  • 8/10/2019 Chuck - Fictional Discourse - Multimodal Analysis


    Carmen Gregori-Signes. 2010. Magnifying the ordinary: a multimodal

    perspective on the analysis of TV series. Talk Presented at the XXVIII

    International AESLA Conference.

    [email protected]

    IULMA, Universitat de ValnciaDpt. Filologia Inglesa y Alemana
  • 8/10/2019 Chuck - Fictional Discourse - Multimodal Analysis


    [email protected]

  • 8/10/2019 Chuck - Fictional Discourse - Multimodal Analysis


    @ Carmen Gregori Signes

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  • 8/10/2019 Chuck - Fictional Discourse - Multimodal Analysis


    Tension between

    Spy life

    Life as a member of the Nerd Herdat the


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  • 8/10/2019 Chuck - Fictional Discourse - Multimodal Analysis


    intention isto reveal to what extent readers rely on inferentialresources when attempting to transform the verbal-visual

    information into cognitively relevantinterpretations

    Yus (2008:223)

    & soundtrack/ audio


    How it may be possible for the audience to reach an identification

    between life at the Buy More (an electronics store) andSpy life, thusmagnifying the workplace.

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    Multimodal approach (Kress and van Leeuwen 2001) toanalyse the internal elements in the series .

    Drawing upon the principles of:Genre analysis

    Discourse analysisPragmatics/ relevance theory

    Media studies

    Framework for the analysis

    Television text in its dual interpretation: internally orexternally (social impact)

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    Framework for the analysis

    Following Yuss (2008) proposal for the analysis of graphic


    and Altmans (1989) concept of genre and intergenericinfluences (syntactic and semantic elements in film genres)

    I propose a framework for multimodal analysis that may help us

    understand how the introduction of generic conventions fromother genres may used both:

    a) to build central coherence in the series;

    b) to build humour

  • 8/10/2019 Chuck - Fictional Discourse - Multimodal Analysis


    Language Module + Perceptual Module (Fodor 1983) +

    Audio/sound Module________________________________

    a) syntactic (Altman 1989) generic conventions from other genres: visual and

    verbal-non-verbal language/ soundtrack. E.g. generic structure, plot,

    transition themes, vocabulary, tone of voice, etc.

    b) symbolic /semantic (non/-verbal/visual/ soundtrack ) generic conventions

    from other genres ( internal vs. real world) (e.g. in Westerns: horses, guns,

    sheriff etc.)

    d) implicatures and explicatures: visual/non/-verbal/ soundtrack;

    e) relevance driven-interpretations (i.e. inferential task to interpret the

    meaning of whole episode/ series)

    (cf. Fodor 1983, Altman 1989, Yus 2008)

    Framework for the analysis

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    Focusing on the relationship between



    Central coherence


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    Context /Parallel stories

    Two parallel stories: conflict emerges in both contexts.

    Story 1

    Spy life


    world security

    Story 2

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    E 1 Chuck vs. the First DateE 2 Chuck vs. the SeductionE 3 Chuck vs. the Break-UpE 4 Chuck vs. the Cougars

    E 5 Chuck vs. Tom SawyerE 6 Chuck vs. the ExE 7 Chuck vs. the Fat LadyE 8 Chuck vs. the GravitronE 9 Chuck vs. the SenseiE 10 Chuck vs. the DeLoreanE 11 Chuck vs. Santa ClausE 12 Chuck vs. the Third DimensionE 13 Chuck vs. the SuburbsE 14 Chuck vs. the Best FriendE 15 Chuck vs. the BeefcakeE 16

    Chuck vs. the Lethal WeaponE 17 Chuck vs. the PredatorE 18 Chuck vs. the Broken HeartE 19 Chuck vs. the Dream JobE 20 Chuck vs. the First KillE 21 Chuck vs. the ColonelE 22

    Chuck vs. the Ring
  • 8/10/2019 Chuck - Fictional Discourse - Multimodal Analysis


    Genre mixture: function

    The inclusion of multimodal generic conventions (implicit or

    explicit) from other genres in both stories leads to relevancedriven interpretations whose function is bring together bothparallel stories; and thus give coherence to the wholeepisode/series.

    They also help the audience process the whole story accordingto certain schemata and realise that certain genres are beingparodied for the sake of establishing a relationship between the

    two parallel stories:

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    The incongruity of the situation however(especially as exaggerated as they make it

    look like at the Buy More) makes it possibleto identify the workplace with spy life, thushumorously magnifying it for the purpose ofmaking the audience laugh

    [e.g. video extract the somersault,+ spy music]

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    Video game exhibition (vocabulary, limit situations when s.o. is

    about to win the game and thus beat the software)

    Women in Advertising (reproducing Sarahs entrance in the BuyMore in slow motion, as if announcingwomens products (cf. delSaz and Pennock 2009)

    Bachelor Party (Chucks brother in law)

    Concert/s ( Humour in music/ Zappa Is there

    "Thunderdome", a cage match tournament (in the storage room

    of the shop)

    Parody of spy series (metadiscourse)

    Robbery with hostages

    A TV game show The Wheel of Misfortune to choose the

    employee of the month

    Other genres reproduced in the

    context of the Buy More

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    Chuck womens advertising

  • 8/10/2019 Chuck - Fictional Discourse - Multimodal Analysis


    Episode 203: Chuck vs. the break-up

    Spy Life Buy MoreFacingFulcrum FacingMighty Sports (bullies)

    Chuck has to take decisions on his


    Morgan also faces the bullies on

    his own

    Genre conventions: Classic Western

    a) Soundtrack: High Noon/ Solo ante el Peligro

    Spy music in the Buy More when tryingto get rid of the bullies

    a) The figure of the lone ranger (Chuck & Morgan)

    b) Attitudes and gestures of the characters

    c) Vocabulary and expressions characteristic of classic

    westerns dialogue

  • 8/10/2019 Chuck - Fictional Discourse - Multimodal Analysis


    Episode 205. Chuck vs. Tom Sayer

    Spy Life

    Video game humanity

    depends on it

    The Buy More

    Past references: Jeffrey

    Barnes, the missile

    Command world champion

    (video game).

    Genre conventions: military

    Voice quality: tone and pitch of the voice: Stu Brewster (the boss)

    imitating the military exhortation tone of voice, loud,

    strong;while Jeffrey Milbarge is more ironical, subtle and

    manipulates his voice quality in order to make it sound as


    (cf. Pennock and del Saz 2009)


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    Genre Military inspection

    Vocabulary:to tighten your slack-asses up. to meet all of you in theflesh;

    looking forward to spending more time here in the Buy More

    trenches, getting to know therankand thefile.

    Non-verbal language: position of the arms of some of them, silence,

    facial expression showing defiance in some of them

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  • 8/10/2019 Chuck - Fictional Discourse - Multimodal Analysis


  • 8/10/2019 Chuck - Fictional Discourse - Multimodal Analysis


    Interview with Milbarge

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    Implicature and explicature: The herd

    nerd are all a bunch of loosers

    Milbarge: We'll just start out simple. Why do you belong at theBuy More?

    Jeff: I satisfy a quota. My dad's part Indian. The cool kind ofIndian though, not like Lester.

    Morgan: Why do I belong at the Buy More? You know, I'm going to

    have to think about that. I'm going to go grab a soda.

    And... You want one? 'Cause it's my treat.I'll gr- I'll grab

    you one. And I'll be back in a jiff.

    Milbarge: (writes down on the report ) Untrainable

    Ana: I speak more than one language, binary code. Zero, zero, zero,

    one,e... zero.

    Milbarge: (writes down on the report) Prostitute?

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    Symbolic information stereotypes)

    The choice of the cast

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    Relevance driven interpretations

    Yus (2008: 242): [graphic novels] In specific contexts, theinformationliterally coded in the utterances isinsufficient to account for their intendedinterpretations and hence the addresseesinference is needed in order to turn the

    schematic input into relevant interpretations[] Similarly, readers of comics have to infer theintended interpretation of both the narrativetext (captions) and the characters dialogues inorder to grasp the story correctly.

    The same would apply in the case of the interpretation ofall the elements included in a TV series.

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  • 8/10/2019 Chuck - Fictional Discourse - Multimodal Analysis


    Yus (2008:223) rightly points out thatperception is not as

    automatic as it seems to be, but is always mediated bythe persons background knowledge, expectations and

    assumptions about the world (actual or possible) and

    thatwhatever the visual input, inferential hypotheses

    have to be made in order to match [.] information andtheir referents.

    As such, the final interpretation or vision of the Buy More

    as an extraordinary place that may be perceived by the

    audience as a competitor of spy life depends on the

    inference that each spectator makes of the discourse in

    Chuck which includes a mixture of generic conventions

    from different genres

    Conclusions: the role of inference and relevance driven

    interpretations in the perception of the Buy More

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    What so magnificent about ?

  • 8/10/2019 Chuck - Fictional Discourse - Multimodal Analysis


    Thanks for your time

  • 8/10/2019 Chuck - Fictional Discourse - Multimodal Analysis


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