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Childhood and Education

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The child

The spirit acquires more inner luggage from incarnation to incarnation; experience to


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Love and Wisdom

Moral Aspect


Intellectual Aspect

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Union of the soul to the body

The good spirits teach us the union begins at the moment of conception, but is only complete at the moment of birth.

(The Spirits' Book Q.344)

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Temporary ForgetfulnessReasons: Spirit‘s Adaptation to the physical body

Profound sleepThe spiritual body id restricted once connected to the physical body that is under formation.Psychic frustration on the first seven years of life („Therapeutic Hipnosis“)

Moral effect from the Temporary Forgetfulness

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From the time of birth

… ideas gradually take on shape and impulse according to the development of the organs;

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The child; eternal and perfectible spirit

Explanation from the Spirit Calderaro, book 'In the Higher Spiritual World'- Chapter 3





Germ of Perfection



Present conscious

Future super-conscious

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Past "luggage"

Impulses and tendencies that manifest since early age

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„Having been brought from past existences, these good or evil instincts will manifest themselves from early childhood. It is necessary that parents study these instincts; all badness originates from selfishness and pride. So be on the lookout for the least sign which will reveal the existence of such vices, and then take care to combat them without waiting for them to take deep root. (…)“

(The Gospel According to Spiritism; Chap XIV 9)

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State of Innocense in Childhood» „… a child, having had no opportunity as yet to

manifest any perverse tendencies, presents us with an image of innocence and purity….“. Allan Kardec


During this period of dormancy, in which the instincts are also latent, the Spirit is more malleable, more accessible to impressions which can modify the character and which helps the Spirit progress…

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„ No one can replace parents in the EDUCATIONAL ESPHERE OF THE CHILDREN‘S HEARTS “.

(Spirit of Humberto de Campos)

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Meeting of Souls at HOMEReasons:» Redemption, support, affections, disaffections,

mission;Objective:» Strengthens links of - LOVE

It is at HOME that our challenges start. Our children are spirits who are connected to us by ties of affection or reparation.

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Meeting with sympathetic and antipathetic spirits

„ We come back in contact with individuals we have affiliated with in the past, through blood ties. These links, either good or bad, happen through the blessing of reincarnation.“ Emmanuel

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Children‘s Education Parents‘ Mission

To prepare the children





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The childhood makes children more pacific; accessible to our advices.

This is the perfect timing to educate the reincarnating spirit

This process continues through the adolescence

(Relationship between Parents and Children - Umberto Ferreira)

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Education: Important Points

Love and kindness are powerful educational resources, if used in a proper manner


The ones who receive it

The ones who don‘t receive it

Are more balanced and happy

Become needy, agressive, rebelled

(Relationship between Parents and Children - Umberto Ferreira)

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Emmanuel‘s Comments The moral education process, which forms the

character of the individual, becomes more difficult after the infancy period. If this educational process hasn‘t been done at home, once he/she reaches adulthood only the violent process of harsh trials could change the thought of these human creatures.

( „O Consolador“)

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DIALOGUE AND ATTENTION•Agressive words stay imprinted and exert negative influence

•Use logical argument and appropriate language to the age and understanding of the child.

•Parents must have the patience to hear their children

(Relationship between Parents and Children - Umberto Ferreira)

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ENERGY AND PUNISHMENT Sometimes parents need to act with energy, even if love

and dialogue is used.

RESOURCES THAT LEAD TO GOOD RESULTS:- Make children assume the consequences for their

behaviour; - Restrict their trips, excursions, outdoor activities

No more violence against children!

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Please Avoid Corporeal punishment could be avoided, since they


Traumas Revolts Agressivity Unstability Inhibition Insecurity

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» Many parents forget to estimullate the children when they do all their tasks well; this is an omition;

» Motivate and reward are much better ways that reprehend and punish;

(Relationship between Parents and Children - Umberto Ferreira)

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MOTIVATION AND REWARDS Teach children that leasure alternatives constitute

prizes, but this could also be taken away;

If parents process this way they are not punishing their children, but leaving to reward them.

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FREEDOM Children have the right to freedom, but

not excessively.

Parents need to dose it.

Freedom with no criteria could be damaging for the child

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FREEDOM Children have the right to cry. - Identify the cause - Solve the problem - Do not hit them

If he/she is just whining - let the child cry until he gives up - dose the level of attention

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FREEDOM» The child has the right to play

„Children need freedom at home “

Be aware! Be careful with your choice of toys, literature and TV


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What are we offering to our children?

What are we teaching them?

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It‘s necessary to educate the feelings and cultivate science in our hearts. Jesus‘ teachings have never been more up-to-date: „Love one

another". Love is to educate.

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„ Love and educate him. Offer him the best of your soul, even if your chind can‘t understand the nobility of your sacrifice and the sublimity of your abnegation.

You will receive from our Celestial Father the blessings of happiness and peace.

(Emmanuel- Family“)

Your child

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Bibliography:» Spiritist Education Pedagogy Practice, v.1, Walter Oliveira

Alves, DIE» A challenge called family, Jeamar Zandini Nazareth, Edited by

Minas» O Consolador» Relationship between Parents and Children, Umberto Ferreira» Future uncertainty

Research done by Arlete LänzlingerTranslated by Carolina von SchartenCEEAK- Centro de Estudos Espíritas Allan Kardec, Switzerland, 2006.

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