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Identify the four major lines.

(1) The heart line.

(2) The head line.

(3) The life line.

(4) The fate line (not everybody has this) 3Interpret the heart line. This line can be read in either direction (from the pinkie finger to the index finger or vice versa) depending on the tradition being followed. It's believed to indicate emotional stability, romantic perspectives, depression, and cardiac health.

Begins below the index finger - content with love life Begins below the middle finger - selfish when it comes to love Begins in the middle - falls in love easily. Straight and short - less interest in romance Touches life line - heart broken easily Long and curvy - freely expresses emotions and feelings Straight and parallel to the head line - good handle on emotions Wavy - many relationships and lovers, absence of serious relationships Circle on the line - sad or depression Broken line - emotional trauma Smaller lines crossing through heart line - emotional trauma

4Examine the head line. Represents learning style, communication style, intellectualism, and thirst for knowledge. A curved line is associated with creativity and spontaneity, while a straight line is linked with practicality and a structured approach.

Short line - prefers physical achievements over mental ones Curved, sloping line - creativity Separated from life line - adventure, enthusiasm for life. Wavy line - short attention span Deep, long line - thinking is clear and focused Straight line - thinks realistically Donuts or cross in head line - emotional crisis Broken head line - inconsistencies in thought Multiple crosses through head line - momentous decisions

5Evaluate the life line. Begins near the thumb and travels in an arc towards the wrist. Reflects physical health, general well being, and major life changes (e.g. cataclysmic events, physical injuries, and relocations). Its length is not associated with length of life.

Runs close to thumb - often tired

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Curvy - plenty of energy Long, deep - vitality. Short and shallow - manipulated by others Swoops around in a semicircle - strength and enthusiasm. Straight and close to the edge of the palm - cautious when it comes to

relationships Multiple life lines - extra vitality Circle in line indicates - hospitalized or injured Break - sudden change in lifestyle

6Study the fate line. This is also known as the line of destiny, and it indicates the degree to which a person's life is affected by external circumstances beyond their control.[2] Begins at the base of the palm.

Deep line - strongly controlled by fate Breaks and changes of direction - prone to many changes in life from external

forces Starts joined to life line - self-made individual; develops aspirations early on Joins with the life line somewhere in the middle - signifies a point at which one's

interests must be surrendered to those of others Starts at base of thumb and crosses life line - support offered by family and


7Determine the hand shape. Each hand shape is associated with certain character traits. The length of the palm is measured from the wrist to the bottom of the fingers.

Earth - broad, square palms and fingers, thick or coarse skin, and ruddy color; length of the palm equals length of fingers

o Solid values and energy, sometimes stubborno Practical and responsible, sometimes materialistico Work with their hands, comfortable with the tangible

Air - square or rectangular palms with long fingers and sometimes protruding knuckles, low-set thumbs, and dry skin; length of the palm less than length of fingers

o Sociable, talkative and wittyo Can be shallow, spiteful and coldo Comfortable with the mental and the intangibleo Does things in different and radical ways

Water - long, sometimes oval-shaped palm, with long, flexible, conical fingers; length of the palm equals length of fingers but is less than width across the widest part of the palm

o Creative, perceptive and sympathetico Can be moody, emotional and inhibited

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o Introvertso Do things quietly and intuitively.

Fire - square or rectangular palm, flushed or pink skin, and shorter fingers; length of the palm greater is than length of fingers

o Spontaneous, enthusiastic and optimistico Sometimes egoistic, impulsive and insensitiveo Extrovertso Do things boldly and instinctively

have put together a quick and easy guide to palm reading and have been using it on sets with mass success.... enjoy! RIGHT HAND READING

1. HAND TEXTURE Feeling the back of the hand

Fine skin - silky or smooth: Sensitive person gentle and refined outlook can easily be disturbed.Hard course skin: Down to earth person not likely to be strung out more straight forward and direct.


Soft and spongy: Sensual person pleasure seeker, who does the least amount of work they can get away with, function best in comfortable surroundings where they can daydream and lazy about. . Firmer palms: Practical people, energetic, hardworking they enjoy challenges, need keep busy in order to be happy


Square palms: Down to earth, practical people enjoy a challenge work hard towards their goals plenty of stamina and energy. Oblong hands: Not practical enjoy coming up with ideas and no more, daydreamers, little action, creative people idealistic and gentle MAJOR LINES on the palm

4. HEART LINE: Line across the hand nearest to fingers (Emotional & love life state)

A line that curves at the end is called a PHYSICAL HEART LINE. This line will end either close to the base of the first two fingers or most commonly somewhere in between them.

PHYSICAL HEART LINEFind it easy to express needs and feelings, express them selves in a confident manner, when things go wrong they pick themselves up quickly and carry on with life.

The other type of heart line is a line that runs across the palm that does not curve towards the fingers this is called a MENTAL HEART LINE.

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MENTAL HEART LINEHarder to express there feelings they are sensitive and easily hurt, bottle up their feeling.

The heart line is related to the person's heart & closely related to the person's soul.

The ending position of the heart line is important 1. If ends below first finger: overly idealistic likely to be let down by there actions of others, 2. If line ends under the second finger: concerned with only his or her own needs not much interest in others needs, will lack in emotional involvement. 3. If line ends between first and second finger : they balance more grounded interested in his and her own needs along with others they realistic and keep both feet on the ground.

A heart line that is strong well marked deep and reasonably clear shows they will happy and enjoy a stable emotional life.

5. HEAD LINE: head line is how a person use's their mind & intellect It starts on the side of the hand between the base of the thumb and the first finger it either goes across in a reasonably straight line or curves towards the wrist. Again this line should be clear and well marked

A faint head line indicts they are not using their mental abilitiesThis line can be short or long, the longer the line the more involved and detailed the person is

SHORT HEAD LINEShrewd & think quickly kind a skim over the surface and not interested in detail.

LONG HEAD LINEMore likely to think more in-depth takes in detail

HEAD LINE THAT CROSS'S THE PALMHead line that crosses the palm reasonably straight that does not curve towards the wrist: logical, practical, down-to-earth and unimaginative

HEAD LINE THAT CURVESHead line that curves towards the wrist (past centre of palm)

Person is imaginative, creative, the greater the curve the more imaginative i.e. writer, poet. Good liar

FORKS AT THE END OF THE HEAD LINEThis is known as writer's fork: the person can come up with good ideas and make them practical. not all people have a fork

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STARTING POSTION OF THE HEAD LINE (important)If the head line touches the life line at the start: cautious personIf there's a gap between the start of the headline and life line: independent & impulsive and more adventurous


Life line: Person's physical well-being, health, passion, stamina shows how enthusiastic the person isabout life...This line has NO bearing on the length of someone's life span. This is the most important line on the handLife line starts on the side of the hand between the first finger and thumb ending close to the base of the palm near the wrist.The amount of area it encircles is important.

LIFE LINE THAT COMES WELL ACROSS THE PALMA person with a lot of stamina and energy they will be adventurous, chance takers and make the most of

every opportunity LIFE LINE THAT CLOSE TO THE THUMB Half alive, lacking in energy and enthusiasm STARTING POSTION OF THE LIFE LINE (important) Most people start half way between the first finger and thumb This is the perfect position for it to be in this equals balance STARTS CLOSE TO THE FIRST FINGER above half way Person will be ambitious and determined to reach there goals STARTS CLOSE TO THE THUNB below half way Person is lacking in ambition takes life as it comes Life lines should be deep clear and well marked someone with a line like this will enjoy good health and passionate about life


A series of fine lines that come out from the base of the thumb towards the life line. The more the lines the more the worrier, tell them to just chill out more often The perfect game which gets you a number.

The Fate LineThis represents stability and balance within the person as well as indicating their degree of individual drive and direction.

No fate lineThis indicates unpredictability, a dislike of routine and a tendency to restlessness and change.

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More than one fate lineThis indicates 2 directions showing different facets of the person.



Stopped halfwayIf the line rises on the lower palm but stops halfway up the hand, the early life of the person may have been well planned, their later life less so.

Stops at heart lineThere may be a restriction to the direction the person takes by their emotional fears, loves etc. They may sacrifice direction for a relationship.

Stops at head lineThere is a possibility of being restricted by one's own ideas and thought processes.



Indicates strong influence from the family on the direction the person takes. Shows a degree of conventionalism and cautiousness but also a high degree of stability.

Starting from the mount of lunarShows imagination, the paerson is likely to choose a less conventional direction. They have creativity, imagination and sensitivity.

Starting at the wristThis indicates how early in life the person found their path and direction, the further away from the wrist, the later in life they found it.

Moving towards the first fingerShows a very powerful person who will not give up easily on their ambition.

Moving towards the second fingerThis indicates a more conventional person, likely to enter into business and live in a responsible and conventional manner.

Moving towards the third fingerShows a person's motivation to express themselves creatively and artistically.

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Moving towards the fourth fingerRepresents a person's attraction to communication and the media and may need social acceptance.



Thick, well-drawn fate lineThis shows someone who has great force and motivation, the thicker the line the more inflexible the person is.

Lightly drawnA laid-back person, with greater flexibility, less powerful motivation and more idealistic direction.

Broken lineThis represents major changes in a person's direction and balance.

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