

Printed Circuit Boards & Electronic Components

16 March 2015

This project has received funding from the European

Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant

agreement no 319024.





WP5 Partners













PCBS & ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS LEAD ULLA-MAIJA MROUEH (VTT) EMAIL: [email protected] TEL: +35 (0) 8405261449 WP5 – WP LEADER DANIELA VELTE (TECNALIA) EMAIL: [email protected] TEL: +34 607247591 GENERAL QUERIES: [email protected]

Introduction It is the purpose of the CRM_InnoNet roadmaps to shed light on possible pathways to material substitution in products and technologies essential for providing energy, transport and communication services. This document has been compiled for the purpose of the public consultation on the CRM Substitution Roadmaps prepared by CRM_InnoNet and presents some background information on how the CRM substitution roadmaps were elaborated as well as a short summary of the conclusions drawn from the roadmap elaboration in the priority area of Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) and Electronic Components. This document should be read together with the draft roadmap table for PCBs and Electronic Components. Further information should be requested via [email protected].

CRM_InnoNet Roadmap Elaboration Five roadmaps have been elaborated in the context of the CRM_InnoNet project1 with focus on applications to be considered of strategic importance for the European industry and which may be exposed to potential Critical Raw Material (CRM) supply risks. CRM_InnoNet is concerned with the 14 raw materials identified as critical for the EU in 20102 and project work to date includes:

Mapping of the main uses and current substitution possibilities of the 14 CRMs3 (WP3) Detailed supply chain analysis of CRM-containing applications in the energy, ICT and electronics,

and transport sector4 (WP4) Methodology development and prioritisation of applications likely to be under threat from

bottlenecks in CRM supply (WP2)

Results obtained from WPs 3, 4 and 2 formed the basis for the elaboration of the CRM Substitution Roadmaps (WP5), which explain possible substitution strategies for CRMs in:

Printed Circuit Boards and electronic components Permanent-magnet based applications such as Electric Motors and Drives Batteries and Accumulators High-value Alloys Photonics (also referred to as “high-end optics” in other CRM deliverables)

The CRM_InnoNet roadmaps consider four substitution strategies, which make it possible to reduce Europe’s demand for scarce materials or to use these materials more efficiently during a product’s lifetime5:

“Substance for substance” can be considered “pure” material substitution, for example nanodots replacing rare earths-based phosphors in lasers

“Process for process” means a major change to the way a product is fabricated, which is one of the most attractive options in metal processing (example: advanced metallurgical synthesis processes to replace CRM containing alloys)

“Service for product” refers to business models which help to extend the useful life of a product and the intensity of use, for example through leasing or sharing arrangements, and which can also help to increase recycling rates

“New technologies for substance” refers to innovative products, for example OLED, which could gradually substitute others, which require a higher CRM content (LED).

The roadmapping methodology used by CRM_InnoNet is based on the theoretical framework of “Transition Theory”6. Transition theory distinguishes between the “socio-technical regime”, which aligns the activities of major social groups to a predominant mainstream, the “niches” at the micro-level where radical novelties emerge, and the “landscape”, referring to the exogenous developments beyond direct impact of regime and niche actors. Figure 1 shows illustrative examples for the three levels of transition theory from the perspective of the socio-technical raw material regime.

Figure 1: The three levels of transition theory illustrated for the socio-

technical raw material regime

Based on this analytical framework, specific expertise was drawn into the process to discuss the future visions of technologies and innovation strategies aiming to substitute critical raw materials. For this purpose, CRM_InnoNet engaged a wide range of experts and collected feedback on expected future developments for each of the priority applications via an online survey, a set of “Vision Workshops” and further expert interviews. The contributions received formed the basis for the elaboration of the actual roadmaps by the CRM_InnoNet team. The work process is shown in Figure 2.

Landscape  developments:  climate  change,  mul.polar  world,  global  economic  compe..on,  etc.  

Raw  material  regime:  material-­‐intense  lifestyles,  policy  priority  on  primary  raw  materials,  market  oligopoly  of  large  mining  companies,  etc.  

Niches:  post  consump.on  lifestyle  experiments,  local  closed-­‐loop  economies,  R&D  on  CRM-­‐free  materials,  etc.  

Figure 2: Process for CRM_InnoNet Roadmap Elaboration

The horizon for the roadmap exercise was established at the outset of the project at 2030, since in this period presently emerging technologies can be taken to commercial maturity. Obviously, historical material development timelines in the different markets need to be taken into account. Yet, opportunities for accelerating material innovation are arising, thanks to new design and modelling techniques. Accelerating innovation in the materials field and shortening the time to market for new materials is a key element for substitution, according to industry sources and experts from academy participating in the CRM_InnoNet roadmapping exercise.

By establishing the cause-effect relation and a logical sequence of actions, a strategic vision arises from the roadmapping process, which can guide policy-making in the field of material substitution. The roadmaps also permit to identify priorities for policy and research actions, which forms the focus for the final work package of CRM_InnoNet and will conclude the project (WP8 Vision and Policy Recommendations).

Interpretation of the Roadmap Table

This document should be read together with the draft roadmap table provided for download. Based on cross-sectoral challenges identified in the expert discussion, this table has been drawn up to provide answers that will help to develop a European strategy for CRM substitution, focussing on:

1. The expected development of drivers for technologies, which could increase the overall demand for CRMs by 2030 unless action is taken.

2. Developments driven by industry, which act in favour of market-uptake of new CRM-free solutions or solutions requiring a lower CRM-content from here to 2030.

3. Trends in regulation that could influence the expected demand for CRM-containing technologies and / or CRM-free alternatives in the coming years.

4. Research initiatives, which may provide new solutions over the next 15 years, although they are not yet clearly backed by industry.

The roadmap table identifies potential substitution technologies that may exist at different time-horizons. These are not intended to be “objectives” to be reached, but aim at identifying potential substitute technologies that may exist at different timeframes, based on market dynamics and research trends, and may provide an alternative to a potential CRM issue.

The time-scale of the different technologies attempts to capture the maturity of their respective development. Given the multiplicity of potential alternative technologies, no assumption is made whether a given technology has more chance for a “break-through” than another one. Difference may however arise with respect to specific markets, in link with the present perception of the strength/weaknesses of each technology.

Obviously, the vision of market technologies at the horizon 2030 is highly uncertain, and should be considered as such.

Short Summary of the Substitution Roadmap: PCBs and

Electronic Components The European electronic components industry has a significant impact on the EU economy both in production values and in jobs even though the biggest global actors are situated outside Europe. Europe is particularly strong in high performance electronics used in innovative industrial and professional end applications. The application sectors include transport, power, health, security and other industrial. Europe is also well positioned in the R&D of new manufacturing solutions and materials: printed and organic electronics, additive manufacturing/3D printing, nanoelectronics and system integration.

The roadmap considers assembled printed circuit boards (PCBAs) and the electronic components used in the assemblies. The structural and material composition of PCBAs is defined by the performance requirements of the end application, which may be different even in the same kind of applications. Practically all the PCBAs and their components rely on one or more critical raw materials (CRMs), and usually the high performance applications have the highest CRM dependencies.

Supply risks or criticality of raw materials have not been among the main concerns of the sector. The key drivers are the performance requirements as defined by the applications, flexibility, miniaturisation, temperature resistance, short lifecycles of the products and to an extent price. There are, however, some examples where substitution has taken place, such as:

Replacement of PdAg multilayer ceramic capacitors (MLCCs) by Nickel based MLCCs in most of the applications. PdAg is still used in the high performance applications, especially in aeronautic and military sectors. The main driver for substitution has been the rising Palladium (Pd) price. Wider substitution has been enabled by the development of ceramic materials. Also the consumption of PdAg in conductive tracks of hybrid integrated circuits has been decreased due to the miniaturisation of the circuits7.

Replacement of tantalum (Ta) capacitors by multilayer ceramic capacitors has decreased the consumption of Ta in electronics.

Substitution of materials prohibited or expected to be prohibited by the legislation. So far the main focus has not been on CRMs, but the phasing out of toxic compounds, such as lead solders. The forward-looking companies of the sector have also started discussions on taking into account the impact of extraction and on conflict-free material sourcing, which could enhance substitution.

Tablet and mobile phone substitution of PCs has reduced the consumption of Ruthenium (Ru) in electronics. Ru is mainly used in hard discs, which are not needed in mobile devices.

At present the main concern is the use of Gallium (Ga) in PCBAs and electronic components. Due to its unique properties about 60 % of Ga is used in integrated circuits and transistors in mobile devices, WiFi etc. In addition, the efficiency requirements of the power electronics applications have led to the substitution of silicon (Si) with GaN in a part of power electronics. It is expected that the consumption of GaN will grow and be about tenfold by the year 2025. SiC and InP have been studied as potential substitutes for GaAs, but both Si and In are also CRMs. There has been some research on graphene as a substitute for Si and potentially for Ga, but graphene is still in the development stage. Probably it is not suitable for current type of circuits, which means that more fundamental changes in electronics are needed.

Future developments, such as increasing adoption of data centres and growing demand of high performance electronics may induce limited growth of the consumption of platinum (Pt) and Pd. Also

beryllium (Be) is a potential concern because of its criticality and toxicity. About 20 % of Be is used in electronics, most usually as BeCu alloy. Potential substitutes include Ni, Si, Sn or Ti. One example of phasing out of beryllium connectors in phones has been presented by Nokia (currently Microsoft). BeCu is still mostly used because of its performance characteristics, but there are possibilities for more extensive substitution in the future.

Substance by substance substitution strategies have in many cases turned out to be poorly suitable for electronic components, because until now the only substitutes with decent performance characteristics have been critical raw materials with similar properties as the original material. Therefore the most probable options for reduction of the consumption of critical raw materials will take advantage of the expected future development of electronics manufacturing and material technologies, such as development of printed electronics, additive manufacturing technologies (3D printing) and nanoelectronics. Instead of trying to find substitutes with similar performance characteristics as the materials in the current electronic components, the new solutions should offer new functionalities required by the future applications. Reduction of consumption of CRMs can be enabled for example by development of organic inks and organic electronic components, 3D printing enabling printing inside the housing replacing printed circuit board and integration of components, such as electronics, sensors and batteries. Also continued miniaturisation of electronics will further reduce the consumption of CRMs.


2 Ad-hoc Working Group on defining critical raw materials (2010) Critical raw materials for the EU: European Commission

3 The report detailing the 14 critical raw material profiles is available via the project website at

4 The report “Critical Raw Material Supply Chain Analysis for the Energy Sector” is available at, the report “Critical Raw Material Supply Chain Analysis for the ICT Sector” is available at, the report “Critical Raw Material Supply Chain Analysis for the Transport Sector” is available at A summary report can be found at

5 CRM_InnoNet recognises and promotes the complementarity of other approaches to reducing Europe’s demand for scarce materials and/or Europe’s dependence on imports of scarce materials, such as recycling, reuse, recovery etc.

6 Geels, F. W., Research Policy, 31, 1257-1274 (2002); Geels, F. W., Research Policy, 33, 897-920 (2004); Geels, F. W., Schot, J., Research Policy, 36, 399-417 (2007)

7 Bulliondesk 2014:

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