Page 1: Daughter of a Witch Jess’s Story

Daughter of a Witch Jess’s Story“Are people born wicked or do they have wickedness thrust upon them?” Glinda, Wicked the musical Act 1 Author’s Note: This was filmed before my new camera mod so please bear with the pictures Thank you

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Ciara was a witch, there was no way of phrasing it differently. She had once been a powerful sorceress but then she was shunned by her people and then she had cursed Kimberton. Then there was nothing left except her daughter Ida Jessica, she had another daughter Ida’s twin Charlotte a weak ill baby. Charlotte had been disposed of by “E” her half brother. E was currently posing as a college student named Edwin Sharpe.

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A few years later Ida ran quite happily in her mother’s garden, Ciara watched sadly, tears came to her eyes “Oh little Ida,” she whispered “Don’t ever leave me please don’t,”

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Ida sat studying her books on sorcery when she heard voices, her mother and her mother’s faithful assistant Audrina. “GO AUDRINA,” Ciara screamed her voice piercing. “Go back to that stupid cow Madeline Heavenly and marry that stupid son of hers!” Then Ida heard the door slam, Audrina was gone.

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When Ida was 18 years old, her mother wanted to talk to her. “Ida, I have arranged that you will marry a man named Liam Heavenly,” Ida frowned she didn’t like anyone her mother liked What would that Heavenly boy be like? Then she heard her mother “You will kill him after your marriage!” ice ran through Ida’s veins and she ran out the door.

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That night Ida ran away into the darkness, she had a bank account with stacks of money, she’d cut her hair and change her clothes and then she’d have a new name when she finally arrived at college. She would be Jessica Robinson.

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Ida escaped from Ciara’s compound at dawn, a new day. Ciara watched her go and tears ran down her cheeks. “Oh my little girl,” she whispered “Why did you have to leave me?” Now a question for you reader, Is Ciara really wicked? Only I have the answer, and in eight generations I will give you your answer...

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