
Daniel Caskey

Top Tips for New

Tennis Players

Don’t Sweat Every Point

Tennis can be a frustrating game to master, and missing

multiple points in a row can make you very annoyed.

Don’t worry about every single point in your first few

tennis games.

Remember that you are simply learning and that mistakes

will be made.

Find a new playing partner who will understand your

weaknesses and try to make you better with friendly


Choosing the Right

Tennis Racket

The first problem you’re likely to experience as a new

tennis player is choosing the wrong type of racket.

You should spend some time in a sports shop trying out

different rackets.

Find one that is light enough to hold for extended periods.

It should also be easy to grip and swing and have a

medium-level of tension.

Later on, if you snap a string, you can adjust the tension to

your swing power.

Preparing and Unwinding

Warming up and cooling down is necessary before and

after every game. Why? This process helps prepare your

body for action during the game and relaxation once the

game is over.

Light jogging and stretching your arms and legs should

be good enough.

During the game, take breaks between sets to drink some

water or eat a small snack. These breaks will keep you in

good shape during the play.

Avoid eating or drinking too much, though, or you might

get cramps.

Hitting Tips

When you are first starting tennis, you’re going to find

yourself swinging wildly at the ball. That’s okay because

you’re learning.

Get to the point where you are always in a position to

return the ball after a bounce.

Hit at the waist level for the most control.

You should also be exercising regularly to improve your

stamina and foot speed. Jumping rope improves both of

these skills.

Make sure that you start slow, however, as skipping rope

can be a very demanding activity for someone who is out

of shape.

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