
Com fort Food Sam ple M enu

Com fort Food w ill adapt m enus to suit your exact requirem ents. Com fort Food, 23 W ell Close, Leigh, Kent,TN 11 8RQ 01732 838191

Buffet 1

Price G uide - £7.50 per head “H ot Trays”, to include:

Selection of Q uiche Squares: Ham ; Salm on; Cheese & O nion

Pizza Squares

M ini Sausage Rolls

Vol-au-Vents: Chicken; M ushroom ; Salm on

Cheese & O nion Pennies

Selection of Sandw iches:


Egg & Cress

Tuna & Cucum ber

Chicken Goujons w ith Barbeque D ip

Stuffed Eggs

D esserts:


M ini M eringue

Chocolate Brow nies

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Com fort Food Sam ple M enu

Com fort Food w ill adapt m enus to suit your exact requirem ents. Com fort Food, 23 W ell Close, Leigh, Kent,TN 11 8RQ 01732 838191

Buffet 2

Price G uide: £9:00 per head “H ot Trays”, to include:

Selection of Q uiche Squares: Spinach; Salm on; Cheese & O nion:

Pizza Squares

Selection of Vol-au-Vents: Praw n; Chicken; M ushroom

Sandw iches, to include:



Egg & Cress

M ini Sausages & M ustard D ip

Chicken Goujons w ith Barbeque D ip

Stuffed Eggs: Praw n;Cheese; Pate

Blue Cheese D ip & Crudites

Bacon & Prune O R Bacon & O live Rolls

Salam i & Curd Cheese Horns

D esserts:


M ini M eringues

Chocolate Shortcake

Com fort Food Sam ple M enu

Com fort Food w ill adapt m enus to suit your exact requirem ents. Com fort Food, 23 W ell Close, Leigh, Kent,TN 11 8RQ 01732 838191

Buffet 3

Price G uide: £12:00 per head “H ot Trays”, to include: Selection of Q uiche Squares: Spinach; Salm on; Cheese & O nion

Pizza Squares

Selection of Vol-au-Vents: Praw n; Chicken; M ushroom

M ushroom Turnovers

Selection of Sandw iches: Beef & Horseradish

Egg & Cress

Ham & M ustard

Salm on & Cucum ber

Selection of Croustades: Taram asalata

Garlic & Herb Cheese

Subdried Tom ato Paste

Sm oked Salm on Squares

Haw aian Chicken w ith Pineapple & Peppers m arinaded in Honey & Lim e

Hum ous

Guacam ole

Garlic Cheese D ip & Crudites

D esserts: Alm ond Tartlets

Chocolate Fingers & Cream

Individual Fruit Tarts

Com fort Food Sam ple M enu

Com fort Food w ill adapt m enus to suit your exact requirem ents. Com fort Food, 23 W ell Close, Leigh, Kent,TN 11 8RQ 01732 838191

A dditional Buffet Suggestions

Fresh Salm on Skew ers m arinaded in 7 Thai Spice w ith Hollandaise Sauce

Tom ato & M ozzarella Kebabs

Q uails Eggs

Parm a Ham Batons

Guacam ole D ip & Crudites

M ussle Turnovers

Croustades w ith M ascapone & Salm on Roe

Potted Crab Crustades

Salm on Pate D esserts: Chocolate Rum Truffles

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