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    A remittance is a transfer of money by a foreign worker to his home country. When

    migrants send home part of their earnings in the form of either cash or goods tosupport their families, these transfers are known as workers or migrant remittances.

    Remittances have been growing rapidly in the past few years and now represent the

    largest source of foreign income for many developing countries. The official data on

    the inflow of remittances into Bangladesh refers to the transfer of funds made by

    migrant workers through the banking channel and through post office. The records of

    such transfers can be easily separated from other foreign echange transactions since

    these take place under what is known as the Wage !arners "cheme #W!"$.

    %oney sent home by migrants constitutes the second largest financial inflow to many

    developing countries, eceeding international aid. The World Bank information shows

    that a more conservative &"'()* billion for (**+ and these figures are increasing by

    almost *- year on year. Remittances contribute to economic growth and to the

    livelihoods of needy people worldwide. %oreover, remittance transfers can also

    promote access to financial services for the sender and recipient, thereby increasing

    financial and social inclusion.

    Bangladesh is a huge labor surplus country. ence it belongs to the supply side of the

    global labor market. /n an average, (,)*,*** people annually migrate to take up

    overseas employment. 0low of migrant workers is associated with growing flow of

    remittance to Bangladesh. 1n (**2, it accounted for almost 3- of the global

    remittance transfer and 4(- of the official remittance to "outh Asia. "ince the late455*s, successive governments of Bangladesh, reali6ing the importance of remittance

    to the economy, have undertaken different macro7economic reforms to encourage

    official flow of remittance. The 8th parliamentary government has established a new

    ministry entitled !patriates Welfare and /verseas !mployment #!W/!$ to ensure

    efficient management of migration sector in Bangladesh.


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    Destination wise Percentage Distribution of Migrants from Bangladesh


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    Overseas Labor Market

    /verseas labor market refers the demand for labors in the foreign countries. Asia

    9acific and %iddle !ast are the prime overseas labor markets for Bangladeshi

    voluntary migrant workers.

    :urrently two types of voluntary international migration occur from Bangladesh. /ne

    takes place mostly to the industriali6ed west and the other to %iddle !astern and

    "outh !ast Asian countries. ;oluntary migration to the industriali6ed west includes

    permanent residents, work permit holders and professionals. They are usually

    perceived as long term or permanent migrants. %igration to %iddle !ast and "outh

    !ast Asia are usually for short term. The migrants return home after finishing their

    contract. Although long term migration is much older than short term yet information

    on their types, etent and composition is not available with the government.

    1nformation on the short term labor migrants who officially go overseas for

    employment is available with the Bureau of %anpower !mployment and Training


    :urrently, "audi Arabia, &A!, , ?ibya, Bahrain, 1ran,

    %alaysia, "outh

  • 7/26/2019 Correlation Between Remittance & Overseas Labor Market


    The demand of overseas labor market and supply of remittance of our country is

    positively related. The more the demand increase in overseas labor market, the supply

    of labor from our country also increases, as such the remittance. The current overseas

    labor market has three types of labor demand. These areC skilled labor demand, semi7

    skilled labor demand and unskilled labor demand. Among them Bangladesh mostly

    eports unskilled labor.

    :urrently the global economic recession and global financial crisis is playing a ma@or

    negative impact on the overseas labor demand. ue to this, the demands of unskilled

    and semi7skilled workers are declining. %anpower eports fell by 2 per cent in three

    months to %arch from a year earlier, the B%!T said, the evidence of a continued slide

    in overseas @obs. "ome 42,*** Bangladeshi workers found overseas @obs in Danuary7

    %arch period of this year, down by 2)3+) from the year before, according to data

    released by Bangladesh Bureau of %anpower, !mployment and Training #B%!T$.

    The figure for %arch was also depressing as the number of Bangladeshi migrant

    workers dropped by () per cent to 353+, down from )542 a year earlier. /fficials

    also acknowledged that the flow of return migrants is also on the rise, threatening to

    slow down the boom in remittance flow witnessed in recent years. The new figures

    depicts trouble for future and highlight the vulnerability of Bangladesh to rely mainly

    on the %iddle7eastern nations and %alaysia for workersE employment, economists and

    migration eperts say. The World Bank economist noted that if oil prices remain the

    same throughout the year and ma@or economies of the west, :hina and 1ndia does not

    pick up steam, those of the Fulf region will not revive. The oil7rich region is also

    linked to BangladeshEs growth story, with around + per cent of the countryEs

    remittances coming from the economies of the Fulf :ooperation :ouncil #F::$ that

    constitutes "audi Arabia, &nited Arab !mirates, Bahrain, =atar, /man and

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    Training & Development


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    1f a country considers its employees to be human assets, training and development

    represents an ongoing investment in these assets and one of the most significant

    investments a country can make. Training involves employees ac>uiring knowledge

    and learning skills that they will be able to use immediately, employee development

    involves learning that will aid the country and employee later in the employees


    %any organi6ation use the term learning rather than training to emphasi6e the point

    that the activities engaged in as part of this development process are broad7based and

    involve much more than straight forward ac>uisition of manual and technical skills.

    0or several reasons, developing and under developing nations are considering

    employee training and development as a ma@or strategic issue. "ome of these reasons


    4. Rapid changes in technology continue to cause increasing rates of skill

    obsolescence. 1n order to remain competitive, a country needs to continue to

    training their manpower to use the best and latest technologies available.

    %anaging in such a disruptive environment has created the need for

    continuous learning among people.(. The redesign of work into @obs having broader responsibilities re>uire

    employees to assume more responsibility, take initiative and further develop

    interpersonal skills to ensure their performance and success.. The globali6ation of business operation re>uires employee to ac>uire

    knowledge and skills related to language and cultural differences.

    mportance of Training & Development

    1n order to remain competitive in the overseas labor market, the government of

    Bangladesh must consider the importance of training and development. The present

    global economic condition demands highly trained and >ualified workers. Thus, the

    importance of training and development plays the most significant role among the

    countries who are supplying the labors in the overseas labor market. "ome significant

    importances areC


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    4. Optimum !tili"ation of #uman Resources G Training and evelopment

    helps in optimi6ing the utili6ation of human resource that further helps the

    employee to achieve the organi6ational goals as well as their individual goals.(. Development of #uman Resources G Training and evelopment helps to

    provide an opportunity and broad structure for the development of human

    resources technical and behavioral skills in an organi6ation. 1t also helps the

    employees in attaining personal growth.. Development of skills of emplo$eesG Training and evelopment helps in

    increasing the @ob knowledge and skills of employees at each level. 1t helps to

    epand the hori6ons of human intellect and an overall personality of the

    employees.3. Productivit$G Training and evelopment helps in increasing the productivity

    of the employees that helps the organi6ation further to achieve its long7term

    goal.). Team spiritG Training and evelopment helps in inculcating the sense of team

    work, team spirit, and inter7team collaborations. 1t helps in inculcating the 6eal

    to learn within the employees.+. %ualit$G Training and evelopment helps in improving upon the >uality of

    work and work7life.8. #ealth$ workenvironmentG Training and evelopment helps in creating the

    healthy working environment. 1t helps to build good employee, relationship so

    that individual goals aligns with organi6ational goal.2. #ealth and 'afet$G Training and evelopment helps in improving the health

    and safety of the organi6ation thus preventing obsolescence.5. MoraleG Training and evelopment helps in improving the morale of the

    work force.

    4*. Profitabilit$G Training and evelopment leads to improved profitability and

    more positive attitudes towards profit orientation.

    !tili"ation of Remittance

    The utili6ation of remittance on the economy of labor sending countries depends to a

    large etent the way they are used. /ver the years, concerns have been epressed

    about the limited etent of the productive use of remittance. ifferent authors have


  • 7/26/2019 Correlation Between Remittance & Overseas Labor Market


    different perceptions about what constitute productive use. owever, there is a general

    agreement that bulk of the remittance money is used in daily ependiture for food and

    (8 clothing. Another big segment goes into house improvement. 1t is estimated that

    )*7+*- of remittance in Asia are typically spent in current consumption and only

    about 4*- goes into investment.

    /ver the last few years in Bangladesh, ma@or policies and actions have been

    undertaken to ensure greater flow of remittance through official channel, yet steps

    towards effective utili6ation of remittance are still inade>uate. ere as well, common

    perception of government functionaries and F/ activists is that migrants spend a

    large portion of their remittance in conspicuous consumption. owever, a number of

    studies conducted over the last ) years demonstrate that in the 452*s a section of

    migrants may have spent the remittance in these sectorsC

    4. 0ood, :lothing, ealth(. 1nvestment in ?and. ome :onstruction H Repair3. Repayment of ?oan). Business 1nvestment+. "ocial :eremonies8. :ommunity evelopment2. "avings

    mpact on overall econom$

    ?abor migration plays a vital role in the economy of Bangladesh.Bangladesh has a

    very narrow eport base. Readymade garments, fro6en fish, @ute, leather and tea are

    the five groups of items that account for four fifthsof its eport earnings. :urrently,

    garments manufacturing is treated as the highest foreign echange earning sector of

    the country #&" ' 3.)2 billion$. owever, if the cost of import of raw material is

    ad@usted, then thenet earnings from migrant workers remittances are higher than that

    of thegarments sector. et eport earnings from R%F should be between&"'(.(57

    (.)( billion, whereas the earning from remittance is net &"'.*+billion. 1n fact,

    since the 452*s, contrary to the popular belief, remittances sent by the migrants


  • 7/26/2019 Correlation Between Remittance & Overseas Labor Market


    played a much greater role in sustaining the economy of Bangladesh than the

    garmentsfor the last two decades, remittances have been at levels of around )- of

    eport earnings, making it the single largest source of foreign currency earnerfor the

    country. This has been used in financing the import of capital goodsand raw materialsfor industrial development. 1n the year 4552755, (( percentof the official import bill

    was financed by remittances.

    The steady flow of remittances has resolved these problemsC

    4. theforeign echange constraints,(. improved the balance of payments. helpedincrease the supply of national savings

    Remittances also constituted a very important source of the countrys development

    budget. 1ncertain years in the 455*s remittances contribution rose to more than )*

    percent of the countrys development budget. Fovernment of Bangladesh treats

    0oreign aid #concessional loan and grants$ as an important resource base of the

    country. owever, remittances that Bangladesh received last yearwas twice that of

    foreign aid. Remittances have played a ma@or role in reducing the etent of the

    countrys dependence on foreign aid.

    owever if one takes into account the unofficial flow of remittances, its contribution

    to F9 would certainly be much higher. An increase in remittance by Taka 4 would

    result in an increase in national income by Tk .. 0ollowing the epiry of multi7

    fiber agreement #%0A$, Bangladesh will face steep competition in eport of R%F.

    The country will cease to en@oy any special >uota. 1t is apprehended that Bangladeshs

    R%F eport will decline sharply. This will result in loss of @ob of many workers and

    shortfall in foreign echange earnings. 1t is in this contet labor migration has become

    key sector for earning foreign echange and creating opportunities for employment.

    Therefore, the importance of migrant remittance to the economy of Bangladesh can

    hardly be over emphasi6ed.


  • 7/26/2019 Correlation Between Remittance & Overseas Labor Market


    'kill (ise Percentage Distribution of Migrants from Bangladesh

    nitiatives from Different 'ectors


  • 7/26/2019 Correlation Between Remittance & Overseas Labor Market


    To increase the demand of our labor in the overseas markets, it is important to turn our

    unskilled and semi7skilled workers into skilled labors. And in order to do that,

    initiatives from different sectors should be taken. These sectors could be of different

    types. 0irst of all the most important measure should be taken by the government.

    Because they are the supreme authority of a country and since the remittance is

    directly affecting the economy of the country, so the government should discover the

    highest possible ways to train the workers. /ther than the government, some other

    sectors can also work for itI 9rivate sectors, vocational training institutes, foreign high

    commissions and embassies. "o overall, we can put focus on the following sectorsC

    4. )overnment* The government of Bangladesh already has some training

    centers. But, unfortunately these training centers work for the internal labors of

    the market. 1f the government can establish training centers especially for the

    workers who will be going to work in the foreign labor markets, then it would

    be helpful for workers. The government can easily turn the workforce into

    important human resource @ust by giving them the proper training for the work

    in speciali6ed sectors.(. +ocational Training nstitutes* ;ocational training institutes can also help to

    increase the >uality of the labors in the overseas labor market. What needs to be

    done is focusing on the needed skill which the overseas labor markets are

    asking for. Then, they can introduce those types of training in the institute and

    can train the workers. This means, making the workers speciali6ed only in

    those sectors which are the re>uirement of the different overseas labor market.. Private 'ectors* This is another sector which can help to increase the skill of

    the workers. 9rivate sectors can work on the contracts which they can get from

    the overseas labor market. 1n these contracts, the private firms would make the

    deal where the companies would ask them to provide with good skilled

    workers. This deal eventually would help both the sides. The overseas labor

    markets would get the skilled workers, and the workers here would get the

    chance to get skilled.


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    3. ,oreign #igh -ommissions* To increase the labor demand of the home

    country workers foreign high commissions can also play an important role.

    With the permission of the government, this high commission in different

    countries can open up training institutes based on the specific demand of

    workers in host countries. 1t will help the overseas labors to get more skilled

    which will decrease the chance to get back in our country for not being

    efficient in certain sectors.

    .bsence of Training & Development / effect on our


    The absence of TH can be very costly in this highly competitive world. Basically,

    the absence of TH in a workforce not only depicts the weak infrastructure of the

    workforce but also creates an overall negative impression on the country. This

    negative impression can be costly if we consider the manpower of our country as a

    long term asset. The effects are described in the following segmentC

    4. ncreased amount of unemplo$ment*The lack of training could turn into a

    disaster for the countrys economy. 0or the global recession in economy

    already some of the countries are not willing to take any more workers from

    our country as they need skilled labors and some of the countries are sending


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    the workers back into our country. As a result the unemployment rates are

    increasing.(. 0egative impression on our labor market* "ince our workers are not trained

    enough as needed, so the impressions of the workers are creating poor

    reputation. They cant perform well in the sector as they were supposed to

    which makes the impression of the workers negative.. Lesser amount of remittance* Without training and development our human

    resource remains unskilled or semi skilled. The price for unskilled or semi

    skilled workforce is much cheaper. /ur country eports unskilled workforce.

    "o, we earn lesser remittance than the countries who eports skilled labors.

    #!7:hina$3. 0egative effect on econom$* The increased amount of unemployment and the

    reduced source of remittance weaken our economy. Remittance is a prime

    source of the reserve of foreign currency. An import based country like ours

    need foreign currency to build our economy.


    Remittances to Bangladesh have been growing steadily over the past decade. The

    study shows that the inflow of remittance in Bangladesh has worked as a catalyst to

    restore the balance of payments deficits. The inflow of remittances uniformly proved

    to be invaluable for Bangladesh, by reducing the burden of debt payment, providing

    scarce foreign echange and finally boosting the national savings. The economic

    benefits of inflow of remittance are clear. The finding of this study, where remittance

    was integrated in the national income accounting framework, brings out the

    importance of inflow of remittance in the economy. But the current economic situation

    seems to be different because of the global economic recession. "o, it is very

    important to increase the training institutes and increase the facilities for the workers

    which would not only help them build their skill but also help to increase the

    reputation of the labor market of our country and it would also help to get more

    remittance to build our economy.


  • 7/26/2019 Correlation Between Remittance & Overseas Labor Market



    4. httpCJJwww.newagebd.com3."yllabus.html


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