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2. Este material ha sido preparado como una contribucinpara los alumnos de las Escuelas dependientes del Comandode Institutos y Doctrina y el Personal del Ejrcito de Chile-especialmente aquellos que se encuentran destinadosen unidades alejadas- y que deseen actualizar y reforzarsu dominio de las estructuras gramaticales del idiomaingls, incrementar su vocabulario y mejorar las estrategiascomunicativas, mediante un trabajo personal.Con mucho afecto y gratitud a la querida Institucin,que me ha permitido servir con entusiasmo y crecerprofesionalmente.Prof. Juan Gmo. Moya MontaaProfesor de Ingls de la Academia de Guerra, la Academia PolitcnicaMilitar, la Escuela Militar y la Escuela de Telecomunicaciones delEjrcito de [email protected] de ChileDepartamento ComunicacionalRegistro de Propiedad Intelectual N 151.465I.S.B.N. N 956-7527-35-0Impreso en los Talleres del Instituto Geogrfico Militar 3. INDICEPg Prologo _________________________________________________________________ 5 Sugerencias Metodolgicas ________________________________________________ 7 Table of Contents _________________________________________________________ 9 Unit 1 __________________________________________________________________ 15 Unit 2 __________________________________________________________________ 27 Unit 3 __________________________________________________________________ 37 Unit 4 __________________________________________________________________ 47 Unit 5 __________________________________________________________________ 59 Unit 6 __________________________________________________________________ 77 Unit 7 __________________________________________________________________ 91 Unit 8 _________________________________________________________________ 103 Unit 9 _________________________________________________________________ 115 Unit 10 ________________________________________________________________ 127 Unit 11 ________________________________________________________________ 141 Unit 12 ________________________________________________________________ 157 Unit 13 ________________________________________________________________ 175 Unit 14 ________________________________________________________________ 191 Unit 15 ________________________________________________________________ 203 Unit 16 ________________________________________________________________ 215 Unit 17 ________________________________________________________________ 225 Unit 18 ________________________________________________________________ 237 Unit 19 ________________________________________________________________ 253 Unit 20 ________________________________________________________________ 263 Unit 21 ________________________________________________________________ 277 Apendices ____________________________________________________________ 297A short course in english for adult students 3 4. Bl 4 5. PrlogoPrlogoEl profesor Juan Moya Montaa me ha distinguido con la solicitud de prologar Structures andVocabulary, texto de autoaprendizaje de gramtica inglesa bsica para adultos. Este manual formaparte del esfuerzo permanente del profesor Moya por contribuir al mejoramiento de la enseanza deeste idioma en el Ejrcito. El autor me concede la oportunidad de testimoniar mi reconocimiento y felicitarlo por sularga trayectoria como profesor vinculado al Ejrcito de Chile.* Tambin, me permite hacerle llegar elsentimiento y creo ser portador de cientos de integrantes de la institucin de profundo afecto haciael comprometido teacher que, sacricando horas de descanso, acudi en auxilio de tantos de nosotroscuando, con desesperacin y a ltima hora, buscbamos incrementar nuestro nivel de ingls paracumplir alguna misin encomendada.Al respecto, permtaseme una ancdota. Ella no es sino un ejemplo me atrevo a decirlo demiles de vivencias que ociales y cuadro permanente tuvimos para tratar de estar a la altura, poderentender y hacernos entender en un idioma extranjero; casi siempre en la vspera de una comisin deservicio o destinacin que as lo exiga.Se viva el mes de octubre de 1980 y el infrascrito entonces mayor recibi la orden de presentarse,en una semana! (despus se transformaron en 15 das) al curso de Estado Mayor en el Army War Collegede Pretoria, Sudfrica, donde se supona que las clases eran dictadas en ingls y en afrikaans. Estadesignacin cambiaba sorpresivamente mi destino a una unidad en Chile, luego de que mi participacinen el curso de Estado Mayor en la Escuela Superior de Guerra de Francia fuera cancelada, debido al cesede los intercambios castrenses con dicho pas. Ello, despus de haber concluido junto a mi compaero,el mayor Hernn Reyes una metdica preparacin en el idioma francs. Y aqu surge el reconocido rasgo de la personalidad del profesor Juan Moya. Enfrentado l anuestra poca preparacin y escaso tiempo disponible, se entreg de lleno y con entusiasmo a estatitnica tarea. sta consisti en clases diarias, donde el profesor Moya fue mi sombra; disparando verbos,hacindome repetir pertinazmente cientos de palabras para aumentar mi vocabulario; exigindome elspelling de todo el abecedario, nmeros y unidades de medida. Esto ocurra durante todo el da, enmedio de entregas, cierre de ocina, rmas de actas y trmites para sacar pasaporte. Nunca podr olvidar esas cuatro ltimas noches en que nos acompa, a Isabel y a m, desdelas 9 de la noche hasta las 3 de la madrugada, impartiendo sus lecciones, hacindonos preguntas alas cuales respondamos encaramados sobre cajas, bales y maletas.Si este relato no indica voluntad de servicio y entrega, creo que ningn otro podra reejar eseespritu de cooperacin del distinguido autor y amigo.De esa traumtica experiencia naci la decisin con el gran apoyo de mis superiores, primero,y, luego, en el ejercicio de mis funciones como CJE., de buscar un cambio integral que permitiera a* El Profesor Juan Moya Montaa fue contratado como Ayudante de Profesor para la Escuela Militar el 1 de marzo de 1970 y prest serviciosa la institucin por 30 aos en forma continua en el ya mencionado Instituto Matriz, en la Academia de Guerra y en el Comando de InstitutosMilitares. A short course in english for adult students 5 6. los ociales y cuadro permanente del Ejrcito incorporar al ingls como un segundo idioma, exigiblemediante un proceso regulado, que combinara el inters personal y el apoyo institucional para el logrodel objetivo. Bien conocemos el sistema vigente que se orienta a tal propsito. Vayan aqu mis agradecimientostambin a todos los que lo han construido; tambin a cuantos han debido sufrir el proceso. Sinduda, estos ltimos, ahora se dan cuenta que han adquirido una herramienta bsica en la formacinde un profesional militar moderno.Con todo, no quisiera dejar la impresin que en el Ejrcito habra existido una despreocupacino falta de eciencia en esta materia. Por el contrario, nuestros legendarios profesores de ingls, tantode la Escuela Militar como de la Academia de Guerra del Ejrcito Mr. Lhr, Mr. Clerc, Mr. Parada, Mr.Seplveda, y otros, buscaban el mismo propsito. Y, por supuesto, obtenan resultados acordes alas horas, tiempos, sistemas e inters de los alumnos y de la institucin por el tema.Lo que pas fue que las crecientes demandas de cooperacin internacional al Ejrcito superaronel sistema vigente; pero no as la voluntad, vocacin y entrega de esos ejemplares maestros. Tampoco,el permanente inters de la institucin por el asunto. De all surge la necesidad del cambio, conocido por todos, hacia la actual estructura dela Escuela de Idiomas del Ejrcito y la aplicacin de un modelo educacional en la materia, que yacubre varias lenguas (desde el ingls al chino mandarn, incluyendo tambin las originarias rapanui,mapudungun y aimara), donde nuestro personal se prepara sistemtica y formalmente con una grandosis de compromiso personal en esta tarea.Este libro, sin duda, contribuir a formar parte de las mltiples variables que conguran estetodo: la formacin en idiomas extranjeros del personal del Ejrcito para capacitarlos al nivel que hoyexige nuestra profesin y las caractersticas de un mundo globalizado. Juan Emilio Cheyre Espinosa General de EjrcitoComandante en Jefe del EjrcitoSantiago, enero de 2006.6A short course in english for adult students 7. Sugerencias Metodolgicas1. Leer, estudiar y memorizar las deniciones y reglas gramaticales dadas en las diferentes unidades del curso.2. Estudiar las ilustraciones, los ejemplos dados y la pronunciacin gurada indicada en algunos casos.3. Resolver los ejercicios dados como tarea. Use lpiz de grato para escribir.4. Comparar las respuestas dadas por Ud. con las dadas en las Claves de Respuestas y corrija sus errores.5. Si hubiera muchas respuestas incorrectas (ms de un 20%), estudiar de nuevo las deniciones y reglas dadas al inicio de la unidad pertinente y volver a hacer los ejercicios.6. Estudiar en lo posible con otra(s) persona(s) para comparar, discutir y practicar los ejercicios dados.7. Estudiar y memorizar los listados de palabras (sustantivos, adjetivos, verbos, preposiciones, etc.), frases y expresiones idiomticas que aparecen al nal de cada unidad.8. Distribuir en forma adecuada el tiempo de estudio, de modo que haya una continuidad y regularidad. No es conveniente estudiar varias horas de una sola vez y dejar pasar mucho tiempo antes de iniciar otra etapa.9. Aprovechar cualquier momento libre para estudiar, estudiar y estudiar. Este esfuerzo realizado por Ud. rendir sus frutos y le traer muchas satisfacciones.A short course in english for adult students 7 8. Bl 8 9. TABLE OF CONTENTSPART ONE: ELEMENTARY LEVEL TO BE (Present, Past and Future) What?, Who?, How?, When?, Why?, How old? How long? What time?UNIT 1 THE ENGLISH ALPHABET This, That, These, Those; A(N); The ; At, On, In ; Until, For THE PHONETIC ALPHABET Now, today; yesterday, the day before yesterday; last week / last year / lastMonday, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, next week, two days ago THERE TO BE How much? How many? (Present, Past and Future) Much, many, little, few, a lot, lots of, very little, very fewUNIT 2 SOME - NOT ANY - NO - ANY CARDINAL NUMBERS VOCABULARY: - People HAVE GOT / HAS GOT Uncountable nouns: money, sugar, milk, water, work, etc. ADJECTIVES Countable nouns: people, men, students, books,etc.UNIT 3 ARTICLES I - Denite and Indenite Oclock, quarter past / to, half past, minutes past / to TELLING THE TIME In the morning / afternoon / evening; at night VOCABULARY: Noon / midday, midnight - Adjectives PRESENT CONTINUOUS TENSE Now, at present, at the moment, at this time, temporarily, for the time INFINITIVES AND GERUNDS being. TIME AND DATES How old?, How tall?, How far?, How long?, How high?, How fast?,UNIT 4 ORDINAL NUMBERS How deep?, How thick?, How wide?, How big?, What color?, What size?, QUESTION WORDS 1What shape?, What is / are ......... like? For describing people and things. VOCABULARY: - Numerals, Time and Dates SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE Every day, every week, every month, etc. ADVERBS OF FREQUENCY Always, generally, usually, often, sometimes, never, etc. QUESTION WORDS II Once a day, twice a week, three times a year, etc. For requesting information. What?, Who?, Which?, Why?, Where?, How? Whom?, Whose?, HowUNIT 5 ARTICLES II - General and specicmuch?, How many?, How often?, How long?, What time?, What kind of?, RELATIVE PRONOUNS: Who and What sort of?, etc. Which VOCABULARY: - Time expressions (I) - Clothes A short course in english for adult students 9 10. UNIT 7 PAST CONTINUOUS TENSE At that time, at 10:30 last night, etc., When Peter arrived this morning, IMPERATIVE FORM when they got married, etc. ARTICLES III - Nationalities, Open the door, please. Please, dont do that. professions, titles and ranks; An American, a Chilean, an Englishman, etc. streets, cities, countries and A doctor, an engineer, a secretary, etc. geographical names. Mr. Scott, Cpt. Jones, Dr. White, etc. EXCLAMATORY FORM On Fifth Avenue, In Salt Lake City, In Canada, in the USA, in North Carolina, VOCABULARY: in the West Indies. - The house What a tall woman!, What beautiful owers! What nice weather! How tall she is! How quickly time passes!UNIT 8 SIMPLE FUTURE TENSE I: Will John will come here tomorrow / the day after tomorrow / next week / next RELATIVE PRONOUNS: Who, month / at this time tomorrow / at this time next year, etc. Whom, Whose He said that he was tired. SOMEBODY / SOMEONE, He told me that he was tired. SOMETHING, SOMEWHERE Who is he? Whom did you see? Whose is that car? Whose care is it? : The AND DERIVED WORDS man with whom Mary is working now, The man whose car is parked outside. VOCABULARY: Somebody / someone, something, somewhere, not anybody / not anyone, - The Citynot anything, not anywhere, nobody / no one, nothing, nowhereUNIT 9 SIMPLE FUTURE TENSE II : John is going to come here tomorrow / the day after tomorrow / next AM / IS / ARE+GOING TO....... week, etc. IT TAKES........ / IT TOOK....... / It takes me 20 minutes to..... IT WILL TAKE...... = DEMORAR How long does it take to....? COMPARISON OF ADJECTIVES Short - shorter than- the shortest VOCABULARY: Intelligent, more intelligent than, the most intelligent - Food As fast as....... Good - better - best, etc.UNIT 10 SIMPLE FUTURE TENSE III : John is coming here tomorrow / the day after tomorrow, etc. AM / IS / ARE+ING Bob can swim very well; Peter must be here at 8:15 tomorrow; You MODAL VERBS: CAN, MUST, may use the phone now; They should t / ought to be more careful of what MAY, SHOULD, OUGHT TO they say HAVE TO = TENER QUE I have to buy another dictionary. This one is too old VOCABULARY: - Parts Of The Body - Time Expressions IIUNIT 11 FUTURE CONTINUOUS TENSE They will be working at this time tomorrow / the day after tomorrow, etc. MAKING REQUESTS Can / Will / Could / Would you open the door please? Would you ASKING FOR PERMISSION mind opening the door, please? OFFERING TO DO SOMETHING Can I / May I / Do you mind if I open the window? INVITING OR SUGGESTING TO Shall I / Do you want me to / Would you like me to open the window? DO SOMETHING TOGETHER Shall we / Would you like to / Why dont we / Lets go to a disco ALSO, TOO, AS WELL, SO; tonight; How about going to a disco tonight? NOT...EITHER, NEITHER / NOR The boy also speaks Italian; He speaks Italian, too / as well; The boy BUT speaks Italian and so does the girl. POSITION OF DIRECT AND Peter doesnt like golf and I dont like it either; Peter doesnt like golf and INDIRECT OBJECTSneither do I. VOCABULARY: The boy speaks Italian, but the girl doesnt.. Our Health Bob sent some owers to his girlfriend; Bob sent his girlfriend some owers; Bob sent her some owers.10 A short course in english for adult students 11. PART TWO: INTERMEDIATE LEVELUNIT 12 PRESENT PERFECT TENSE I have seen that movie PLURALIZATION OF NOUNS Mary hasnt nished typing it yet USE OF INFINITIVES AND Have they arrived already?GERUNDS I Just,before, lately, once, twice, three times, never, already, not yet, yet /VERB + GERUNDalready?, since, for, ever VOCABULARY: Book / books; brush / brushes; knife / knives; baby / babies; day / days; etc.- Prepositions and Connectors Irregular plural forms Enjoy playing, keep talking, etc. Go skiing, go shopping, etc.UNIT 13 PRESENT PERFECT I have been working all dayCONTINUOUS TENSE They agreed to meet outside the theater. USE OF INFINITIVES AND He will let them playGERUNDS II He wants us to go, too A. Verb + to-innitive I saw her crossing / cross the road. B. Verb + somebody + bare Ill help you do / to do thatinnitive I like to playing / to play golf C. Verb + gerund / bare The oor needs cleaning / to be cleanedinnitive He works well, doesnt he? D. Verb + somebody + bare He didnt come to the meeting, did he?innitive / to-innitive E. Verb + ing / to-innitive TAG ENDINGS VOCABULARY:- Sports and RecreationUNIT 14 PAST PERFECT TENSE He had seen the lm before ADVERBS: FORMATION AND The train had already left when he arrivedCOMPARISON Quickly, carefully, certainly, etc. REFLEXIVE PRONOUNS Fast, hard, early, late, soon PAST TENSE OF GOING TO More quickly, more carefully, etc. VOCABULARY: Sooner, harder, earlier, etc.- Nature He cut himself; He himself did it; He lives all by himself We were going to play football but it began to rainUNIT 15 PAST PERFECT CONTINUOUS He had been working all day TENSE He should have studied harder. / He ought to have done it PAST TENSE OF SHOULD / Youd better take a taxi if you want to be there before your train leaves OUGHT TO We could go to the movie WOULD RATHER / HAD BETTER We could have gone to the movie MODAL VERBS II: He must be very tired COULD DO SOMETHING He cant be hungry already- COULD HAVE DONE He must have gone homeSOMETHING He cant have done that alone- MUST / CAN / MUST HAVE, / It may / might be trueCANT HAVE DONE You must have / might have left it in the shopSOMETHING- MAY, MIGHT, MAY HAVE / MIGHTHAVE DONE SOMETHING VOCABULARY: - The WeatherA short course in english for adult students 11 12. UNIT 16 FUTURE PERFECT TENSE They will have nished the work by then SEQUENCE OF VERB TENSES He says hes tired / He said he was tired. THE PRESENT TENSE AFTER When I see her tomorrow....... WHEN, AS SOON AS, UNTIL, Do you need anything else? ETC. Ill take a taxi, or else Ill miss my ight. USE OF ELSE, OR ELSE / OTHERWISE VOCABULARY: - The WorkshopUNIT 17 THE PASSIVE VOICE The book was published in 1998 BE SUPPOSED TO The train is supposed to arrive at 9:45 VOCABULARY: - The Armed Forces IUNIT 18 CONDITIONAL SENTENCES If you study hard youll pass the course SUBJUNCTIVE AFTER WISH If you studied harder youd get better marks VERB + PRESENT OF If you had studied harder you would have passed the course SUBJUNCTIVE I wish I could swim VOCABULARY: I wish I had seen her - The Armed Forces II I wish it would stop snowing I suggest that she wait a few minutes.UNIT 19 REPORTED SPEECH He said he wanted to go A. STATEMENTS He told me that he wanted to go B. QUESTIONS He asked me where they were C. COMMANDS, ORDERS He told me to sit down VOCABULARY: - Regular and Irregular VerbsUNIT 20 USEFUL ENGLISH PHRASES At a social gathering AND EXPRESSIONS IN At a hotel ENGLISH FOR TRAVELLERS At a restaurant How to get to places At the station / airport ShoppingUNIT 21 ASSESSMENT TEST Students Question Booklet Answer Sheet Answer Key Teachers Text Script12 A short course in english for adult students 13. BASIC ENGLISH GRAMMARSTRUCTURES AND VOCABULARYPART ONEELEMENTARY LEVEL 14. Bl 14 15. UNIT 1PART I. TO BE (SER O ESTAR)A. EL TIEMPO PRESENTE: AM /m/ , IS /iz/, ARE /a:r/ 1. El verbo TO BE tiene tres formas en el tiempo presente: AM - IS - ARE I am /ai m/(Yo soy/estoy) We are /wi: :r/ (Nosotros/as somos o estamos) You are /i :r/(T eres/ests)You are /i :r/ (Uds. son/estn) He is /hi: z/(El es/est) She is /shi: z/(Ella es/est) They are /i :r/ (Ellos/as son/estn) It is /it z/ (Es/est)En conversacin, normalmente se usan las contracciones Im. Youre, Hes, Shes, Its, Were, Theyre.Escuche, repita y aprenda: What? /wt/ Qu? Cul?; Who? /hu:/ Quin?; Where? /war/ Dnde?;How? /hu/ Cmo?; This /is/ este/a, That /t/ ese/a; These /:z/ estos/as; Those /uz/ esos/as A/ a/(antes de cons.) un/a;, An /an/ (antes de vocal) un/a; The /e (antes de cons.) , i/ (antes de vocal) el, la, los, las; At /t/ en; In /in/ en; On /on/ encima de; Now /nu/ ahora; Today /tudi/ Hoy da; Thanks /ks/ gracias; Thank you /k iu:/ gracias; Fine /fin/ bien; Very well /vri ul/ muy bien; Much better /match bter/ mucho mejor What is this? /wt iz is/ Qu es esto? It is a pen. /its a pn/ Es un lpiz Whats that? /wots t/ Qu es eso? Its an ambulance. /its an mbiulans/ Es una ambulancia What are these? /wt a:r :z/, Qu son stos?They are books. /ei a:r bks/ Son libros What are those? /wt a:r uz/, Qu son esos? Theyre cars. /eir k:rz/ Son autos Is this a pen? /iz is a pn/Yes, it is. Its a pen /is,it iz. its a pn/ Is that a house? /is t a hus/ Yes, It is. Its a house. /is it iz its e hus/ Are these books? /a:r :z bks/ Yes, they are. Theyre books. /is, ei :r. eir bks/ Are those cars? /:r uz k:rz/ Yes, they are.Theyre cars. /is, ei :r.eir k:rz/ Who is that man? /h iz t mn/ Hes Mr. Jones, the new instructor. /hi:z e ni: instrktor/ Whos that woman? /h:z t wman/ . Shes Miss Black, the secretary. /shi:z e skretri/ Who are those men? /h: a:r uz mn/Theyre Bob, Jim and Tom, the students. /eir e sti:dents/ Where is Bob? /war iz bb/Hes at home. /hi:z at hum/ Wheres the car? /warz e k:r/ Its in the garage. /its in e gridll/ Wheres the book? /warz e bk/ Its on the desk. /its on e dsk/ Where are the cars? /war a:r e k:rz/Theyre in the car park. /ir in e k:r p:rk/ Where are the students? /war a:r e sti:dents/ Theyre in the lab. /ir in e lb/ How are you? /hu :r iu:/ Im ne, thanks. /im fin, ks/ Hows John? /huz dlln/ Hes much better, thanks. /h:z mtch bter, ks/ How are the children? /hu a:r e tchldrn/Theyre very well, thank you. /eir vri wl k iu/ 2. La forma negativa se expresa usando la palabra not. Normalmente formando las contracciones ISN T /znt/o AREN T /:rent/ Iam not /ai m nt/ ---------------------------- Im not /aim nt/ You are not /i :r nt/You arent /iu :rent/ Youre not /ir nt/ He is not /hi: iz nt/He isnt /h: znt/Hes not / h:z nt/ She is not /sh: iz nt/She isnt /sh: znt/Shes not /sh:z nt/ It is not /it iz nt/ It isnt /it znt/ Its not /its nt/ We are not /w: a:r nt/We arent /w: :rent/ Were not /w:r nt/ They are not /ei a:r nt/They arent /ei :rent/ Theyre not /eir nt/ A short course in english for adult students 15 16. Escuche, repita y aprenda:is not /iz nt/, isnt /znt/ ; are not /a:r nt/, arent /:rent/;here /har/ aqu; there /ar/ all; over there /uver ar/ allI am not a pilot. /pilot/ ---------------------------- Im not a pilotThey are not students /sti:dnts/. They arent students.Theyre not students.He is not here /har/. He isnt here. Hes not here.They are not there /(ar/They arent there. Theyre not there.It is not a train. /trin/ It isnt a train.Its not a train.Bob is not very well /vri wl/He isnt very well.Hes not very well.The students are not in the lab /lb/. They arent in the lab.Theyre not in the lab.Escuche, repita y aprenda estas preguntas y respuestas:Is this a pen? /pn/ No, it isnt. (Its not a pen.) Its a pencil. /pnsl/Is that a tank? /tk/ No, it isnt. (Its not a tank.) Its a truck. /trk/Are these books? /bks/No, they arent. (Theyre not books.) Theyre magazines. /mgazinz/Are those chairs? /tcharz/No, they arent. (Theyre not chairs). Theyre tables /tiblz/. 3. La forma interrogativa se expresa mediante simple inversin de orden con el sujeto de la oracin.Am I? /am ai/Arent I? * /:rent ai / Are we? /:r w:/ Arent we? /:rent wi:/Are you? /:r i:/ Arent you? /:rent iu:/ Are you? /:r i:/Arent you? /:rent i:/Is he? /z h:/Isnt he? /znt hi:/Is she? /z sh:/Isnt she? /znt shi:/ Are they? /:r ei/ Arent they? /.rent ei/Is it? /z it/ Isnt it? /znt it/*Debido a que no existe una contraccin para AM NOT, habitualmente se usa ARENT en este caso. En conversacin coloquial se usa la contraccin AINT /int/ Ejemplo: Arent I your friend? Aint I your friend?Escuche, repita y aprenda: Am I right? /m i rit/ Estoy correcto?Arent I right? /:rent ai rit/ No estoy en lo cierto? Are you all right? /.r iu: :l rit/ Ests bien? Arent you tired? /:rent iu tiard/ No ests cansado? Is he a captain? /z hi: a kptin/ Es l un capitn? Isnt she a nurse? /znt shi. a ne:rs/ No es ella una enfermera? Are they busy? /:r ei bzi/ Estn ellos ocupados? Arent they happy? /:rent ei hpi/ No estn ellos felices? Is my answer correct? /z mai :nser korkt/ Isnt this question correct? /znt is kwstchion korkt/EXERCISESEx. 1. Use the correct form of the verb TO BE (am/is/are)1. The teacher ______ in the classroom now.6. Doctor Smith _____ busy right now.2. John and Mary _____ good friends. 7. The train _____ ten minutes late.3. The men ______ tired. 8. ______ an undergraduate student.4. Those vehicles______ slow-moving.(vehculos lentos) 9. The instructors name _____ John Doe.5. Those weapons ______ powerful. (armas-poderosas) 10. The instructors _____ in the staff-room. (sala de profs.)Ex. 2. Answer these questions, as in the example Is Tom a pilot? Yes, he is. Hes a pilot.1. Are you in the ofce?Yes,_____________ _______________________________________2. Is that man Mr. Clark? Yes,_____________ _______________________________________3. Are we ready to go? ________________ _______________________________________4. Am I a good instructor? ________________ _______________________________________5. Are the students in class?________________ _______________________________________6. Is Miss Jones a secretary?________________ _______________________________________7. Is this a modern plane? ________________ _______________________________________16A short course in english for adult students 17. 8. Are the manuals updated?(actualizados) ________________ _______________________________________ 9. Is the bank open?________________ _______________________________________10.Are you hungry? (hambriento)________________ _______________________________________Ex. 3. Answer the questions as in the example:Are they instructors? (students)No, they are not. (They arent instructors)They re students 1. Are the boys angry? enojados (hungry) hambrientos No, _________________ ( _________________________ ) ___________________________________ 2. Are you thirsty? sedientos (hungry)____________________ ( _________________________ ) ___________________________________ 3. Is Bob at home? en casa (at work) en el trabajo____________________ ( _________________________ ) ___________________________________ 4. Are the children happy? felices (sad) tristes____________________ ( _________________________ ) ___________________________________ 5. Is your brother a doctor? (an engineer)____________________ ( _________________________ ) ___________________________________ 6. Are your friends American? (British) ____________________ ( _________________________ ) ___________________________________ 7. Are you a navy ofcer?(an army ofcer) ____________________ ( _________________________ ) ___________________________________ 8. Is the table clean? limpia (dirty) sucia ____________________ ( _________________________ ) ___________________________________ 9. Are the men old? viejos (young) jvenes____________________ ( _________________________ ) ___________________________________10.Is Cpt. Bowman on duty? de servicio (off duty) de franco ____________________ ( _________________________ ) ___________________________________Ex. 4 Ask questions, as in the example below:The Browns - at home Are the Browns at home?1. The manager / in his ofce ___________________________________________________2. Peter and John / in class___________________________________________________3. The course / interesting ___________________________________________________4. Your friends / from Canada ___________________________________________________5. The computer / connected to Internet ___________________________________________________6. The package / light or heavy (liviano o pesado)___________________________________________________7. The pictures / clear (ntidas, claras) ___________________________________________________8. The children / in the playground.(patio) ___________________________________________________9. The CDs / in the drawer (gaveta)___________________________________________________10. The maps / in the library (biblioteca)___________________________________________________Ex. 5. Ask questions using the wh-words What?, Who?, Where?, How?, as in the example:Its a plane.Whats this? o Whats that?1. Its a knife ___________________________________________________2. Theyre books___________________________________________________3. The cigarettes are in the bag___________________________________________________4. Im ne, thanks___________________________________________________5. The cats under the sofa ___________________________________________________6. Its a chair ___________________________________________________7. That boys my brother___________________________________________________8. The books are on the table ___________________________________________________9. The children are tired ___________________________________________________10.That womans my wife ___________________________________________________A short course in english for adult students 17 18. Ex. 6. Complete and practise these dialogues with a partner.1. Robert :How do you do? My name ______ Robert Brown. Jack :How do you do? My name ______ Jack Richardson. Where ______ you from, Mr. Brown? Robert :I ______ American. I ______ from Appleton, Wisconsin. Jack :Oh. That ______ very interesting.2. Frank:Hello. My name ______ Frank. What ______ your name? John :My name ______ John. How ______ you? Frank:I ______ ne, thanks. ______ you a student here? John :No, I ______ not. I ______ an instructor. Frank:Oh. Pleased to meet you, Sir.3. Peter:Hello, Mike Michael:Hello, Peter. Who______ that girl? Peter:She ______ Mary. She ______ a new student. Michael:Where ______ she from? Peter:She ______ from Australia. Michael:______ she single? Peter:No, she ______ ______. She ______ married. Michael:Oh. Thats bad news.4. Jack :Where ______ you, Jim? Jim:I ______ here, in the library. Jack :______ you alone? Jim:No, I ______ ______. I ______ with my friend Janet. Come and meet her. (pausa)Jim :This ______ Janet. She ______ my classmate . She ______ from London.Jack:Hello, I ______ glad to meet you, Jane. How ______ you?Janet :I ______ ne, Jack. Im glad to meet you, too.B. EL TIEMPO PASADO: WAS /woz/ - WERE /wer/ 1. El verbo TO BE tiene las siguientes formas en el tiempo pasado: WAS /woz/ - WERE /wer/ I was /ai wz/ (yo era/estaba/fui/estuve)We were /wi: w:r/ (Nos. ramos/estbamos/fuimos/estuvimos) You were /i: w:r/ (T eras/estabas/fuiste/estuviste)You were /i: w:r/ (Uds. eran/estaban/fueron/estuvieron) He was /h: wz/ (El era/estaba/fue/estuvo) She was /shi: wz/ (Ella era/estaba/fue/estuvo)They were /ei w:r/ (Ellos/as an/estaban/fueron/estuvieron) It was /it wz/ (era/estaba/fue/estuvo)Escuche, lea y aprenda: When? /wn/, Cundo? Why? /wi/, Por qu?; How old? /hu uld/ Qu edad? Last week /l:st w:k/ ; la semana pasada Two days ago /t: diz agu/ Hace dos das Yesterday /jsterdei/ ayer; The day before yesterday /e di bifr jsterdei/ anteayer Last night /la:st nit/ anocheI was very busy yesterday. /ai woz vri bzi isterdei/(Yo estuve muy ocupado ayer)John was at home all day today. /dlln woz at hum :l di tudi/(John estuvo en casa todo el da hoy)We were in Paris last year /wi w:r in pris la:st ar/(Nosotros estuvimos en Paris del ao pasado)Mary was the best student in my class. / mri woz e bst sti:dent in mai kls/ (Mary era la mejor alumna de mi curso)They were very good friends. /ei w:r vri gud frndz/(Ellos eran / fueron muy buenos amigos)Mr. Jackson was here three weeks ago. /mster djkson woz har r: w:ks agu/(Mr Jackson estuvo aqu hace 3 semanas).18 A short course in english for adult students 19. 2. La forma negativa se expresa usando NOT despus de WAS o WERE. Normalmente se usan las contracciones WASNT /wznt/ o WERENT /w:rent/. Escuche, lea y aprenda: I was not very busy last week. /ai woz nt vri bzi l:st w:k/ (Yo no estuve muy ocupado la semana pasada) John wasnt at home this morning. /dlln wznt at hum is mrnin/ (John no estuvo en casa esta maana) We werent in New York last year. /wi w:rent in ni: irk l:st ar/(Nosotros no estuvimos en N.Y. el ao pasado) Mary wasnt a good student at high school. /mri wznt a gd sti:dent at hi sk:l/ (Mary no era una buena alumna en el liceo) They werent very hardworking. /ei w:rnt vri h:rdwrki/ (Ellos no eran muy trabajadores)3. La forma interrogativa se expresa invirtiendo el orden de WAS / WERE con el sujeto Escuche, lea y aprenda: Were you in class this morning? /we:r i: in kls is mrnin/(Estuviste en clase esta maana?) Was John sick yesterday? /woz dlln sk isterdi/(Estuvo John enfermo ayer?) Was Mary a good student at school? /woz mri a gd sti:dent at sk:l/ (Era Mary una buena alumna en el colegio?) Where were you at this time yesterday? /war w:r i at is tim isterdi/ (Dnde estabas a esta hora ayer?) Why was Jim absent from work? /wi woz dllm bsent from w:rk/(Por qu estuvo Jim ausente del trabajo?)EXERCISES:Ex. 1. Complete these sentences with the proper form of the verb TO BE, present or past:1. John ______ in New York the day before yesterday but he ______ in Chicago today.2. They ______ free today, but they ______ at work yesterday.3. Today ______ Monday. Yesterday ______ Sunday.4. Where ______ the Johnsons last weekend? Where ______ they today?5. The elevator ______ out of order last night, but it ______ working well now.6. John ______nt in the ofce at ten this morning because he ______ at a meeting.7. Bob ______ very sick yesterday, but he ______ much better today.Ex. 2. Change the following sentences into a) Negative b) interrogative1. The secretary was busy at midday.______________________________________________________________________________________________________2. They were good friends at school.______________________________________________________________________________________________________3. The weather was ne that day.______________________________________________________________________________________________________4. The men were tired after the long walk.______________________________________________________________________________________________________5. Mary was late for the train this morning.______________________________________________________________________________________________________6. Henry was at the movie at 7 P.M. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________Ex. 3. Ask questions using wh-words like What? Where? When?,Why?, How?, How old, Who?1. Tom was at home at midnight last night.___________________________________________________2. John was in the car at that moment.___________________________________________________3. Liz was in bed because she was sick. ___________________________________________________4. The Smiths were in Chile in 1985.___________________________________________________5. George was a little better this morning. ___________________________________________________6. Mr Clark was about 85 years old when he died.___________________________________________________ A short course in english for adult students 19 20. C. EL TIEMPO FUTURO: WILL BE /will bi:/ 1. El tiempo futuro del verbo TO BE se expresa mediante el uso del Verbo Modal WILL seguido del innitivoBE. Normalmente se usa la contraccin ll en la conversacin diaria informal.I will be /ai wil b:/ (Yo ser / estar) We will be /w: wil b:/ (Nos.seremos / estaremos)You will be /i: wil b:/ (T sers / estars)You will be /i: wil b:/ (Uds. sern / estarn)He will be /hi: wil b:/ (El ser / estar)She will be /sh: wil b:/ (Ellas ser / estar)They will be /ei wil b:/ (Ellos / as sern estarn)It will be /it wil b:/ (Ser / estar)Tambin se pueden usar las siguientes contracciones:Ill be /il b:/Youll be /iu:l b:/Hell be /h:l b:/Theyll be /eil b:/Escuche, lea y aprenda:How long? /hu l/ Cunto tiempo? Until /antl/ hasta; For /for/ por What time? /wt tim/ Qu hora? Tomorrow /tumrou/ maana;Next week /nekst wi:k/ la prxima semana; The day after tomorrow /e di :fter tumrou/ pasado maanaI will be very busy this afternoon. /i wil b: vri bzi is a:ftern:n/ . Estar muy ocupado esta tardeJohn will be in class until 1 oclock. /dlln wil b: in kl:s antil wn oklk/ John estar en clases hasta la 1Itll be hot tomorrow. /tl b: hot tumrou/ Estar caluroso maanaIll be on leave for two weeks. /ail b: on l:v for t: w:ks/ Yo estar con permiso por dos semanas 2. La forma negativa se expresa usando la palabra NOT despus del verbo modal WILL Normalmente se usala contraccin WONT /wunt/.Escuche, lea y aprenda:I will not be very busy tomorrrow. /ai wil nt b: bzi tumrou/ No estar muy ocupado maanaMary will not be at home today. /mri wil nt b: at hum tudi/ Mary no estar en casa hoy da.They wont be here all day. /ei wunt b: har :l dei/ Ellos no estarn aqu todo el daIt wont be cold tonight. /it wunt b: kuld tunit/ No estar frio esta noche 3. La forma interrogativa se expresa usando el verbo modal WILL o la contraccin WONT delante del sujeto.Escuche, lea y aprenda:Will you be free tomorrow evening? /wil i: b: fr: tumrou :vnin/ Estars libre maana en la noche?Will the test be difcult? /wil e tst b: dkalt/ Ser dicil la prueba?Will they be here on Monday? /wil ei b: har on mndei/ estarn ellos aqu el lunes?Wont you be at the meeting? /wunt i. bi: at e m:tin/ No estars t en la reunin?When will they be here again? /wn wil ei b: har agin/ Cundo estarn ellos aqu nuevamente?How long will they be in Washington? /hu lo wil ei b: in wshiton/ Canto tiempo estarn ellos en Washington?What time will you be back? /wt tim wil iu: b: bk/ A qu hora estar Ud. de regreso? EXERCISES: Ex. 1. Complete the sentences as in the example: John is not at home today, but he (will be at home) tomorrow. 1. Tom and Jack arent in the same class this semester, but they _______________________________ next semester. 2. John isnt absent today, but he _________________________________________________ the day after tomorrow. 3. It is not very cold now, but it ______________________________________________________________ this evening. 4. We are not busy right now, but we _________________________________________________________ after lunch. 5. I am not in my ofce at the moment, but I ________________________________________________ in ten minutes. 6. Mr.Johnson was not at the meeting last week, but he _______________________________________ next Monday. 7. The weather was not very nice last month, but it _____________________________________________ next month.20 A short course in english for adult students 21. Ex. 2. Change the following sentences into the negative and the interrogative forms.1. John will be in class today. ______________________________________________________________________________________2. Itll be hot tomorrow. ______________________________________________________________________________________3. My friends will be here before 12. ______________________________________________________________________________________4. The program will be interesting. ______________________________________________________________________________________5. Maryll be in the ofce all morning. ______________________________________________________________________________________6. Ill be in the rst team.______________________________________________________________________________________7. They will be in the next town before midday. ______________________________________________________________________________________Ex. 3. Ask questions using Where?,When?,Why? How?, How long?, What time?, etc.1.All the shops will be closed tomorrow because its Sunday.___________________________________________2.I will be free next Tuesday morning.___________________________________________3.The students will be in the lab this afternoon. ___________________________________________4.They will be here at ten-thirty.___________________________________________5.The weather will be very nice this month. ___________________________________________6.Mary will be in New York next weekend.___________________________________________7.She will be back in Chile on Wednesday. ___________________________________________8.They will be at home all day because the weather is not good. ___________________________________________9.Mr. Johnson will be absent from work for three days?___________________________________________Ex. 4. Answer the following questions, in English. 1. Where were you at this time yesterday?___________________________________________2. When will you be on vacation again?___________________________________________3. How are you today? ___________________________________________4. Who was absent from class last Monday? ___________________________________________5. Why is your friend in bed at this time?___________________________________________6. Where were you last weekend? ___________________________________________7. Who was with you at the party last Saturday? ___________________________________________8. When is the next general meeting?___________________________________________9. Where will you be at this time tomorrow? ___________________________________________10. Why were you absent from class last Friday? ___________________________________________Ex. 5. Translate the following sentences into English: 1. Ellos estarn muy ocupados maana en la maana. ___________________________________________ 2. Esos nios no son muy buenos alumnos. ___________________________________________ 3. Dnde estn tus amigos ahora?___________________________________________ 4. Quin estuvo aqu esta maana? ___________________________________________ 5. Nosotros no estuvimos aqu la semana pasada.___________________________________________ 6. Ella ser una excelente secretaria. ___________________________________________ 7. Ellos fueron buenos amigos en el colegio___________________________________________ 8. Los informes no estaban listos todava. ___________________________________________ 9. Mr Jackson estuvo en la ocina todo el da. ___________________________________________10. Cundo estn ellos libres todo el da?___________________________________________11. Quin era ese hombre?___________________________________________12. Este no es un libro muy interesante.___________________________________________13. Alguien estuvo aqu ayer en la tarde. ___________________________________________14. Cundo estar Ud. en esa ciudad nuevamente?___________________________________________A short course in english for adult students 21 22. PART II. THE ENGLISH ALPHABET Vowels:AE IOU /i//i:/ /i/ /u/ /i/ Consonants:BCD GPT V/bi:/ /si://di:/ /dlli:/ /pi:/ /ti:/ /vi:/F L MN SXZ /ef/ /el/ /em//en/ /es/ /eks//zed/*JHKY Q WR /dlli/ /eitch/ /kei/ /ui/ /ki//dbliu/ /a:r/ * En Ingls Americano la letra Z se pronuncia /zi:/PRACTICE EXERCISES: Ex. 1. Puede leer estas series de letras? 1. E - I - O - A - E - I - E - O - U - I - U - A -E 2. P - G - B - V - T - C - Z - L - F - N - S - X - D - B - C - L - M - X - V -B 3. J - Y - Q - W - H - K - Y - R - C - L - H - G - N - Y - Q - T - X - W - R - Z - J - K - F 4. E - C - L - M - X - V - B - A - I - B - D - X - S - N - F - O - G - U - Q - Y - W - A 5. U - I - E - J - O - G - K - A - T - E - P - I - W - O - Q - A - X - O - I - A Ex. 2. Escuche, lea y aprenda: 1. How do you spell your rst name? /hu diu: spl io:r fe:rst nim/ 2. My last name is Vasquez, thats V-A-S-Q-U-E-Z. /mi la:st nim is vskes, ts vi: i s ki i: zd/ 3. Tom works for IBM in LA. /tm w:rks for i b: m in l i/ Ex. 3. Practique estos dilogos con algn amigo: 1. A: My brothers name is Ignacio.2. A: When did you buy your VCR? /mi brerz nim iz ignsio/ /wn did i: bi io:r v: s: .r/B: Can you spell that, pleaseB: Last month. I bought it at the PX /kn iu: spl t pl:z//l:st mn i b:t it at e p: ks/A: I-G-N-A-C-I-O A: Was it very expensive? /ai dll: n i s: i u//wz it ekspnsiv/B: Thank you B: No, it only cost me eighty-ve dollars /kiu:/ /nu it unli kst mi:iti fiv dlarz/ Ex. 4. Puede deletrear estas palabras? YorkshireWashington geography KalamazooJapanwhisky Mexico Quebec Chicago VenezuelaShanghai Tokyo22A short course in english for adult students 23. Ex. 5. Estudie estas siglas (acronyms) de uso frecuente: USA BBCPLOATMDC CEO B.C.UCLA USSR OASCODUK A.D.VATVCRIBMGPSUNO FBI UFONBTCIAGMTDEA OKNCOCO IRAMIAMP ITT PTOADCMITPh.D FOB a.m.p.m. ESTAPCOBECIF Puede agregar algunas otras siglas de uso frecuente? ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ THE PHONETIC ALPHABETThis alphabet is used in radio / telephone communication to spell difcult words: as in /az in/ como en for /fo:r/ para A as in Alfa /lfa/ N forNovember /nouvmber/ B as in Bravo /brvou/O forOscar /skar/ C as in Charlie /tch:rli/P forPapa /ppa/ D as in Delta /dlta/ Q forQuebec /kuibk/ E as in Echo /kou/ R forRomeo /rmiou/ F as in Foxtrot /fkstrot/S forSierra /sira/ G as in Golf /glf/ T forTango /tgou/ H as in Hotel /houtl/U forUniform /unifo:rm/ I as in India /ndia/ V forVictor /vktor/ J as in Juliett /dllulit/W forWhisky /wski/ K as in Kilo /klou/X forX-ray /ks ri/ L as in Lima /lma/ Y forYankee /iki/ M as in Mike /mik/ Z forZulu /zlu/ Examples: 1. My name is JUAN. I spell: J for Juliett; U for uniform; A for alfa and N for November: JUAN 2. The commanders last name is CLARK. I spell: C as in Charlie; L as in Lima, A as in Alfa; R as in Romeo and K asin Kilo: CLARK A short course in english for adult students 23 24. Bl 24 25. KEY TO ANSWERS UNIT 1Part 1A.Ex. 1. 1. is 2.are 3. are 4. are 5. are 6. is 7. is 8. am 9. is 10.areEx. 2. 1. Yes, I am. Im in the ofce. 2. Yes, he is. Hes Mr. Clark. 3. Yes, we are-Were ready to go. 4. Yes,you are. Youre a good instructor. 5. Yes, they are. Theyre in class. 6. Yes, she is. Shes a secretary. 7. Yes, it is. Its a modern plane. 8. Yes, they are. Theyre updated. 9. Yes, it is. Its open. 10. Yes, I am. Im hungry.Ex. 3. 1. No, theyre not. They arent angry. Theyre hungry. 2. No, Im not. Im not thirsty. Im hungry. 3.No, hes not. He isnt at home. Hes at work. 4. No, theyre not. They arent happy, Theyre sad. 5. No, hes not. He isnt a doctor. Hes an engineer. 6. No, theyre not. They arent American. Theyre British. 7. No, Im not. Im not an navy ofcer. Im a army ofcer. 8. No, its not. It isnt clean. Its dirty. 9. No, theyre not. They arent old. Theyre young.Ex. 4. 1. Is the manager in his ofce? 2. Are Peter and John in class? 3. Is the course interesting? 4. Are your friends from Canada? 5. Is the computer connected to internet? 6. Is the package light or heavy? 7. Are the pictures clear? 8. Are the children in the playground? 9. Are the CDs in the drawer? 10. Are the maps in the library?Ex. 5. 1. Whats this / that? 2. What are these / those? 3. Where are the cigarettes?.? 4. How are you? 5. Wheres the cat? 6. Whats this / that? 7. Whos that boy? 8. Where are the books? 9. How are the children? 10. Whos that woman?Ex. 6. 1.R: is J: is - are R: am - am J: is 2. F: is - is J: is - are F: am - Are J: am - am 3. M: is P: is - is M: is P: is M: is P: isnt - is 4. Ja: are Ji: am Ja: are Ji: am not - am (pause) is - is - is Ja: am - are Ja: amB.Ex. 1. 1. Was - is 2. Are - were 3. Is - was 4. Were - are 5. Was - is 6. Was - was 7. Was - isEx. 2. 1. The secretary wasnt..... / Was the secretary ....? 2. They werent..... / Were they....? 3. The weather wasnt ...... / Was the weather....? 4. The men werent ..... / Were the men .....? 5. Mary wasnt ..... / Was Mary....? 6. Henry wasnt ...... / Was Hernry....?Ex. 3. 1. Where was Tom at....? 2. Who was in the car.....? 3. Why was Liz in bed? 4. When were the Smiths ....? 5. How was George....? 6. How old was Mr Clark when....?C.Ex. 1. 1. will be in the same class 2. will be absent 3. will be very cold 4. will be very busy 5. will be in my ofce 6. will be at the meeting 7. will be very nice.Ex. 2. 1. John wont be..... / Will John be ....? 2. It wont be ..... / Will it be....? 3. My friends wont be... / Will my friends be....? 4. The program wont be ... / Will the program be...? 5. Mary wont be... / Will Mary be...? 6. I wont be... / Will I be ....?Ex. 3. 1. Why will all the shops be closed tomorrow? 2. When will you be free? 3. Where will the students be this afternoon? 4. At what time will they be here? 5. How will the weather be this month? 6. When will Mary be in New York? 7. When will she be back in Chile? 8. Why will they be at home all day? 9. How long will Mr Johnson be absent from work?Ex. 4. (open answers)Ex. 5. 1. Theyll be very busy tomorrow morning. 2. Those children are not very good students. 3. Where are your friends now? 4. Who was here this morning? 5. We werent here last week. 6. Shell be an excellent secretary 7. They were good friends at school. 8. The reports werent ready yet. 9. Mr Jackson was in the ofce all day. 10. When are they free all day? 11. Who was that man? 12. This isnt a very interesting book. 13. Somebody was here yesterday afternoon / evening . 14. When will you be in that city again?A short course in english for adult students 25 26. Bl 26 27. UNIT 2PART I. THERE TO BE (HABER, EXISTIR)A. PRESENT TENSE: THERE IS - THERE AREEstas expresiones se usan para indicar la existencia de algo. Son equivalentes a la expresin HAY, en castellano.THERE IS /ear z/ se usa con sustantivos singulares o incontables. THERE ARE /ear :r/ se usa con sustantivos plurales.Normalmente, en el singular, se usa la contraccin THERES /arz/. There is a book on the desk /ear z e bk on e dsk/ (Hay un libro sobre el escritorio) Theres a car in the car park. /arz e k:r in e k:r pa:rk/ (Hay un auto en el estacionamiento) Theres some water in the glass. /arz sam wter in e gls/ (Hay agua en el vaso) There are 10 students in my class. /ear :r tn stidents in mai kls/ (Hay 10 alumnos en mi curso) There are some chairs in the room /ear :r sam tcharz in e rm/ (Hay algunas sillas en la sala)La forma negativa se expresa con THERE IS NOT / THERE ISNT /ear znt/ o THERE ARE NOT / THERE ARENT /ear :rent/ There is not a book on the desk. /ear iz nt e bk on e dsk/ There isnt a car in the car park. / ar znt e k:r in e k:r pa:rk/ There isnt any water in the glass. /ar znt ni wter in e gls/ Theres no water in the glass /arz nu wter in e gls/ There are not 10 students in my class. /ear a:r nt tn stidents in mai kls/ There arent 10 students in my class. /ear :rent tn stidents in mai kls/ There arent any chairs in the room. /ear :rent ni tcharz in e rm/ There are no chairs in the room. /ear a:r nu tcharz in e rm/La forma interrogativa se hace mediante simple inversin del verbo con la palabra THERE. Is there a book on the desk? /z er e bk on e dsk/ Is there a car in the car park? /z er e k:r in e k:r pa:rk/ Is there any water in the glass? /z r ni wter in e gls/ Are there 10 students in the class? /:r er tn stidents in mai kls/ Are there any chairs in the room? /:r er ni tcharz in e rm/Hay dos palabras interrogativas estrechamente relacionadas con There is y There are: HOW MUCH? /hu match/(Cunto? Cunta?) y HOW MANY? /hu mni/ (Cuntos? Cuntas?) How much whisky is there in the glass?Theres very little (whisky). How much ice is there in the glass? Theres a lot (of ice). How much water is there?There isnt any (water). Theres no water. How many doors are there in this room?Theres only one (door). How many windows are there? There are three (windows). How many chairs are there?There arent any (chairs). There are no chairs.Como ud. ha advertido, la palabra SOME /sm/ (algo, algunos / as) solamente se usa en forma armativa. En lasinterrogaciones se debe usar la palabra ANY /ni/. En la forma negativa se puede usar NOT ANY /not ni/ o NO /nu/. Estudie la siguiente tabla: Afrmative SOME Theres some water in the glass. /arz sam wter in e gl:s/ There are some trees in the garden /ar :r sam tr:z in e g:rdn/NegativeNOT ANYThere isnt any water in the glass. /ear znt ni wter in e gl:s/ There arent any trees in the garden. /ear :rent ni tr:z in e g:rdn/NO There s no water in the glass. /arz nu wter in e gl:s/ There are no trees in the garden. /ear :r nu tr:z in e g:rdn/Interrogative ANY? Is there any water in the glass? /iz earz ni wter in e gl:s/ Are there any trees in the garden? . /a:r ear ni tr:z in e g:rdn/A short course in english for adult students 27 28. Note el uso de LITTLE /ltl/ (poco/a), FEW /:/ (pocos/as) y A LOT OF /e lt ov/ (bastante/bastantes) Theres very little water in the glass /arz vri ltl wter in e gl:s/ Hay muy poca agua en el vaso Theres a lot of ice in my glass. /arz e lt ov is in mai gl:s/ Hay bastante hielo en mi vaso There are very few desks in the room. /ear a:r vri : desks in e r:m/ Hay muy pocos escritorios en la sala There are a lot of chairs in the room. /ear a:r e lt ov tcharz in r:m/ Hay bastantes sillas en la sala. La expresin a lot of normalmente se usa en oraciones armativas. En las oraciones negativas e interrogativas se preere usar las palabras much o many, segn sea el casoTheres a lot of sugar in the bowl /arz e lt ov shgar in e bul/Afrmativea lot ofThere are a lot of books on the shelf. /ar :r e lt ov buks on e shlf/not muchThere isnt much sugar in the bowl. /ar znt mutch shgar in e bul/Negativenot manyThere arent many books on the shelf. /ar :rent mni buks on e shlf/much? Is there much sugar in the bowl? /iz ar mutch shgar in e bul/Interrogativemany? Are there many books on the shelf? /:r ar mni buks on e shlf/ El artculo indenido A/AN (un,una) no tiene una forma para el plural, por lo tanto se omite. Normalmente el artculo A/AN se reemplaza por las palabras SOME /sam/ algunos/as, SEVERAL /sverl/ varios/as, MANY /mni/ muchos/as. There is a tree in the garden.There are trees in the garden There are some trees in the garden There are several trees in the garden. There are many trees in the garden. Cuando THERE IS/THERE ARE van seguidas directamente por un sustantivo, en las negaciones generalmente se usa la palabra NO /nu/ Theres water in that bottle. Theres no water in that bottle. There are owers in the garden. There are no owers in the garden Finalmente, estudie la siguiente tablasomea lot ofmuchThere ismilk in this bottlea littlevery littleno/not anysomeseveralmanyowers in theThere are a lot ofgarden.a fewvery fewno/not any EXERCISES Ex. 1. Complete the sentences using THERE IS or THERE ARE:1._______________________some books on the shelf.2._______________________very little money left in the box.3._______________________only one student in the lab now.4._______________________very few people at the conference.28A short course in english for adult students 29. 5._______________________ no more milk in the jug. 6._______________________ no more cassettes in the box. 7._______________________ no time left. 8._______________________ several helicopters in the aireld. 9._______________________ some letters for you on the desk.10._______________________ a lot of mistakes in your composition.Ex. 2. Change the following statements into the negative form. 1. Theres a lot of fruit in the basket.___________________________________________________ 2. There are a lot of students absent.___________________________________________________ 3. Theres some more meat in the fridge.___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ 4. There are some extra chairs in the room. ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ 5. Theres a telephone in the room. ___________________________________________________ 6. There are a lot of people in the room. ___________________________________________________ 7. There are some more clean glasses. ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ 8. There are 30 days in February. ___________________________________________________ 9. Theres some more money in my pocket.___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________10. Theres central heating in the room. ___________________________________________________Ex. 3. Change the following sentences into the interrogative form. 1. Theres a hotel near the Training Center.___________________________________________________ 2. There are some students absent today.___________________________________________________ 3. Theres a lot of free time in the mornings.___________________________________________________ 4. Theres some more coffee in the cup. ___________________________________________________ 5. There are more than 10 students. ___________________________________________________ 6. There are more women than men. ___________________________________________________ 7. There is another chair in that room___________________________________________________ 8. There are some more books. ___________________________________________________ 9. There are 24 hours in a day. ___________________________________________________10. Theres a train for Paris in the morning.___________________________________________________Ex. 4. Complete the following questions and answers. Use HOW MUCH......IS THERE? Or HOW MANY.......... ARE THERE? in the questions, and THERES or THERE ARE in the Answers .Ej.: (How many)dictionaries (are there)?(There are) 8, sir.1. ___________________ money ______________ ?________________ very little.2. ___________________ doors ________________ in the lab?________________ just one.3. ___________________ milk _________________ in the jug?________________ no milk in it.4. ___________________ video tapes ___________ ? ________________ very few.5. ___________________ work _________________ today? ________________ a lot of work.6. ___________________ people _______________ in the room?.________________ a lot.7. ___________________ butter ________________ in the dish?________________ just a little.8. ___________________ secretaries____________ here? ________________ two.9. ___________________ women ______________ in that group? ________________ ve or six.10. ___________________men _________________ in the crew?________________ four men.Ex. 5. Use LITTLE, FEW, A LOT in the blank spaces. 1. There are very ______________________________ books in the school library. 2. Theres ____________________________________milk left in the bottle. 3. Theres very ________________________________ ice in my glass. 4. Theres ____________________________________of noise in this room. A short course in english for adult students 29 30. 5. There are __________________________________of trees in that park.6. There are only a ____________________________ tickets available.7. There are __________________________________students absent from class today.8. Theres ____________________________________of sugar in my coffee. Its too sweet.9. There are __________________________________of errors in my bill. 10. Theres just a ______________________________ whisky left in the bottle.B. PAST TENSE: THERE WAS - THERE WERE El pasado de THERE IS/THERE ARE se expresa usando THERE WAS /ear wz/ / THERE WERE /ear we:r/ La negacin se expresa usando la palabra NOT despus de WAS y WERE. Normalmente se usan las contracciones THERE WASNT /ear wzent/ THERE WERENT /ear w:rent/. La interrogacin se expresa invirtiendo el orden de las palabras WAS y WERE con la palabra THERE. Escuche, lea y aprenda There was a lot of noise in the room /ear was e lot ov nis in e r:m/ Haba bastante ruido en la sala. There were many people absent. /ear we:r mni p:pl bsent/ Haba muchas personas ausentes. There wasnt any beer in the can. /ear wznt ni bar in e kn/ No haba nada de cerveza en la lata. There werent many books on the desk. /ear w:rnt mni buks on e dsk/ No haba muchos libros sobre el escritorio. Was there a TV in the room? / woz ear e t: v: in e r:m / Haba un televisor en la habitacin? How many people were there at the party? / hu meni p:pl we:r ear ate p:rti / (Cunta gente haba en la esta?). EXERCISES: Ex. 1. Change into the Past Tense:1. Theres a lot of work in the ofce today._________________________________________________________2. There are two books missing from the shelf._________________________________________________________3. How much milk is there in the fridge?_________________________________________________________4. There arent many hotels in this town. _________________________________________________________5. Is there enough money for the trip?_________________________________________________________6. How many people are there on board?_________________________________________________________7. There isnt much time to talk. _________________________________________________________8. There are very few people in the pub._________________________________________________________9. Are there many errors in the bill? _________________________________________________________ 10. Theres very little whisky left. _________________________________________________________ Ex. 2. Answer these questions, using the information given in parenthesis: 1. How many students were there in this class last year? (about 20)_________________________________________________________________________ 2. Were there many people at the meeting last Monday? (No, not more than 30)_________________________________________________________________________ 3. How much free time was there during the Basic Training Period? (very little, of course)_________________________________________________________________________ 4. Was there enough bread for all the people? (yes, more than enough)_________________________________________________________________________ 5. How many students were there in the laboratory? ( not any)_________________________________________________________________________ 6. How many days were there in February that year? (29, it was a leap year)_________________________________________________________________________ 7. Were there many cars in the street at that time? ( Yes, lots of cars)_________________________________________________________________________30A short course in english for adult students 31. C. FUTURE TENSE: THERE WILL BEEl futuro de THERE IS/THERE ARE se expresa con la forma THERE WILL BE /ear wil b:/. En la conversacin diariaWILL se une con la palabra THERE, formando la contraccin THERELL BE /earl b:/.Escuche, lea y aprenda:There will be a very good program on TV tonight /ear wil b: e veri gud prugram on t: v: tunat/. Habr un muy buen programaen la TV esta noche.There will be two more tests next week. /ear wil b: t: m:r tsts nekst w:k/ . Habr dos pruebas ms la prxima semana.Therell be another meeting this evening. /earl b: aner m:ti is :vni/ . Habr otra reunin esta tarde.Therell be some more rain next weekend. /earl b: sm m:r rin nkst wiknd/. Habr algo ms de lluvia el prximo n desemanaLa forma negativa se expresa usando la palabra NOT despus del verbo modal WILL, normalmente formando lacontraccin WONT /wunt/ En las preguntas, el verbo modal WILL precede a la palabra THERE.Escuche, lea y aprenda:There will not be a good program on TV tonight. /ear wil not b: e gud prugram on t: v: tunit/.There will not be another meeting this evening. /ear wil not b: aner m:ti is :vni/There wont be two more tests next week. /ear wunt b: t: m:r tests nekst w:k/Will there be a good program on TV this evening? /wil ear b: a gud prugram on t: v: is :vnin/Will there be any more rain next weekend? /wil ear b. eni m:r rin nekst wi:kend/How many tests will there be next week? /hu mni tsts wil ear b: nekst w:k/EXERCISES:Ex.1. Change into the future tense.1.There is a lot of free time in the evening. ___________________________________________________2.There are some women at the meeting.___________________________________________________3.There isnt any food left in the fridge.___________________________________________________4.How many people are there at the reception? ___________________________________________________5.How much money is there in the box? ___________________________________________________6.Is there any more work? ___________________________________________________7.Are there more than ten students in your class? ___________________________________________________Ex. 2. Use the right tense of There To Be (Present, Past or Future). 1. How many women ____________________________ at the party last Saturday? 2. ____________________________________________a lot of noise in this room now. 3. ____________________________________________several trees in the park now. 4. How much free time __________________________ next time? 5. ____________________________________________very little food in the fridge now. 6. ____________________________________________not any more exercises in the book now. 7. ____________________________________________a lot of noise at the disco last night. 8. ____________________________________________very few owers in our garden. 9. How many students ___________________________ in your class last year?10. ____________________________________________much milk left. Just one or two bottles.Ex. 3. Translate the previous sentences into Spanish. 1. ______________________________________________________________ 2. ______________________________________________________________ 3. ______________________________________________________________ 4. ______________________________________________________________ 5. ______________________________________________________________A short course in english for adult students 31 32. 6. ______________________________________________________________7. ______________________________________________________________8. ______________________________________________________________9. ______________________________________________________________ 10. ______________________________________________________________ Ex. 4. Answer these questions in English.1. How many days are there in a week? ______________________________________________2. How many days will there be in February next year? ______________________________________________3. How many students were there in your class last year?______________________________________________4. How many computers are there in your ofce?______________________________________________5. How many people were there in the room at 8:30?______________________________________________6. Will there be another meeting this week? No, __________________________________________7. Was there much work to do in the ofce last Monday?Yes, __________________________________________8. Are there any spelling mistakes in the letter? No, __________________________________________No, ___________________________________________9. How much money is there in your wallet?______________________________________________ 10. How many eggs are there in a dozen?______________________________________________ Ex. 5. Translate the following sentences into English1. Habr otra reunin general el prximo viernes. ______________________________________________2. Haba solamente dos hoteles en ese pueblo. ______________________________________________3. Hay un restaurant cerca de aqu?______________________________________________4. Cunto dinero hay en la billetera?______________________________________________5. No haba mucha gente en el edicio a esa hora. ______________________________________________6. No habr otro concierto hasta la prxima semana. ______________________________________________7. No hay tiempo para conversar.______________________________________________8. Haba muy poco tiempo libre durante la maana. ______________________________________________9. Cunto s autos haba en el estacionamiento esa tarde? ______________________________________________ 10. Haba muy pocos nios en la calle ese da. ______________________________________________ 11. No habr muchos partidos de ftbol este n de semana.______________________________________________ 12. Hay mucho ruido en esta sala ahora.. ______________________________________________32A short course in english for adult students 33. PART II. NUMBERSEscuche, lea y aprenda:1 one /un/ 2 two /tu:/3 three /ri:/ 4 four /fo:r/5 ve /fiv/6 six /siks/7 seven /svn/ 8 eight /it/9 nine /nin/10 ten /ten/11 eleven /ilvn/ 12 twelve /tulv/13 thirteen /ertn/ 14 fourteen /fo:rtn/15 fteen /ftn/16 sixteen /sikstn/17 seventeen /sevntn/ 18 eighteen /eitn/19 nineteen /naintn/20 twenty /tunti/30 thirty /rti/40 forty /frti/ 50 fty /ffti/60 sixty /sksti/70 seventy /svnti/ 80 eighty /iti/ 90 ninety /ninti/100 one hundred /un hndred/ 200 two hundred /t hndred/1,000 one thousand /un uzand/2,000 two thousand /t uzand/200,000 two hundred thousand /t: hndred uzand/2,000,000 two million /t mlion/5,362 ve thousand three hundred and sixty-two /faiv uzand ri: hndred and sksti t:/45,971 forty ve thousand nine hundred and seventy-one /frti fiv uzand nain hndred and sventi un/Importante:1. Las palabras twenty, thirty, forty, etc siempre van seguidas de un guin antes del nmero unitario. Ej, 21. twenty-one, 32 thirty-two, 45 forty- ve, 68 sixty-eight, 94 ninety-four.2. Las palabras hundred, thousand, million y billion no se pluralizan en ingls. Ej. 400 four hundred; 5,000 ve thousand, 3,000,000 three million.3. La palabra hundred siempre va seguida de and; las palabras thousand, million y billion no van seguidas de and. Ej. 365 three hundred and sixty-ve; 5,387 ve thousand, three hundred and eighty-seven; 463,265 four hundred and sixty-three thousand, two hundred and sixty-ve.4. Las palabras hundred, thousand y million se pluralizan solamente en las siguientes expresiones, para indicar lo mismo que lots of... Ej. There are hundreds of / lots of trees in the park; There were thousands of / lots of people in the stadium; There are millions of / lots of stars in our galaxy5. Al escribir cifras en ingls, el punto es coma y la coma es punto. Ej. 12.5% ; 70.45 km; US$ 4,365.80Ex. 1 Read and then write these numbersa) 12b) 56c) 79d) 94e) 33f) 28 g) 148h) 597 i) 846j) 1,285k) 6,394 l) 24,973m) 256,875n) 5,687,328a) _____________________________________________ b) ________________________________________________c) _____________________________________________ d) ________________________________________________e) _____________________________________________ f) ________________________________________________g) _________________________________________________________________________________________________h) _________________________________________________________________________________________________i) _________________________________________________________________________________________________j) _________________________________________________________________________________________________k) _________________________________________________________________________________________________l) _________________________________________________________________________________________________m) _________________________________________________________________________________________________n) _________________________________________________________________________________________________A short course in english for adult students 33 34. BASIC VOCABULARY: Study these wordsPEOPLE GENERAL person /p:rsn/ persona man/men /mn/men/hombre/s people /p:pl/gente, personas woman/women /wuman/wmen/mujer/es child /children /tchild/tchildrn/nio/s, pequeo/s gentleman /dllntlman/ caballero boy /boi/ niolady /lidi/ dama girl /g:rl/niakids /kidz/chicos, nios FAMILY AND RELATIVES grandparents /grandparents/abuelos dad, daddy /dd, ddi/pap,papi grandfather /grandfa:er/ abuelomom, mommy /mam, mmi/mam, mami grandmother /grandmer/abuelagrandpa /grnpa:/ abuelito grandchildren /grandtchildren/nietosgranny /grni/abuelita grandson /grndsan/ nieto father-in- law /f:er in l:/suegro granddaughter /grand d:ter/nieta mother-in-law /maer in l:/suegra parents /parents/padresson-in-law /san in l:/ yerno husband /hzband/ esposo, maridodaughter-in-law /d:ter in l:/ nuera wife /waif/ esposa, mujer brother-in-law /brer in l:/cuado father /f:er/ padre sister-in-law /sster in l:/ cuada mother /mer/madre step-father /step f:er/ padrastro children /tchldren/hijos, niosstep-mother /step mer/madrastra son /sn/ hijostep-son /step san/ hijastro daughter /d:ter/ hijastep-daughter /step d:ter/ hijastra brother /brer/hermano step-brother /step brer/hermanastro sister /sster/ hermana step-sister /step sster/ hermanastra uncle /kl/to foster-father /fster f:er/ padre adoptivo aunt /a:nt/ ta foster-mother /fster mer/madre adoptiva nephew /nu/ sobrino god-father /god f:er/ padrino niece /ni:s/sobrina god-mother /god mer/madrina cousin /kzin/primo34A short course in english for adult students 35. KEY TO ANSWERSUNIT 2Part IA. Ex. 1. 1. There are 2. There is 3. There is 4. There are 5. There is 6. There are 7. There is 8. There are 9.There are 10. There are Ex. 2. 1. There isnt much... 2. There arent many... 3. There isnt any more... / Theres no more... 4.There arent any extra... / There are no extra... 5. There isnt a... 6. There arent many... 7. There arent any more... / There are no more... 8. There arent 30... 9. There isnt any more... / Theres no more... 10. Theres no central... Ex. 3. 1. Is there a hotel...? 2. Are there any students...? 3. Is there much free...? 4. Is there any more...? 5. Are there more than...? 6. Are there more...? 7. Is there another...? 8. Are there any more...? 9. Are there 24...? 10. Is there a train...? Ex. 4. 1. How much... is there? Theres... 2. How many... are there...? Theres... 3. How much... is there...? Theres... 4. How many... are there? There are... 5. How much... is there...? Theres... 6. How many... are there...? Thre are... 7. How much... is there...? Theres... 8. How many... are there...? There are... 9. How many... are there...? There are... 10. How many... are there...? There are... Ex. 5. 1. few 2. little 3. little 4. a lot 5. a lot 6. few 7. few 8. a lot 9. a lot 10. littleB. Ex. 1. 1. There was... 2. There were... 3. How much milk was there...? 4. There werent... 5. Was there enough...? 6. How many people were there...? 7. There wasnt... 8. There were... 9. Were there...? 10. There was... Ex. 2. 1. There were about 20 . 2. No, there werent more than 30 3. There was very little, of course. 4. Yes, there was more than enough. 5. There werent any 6. There were 29. It was a leap year. 7. Yes, there were lots of cars.C. Ex. 1. 1. There will be a lot... 2. There will be some... 3. There wont be any... 4. How many people will there be...? 5. How much money will there be...? 6. Will there be any...? 7. Will there be more than...? Ex. 2. 1. Were there 2. Theres 3. There are 4. Will there be 5. Theres 6. There are 7. There was 8. There are 9.were there 10. There isnt Ex. 3. 1. Cuntas mujeres haba en la esta el sbado pasado? 2.Hay bastante ruido en esta sala ahora. 3. Hay varios rboles en el parque ahora 4. Cunto tiempo libre habr la prxima vez? 5. Hay muy poca comida en el refrigerador ahora 6. No hay ms ejercicios en el libro ahora 7. Haba bastante ruido en la discoteca anoche 8. Hay muy pocas ores en nuestro jardn 9. Cuntos alumnos haba en tu curso el ao pasado? 10. No hay mucha leche sobrante. Slo una o dos botellas. Ex. 4. 1. There are seven days. 2. Therell be 28 days. 3. There were... students. 4. Theres just one / There are... computers. 5. There were...people. 6. No, there wont be another meeting 7. Yes, there was a lot of work. 8. No, there arent any. / No, there are no spelling mistakes. 9. There isnt much money in it. 10. There are twelve eggs. Ex. 5. 1. There will be another general meeting next Friday. 2. There were only two hotels in that town. 3.Is there a restaurant near here. 4. How much money is there in the wallet? 5. There werent many people in the building at that time. 6. There wont be another concert until next week. 7. There is no time to talk. 8. There was very little free time during the morning. 9. How many cars were there in the car park that afternoon / evening? 10. There were very few children in the street that day. 11. There wont be many football games / matches this week end. 12. Theres a lot of noise in this room now.A short course in english for adult students 35 36. Part II. Ex. 1. a) twelve b) fty-six c) seventy-nine d) ninety-four e) thirty-three f) twenty-eight g) one hundred and forty-eight h) ve hundred and ninety-seven i) eight hundred and forty-six j) one thousand, two hundred and eighty-ve k) six thousand, three hundred and ninety-four l) twenty-four thousand, nine hundred and seventy-three m) two hundred and fty-six thousand, eight hundred and seventy-ve n) ve million, six hundred and eighty-seven thousand, three hundred and twenty-eight.36 A short course in english for adult students 37. UNIT 3PART I. HAVE GOT = TENEREsta expresin verbal se usa especialmente en ingls britnico ( y solamente en el tiempo presente) para indicar posesino propiedad, es decir, signica TENER. En el Presente Armativo se conjuga de la siguiente manera: I have got /ai hav gt/ Ive got /aiv gt/ (yo tengo) You have got /i: hav gt/Youve got /iu:v got/(t tienes) He has got /hi: haz gt/Hes got /hi:z gt/(l tiene) She has got /shi: haz gt/Shes got /shi:z gt/(ella tiene) It has got /it haz gt/ Its got /its gt/ (l / ella tiene) We have got /wi: hav gt/ Weve got /wi:v gt/ (nos. tenemos) You have got /i: hav gt/Youve got /i:v gt / (uds. tienen) They have got /i hav gt/ Theyve got /iv gt/ (ellos tienen)Escuche, lea y aprenda:I have got a car. /ai hav gt e k:r/Ive got a car /aiv gt e k:r/ (Yo tengo un auto)Peter has got many friends. /p:ter haz gt mni frndz/ Peters got many friends. /p:terz gt.../ (Peter tiene muchos amigos)They have got a big house. /ei hav gt e bg hus/Theyve got a big house. /eiv gt.../(Ellos tienen una casa grande)My dog has got long ears. /mai dg haz gt lo arz/ My dogs got long ears. /mai dgz gt.../ (Mi perro tiene orejas largas)The rooms have got central heating. /e r:mz hav gt sntrl h:ti/ (Las habitaciones tienen calefaccin central)En la forma negativa se usa HAVE NO GOT y HAS NOT GOT. Normalmente se usan las contracciones HAVENTGOT /hvent gt/ y HASNT GOT /hzent gt/Escuche, lea y aprenda:I have not got a car. /ai hav not gt.../I havent got a car. /ai hvent gt...r/Peter has not got many friends. /p:ter haz not gt.../Peter hasnt got many friends. /p:ter hzent gt.../They have not got a big house. /ei hav not gt.../They havent got a big house. /ei hvent got.../My dog has not got long ears. /mai dg haz not gt.../ My dog hasnt got long ears. /mai dg hzent gt.../The rooms have not got central heating. /e r:mz hav not gt .../ The rooms havent got central heating. /e r:mz hvent gt.../La forma interrogativa se hace por simple inversin del sujeto y HAVE o HAS:Escuche, lea y aprenda:Have you got a car? /hav i gt.../ No, I havent got one ( one = a car)Has Peter got many friends? /haz p:ter gt.../ Yes, hes got a lot. (of friends)Have they got a big house? /hav ei gt.../ No, they havent. Theyve got a small one.Has the dog got long ears? /haz e dg gt.../Yes, it has. Its got very long ones. (ones = ears)Have the rooms got a TV? /hav e ru:mz got.../No, they havent got one. But theyve got a radio.How much money have you got?Ive got very little (money). Ive only got 5 dollars.How many brothers and sisters has Bob got?Hes got one sister and two brothers.EXERCISES:Ex.1 Complete the following sentences using HAVE GOT or HAS GOT1. John _____________________________ a new uniform.2. Hans ____________________________ long black hair . A short course in english for adult students 37 38. 3. The soldiers ______________________ a very good instructor.4. We ______________________________ a small house in the country.5. The book _________________________200 pages.6. I ________________________________three children, a son and two daughters.7. Mary _____________________________a new blue dress.8. My friends ________________________ a lot of money.9. My at ___________________________two bedrooms. 10. The car __________________________four wheels. Ex. 2 Change into the negative form1. Shes got blue eyes and black hair.___________________________________________________2. Theyve got a lot of friends there.___________________________________________________3. My fathers got a modern car.___________________________________________________4. Bobs got a big family.___________________________________________________5. Weve got a small classroom. ___________________________________________________6. Ive got some cigarettes.___________________________________________________7. Nancys got a computer.___________________________________________________8. The house has got a garden.___________________________________________________9. My friends have got a telephone. ___________________________________________________ 10. The students have got some experience. ___________________________________________________ Ex. 3 Change into the interrogative form:1. Youve got many things to do today.___________________________________________________2. Bobs got some money.___________________________________________________3. Youve got a lighter.___________________________________________________4. Theyve got our telephone number.___________________________________________________5. Bobs got our address. ___________________________________________________6. Bobs sister has got a car.___________________________________________________7. Theyve got a big family.___________________________________________________8. The boy has got black shoes. ___________________________________________________9. Youve got your passport here. ___________________________________________________ 10. The students have got a new instructor.___________________________________________________ Ex. 4 Ask questions with HOW MUCH...? / HOW MANY...?1. Theyve got two cars.___________________________________________________2. Ive got three children. ___________________________________________________3. A car has got four wheels .___________________________________________________4. Bobs got ve dollars. ___________________________________________________5. The at has got two bathrooms. ___________________________________________________6. Weve got 2 bottles of milk. ___________________________________________________7. They ve got very little free time.___________________________________________________ Ex. 5 Answer these questions:1. How much money have you got in your pockets? ___________________________________________________2. How many children have you got?___________________________________________________3. Has your wife / husband got a car? ___________________________________________________4. Has your parents house got a garden?___________________________________________________5. Have you got a dog or a cat? ___________________________________________________6. Have you got any friends in Europe?___________________________________________________7. How many rooms has your house got? ___________________________________________________8. Have you got a big library at home?___________________________________________________9. Have you got any brothers or sisters?___________________________________________________ 10. Have you got a computer at home? ___________________________________________________38A short course in english for adult students 39. PART II.A. ADJECTIVESEn ingls, los adjetivos siempre preceden a los sustantivos:Tom is a tall man. Mary is a beautiful woman This is an interesting book That is a big carAdems, son invariables, es decir la misma palabra se usa en el singular, plural, masculino o femenino. Por lo tanto,el adjetivo tall /to:l/ se podra traducir como alto, alta, altos, altas.The man is very tall. The woman is very tall. The men are very tall. The women are very tall.Adems, todos los sustantivos actan como adjetivos cuando preceden a otro sustantivo. En estos casos nodeben pluralizarse (porque los adjetivos nunca se pluralizan!!).An apple An apple tree Three apple treesA dollar A one-dollar bill A ve-dollar billAn exerciseOne exercise book Ten exercise booksA hotelA hotel manager Two hotel managersB. ARTICLES (I)1. EL ARTCULO INDEFINIDO A (un, una) se usa para referirse a un artculo cualquiera, no especco. Ej. This is a book. /is iz a bk/ (Este es un libro). Thats a girl. /ts a g:rl/ (Esa es una nia). Theres a car in the street. /arz a k:r in e str:t/ (Hay un auto en la calle).El artculo A se transforma en AN antes de una palabra iniciada con un sonido vocal o una h muda. Ej. This isan apple. /is iz an (Esta es una manzana). Thats an orange. /ts an rindll/ (Esa es una naranja). This is an old car /is iz anpl/uld k:r/ (Este es un auto viejo). He is an honest man. /h: iz an nest mn/ (El es un hombre honrado).La letra u se considera vocal en palabras como umbrella /ambrla/, pero tambin se pronuncia como una semi-consonante en palabras como uniform /inifo:rm/. Por lo tanto se deber decir: This is an umbrella /is iz an ambrla/(Este es un paraguas) y This is a uniform /is iz a inifo:rm/ (Este es un uniforme). Hay palabras que comienzan con una letra opronunciada como /w/, en cuyo caso se trata como semi-consonante. Compare: This is an orange. /is iz an rindll/(Esta es una naranja). This is a one-way ticket. /is iz a wn wei tkit/ (Este es un boleto de ida).El articulo indenido a/an no tiene plural. Ej. This is a house /is iz a hus/ (Esta es una casa). These are houses. /i:z a:rhusiz/ (Estas son casas). That is a tree /t iz a tr:/ (Ese es un rbol). Those are trees /uz a:r tr:z/ (Esos son rboles). Thatsan animal /ts an nimal/ (Ese es un animal). Those are animals /uz a:r nimalz/ (Esos son animales).Debido a que a / an no tiene una forma para el plural, en su lugar se usan normalmente palabras como some /sam/(algunos/as), several /sveral/ (varios/as) o many /mni/ (muchos/as).Ejemplo. There is a tree in the garden There are trees in the garden There are some trees in the garden There are several trees in the garden There are many trees in the garden2. EL ARTCULO DEFINIDO THE (el, la los, las) se usa para referirse a objetos especcos, determinados. Se usa tanto con sustantivos singulares como con plurales.Ej. There is a book on the desk. The book is old. There are several books on the desk. The books are old.Compare: Show me a photograph (Mustrame una fotografa) (cualquiera fotografa) Show me the photograph (Mustrame la fotografa) (una fotografa especca)A short course in english for adult students 39 40. Exe. 1. Use the indenite articles a or an1. ________ pencil17. ________ car2. ________ apple 18. ________ used car3. ________ egg 19. ________ modern car4. ________ envelope20. ________ young woman5. ________ umbrella21. ________ old woman6. ________ hour22. ________ one-dollar bill7. ________ honor 23. ________ ve-dollar bill8. ________ house 24. ________ hotel9. ________ banana25. ________ instrument 10. ________ big banana26. ________ musical instrument 11. ________ exercise27. ________ answer 12. ________ easy exercise 28. ________ question 13. ________ difcult exercise 29. ________ impertinent question 14. ________ university30. ________ usual question 15. ________ old university31. ________ unusual question 16. ________ new university32. ________ hard lesson Ex. 2. Change the following sentences into the plural.1. That is a picture ___________________________________________________2. This is a car.___________________________________________________3. Is this an envelope?___________________________________________________4. That man isnt a teacher. ___________________________________________________5. Ive got a friend in San Francisco. ___________________________________________________6. Theyve got a horse on the farm.___________________________________________________7. Peters got a new pen.___________________________________________________8. This boy isnt a new student. ___________________________________________________9. This is an interesting novel. ___________________________________________________ 10. Is that woman a nurse?___________________________________________________ 11. Is that man an engineer?___________________________________________________ 12. Theres a yellow ower in the garden. ___________________________________________________ 13. Is that an apple tree or a pear tree? ___________________________________________________ 14. I havent got a cigarette.___________________________________________________ Ex. 3. Change these sentences into the plural, use some, many or several1. Theres a tree in the garden. ___________________________________________________2. Theres a woman in the ofce. ___________________________________________________3. There was a car accident last Sunday. ___________________________________________________4. There is a new student in this class. ___________________________________________________5. There will be an interesting program tonight___________________________________________________6. Ive got a question for you.___________________________________________________7. Theyve got an interesting book in the library___________________________________________________8. The boys got a book in English.___________________________________________________9. There is a letter for you, Mr. Smith. ___________________________________________________ 10. Ive got a coin in my pocket. ___________________________________________________ 11. Ive got a magazine on my desk. ___________________________________________________ 12. Theres a text book on the teachers desk.___________________________________________________ 13. The student has got a new notebook. ___________________________________________________ 14. There is a student in the laboratory now. ___________________________________________________ 15.Please show me a photograph. ___________________________________________________40A short course in english for adult students 41. PART III.TELLING THE TIME (Diciendo la hora)What time is it, please? /wt tim iz it pl:z/ Qu hora es por favor?Whats the time, please? /wts e tim pl:z/ Cul es la hora por favor?Its ten to eight /its tn tu it/ Son diez para las ochoLea, escuche y aprenda: oclock /oklk/quarter past /kurter p:st/ half past /ha:f p:st/ quarter to /kurter t:/ 01:00 Its one oclock05:00Its ve o

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