbying. Share what

you are thinking and learning with leaders early and often.

Seek permission not buy in; experiment. “I’ll let you try it” – can get it going faster, and the stakes are not so

high if it fails.

Continued from Page 3

April 2012 Eastern Washington-Idaho Synod Page 9

Eastern Washington-Idaho Synod Assembly

Go – Tell - Serve! April 27-29, 2012

Wenatchee, WA

Late fees are $50 per person received after March 17

Audio Visual submission deadline April 10


Updates about the Assembly will be posted at

2012 Synod Assembly Guest Speakers

Jim and Rosemary Tiffany will be addressing the assem-

bly on Saturday morning. The Synod Assembly

Planning Committee invites you to read their book,

Uncomfortable Neighbors—Vecinos Incómodos:

Cultural Collisions Between Mexicans and Americans

prior to coming to the assembly to get the most out of

this opportunity.

To find out more about the Tiffany’s ministry a link is

posted on the Synod website:

Synod Assembly Youth Gathering

Who: Youth in grades 9-12 are invited to a

youth gathering occurring alongside the

2012 Synod Assembly

When: April 27-29, 2012

Where: Wenatchee, WA

Costs: $15 per person

Meals: All meals are included except for

Saturday lunch, which will be on your own

Lodging: All youth and adults will be

housed at Celebration Lutheran Church

801 8th St. NE, E. Wenatchee, WA 98802

Registration is due by Friday, April 13, 2012

All churches are responsible for providing

adult leaders for the youth they send as well

as having release forms for each participant

On Saturday the youth will have opportunities to

participate in workshops, explore the local

community, hang out with friends, and go

bowling, ice-skating and swimming (don’t

forget your swimsuit). Closing Worship at the

Synod Assembly will cap off a weekend of faith

and fun on Sunday morning.

On Saturday there will be free time for each

church group to explore the North Central

Washington Region. The Washington State Ap-

ple Blossom Festival will be taking place during

the gathering with activities such as a carnival

and food fair to participate in if you choose.

Registration forms have been emailed to each

congregation and are posted on the Synod

website: assembly

Heidi Cryer, our Synod Coach for the

National Youth Gathering will provide

training Friday, April 27 in Wenatchee

the weekend of the Synod Assembly,






of the

Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

314 S. Spruce St., Suite A

Spokane, WA 99201-5823





April 2012 Newsletter


8 Easter

21 Mission Interpreter Training—Boise

26 Synod Council

27-29 Synod Assembly

30 Health Assessment deadline


4-5 Synod Candidacy Committee Meeting


5 Mission Interpreter Training - Spokane

11 Money Leadership for thriving Congregations

Clear Water Lodge—Davis Lake Spokane area

12 EWU Campus Ministry Auction

19 Mission Interpreter Training—Yakima


4-8 Living Liturgy—Holden Village

24-27 YELS—Shoshone Base Camp


Please reproduce any and all articles for publication in congregational newsletters or bulletins. The Cross Connection is

also available on the synod Web site at Deadline for articles is the 5th of each month.


Bishop ................................................ The Rev. Martin Wells

Assistant to the Bishop ....................... The Rev. Mark Nelson

Director for Evangelical Mission ..... The Rev. Helga Jansons

Program Administrator ..................................... Cathy Steiner

Assembly Manager .............................................. Karla Olson

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