  • 8/14/2019 Garner Collect, Store,Grannery Denude Make Naked Avaunt Fullering Hoarse Rough Voice


    Garner------ collect, store,grannery

    Denude ------- make naked

    Avaunt -----


    Hoarse--------rough voice

    Tine----point of fork




    Rumble---- make a continuous deep resonant sound.

    Bedeck-polish, adorn




    Leviathan---large and powerful thing


    Unabashed-----not embarrassed




  • 8/14/2019 Garner Collect, Store,Grannery Denude Make Naked Avaunt Fullering Hoarse Rough Voice


  • 8/14/2019 Garner Collect, Store,Grannery Denude Make Naked Avaunt Fullering Hoarse Rough Voice


    dispel (dis PEL) vt. to drive away; scatter; make vanish; disperse

    dissent (dis ENT) vi. 1. to have a different belief or opinion; disagree, often withfrom; 2. to reject the doctrine of an established religion n. the act of disagreeing,specifically a legal opinion against the majoritys; religious nonconformity

    elocution (EL i KYOO shin) n. 1. vocalizing words distinctly when speaking in

    public; 2. the art of public speaking or declaiming (now usually associated with astudied or artificial style)

    eloquent* (EL uh kwint) adj. 1. having a vivid, forceful, fluent, graceful, andpersuasive quality of writing or speech; 2. vividly expressive

    elude (il OOD) vt. 1. to use quickness, cunning, etc. to avoid being captured;evade; 2. to escape detection, notice, or understanding The fox does not often elude detection by the hounds

    emphatic (em FA tik) adj. 1. expressed or done with force of expression orstress; 2. using emphasis (stressing) while speaking or expressing oneself; 3. verystriking; forcible; definite

    epitomize* (i PIT uh MYZ) vt. 1. to summarize the main points of a book,report, incident, etc.; 2. showing all the particular qualities of something

    extenuate* (eks TEN yoo AYT) vt. to lessen or seem to lessen in seriousness byexcuses Elliot believed that his having felt threatened by the rabbit should extenuatehis guilt at having slammed the door on it.

    florid (FLAW rid) adj. 1. pink; rosy or ruddy in complexion; 2. highly showy;decorated

    forgery (FAWR joer ee) n. the act of imitating artworks, money, signatures, etc.with the intent to deceive

    forlorn (fawr LAWRN) adj. 1. deserted or abandoned; 2. unhappy and lonely

    Heed (HEED) vt. pay close attention to; to take careful notice of; obey

    Immoderate (i MAH doer it) adj. excessive; without restraint

    intimidate (in TIM id ayt) vt. 1. to make afraid; daunt; 2. to deter or compel

    with threats of violence; cow

    Livid (LIV id) adj. 1. discolored by a bruise; 2. lead colored often taken to mean

    whitish or pale; 3. very angry; enraged

    miffed (MIFT) vt. (past) offended; put out of good humor

    Mutter* (MUH dir) vi. 1. to speak in a low, indistinct voice; 2. to complain say something in low, often angry tones

    Nitpicker (NIT pik oer) n. one who finds fault with petty details; one who paystoo much attention to little things that shouldnt ordinarily matter; one who ispetty or overly finicky

    Nonchalance (NAHN shuh LAHNS) n. the state or quality of not showing

  • 8/14/2019 Garner Collect, Store,Grannery Denude Make Naked Avaunt Fullering Hoarse Rough Voice


    warmth or interest in something; coolness; showing a lack of concern

    Obstreperous (ahb STRE pir us) adj. noisy, unruly, or boisterous, especially in

    ones opposition to something.

    The opposition party member was obstreperous in his outcry against the

    position of the prime minister.

    Perishable (PER ish i bl) adj. likely to spoil or deteriorate n. something, especiallyfood, that is liable to spoil

    Persnickety (poer SNIK i tee) adj. 1. too fussy; too particular or precise; fastidious;2. showing or needing very careful treatment

    Quandary (KWAHN dree) n. a state of uncertainty; a puzzling position or a


    situation; a predicament

    Quizzical (KWIZ i kuhl) adj. 1. comical; odd; 2. teasing; bantering; 3. Perplexing

    reluctant (ri LUHK tint) adj. 1. unwilling or opposed to participating in;

    disinclined; 2. marked by unwillingness

    Solicitude (suh LIS it ood) n. the state of showing care, concern, etc., sometimes

    to excess.

    Tether (TE thir) n. a rope or cord fastened to something to prevent its escape

    vt. to tie up or confine something/someone using a tether

    Tourniquet (TOER ni kit) n. a pressure bandage whose purpose is to temporarily

    clamp off the flow of blood through a part of the body

    Temperance (TEM pir INS) n. 1. self-restraint; moderation in appetite, expression,

    indulgence, and so on; 2. totally refraining from drinking alcoholic beverages

    Cadge (KADZH) vt. to beg or to acquire as a result of begging; to sponge

    Most children learn to cadge (or not to) at an early age.

    Boor-a rude, ill-mannered, or awkward person

    Conceivable-that can be imagined, thought of, or understood

    curmudgeon -an ill-mannered, bad-tempered person; a cantankerous person

    Nobody cared to argue with Mr. Jones because he had a reputation for

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    being a curmudgeon.

    demise (dim YZ) vt. 1. to transfer an estate by lease (especially for a fixed amount


    time); 2. to transfer sovereignty by abdication or death n. 1. a transfer of an

    estate by

    lease (for a fixed term); 2. the transfer of sovereignty by death or abdicating; 3.


    desultory- 1. lacking connection; aimless; random; 2. lacking

    in relevance

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