Page 1: ERASMUS Work Placements Angie Willshaw

Careers Centre

ERASMUS Work Placements

Angie Willshaw

Page 2: ERASMUS Work Placements Angie Willshaw

Careers Centre

What is Erasmus? European Commission scheme To increase mobility of Higher Education Students Divided into 2 parts Study most widely known But not just for Study / language students! Work Placement scheme also exists Support given for University students to undertake work

experience in Europe

Page 3: ERASMUS Work Placements Angie Willshaw

Careers Centre

What do I get from Erasmus Work? Support provided as funding from the EC towards work placements in

Europe Students receive a monthly, flat rate ‘grant’ 2008/09: €390 per month (£300) Not a maintenance grant, but a contribution towards the extra costs of

living abroad PLUS, tuition fee waiver for a full year spent in Europe (7 months),

worth £860 in 2009/10 Students also receive payment from job, Student Loan & reduced

Leeds bursary

Page 4: ERASMUS Work Placements Angie Willshaw

Careers Centre

How do I qualify for Erasmus Work?

You must be EU national You must be registered at the University both before and

after the Placement (usually students go away after their 2nd year)

As far as Erasmus is concerned, you CAN do placement in final year, as long as it is completed before graduation (depends on department / school)

Page 5: ERASMUS Work Placements Angie Willshaw

Careers Centre

Will my work placement qualify for Erasmus? Student responsible for arranging own placement Placement must be part of your degree (approved by dept &

recognised by the University eg degree supplement) In EU country Only placements of 3 – 12 months funded (can do 3+6 or 4+5) Full time job Timing (must fit into cycle, eg 1st June 09 to 30 Sept 10) Cannot work directly for the EC, embassies / consulates or

national agencies British Council Language Assistants are eligible too

Page 6: ERASMUS Work Placements Angie Willshaw

Careers Centre

How do I apply?

Most important thing is to get your PLACEMENT ARRANGED!

Application for Erasmus grant & fee waiver is through Careers Centre (from May/Jun)

Application form emailed to you Need Contract or job offer letter as proof Need dates to be sorted out!

Page 7: ERASMUS Work Placements Angie Willshaw

Careers Centre

Placement(s) must be 7 months long in total EU national You must be eligible for ‘Statutory Student Funding’

in the UK (ie Student Loans; dependent on residency criteria)

Islands students NOT eligible for this

What about the Tuition Fee Waiver?

Page 8: ERASMUS Work Placements Angie Willshaw

Careers Centre

What happens next? Placement Contract/Training Agreement & Certificate of

Arrival issued Signed by you, me, your supervisor First payment (70% of overall grant) released Complete end-of-placement Questionnaire & Certificate

of Attendance Remaining 30% of grant released Lots of paperwork, but worth it!

Page 9: ERASMUS Work Placements Angie Willshaw

Careers Centre

Erasmus Work

Contact details (Angie Willshaw)

Email [email protected]

Telephone (0113) 343 7104


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