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Introduction 3

How to Attract Women-What Women Find Attractive 5

Strategies to Attract Women Using Body Language 7

Love is the Answer 9

Love in the First Degree 11

The Dawn of Maturity and the Reality of Being In-Love 13

‘Humor’ Has It 15

But She Is Not My Mom 17

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How Guy Gets Girl Revealed

Ever wonder why some guys can simply walk up to a beautiful girl, start a

conversation, get her number and end up dating her, while for many other

guys, uttering a single word in front of a pretty lady could be the single most

difficult thing they’ve ever done in their lives?

It’s simple: They know something we don’t. They know something they

probably wouldn’t share with you. They want that something to be a secret

– because they want it ALL for themselves.

So we did a little digging and we found something even better than any of

the secrets that those other guys have been keeping for themselves: The

Secret to getting a woman – written by a woman.

Luckily for us, there’s a very intelligent and sexy young lady who has studied

the dating scene for years, and here are few things she discovered:

The same type of guys get all the girls

Girls keep falling over and over for the same type of guys

Most guys are insecure about their looks, age and financial status

A lot of great guys don’t dare or simply don’t know how to approach a

girl because of insecurities

There are a lot of terrific guys out there just waiting to for a chance to be

with a beautiful lady. To make it happen, our sexy double agent exposes the

naked truth and literally hands over what every girl wouldn’t dare reveal to

any man in the only guide to getting fabulous women written by a woman!

In this guide you’ll learn how to:

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Get any girl you want

Have pretty girls beg to go out with you

Approach any girl without ever being conscious of your looks, age and

financial status

Forget about the lonely years and start living a healthy love-life

straight away

But this foxy lady wouldn’t make such bold promises without scientific

proof, which is why everything you’ll learn is backed by extensive

psychological studies of the female mind.

Truly she has betrayed her own sex, but she firmly believes that many guys

out there deserve a chance to be noticed by the ladies. Whether you are

short, ugly, bald, fat or poor, her secret guide will teach you how to tickle

the female imagination and get past her primary defenses, regardless of

financial status and looks.

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There are a lot of ways a man can do to attract his dream girl. However,

trying to re-digest or understand again the statement of what a man can do

to have his ‘ideal girl’ boils down in trying to be in the girls’ scenario.

Being one with them does not mean being ‘gay’ or homosexual for that

matter. It only means that the notion of ‘getting to know each other’ has its

beginning in recognizing the fact of the uniqueness of every woman or girl. It

is not what a man can do; but it is more of what a woman really wants.

Knowing what a woman wants is to deal about sensitivity and any woman

loves a man who is very comfortable to get in touch with his soft side: his

being sensitive. Though men are generally not comfortable of being too

showy or expressive about their inner self, sensitive men who confront this

unexplored area of being a man, attracts women greatly.

Again, it not being a notion of ‘gay’ or ‘girly’ to be crying with a woman;

nonetheless, girls love men who stay and listen with them. In reality, men do

not need to weep to show that they are sensitive. What a woman wants is

to feel that their men really respect their feelings and at the same time their

beings as well.

A lot of movies portray a man doing everything he can just to win the

woman of his dreams. Nonetheless, in those movies, the bottom line is that

a man should always be comfortable of what he really is. This statement is

also very true in real life. It is not the priceless gifts or the flashy items that

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were given by a man that a girl will be dealing with in her life; it is the very

essence of the man is what really matters to win a girl’s heart.

Initially, it is all about the physical. Though the first statements or assertions

are all about some ‘transcendental’ things about what women really want;

any man should never forget to fix himself by making his physical

appearance and attributes very attractive.

Though the saying ‘first impression last’ theory may fade along the way, it is

still the primary thing to consider because of some obvious reasons. Just to

be fair and square, a man wants a beautiful lady and as per a woman, she

will definitely prefer handsome and neat looking guys. The point here is that

there should be at least, an effort on the part of men to make themselves

presentable and that is what every woman wants.

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Chances are; most men have heard about the importance of having the

correct body language to aid them to attract women. There are a lot of

training manuals, even books that focus on such topics showing its readers

what to do and what not to do when trying to get a woman’s attention. Tips

like nod your head, don’t put your hands in your pockets, or maintain

contact with the eyes, plus a lot more.

A lot of this information that is presented in courses, DVD’s or CD’s does not

necessarily mean that they are poorly made or ineffective. However, not

everyone can benefit from the promised positive result since this will not get

the job done for everyone. Fact is, yes they will deliver the results but only

for the men who are already very good at courting the women, but for the

dude who is just at the bottom of the ladder and still starting to go up; it

simply won’t do.

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If your one of the guys who is just starting out, you’d probably question why

it won’t be effective for you. The reason is this; a lot of tips that are out

there that concern body language are usually referred to as offensive tips.

The results that they give are perfectly good but only to those men who are

currently dating women because the tendencies of those advices are about

perfecting their game. However, for those who are just newbie in the dating

scene and are still in the process of building self-confidence, it won’t do you

much good.

Therefore, if the suggestion for body language is what you’re looking for,

and you are just starting put in the game; seek for the “defensive” tips.

These are the kind of advices that are not targeting to increase your chances

or picking up a girl but rather, they are suggestions for you to prevent from

screwing up. These ideas can assist you in decreasing your chances of

screwing up generally since they are relatively less specialized than the

offensive tips. You don’t have to rationalize as much as you would have to

like you would with the offensive ideas.

The important thing to consider here is that whatever it is you do when

approaching women; it has to be natural. Make everything appear natural

because once you appear fake or forced, you’ll definitely lose valuable

points to the ladies regardless of the “correct” body language. For that

reason, thinking about your body language is a dangerous move.

So if your goal is to discover methods to be able to date women, it is

suggested that you focus first on the defensive tip and when you are a lot

more comfortable you can now move to the offensive suggestions.

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In order for a guy to win his very

dream girl, he has to consider

enhancing his self-confidence.

Appreciation for female

counterparts begins in the

individual males’ positive reception

of their very selves. For this reason,

males should really have a high-

esteem for their very beings before trying to take the next level of sharing or

showing their admiration especially for the opposite sex.

If that is the case the ‘Nemo dat quod non habet’ is Correct

How can a man give his ‘love’ if he himself does not really love his very self?

An individual male cannot give anything what he does not possess. For this

reason, the very self should be given ample consideration with regards to

improving the individuals very existence. ‘Love thy own’ they say and this is

definitely true for male suitors trying to win the apples of their eyes.

If a man will be totally able to follow this basic principle in self-

improvement, then he will be able to learn how to respect his own self. Self-

respect will utterly show and can be recognized by the people around the

person. If others can sense it, then most likely the dream girl of this man will

eventually feel it as well.

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Try Doing Some Old-School Techniques

Although scientific advancements and technological developments are the

in-thing today, there are still a lot of ‘ancient’ practices in wooing girls that

are proven to be very effective in contrast to high-tech and state-of-the-art

means of winning a woman’s heart. Try checking out some pick up lines.

These phrases may be a bit corny or well-worn; nonetheless, they still have

magic these days. Of course, as a general rule of thumb, never ever over use

these catchy (‘silly’ sometimes) tag lines.

If a man cannot say his feelings directly to a girl, then why not try to ‘sing’ it

for the girl. Serenading is definitely one of the oldest courting or dating

practices that almost all ‘Romeos’ have done since time immemorial. On the

other hand, since this crooning is considered to be a thing in the past, men

nowadays should be more creative in executing this wooing ‘through music’

but not missing the point or the essence of serenading.

Love Should Always Be Creative

If a man is really decided to have his dream girl, he has to come up with a

sort of self-evaluation. A boy should have the utmost sense of good

intentions for the girl to make things happen. Though it is a fact that some

men pursue girls to satisfy their carnal desires, men must still give the

highest form of respect which all women deserve.

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Does somebody need to be in-love in order for a guy to ‘chase’ and search

for an ideal woman for his life? In reality, being inspired is just a part of

getting into a more serious relationship. Dealing with girls, believe it or not,

starts at the very home.

A young male will always learn his first lessons in talking with girls as they

converse or talk with their moms. The first rule of thumb then, individual

males should always converse with girls with utmost degree of respect.

Nonetheless, though some unique women like to get things on the rough

side; generally speaking, a lot of girls preferred to be treated with high-


Love or Charity Begins at Home

The word ‘charity’ may have been stereotyped as helping the needy or the

unfortunate. On the other hand, as per etymological derivation or sense, the

word ‘caritas’ in its very essence means love. For this simple premise, love

really begins at home.

Another thing a guy must consider is to talk or speak with some ‘masters’.

This ‘speaking with the master’ thing does not mean having some serious

talks with a guru or a counselor. The first ‘master’ this boy has to consider is

his own father. Aside from having some tips on how to deal with girls, the

father-son bonding will also be enhanced during the whole process.

Comfortably Express Thyself

All male species should consider this very vital premise: love should not be

just mere words to say, but it is an action to be done. The ‘masters’ will

never do things for their ‘apprentices’ in order to achieve their goals.

However, the boy admirer, after all the tips and tricks of how to get a girl,

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should place everything in reality. This begins in being comfortable of their

very selves.

Self-confidence is definitely everything for a girl. Women have a special

‘radar’ or ‘sixth sense’ regarding a possible suitors’ self-esteem level.

Majority of females love or adore men who have an overall aggressive

stance in his life. That simply means, girls like their boys to take charge of

their very lives.

The Art of Turning a Girl to a Real Lady

Being a real lady is a higher level of being a female. Following this line of

thought, what a good man does for his girl is to help her be more matured in

the process that started in courtship until they decided to be committed

with each other.

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Impressing a girl to win her is a big no-no. Flashy display of what a man can

do to impress a girl of his dreams can do a little but not for long. In reality,

the best way to make an impact to a girl is not by impressing her. Though it

may sound self-defeating, the main point, here is for a man to be really

comfortable of himself: his true self that is.

Showing off may leave an impression of a bogus self-expression. Though

some may be comfortable in showing themselves off, the point is, for how

long he can sustain what he does to impress a girl. Being natural or true to

the self is one way of impressing a girl.

As a general tip for all men about impressing or creating an impact for a girl,

it should be noted that most men most of the time assume a lot of different

personalities when they like to make an impression with girls. Though it is

not new for the male species to attract or to make impressions to their

female counterparts (like a peacock attracting a peahen to mate), human

beings are definitely is in a higher level of the food chain because of

rationality. That means, a female human being with the right frame of mind

can recognize ‘flashy acts’ by her suitors but her rationality will take her

beyond these superficial matters.

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Real love exists in real individuals. This statement simply denotes the

rawness or simplicity of the individuals getting into a possible relationship.

In men, showcasing their true self, their vulnerabilities and weaknesses, is

the very ideal or perfect way of impressing a girl.

Real women love real men. Following this line of thought, if a man chooses

to make an impression or pleases his girl with money and material stuffs,

then he may create a wrong impression. The girl may love or like him for

what he can give but not what he really is. Money and material items will

always be a part of pleasing girls but not to the point that these things will

overshadow the very essence of a man.

Impressing a girl entails being unique in contrast to other hopeful suitors.

This is called the ‘x-factor’. The so-called ‘x-factor’ can be anything under the

sun. This can range from a very simple trait to a more complex characteristic

of a man. For this reason, it boils down to the concept of the man knowing

what his girl really wants. It is all about being sensitive and being receptive is

one of the best ways of attracting a woman.

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Pick up lines may sound a bit corny or well-worn for some reasons.

However, even in this stage of

technological advancements,

pick up line can sometimes do

magic. Speaking of magic, the

success of doing or making

impressive illusion for the

crowd is all about timing. Just

like a pick up line, it is all about

timing and relevance according

to the given scenario. These

pick up statements are really

effective if they are executed in ‘the right place and in the right time’.

Depending on the respond or the reaction of the individual, these catchy

lines may have proven to be very boring if the execution is not appropriate.

Though some individuals may not agree with the statement that everything

depends on timing, still, based on a lot of empirical experiences of lovers

and the like; timing is everything. It is a fact that if an individual experience

being rejected, there will be a certain someone or somebody willing to

accept the very being of the rejected individual. For this reason, it is the

recognition of timing is all that matters most. Using sweet or pleasing pick

up lines also works in timing. If the moment is perfect then everything will

fall into places.

Since love is a transcendental matter, then somehow, it defies the usual

notions, logic and knowledge on how humans understand basic things

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around the environment. Most pick up lines nowadays are in the boundary

of being fallacious (in terms of the real study of logic in fallacies) and being

idiomatic at the same time. Take, for example, the line, ‘Baby, you must be a

broom, because you just swept me off my feet’. As per understanding the

text, a human’s insight is definitely needed to break things into rationality. A

broom is a cleaning utensil that is being used to sweep dirt on the floor. The

phrase ‘swept off my feet’ is an idiomatic expression that is not directly

related to the way a broom ‘sweep off’ some dirt in the floor. For this

reason, understanding pick up lines may spoil its true meaning and for that,

it should be more than the brain that should understand these ‘love’


If a man plans to seduce women using pick up lines, then he should create

or make his own statements. Judging on the way these lines were created,

any individual can create his own pick up lines. The major key in writing

these love verses is to be very expressive and imaginative of how an

individual feels at the moment. He may try writing them on a piece of paper

and work things out in the process.

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Learn to Converse With Your Mother

Like charity, conversing with a woman begins at home. If an individual does

not have any experience talking to a woman since birth, there is a possibility

that the person does not have a biological (or a legally recognized) mother,

an aunt or all of his considered ‘family’ is composed of male species.

Definitely, this scenario sounds unfortunate. Nonetheless, most individuals

do have a chance to talk or speak with a woman.

That girl can be their mom, a sister, an aunt or a female species with a

special tie or bonding. These women can be ahead of age and are already

matured, but the point is, they are still women. That means, any man does

have any experience talking to a woman.

But She is not my Mom

The reason why a man will search topics about ‘talking or conversing to a

woman’ is most likely, not for his mother. He will be dealing with a (can be)

‘perfect stranger’ or a contemporary from the female species. Nonetheless,

the point here is that, at some point of his life, he was able to experience

conversing with a girl.

For this reason, he should apply some basic guidelines while trying to talk to

a girl. Though some girls preferred ‘rough treatment’, most women like to

be respected. When a guy speaks with his mom, respect should always be

there. Thus, a girl needs to be treated with high esteem. When a man

converses with his mom, he is very relaxed (unless he has done something

stupid). Therefore, a guy should be relaxed if he has to speak with a girl.

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Using Pick up Lines in a Timely Manner but not all the Time

Pick up lines are readily available in every internet website that deals with

‘love’ or attracting women. These catchy statements are somehow funny or

can tickle the funny bone of every female species. Nonetheless, they are, in

one way or another, very objective. Conversing with a girl is not a

mathematics exam that the answers must be very objective.

Speaking or communicating with a woman is like dealing with an essay that

has a why and how questions. That means, the answer should be not in an

objective manner, and this should be applied when speaking to impress a

girl. However, if the girl needs an objective answer, then by all means, give

her the answer.

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