Page 1: Christ Church Southgate 150th Anniversary Concert - 25th November 2012

The Choir of Christ

Church Southgate

Harvey Brink Director

The Bach Sinfonia

Liz Partridge Leader

Christ Church Southgate 25th November 2012 6.30pm150th Anniversary ConcertPROGRAMME

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Welcome to Christ Church Southgate

Thank you for joining us for this special concert; the culmination of a programme of events marking our 150th Anniversary. Tonight’s performance takes place on our Patronal Festival Day, Christ the King. We are once again indebted to Liz Partridge and her orchestra for accompanying our choir, led by our Director of Music Harvey Brink, for a performance of what has been described as “one of the greatest achievements of classical music.” What a celebration!

Since the consecration of this church on 15th July 1862, music has been a key pillar of our worship; a tradition which continues today in the form of our weekly Sung Eucharist and Choral Evensong and regular concert series. Over the past 150 years we have been fortunate to have welcomed a diverse array of talented musicians into our church including, in the 1940’s, a young Martin Neary, who has been kind enough to put down on paper some of his memories of Southgate, featured later in this programme. The junior choir has flourished in recent years and we were delighted when Katie Allen reached the final of Radio 2’s prestigious Young Chorister of the Year competition last year.

I do hope you will take time before the performance and during the short interval to look around our wonderful building. As Bishop Peter reminded us when he preached here on the anniversary of our consecration in July, our church is much more than bricks and mortar. It is a living part of our community here in Southgate. We have prepared a small exhibition at the back of the church containing some artefacts from the consecration, focussing on just some of the personalities who were so instrumental in creating the church we have today. The display also contains photographs charting the history of the choir, many of which have been donated by parishioners. Details of our services during Advent and Christmas are on the back of this programme. I very much hope you enjoy tonight’s performance and that we will see you again at Christ Church very soon.

Fr Peter Jackson, Vicar of Christ Church Southgate



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Introducing Tonight’s Performance

Welcome to our celebratory concert of Bach’s Mass in B minor. It is my great honour to join with members and friends of Christ Church to crown our 150th Anniversary celebrations with a performance of this astonishing piece. As Bach drew on work from his long and prodigious career in compiling his only complete setting of the Latin Mass, so we draw on Christ Church’s 150-year-old musical tradition and all its musical connections in this unprecedented performance.

I owe an enormous debt of gratitude to Liz Partridge, long-time associate of the church, who has organised and will lead the orchestra, to Phillip Dawson, a member of our choir, who has managed the logistics and to all the musicians and helpers who have made today so special.

Thank you too for joining in the celebrations and I hope you enjoy this wonderful music.

Harvey Brink, Director of Music



21st July 1929

9th April 1972 at York Minster

31st July 2012 at York Minster

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Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) Mass in B Minor (BWV 232)

for soprano, alto, tenor and bass soloists, double chorus and orchestra



The Lutheran Mass, or Missa, consists of a Kyrie and Gloria only, and it was these two movements that Bach sent in July 1733 to Friedrich August II, Duke of Saxony, as proof ‘of that knowledge which I have attained in music’, with the wish that the Duke should ‘regard it not as its poor composition deserves but, as befits your world-renowned clemency, with a most gracious eye, and thus take me into your most mighty protection’.

Later in this letter he hinted at the frustrations of his life as a Cantor at Leipzig. But his entreaties fell on deaf ears: Bach had to wait three years before he was tardily rewarded with the office of Court Composer, and his Mass remained unperformed. The original vocal and instrumental parts in the Sächsische Landesbibliotek in Dresden appear never to have been used.

In the autograph score (which can be dated not later than 1739) this Missa is followed by three other cantata-like compositions, each with its own title-page and list of requirements. These are ‘No. 2 Symbolum Nicenum’ (the Credo), ‘No. 3 Sanctus’ (first chorus only), ‘No. 4 Osanna / Benedictus / Agnus Dei et Dona nobis pacem’. Why these were written is not entirely certain, but Gerald Abraham has suggested that they may have been intended not to complete an actual Catholic Mass but as a series of quasi-cantatas on the lines of a Mass – possibly a gesture of gratitude to the Catholic Duke for his belated appointment in 1736. However, the consecutive numbering of the individual title-pages, the appearance of Bach’s customary explicit, ‘Fine D[ei] S[oli] Gl[oria]’, at the end of No. 4 only, and the thematic link between ‘Gratias agimus Tibi’ and ‘Dona nobis pacem’ surely suggest some sort of intended unity.

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Much of the Mass consists of music drawn from other sources and some in its turn was adapted for further use elsewhere. There is little evidence that the Mass was ever performed in Bach’s lifetime and a further eighty years passed before Nägeli of Zurich published the Missa in 1833 and Simrock of Bonn the rest in 1845.

By this time the Bach revival was well under way in Germany and gathered momentum with the involvement of the twenty-year-old Mendelssohn who in 1829 in Berlin gave the first public performance since Bach’s death of the St Matthew Passion. Mendelssohn’s mentor, Carl Friedrich Zelter – a standard-bearer of the Bach revival who nevertheless regarded the oratorios and cantatas as impossible to perform and, in any case, unfit for human consumption, but was totally converted after the 1829 St Matthew – is supposed in 1835 to have conducted the first performance of the Mass in Berlin and, three years later, individual sections were heard in London. The first complete performance in England was given in London in 1876 by Otto Goldschmidt and a special choir formed for the occasion which remains in existence today as The Bach Choir.

It was inevitable that the rediscovery of Bach in the nineteenth century would see performances take on the characteristics of the Victorian choral tradition: large forces, ponderous speeds, excessive reverence. There was some scaling down in the 1940s and 1950s; but the arrival in the late 1960s of period instruments (the recording of the work by Nikolaus Harnoncourt in 1968 marked a breakthrough in the development of the authentic movement) led to sharper rhythms and tone colours – not only in ‘period’ performances – and so much extra beauty and excitement.

Fritz Volbach, in his Introduction to the Eulenburg pocket score, writes: ‘The B Minor Mass soars above like some huge, primitive mountain rock. Its summit is lost in the clouds, in an infinity of sunlit blue; lonely and sublime, it is unapproachable by any other music’. And Geoff Brown, writing in The Times suggests (and who shall gainsay it?) that ‘no other composer offers such a combination of spirituality, humanity and peerless musical invention’.

© Garry Humphreys

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Christ Church Southgate150th Anniversary Concert

Mass in B Minor (BWV 232)Johann Sebastian Bach


1 Kyrie eleison 2 Christe eleison3 Kyrie eleison4 Gloria in excelsis5 Et in terra pax6 Laudamus te

7 Gratias agimus tibi8 Domine deus9 Qui tollis peccata mundi10 Qui sedes ad dextram Patris11 Quoniam tu solus sanctus12 Cum Sancto Spiritu

Interval of 15 minutes. Refreshments available at the back of the church


13 Credo in unum Deum14 Patrem omnipotentem15 Et in unum Dominum16 Et incarnatus est17 Crucifixus

18 Et resurrexit19 Et in Spiritum sanctum Dominum20 Confiteor21 Et expecto



23 Osanna in excelsis24 Benedictus25 Osanna in excelsis

26 Agnus Dei27 Dona nobis pacem

The ‘Top Step’ Bar in Church House will be open after the performance

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1 Kyrie eleison.

2 Christe eleison.

3 Kyrie eleison.

4 Gloria in excelsis Deo,

5 Et in terra pax hominibus bonae voluntatis.

6 Laudamus te, benedicimus te, Adoramus te, glorificamus te.

7 Gratias agimus tibi propter magnam gloriam tuam.

8 Domine Deus, Rex coelestis, Deus Pater omnipotens. Domine Fili unigenite, Jesu

Christe. Domine Deus, Agnus Dei, Filius Patris.

9 Qui tollis peccata mundi, Miserere nobis.Qui tollis peccata

mundi, Suscipe deprecationem nostram.

10 Qui sedes ad dexteram Patris, miserere nobis.

11 Quoniam tu solus sanctus, tu solus Dominus, Tu solus altissimus, Jesu Christe.

12 Cum Sancto Spiritu in gloria Dei Patris, Amen.


1 Lord, have mercy.

2 Christ, have mercy.

3 Lord, have mercy.

4 Glory to God in the highest,

5 And on earth peace, good will toward men.

6 We praise You, we bless You, We worship You, we glorify You.

7 We give You thanks for Your great glory.

8 Lord God, King of Heaven, God the Father Almighty. Lord only-begotten Son, Jesus

Christ. Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father.

9 You who take away the sin of the world, Have mercy on us. You who take away the sin of the world, Hear our prayer.

10 You who sit at the right hand of the Father, have mercy on us.

11 For You alone are holy, You alone are Lord, You alone are the Most High, Jesus Christ.

12 With the Holy Spirit in the glory of God the Father, Amen.

Text and Translation

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13 Credo in unum Deum.

14 Patrem omnipotentem, factorem coeli et terrae, visibilium omnium et invisibilium.

15 Et in unum Dominum Jesum Christum, Filium Dei unigenitum, et ex patre natum ante omnia saecula, Deum de Deo, lumen de lumine, Deum verum de Deo vero. Genitum non factum, consubstantialem Patri; per quem omnia facta sunt. Qui propter nos homines et propter nostram salutem descendit de coelis.

16 Et incarnatus est de Spiritu Sancto, ex Maria virgine; et homo factus est.

17 Crucifixus etiam pro nobis sub Pontio Pilato, passus et sepultus est.

18 Et resurrexit tertia die secundum Scripturas, et ascendit in coelum, sedet ad dexteram Patris, et iterum venturus est cum gloria, judicare vivos et mortuos, cujus regni non erit finis.

19 Et in Spiritum Sanctum Dominum, et vivificantem, qui ex Patre Filio que procedit, qui


13 I believe in one God.

14 The Father, the Almighty, maker of heaven and earth, of all that is, seen and unseen.

15 And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only Son of God, eternally begotten of the Father, God from God, light from light, true God from true God, begotten, not made, of one being with the Father; through Him all things were made. For us and for our salvation He came down from heaven.

16 By the power of the Holy Spirit, He became incarnate from the Virgin Mary, and was made man.

17 For our sake He was crucified under Pontius Pilate; He suffered death and was buried.

18 On the third day He rose again in accordance with the Scriptures; He ascended into heaven, and is seated at the right hand of the Father; He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead, and His kingdom will have no end.

19 And I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of Life, who proceeds from the Father and

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cum Patre et Filio simul adoratur, et conglorificatur, qui locutus est per Prophetas. Et unam sanctam catholicam et apolstolicam Eccelsiam;

20 Confiteor unum baptisma in remissionem peccatorum;

21 et expecto resurrectionem mortuorum, et vitam venturi saeculi. Amen.


22 Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus, Dominus Deus Sabaoth. Pleni sunt coeli et terra gloria tua.


23 Osanna in excelsis.

24 Benedictus qui venit in nomine Domini.

25 Osanna in excelsis.

26 Agnus Dei qui tollis peccata mundi, miserere nobis. Agnus Dei qui tollis peccata mundi,

miserere nobis. Agnus Dei qui tollis peccata mundi,

27 dona nobis pacem.

the Son; with the Father and the Son He is worshipped and glorified. He has spoken through the prophets. I believe in one holy catholic and apostolic Church;

20 I acknowledge one baptism for the forgiveness of sins;

21 I look for the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the world to come. Amen.


22 Holy, holy, holy, Lord God of Hosts. Heaven and earth are full of your glory.


23 Hosanna in the highest.

24 Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord.

25 Hosanna in the highest.

26 Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world,

have mercy on us. Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world, have mercy on us. Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world.

27 grant us peace.

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Dr Martin Neary LVOMemories of Christ Church

Christ Church’s Director of Music, Harvey Brink, who was an outstanding chorister during my time as Organist and Master of the Choristers at Westminster Abbey, has invited me to write a personal memoire about my family links with Christ Church Southgate.

My earliest memory takes me back to 1943, when I was three, not to the church itself but to the lovely neighbouring Minchenden Garden, with its 400 year-old oak tree, where my mother would sometimes take my sister, Denise, and me to have a picnic. A few years later we dutifully attended Sunday school on Sunday afternoons. To begin with classes were in the old Walker Hall, although when we grew older we “graduated” to the church.

From the age of seven however I had other duties on Sunday mornings; first at Holy Trinity Brompton, where



my father, Leonard, was one of the regular bass baritones, and where I became a chorister, before in 1948 being accepted as one of the Children of the Chapel Royal at St James’s Palace. And so it was not until my voice broke, at the age of fifteen, that I became anything like a regular member of Christ Church again.

Soon after I was confirmed, I was invited to become a server at the Saturday morning Eucharist, and before long I joined the Anglican Young People’s Association. I also frequently attended Evensong, although one of the attractions in the summer months was leaving home in time to watch some cricket on the Walker Ground – where in 1949 I saw the legendary Denis Compton obligingly score a century in one of his Benefit matches; since when my family would probably claim that I have spent almost as much time watching cricket as I have making

Distinguished organist and choral conductor Dr Martin Neary LVO has a long association with Christ Church Southgate. Former Organist and Director of Music at Winchester Cathedral and Westminster Abbey, we were delighted when in October this year, he was awarded a Lambeth Degree by the Archbishop of Canterbury.

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music! (After leaving school, I was invited to play in one game for the Southgate Club on the famous ground; I scored one run, and so not surprisingly was never selected again.)

By then I had started to play the organ seriously, having lessons with the Organist and Choirmaster at the Chapel Royal, Harry Gabb; and at the age of seventeen, on the strength of a recommendation from our local doctor (!), I was appointed Organist of St. Mary’s, Hornsey Rise. Inevitably my appearances at Christ Church services then became spasmodic, but this did not prevent my practising the organ, thanks to the good offices of successive organists, Angus Oldaker and Peter Branker. I practised a great deal, at all times of the day and night, and am sure this helped enormously in my winning the organ scholarship to Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge (where one of the Fellows was Harvey Brink’s distinguished grandfather, Charles Brink, Regius Professor of Classics).

Rather than studying for a degree in music however, I had decided to read Theology, as I was thinking in terms of Ordination; in this I had been much encouraged by successive Christ Church vicars, Charles Plummer and Murray MacLeod.

I have scant memories of the vicar in the 1940s, John Stainsby, but I do remember the impact made by the arrival of Charles Plummer, and later of his curates, John Yates, Bevan Wardrobe and Jeremy Walsh, who lived opposite to us at the Clergy House, 62 Oakfield Road. They all seemed to appreciate my parents’ hospitality (at No.73); and with John there were numerous musical evenings, when he would play Bach preludes on the piano very sensitively. (Little did I anticipate that both John and Jeremy would later become Bishops, with John ending his career by assisting Archbishop Carey as Bishop at Lambeth).

Martin on one of the choir’s Annual Summer Camps in the 1960’s (photo :Graham Knight)

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Other memories from those early days at Christ Church include performances of the passion play by Dorothy Sayers, Man born to be King, when a stage was erected in the middle of the choir stalls, and to reach the organ you had to crawl under some temporary scaffolding. I know this because, in order to turn pages, I had to do it!

I can’t remember the first time I was allowed to play the organ for a service at Christ Church - it was probably for a funeral - but I have a clear memory of being drafted in by Peter Branker to play for the Carol Service in 1959, when the assistant organist, Norman Lilley was suddenly taken ill. And thus began a friendship with Peter, who invited me on several occasions to act as accompanist on the choristers’ annual camps at Brereton Hall in Cheshire (above).

Another musical event was the annual carol concert at Church House, close to Minchenden School, when Angus Oldaker used to share the conducting with his friend Leslie Spencer. In the early1960s they kindly invited me to be the accompanist which I much enjoyed, not least because they hired a superb piano! I was also involved in a centenary service of thanksgiving in, I suppose, 1962, when I made an arrangement for choir, organ and brass of “Now thank we all our God”. It did not receive universal acclaim - John Yates’s mother coming round the following morning to complain to my mother about the awful music, without realising who was responsible!

I was not deterred, however, and by this time I had decided to take a different career direction, completing my degree by reading music.

Low Sunday 1958 Choir Course at Brereton Hall School, Cheshire (Back) R O’Connell, I Currie, N Hammond, Mr P Branker (Choirmaster and Organist), J Leggett, Reverend B Wardrobe, P Norden, B Lamb, J Thomas (Centre) Alex Currie, A Currie, P Eldridge, R Green, C Thorne, A Mudge, P Baynham, R Turvey, P White, R Perrett (Front) N Lord, James Sellers, A Turvey, N Turvey, R Snowsill, Julian Sellers, M Meur

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My life thus far had been very much based in Southgate, and I fear I must have reduced the lifespan of the Christ Church organ, on which I remember practising the day before winning Second Prize in the St. Alban’s International Organ Festival in June 1963. Soon afterwards I went to America for three months to study conducting, and, on returning to London, I was appointed Assistant Organist at St. Margaret’s Church Westminster, and so my appearances in Christ Church became increasingly limited. Probably the last occasion I was in the church was to give a recital in the 1970s, when I was Organist of Winchester Cathedral.

From the 1960s, on the other hand, my parents took an increasing part in the life of the church, despite moving to Winchmore Hill. My father became successively a voluntary member of

the choir, Editor of the Magazine and Church Warden, while my mother, Jeanne, now aged 96, to whom I have read this article to check the facts, used to contribute Le petit coin français.

I would like to end this short appreciation of all that Christ Church has meant to me and my family by saying how marvellous it is that one of the celebrations marking the 150th anniversary should be a performance, by the church’s musical forces, of Johann Sebastian Bach’s B minor Mass; fifty years ago this would have been inconceivable. So, many congratulations to the current musicians and to the church they serve! May they continue to sing unto the Lord with a merry voice!

Martin Neary

2008 The Choir of Christ Church Southgate atSte Clotilde, Paris

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Choir of Christ Church Southgate Harvey Brink DirectorThe Bach Sinfonia Liz Partridge Leader


FlutesRachel Brown, Sophie Clayton

OboesDavid Theodore, David Presly, Mike Britain

BassoonsColin Beak, Clare Ferraro

HornFinlay Bain

TrumpetsLance Kelly, Anthony Kearns, David Marley

TimpaniMerlin Jones

First violinsLiz Patridge (leader), Rachel Simmnett, Phillipa Ballard

Second violinsCarolyn Franks, Lynne Baker, Louisa Till

ViolasMoira Presly, Ben Voce

CellosMiriam Lowbury, Avis Perthen

Double BassPhil Donelly

OrganDavid Hinitt


Soprano 1Eleanor Caine, Nicola Carver, Katherine Gourd, Sophie Hammer, Catherine Harvey, Mary Wiegold

Soprano 2Katy Ambrose, Rose Hagon-Torkington, Rhiannon Humphreys, Jessie Robb, Alison St Denis, Stephanie Wake-Edwards

AltoFlorence Butterfield, Sheila Compton, Liz Hill, Mabel Geeson, Josie Wastell, Gordon Waterson

TenorPhillip Dawson, Murray Gouldstone, John Hagon-Torkington, Simon Jerrum, John Robb

BassAdrian Butterfield, Thomas Huish, Mitchell Lloyd, Adrian Lowdon, Richard Fallas , Paul Suter, Ian Winton, Clive Woodhouse



Choir of Christ Church Southgate Harvey Brink DirectorThe Bach Sinfonia Liz Partridge Leader


FlutesRachel Brown, Sophie Clayton

OboesDavid Theodore, David Presly, Mike Britain

BassoonsColin Beak, Clare Ferraro

HornFinlay Bain

TrumpetsLance Kelly, Anthony Kearns, David Marley

TimpaniMerlin Jones

First violinsLiz Patridge (leader), Rachel Simmnett, Phillipa Ballard

Second violinsCarolyn Franks, Lynne Baker, Louisa Till

ViolasMoira Presly, Ben Voce

CellosMiriam Lowbury, Avis Perthen

Double BassPhil Donelly

OrganDavid Hinitt


Soprano 1Eleanor Caine, Nicola Carver, Katherine Gourd, Sophie Hammer, Catherine Harvey, Mary Wiegold

Soprano 2Katy Ambrose, Rose Hagon-Torkington, Rhiannon Humphreys, Jessie Robb, Alison St Denis, Stephanie Wake-Edwards

AltoFlorence Butterfield, Sheila Compton, Liz Hill, Mabel Geeson, David Pope, Josie Wastell, Gordon Waterson

TenorPhillip Dawson, Murray Gouldstone, John Hagon-Torkington, Simon Jerrum, John Robb

BassAdrian Butterfield, Thomas Huish, Mitchell Lloyd, David Loxley-Blount Adrian Lowdon, Richard Fallas , Paul Suter, Ian Winton, Clive Woodhouse

Choir of Christ Church Southgate Harvey Brink DirectorThe Bach Sinfonia Liz Partridge Leader


FlutesRachel Brown, Sophie Clayton

OboesDavid Theodore, David Presly, Mike Britain

BassoonsColin Beak, Clare Ferraro

HornFinlay Bain

TrumpetsLance Kelly, Anthony Kearns, David Marley

TimpaniMerlin Jones

First violinsLiz Patridge (leader), Rachel Simmnett, Phillipa Ballard

Second violinsCarolyn Franks, Lynne Baker, Louisa Till

ViolasMoira Presly, Ben Voce

CellosMiriam Lowbury, Avis Perthen

Double BassPhil Donelly

OrganDavid Hinitt


Soprano 1Eleanor Caine, Nicola Carver, Katherine Gourd, Sophie Hammer, Catherine Harvey, Mary Wiegold

Soprano 2Katy Ambrose, Rose Hagon-Torkington, Rhiannon Humphreys, Jessie Robb, Alison St Denis, Stephanie Wake-Edwards

AltoFlorence Butterfield, Sheila Compton, Liz Hill, Mabel Geeson, Josie Wastell, Gordon Waterson

TenorPhillip Dawson, Murray Gouldstone, John Hagon-Torkington, Simon Jerrum, John Robb

BassAdrian Butterfield, Thomas Huish, Mitchell Lloyd, Adrian Lowdon, Richard Fallas , Paul Suter, Ian Winton, Clive Woodhouse



Page 15: Christ Church Southgate 150th Anniversary Concert - 25th November 2012

Choir of Christ Church Southgate Harvey Brink DirectorThe Bach Sinfonia Liz Partridge Leader


FlutesRachel Brown, Sophie Clayton

OboesDavid Theodore, David Presly, Mike Britain

BassoonsColin Beak, Clare Ferraro

HornFinlay Bain

TrumpetsLance Kelly, Anthony Kearns, David Marley

TimpaniMerlin Jones

First violinsLiz Patridge (leader), Rachel Simmnett, Phillipa Ballard

Second violinsCarolyn Franks, Lynne Baker, Louisa Till

ViolasMoira Presly, Ben Voce

CellosMiriam Lowbury, Avis Perthen

Double BassPhil Donelly

OrganDavid Hinitt


Soprano 1Eleanor Caine, Nicola Carver, Katherine Gourd, Sophie Hammer, Catherine Harvey, Mary Wiegold

Soprano 2Katy Ambrose, Rose Hagon-Torkington, Rhiannon Humphreys, Jessie Robb, Alison St Denis, Stephanie Wake-Edwards

AltoFlorence Butterfield, Sheila Compton, Liz Hill, Mabel Geeson, Josie Wastell, Gordon Waterson

TenorPhillip Dawson, Murray Gouldstone, John Hagon-Torkington, Simon Jerrum, John Robb

BassAdrian Butterfield, Thomas Huish, Mitchell Lloyd, Adrian Lowdon, Richard Fallas , Paul Suter, Ian Winton, Clive Woodhouse



VISIT OUR “TOP STEP” BAR IN CHURCH HOUSE(just over the zebra crossing!)

Bar open after tonight’s performance

The Top Step Bar is run by the Christ Church Association. The Bar is located on the top floor of Church House, over the zebra crossing on the opposite side of Waterfall Road. It’s the closest bar to the church!

The bar stocks a range of soft drinks as well as good beers and a full range of alcoholic drinks. Please come along tonight and if you want to enjoy our facilities on a more regualar basis you can become a Christ Church Association Member - it’s cheap and easy to join - just visit the bar!


Every year, the parish of Christ Church organises Southgate’s May Day Fair, which raises thousands of pounds for charity as well as providing a fun day for all the family! We are always keen to hear from people who have ideas and suggestions for next year:

Perhaps you belong to a zumba or dance class who would be willing to put on a display in the arena?

Maybe you are a budding ‘maker’ and want to sell your wares!

Perhaps you can help us with advertising or manning a charity stall for an hour?

Email us your [email protected] or call 020 8886 0384

150th Anniversary Merchandise!

Collectors items of the future!Limited edition! Selling out fast!

This year Christ Church Southgate is 150 years old. To mark this joyous occassion, celebratory mugs, jute shopping bags and pens are available to buy from Church or we can arrange to send them to you, at an additional charge.

Mug £4.00Small Shopper £4.00Large Shopper £4.50Pen £1.00

Contact Hilary Meur via the Parish Office by calling 020 8886 0384 or [email protected]

Choir of Christ Church Southgate Harvey Brink DirectorThe Bach Sinfonia Liz Partridge Leader


FlutesRachel Brown, Sophie Clayton

OboesDavid Theodore, David Presly, Mike Britain

BassoonsColin Beak, Clare Ferraro

HornFinlay Bain

TrumpetsLance Kelly, Anthony Kearns, David Marley

TimpaniMerlin Jones

First violinsLiz Patridge (leader), Rachel Simmnett, Phillipa Ballard

Second violinsCarolyn Franks, Lynne Baker, Louisa Till

ViolasMoira Presly, Ben Voce

CellosMiriam Lowbury, Avis Perthen

Double BassPhil Donelly

OrganDavid Hinitt


Soprano 1Eleanor Caine, Nicola Carver, Katherine Gourd, Sophie Hammer, Catherine Harvey, Mary Wiegold

Soprano 2Katy Ambrose, Rose Hagon-Torkington, Rhiannon Humphreys, Jessie Robb, Alison St Denis, Stephanie Wake-Edwards

AltoFlorence Butterfield, Sheila Compton, Liz Hill, Mabel Geeson, Josie Wastell, Gordon Waterson

TenorPhillip Dawson, Murray Gouldstone, John Hagon-Torkington, Simon Jerrum, John Robb

BassAdrian Butterfield, Thomas Huish, Mitchell Lloyd, Adrian Lowdon, Richard Fallas , Paul Suter, Ian Winton, Clive Woodhouse



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We are an inclusive, liberal catholic Church of England parish with a strong musical tradition. Do join us on Sunday. You will find us a friendly and welcoming congregation.

Sunday Services

8.00am Said Eucharist10.00am Sung Eucharist (Please stay for refreshments after the service)6.30pm Choral Evensong

Advent and Christmas Services

Join us at this special time of year to experience our wonderful building, beautiful music and inspiring liturgy

Sunday 2nd December 6.30pm Advent Carol ServiceSunday 9th December 6.30pm Choral EvensongSunday 16th December 6.30pm Service of Nine Lessons and CarolsMonday 24th December 5.00pm Crib ServiceMonday 24th December 11.00pm Congregational CarolsMonday 24th December 11.30pm Midnight Mass

The Reverend Peter JacksonChrist ChurchThe GreenSouthgateLondon, N14 7EG

office@christchurch-southgate.orgwww.christchurch-southgate.org020 8886 0384 (out of office hours, calls go to voicemail or are re-directed)

For information about our adult and junior choirs, choral scholarships and concert programmes, please contact the Director of Music by [email protected] or visit the choir Facebook page:

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