Page 1: Demand Respect From Negligent Employers

Demand Respect From Negligent Employers

Page 2: Demand Respect From Negligent Employers

Falls in the workplace that result in serious injuries are often the fault of negligent employers. If you find yourself in this situation and your employers are refusing a settlement, you must continue to demand your rightful compensation.

  If you experience a fall at your Escondido work

location that lands you in the hospital, chances are that your employer shares some of the blame. In fact, the entirety of the blame may actually fall on your employer, and not on you. That’s why it’s important to demand compensation for your injuries and financial losses that result from workplace accidents. A slip and fall case attorney in Escondido can help you understand your rights and get you the compensation you deserve.

Page 3: Demand Respect From Negligent Employers

Think about it – how often do you fall hard enough to be hospitalized? Chances are, not very often. Perhaps this is your first time. You don’t fall regularly because most of the places you spend time in are built for safety. You don’t have to look down at your feet all the time, and you shouldn’t have to. Of course, if you’re going rock climbing, you know you’ll need to take some extra precautions. But work is not rock climbing. Work should be as safe as possible, as your slip and fall case attorney in Escondido will readily tell you.

Page 4: Demand Respect From Negligent Employers

So when you fall at work, don’t just chalk it up to chance. There’s probably a reason, and your employers probably know it too. The most common cause of work place falls is unclean and unsafe floor surface conditions. Any wet or soiled floor area should be clearly indicated by signs, and if they are unmarked, they can create a serious hazard for employees. Other reasons for falls at work include inappropriate footwear, inadequate hazard identification and insufficient training. Some jobs, such as construction, may have some inherent danger, but employers are expected to provide thorough training so that employees can stay safe on the job. Your expert slip and fall case attorney in Escondido is knowledgeable in the various ways employers can be negligent about workplace safety.

Page 5: Demand Respect From Negligent Employers

Employers often know that they are partially to blame for an accident. Unfortunately, they might not readily admit their guilt. They deny their responsibilities because they are hoping that you will just blame either fate or your own clumsiness or the accident when they refuse to admit they had a hand in creating unsafe situations. It is important that you continue to pressure these negligent employers even if they refuse to settle right off the bat. Eventually, with some solid legal help at your side, you will prevail.

  If your employers refuse to provide a settlement for

your slip and fall case, they are adding insult to injury. Hire a slip and fall case attorney in Escondido today, visit this website.

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