Page 1: COURSE PHOTOGRAPHY FOR AMATEURS! nil- · COURSE IN PHOTOGRAPHY FOR AMATEURS! ... curve, and at once we get the grace that was lacking. ... will be finable to poe in the illustration

jpjUW J'i;A 'jijmi





(Concluded.)Br F. DUNDAS TODD.

In dealing with the portrait of a lady wemuot consider another and most Importantpoint gracefulness. This Is attained bcombining with the pyramid a double-curve- d

line, well named the "line of beau-ty." In figure 13 we have an example ofportraiture In which the figure la com-posed on the lines of a pyramid; there-fore the position Is "stable," but any onecan see that It Is not graceful. If we runa line from the forehead through themiddle of the composition we will findIt will be perfectly straight. Little won-der tha't the pose Is stiff. Let us redrawthe figure, keeping practically the eameboundary lines, but arrange the pose sothat the medial line will be a doublecurve, and at once we get the grace thatwas lacking.

Did space permit I would go Into thisquestion more fully, but I have eaidenough to give a starting point, and willcontent myself with offering a few hintson posing' that deserve consideration. "Wedo not as a rule wish to aee gracefulnessIn a man, therefore the double curveshould not be used in male portraiture.Again, leaning a head away from the lenssuggests meekness; toward it, vivacity andgo. Now you can understand why comemen's portraits make them look so sub-missive. As a matter of fact, expressionis large dependent on the relative posi-tions of body, head and eyes to each oth-er and to the lene. The most Intelligentand alive expression is got by placing theBiter's chair at right angles to the lens,then turning the bodv a little toward thecamera, the head still more, and the eyeslooking right into the lens. See figure 1LTho mcot stupid expression '.s got by hav-ing body, head ard eyes square on thelens. I need not Illurtratc this, as it Is thepose that is perpetrated by every begin-ner.

But I must hasten on to the problem oflighting, which Is even more importantthan that of posing and more difficult tolearn thoroughly. In this matter I Intendto follow the practice of all the greatpa'nters. believing that what was goodenough for thorn Is good enough fow me.In calling your attention to figure 15 I needhardly remind my readers that the charac-ter of paper on which it to printed pre-vents the use of but line draw-ings, which. It must be confessed, do notpermit the rendering of the nicrties oflight and shade In the original, and there-fore It Is more than likely that the readerwill be finable to poe in the illustrationsome of the points I drwcr'be. But if hoproceeds to put th teaching Into practicehe will hive no difficulty in finding themon tho stters fire. The portrait, by thwar, Is that of Mr. Jnmea Tnglls. who IsI tolleve. the greatest master of photo-g-nipV- e

lighting today, and a whom I amIndrbted for all I know on the subject.

On Inoiiing at the face we find It con-tal- rs

lights and shadows, and as we xprr'n It more closely wo find these lightsand shadows do not exirt In flat masses,'but that the one blende Into the other, sofnt w have every radatlon from purewh'te to den black. Thre 1 no dlfflcultvIn locating tb high and deep shad-ows but It take pd edwntM eye to notetlv snbtloriTr-- , the crndatjons conmon-J- v

colled 'half-top- frci th one extremeto tfc ot"r. And ct aft"" ihv canbe detected In the finished print It Is still

Fisr. . 13.

difficut to appreciate them on the face, for"

here they are complicated with the localcolor.

Fuppose we make a start with the shad-ows. One Is very evident that on thositter's right cheek, and now we can seeanother to the right of the noe and underthe eyebrow. But a shadow tells the direc-tion of the source of light, for we knowllrrht travels always In a straight line; soIf the shadow Is on the sitter's right thenthe source of light must be on his left.But if it were decidedly on the left thenose would throw a shadow right acrossthe cheek, which It does not do. As amatter of fact, we se but a very narrowband of shadow cast by the nose, so wecan argue that the source of light musthave been well forward in fact, very closeto the lens.

But let us take a shadow lying In anoth-er direction nd sc what it tells vs. "Wefind one under the richt ovebrcw-- r there-fore the source of light is above. But If itwere right overhead the eyebrow wouldcat a shadow completely over tho eye:but It doc not, and as the band of shadowis very narrow the light must come froma point well forward in fact, very close totho lens. Th!s Is further proved by thelnncth of the shadow east by the nose onthe upper lip. which It will be noticed isJust a little below the nostril.

Having located th position of the sourcaof light we mav with advantage give a fewminutes' consideration to the high lights

11V-f- -JJ

Fisr. 14.

and half-tone- s. Tho highest lights will befound on the left temple, the ridge of thenose, ppper lip and chin the two latterare not so noticeable here on account ofthe beard. The reader should now be ableto see for himself how these high lightsare connected with the shadows by meansof half-tone- s.

Now for the practical application of allthis theorising. Select a window having aclear view of the sky that is. no over-hanging porch or treea In front of it andcover the lower half with some opaquefabric, such as a 60fa blanket pinned tothe middle bar. This is because welearned that the light came from the top.Then plant your camera on a table rightin front of the window and Just as closeas you can get It. leaving only enoughroom for focusing. Now measure along thewall from one edge of the window a dtatrrce of three feet, then straight out fromthat point a dletanco of five feet. Placea seat at this point and you are ready forwork.

For your first subject I would advise a


lady, or a gentleman with a clean-shave- n !

lace, so that you can see the moaedngreadlly. Get a pose as close to the exam- -

be in front of the lens. (If there b any- -thing I detect it Is to see f. man poppinghis head under the focusing cloth all thetune, for It clearly shows he does notknow what he wants. A camera !s onlya tool, and not until the pose and light-ing are arranged should the ground glassbe looked at.) Now look for the shadowsI described. If the nose costs one toobroad on the cheek turn the face a triflenearer the window; if too narrow, then alittle farther away. Now look at the eyes.Bo you eee the beautiful sparkling catchlights. If so where are they? The prcperposition Is Just on the edge of eyelids. Ifthey are lower the head Is tilted too highor tho sitter Is too far 'from the light. If


not visible the head Is too low or the sit-ter too near the light. Last of all lookat the shadow cast by the note on the lip.It should not reach below the middle. Ifcut off square with the noetril there is toomuch bottom light, so raise the curtain a '

S;h2fVnS bactVwhicr1lower It. Last of all. examine the brldgoor tne noso. for here is the proof of your j

prouiem. ino onage is a mass or nau-ton- e,

and this should blend beautifully Intothe shadow beyond . If It show w'th asharp line against tho shadow the pceitionof the sitter Is not correct and a movementof a few inches Is necessary. I am sorryI cannot tell you exactly in what direc-tion. you most find out by trial. It IsIn this last little point that the hand ofthe master Is shown, and it takes a longtime to become a master.

Now look at the ground glass, focus andexpose.

About backgrounds. This question both-ered mo for 10 years, and now I can tell allI know on the subject in a ssntence. Forchildren and young people let them twlight, for middle-age- d people use middle-tinte- d

exounda, and for old people let thembe d?rk. Have thesn nlaln. I use a sheetor a blanket for foeuslnc. or anything thatcomes handv. but I will not use a groundthat has a design of any kind whatsoeveron It.


Statement From Maltnomnli Driving: '

Asnoclatlon Also Comment.I

PORTLAND. May 3. (To the Editor.)In this morning's Oregonlan. under the ;

head. "That Grab of $1100 Voted ny tne

a report of the proceedings of the CityCouncil on Wednesday. Exception to j

some of the statements therein has beentaken by a number of resldcn's of theSeventh "Ward. In justice to Mr. Kerrl- -

Fls 11.

gan, permit me to say that the petitionfor the improvement or Kelly street wasalso signed by a number of other people.

MIddleton. F. H, Lechler. J. F. Kerrigan!r. W wrwihlnr. Milton TV. Smith GeoreeRlbbcck. Roggo & Storp, L. Goldenberg.Josephine A. Crocker, R. L. Ray. ThomasConnell. Ney Churchman, Frank Hach-ene- y,

Margaret Allen, V. iC Strode, KateStrode, Caroline Var.tlne. John Flnley,S. M. Smith, J. Plebuch, James Gammonsand Edith Gammons.

So far as It being a graft out of the cityfund is concerned, the city Is only calledupon to pay Its proper proportion for theImprovement, through the propsrty whichbelongs to it, the other property along theimprovement to pay its proportion, in ameasure the Multnomah Driving Assocla- -tlon has been Instrumental in furtheringthis Improvement, in order to get anotherand better approach to the White Houseroad. It is difficult to keep the formerapproach out Macadam street in good repair, due to the street being low and dlfficult to drain. Aside from this theproperty on the east side of this streetowned by a railroad company, and It doesnot favor the improvement of the street.Kelly etreet being on a high ridge, com-mands a beautiful view of the river andsurrounding mountains. Signers to thepetition for the Improvement of this streetwere very much pleased that the DrivingAssociation took an Interest In the matter,and are willing to pay for the improve-ment, as a means of increasing the valueof their property, and to make the streeta thoroughfare. As the street now Is,It has no beginning or end. Therefore,the opening of this street will benefit oth-ers than Mr. Kerrigan.

It is true that Mr. Richardson objectsto the street extending through his prop-erty, north and south, but he Is willinggive up a strip of land 30 feet wide. Tun-ning east and west, to widen Seymourstreet. This would malt- - a bend at theextreme end of Kelly street, before reach-ing the White House road.

G. ROSENBLATT,Secretary Multnomah Driving Assn.

It Is true that the signatures mentionedappear on the petition for the extensionof Kelly street, but it is a vsry easything to securo signatures to a petition

asking for something which Is not to costthe petitioners anything. It will be foundthat most if not all of these signers haveno real interest In the opening of thsstreet, and that Mr. Kerrigan, who owns

j n cheap lot In that vicinity. Is the prin- -i

clpal one to be benefited by the extension.The city has no money which can be usedfor extending this street at present wlth- -out violating the charter. Mr. Lohm'.re,

some offlce took an lntcrcst In thls matteriI Intimated that if the Council wculd

grant the right of way through the park.tha Multnomah Driving Association wouldImprove the street, whlcn intimation wastaken for what It was wcrth. The Coun-cilme- n

understand the situation very well,and the report of the City Engineer showsthe difficulty of extending the street, andthe Impracticability of making It anymore than half the width of an ordinarystreet. The chairman of the street com-

mittee Is opposed to the scheme, the Au-

ditor characterizes It as driving a roadthrough the general fund, and the Mayor

13. ,

says he will veto the measure if it Is everup to him. Officials who are out for re-

election do not oppose It, or much of any-

thing else these days.

MONTHLY WEATHER REPORT. .. . .. .. .Apr" """, a nerved by the

Portland Forecast Man.

The following report on the weatherconditions for the past month Is fur-nished by the weather bureau official atPortland:

oTemperature, -- g

2 n3-- 3v t f JTn;rDATE. as-s E 1 lis C31


c lie3 3 : :CS 50 J9 Cloudv55 47 51 .05 Cloudy5S 43 50 Pt cloudy57 45 51 CloudyG3 4S 57 Cloudy59 46 52 .23 uioudy4G 37 42 .03 Pt cloudy49 34 42 .01 Pt cloudy

9.... 5S 3C 47 Pt cloudy10.... C6 45 55 .. Pt cloudy11.... 61 48 54 .04 Cloudy12.... 54 4G 50 .44 Cloudy13.... 52 44 4S .16 uioudy14.... 5G 45 50 .07 Pt cloudy15.... 64 S5 50 Clear1C... 75 47 61 Clear17.... 77 49 63 ClearIS.... 62 44 53 .. Clear19.... 54 43 48 .01 Cloudv20.... CO 42 51 Clearg. 51 43 48 Cloudy

55 42 48 .OS Pt cloudy23. 63 35 49 Clear

59 43 51 .03 Pt cloudy5 4S 39 44 .04 Pt cloudy

26 51 3S 44 Cloudy27 6 40 52 Pt cloudy2S 76 46 61 Clear29 84 54 69 Clear30 77 53 65 Clear

Mean.... C0.9 43.6 I 52.2

Indicates trace of precipitation.Summary.

Mean atmospheric pressure, 30.02: high-est pressure. 30.32, on the 15th; lowest.29.C9, on the 19th.

Mean temperature. 32 deg.: highest tem-perature. 84 deg., on the 29th; lowest, 34,

on the Sth; greatest daily range. 30 deg..on the 2Sth; least dally range, S deg., onthe 2d.

The following table shows the meantemperature for the month of April, Inthe years given:1S71 53 1S79 52 1SS7 51 1SS5 521S72 47 1SS0 50 1SS8 65 1SS6.....471S73 52 1SS1 55 1SS3 54 1897 551S74 54 1SS2 49 1SS0 52 1898 521S75 55 18S3 51 1S91 52 1899 491S76 50 1SS4 55 1S92 49 1900 521S77 52 1SS5 55 1893 461S7S 51 1S6 51 1S94 50

Mean temperature for April for 30 years,deg.; average excess of dally mean

temperature during the month, 0; accumulated excess of dally mean temperatur 8ln January J, 310 deg.; averageui" K.Klib -- uiiuuiy a, ue&

Prevailing direction of wind, northwest.Total movement of wind. 5S4G miles; max-imum velocity of wind, 36 miles, west, onthe 25th.

Total precipitation, 1.30 Inches; numberof days with .01 Inch or more of precipi-tation. 12.

The following table shows the totalprecipitation (In Inches) )for the month ofApril, In the years given:1S71...3.64 ! 1S79...2.19 I 1KS7...5.06 1S95...1.911S72...2.P9 1SS0...2.92I 18S8...2.06 1893.. .4.091S73...2.35 1ES1...3.51 ) 18S9...2.72 1897...1.761K74...3.7S 18S2...4.60 I 1890.. .1.41 1S9S...2.12iK75.--5.i- n ism ?ss ini...i.m 1SS9...3.731S76...5.31 1884. ..5.57 1S92...4.R2 f 1900 1.C0ii. .::. io...i.jz issB...4.sa1S7S...1.85 j 1SS5...3.16 1894... 2.57 J

Average precipitation for April for 30years. 3.26 inches; total deficiency in pre- -

I cipltation during month. L95 inches: totalprecipitation, from September 1. 1899, todate. 32.6S inches; average precipitationfrom September 1 to date, 36.74 Inches;total deficiency from September 1, 1SD9,to date. 4.05 Inches; average precipitationfor .24 wet seasons, 46.S3 Inches.

Number of clear days. 9; partly cloudydays. 10; cloudy days, 1L

Dates of frost, Sth. 10th, 15th and 23d.Greatest precipitation, .47 of an

Inch, on the 11th and 12th. Total snow-fall, trace.

EDWARD A. BEALS.Local Forecast Official.


No. 135 Third Street,

And see the wonderful moving pictures,and gaze at the grand scenery., on theline of. and the flight of "The OverlandLimited" over, the Union Pacific railroad,which will be shown free.

"1 was weak and wrary. but Hood'sSarrapatllla has made me strong andhearty."



Limitations Mentioned la the Lavrs,and the Presidential Order

Statas of Mineral Lands.

WASHINGTON, D. C April 2S. Theproclamation by the President openingthe Colvllle Indian Reservation and

lands to Indians, will probably re-sult In numerous legal contests. Thereare Instances where mineral lands, orlands claimed to be mineral, have beenallotted to Indians. In some instancesthese alleged mineral lands have beenrecognized by the local land offices tothe extent of granting mineral rights.

The proclamation first cites the law of1SS2. providing for the opening of theNorth half of the reservation. Attentionis then called to the provisions of thislaw requiring the payment of $1 50 peracre for homesteadlng lands, the sameto be paid inside of five years from thedate of entry. Then follows a referenceto section six of tho law of 1S92. which Isas follows, and which may assist in

further changes In cases whereIndians are not satisfied with the allot-ments made by Agent Humphrey:

"That the land used and occupied forschool purposes at what is known asTonasket school, on Bonaparte Creek,and the site of the sawmill, gristmill andother mill property on said reservation.Is hereby reserved from the operation ofthis act, unless other lands are selectedin ileu thereof: Provided, That such re-

serve lands shall not exceed In the aggre-gate two sections, and must be selectedIn legal subdivisions conformably to thepublic surveys, such selection to be madeby the Indian agent of the Colvllleagency, under the direction of the Sec-retary of the Interior and subject to hisapproval: Provided, however. That saidIndians may. In lieu of said sites, oreither of them, select other lands of equalquantity, for such purposes, either on thevacated or unvacated portions of saidreservation, the same to be designatedIn legal subdivisions by said Indian agent,under the direction and subject to thoapproval of the Secretary of the Interior,In which case said first designated tractsshall not be exempt from the operationof this act; such selection to be made andapproved within six months after thesurvey of said lands and the proclamationof the President."

The proclamation then calls attentionto the clause In the Indian appropriationbill of 1S9S which provides that minerallands only may be entered on the reser-vation, excepting only lands allotted toIndians, school lr.nds and lands used forgovernment purposes. The next citationrefers to the right of Indians to selectlands upon which they have made Im-

provements and again calls attention tothe fact that 'non-miner- al lands not al-

lotted at the expiration of six monthsafter the date of Issuing the proclam-ationApril 10, 1900 may be entered forhomesteadlng purposes. The body of theproclamation Is then given as follows:

"Whereas, all the terms, conditions andconsiderations required by said acts ofJuly 1, 1892, and July 1, 1S9S, precedent tothe Issuance of the proclamation providedfor therein, have been, as I hereby de-

clare, complied with:"Now, therefore. I William McKlnley,

President of the United States, by virtueof the power In me vested by the statuteshereinbefore mentioned, do hereby de-

clare and make known that all of saidlands hereinbefore described, restored bysaid act of July 1, 1892, will, at and afterthe hour of 12 o'clock noon (Pacific stand-ard time) six months from date hereof,

it: the 10th day of October, 1900, andnot before, be open to settlement andentry under the terms of and subject toall the conditions, limitations, reserva-tions and restrictions contained in thestatutes above specified, and the laws ofthe United States, applicable thereto, sav-ing and excepting such tracts as, have beenor may be allotted to or reserved or se-

lected for, the Indians, or other purposes,under the laws herein referred to.

"Sections 16 and 35 In each township willbe subject to such right of the State ofWashington thereto as may be ascer-- "talned and determined by the land depart-ment In the administration of the grantof lands in place to that state for the sup-port of the common schools.

"The lands which have been allottedto the Indians are for greater convenienceparticularly described in the accompany-ing schedule, entitled 'schedule of landsallotted to tho Indians In restored por-tion of Colvllle Reservation. Washing-ton, and withheld from settlement andentry by proclamation of the President,dated April 10, 1900.' and which scheduleis made a part hereof.

"Notice, moreover. Is hereby given thatit is by law enacted that at the expira-tion of six months from the date of theproclamation by the President, and notbefore, the nonmlneral lands within thevacated portion of said reservation whichshall not have been allotted to or re-

served or selected for the Indians, or forother purposes, shall be subject to settle-ment, entry and disposition under saidact of July 1, 1S92; and. all persons arehereby warned from attempting to makesettlement on any of said lands prior tothe date fixed for the opening thereof."

After the proclamation follows a list. Infull, of all the lands allotted and withheldfrom entry under the proclamation. Theselists will be open for inspection at theSpokane and Waterville Land Offices.


Rlsht of Way Granted the Portland,Vancouver & "VaUlma Railroad.

WASHINGTON, April 3. E. M. Rands,of Vancouver. Wash., who has been herefor come time looking after the right oway over public lands for the PortlanJ.Vancouver & Yakima Railway Company,has secured a favorable decision from theCommissioner of the General Land Of-

fice."Tho effect of this decision." Mr. Rands

says, "will be fpvorable to the develop-ment of the of Washington betweenVancouver and North Yakima, inasmuchas It will dca the way for the early ex-

tension of lac c Love-nam- road througha rich but undeveloped portion of tuistate. The ngat 01 way sought was op-

posed by the 1 rrtland. Lower Columb& Eastern Washington Railroad Company,or rather by New York parties Interestedin" the last-nam- corporation. The latterwas organized in 1SS3 to build a railroadfrom La Canws, on the Columb'a River,In a northeasterly direction up the northfork of the Lewis River, through theKllckKat Pass, but beyond making asurvey has done no work of any kind.

"When the Portland. Vancouver & Yak-i-

Railway Company, which is now ex-

tending Its road northeast from Vancou-ver, filed maps of definite location alongtho north fork of the Lewis River, throughKlickitat Pass, the P.. L. C & E. W. R. R,Co.. protested, and was permitted to makea showing In support of Its claims to aprior right where the two lines confllcr,

Tho Commisfioner decided that, underthe act of 1S75. the P.. L. C. & E. W. R. R.Co. had not shown due diligence in pros-ecuting work, and that any right acquiredby it by rearon of the approval of Itsmaps had been forfeited under the clauseproviding that any rights acquired underthe act should be forfeited as to any sec-tion of road not built within five years.Sixty days was allowed rn which to takean appeal.

In the Mntter of Lien Lands.There was a very llw-l- meeting of th

public land-- committee, of which Repre-sentative Jones Is a member, this morn-ing, when It had a hearing on three bills,each practically tre same, and one yfwhich was introduced by Mr. Jones, retet -

I lng to lieu lan-- The object of thesebills Is for the purpose of correcting the

evils of the law of 1897, which allowedpersons having right" n forest reservesto relinquish Uicm V ihe Government andselect any unoccupied lands outside, sur-veyed or unsurveyed. by prohibiting theselieu land eelivlicni. on unsurveyed la idsand limiting the selections to surveyed un-occupied lands.

The room was filled with interested par-ties, among them being a Mr. Chandler,an attorney of this city, representing someparties In California and Washington whoare opposed to the bill. Another attorneyread a letter from s. scrip broker In Chi-cago against the bill, and Mr. Brown ap-peared for the Northern Pacific Railroad,while the Interests of some Iowa peoplewen represented by a Mr. Lane. Butlittle could be done at this meeting, asthere were so many different interests tobe nt; from, and the hearing was con-tinued until the next meeting.


Gottnchnllc On Ira Too JInch for IllsAncient Hebrew Coin.

PORTLAND. May 3. (To the Editor.)My attention was recently called to a

free exhibition of an ancient coin, de-

scribed In your worthy daily, 27th Inst,,under the headlng'OIdest Coin on Earth."The first look on the shekel's cut In TheOregonlan and the owner's assurance thatIt "was handled by King Solomon," re-minded me of one who. among many rel-ics he possessed, valued one very high,and it was, according to his assurance,neither more nor less than the point ofthe left horn of the seventh lean kine qfwhich Pharaoh, King of Egypt, dreamed.Both assurances are equal impositionsupon the public Now for facts.

The lettering on the shekel is a He-brew never known to King Solomon, asEzra, the scribe, was the first who ac-

quired It from the Assyrian charactersfor the use of the Jews, with the purposeof separating the Jews from the Samari-tans. Till that time the Jews and Sam-aritans used one kind of lettering, knownnow as Samaritan script (Talmud n,

foL 101, Maimonldes' Commentaryto Mishnab Tadayim, chap. 4). King Sol-omon died 3110 years from creation, 650 B.C Ezra lived 3506 years from creation,245 B. C. and surely King Solomon couldnot handle a shekel with a script theorigin of which sprang up 4C5 years afterhis death. Here I give both letterings:

&. t2L-GZ? f

np pr tXA&fc


2?L Y(SmThe "shekel" mentioned In the Old Test-

ament was a weight and not a coin.Shekel Hakodesh. the sacred shekel, wassomewhat heavier than the common shek-el. The first shekel ever struck as a coinwas In the time of the Maccabees. (SeeMace. xv:6.t Bayer de Numlnls HebraeaSamaritanl3. Valent. 1781, 4th. 171 sq. AlsoM. vEduard W. Loeh'n's Blbllsches SachWoerterbuch, Leipzig, 1S34, "SekeL) AndKing Solomon could not handle a coinedshekel, which was Introduced 4S6 yearsafter his death.

In the center of that wonderful shekelIs a "representation of the ancient starof Bethlehem." To my knowledge theword "kochab," star, is mentioned in theOld Testament 33 times, and never inconnection with any city In general andBethlehem In particular. (See Joannis Bux-tor-n,

Concordantlae Blbliorum, Stetlnl,1S6L) How that shekel created such astar In Solomon's time Is more than his-tory can prove.

I hope that I havo fully exposed thefraudulence of Mr. H. Gottschalk's shekel,which he, by request, agreed to show to"the scientific men or ministers of theGospel." REV. DR. N. MOSESSOHN.


Real Estate Transfers.James Stalker to F. M. Lacey, lots

10 and 12. block 21;, also lots G, 8, 10,block 22, Multnomah; May 1 950

Elizabeth J. Broadwell to D. F. Brun-ne- r,

lot 13, biock zs, Wooabum;April 19 75

Sheriff for J. W. Going to The Bal-four &. Guthrie Investment Co., W.SO feet lots 1, 2, and W. 90 feet lot3. block 11, subdivision to Proeb-stel- 's

addition; April 30 1200Mary O. W. Sims and husband to

Crelia Landuci, lots 1. 2, block 11.Central Alblna; April 9 10

E. Legre et ux. to G. W. Patterson,lot 5, block 30. Caruthers' additionto Caruthers addition; April 30 2000

Mao L. Woodcock and husband toR. Davis Hewitt, lot L block LCameron's addition; May 2 1000

A. Collins to A, B. Ferrera. lot 5,block 30, Caruthers' addition to Ca-ruthers addition; April 30 DOM

C. E. Bennett and wife to DietrichSperl. 3 acres. Perry Prettyman D.L. C; May 1 1750

P. J. Farrell et ux. to C. E. Bennett,same; April 10 1C00

Kate C. Trowbridge and husband toJessie C. Gunn; lot 3, block 233,Portland: May 10, 1S97 1

Thomas W. Clayton to same, same;May 10, 1S99 1

Georgia N. Butln and husband tosame, same; May H. 1SS9 1

Jessie C. Gunn and husband to HelenH. Clayton, same; May 12, 1S99 1

L. V. Hampton to Helen H. Clayton,same; September 25, 1899 1

Births.April 2, twin boys to the wife of Raleigh

Adams, city.April 23, twin boy and girl to the wife

of William C. Gorner, 2S East Ash.Deaths.

May 1, Minnie Holt, age 25 years, 207

East Thirty-thir- d street, tuberculosis.Contagions Diseases.

Mrs. Ebeling, 326 Sixth street, diphtheria.Marriage Licenses.

Christian Stegman, aged 54, TheresaCramer, aged 46.

She "Wanted a Man.BANDON, Or., April 30. (To the Edi-

tor.) Why should the electors register andvote. The lobby makes, or shapes, thelaws. The President Is getting to be lit-t- lo

more than a figurehead; no longer re-quired to be a statesman. He simply obeysthe command: "Put your name rightthere." The electors are pretty much intho condition of a girl in Kentucky manyyears ago, who said when sho got mar-ried she wanted a man. Her father beingwell off for those times, she had severallovers, but rejected them all.

"What did you do that for, Emnia?"asked a friend.

"Cors," she drawled, "Willy's rightsmart tu soft; Billy's tu powerful thin."

"There Is Alexander; what of him?""Ellick ain't smart, an he haint got

any peach orchard." GRANDPA.

A Weevil Poison.IRVING. Or.. May L (To the Editor.)

I noticed in your Issue of April 20 an ar-ticle regarding the extermination ofweevil, which plan Is very Impracticable.A better way Is to prevent or destroythe pest by using carbon disulphide. Part-ly fill cans or bottles, tie a thin clothover the mouth, and place them In wheatnear the surface. A few pounds of thiswill keep a warehouse comparatively freefrom weevil. This fluid should not beexposed to fire, as It Is combustible, if notexplosive. This method has been success-fully used here for five or six years, butdoes not seem to be generally known.


Robbed by a Hlghvrayraan.SAN FRANCISCO, May 3. Fred

a young man who arrived here

from Cleveland, O., a few days ago, wasshot and fatally wounded about 1 o'clockthis morning by a highwayman, who se-

cured $90 before he fired at his victim.


Celebration of Trrentleta Anniver-sary Thin Afternoon.

This afternoon at 2 o'clock, at the Mar- -


Bortz-meye- r,

! quam Theater, the Oregon Humane Society! will celebrate the rflth anniversary of prize.j giving to pupils of the public schools for

meritorious compositions written in be-

half of humane work-- An interestingpart of the programme will be the award-- jlng of 22 prizes won in the recent compe--itltlon. Hon. --D. P. Thompson will pre- -.

sent the prises, which consist of four cashprizes, offered by himself and Mrs. R.

I F. Burrell, also IS elegant pictures withI handsome frames, offered by the HumaneJ Society. More than 100 children of th

Harrison-Stre- et School, under the dlrec- -'

tlon of Professor F. Glafke and assistantj teachers, will appear in costume, and gothrough beautiful drills and exercises, ac-- Icompanled by Webber's Marquam orches-- Itra. Following Is the programme:

Overture, Webber s Marquam orcnestra.Reading Scripture, Dr. A, A. Morrison.Prayer. Rev. H. D. Atchison.Short address, Hon. D. P. Thompson.Orchestra.Calisthenic drill, 00 pupils, third, fourth

and fifth grades, Harrison-Stre- et School.Reading, prize essey, "The Native Birds

of Oregon," Helen Coldwell, of CouchSchool.

Reading, prize essay, "The Rights ofi Animals and the Protection We Should

Give," Grace McGowan, of HolladaySchool.

Song, "Husheen," Mrs. Frank Raley., May-po- le dance, 16 girls, eighth, and

ninth-grad- e pupils of Harrison-Stre- et

School,i Xvlophone duet, Messrs. Webber andPangle.

I Reading, prize essay, "The "Value ofI Bird Life and How Birds Help the Farm-ers," May Zeigler, of Thompson School.

Reading, prize essay, "The Native Birdsof Oregon," Ruby Merrill, of Clinton Kel-- ,ly School.

j Combination drill, 45 pupils, sixth, sev- -.

enth, eighth and ninth-grad- e pupils, Harriso-

n-Street School.I Orchestra,

Presentation of prizes, by Hon. D. P.Thompson.

Committee of awards Mrs. C. E. Sltton,



' D,lKMTMrs. C. H. Morgan and Mrs. N. J. Levin-so-


If Baby la Cutting-- Teeth,Be sure and ux that old and well-trie- d remedyMrs. Wlntlow'e Soothing Syrup, for chlldreateething. It xocths tbe child, softens the gum,Jlays all pain, cures wind colic and diarrhoea.

After dinner take one of Carter's LittleLiver Pills, and you will be free fromsour rising of food from the stomach.Try them and be convinced.

IiABASTINE is the originaland only durable wall coating,entirely different from all

Ready for use inwhite or fourteen beautifultints by adding cold water.ADIES naturally prefer

for walls and ceil-ings, because it la pure, clean,durable. Put up In dry pow-dered form, In five-pou- pack-ages, with full directions.

TJLi kalaomines are cheap, tem-porary preparations made fromwhiting, chalks, clays, etc..A and stuck on walls with de-caying animal gluo. ALABAS-TIN- E

13 not a kalsomlne.BWARB of tha dealer whosays ho cannellyou the "earnsthing" as ALABASTINE or"something Just as good." Heis either not posted or is try-ing to deceive you.

ND IN OFFERING somethinghe has bought cheap and triesA to cell on ALABASTINE'S de-

mands, ho may not realize thadamage you will suffer by &kalsomlno on your walls.

ENSIBLE dealers will not oura lawsuit. Dealers risk ono byselling and consumers by usinginfringement. Alabastine Co.own right to make wall coat-ing to mix with cold water.

HE INTERIOR WALLS ofevery church and school shouiabo coated only with pure, dur-able ALABASTINE. It safe-guards health. Hundreds oftons used yearly for this work.

N BUYING ALABASTINE,customers should avoid get-ting cheap kalsomlnes underdifferent names. Insist onhaving our good3 in packagesand properly labeled.

TJISANCE ot wall paperia obviated by AUJUJAsiiwJi. 11.

can be used on plastered waus,dtoocI ceilings, brick or can-

vas. A. child can brush it on.It does not rub or scala off--

Si ABLISHED in favor. Shunall imitations Ask paint deal-- ei

or arugglst for tint cardWntb us for interesting book-le- u

Cree. ALABASTINE COGrand Rapids, Mich.


I ilwLLfwWhen you decide

to walk on rubberdo not get thewrong- heels elseyou will be walk-in- s:

on fraud.O'Sulllvan's Cush-ion Heels are theonly heels on U10market that aremade of real rub-ber, and cost 110

more than thekind.

Tour dealer will attach O'SulhranHeels to the shoes you are now wearingfor )c. the same as for the poor heelsthat won't last half as ions when youencounter substitutes seed 35c andoutline of heel for sample- pair toO'isulilvan Rubber Co., Lowell. Mass.


Xewbro's Herplclde Destroys theDandruff Germ Permanently and

Cnres Baldness.

Quinine and rum and a whole lot of oth-er things are pleasant to rub on the scalpafter washing it free of dandruff, but notone preparation of the general run willcure the dandruff. A germ causes dan-druff and falling hair. It is necessaryto kill that germ, to be permanentlycured of dandruff, and to stop falling hair.Newbro's Herplclde will positively destroythat germ, so that there can be no moredandruff, and eo that the hair will growluxuriantly. ('Destroy the cause and youremove tho effect."


nil- - BUG

Ifot a dark office In the balldlassabsolutely fireproof; electric Ughtaand artesian vrateri perfect sanita-tion and tliorouKU vcntilutlon. Ele.vntora ran day and night.

Rooms.ANDBRSOIC. GTJSTAV. Attomey-at-lJw...61- 3

ASSOCIATKD PRCSS: E. L. Powell. Mgr..!OaAUSTEN, F. C. Manager for Oregon and

Washington Bankers Life Association, ofDes Molne. la 3


BEALS. EDWARD A, Forecast Official TJ.S. Weather Bureau 010

BEHNKE. H. W. Prln. Pernln EhorthandSchool 211

BENJAMIN. R W.. Dentist 3UBINSWANGER. DR. O. S.. Phys. & Sur.410-41- 1

BROOKE. DR. J. M.. Phys. & Surg 708-7-

BRUERE. DR. G. E.. PhysicianBUSTEED. RICHARD. Agent Wltoi & Mc--

Callay Tobacco Co 3

CAUKIN. G. E.. District Agent Travelers'Insurance Co. .......713

CARD1VELL. DR. J. R 500CARROLL. W. T.. Special Agent Mutual


CORNELIUS. C. W.. Phys. and Surgeon 200COVER. F. C. Cashier Equitable Life 300

COLLIER. P. F.. Publisher: S. P. McGulre.Manager 415-4-

rAT. J. G. & I. N. 318DAVIS. NAPOLEON. President Columbia

Telephone Co. 607DICKSON, DR. J. F.. Physician.- - 4


It. Samuel. Manager: F. C. Cover. Cashler.SOilEVENING TELEGRAM 325 Alder e:rtctFENTON. J. D.. Physician and Surgeon. 0

FENTON. DR. HICKS C Eye and Ear 511FENTON. MATTnOV F.. Dentist 6C3


GALVANI. W. H.. Engineer and Draughts-man coo

GAVIN. A.. President Oregon Camera Club.

GEARY. DR. EDWARD P.. Physician andSurgeon 3

GIESY. A. J.. Physician and Surgeon...GODDARD. E. C. & CO.. Footwear

Ground floor. 120 Sixth streetGOLDMAN. WILLIAM. Manager Manhattan

Life Insurance Co. of New York 0

GRANT. FRANK S.. Attorney-at-La- 617

HAMMAM BATHS. King & Compton. Prope-30-


HEIDINGER. GEO. A. & CO.. Pianos andOrgans 131 Sixth street

KOLLISTER. DR. O. C Phys. & Sur..CC4-50- 3

IDLEMAN, C. M.. Attorney-at-Law- ..


KADT. MARK T-- . Surervteor ot AgentsMutual Reserve Fund Life Ass'n 3

LAMONT. JOHN. and Gen-

eral Manager Columbia Telephone Co 603

LITTLEFIELD. II. R.. Phys. anl Surgeon.. 200

MACRUM. XV. S.. Sec. Oregon Camera Club.214MACKAY. DR. A. E.. Phys. and Surg. .711-71- 2

MAXWELL. DR. W. E.. Phys. & Surg. .701-2-- 3

McCOY. NEWTON. Attorney-at-La- 713McFADEN. MISS IDA E.. Stenographer... 201McGINN. HENRY E..McKELL. T. J.. Manufacturers' Representa

tlve 303METT. HENRY 213

MILLER. DR. HERBERT C. Dentist andOral Surgeon 9


New York: W Goldman. Manager 0

MUTUAL RESERVE FUND LIFE ASS'N;Mark T. Kady, Supervisor of Agents. T

Mcelroy, dr. j. g.. phys. & sur.701-702-70- 3

McFARLAND. E. B., Secretary ColumbiaTelephone Co. 609

McGUIRE. S. P.. Manager P. F. Collier.Publisher 415-4-

McKIM. MAURICE. Attorney-at-La- 500

MILLER & ROWE. Real Estate. Timberand Farming Lands a Specialty 70")

MUTUAL. LIFE INCURANCE CO., of NewYork; Wm. S. Pond. State Mgr.

NICHOLAS. HORACE B.. Attorney-at-Law.71- 3

NILES. M. L. Cashier Manhattan Life In-surance Co.. or New York 203



Behnke, Principal 211POND. WM. S.. State Manager Mutual Life


Ground floor. 133 Sixth streetPORTLAND MINING & TRUST CO.; J. H.

Marshall. Manager 51sQUIMBY. L. P. W.. Game and. Forestry

Warden , 716-7-

REED & MALCOLM. Opticians. 133 Slxst etreetREED. F. C. Fish Commissioner 407RYAN. J. B.. Attorney-at-La- 41TSAMUEL. L. Manager Equitable Life.. ...303SANDFORD, A. C &. Co., Publishers' Agts.513SCRIBNER'S SONS. CHAS.. Publishers.... 513SHERWOOD. J. W.. Deputy Supreme Com-

mander. K. O. T. M 317SMITH, Dr. L. B.. Osteopath 40S-4-

SONS OF THEAMERICAN REVOLUTION.500STARK. E. C, Executive Special. Fidelity

Mutual Life Association of Phlla.. Pa 601

STEEL. G. A.. Forest Inspector 213STUART, DELL. Attorney-at-La- 8

STOLTE, DR. CHAS. E.. Dentist 3


STROWBRIDGE. THOS. H.. Executive Spe-

cial Agmt Mutual Life, of New York 400'SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE 201,TUCKER, DR. GEO. F., Dentist 1


DIST.. Captain XV. C Langfltt. Corps ofEngineers. U. S. A. S03


C. Langfltt. Corps of Engineers. U. S. A. .810WATERMAN. C H.. Cashier Mutual Life

of New York 408retary Native Daughters 7

WHITE. MISS L E.. Assistant SecretaryOregon Camera Club .......214

WILSON. DR. EDWARD N., Phys. & Sur.304-- 3

WILSON. DR. GEO. F.. Phys. & Surg. .70C-70- 7

WILSON. DR. HOLT C. Phye. & Surg.507-3C- S

WILSON & McCALLAY TOBACCO CO.:Richard Busteed." Agent 3


A few more elcjrant offices may behad by applying: to Portland TrustCompany of Oregon, 109 Third st.. orto the rent cleric In the building--


ANLE A nltte way to perfect manhood.else falls. The VACUUM TREAT-

MENT CURES you without medicine of allnervous or diseases of the generative organs.fuch as lcs- uanhood. exhausting drains. var- -cocele. lmpotency, etc. Men are quickly re-

stored to perfect health and strength.Write for circulars. Correspondence conflden-tla- L

THE HEALTH APPLIANCE CO. roomJSafa Depcslt building. Seattle, Wa.

i (

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