Page 1: Dr. Ishrat Husain's · Dr. Ishrat Husain's Message As practitioners, teachers and students of Business Administration, we are all aware

Institute ofBusiness AdministrationKarachi

Leadership and Ideas for Tomorrow



IBA Newsletter for Employees

Charting the Future of IBANow that IBA has boldly declared its mission tojoin the ranks of the top 100 Business Schools ofthe world by the year 2014, it is time to chart ourfuture plans realistically. The breakthrough questionis: How can IBA attain this goal? It is clear that ourstrategy to achieve this feat must be impactful,substantial, and pressing. The recent South AsianAccreditation is one step in the right direction.

IBA must focus on the variables that are assessedby accreditation agencies in arriving at internationalstandards. Foremost are a highly qualified facultyand a well equipped infrastructure which requirea pool of ‘funds’; the ‘size’ of the institution measuredby the number of graduate students; and ‘studentquality’ determined by test scores (GMATinternationally).

The product or ‘output quality’ also plays a hugerole in determining rankings. The perceived qualityof graduates is one of the most important resourcesof business schools in attracting potential students

and employees. Percentage increase in the MBAgraduate’s salary from graduation to three yearsafter graduation is used as a measure, as it ishypothesized that better quality graduates tend tobe paid more.

Another critical component is ‘research productivity’.In fact, the top Business Schools emphasizeresearch strongly and stress its influence onenhancing the reputation of a school. This ismeasured by the number of publications per facultymember in leading academic and research journals.IBA will need to work towards developing researchcapacities with at least three groundbreakingresearch outputs produced in the next three years.This will facilitate the introduction of PhD programsin the near future.

Finally, the 'degree of internationalization' is asignificant factor in determining the ranking of aBusiness School. To link the local with the globalis a challenge IBA must take up.

For IBA, the students' experience is the heart ofthe matter. Everything we do must be aimed atpreparing students to become effective businessexecutives. From lectures to mentoring, fromcorporate to social internship programs, frommanagement of co-curricular events to studentsworking part-time at IBA, every feature has to bestimulating, challenging and intellectually rigorous.

Quite clearly, the faculty’s role is of criticalimportance in ensuring this. However, taking it astep further, the entire IBA experience, commencingfrom when a potential student makes an enquiryto when he/she becomes an alumnus, is of supremeimportance. This experience is made possible bythe collective efforts of the IBA team. Support unitsand staff, program directors, and counselors areall extremely important in ensuring an overall levelof satisfaction which in turn will bring IBA closer toachieving higher accreditations.

Issue 4In This Issue

05 The Big Rocks, WSN Lab05 Scaling New Heights07 New Appointments, Retirement Policy

02 The SDP, A New Haven03 Renovation, Refurbishment, Revival03 Tradition for a Cause

03 Prof. Ayesha Jalal Visits IBA04 NTHP & STHP, Opinion Poll04 IBA Uses Cloud Computing

Dr. Ishrat Husain's MessageAs practitioners, teachers and students of Business Administration, we are all aware that no organization - whether in the public sector, private sector, non-governmental sector - concerned with either industrial production, service provision, regulation and public administration can succeed in its endeavorswithout the collective efforts of all its stakeholders. In case of IBA, the main stakeholders are students, faculty, staff, alumni, trustees, donors, governmentand the Board members. Collaborative teamwork, through which all the different stakeholders are consulted and are able to articulate their views, is theonly certain way to bring about the best results. Open communication and keeping everyone informed are essential parts of teamwork and hence theestablishment of this forum.

Executive Committee meeting in progress

Page 2: Dr. Ishrat Husain's · Dr. Ishrat Husain's Message As practitioners, teachers and students of Business Administration, we are all aware


A New HavenIBA Projects Department proudly announces thestartup of the construction of 'Student Center at IBAMain Campus'. The Department has successfullycompleted all pre-construction phases and finalizedthe design of the 29,701 square feet Student Center.

The architecture of the proposed Student Center isan expression of freedom, openness and fun. Allthe functional units are situated around the centralcourtyard. This planning integrates the inside withthe outside and provides a green view of the centralcourtyard from all indoor spaces. It has a seatingcapacity of 500+, a stage, a visually pleasingreflecting pool and an amphitheater that will act asan ideal meeting point and a social events space.

Apart from this, the one-story Student Center housesa cafeteria and dining hall for 90, a kitchen, lounge,

offices, an indoor play area, badminton court,gymnasium, computer lab, printing room, toilets, etc.

The building includes special features such as HVACSystem based on package units, fire alarm, fire fighting(hose reel), emergency exits, IT facilities, ramp forthe differently-abled, and an intercom system.

The Student Center will be the most prominent amongthe infrastructural developments at IBA. The complexis estimated to be completed by October, 2012. Artist’s impression of Students Center-Front View

Artist’s impression of Students Center-Side ViewArtist’s impression of Students Center-Aerial

The Student Development ProgramThe Student Development Program (SDP) is aninitiative which will aid students in meeting theirpersonal and professional goals. It is a distinct newfeature in IBA's approach to a personalizededucation.

At IBA, the focus is the inculcation of high ethicalvalues within our student body. They need to bearmed with virtues of integrity, truth, tolerance,discipline and merit to distinguish themselves fromtheir peers in practical life. The SDP, along withIBA's academic plan and extracurricular activities,strives to ensure this.

Under this Program, faculty members will act asFaculty Advisors, Academic Guides andDevelopmental Coaches to all students of thefreshmen year, thereby offering them academic,administrative, and campus-life related advice andinformation. They are guided in these matters interms of values, skills and competencies requiredto perform well in a job. The aim is to increasestudents' self-awareness, so that they may work atimproving their overall leadership, teamwork, andinterpersonal skills.

A Special Orientation to SDP session was held forthe incoming BBA, MBA, BS classes on September4, 2011, where they were introduced to the programdetails and were assigned Faculty Advisors. Meetings

were held between the two to get the ball rolling.Subsequently, Developmental Coaching Sessions arebeing held for all entering students every Saturdaywhich have been received very well by the students.Our faculty and alumni, who are acting as Coaches,have been trained by Mr. Jami Moiz, Ms. MaheenGhauri and Ms. Lalarukh Ejaz in a special half daysession. These three faculty members had visited theBabson College in the US as part of their training forentrepreneurship teaching. There they observed thatcoaching was an effective way to raise self-awarenessamong students. Our ICT Department, specificallyMr. Imran Batada and his team, played a vital role inthe execution of the SDP by the timely developmentof supporting applications that have made the systemuser friendly.

Under this Program, students will also be offeredCareer Counseling as well as Personal Counselingservices. Specially trained in Personal Counseling,Ms. Nyla Ansari will act as the key resource person.This service is another first at IBA and will give studentsthe opportunity to resolve, in a professional manner,personal concerns that may impact their studies.

The Career Development Center (CDC) is theoperational unit responsible for execution of the SDP.Physically located at the IBA City Campus, the CDCoffers a focal point for graduating students to seekcareer guidance. Ms. Nyla will be supported by theCDC in the area of Career Counseling for all students.With this Program, IBA has once again blazed thetrail in adding a whole new dimension to teaching.

Students attending the SDP session

Dr. Ishrat Husain with the Faculty

Ayesha Menai, Jami Moiz & Nyla Ansariaddressing the students

Page 3: Dr. Ishrat Husain's · Dr. Ishrat Husain's Message As practitioners, teachers and students of Business Administration, we are all aware


Tradition for a CauseThe Class of 1986 has commemorated its 25thanniversary by setting the tradition of presentingmeaningful class gifts.

Batch of 1986 has pledged to generate Rs. 6million for an Endowment Fund out of whichRs. 2.1 million have already been raised. TheFund is expected to support two to three fullstudent scholarships every year.

The Class of 2011 also took off as proud alumniof IBA; the 56th graduating class has presenteda graduating class gift to support the educationof worthy students at IBA. Each student hasdonated Rs. 5,000 to raise a total of Rs. 1.5million. The amount contributed shall help at least7 deserving students gain 100% scholarship for2 Semesters.

This is a great way to thank the Institute, and atthe same time make it possible for meritoriousstudents to study here despite financialconstraints. IBA is proud to have an alumni basethat so actively connects itself to its alma-mater.

Renovation,Refurbishment,RevivalIBA is on a journey of revitalization of its academicand infrastructural assets. This expansion hasnecessitated a reform in its physical structures.At the IBA City Campus, the challenge was torenovate an occupied administrative building andto simultaneously maintain uninterrupted utilitiesto the people working there.

This project represents just a fraction of the megaplans in store for giving IBA a whole new lookand providing the best infrastructural facilities toits students, faculty and staff.

The entire Projects' team, comprising of engineers,project managers, consultants and contractorsrose to the challenge of constructing a new blocksimultaneously to ensure working space for thestaff and met targets in the face of an unfavorablelaw and order situation in Karachi.

It is with a note of pride that we commend thewell coordinated teamwork with which the entirebuilding was completed by September 30, 2011.The building now has an increased number ofoffices and various additional facilities includingprayer areas for men and women, ExaminationDepartment, Computer Lab and Data Center.

The Atrium: spacious and artistic inner corridors

Façade: Administration Block, City Campus

Professor Ayesha Jalal of Tufts University andfamous author of 'The Sole Spokesman' spenttwo days at IBA. Ms. Jalal is amongst the mostprominent American academics who writesabout the history of South Asia. She interactedwith the students and the Faculty of SocialSciences. The main purpose of her visit wasto advise on the content, coverage andcurriculum of the Social Sciences subjects thatare being introduced as part of the revampedBBA program.

A Visit by ProfessorAyesha Jalal

The Center for Executive Education (CEE) at IBAconducted a 'Transformational Leadership Program'from July 18-21, 2011 for senior managers and toplevel executives from various organizations. Held atAvari Towers with a total of 27 participants, thisworkshop was led by Dr. Nasir Afghan. Other trainersincluded Dr. Sajjad Haider, Dr. Shahid Qureshi andMr. Mir Azfar. The Program was well received andwill be repeated in due time.

Dr. Nasir Afghan imparting leadership training

A Workshop on Customer Service was conductedfor the staff of IBA. A total of 47 staff membersparticipated. Led by Mr. Syed Safdar Mehdi Jafri,the objective was to train the staff to better understandcustomers' requirements. Participants wereencouraged to develop a greater insight into theirown behaviors and to explore the effect it may haveon others. Mr. Jafri conducted several individual andgroup activities to highlight the existing pattern ofservices and ponder over further improvement.

Workshop on Customer Service

Executive EducationEnterprises

Page 4: Dr. Ishrat Husain's · Dr. Ishrat Husain's Message As practitioners, teachers and students of Business Administration, we are all aware

IBA Uses CloudComputingThe IBA Information and CommunicationsTechnology (ICT) Department has implementedCloud Computing for the deployment of its informationmanagement software, PeopleSoft ERP - CMSModule, making IBA the first university in the entireAsia-Pacific Region to do so.

Cloud Computing enables the virtualization andsharing of data and resources more efficiently. Sinceboth of our Data Centers are under construction,the Cloud will be under operation till they getreconstructed in the next few months. This willensure that the ERP software runs smoothly.


For feedback andsuggestions,write to us at

[email protected]

Opinion PollThe Current values the views of its readers. Justrecently, we went on a drive to find out what youthink about this publication. Readers unanimouslywished that The Current should increase itscirculation. It is heartening to know such a desireexists and hopefully we will stretch our reachto a greater number of our stakeholders. Oninterviewing some members of the faculty, thefollowing came up:

• This quarterly publication is an effective platformto endorse the changes at IBA.

• It serves not only as a promotional tool but keeps one updated about the developments

at IBA.

• Some members of the IBA faculty felt that the pictorial representation of The Current should

be more IBA-centric; a more holistic approachto IBA should be adopted.

• Perhaps the magazine should include opinionsof its stakeholders - where they feel IBA is going.

The Current at IBA

Improvesknowledgeabout IBA

Acts as amotivator for

IBA staff

Is a fairrepresentative


its circulation












The Success ofNational and SindhTalent HuntPrograms

The National Talent Hunt Program (NTHP) waslaunched in 2004 and the Sindh Talent Hunt Program(STHP) in 2009. Both ventures aim to prepare highachieving students from the less-privileged regionsof the country for IBA's aptitude test for BBA andBS degree programs.

Last summer, 73 students who were selected underthe NTHP and STHP received two months oforientation at IBA. It is a matter of great satisfactionfor IBA that 28 students cleared the IBA entry testand got admitted into the BBA and BS programs.They will now receive full scholarships and stipendsfor their complete four-year stay at IBA. This successrate of 38 percent is much higher than the 23 percentachieved last year. One of the students, Uzma Raufalso secured the 31st position on the merit list.

“We like the teamwork idea, but Mr. Superstarwon’t let us play with his ball.”

A human being is a part of thewhole, called by us 'Universe,'a part limited in time and space.

He experiences himself, histhoughts and feelings as

something separated from therest - a kind of optical delusion

of his consciousness. Thisdelusion is a kind of prison forus, restricting us to our personaldesires and to affection for a

few persons nearest to us. Ourtask must be to free ourselvesfrom this prison by widening ourcircle of compassion to embraceall living creatures and the wholeof nature in its beauty. Nobody

is able to achieve thiscompletely, but the striving forsuch achievement is in itself a

part of the liberation and afoundation for inner security.

Dr. Zeenat informing about the program

- Albert Einstein

Page 5: Dr. Ishrat Husain's · Dr. Ishrat Husain's Message As practitioners, teachers and students of Business Administration, we are all aware


The Big RocksOne day, an expert was speaking to a group ofbusiness students and, to drive home a point, usedan illustration I'm sure those students will neverforget. After I share it with you, you'll never forgetit either.

As this man stood in front of the group of high-powered over-achievers he said, "Okay, time for aquiz." Then he pulled out a one-gallon, wide-mouthedmason jar and set it on a table in front of him. Thenhe produced about a dozen fist-sized rocks andcarefully placed them, one at a time, into the jar.

When the jar was filled to the top and no more rockswould fit inside, he asked, "Is this jar full?" Everyonein the class said, "Yes." Then he said, "Really?" Hereached under the table and pulled out a bucket ofgravel. Then he dumped some gravel in and shookthe jar causing pieces of gravel to work themselvesdown into the spaces between the big rocks.

Then he smiled and asked the group once more,"Is the jar full?" By this time the class was onto him."Probably not" one of them answered. "Good!" hereplied. And he reached under the table and broughtout a bucket of sand. He started dumping the sandin and it went into all the spaces left between therocks and the gravel. Once more he asked thequestion, "Is this jar full?"

"No!" the class shouted. Once again he said, "Good!"Then he grabbed a pitcher of water and began topour it in until the jar was filled to the brim. Then helooked up at the class and asked, "What is the pointof this illustration?"

Scaling New HeightsIBA wins South Asian AccreditationIBA joined the selected group of seven other topBusiness Schools in South Asia - six from Indiaand one from Pakistan (LUMS) as it was awardedthe coveted Accreditation by the South Asian QualityAssurance System (SAQS).

The SAQS developed by the Association ofManagement Development Institutions of SouthAsia with its headquarter in Hyderabad, India,evaluates Business Schools in the region againsta rigorous criteria and quality parameters of theEuropean Quality Assurance System (EQUAS).

SAQS Accredited, the highest standard ofachievement for management schools, is a qualitylabel which assures that the institution hasbenchmarked itself with leading global schools inthe world with respect to continuous qualityimprovement.

Quality parameters required to receive the SAQSAccreditation include: institutional mission and itsalignment, faculty capability and composition,curricula quality, admission and delivery system,research and executive education, global andregional network, promoting connections with the

corporate world and making contributions to thecommunity, and academic and physicalinfrastructure.

Commenting on the award of this distinctive honor,the Dean and Director of IBA, Dr. Ishrat Husainsaid, “This is just the beginning of a long journeyupon which we have embarked. The followinghurdles such as securing the European andAmerican accreditation are more stringent andarduous to cross. But we will continue to do ourutmost to move in that direction.”

One eager beaver raised his hand and said, "Thepoint is, no matter how full your schedule is, if youtry really hard, you can always fit some more thingsinto it!"

"No," the speaker replied, "that's not the point. Thetruth this illustration teaches us is: If you don't put thebig rocks in first, you'll never get them in at all."

What are the big rocks in your life? A project that youwant to accomplish? Time with your loved ones? Yourfaith, your education, your finances? A cause? Teachingor mentoring others? Remember to put these BigRocks in first or you'll never get them in at all.

Taken from Stephen R.Covey's writings

WSN Lab at IBA

Wireless SensorNetwork (WSN) LabEstablished at FCSFCS at IBA had been busy adding another lab toits name this Fall. A Wireless Sensor Network(WSN) Lab has been established at the FCS toconduct state-of-the-art research in various areasof WSN technologies. Wireless sensors are tinydevices called motes that sense variousenvironmental parameters in their close proximityand relay the sensed data to a nearby base stationfor further processing and analysis. Examples ofsensor data include temperature, light intensity,humidity, seismic activities, habitat monitoring,structural monitoring, surveillance, industrialcontrols, military applications, etc.

At present, the WSN equipment at IBA consistsof IRIS motes with integrated processing andcommunication modules; sensor boards withtemperature and light sensing capabilities; andGateways (base station) to receive wirelesssensor data from various motes that provide aninterface to PC via a USB port for processingand analysis. All the WSN equipment ismanufactured by Crossbow Inc. of USA andsupplied with customized software to configureand program these sensor motes.

A new course is also being offered to PhD andMS students at IBA this semester where hands-on research in various areas pertaining to WSNsis being conducted using the WSN equipment.Areas of research include Clustering Models andAlgorithms using Bayesian Networks, FaultTolerance Analysis in Heterogeneous WSN andRouting Issues in WSNs.

Page 6: Dr. Ishrat Husain's · Dr. Ishrat Husain's Message As practitioners, teachers and students of Business Administration, we are all aware

Orientation Speech of Dr. Saeed Ghani

Dr. Talat Wizarat's speech at the flaghoisting on 14th August at the City Campus


Supervising the Student Society Election Polling Mr. S. M. Saeed at the Orientation

View of students attending the Orientation Session Dr. Ishrat and Mr. Zafar Siddiqui with Alumni

IBA Alumni at the reunion in UK

Director CEE, Mr. Izhar Hussain attending aworkshop with other staff members Dr. Ishrat and Mr. Zafar with the UK Alumni

IBA staff at the workshop on Customer Service New students in group discussion with their Faculty Advisor

The Student Society promotional stalls at the Orientation

The Finance Department staff at work

SDP - Holistic view of receptions

Dr. Huma Baqai during a lecture

Flag hoisting by Mr. Saleem Umer, Capt. Zaheer and Dr. Talat Wizarat

Ms. Tabassum Jabeen’s farewell

Workshop at CEE

IBA staff during the Iftar Dinner at the Main Campus Captain Zaheer and Dr. Ishrat at the Iftar Dinner

Page 7: Dr. Ishrat Husain's · Dr. Ishrat Husain's Message As practitioners, teachers and students of Business Administration, we are all aware


New Appointments

Muhammad Ather RanaExecutive - AdministrationJoined on August 8, 2011Registrar’s OfficeMBA (Marketing-In process), KASBIT;B-Com, University of Karachi.

Maryyam Atti-Ur-RehmanProgram Office-MBAJoined on July 20, 2011MBA, Govt. College University, Lahore;B.Sc, Govt. Kinnaird College forWomen, Lahore.

Muhammad AnwarHead Librarian & InchargeResearch Data CenterJoined on September 19, 2011Library, FBA & FCSMasters (Library and Information Science),International Islamic University, Malaysia;Masters (Library Science), Punjab University;B.Sc (Statistics and Mathematics),Bahauddin Zakaria University, Multan.

Dr. Muhammad Ather ElahiAssistant Professor & Research FellowJoined on September 5, 2011Economics and Finance, FBAPhD (Finance), M.Phil Business (Finance),Tilburg University, The Netherlands;MBA (Finance), IoBM Karachi;MSc (Economics), University of Karachi;B.Sc (Hons) (Economics Mathematicsand Statistics), University of Karachi.

Syed Fahim uddinManager,General Maintenance Services/SecurityJoined on August 16, 2011Facilities Maintenance & Management,Registrar’s OfficeMAS, MPA, LLB & B.Sc, Karachi University.

Dr. Huma AmirAssistant ProfessorRejoined after completion of StudyLeave on July 25, 2011Marketing DepartmentPhD (Marketing), Warwick BusinessSchool, University of Warwick, UK;MBA (Marketing), IBA, Karachi;B. Com, Karachi University.

Muhammad HanifPurchase ExecutiveJoined on September 27, 2011Registrar’s OfficeMBA (Marketing), Al-Khair University;B-Com, University of Karachi.

Ms. Maria HassanLecturerhas been promoted asAssistant Professorw.e.f. August 25, 2011.

Mr. S. Imran SaqibLecturerhas been promoted asAssistant Professorw.e.f. July 22, 2011.

Faculty Promotions

Page 8: Dr. Ishrat Husain's · Dr. Ishrat Husain's Message As practitioners, teachers and students of Business Administration, we are all aware

Institute ofBusiness AdministrationKarachi

Leadership and Ideas for Tomorrow

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