
All words with trademark or registered trademark symbols are trademarks or registered trademarks of dōTERRA Holdings, LLC ©2018 dōTERRA Holdings, LLC Geranium PIP UK Version 1

Plant Part: Flower/LeafExtraction Method: Steam distillation Aromatic Description: Herbaceous, green, floral,

sweet, dry Main Chemical Components: Citronellol,

citronellyl formate, geraniol


• Promotes the appearance of clear, healthy skin

GeraniumPelargonium graveolens 15 ml

Part Number: 60204695 Wholesale: £25.00 / 39 PV 30,00 € / 37,50 PV



PRODUCT DESCRIPTION A member of the Pelargoniumgenus of flower species, geraniums are grown for their beauty and as a staple of the perfume industry. While there are over 200 different varieties of Pelargoniumflowers, only a few are used as essential oils. Uses of Geranium essential oil date back to ancient Egypt when Egyptians used Geranium oil to beautify their skin. Geranium promotes the appearance of clear skin and healthy hair—making it ideal for skin and hair care products. The aroma also helps promote a feeling of calm and balance.

USES• Add a drop to your moisturiser for a smoothing effect.

• Geranium is great for both dry and oily hair. Apply afew drops to your shampoo or conditioner bottle, ormake your own deep hair conditioner.


CAUTIONS Possible skin sensitivity. Keep out of reach of children. If you are pregnant, nursing, or under a doctor’s care, consult your physician. Avoid contact with eyes, inner ears, and sensitive areas. Avoid sunlight or UV rays for up to 12 hours after applying product.

Pelargonium graveolens 15 ml

• Gives hair a vibrant, healthy glow

Diffusion: Use three to four drops in the diffuser of choice.

Food additive use: Dilute one drop in 125 ml of liquid.Topical use: For massage, mix 5 drops with 10 ml carrier oil. For bath, mix 5 drops with 5 ml carrier oil. For perfuming, mix 1 drop to 10 drops carrier oil.

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