Download - Future Ready


Future Ready

How to get ready online and

offline for your next job or role

“Behold, I am doing a

new thing” Isaiah 43v19














Contents• Rid–ofthepast• Role-whatareyoulookingfor?• Reason–tohireyou• Résumé–onLinkedIn• Ready–getjobfit• Referrals–on&offline• Road–someonecanhelp• Research–Twitter• Read–asmuchasyoucan• Reputation–Beactive• Rules–ofthegame• Run–dryrunyourinterview• Routine–Keepontopofyoursearch• Record–don’tbeaLP• Radiate–communicate• Resolve–togetanewjob• RequestandReport-Prayers• Resources-Links• RelationshipBuilding–Jointhe GrouponLinkedIn

• Review–Checkoffwhatyoulearnt

Get Rid – of the past

• Don’t try and re-write yesterday

• Write the script for today and tomorrow

• Away with regrets

“Let the Spirit renew your thoughts and attitudes. Put on your new nature”.

EPhESianS 4:23-24

What Role are you looking for?

• You have to know who you are - What is your expertise? - What role do you want?

It’s like going to the doctors and not knowing where the pain is

• These days the internet forces you to define yourself

“In today’s hyper competitive economy you must have a passion for what you do as that will give you the drive to be the

best at what you do”. Eric Brynyosfen MIT

“i run straight to the goal with purpose in every step. i am not like a boxer who misses

his punches”. 1 CORinThianS 9:26


Why do you do what you currently do?

What role are you looking for? Do not consider barriers such as education, location, experience or financial – this should be an outline of what role you would enjoy the most.

What is the Reason someone should hire you?

• Because I have a wife and four children and I need to do better?

• I’m hungry?

• Because you should feel sorry for me?

You get a new position because you are going to be a superb contributor to the organisation who is going to hire you

“Let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will know

what God wants you to do”. ROManS 12:2

What’s your story?

What 3 things are you good at? (job/professional focus)




What 3 things you are passionate about/proud of?

(personal/job focus)




What are your key skills?

List key skills and what you achieved with that skill e.g.

Project management – Drove large project to

completion on time and in budget

Sales – Over achieved sales quota for the year



   Google  yourself  using  your  name.      If  not  very  unique  –  add  current  organisation,  location  etc  until  you  find  yourself.    What  do  you  notice?  *  

Make a Wish List

Make a ‘wish list’ of companies you would like to work for or search the internet for companies in the area who you might be interested in approaching. Then contact the HR department (find them on LinkedIn) and ask about positions available. This is because many jobs are not advertised.



   Google  yourself  using  your  name.      If  not  very  unique  –  add  current  organisation,  location  etc  until  you  find  yourself.    What  do  you  notice?  *  


Google yourself using your name.

If not very unique – add current organisation, location etc until you find yourself (hopefully).

You will notice LinkedIn comes top of search results on you (if you are on it).

Think of LinkedInnot just as your

Online Résumé/CV but

“The professional magazine on you”

“Truth stands the test of time: lies are soon exposed” PROVERBS 12:19

BE FOUNDThe benefits of a strong

LinkedIn Profile:

• People can find you – LinkedIn

comes top in Google rankings

• Recruiters can find you in search

• You can show your credibility – it’s

the default online CV

• You look current – if you keep your

profile well managed

• It helps build your network

• It curates professional content you

like, share or write under your name

• You can find jobs through it

“Your identity is your most valuable asset” – Eric Schmidt, Chairman


Check your settings - are you set to anonymous? Click  on  your  face  top  right  in  the  menu  bar  –  6th  or  7th  option  in  the  pull  down  menu    

   Check  your  broadcast,  activity,  visibility,  and  profile  settings  and  make  a  custom  URL  

Your Face is your Brand

• Invest in a good photo

• Headshots only, no bars/drinks

• Same photo for all social media

• If you don’t have a good photo why

not ask the Hillsong Photographer at

one of the services to snap a few

headshots of you.

Check your settings - are you set to anonymous? Click  on  your  face  top  right  in  the  menu  bar  –  6th  or  7th  option  in  the  pull  down  menu    

   Check  your  broadcast,  activity,  visibility,  and  profile  settings  and  make  a  custom  URL  

Check your settings - are you set to anonymous?

Click on your face top right in the menu bar – 6th or 7th option in the pull down menu

Check your broadcast, activity, visibility, and profile settings and make a custom URL

Tell your story The  Summary  

 • Do  in  the  first  person  • From  earlier  exercise,  choose  the  3  things  you  are  Good  and  the  3  things  you  are  Passionate  about  and  put  them  into  a  story.  

• Add  something  personal  –  people  want  to  know  about  the  real  you  not  just  a  list  of  your  skills  (Skills  is  further  down  on  your  LinkedIn  page)          

Have a strong Professional


120 characters maximum

• It’s what will appear in the Google

search – for LinkedIn and generally

so it’s important

• Study what others in you field use –

as examples

• No TLA’s (Three Letter Acronyms) or

internal speak or we won’t know

what it means

Tell your story The  Summary  

 • Do  in  the  first  person  • From  earlier  exercise,  choose  the  3  things  you  are  Good  and  the  3  things  you  are  Passionate  about  and  put  them  into  a  story.  

• Add  something  personal  –  people  want  to  know  about  the  real  you  not  just  a  list  of  your  skills  (Skills  is  further  down  on  your  LinkedIn  page)          

Tell your storyThe Summary

• Do in the first person

• From the earlier exercise, choose the

3 things you are Good at and the

3 things you are Passionate about

and put them into a story.

• Add something personal –

people want to know about the

real you not just a list of your

skills (Skills are listed further

down on your LinkedIn page)

Rich Media Add  rich  media  to  your  summary    -­‐  from  YouTube  or  from  presentations  you  have  created.  

 If  you  can  start  blogging  on  LinkedIn  once  

a  month  


“I’ll  be  interested  if  you’ll  be  interesting”  

Rich Media Add  rich  media  to  your  summary    -­‐  from  YouTube  or  from  presentations  you  have  created.  

 If  you  can  start  blogging  on  LinkedIn  once  

a  month  


“I’ll  be  interested  if  you’ll  be  interesting”  

Rich MediaAdd rich media to your summary

from YouTube or from presentations you have created.

If you can start blogging on LinkedIn once a month

“i’ll be interested if you’ll be interesting”

Rich Media Add  rich  media  to  your  summary    -­‐  from  YouTube  or  from  presentations  you  have  created.  

 If  you  can  start  blogging  on  LinkedIn  once  

a  month  


“I’ll  be  interested  if  you’ll  be  interesting”  

Rich Media Add  rich  media  to  your  summary    -­‐  from  YouTube  or  from  presentations  you  have  created.  

 If  you  can  start  blogging  on  LinkedIn  once  

a  month  


“I’ll  be  interested  if  you’ll  be  interesting”  

Build your LinkedIn Profile

Seven easy steps to build a strong profile

• Basic information – photo, headline, summary• Career background• Recommendations• Connections• Groups• Following

• Activity feed

There are services which can then automatically produce a CV in a format of your choice e.g.

Check your spelling

Buddy up with someone who can check your spelling

and grammar

Google HR says “58% of résumés get trashed because of one spelling


So at Google it doesn’t matter how good your CV is, the computer will reject you for ONE

spelling mistake

Résumé - Traditional

For the traditional CV here are some tips:

• Make sure you mirror what is on your LinkedIn profile.

• 2 Pages - No more than 2 pages and must be a clear simple layout. Don’t use point size below 11pt and use font Arial or Times New Roman as they are easier to read.

• The front page should contain your contact details.

• Employment history: should commence with your most recent job and work backwards.

• Achievements: should be bullet pointed statements and include your role, the action you took and the result of your action.

Note: Where information clearly demonstrates your suitability for the vacancy you’re applying for and enhances your chances of being short-listed, include this at the beginning of the CV.

• Skills: You will have gained these but they are difficult to substantiate therefore back up with examples (include IT Skills)

• Education: Give brief details of academic and professional qualifications along with grades. List professional memberships and relevant qualifications.

• Hobbies/Interests: This is optional. Needs to be achievement-driven (rather than saying ‘I like going to the gym’). Show/list any TEAM you have ever been in – for some ‘no evidence of sports team = not a team player’

• References: It’s not necessary to list them, just include a note: ‘References are available upon request.’

CV Language

• Skills: You will have gained these but they are difficult to substantiate therefore back up with examples (include IT Skills)

• Education: Give brief details of academic and professional qualifications along with grades. List professional memberships and relevant qualifications.

• Hobbies/Interests: This is optional. Needs to be achievement-driven (rather than say-ing ‘I like going to the gym’). Show/list any TEAM you have ever been in – for some ‘no evidence of sports team = not a team player’

• References: It’s not necessary to list them, just include a note: ‘References are avail-able upon request.’

CV Language

• Skills: You will have gained these but they are difficult to substantiate therefore back up with examples (include IT Skills)

• Education: Give brief details of academic and professional qualifications along with grades. List professional memberships and relevant qualifications.

• Hobbies/Interests: This is optional. Needs to be achievement-driven (rather than saying ‘I like going to the gym’). Show/list any TEAM you have ever been in – for some ‘no evidence of sports team = not a team player’

• References: It’s not necessary to list them, just include a note: ‘References are available upon request.’

CV Language

Cover Letters About 3 - 5 paragraphs and no longer than one side of A4 in size 10 font or above including the following points as separate paragraphs:

- Tell them why you’re writing and reveal what you want to do for the


- Introduce your USP and point out how your education, qualifications and skills match the job requirements.

- Ask for an interview, tell how you plan to follow up and thank the

employer for considering you.

- Again check the spelling and grammar

Ready - Get job fit• Physically fit – we are attracted to people who are physically fit. Companies look for people who are going to have strong Resilience• Mentally fit – exposure to beauty – music, read, do one good deed a day.• Spiritually fit – Love of God, the church community• Dress – the way you wear your clothes and combine colours• Courtesy – it’s a rarity

“No human being has been bought off a piece of paper”

“i am sure that God , who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally

finished on that day Jesus comes back again”. PhiLiPPianS 1:6

10 ways of getting a job

but focus on Referrals1. Employment agencies2. Sell a concept3. Buy one – a franchise. But it is a dangerous to do this when you are out of work4. Advertise in the paper5. Government – the UK’s biggest employer along with the NHS6. One’s own small business – start when you are still employed to build up clients.7. Executive recruiters – need a very good match8. Write letters, send emails9. Answer an ad, job boards

10. Referrals – the unpublished area – 80% of your market. There does not have to be a job open. Tell as many people as possible you are looking for work – they may know something or someone.

All there needs to be to get a job are: a. Problems to solve b. Talents to serve c. Chemistry of communications

“Make the most of every opportunity”. COLOSSianS 4:5

There is always a Road to get some

assistanceYou: “I’m a Bass Guitar player and I am trying to find a new position”Person Listening: “Where do they have use for Bass players?” “Who could I connect them with who might be able to assist” “Perhaps someone in the Worship team could help…”

“Be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with

you wherever you go”. JOShUa 1:9

Rules for Referrals  • No  short  cuts  

o Nobody  knows  you,  they  only  know  you  in  a  limited  sense  

• Preserve  your  dignity  at  all  times  • Don’t  do  let  anyone  do  something  for  you  which  you  wouldn’t  do  yourself  

• You  take  the  burden  of  action    For  example  from  my  newsfeed:  


Rules for Referrals

• There are no short cuts • Remember nobody knows you, they only know you in a limited sense• Preserve your dignity at all times• Don’t do let anyone do something for you which you wouldn’t do yourself• You take the burden of action

For example from my newsfeed -someone I could refer graduates to:

Rules for Referrals  • No  short  cuts  

o Nobody  knows  you,  they  only  know  you  in  a  limited  sense  

• Preserve  your  dignity  at  all  times  • Don’t  do  let  anyone  do  something  for  you  which  you  wouldn’t  do  yourself  

• You  take  the  burden  of  action    For  example  from  my  newsfeed:  


Who do you know?

4 Degrees of Separation on LinkedIn

• Add to and go through your contacts• Connect LinkedIn and email/phone contacts• Ideally get to 500+ connections• Go see who you know for a coffee/catch up• Look at shared connections• LinkedIn will prompt you

Who do you know?! 4 Degrees of Separation

on LinkedIn • Add  to  and  go  through  your  contacts  • Connect  LinkedIn  and  email/phone  contacts  

• Ideally  get  to  500+  connections  • Go  see  who  you  know  for  a  coffee/catch  up  

• Look  at  shared  connections  • LinkedIn  will  prompt  you  

Find someone from the past…  

Search  on  your  school  on  LinkedIn  –  

and  connect  with  someone    


Find someonefrom the past

Search Education, under Interests on LinkedIn, see where your

college friends are working now and reconnect with them

Find someone from the past…  

Search  on  your  school  on  LinkedIn  –  

and  connect  with  someone    


Use Advanced Search to find useful people, in specific

companies, to connect with through your Network

And, of course, connect with people at Hillsong

“You can’t stay in your corner of the forest waiting for people to come to you. You have to go to them sometimes” Winnie the Pooh

Find someone you don’t know – but see who in

your network does

Use  of  advanced  search  

 And,  of  course,  connect  with  people  at  Hillsong  

ResearchYour Market


It’s the world’s coffee shop- First for news- Great source of intelligence on people, topics even opportunitiesIt’s the MOST Sophisticated communications platform in the world- It’s about engaging first, selling second- Observe and follow others especially the companies you would like to work for - If people are active on Twitter it means you can contact them directly to ask questions or advice (they may or may not respond – it’s a bit random, but the better your profile the more likely they are to respond).It’s the NO:1 learning tool in the World According to the Centre for Learning and Performance.

TweetdeckStreams - Use Tweetdeck to help read Twitter streams on your laptop – Build lists to filter the noise on Twitter to what you want to follow

“intelligent people are always open to new ideas. in fact they look for them”. PROVERBS 18:15


Tweetdeck  Streams  -­‐  Use  Tweetdeck  to  help  read  Twitter  

streams  on  your  laptop  

Lists  –  Build  lists  to  filter  the  noise  on  Twitter  to  what  you  want  to  follow  

Intelligence people are always open to new ideas. In fact they look for them. PROVERBS 18:15  


As much as you can on and offline:

• Your industry• News of the day• The Bible• Popular press• Self improvement• Inspirational literature

“Keep yourself on a steep learning curve.” Mal Fletcher

“Lead me in the right path , O Lord…Tell me clearly what to do, and show me

which way to turn”. PSaLM 5:8

Build yourReputation

80% of getting a new job is exposure, 20% is expertise

• Post blogs on LinkedIn• Start you own blog or blog on somewhere like• Tweet and retweet others – share what you read• Use Instagram to publish photos• Connect with people on Facebook• Network with people at church

Routine Keep on top of your job

searchKeep a contact log/Excel Spreadsheet of all positions you apply for and it should include:

• Copy of the link for the position• The file name of the CV and cover

letter you sent• Contact dates• Names of hiring managers• A summary of information you

gleaned during contact

Remember people are busy – they may miss your email or call or reminder to call. The responsibility is on you to just keep going back to them and ask them hows it going.

And if they say NO – then ask who what they suggest, if they know any other organisations expanding etc.

Dry Run the interview

“Tell me about yourself” - the most obvious and popular question people ask and people have never rehearsed the answer to. What is the 2 minute summary the lift conversation on you?

Take some Online tests – in case you get an online test or have some form of psychometric test

“Fools think they need no advice, but the wise listen to others”.


Interview Questions - theirs:• What have been the most difficult challenges of

your current position?• What was your relationship to your previous

boss? • Have you managed others? • Have you taken any training courses? What have

you learned ‘on the job’? • Tell me about yourself. • What interests you in our company?• What do you know about our company?• What do you think we have to offer you as a

company? • How long are you intending to stay with us if we

offer you this job? • Why should we hire you? • Why do you want to leave your current

employer? • What is your current notice period? • What are your salary expectations?• Why are you changing your career?• Explain the gap in your work history?• Why have you had so many jobs?• Aren’t you over-qualified?

Interview Questions - yours:Questions you may want to ask:• What are the next steps following the interview? • How much responsibility will I have? / How many people will I be responsible for? • What training and development will be available to me?• Why is the position available?• What are the initial priorities of the position?• How does the position fit into the organisational structure?• What is the company’s managerial style/ culture?

Some interviews will also include a meeting with a co-worker usually second stage – don’t expect inside information but ask some useful questions:

• What is a typical day like in the department?• How would you describe the environment at the company? • What’s the most enjoyable part of your job? And most challenging?

RadiateThe Job Interview

• The world knows nothing about you unless you:- Radiate- Project and - Communicate• The world will believe only what we believe about ourselves

“You are the light of the world – like a city on a mountain, glowing

for in the night for all to see. Don’t hide your light under a

basket! instead, out it on a stand and let it shine for all”.

MaTThEW 5:14-15

Rules for interviews

• If you can’t be positive – be silent - If asked “Why did you leave you last job” say – It was a great experience, they were very nice people.• Try not to tell anyone how much you earn unless you are in a profession with a pay scale. In business world it’s often an HR game to get you for the minimum/save the firm money. For example, if they ask what you are paid: - Say you would rather understand their range for the job first. - Then if they tell you what that is whatever is the higher figure, they give say “yes that’s what I had in mind” - If they then say, “that’s at the high end”, look down, use silence and they will hopefully back down or come back with something from which you can negotiate.

Record – don’t be a long player

• Remember to LISTEN TO THE QUESTION and don’t oversell or over communicate in your excitement to tell them about yourself

• Don’t be a long playing record – answer the question with the one thing that’s important and don’t go all around the houses, its going to bore the interviewer

• Remember - When you are Invited to an interview, the purpose is not to get the job but to GET TO THE NEXT INTERVIEW i.e. don’t be too pushy, keep cool.

• Always send a thank you note or email for every stage of the process.

The casual interview

• The coffee or social chat – if before you have an interview or during the process you are asked out for a coffee, lunch, or with others in the team, this is where they are seeing whether they want to work with you as a person (most important thing…)

• The others in the team interview – this is a good sign, but you’ll need to get on with all the team members as they will be voting and feeding back on you later

• Remember you are still being interviewed

“My Child, listen and be wise. Keep you heart on the right course”. PROVERBS 23:19


Be determined to get a new role and keep yourself busy by:• Spending time with people – if you

are out of work ‘get out’ – go serve for part of your day

• Working on your job Routine• Pray, ask God for: help, support, open

doors, wisdom• Sharpen your skills

- learn online/digital world skills- Do an evening course- Find an internship- Get some work experience

• Keep reading

“i know the plans i have for you… They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future

and a hope”. JEREMiah 29:11

Don’t forget to fill in a prayer Request at church so we can Pray for you.

When you do get a new position please fill in a Praise Report to encourage others

“Since we are all one body in Christ, we belong to each other,

an each of us needs all the other”.ROManS12:5

ResourcesInterview Questions:

Cover Letter:

Online tests: interview-tips/psychometric-tests

Government Advice: jobhunting-online


Over 50’


Hillsong Kent Professional Connections:


Extreme: - Warning - contains strong language in parts

Books:What Colour is Your Parachute ? by: Richard N. Bolles

God at Work: Living Every Day with Purpose by:Ken Costa

Recommendations:- Please let us have yours – books, links, anything- This is Version 1.0 of the book so do let us have feedback so we can improve

“To those who use well what they are given, even more will be given, and they will have

abundance”. MATTHEW 25:29

Relationship BuildingIn order to help people to connect professionally at Hillsong Kent – please join our LinkedIn Group at:

Hillsong Kent Professional Connections

If you are looking for a Job – try posting brief details in the group

Review – Tick as a final reminder you have understood the content

� Rid – of the past� Role - focus� Reason – to hire you� Résumé – on LinkedIn� Ready – get job fit� Referrals – on & offline� Road – someone can help� Research – Twitter� Read – as much as you can� Reputation – Be active� Rules – of the game� Run – dry run your interview� Routine – Keep on top of your search� Record – don’t be a LP� Radiate – communicate� Resolve – to get a new job� Request and Report - Prayers� Resources – Links to more stuff� Relationship Building – Join the

Group on LinkedIn

Written by Bob Barker

about the author:For the past 30 years i have been on a rollercoaster ride in the iT industry which was all great (now i look back on it), but during that time i have been made redundant 4 times. This has meant that suddenly i have had to use my network, build a job campaign, whilst also trying to work out whether or not to do my own thing.

During some of the “between jobs” times i have also experienced financial hardship and been supported and encouraged by Christains during those times. i have also tried to listen to God giving me signs or a “sense of peace” as i make decisions and move in the direction he wants me go.

Part of what i do now is teach senior people how to create and manage their personal brand, use social media

and increase their personal digital performance. So i hope, through this book and the Linkedin Group we have set up, i can share my insights and experience with the Church Family to give them the encouragement, nudges, and on/offline support to find a new job or move up to the next one.

Twitter: @Bob_BarkerLinkedIn: Home: [email protected] Work: [email protected]

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