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EL Lnemere piirkonna strateegiast Jri Rute Pllumajanduse ja Maaelu Arengu Peadirektoraat 1. juuni 2010 Slide 2 Ressursid Inimesed Koost kultuur Raha (olemasolev) EL Lnemere piirkonna strateegia eeltingimused kujundati paarikmne aastaga Slide 3 Baltic Development Forum Summit 2010, Vilnius 1.-2. juuni Slide 4 Pllumajandus prioriteetse valdkonnana Tegevuskavas on 15 prioriteetset valdkonda PP teemad on peamiselt valdkonnas nr 9 pllumajandus / metsandus / kalandus Vastutus kogu prioriteedi eest Soome Koordinaator Jouni Lind, Pllumajanduse ja Metsamajanduse Ministeeriumi kantsler + Rootsi : kalanduse koordinaator + Leedu : maaelu arengu koordinaator Slide 5 Pllumajandus prioriteedina Juba koostatud pilootprojektid: Establish a Forum for Inventive and Sustainable Manure Processing by the exchange of information on how to process manure in sustainable ways; Create a network on the implementation of EU food and feed legislation to exchange information on best practises for food and feed control; Projects related to forestry and wood mobilisation are to be added to the list of flagship projects soon, with formal approval of a change to the Action Plan. Sustainable rural development with emphasis on innovation and rural youth (to enhance youth participation in the life of rural communities and help young people to start entrepreneurship) Slide 6 Metsandusprojektid samas prioriteedis Sustainable forest management in the Baltic Sea Region - EFINORD (North European Regional Office of the European Forest Institute) The network should focus on sustainable forest management; primarily biomass production and ecosystem services The EFINORD flagship offers an umbrella for forest and SFM related activities in the Baltic Sea Strategy. The following activities are to be found under the EFINORD umbrella: Environmental performance of wood (Finland); Forestry and water protection (Sweden); Sustainable Forest Management in Kaliningrad (Sweden); Sustainability through co-operation (Finland); Baltic landscape (Sweden); Creating a Nordic-Baltic information service for forests and forestry (Nordic Forest Research Co-operation Committee (SNS) & (EFINORD); Management and conservation of forest tree genetic resources in the Baltic Sea Region under changing climate conditions (Nordic Centre of Advanced Research in Forest Genetics and Tree Breeding (GeneCAR)); Cooperation in breeding of Norway spruce (NordGen Forest); Hardwoods are good (Sweden) Slide 7 Pllumajandusprojektid teistes prioriteetides 1.Nutrient reduction Putting best practices in agriculture into work Example activities: National demonstration farms, A network of demonstration farms around the Baltic Sea + a catalogue of such farms (booklet / online), Internet-based multi-lingual virtual demonstration farms Slide 8 Pllumajandusprojektid teistes prioriteetides 12. Attractiveness of the Baltic Sea Region through education, tourism and health Attract tourists to rural areas especially the coastal ones by - promoting joint environmentally-friendly rural / coastal tourism packages (e.g. farm, food tourism, hiking, winter sports, nature tourism), - co-operating in planning rural and coastal tourism investments. (Lead: Rural Development Networks + Leader networks + the European RD Network) Slide 9 Maaelu arengu programmid MAK-de hised tegevused ja vibolla ka meetmed kogu makroregioonis? Komisjoni ja liikmesriikide hine seminar 2011 esimesel poolel Helsingis Maaelu arengu vrgustike koost: Lnemere piirkonna maaelu arengu vrgustik; hised projektid Sustainable rural development was developed by the Nordic/Baltic Networks (coord. Sweden / Poland) Work mainly through LAGs with trans-national cooperation funding Slide 10 Maaelu arengu programmeerimine Liikmesriigid viksid kaaluda: Lnemere Piirkonna Strateegia eesmrkide kajastamist MAK-is. Strateegia arvestamist maaelu arengu rahastamisel (kogu makro-regioonile kasulikud tegevused, kui sobivad rahvuslike maaelu arengu eesmrkidega). Strateegia elluviimise arutamist aastakoosolekutel Komisjoniga + info MAK aastaaruannetes. Strateegia kasutamist MAK 2014-2020 he alusdokumendina (meetmete koosklastamine makro- regioonis, hised uuringud ja seire). Tnan!

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