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General Meeting/Luncheon When: Thursday, March 21, at 11:30 am (Please come early to get checked in) Place: Elks Lodge, 1705 Manzanita Avenue Menu: Chef’s Choice Cost: $15 per person Guest Speaker: Sean Morgan, Chico City Council (see bio on page 6)!

[email protected] If you find that you cannot be at the meeting after mak-ing a reservation, please be sure to call and cancel: We get charged for all reservations

President’s Message

Loretta Torres Socialism and what it would mean for our democracy

is all over the news lately. In President Trumps’ State of the Union address before Congress he said: “America will always be a democracy and will never be a socialist country!”

Notably, Speaker Pelosi did not applaud or stand up. Most of the Democrats followed her lead. The dic-tionary defines socialism as: various systems based on shared or government ownership of and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods.

Many countries have tried one form of socialism or another. All have failed. Venezuela is a prime example of a country whose wealth and Democracy was a shining example of capitalism. It took just a few short years for it to devolve into chaos. First the government took over the privately-owned oil fields (in the name of wealth dis-tribution.) It then took over the radio stations and news-papers, which allowed dictators like Chavez and Maduro to emerge. Now people are hungry, and in the streets- begging for food, medical supplies and even diapers!

US politicians have run from the word socialism in the past. Today they proudly proclaim they are Demo-cratic Socialists!

We must use every ounce of our strength to elect men and women who proudly proclaim their view of our American exceptionalism. Elect those who agree with our founding fathers’ basic tenets of every man’s right to life, liberty, and, the pursuit of individual happiness; through hard work, enterprise and capitalism!

Elephant Ears Chico Republican Women, Federated

Loretta Torres, President Mitzi Christiansen , Membership Lori McDermott, Editor

Member of NFRW, CFRW & CFRW Northern Division, Region 4 Winner of Awards for Diamond Achievement, Membership & Newsletter Established 1955——Like Us on Facebook

March, 2019—Newsletter #3

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President: Loretta Torres [email protected] 519-7265 1st V.P: Colleen Waugh [email protected] 521-3707 2nd V.P. (Programs): Kristine Litwak [email protected] 858-922-3517 3rd V.P. (Membership): Mitzi Christiansen [email protected] 343-2117 4th V.P. (Ways & Means): Jennifer Honea [email protected] 343-1415 Treasurer: Peggy Ferenz [email protected] 893-8827 Rec. Secretary: Pat Jones [email protected] 342-5224

2019 Membership Tea

Sherry Gillis Our 2019 Membership Tea was a great success this

year, with over sixty-five in attendance. New CRWF President Loretta Torres opened the proceedings, in-troduced the Board, and then Sheriff Kory Honea and CRWF VP and Ways and Means Chair Jennifer Honea spoke for about an hour.

Kory Honea spoke about his visit to the Mexican border and meeting Warren Buffett's son, Howard Graham Buffett, author of "Our 50-State Border Crisis: How the Mexican Border Fuels the Drug Epidemic Across America." Butte County has the 5th worst opi-oid/fentanyl epidemic and overdose rate in the state of California. BCSO officers rarely encounter metham-phetamine labs, never opioid, never fentanyl - these drugs were made south of the border and brought here. Sheriff Honea is trying to figure out how to sup-port the effort to stop those drugs from coming into our county.

He flew the length of the border and noted that at the port of entry, where there were immigration offi-cials, there were heavy fortification, cameras, officers - but the further from the port of entry in Cochise Coun-ty, as you go out to the Normandy barriers, which are just high beams, barbed wire or nothing, there is little to stop illegal immigration. Honea also got the chance to speak to ranchers, where he discovered a high level of frustration about the way the situation is being han-dled.

Honea feels we need a better system. He is con-

cerned that the argument over the border wall has become overly politicized, with the news media calling those who want to build the wall immoral and racist. He says people in Butte County are dying because the wall issue has divided everyone so much. BCSO is hamstrung by California Senate Bill 54, and border security is a threat. He says we have to be smart about the way it is handled. According to, California Senate Bill 54 effectively makes California a “sanctuary state” by legalizing and standardizing statewide non-cooperation policies between California law enforcement agencies and federal immigration authorities.

Jennifer Honea, a dispatch-er for the Butte County Sheriff's Department, spoke about the couple's recent trip to Washington, DC. Sheriff Honea took the self-funded, solo trip to Arizona last year and visited the border area, then in Octo-ber, Sheriff Honea received an invitation to the White

House to come and do a briefing. The couple funded the trip for themselves to go to DC, flew back there, and had a very interesting trip. They got to go to the National Law Enforcement Museum, were given a tour of the capital by Doug LaMalfa, and met with the Pres-ident and his cabinet at the White House. They got a tour with 7 other sheriffs from around California, then had a briefing. Kellyanne Conway came out and spoke to them about the opioid epidemic and she was very articulate and knowledgeable. The couple found the cabinet officials they met to be very well spoken and articulate. The President was also incredibly intelli-gent and the couple were impressed with his knowledge of what is happening in the US. They did-n't get to meet him personally, but they did get to take photos of him and found the entire trip to be fasci-nating.

(Continued on page 4)

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The country would not be a land of opportunity, America would not be America, if the people were shackled with government monopolies. Calvin Coolidge, 30th President 1923-1929.


Great Explanation of Socialism Exerts from: How to get your child to say no to social-

ism, by Justin Haskins

Lori McDermott Despite mountains of historical evidence revealing

the dangers associated with socialism, support for Karl Marx’s collectivist ideas is steadily increasing.

In an August 2018 Gallup Poll, 51 percent of young people aged 18-29 said they have a favorable opinion of socialism, compared to just 45 percent who said they view capitalism positively.

Explain the meaning of socialism and why it’s im-moral:

Survey data show most Americans have no clue what socialism is, despite the fact that it’s regularly dis-cussed in the media.

Socialism is the collective ownership and manage-ment of property. In a purely socialist society – an idea Karl Marx called “communism” – all or nearly all prop-erty is owned and managed by the collective.

Under such a scheme, people have very little power over their own lives. Even their homes are owned col-lectively. In the case of democratic socialism, this means that people are forced to live according to the desires of the majority. In many situations, a small group of people is given power by the majority, and that group typically ends up becoming tyrannical, as we’ve seen in China, North Korea and Venezuela.

With this model in place, minorities don’t really have any rights. If the majority thinks people should live or work in a certain way, everyone is required to obey, even if it violates their deeply held beliefs.

In socialism, individual “rights” are mere illusions. Even free-speech rights are limited if they are deemed “harmful” to the rest of society – which means these “rights” don’t really exist at all. This is why human rights abuses are so common in countries that try to enact socialism.

Emphasize charity, not gov-ernment coercion: For most young Americans, socialist ideas are appealing because they genuinely want to help those who are suffering. They be-lieve single-payer health care, a “Green New Deal,” and other similar policies are compassionate.

It’s important to engage in charitable activities. Ad-vocates of freedom do support helping others, they just don’t believe the government is best equipped to do it.

Government welfare programs – however well-intentioned they might be – are not forms of charity. They require the government to use force and coer-cion. Those who don’t want to pay for a government program because they think it isn’t helpful – or perhaps believe it’s harmful – are forced to pay their taxes and participate anyway.

Explain that there’s never been a successful social-ist nation in world history:

During the past century, no country has ever suc-cessfully enacted a system that matches Marx’s vision for the world – a reality even the staunchest Marxist will admit.

Kids often respond to this fact by saying that there are many examples of socialism working successfully.

The idea that Nordic nations are little socialist utopi-as is a gigantic myth. Denmark, Norway and Sweden are absolutely not “socialist” nations. Some parts of their economies have been socialized, like health care and higher education, but they are still market-based economies.

Q: What did Socialists use before candles? A: Electricity

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Sheriff Honea said he felt no other administration had ever reached out to the people on the front lines of the local law enforcement front like the Trump Admin-istration has done. As soon as the couple returned home they were on another front line - the Camp Fire.

Next, Laura Page from Doug LaMalfa's office spoke about the great works that have been underway by our Congressional Representative and the President to bring help and funds to the North Valley after the Camp Fire. LaMalfa went to great lengths to impress on the Presi-dent our need for 90% funding after this national disas-ter, rather than the normal 75%, which has been ap-proved. This means Butte County and the Town of Para-

dise will be responsible for 0% of the funding necessary to recover. She also spoke about the work LaMalfa has done to protect our forests.

All in all, it was a very entertaining and interesting afternoon tea with our Sheriff, his wife and other offi-cials from our area and a good time was had by all. We had lots of women signing up to become members and we are really excited to get to know them this year. Our next regular meeting will be at the Chico Elk's Lodge at 11:30am on March 21st - remember to contact Lee Flournoy at 521-0981 to make a reservation. For new members, just a reminder that we need an RSVP that you are coming so we can get a head count each meeting. See you there!

(Continued from page 2) Membership Tea

Chaplain’s Corner

Dianna Wright “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” (Matthew 6:21 NIV) Does God play Favorites?

Have you heard of AWANA Clubs? One of the highlights of my week is working as a volunteer in support of this club serving elementary age stu-dents. Over 90 children show up to learn how to hide God’s word in their heart, cultivate leadership skills and develop a personal vision for the unique identity and important purpose they hold in God’s family. Of course, my heart leaps with a special joy (that most are oblivious to), while watching them honor their God and COUNTRY, as they salute the flag during opening ceremonies.

Last week a fourth-grade student asked: “So, does God play favorites?

She recounted the story of Lazarus: After Lazarus died, Jesus noticed all the sad people around him.

Shortly afterwards, much to everyone’s surprise, Jesus performed a miracle, and resurrected Lazarus.

She went on to explain that when her beloved parakeet got sick, she prayed desperately for Jesus

to heal him. A few days later the bird died. Later on, as she read the story of Lazarus’s resur-

rection, she wondered why Jesus hadn’t chosen to resurrect her bird. After all, she had prayed for heal-ing and was crushed when the bird passed away.

My co-teacher and I simultaneously looked at each other with a knowing glance that said: “I’m glad YOU are here!” In answer to her question, we affirmed her insight and acknowledged that even grownups struggle to reconcile this issue. Most im-portantly, we affirmed that she will always be God’s favorite and we do not know the reason why he does what he does.

That is the reason we call him God. Because of sin in the world, bad things happen even to good peo-ple. We can be assured that God always hears our prayers. He always knows what’s best for us. And most importantly, if we truly love and trust Him, all things work together for our good.

A special shout-out to our Sunday school teach-ers and community volunteers and mentors who show up faithfully in support of passing the torch to the next generation to assure the values of our founding fathers are not lost. Your work has value beyond measure.

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Updated CRWF Website

Sherry Gillis Our new website is now complete and can be

viewed at The new website features a fill-in Membership Form, so you can direct anyone interested in joining to fill out that form and mail in a check. We also have a Volunteer Form, which enables the members to go to our web-site, click on that page, and fill in their volunteer hours for the month.

Marine Drops Bomb of Truth

Colleen Waugh Thursday, November 1, 2018 — Former US Navy SEAL,

Ephraim Mattos, has responded to comments made by Don Lemon on CNN’s Cuomo Prime Time.

“We have to stop demonizing people and realize the biggest terror threat in this country is white men, most of them radicalized to the right, and we have to start do-ing something about them.” — Don Lemon on CNN (October 29, 2018)

Here is Mattos’ response: "After surviving three wars, a gunshot wound, a near

fatal drowning, a failed parachute, Taliban ambushes, ISIS snipers, mortars, mine-fields, suicide bombers and laying down my life for the cause of freedom while fighting shoulder-to-shoulder with my brother Arabs, Asians, Blacks, Hispanics, Christians, Muslims, Jews, Bud-dhists, Animists, and Atheists, I have now returned home to the USA where a CNN host has labeled me as a radical-ized right wing terrorist simply because of my gender and the color of my skin.

I represent just one of the hundreds of thousands of conservative white men who have fought to preserve freedom in this great Nation and in other nations. My forefathers are the 3% who founded this Republic against the might of the British Army. It was white Con-servative men who died by the tens of thousands after charging into our southern states to free our black broth-ers from the slavery imposed on them by the Liberal left. We were the ones who acknowledged that women have a right to vote. We held the line in WWI and charged the beaches of Normandy in WWII. We have fought for free-

dom and liberty for generations and we continue to do so today alongside all of our brothers and sisters regard-less of their race or religion.

In the early 1930s, Hitler said the same thing about the Jews that Don Lemon of CNN just said about white men. This is the true face of the Democratic Party. First they enslaved and killed blacks, and now they use them to spew hatred and lies against the very people who have fought for generations to free them and uplift them. (Remember that when you vote in 2020!)

One final thought: To make a point, I have referred to myself as a “white male” in the previous sentences multi-ple times, but I must make it clear that I identify as simp-ly “American,” not as “white” or “male” or “Republican.”

Although blatantly racist and hateful, do not let Don Lemon’s ignorant words drive you into viewing yourself only by your race and religion. Identity politics does not lead to freedom. It only leads to hatred and division and an “us vs. them” mentality.

If CNN does not fire Don Lemon, it only goes to show that they are truly the “enemy of the people.”

Ephraim Mattos, For-

mer US Navy SEAL The post got noticed

on social media.

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If you know of anyone who is interested in joining the Chico Republican Women, Federated contact our Member-

ship Chair Mitzi Christiansen at 343-2117 for an application, pick one up at our luncheons, or fill it in at our web-

site: The cost is $35 for new & renewal members and $15 for associate members Associate

membership is for women who belong to another club, or men who wish to join.


Sean Morgan, Chico City Council

Kristine Anderson-Litwak Our featured speaker for March 21st General

Meeting will be Sean Morgan, Chico City Councilmem-ber.

Sean was elected to City Council in 2012, became Vice Mayor in 2014 and Mayor in 2016.

The November election tilted the balance of the City Council from conservative to liberal/left. Recently Sean sent an email update on results of the new align-ment.

Here are some excerpts: "With this new Council making a clear left turn

away from the priorities set by the previous Coun-cil (public safety, roads, and economic development), it is important for all of you to watch our actions closely, and hold this Council accountable for the con-sequences of the decisions that are now being made."

"If Chico desires to live up to its Mission: “A safe place to raise a family, an ideal location for business, and a premier place to live”, we need to get serious about focusing on policy initiatives that are consistent with that Mission; not on the kind of the feel-good measures that led to a huge financial hole and a crimi-nally understaffed police department just six years ago. Let’s not forget how close Chico came to bank-ruptcy. History tends to repeat itself, and unfortu-nately this Council doesn’t seem to have learned the economic lessons of the past."

"If you agree with me, we need your voice at City Council meetings. Come speak for the future of our City and citizens. It’s either that or we will have to re-write the Mission Statement altogether."

Best Wishes, Stephanie

Loretta Torres We bid a fond farewell to our long-time member,

Stephanie Taber, as she moves from Chico to Little Elm Texas. Stephanie joined CRWF in 2001. She was our president from 2015-2016 then recently, our member-ship chair from 2017-2019. Her new home will not be finished for a few more months, so she’ll be staying with her son, James Edward, in Rowlette, Texas. We’ll keep you posted as to her new address when she finally moves into her brand-new home. Enjoy your new life in a Republican state. We wish we could escape California too. You’ll be missed.

Young Republicans are a very, very important constitu-ency. Along with little old ladies, they provide the foot soldiers for the Republican Party. Roger Stone

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Political Mechanics By: Ben & Fran Gilmore

Colleen Waugh

Imagine how you would react if the government said the Christian faith you had believed and fought for all your life was wrong - even evil! Dedicated liberal activists have made a "religion" out of their beliefs. Those beliefs are being chal-lenged. "Abortion" and "gun control" are like "communion" and "baptism" to them. Since liberal doctrine is contrary to both the laws of nature (common sense) and "Revealed Law" (Bible) the challenge is overwhelming. The only defense for the liberal is anger and hate. It all started when Satan wanted to be equal with God. Sa-tan wanted power and authority. Liberals want power and authority. It is their "god". They are free to lie, cheat and steal to get and defend it. On the other hand, we are obliged to stay within the "laws of Nature and of Nature's God". Our advantage is truth and reason which is always fighting to the surface, and the ulti-mate authority of God. In the coming months the liberal forces will be fighting tooth and nail to defeat President Trump's bid for a 2nd term. I believe the liberal insiders recognize they are likely to lose that battle. Their goal in fighting it is to keep our focus on the Presidential race while they systematically steal every possible district race in the country. Orange county in southern California was long among the most conservative counties in America. In the last election the county went strong for the Republican candidate for Gov-ernor, yet every Republican congressional candidate lost! As far as I have heard, no one put up a significant challenge to the apparent local district voter fraud. Recall the national spotlight on the recent efforts to misdi-rect votes in Florida. Only that spotlight appears to have saved the Senate and Governor's race. When you consider the hundreds of such local races coming up in 2020, pro-

tecting the honest vote becomes an overwhelming task. What is to be done? Each state legislature plays a major part in its own vote in-tegrity. If you have a good one you are fortunate. If not, it will help to educate your friends and family on the mechanics of stealing local elections. Remember, liberals will lie cheat and steal. Satan is the fa-ther of lies! There is a sure litmus test for candidates. If s/he is willing to take a public stand on abortion, homosex, and guns support his campaign every way you can. If not, it be-comes a numbers game, vote for the best Republican alternative. (The more Republican wins, the more strength behind the good ones.) If you have the interest and means, consider filing as a can-didate. Many races go without a Republican candidate. Many races have no filing fee. Often you can win a primary race by default. Then, if you lose in the November election, you may still accrue party position and appointment authori-ty. Vote fraud opportunities are endless. Democrats have long used changing demographics. In the name of helping the poor (i.e. Democrat voters) they create housing projects in Republican states and districts. They change voting laws to favor Democrats. In the last Senate race in California there was no Republican candidate on the ballot! Close elections are most often subject to recounts. Demo-crats win most of them in suspicious ways. Thus, Republicans that win, must win big! That is still possible! There will be armies of energetic high-school and college kids working the effort to inform and get out the vote (gotv). The real battle is a Spiritual one. It will be won or lost by the intercessors (Those who pray that God will move minds and hearts in behalf of His plan for America.) Such prayers will release hands, feet, minds, and hearts to do the work. My prayer has long been that the intercessors will grow in numbers and not be discouraged by current events. God is still in charge!

The Mighty Pen Our thanks to those who write in to the Chico Enter-prise Record. We need to get Conservative ideas and issues out where people can read them. It’s our own way of utilizing the media for publicizing and applying Republican Principles. Chico Enterprise Record: [email protected]. Chico News & Review: [email protected] Paradise Post: [email protected]

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Chico Republican Women, Federated

Box 6553 Chico CA 95927

Positive Community Involvement

March Calendar of Events

7 9 am CRWF Board of Directors meeting 10 Daylight Savings 2019 (Spring forward!) 21 11:30 am CRWF Meeting/Luncheon, Elks Lodge

Chico City Council meets every 1st & 3rd Tuesday, 6:00 pm at City Council Chambers

Butte County Board of Supervisors meets every 2nd & 4th Tuesday at 9:00 am in Oroville

Butte County Republican Central Committee meets every 2nd Thurs at Oxford Suites Inn @ 6pm

Flag Days: Every day is a flag day!

Your Participation is Appreciated!

Lori McDermott Elephant Ears is Your Newsletter. As your new editor, I will

strive to publish information that supports CRWF’s Mission State-ment and positively represents our Club. Send me articles! Are there any topics you would like to be addressed? Is there any current format you would like to change? All feedback wel-comed! [email protected]

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