  • 8/13/2019 Form 2 - Poem - Heir Conditioning


  • 8/13/2019 Form 2 - Poem - Heir Conditioning




    M ShanmughalingamM Shanmughalingam studied at Victoria Institution School,Malaysia from 1952-58. He later attended the ni!ersity ofMalaya and holds an Honours degree and a Masters fromHar!ard ni!ersity and later a "octorate from #$ford

    ni!ersity. %t #$ford he &on the 'ertrude Hartley Memorial(ri)e for *oetry and a graduate scholarshi( from +alliol

    ollege and the second (ri)e in the Short Story com(etition udged y the no!elist, Iris Murdoch and /ohn +ayley, *rof. of

    0iterature, and s(onsored y ISIS, #$ford ni!ersity andThe

    Observer. His stories, short stories and (oems ha!e een(u lished in ommon&ealth %nthologies 0ondon ,international anthologies Singa(ore , in uni!ersities

    Har!ard, Malaya, #$ford and Singa(ore and in nationalliterary ournals. His (oems ha!e een the su ect of theses in local uni!ersities as &ell as in'ermany. He is acti!ely in!ol!ed in the de ating, literary and drama fields and is the co-editor of an anthology of Malaysian (oetry. He has een in!ited to (artici(ate and read fromhis o&n &or3 at seminars. %n %ustralian &e site on International *oets has a !ideorecording of his *erformance *oetry.


    Curriculum Development Division. inistry of Education alaysia. !"#"

  • 8/13/2019 Form 2 - Poem - Heir Conditioning




    This poem is written in London, May 4, 1995. It talks about issues regarding different

    lifestyles and alues of two generations. It also talks about the generation gap that e!ists

    between grandparents and their grand"hildren. This poem is like a dialogue between them.

    In the first stan#a, the grand"hild asks his grandfather if he "ould breathe without air

    "onditioner and how people manage to sur i e without modern de i"es su"h as air

    "onditioners, fans, fa!es and telephones. The "hild asks his grandmother if she was

    un"omfortable fanning herself with paper fans. $e in%uisiti ely %uestions how they "ould

    "ommuni"ate without today&s modern media of "ommuni"ation whi"h he "annot do without.

    In the se"ond stan#a, the grandparents& answer sets the two generations apart.

    Though they li ed oid of the 'basi" ne"essities&, they li ed "ontentedly and respe"ted

    nature. (lso, they were )od*fearing people. The grandparents warn the younger generations

    that they ha e inherited mu"h te"hnologi"al ad an"ement and it has led to a separation from

    his spiritual well*being. )od has been repla"ed by money and nature has begun to fear man.+atural surroundings are being taken o er by rapid de elopment and that has led to

    pollution, deforestation and destru"tion of natural habitats that now threatens man.


  • 8/13/2019 Form 2 - Poem - Heir Conditioning





    The title implies the transfer of a generation and highlights the gap that e!isted and apparentin so"ieties today. This gap e!isted due to he results of the "onditioning affe"t that took

    pla"e in the name of de elopment and modern times.


    Modernisation "omes with a pri"e.ifferen"es in time between two generations

    -pirituality s. MaterialismTraditional s. Modernisation

    isdom s. Ignoran"e

    %iterary devices

    Alliteration (lliteration is used to refle"t the sound of the wind from her grandmother&s paper fansThe repetition of similar "onsonants at the beginning of words put "lose to ea"h other.


    /onsonant0 f

    )randma weren&t you flustered (s you fluttered with paper fans2

  • 8/13/2019 Form 2 - Poem - Heir Conditioning


    ($yme Sc$eme /ontemporary. 3ollowed no rhyme s"heme.

    This poem is a good introdu"tion for "ontemporary poem.

    Pun un is used as an irony as the usage of air*"onditioner is "ausing harm to the nature as we

    en oy the "ool air.


    $eir "onditioning and air*"onditioning

    )eir (n heir is a person who will legally re"ei e money, property or a title from anotherperson, espe"ially an older member of the same family, when that other person dies6someone who now has the responsibility for dealing with a problem or situation thate!isted or was "reated earlier.

    Condition* Conditionin+ ,I- %/E-CE0It is to train or influen"e a person or animal mentally so that they do or e!pe"t aparti"ular thing without thinking about it.

    (epetition ords or ideas that are emphasi#ed to show the importan"e of a "ertain "on"ept


    Line 1* 9 0 7ou8Line 1 * 1: 0 ; e8Line 1:* < 0 ;7ou = e8.

    $ere the poet emphasi#e the word ;you8, fo"using all attention to the grandparents. (lso signify blaming6 ;you8 as pinpointing.

    Style The style use is simple but ri"h in "ontrast.


    The lines in the poem are presented in a non standard tradition of style.

    The poem is presented in 9 lines in the first stan#a.The se"ond stan#a "ontains 1 lines.


  • 8/13/2019 Form 2 - Poem - Heir Conditioning


    Tone This poem has a rather serious and sar"asti" tone. This is be"ause the use of all thesete"hnologi"al applian"es that are supposed to make our li es more "omfortable is a"tuallydestroying the world we li e in.

    The tone of the grand"hild >line 1*9? poses %uestion. The tone is pu##le. The

    grand"hild saw nothing good of those times. The tone here is ;ignorant, and lookingdown8. @latant with a series of stupid %uestions. The tone is anti"ipation of tri ialanswers.

    The tone of the )randparents >line 1 *1:? refle"t a ;more e!perien"ed8 that thegrand"hild did not ha e the pri ilege and "ontrarily should not look down towards.

    The tone argues that despite the grand"hild&s ;ba"kwards8 iew towards them,wonderful e!perien"e is e ident at the time. The tone here also suggests wisdom, asa sharp "ontrast to the ignoran"e.

    The tone here suggests their per"eption of wrongful ideas followed by youngsterstoday.

    Irony (n e!pression of meaning often humorous or sar"asti", by the use of language of a differentor opposite tenden"y


    In this poem, the poet highlights the "omforts of moderni#ation >telephones, air*"onditioner and modern transportation?, and the "onse%uen"es >stress,"onse%uen"es of traffi" ams and pollution? they ha e brought unto us.


  • 8/13/2019 Form 2 - Poem - Heir Conditioning


    Aims aterials




    Whats in the

    1 To de elop the fa"ulty for obser ation andmemory

    < To state ob e"t used in olden and modern daysA To de elop reasoning skills

    1 i"ture 1a, 1b, 1", 1d, 1e

    Time ' 1" minutes

    1 /lass is di ided into groups of 4*5. -how Picture #a for < *A se"onds.< )roups write down what they ha e seen on a pie"e of paper.A )roup will be gi en one point for ea"h "orre"t answer.4 i"ture 1a is a "omposition of a "onsiderable amount of smaller pi"tures in it.5 -how i"ture 1b.B )i e the students < *A se"onds to study it then put Picture #b awayC )roups write down what they ha e seen.: (sk a number of %uestions to test the obser ation and memory powers of the

    group.9 Da"h group leader is to submit the group&s ma ority iew on ea"h %uestion in

    writing.1 The sample pi"ture gi en is a simple refle"tion of the poem&s theme of Traditional

    s. Modernisation

  • 8/13/2019 Form 2 - Poem - Heir Conditioning




    -uggested %uestions for Picture #a and #b 01. )ow many ob2ects did you see3

  • 8/13/2019 Form 2 - Poem - Heir Conditioning




    What s in

  • 8/13/2019 Form 2 - Poem - Heir Conditioning


    Picture 1a


  • 8/13/2019 Form 2 - Poem - Heir Conditioning


    Picture 1b



    ConditionedTime ' 1" minutes

  • 8/13/2019 Form 2 - Poem - Heir Conditioning


    Aims aterials



    $eir means a legal su""essor to property or rank6 morally entitled to something6 e!amples0the heir to the throne6 inherit the Darth or heirs to Darth6

    /onditioning means to tea"h or a""ustom to adopt "ertain habits. The mind "onditionedby the people around and so"iety.


    4rite lines from t$e poem t$at $ave t$e meanin+s +iven in t$e table below.


    1 To read and understand the poem< To relate key words in poem and title to theme

    1 orksheet

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