


What is characterisation? Characterisation is where the film can reveal the personality of a character involved (can be revealed through direct or indirect characterisation).Direct - tells the audience the personality of a characterIndirect shows the audience things that can reveal the personality of the character, usually through these five things: SpeechWhat does the say? How does the character talk (eg high pitch voice)?ThoughtsWhat information can be revealed through the characters thoughts? Effect on othersHow do other characters feel when they're with them? How do other characters behave? ActionsWhat does the character do? How do they behave?LooksHow dot hey look? How do they dress?

Example ONE Se7en

This film is an example of Indirect characterisation

The opening sequence to this film explores characterisation in an indirect way by slowly revealing some attributes of the character in subtle ways by showing his actions. His actions (such as the image of books and him writing) suggest to the audience that this may be crucial part in the film. This is an effective way of characterisation.

Example TWO Mean girls This is an example of both direct and indirect characterisation scene in the movie Mean girls also has an effective way of characterisation. It involves both indirect and direct characterisation. The two characters are discussing the plastics (which also reveals information about their character) whilst camera shots are being shown of the plastics showing their physical attributes.

Example THREE Mean girls opening

An example of indirect characterisation This films opening sequence involves an example of indirect characterisation. This means that as an audience we are being told information about that character (such as her being home schooled) which may be an important part of the film to come.

Protagonists Sky Fall A protagonist is the main character in films. In many films the protagonist is usually the known as the good guy.Protagonists play and important role in all films and all genres of films. They are usually established the beginning of films through characterisation. Examples of protagonists in popular movies are James Bond, Superman, Harry Potter.

Antagonists The Goonies

An antagonist is commonly known as the bad guy in many movies. In this opening sequence the antagonist is shown in one of the first shots, to give the audience an understand of who is good and who is bad. The antagonist is shown to be the bad guy immediately through the mise-en-scene of the police station. The other antagonists are also show through the indirect characterisation of their actions, voices, looks and effect on others. Famous antagonists include, the joker, Voldemort and Darth Vader .

Our films characterisation

The characterisation in our film is portrayed in a subtle and indirect way. We chose to show it indirectly to create the sense of mystery, as they do not know all of the information about what may happen through the character however they are still getting the connection through the character by knowing his setting (bedroom and bathroom) and also his routine when he wakes up.

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