Page 1: China, Russia & the “Stan”/CIS Countries...MODERATED BY: Nancy Pierce, Jeppesen PRESENTED BY: Pat Dunn, Asia Corporate Jet Singapore Eric N. Wickfield, NetJets ... INTIK CHINA

China, Russia & the

“Stan”/CIS Countries

MODERATED BY: Nancy Pierce, Jeppesen

PRESENTED BY: Pat Dunn, Asia Corporate Jet Singapore

Eric N. Wickfield, NetJets

Lukas Kadlcik, Euro Jet

International Operators Conference | Tampa, FL | March 17 – 20, 2014

Tuesday, March 18, 2014 | 1:05 p.m. – 2:35 p.m.

Page 2: China, Russia & the “Stan”/CIS Countries...MODERATED BY: Nancy Pierce, Jeppesen PRESENTED BY: Pat Dunn, Asia Corporate Jet Singapore Eric N. Wickfield, NetJets ... INTIK CHINA

Welcome To China


Pat Dunn

Asia Corporate Jet Singapore

International Operators Conference | Tampa, FL | March 17 – 20, 2014

Tuesday, March 18, 2014 | 1:05 p.m. – 2:35 p.m.

Page 3: China, Russia & the “Stan”/CIS Countries...MODERATED BY: Nancy Pierce, Jeppesen PRESENTED BY: Pat Dunn, Asia Corporate Jet Singapore Eric N. Wickfield, NetJets ... INTIK CHINA

Welcome to China!

Page 4: China, Russia & the “Stan”/CIS Countries...MODERATED BY: Nancy Pierce, Jeppesen PRESENTED BY: Pat Dunn, Asia Corporate Jet Singapore Eric N. Wickfield, NetJets ... INTIK CHINA

Overview Presentation will include… • Chinese economy

to be more open • New policies

on business aviation • Operations

in China

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Operations in China

We will cover…

1 Permit / Slot

2 Route

3 East China Sea ADIZ

4 Parking at Beijing Capital International Airport / ZBAA

5 Handling agents

6 Customs and Immigration

7 Fuel

8 Cultural checklist

Page 7: China, Russia & the “Stan”/CIS Countries...MODERATED BY: Nancy Pierce, Jeppesen PRESENTED BY: Pat Dunn, Asia Corporate Jet Singapore Eric N. Wickfield, NetJets ... INTIK CHINA

证明函 民航局空管局运行管理中心:



年 月日),乘公务机抵达(某地),进行(何种活动)。





(某年月日) 起飞机场中文名称-落地机场中文名称












Page 8: China, Russia & the “Stan”/CIS Countries...MODERATED BY: Nancy Pierce, Jeppesen PRESENTED BY: Pat Dunn, Asia Corporate Jet Singapore Eric N. Wickfield, NetJets ... INTIK CHINA

China Invitation Letter

1.The Invitation Letter must be Printed on a Company Letter Head with Salutation "民航局空管运行管理中心”

2. This must be in Simplified Chinese 3. IT MUST state the Local receiving Party Name, Business Registration Number, Registration Address and Time of the Arrival 4. A Brief BRIEF INTRODUCTION FOR THE LOCAL SPONSOR COMPANY AND THE COMPANY BEING INVITED 5. PLACE WHERE THE COMPANY INVITED WAS REGISTERED, NATURE OF BUSINESS AND THE INVITED PERSON JOB TITLE IN THIS COMPANY

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6. Insure your letters have a Clear Stamp


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10. If the Schedule involves 5 or less Stops, ONLY one sponsor letter is required. IF SCHEDULE INVOLVES MORE THAN 5 OPEN-AIRPORT STOPS, You will need 06 sponsor letters, One from each City Based Company. IF ORIGINAL SCHEDULE INVOLVES 5 OPEN-AIRPORT STOPS, AND LATER A REVISION IS ADDED (1 STOP), THEN ALL THE DESTINATION BASED COMPANIES WILL NEED TO RE-ISSUE THE SPONSOR LETTER IN EACH LOCATION, BESIDES THE ADDED PLACE SPONSOR LETTER. THIS MEANS 06 SPONSOR LETTERS IN TOTAL. 11. The Maximum number of airports that you may visit on one trip is 5. 12. If you plan to enter China and then depart China for one stop, and then return to China this will require two Invitation Letters. 13. If Planning to go to Shanghai you must state which airport you intend to use on your first invitation.

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14. A Sponsor Letter must State “ A Group of xx People” ie: “A Group of 2 people”” (一行一人) The Sponsor Letter should state the Name / Passport Number/ Date of Birth/ Nationality of the. THIS SENTENCE SHOULD BE PLACED BEFORE THE AIRCRAFT SCHEDULE. E.G. 應XXX有限公司 邀請,XX的XXX公司XX先生(主席)一行一人將於XXXX年X月乘公務機來上海, 與我司洽談合作事宜。公務機機型 ________, 飛機注册號為 ______

15. The Registration number printed on the Sponsor Letter cannot have Hyphen Or Spaces between the Registration Numbers : ie VPCTH ….not VP-CTH, V P C T H 16. There are not specific Regulations for the number of days an Aircraft may stay in China. However CAAC may not approve an aircraft staying in one location for more than 10 days consecutive. This may vary depending on location. As a Reminder: insure your Crew Visa matches the period of your aircraft Stay in China.

Sponsor Letter

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Permit / Slot

Permit for airports which are not opened to foreign aircraft. Application must be submitted to CAAC with 7 working days in advance, together with the following documents: • An official sponsor letter issued by local government (county

level) • An official letter issued by local airlines to prove their

navigator is qualified. • No permit for operating to airport with altitude higher than

7999 feet (2438 meters) • A Chinese navigator is required, when operating to an airport

between 4921 feet (1500 meters) to 7999 feet (2438 meters)


Page 13: China, Russia & the “Stan”/CIS Countries...MODERATED BY: Nancy Pierce, Jeppesen PRESENTED BY: Pat Dunn, Asia Corporate Jet Singapore Eric N. Wickfield, NetJets ... INTIK CHINA

Permit / Slots

• The same aircraft is not allowed to occupy 2 slots

at a same airport,between the hours or

0800 – 2159 local time at….

– Beijing Capital International Airport / ZBAA

– Shanghai Hongqiao International Airport / ZSSS

– Shanghai Pudong International Airport / ZSPD

– Shenzhen Bao'an International Airport / ZGSZ

– Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport / ZGGG


Page 14: China, Russia & the “Stan”/CIS Countries...MODERATED BY: Nancy Pierce, Jeppesen PRESENTED BY: Pat Dunn, Asia Corporate Jet Singapore Eric N. Wickfield, NetJets ... INTIK CHINA

PERMITS – Current Rules

• 1. With immediate effect, the departure time has to be the same as the approved permission time; this means any ad-hoc advancement will become impossible, and any ad-hoc delay will be recorded by CAAC (only weather delay is a valid reason).

• 2. For any new applications or schedule change to the open airports (like advancement or delay as mentioned in 1.), CAAC need to be notified at least before 1200 Beijing time, the day before original operations, and that must an official working day.

• 3. Each application allow 2 changes only after approval, any further changes will not be considered.

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PERMITS – Current Rules

• 4. If the desired arrival/departure time is not available, CAAC

will assign the closest time slot without prior consultation.

• 5. Trip cancellation requires 1 working day or more to alert

them; otherwise aircraft will be recorded as no show.

• 6. The recorded performance discrepancy or no show will be

used by CAAC as a reference to impose hindrance to future

applications, or even suspend future applications.

• 7. Applications to non-open airports require 07 working days.

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PERMITS – Current Rules

• 8. All non-Chinese registered aircrafts are prohibited to operate into any Chinese airport with elevations higher than 2430 metres.

• 9.From 0700am-0900am private aircrafts operating at Beijing Capital International aircraft are prohibited; from 0900am-2200pm (peak hours) only allow single take-off or landing. As well as other airports.

• 10.The maximum number of cities that a schedule can include is 5. (In & out of China is treated as one schedule)

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PERMITS – Current Rules

• 11. From 0800am-2200pm (peak hours) only single take-

off or landing is allowed in Shanghai Pudong airport,

Shanghai Hongqiao airport, Shenzhen Baoan airport,

Guangzhou Baiyun airport.

• 12. It‟s prohibited if a sector involved 2 peak hours

mentioned in items (9) & (11) at any of the 2 busy airports

(Beijing Capital/Shanghai Pudong/Shanghai

Hongqiao/Shenzhen Baoan/Guangzhou Baiyun), it may

be approved if the requested time slot are not requested

by the others at the same time.

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PERMITS – Current Rules

• 14.From 0000am-0500am, no take-off or landing into

Shanghai Hongqiao airport is allowed, and from 0700am-

2259pm traffic to/from east/northeast are not allowed.

• These Rules have changed at least twice in the last 6

• months. Be Prepared for other changes.

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• Direct flights between

mainland China and

Taiwan is only for..

– Mainland China registered

business aircraft


– Taiwan registered

business aircraft



Permits / Slots

Page 20: China, Russia & the “Stan”/CIS Countries...MODERATED BY: Nancy Pierce, Jeppesen PRESENTED BY: Pat Dunn, Asia Corporate Jet Singapore Eric N. Wickfield, NetJets ... INTIK CHINA

Permits / Slots

All airports in China

• No technical landings

are allowed at busy


• Check with the handler before

planning technical stops

Note: Once the landing permit is approved, that means the slot is also


Page 21: China, Russia & the “Stan”/CIS Countries...MODERATED BY: Nancy Pierce, Jeppesen PRESENTED BY: Pat Dunn, Asia Corporate Jet Singapore Eric N. Wickfield, NetJets ... INTIK CHINA

Permits / Slots

0001 - 0559 local time

No restriction 0600 - 2359 local time

Two movements per hour:

- One for a domestic registered aircraft

- One for a foreign registered 0700 - 0859 local time

No take-offs for business aircraft allowed

Beijing Capital International Airport / ZBAA

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Permits / Slots

Shanghai Hongqiao International Airport / ZSSS

0001 - 0559 local time

No take-offs for business aircraft allowed 0700 - 2359 local time

Foreign registered aircraft not allowed to:

- Land from the east and northeast direction

- Depart from the east and northeast direction Technical landings are not permitted at busy airports. Note: Once the landing permit is approved, that means the slot is also


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China 42


Not allowed between waypoints:




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Normally only waypoints:





Are used for:

East and South coast

entry and exit fixes

for business flights






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China 44


L888 Y1 Y2 are not allowed to be used




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Routes to avoid L888 Y1 Y2 include:





L888 Y1

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Mongolia Routes





Mongolia routes

1 To Mongolia Route via AGAVO or MAKNO, use POLHO to enter Mongolia.

2 From Mongolia To ZBAA or ZBTJ use INTIK. V.V.

3 From Mongolia UIII or ZMUB to North China, use INTIK. V.V.

When itinerary applies to (1), use POLHO

When itinerary doesn’t applies to (1) but (2), use INTIK

For other circumstances, use NIXAL between China and Mongolia.

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Mongolia Routes

Example routes are to / from Hong Kong / VHHH


From North to South

1 Bypass ZHO between B208 and A461

2 Route example: NIXAL B208 CGO W129 OBLIK A461 LIG R473 WYN W18 NLG W23 ZUH R473 SIERA VHHH

From South to North

3 Use ZHO to connect A461 and B208

4 Route example: VHHH BEKOL A461 ZHO B208 NIXAL

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China 48

Closed Route

Closed route

YBL B215 TYN overflights not allowed




Page 30: China, Russia & the “Stan”/CIS Countries...MODERATED BY: Nancy Pierce, Jeppesen PRESENTED BY: Pat Dunn, Asia Corporate Jet Singapore Eric N. Wickfield, NetJets ... INTIK CHINA

China’s New ADIZ (Air Defense Identification Zone)


• Crossing this new ADIZ, you

must now file with China • Ensure the flight plan includes

the following two AFTN

addresses for filling:



• Notam information for this change to

ADIZ and instructions are located at:

• Type in FIR:

• Click on:


„View Notam‟

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Airway Offsets

• Be Prepared for Airway Offsets

• Offsets normally are Right of Track

• Offsets can be 2-7 miles offset

• Offsets are not optional

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S Shanghai Hongqiao International Airport / ZSSS

Parking is getting worse and traffic is increasing

• The nearest parking position will take 30


• Quite often it takes an hour for parking at the

remote position, such as Apron N2 and Apron


• It will save time if the passengers disembark at

a position near the parking stand

• However, the passenger will take some time to

get to the FBO


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• Since the situation at the airports is getting more complex and

the agent has to do more coordination • The handling agent plays a key role in

ground handling • More handling agents are appearing • NOT ALL EXPERIENCED WITH GA OPS • Check if your handling agent is professional and experienced • Agents with a longer history are stronger and more reliable

Handling Agent

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Customs and Immigration Incorrect Information

Incorrect crew / passenger information may cause a delay and penalty at airports such as:

– Chengdu Shuangliu International Airport / ZUUU

– Kunming Wujiaba International Airport / ZPPP

– Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport / ZGGG

If the list of names sent to security department is incorrect, a correct one is required before they let the aircraft go.

At some airports, the CIQ is very strict, any mistake on the name info will

likely receive a penalty at airports such as:

– Tianjin Binhai International Airport/ ZBTJ

– Jinan Yaoqiang International Airport/ ZSJN

– Shenzhen Bao'an International Airport/ ZGSZ

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Customs and Immigration


• If the passengers have two or

more passports, they must use the

one with Chinese visa • If the passport (with Chinese visa) is expired, please let your

agent know in advance and provide the new passport info • Do not forget to bring with you the expired passport

with valid Chinese visa

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Customs and Immigration

General Declaration (GENDEC) and International Arrival

• On international arrival into China, the crew must provide a

General Declaration form (GENDEC) stamped by Customs

of last stop airport.

• Without the stamped GENDEC, it may delay

passenger/crew check in; even worse you could be fined.

• On international arrival, do not open the cabin door. Until it

has been indicated to you to do so.

• If door is opened before customs gets there, you will

likely have a problem.

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Customs and Immigration

Visas - Crew

• In principle, crew must have C-type visa

• If crew member who holds a C-visa wants to take commercial to

leave or arrival China. • His handling agent should issue an official letter to airport

immigration to explain the reason – Plan this ahead of time.

• Otherwise, they will likely not be allowed to leave by

commercial. Maybe you won’t get into trouble even you fail to observe the

above rules.

But when the lucky star is not with you, then it will be a big


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Customs and Immigration

Visas - Passengers

• Passengers can stay in China 72 hours without visa.

• Currently this policy applies to:

– Beijing Capital International Airport / ZBAA

– Shanghai Hongqiao International Airport / ZSSS

– Shanghai Pudong International Airport / ZSPD

– Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport / ZGGG

– Chengdu Shuangliu International Airport / ZUUU

– Chongqing Jiangbei International Airport / ZUCK

• If you have a passenger coming to China without a visa, you need to

double check with your agent to confirm there is no problem. • In principle, this rule is not applicable to crew.

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Crew Visas

• VISAS – 5 year Multiple Entry Crew Visas are

available now in certain Visa Offices in the US for

US Passports.

• Check with your VISA Support Company

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• The fuel agent is responsible to check

and make sure fuel is all set. • It may be best to have your

handling agent to follow up with the

fuel agent at your destination.

• It is recommended to fuel on Arrival

to expedite your departure. • Credit card or a fuel card may not be


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Cultural Checklist (Part 1)

Please develop a working knowledge of Chinese culture

Communicating Bowing or nodding is the common greeting; however, you may be offered a handshake. Wait for your host to offer their hand first. Applause is common when greeting a crowd; the same is expected in return. Introductions are formal. Use formal titles. Often times our host will use a nickname to assist Westerners. Being on time is vital in China.


• China is the oldest continuous civilization

• The checklist is advisory only, for communicating, appearance,

behaviors and manners

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Cultural Checklist

Appointments are a must for business. Bring several copies of all written documents for your meetings. The decision making process may be slow. You should not expect to conclude your business swiftly. Present and receive cards with both hands. Never write on a business card or put it in your wallet or pocket. Carry a small card case. The most important member of your company or group should lead important meetings. Your hosts value rank and status. Allow your host(s) to leave a meeting first.

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Cultural Checklist


Conservative suits for men with subtle colors are the norm. Women should avoid high heels and short sleeved blouses, Revealing clothing for women may be considered offensive to Chinese businessmen. Subtle, neutral colors should be worn by both men and women. Casual dress should be conservative as well. Men and women can wear jeans. However, jeans are not acceptable for business meetings.

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Cultural Checklist

Do not use large hand movements, it may may be distracting to your host as they do not do it. Personal contact must be avoided. It is highly inappropriate for a man to touch a woman in public. Do not point when speaking, to point do not use your index finger, use an open palm. It is considered improper to put your fingers in your mouth Avoid acts that involve the mouth Gift giving is a very delicate issue in China - See international business gift giving. If giving a gift to a government official, be cognizant of OFAC laws It is more acceptable to give gifts either in private or to a group as a whole to avoid embarrassment. The most acceptable gift is a banquet and quality writing pens as considered favored gifts.

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Cultural Checklist


Behavior and Manners Do not give clocks, straw sandals, handkerchiefs or anything White, Blue or Black as they are all associated with death! Always arrive on time or early if you are the guest. Do not discuss business at meals or start to eat or drink prior to the host. As a cultural courtesy, you should taste all the dishes you are offered. Sample meals only, there may be several courses. Never place your chopsticks straight up in your bowl. By placing your sticks

upright in your bowl your will remind your host of joss sticks which connotes death. Try not to drop the chopsticks it is considered bad luck. Do not eat all of your meal. If you eat all of your meal, it will be considered you did not receive enough food and are still hungry. Women do not usually drink at meals. Tipping is considered insulting, however the practice is becoming more common.

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International Operators Conference | Tampa, FL | March 17 – 20, 2014

Contact Information:

Pat Dunn

Asia Corporate Jet Singapore

Cell: 847-380-0070

+65-9733-4988 Singapore

Email: [email protected]

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