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    .NET Overview

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    At the end of this chapter, the student will be able to

    understand the origin of .NET, what it encompasses

    and what functionality does the .NET framework


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    Introduction to .NET

    .NET Framework

    Architecture of .NET Framework

    Common Language Runtime (CLR)

    Advantages of .NET

    Effect of .NET on the End Users

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    Introduction to .NET

    In the initial stages of Web development, people

    used isolated PCs in order to connect to the Internet.

    But as the need arose, they moved from isolated PCs

    to using both PCs and plethora of devices.

    .NET is Microsofts next generation revolutionary

    new platform for Windows and Internet software

    development, based on open Internet protocols andstandards.

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    Introduction to .NET

    The overall vision of Microsoft .NET is to create a

    common platform for building applications.

    . NET initiative is all about enabling data transfer

    between networks, PCs and devices independent ofplatforms, architecture and solutions.

    The developers have broad freedom to write their

    applications in whatever programming languagethey are comfortable with.

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    Introduction to .NET

    Microsoft has shipped various different

    programming languages within Visual Studio. NET,

    but there are actually more than 20 languages in all

    that are going to target the .NET framework. .NET initiative basically revolves around the .NET

    Framework that encompasses execution platform.

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    .NET Framework

    The .NET Framework provides the most important

    functionality of integrating different programming

    languages with each other.

    It allows the developers to work in the language theywant.

    It saves time, enables automatic transactions and

    memory management

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    Architecture of .NET Framework

    The major components

    of the .NET Framework

    can be better explained

    with the help of thegiven diagram:

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    Architecture of .NET Framework

    Built on top of the operating system services is a

    CLR, the heart of the .NET Framework.

    It manages the need of running code written in any

    modern programming language.

    It supplies many services that help simplify the code

    development and application deployment.

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    Architecture of .NET Framework

    The framework also includes a set of unified class


    They include the higher level services which include

    the various programming models that providecomponents and services for developing web sites

    and web services.

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    Architecture of .NET Framework

    Common Language Runtime

    The CLR provides the execution environment for the

    .NET Framework applications.

    It is a runtime that is usable by different and variedprogramming languages.

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    Architecture of .NET Framework

    Unified Classes The classes of the .NET

    Framework provide aunified, object oriented,

    and hierarchical set ofclass libraries.

    Some of the servicesprovided by the UnifiedClasses are shown in the

    given figure

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    Architecture of .NET Framework

    The figure in the previous slide shows a base set of class

    libraries that facilitate many aspects of application

    development such as user interfaces, data storage, and


    These unified programming classes also provide support

    for developing more traditional Windows-based


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    Common Language Runtime

    CLR is a set of standard resources that any .NET

    program can take advantage of, regardless of the

    programming language.

    Thus, it makes different programming languagesmore equal in capability.

    The CLR makes it easy to design components and

    applications whose objects interact across languages.

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    Common Language Runtime

    When CLR processes the code, it has no idea of the

    programming language that was used to generate

    that code.

    The code can be developed in any programminglanguage as long as the compiler used to compile the

    code targets the CLR.

    The compiler just checks the syntax and ensures thatwhatever the code is written makes sense; after that

    the code is handled by the CLR.

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    Common Language Runtime

    Architecture of CLR

    It is very important to

    understand the

    architecture of the CLR

    A diagrammatic

    representation is given


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    Common Language Runtime

    Working of CLR

    The whole concept of the working of CLR can be brokenup into the following steps:

    Processing of a single source code

    A single code is compiled by the compiler. Aftercompilation the compiled code is converted into theEXE/DLL file and is ready to be executed.

    This is known as the Managed Module.

    Actually, this Managed Module is known as theAssembly, which comprises of the IntermediateLanguage (IL).

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    Common Language Runtime

    IL is a CPU independent set of instructions that can beefficiently converted to the native code. It includesinstructions for loading, storing, initializing and callingmethods on objects. Apart from this, it also includesinstructions for arithmetic and logical operations,control flow, direct memory access, exceptionhandling, and such other operations.


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    Common Language Runtime

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    Common Language Runtime

    Before, the MSIL can be executed, it must be converted

    by the Just In Time (JIT) compiler to native code.

    This JIT compiler is provided by the CLR, for each

    supported CPU architecture. The compilation is done only once and the results are

    cached for the further use.

    The CLR contains a number of JIT compilers, which

    convert the IL into native code (binary code).

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    Common Language Runtime

    Concise Example

    A concise example is discussed below in order to know

    what happens when a code is written.

    There is a C# code which displays Hello World onbeing executed. The listing of the code is:

    using System;

    class a{

    public static void main() {Console.Writeline(HELLO WORLD);



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    Common Language Runtime

    Open the Visual Studio

    Command Prompt, and

    compile the program.

    As the code is

    compiled, it is converted

    into an EXE/DLL file,

    the output of which is

    shown in the followingscreen:

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    Common Language Runtime

    Processing of Multiple Codes

    when there is more than a single code, written in

    multiple languages which has to be executed then the

    concept and working of the CLR changes to a certainextent.

    The CLR works with the help of Assemblies. This can

    be explained with the help of the following example:

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    Common Language Runtime

    If a programmer wants to write a code in C# which

    displays HELLO WORLD.

    Another programmer wants to do the same thing in

    some other language.

    In this case Multilanguage integration feature of the

    CLR comes into action.

    When there are more than one Managed Modules then

    a tool, commonly known as Assembly Linker, is usedto convert all these managed modules to the Assembly.

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    Common Language Runtime

    This can be explained

    clearly with the help of

    the figure:

    Now, this assembly

    which comprises of the

    IL and the Metadata is

    processed in the same

    way as the single file

    assembly is processedupon by the CLR.

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    Advantages of .NET

    The major advantages of .NET Framework can be

    summarized as follows:

    Ability to use any programming language

    Well designed development tools

    Improved code design

    Support for loosely and tightly coupled architectures

    Legacy components and applications

    Easy Data Access

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    Advantages of .NET

    Evidence Based Security

    Simplified application deployment

    Increased Reliability

    Improved Performance

    Unified Programming model

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    Effect on the End Users

    .NET has its implications on all sorts of software

    professionals: Developers, Infrastructure Engineers

    and other End Users. Here is a list of them:

    Programming Models: One of the key benefits of the.NET Framework is that it provides a gradual

    transition from simpler to much more complex

    programming models.

    Reducing Barriers: programming for Internet

    requires a completely different programming model.

    The .NET Framework reduces many of these


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    Effect on the End Users

    Built-in Functionality: The .NET Frameworkcontinues the tradition of providing more and morebuilt-in functionality.

    Easier Deployment: One of the Basic design goals of

    Microsoft .NET Framework is to simplify theinstallation and configuration of the software.

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    .NET is based on the Internet protocols andstandards.

    The programming language support of .NET allowsaccess to any other component regarding of the

    language it was developed in. The objective of the .NET Framework is to simplify

    the building of the Web Applications and WebServices.

    The .NET Framework is divided into two majorcomponents; Unified classes and CommonLanguage Runtime.

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    CLR provides the execution environment for .NETFramework applications.

    IL is a CPU independent machine language.

    Metadata is produced by the compiler, whichdescribes the types in the code, and the definition ofeach type.

    The CLR contains the JIT compiler which convertsthe IL to the native code.

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    Self Assessment

    Fill up the blanks:

    The heart of the .NET Framework is known as the


    A major design goal of the .NET is to _______ theconfiguration and installation of the software.

    The __________reduces the use of Interface Definition


    The Runtime Environment is provided by the___________ in the .NET Framework.

    The _________converts the IL into native code.






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    Self Assessment

    State True or False:

    The class libraries of the .NET Framework provide a rich

    built in functionality. (T/F)

    The runtime fails to provide the services such as memorymanagement. (T/F)

    In the .NET Framework, the code has to be compiled

    every time it has to be executed. (T/F)

    Value types are either built in value types or user definedtypes. (T/F)

    The basic idea behind the CLR was to allow the

    developers to write less code and use more code. (T/F)






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