
"For my people have forsaken the fountain of living waters, and hewed them out broken cis­terns that can hold no water". Jer. 2:13

II • .&LLS OR c IST Jl:RNS?"

Prophet's indictment of people of Israel. Forsaken Jehovah. Accepted other deities. vlere placing c nfidence in other gods. Forsaken the fount in of living water; depending upon leak­ing, broken cisterns.

In text is also explanation of pettiness, poverty ~d aridity of many lives today. Cis­terns are artificial. Depend upon surface wat­er. They are shallow. Develop cr cks. ' /ells are driven deep below surface of ground. They tap springs and touch fountains of living water. Cisterns run dry. That is trouble - we dipping buckets into empty cisterns and growing old in drawing nothing up.

Dana Burnett Tells a Story

Calls it, ''Mr. Onion". • bout l.!ari n and John Thurston. Belonged to

"fast set". Life continuous round of excitenent and amusement. Let go of moral restraints. Had passed over boundaries of marital fidelity. Long ago had abandoned any pretense of religious life and faith. Out-moded; out-grown; passe.

Marion n t altogether s~tisfied. ~ondering if missing something. In summer home in :J\I:aine one night she sees little son's rag doll dressed as clown. Mr. Onion they called him. Little son J ckie worshipped Mr. Onion - felt in some mys­terious way that Mr. Onion guarded the house. It makes ~arion wonder. Becomes impressed with aw­ful blankness of own life. To her husband she says, 11We have no God ..• what we lack is a faith - some faith- in something- beyond ourselves."

Next morning Jackie running temperature. Doctor called in - pneumonia. Life hanging in balance. Parents desperate. Specialist from New York called. /ould come by overnight train. "Tomorrow morning may be too late - if only we


Yes, the cr1s1s comes. ~ ickness; death of a loved one; accident; disappointment; mid­dle age; cind our broken cisterns cannot meet our need. Life says to us in words of prophet, ''Where are thy gods that thou hast made thee? Let them arise if they can save thee in time of trouble".

Tragedy of today- we have no beliefs; no invisible means of support. Nothing to support us in great crises of life. And life has its storms; its r ugh seas. '!e oust have a ballast of belief - great faith if we are to come safe­ly through. Great beliefs must be nart of the carg else there will be disaster and wreckage. Like the Thurstons we have thr wn overboard r1uch of the ballast. '.ie lightened the ship -in day of crisis nd storm, we founder.

There are Hesources Th8re are fountains and wells to nourish our spi­ritual lives and to sup­

port us in day of trouble and crisis. I think of what a great hymn can do for us

in midnight hour. Such a hymn as Newman 's -"Lead, kindly light, .:un i d th'encircling gloom" Or, "How he~.ppy is the pilgrim's lot" page 4?4 . Or Chas . . lesley's ''.Jesus, lover of my soul".

I think of what great, passage of scripture cun do for the soul - 1 t is a veri table well. 139 Psalm - "vihi ther shall I go from presence?" 23 Psalm - "The Lord is my Shepherd". .John 14 - "Let not your heart be troubled r . Book of Revelation " .• no mo re pain , sorrow, neither any mo re crying for God shall wipe away all tears'.

I think of resources of prayer. ~le do not pray enough . "Jhat a difference it can mt.tke to us. l e kneel so weak; we rise so full of p wer. Come to see that nothing is allowed to enter arena of our lives that we cannot h ndle with God's help. ,, ell springing up eternal life.

I think of resources of worship. Finds a power. Rehews his strength. I'ounts up with wings as eagles. Finds exhilliration. Goes out with courage, peace and power. In day of cal~­ity and crisis he faces life unafraid.

" .• e h ve n God" she said abruptly.

"illd what w uld we do wi t h a God if we had one?"

"Oh, I don ' t know. Pray to Him. Depend upon Him. H·ve Him in for tea- and conversation".

"Y u ' ve bc;en looking -1t the sun . I t 's mude you rel i gious" .

"I'd rather like a God who w uld always be on hand inc se of- of ei'lergency".

"I y pr-..~.yer \ J~s rau.l •.• Uld i t ' s going t o rr. .... e diff renee . C.m ' t go on living s '"'e

been . Do t he s~ e t hings ~uybe . But t 1ere ' ll be ..... nev.r elem nt in ever yt hing . . ~1w-1ys d new el uent • . • Only I suspect i t ' s old; old u.nd in­dis pensu.ble . Tne elemen t of seurch - m~n sea.rc.aing for his Go "


had someone to pray to. n "ilell, we haven't and I refuse to fake someone". Crisis approaching. Marion speaks to tossing Jackie, "Darling, when are you going to get well?'' Replies thCl.t they would have to ask Mr. Onion. Marion leaves to get Mr. Onion for boy; in living r om she hears voice and sees husband kneeling front of Mr. On­ion - praying .

. larion tells Jackie that Daddy had asked Mr. Onion if he were going to get well. And Mr. Onion had said that he would get well if he tried very hard. Jackie turned over in sleep -crisis passed. Later , sitting on lawn facing the sea, John speaks:

Cisterns and Crises In the shadows of that long night and in brightness of that r di nt dCl.Wn, Harion

and John Thurston had made a great discovery -that is, in life's great crises it matters great deal whether we are living from wells or cistenns. Thurstons trying to live from cisterns. Discover­ed they lacked something beyond and deeper than own shallow lives.

Hhat are our gods? 1;'/hct t are things we ac­claim? "lho re they heroes ti.Ild heroines we set before our children? John and MC:l.rion Thurston are symbols of multitudes today - sum total of lives cdn be expressed in term "cultured pagans" - and much of it not even cultured. Our society is secularized. T, /e aspire no higher than che p comedy of radio and false glamor of mov ies. \ Je are trying to live from broken cisterns. \ e have no touch with deep and unfailing fountains.

And we can get away with it for a time. The Thurstons did. For a time. But one day crisis comes. It always does - life being what it is! Things move calmly and evenly for long period . "e assume things will always be like that. Then

midn i ght hour comes; crisis upon us. Jesus told a parable - nrt is midnight and I have nothing to set before him!" The routine of life is rude­ly broken - just when we thought ourselves immune and safe.

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it Way of Life

BAS I CALLY there are just two ways of life: the Chris­tian way and the way of the world. It has been sug­gested that the Christian way of life ought to be the

normal way. Popularity of the way of the world, however, would lead to the conclusion that that is the usual way.

The contrast between the two ways ought to be clear­cut and distinct. But such is not always the case, because there are too many borderline Christians, and because a large number of very fine , congenial, likeable people walk the way of the world. There are those who, in a genteel way, live according to the philosophy "eat, drink, and be merry for tomorrow we die. " They seek the good things of this life and nothing beyond the present.

But the way of the world is by no means all attractive. In its more blatant and extreme form it conforms to St. Paul's characterization: "Men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God; having a form of godli­ness, but denying the power thereof" (II Timothy 3 :2-5).

In sharp contrast is the same apostle 's road-guide to those who purpose to follow the Christian way of life: "Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things" (Philippians 4: 8) .

No one is apt to dispute the point that the world would be a better place in which to live if the Christian way of life were the normal way.

A.P.H. No. 915 . Litho in U.S.A .

~~~-~- lesse~ is the 1l1tUl that walktth ·:·-: not in tbr rounsel of thr un­·i · goal! ~ nor stauaeth in thr wa~

:-rr-~~~~- · . of sinners , not' aittrth iu tht %

seat of thr ston1ful. But his artight is in the law of thr Lora; rota in nis law ~oth he lllfa· itate all¥ ana night. Jind he shall br like a ttrr plank~ 11! the rivers of watef, that bring­rlh forth his fruit in his season; his lraf also shall uot UJithtr; atW tvhatoorvrr he aoeth shall prosper. JI1ht uugoal! an uot so: but are like the chaff which the whw mtJrth atlJall. illbtrefore 't tbt uugo~~ shaU not ottuW in tht ju~gmrnt, ~ nor oinurro in tbt cougTrgation of the right­eous. For tltt .Lora luunueth the tDQ! of tbr m1

rigbtr0118: but tbt wavofthe ungob\v ohal11Jtri8h. --- ---

FREMONT .§..1'li~E1: ~THODIST CHURCH Glover sville, New York

January 16. 1949

ORGAN -"Drop Down Dew, Ye Heavens11 Campbell-Watson CALL TO WORSHIP - By ·the minister HY:MN 12 - "Joyful, joyful, we adore Thee" Hymn to Joy

Minis t er: The Lord be with you. People: And with thy spirit.

Minister: Lift up your hearts. People: We lift them up unto the Lord.

DOXOLOGY - To be sung by all

* CALL TO PRAYER - By the minister PRAYER OF CONFESSION - To be said by all

Have merccy upon us, 0 God, according to thy loving kindness; according to the multitude of thy t ender mer­cies, blot out our trans~re s sions . VIJ'ash us thoroughly f r om our iniquities and cl eanse us f rom our sins. For we a cknowledge our transgr essions, and our sin is ever befor e us. Create in us clean hearts, 0 God, and renew a rl ght spirit within us; t hrough J esus Christ our Lord. PRAYER FOR PARDON - By the minister Amen

* RBSPONSIVE REJ.DING - 3rd Sunday - 2nd Reading GLORIA PATRI :: APOSLES' CREED SCRIPTlfRE LESSON - John 4:1-15 A!'I THEM - 11 God our Father, Lord of Hoavcn11

PASTORAL PRAYER :: LORD'S PRAYER OFFERTORY ANTHEM - "Build thee more stately HTI-~T 173 - 11 Holy Spirit, Truth divi ne" SERMON - "WELLS .QR CIS TERNS 11

HYMN 338 - "Jesus, Lover of my soul" BENEDICTION :: CHORAL Ar,1£N ORGJJJ - "Grand Cho eur in C"

Rev. Fred Clarke , Minister

Beobide (Andrews

mansions 11


Hollint; side Danish Salome

Miss Gloria Iacone, Minister of Music Mrs. Harvey Connor, !vi inisterts Assistant

Mrs. Keith Gifford, Church Secret a ry Mr. Lewis Cunninr; , Sexton

10:30 10:30 ll:45 .§..:QQ


Morning Worship. Visitors cordia lly welcomed. Children's Division of the Church School, Youth and Adult Divisions of the Church School. Methodist Youth Fellowship. Dougl a::; Guent her will conduct a "CHINA T01.TR11

• Bring clothing for overseas' family. All youth invited. Union Service at First Congregational Church -the Rev. Clarence L. Schaertel will preach.

Altar flowers are given in memory of Mrs. Dorothy Quackenbush by her family.


Weekday School; grade s 11 and 12. Boy Scouts at t he church. E. F .W. Cla ss meets with J\·1rs. Cha s. Brill. Teacher s ' meeting for Kinder garten. Primary and Junior departments of the Church School Ushers meeting at the parsonage . Mid-week Service - a gracious privil ege . January me eting of Boa rd of Trustees. Exc elsior Class meets at the church. Fremont Choir r ehea r sa l . Laurel Band will meet with Mrs. Harold Leavitt . Roll call l etter is "A''.

3:4Q Youth Choir r ehea rsal. ~ Children's Choir r ehea rsal.

INVITATION 1Q LEARNING - We invite young adults and adults to join a Church School class. You will en­joy the fellowship and the discussion.

CHURCH SCHOOL l~NUAL MEETING will be held Februa ry 2nd. Covered dish supper . Annual reports of a ll organ­ized classes. Class presidents please note . The r ep.)rt blanks may be had at the church office.


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