Page 1: #CMWorld Twitter Chat on B2B Content Marketing with Ardath Albee

#CMWorldB2B CONTENT MARKETINGTWITTER CHATFeaturing Marketing Interactions, Inc.’s Ardath Albee @Ardath421and Content Marketing Institute’s Joe Pulizzi @JoePulizzi

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B2B Content Marketing #CMWorld • Twitter Chat

Q1: What do you think the biggest difference is between #B2B and #B2C

content marketing? #CMWorld

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B2B Content Marketing #CMWorld • Twitter Chat

A1: Biggest difference is complexity of the buying process > time, people,

knowledge, consensus #cmworld


A1: I think also - more people involved in the buying process... sometimes up

to 7 or more #b2bcontentmarketing #cmworld


@michelelinn agree and lead nurturing is huge so you have to lead your

prospect down the right path #cmworld


A1: There is often higher risk with B2B buying decisions not just financial

but career and reputation as well #cmworld


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Q2: What are your first steps in creating a #B2B #contentmarketing

strategy? #CMWorld

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A2: Creating buyer personas always comes first for #contentmarketing strategy



A2: create objectives & goals, then create your strategy, identify platforms,

groups. Use CRM to gather data #CMWorld


Q2 Understanding not just who but why - why would personas care what you

have to say? Why will they engage with your brand? #CMWorld


A2: You have to know who you’re trying to influence/motivate before creating

a #B2B #content strategy #cmworld


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Q3: Should #B2B marketers tie content marketing to revenue?

If so, how? #CMWorld

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A3: Yes. Every-touch attribution should be applied to quantify contribution

to downstream revenues #cmworld


A3: Need to tie #contentmarketing to sales, lowering expenses or customer

retention. What else is there? #cmworld


@JoePulizzi agree, it’s not always for the purpose of a sale but should

always be attached to a $ value #cmworld


A3: Also need to track what content sales uses to influence purchase

decisions #salesenablement #cmworld


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Q4: How often should #B2B companiesaudit/refresh their content? #CMWorld

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B2B Content Marketing #CMWorld • Twitter Chat

A4: Establish a content governance process create, publish, refresh, chunks,

archive, retire #cmworld


A4: Once have complete audit, update it with new inventory as you go makes

life easier #cmworld


@michelelinn @ardath421 We update quarterly. But like restaurant menu,

we keep some old and introduce some new. #CMWorld.


A4 content with cited sources should be checked annually for freshness and

currency of facts #cmworld


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Q5: How are #B2B companiesorganizing their teams around content?

Is one person/group responsible?#CMWorld

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A5: I see it differently depending on org > one group or by product or industry teams



A5: Someone in the division or product group needs to be accountable for

#contentmarketing - ala Chief Content Officer #cmworld


@JoePulizzi A5 Person in this role MUST take great pain to communicate

w/ every dept. Best content is informed by entire org. #cmworld


A5: Set up content ambassadors in each group (search, social, email, pr)

and meet on a regular basis like @SAS does. #cmworld


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Q6: It seems like the focus is on content marketing before the sale. What about

content for retention? #CMWorld

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A6 email newsletters are a great client content marketing opportunity,

as are communities #cmworld


A6 - We’ve done well with content post-sale, make them feel valued part

of team after sale. That’s how we create evangelists. #cmworld


For retention - In-Person events are rated most effective by B2B marketers.

Here’s the research. #cmworld


Customer retention content is about helping customers find even more

value than they originally purchased #cmworld


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Q7: Sales channels want leads,content marketers want info to be shared. How can they work together? #CMWorld

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B2B Content Marketing #CMWorld • Twitter Chat

A7: Schedule monthly interviews over the phone. Key is to make content a sales activity

and part of the sales team’s routine #CMWorld


A7: Creating content “cliff notes” also engages sales - they’re not going to plow

through all your content #cmworld


@consected You can also use @slideshare popups - that way, you can keep it ungat-

ed but still work to get subscribers. #cmworld


@CMIContent by creating engaging content demonstrating clear benefits and a strong

call to action, info should generate the leads #CMWorld


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Q8: How can #B2B marketers developpersonas that are based in fact instead

of theory? How often should they beupdated? #CMWorld

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B2B Content Marketing #CMWorld • Twitter Chat

A8: to customers more? You’d be surprised how many

B2B #contentmarketing strategies skip this step. #cmworld


A8: Personas will never be fact. They’re an interpretation based on human input,

backed up by research #cmworld


Must. work. with. sales. to. develop. personas. Repeat phrase.

Consider it a mantra. #cmworld


A8 #CMWorld I hope #b2b marketers base personas on real customers.

Many products are roadmapped based on marketing’s personas.


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Q9: What kinds of Q’s should a B2Borg ask when choosing a mktg automation

solution? How do you know whenyou’re ready? #CMWorld

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A9: What kind of data do we need to get started?

Do we have it? #cmworld


A9: Can my team run the MAP or do we need IT to do it? #cmworld


A9: Do we have a content marketing strategy? Do we know what the

end goal will look like? - before buying technology #cmworld


A9: Do we have the content that would make a marketing automation

solution worth the time, cost and effort? #CMWorld


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Q10: What do you feel is the biggest social opportunity for

#B2B companies? #CMWorld

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Q10: For social tech - @slideshare and @linkedin. Both major publishing

platforms where B2B customers hang out in some way. #cmworld


A10: Tell a story that connects all stages of buying process and casts their

customers as the hero - should traverse channels #cmworld


A10: I think the opportunity is not so much where but how well U do it.

So many co’s more concerned w/quantity over quality #cmworld


A10: #B2B Content Marketers need to always be in pursuit of contextual

relevance in social #cmworld


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B2B Content Marketing #CMWorld • Twitter Chat

Want to learn more?Want to discuss the latest trends in content marketing and get advice from some of the experts you will see at Content Marketing World? Each week join Joe Pulizzi (@joepulizzi) and a guest as we discuss both key content marketing topics and event tracks for Content Marketing World, as well as our industry marketing summits.Simply follow #cmworld on twitter to join the conversation.

• July 2: Content Strategy with Michael Brenner @brennermichael

• July 9: Search and Social with Lee Odden @leeodden

• July 16: Financial Content Marketing with Mitch Joel @mitchjoel

• July 23: Social Media Marketing with Joe Chernov @jchernov

• July 30: B2B Content Marketing with Ardath Albee @ardath421

• August 6: Small Business Content Marketing with Brian Clark @copyblogger

• August 13: Multi-Channel Marketing with Andrew Davis @tpldrew

• August 20: Technology Content Marketing with Rohit Bhargava @rohitbhargava

Get transcripts from all #CMWorld Twitter chats and see the upcoming schedule:

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