Page 1: Carmel Pine Cone, September 4, 1919

SfceYeai', $1.56

iffiiajI550ED EUERY THURSDAY clje Copy, 5 cents

________ D evoted to the interests o f Carmel-by-the-Sea, Pebble Beach, Carmel H i g h l a n d s , Carm el V a lley

S E P T E M B E R 4, 1919 C A R M E L - B Y - T H E S E A . C A L . V O L . V , N U M . 31

Do You Read Our Ads ?

W e e n d e a v o r t o

m a k e o u r a d s n o t on ly in t e re s t in g b u t

h e lp fu l to y o u , a n d

sh o w y o u h o w yo u can save more money.

D o lla r s m is s p e n t

a re g o n e fo r e v e r — b u t w h e n p laced to" y o u r c re d it w it h th e F ir s t N a t io n a l B a n k of H o n te re y t h e y w i l l g r o w to good p ro p o rt io n s .

4 P e r C e n t p a id on in te re s t a c c o u ts

First National


Under U. S. G overn - iment Supervision |

Careful Thorough

Accuratein our e y e exam ination and f it ­ting o f glasses. I f you break your glasses, w c can duplicate

themM akers o f P e rtec f G lasses

H are - H a r k in s O p t ic a lC O M P A N Y

317 A L V A R A D O , M O N T E R E Y

T o Visit Foreign LandsFrederick Preston Search, ac-

compliflhed ce llis t am i com poser, is to be away for a year. H o sails shortly for UonoluhiJ where he will be cello solo ist o f the H on o­lulu Ph ilharm on ic Society .

In March ho w ill leave H aw a ii for a concert tour th rough A lls tralin and N ew Zealand in com ­pany with Max Belinsky the Polish violinist.

A last opportun ity to hear Mr. Search here w ill be afforded at Arts and Crafts H a ll tom orrow even ing, M r. Search w ill be as­sisted by E . F . Foerntel, v io lin ist, a n d M rs. Rom ayno H nnkina, pianist.

lick e ts are on sale at the Book Shop.

. L j^ t something? Tut an Ad in t.he Pine Cone.

Goodbieh T iresG U A R A N T E E D 00(H) m i l e s

1 P a y th e W a r T a x

-30x3i£ $18.70 P o s tp a id


Pacific Grove, California

9 i n e J i e e d l e j

G uests o f M rs. P . K . G ordon last week were M rs. Cbas W h ee ler Jr. o f San Francisco and Miss M iriam W in te r o f Iowa.

A lauy C arm elites v isited the va r­ious warships o f the fleet, and som e o f our you n g ladies went aboard the sam e ship m ore than once. Oh those G obs !

T h e W ehsters have returned to Fresno. On the ir way hom e they v isited in B erk e ley for a few days.

G arnet H o lm e and Russ S lim mel have gon e to San Francisco. Much theatrica l work awaits them in tlie bay c ities. P h il W h it in g w ill be here a few days more.

R edw ood C ity lo lks registered at P in e Inn recen tly were M r. and Mrs. J. R. Stansbury and (la u gh ­ter and M iss D orothy Bresse.

Y o u arc p ro tected by a $10,000 accident bond w h en you travel in Carm el G arage Stages W e are responsib le.— C. O . G oo ld .

For Septem ber a n d O ctober n early as m any cottages are occu ­p ied here as d u rin g J u ly and August. T tiis has been C a rm e l’s most prosperous season both in ren tin g and property sales.

M rs. Charles Josselyu and her three sons arrived here a few duys ago I torn Pasadena. T h e y are in C a rm e l for a good long stay.

A lic e a n d Carm elitu P ep p e r paid their gran dm other a week-end visit at M arina, where M rs. U n d er­wood is now m ak in g tier home.

W e s e ll Becuver B o a rd —C a r m e l N ew s Co , L. S- S le v in , M a n a g e r .I t was a b ig undertak ing to

carry the tw o hundred Htid tw enty sailors over from M on terey and hack last, F rid ay , and except for the sp len d id cooperation o f v is it­in g car owners tlie jo b cou ld not have been accom plished. W e go t no assistance from M on terey.




Assisted by |

1 E. F. Foerstel, Violinist~ 5

Mrs. Romayne Hunkins, PianistA R T S A N D C R A F T S H A L L , C A R M E L

i =| 8:30 T o m o r r w (F r i d a y ) E ve ., S e p te m b e r 5 j

Admission $1.10 Tickets at the §J which includes war tax Book Shop | .

Gordon D av is is here for a stay o f a m onth, occu p y in g the G rab ill cottage. H e w ill tie jo ined by liis m other and sister iu a few clays.

M iss E . A . M cL ean has accepted a position at P in e Inn . She w ill perform the duties connected with the office. Co l. T erry w ill have a va luab le assistant.

T h e C a lifo rn ia H istorica l Sur­vey Com m ission lias set Friday, O ctober 31, as the tim e fo r a hear­in g and survey concern ing local h istorical m aterial connected with the C arm el M ission. T h e m eeting is to lie held in our C ity H a ll, mi der the chairm ansh ip o f John F. Davis.

D ye i n g a n d C lean in g-Tailored and Fancy Gar­

ments Alterations a Specialty

n . e . W a r n e r

San Carlos H ighway Carmel Phone 602 J 2

A letter recen tly received from the W orth ingtons, w ho went to E n g lan d som e m ouths ngo, an ­nounces that they are v is it in g iu Scotland.

T h e th ird perform ance o f “ Arm s and tiie M an ,” last F r id a y even ­in g was as artistic and “ profess ion a l” as the form er presentations. The .sa ilor lads “ g o t ” every Shaw ism, and added a few p leasantries o f their own.

Charles E d g a r C la rk , wife and tw o ch ild ren arrived recen tly from Austin , T exas, fo r a v is it w ith the ir folks here,

W illia m S. C ooper is on his way to M iuuessola. w here he w ill re ­sum e his duties at t l i e Sta le U n i­vers ity . H is m other aud M rs. S. M . B oughton w ill leave-ehortly.

W h i le in C a rm e ldo not miss the

M a r in e G a rd e n T r ipin Glass-bottom Boats

Boat Fare 50c.Between Carmel and Pabble Beach

T h e N arvaez fam ily , L e o ex- cepted. have gone to Sail L u is O b ispo for a fo r tn igh t’ s v isit w ith relatives.

A ll last week, under,the aiip ices of the Y .W .C .A . , the C a lifo rn ia T rio , com posed o f Lau ra A. C o t­ton, C ec il Rahaut and F lo ra H u b ­bard, p layed for the sailors.

Fresh D ally—

Cakes Pies Rolls Doughnuts

Home made BreadPure Rubber—

Fruit Jar Bands3 doz. 25c.

“ Good Morning” Coffee

A blend o f high-grade fresh roasted at 45c the lb.

Keep Coming 21 s I h i g ’a

County Lax RateBased upon figures prepared by

County A u d ito r A. G . W in ck ler, the Supervisors have estab lished the coun ty tax rate fo r the current fiscal year. O utside in corporated c ities the rate is $2.36 ; inside in ­corporated cities it is $1.96. T h is rate is 44 cents h igh er than last year. T h e increased rate is due to the h igh e r cost o f m eetin g current expenses, an add ition ot 3 cents for school purposes, and added in ­terest fo r state h igh w ay bonds.

A B a n k A c c o u n tis th e k ey s to n e

in any system o f legiti­mate business. It pre­vents disputes, increases credits, a n d improves standing in the business world. An account here will save lots o f worry, lots o f time and actual money too. W hy not open one and be a real business man.

B a n k o f M o n te re y M o n te re y S a v . B a n k

, , u 1 I* D I N G O a l T l t i m a n a g e m e n t


Page 2: Carmel Pine Cone, September 4, 1919


Jackson G regory

C op yr igh t


“ You Have Overplayed Your Hand."“ I am afraid that I have been indis­

creet, Sonnr Stanway.” Torre, with his old smile charged now with some­thing of mockery and much of triumph, held out a little piece of white paper to Stamway, who, key in hand, had just come from Pedro on his way to the master’s room. “Tint I think that I can plead an altogether unusual po­sition as my excuse. You will pardon me, scaur V”

Stairway took the paper, guessing what it was, and read It s w ift ly :

from the suhorHtt riufkes nw mtre or what I wus beginning to suspect. Gaucho, come with me.”

With no further word, leaving T orre ’s mystified face looking nfter him, he went out, Gaucho at his heels.

“ Gaucho,” he said, sfieaking swiftly from beyond the closed door, “ I want you to come to the master’s room. Bring some men with you— six, ton— I don’t know how many we shall need. two o f them bring axes Let all

X I carry side arms. Bring the picked I men, Gaucho; the hardest men on the ; rancho. I think Hint ihere is going to lie fighting this time.”

“The master?” cried Gaucho. “The senoritn? You know— ”

“ I know nothing. But I think—I that they have never for a second left | the house! flurry, Gaucho!”

Am’ Gaucho hurried, his own face as mystified as Torre’s. Stanwny went quickly to the bedroom.

“ Somewhere in these great thick walls there is a passageway,” he whis­pered to himself. “ It runs from this room throughout the house nnd to the east wing where Teresa’s rooms are.

“ Somewhere, down below perhaps, there is a room, a dungeon, l think that It Is just under the drawing room; 1 think that that ts where Me la Guerra is ; that many o f the things which Torre said were meant to he heard by the old man that they might taunt and mock him; t think that Torres men down there heard the crashing glass,

He Turned a Corner,

Ml Querido Senor B il ly :To save papa grande, to save me

from a ll that ts horrib le, th ere iB no w ay but to do w h at T o rre auks. In gran d fa th er 's room, behind the g rea t m ah ogany bed, th ere is a p a in tin g on the w a ll. t ,

T h ere is a s p o t In the w oodw ork, th ree fe e t from th e floor, ten from the northw est co rn e r , w here you must p ress w ith your finger. I t w ill disclose the banco. G iv e him th e money— for the sake o f

Your Teresa.

“ You w ill pardon m y having read It?” again sm ilingly from Torre.

“ W here dfd you get this thing?” cried Stanwny.

T orre pointed to the window, whose panes lie had broken just before three o'clock.

“ There. On the floor. Some one threw it in on the floor while you were running so giddily across the border. You see tlds is very well planned, senor. Is it not? Even my lieuten­ants— ”

“ I f I do not do as she asks?” cut in Stanway, his low-lidded eyes sharp up­on T orre ’s.

T orre shrugged.“ W ho knows? Perhaps they w ill

take the trouble to find a priest to give the senoritn in holy matrimony to— '

In sudden rage Stanway, his nerves jangling, his rage reddening his face, leaped at the man, anil as he leaped struck, struck lull'd— his hard, clenched fist smashing into the evii smile, cut­ting the lips so that the blood ran from them, sending Torre reeling backward across the room.

“ Shut up !” lie cried hoarsely. “ You mention the senorita once more and— ”

H is teeth closed with a little om i­nous click. Torre, w iping the blond from his lips, glared at him with a boundless, almost speechless, rage.

“ Coward !” lie sneered. “ Since T am a prisoner, with a half dozen men ready to spring upon me, you attack me-*—”

“ Gaucho!” called Stanway.“ Si, senor 1” Gaucho’s brown face

brightening, his eyes looking happier than they had looked fo r two days.

“ Do not interfere. Do not let your men take hand, no matter what hap­pens.” Then he swung about upon Torre. “ Do you want to finish it now?” he said curtly.

But Torre was once more himself, smiling, at ease, only a fierce hatred iu his eyes.

“ Gracias, senor!” he returned. “ I shall merely make you pay fo r that hloiv in my own way. Aud now I ask another ten thousand dollars as ran­som fo r the old man nnd the girl. Ten thousand dollars fo r a Mow, senor! D o you care to strike again?”

Stanway shrugged.,“ Yon have overplayed your hand,

T 'W . " he. £aid autetly. “ This note

“And De la Guerra was never to he taken from the house?”

“No. It seemed safer this way.” “There was every hazard in it—” “ Simply because you happened to

he at ttie rancho,” returned Dempton wilh n little flash ot bitterness. “Had there boon only the senoritn, it would have been easy to have worked on her love for her grandfather.”

“ And Torre?”“Killed a man a month ago in Sun

Antonin— is running away from the gallows. With the money he expected to make from tins he could buy the silence of the one man who can iden­tify him as the murderer. It was his only chance.”

“ .I na re z ?”“ Is actually a rebel oaptaln. Torre

was to g ive hint his .share. Then Torre was to.have a commission in (lie rebel army. He looked to distinguished fn vors when the rebels fought their way into power. Now— ”

“Now what?”“ Now, If he goes into Mexico the

rebels will shoot him as a traitor. That was another chance he was tak­ing. He was to give five thousand dol­lars to the cause. Pur llmt they let him have Juarez and the other men. He was to give his life i f he lied to them, if he tricked them or—if he failed. Ho could never get across the border without their spies ifinding him.”

Then Gattelto returned with word that everything was ready. Vidal, atStanway’s command, hound Dempton securely once more, hand and foot, nnd tossed him to the bed as one might toss a sack of wheat. The men had kicked off their shoes and boots, and stood eager aud expectant.

Stanway, his revolver in his rigid hand, pressed with (lie left thumb upon the spot in tin* paneling where another thumb had pressed

There was a little click, and the pan el slid hack into the wall, showing a narrow doorway, a parrow passageway beyond. There were candles hunting there, their steady* flames casting a clear, yellow light.

“Each man keep three feet behind the man in front of him," whispered Stanway. “We must have room. Vidal, Gauclvn, come just behind me.

H e stepped through the door into the two-foot wide hallway which ran along inside the wall, its trend Aist- ward and downward. There were no steps, but the slant led quickly under the foundations o f the great adobe building.

StanvCny passed the first candle set into a ,riche in the rough wood wall. A lready ho fe lt that he must lie below the level o f the floor when he c a trio to the .second candle. Hej:a. the flame

u 'little breatli (K airwas less steady playing '-.iSto it.

He Bemed a corner, tire hallway opened .up suddenly into a small, roiigh-ffBtUwd room some, eight or ten feet square.

Across ike room was a heavy barred door; hi the center o f tire floor was a couch, and on the couch a ntan was* lying upon his back, his hands clasped behind ids head, a cigarette; between his lips.

Stanway Was in the room, noiseless in his stockinged feet, Vidal at his side. Gaucho was entering when the man, turned quickly, and saw them. He sprang to his feet.

Bift the cry rising to his lips was choked hack in his throat try the hard hiinds of the rancher. The struggle ended almost as soon as it began.

But some sound o f the b rie f scuffle must have penetrated to the other side of tlio oak door. Before the rest of the vnqueros could croWd into the lit­tle- room the door had been jerked open, a dark, bearded face showed at the crack.

There was a snarled curse, the door slammwt shjjt, and there was the sound o f otlq i- burs lifted across it upon the other sfd«.

“Your aw»s!” shouted Stanway, leaping to one side to make room. “ Vidal, ymu take one. Get it down, quick P

But, even to the attack of the great arms o f aland another of llie cow­boys, the great thick door slot id defiant as the i*9>ift seconds fled hy. From the other side came tlio sound of quick, snapping voices, of scurrying feet, the sound o f a cry which tingled through Stanway’:: blood and sent Vidal with

the weirds which went with it, I think that we are going to find De la Guerra and Teresa there.”

He studied the walls.There was nothing to hint at n secret

door.He moved out the lied, found the

spot wlgx-h Teresa’s note told of, set his thujuflkto it, nnd saw a panel drop down. :LJfVise, showing a great iron safe sv.; i* the wall. The safe was lockffl' tfiti key missing. But lie knew that ha had found De la Guerra’s hank. He closrjtl Hie panel swiftly us Gaucho and hie hffcn came to the door.

“Qne & senor?” Gaucho nskeil quickly. And the black eyes of the dark-faced men thronging behind him — e rigid; OKpectant— told as well as words uurt Gaucho had whispered to his mc'n li)ut the Americano had a plan, that h#fy biy behind it.

- “ f ’orr.c ha, Gaucho. Shut the door. Ilow fiift-ajr men?"

They efttered as he spoke. Ho count­ed as the fast man closed the door he-

I : —

“Tea, ftrntor. F tva m ore a r e com*mg.”

“And”— sternly— “ you can vou ch for them, for all o f them ? Y o u can trust every man to the u tterm ost, Gaucho T"

“To the uttermost, s en o r," as stern­ly. “ To the death In th e s e rv ic e of the master nnd"— his v o ic e breaking a little— “ the senorita.”

“And the other five?” ■ » .'I'iFftf ( "'j"The same.”“Good! This Is m y p lan . Com*

close, all o f you."l ie addressed them In Spanlsti,

speaking swiftly, his v o ic e low ered bo Hint the men must cran e th e ir neck* and lean forward to h ea r. H e toll them of his hope tha t th o se they sought had never been ta k en out the hacienda.

“ Now," he ended, “ th ere is no doubt a passageway running from h e re totbe senorlta’s rooms. I t w e f in d this **1 of it and attack they m ay escape at the other end. So w e m ust b e ready-

“ Gaucho, send tw o m en in to tbs si'iu rita’s rooms. L e t th em b e ready, armed and watchful. Send tw o mort to the stairway. L e t T o r r e an d Juare* he hound nnd watched o v e r by one man only, n man whom you can trust and who will blow their b ra in s out be­fore he lets them escape."

“Lot every other man in th e house he armed and rendy. T h en — ”

“Then, senor?" eagerly.“Then"— with quiet determ ination—

"we shall find where the passage la If we have to tear down the w a lls . Hurry, Gaucho!”

Gaucho ran upon his erran d , calling by name the men he w ish ed to go with him. Stanway, bidding th ose w ith him to he very silent, not k n o w in g what means Hie men he sought m igh t bar* of overhearing what h appen ed In tM room, began a silent search fo r so©* sign of a passageway In th e fbic* walls.

And now at last fn te an d th e quid1eyes of a vnquero aided h im . The® was a little scratch on the redwood the wall Just opposite th e doo1 through which they h ad entered, * fresh white scratch. Xt w a s Mendo* a young Mexican, w ho saw I t ; It « a! Mendnz who found a m ark o f a gres*-’ thumb upon the same pan el, som efo**1 fed from the floor.

“ Aqtii, esta!” he m u ttered . “ Seaor I look !”

Slanway’s heart beat w ild ly whanW sir-.', what Mendoz had fou n d .

“ The door o f the passagew ay 1” w whispered. “ Shi B e s t il l 1 Erfi> take off your boots, com paneros. V*a are going to give them n o warning But first, Mendoz, b rin g Dempton here, quick ! I think he la going t# talk now.”

Mendoz hurried, and p resen tly ca®4 back, he nnd the Imm ense V id a l, walk ing at Dempton’s r igh t and le®

“ Dempton,” whispered Stanwuf' meeting him, "make no sound. I f k4 cries out”— to V idal and M ea d o r ' “ if he makes a sound ch ok e the Itf* out of him. Do you underst»®L 1 tempton ?”

I vmpton’s pale lips opened, but a9 words came forth . A l i t t le sh iver rs° through him.

“ We have learned every th in g , Deffli’' ton,’' Stanway went on in his wM* poring voice. “Even to th e hldlof place. There is the door.” H e polo1' ed to Hie pnnel with the thumb-p®"' upon it. “ I think tha t w e can so0'1 y.m to the penitentiary f o r a long tl®1 with very little trouble. W il l you tallt now, Dempton?”

Dempton hesitated, den ia l upon bl* lips, growing fear In his eyes.

“ Wliat do you want to know?” 'j4 asked in a shaking w hisper. “ I — O®

This has gon e further &my God I ready— ”

"I want to know how m an y men »r With Torre in this th ing?”

“There— there is Juarez— and—*tt

-Don’t be a fool as well a s a co*'ard, D em pton!” m uttered Stanw*?' “ You are such a petty l i t t le th ie f tbal nobody Is going to want to prosed)® you i f you help us now. Th ere 1Torre and Juarez and you. VfV

“I—I don’t know.” D em n to n .

Page 3: Carmel Pine Cone, September 4, 1919

hin dry'lips and swayed between Vidal nnrl Memloz us though lie were going to full. “Oh, I was a foo l— ”

“Grunted. B lit tell what yon Know while you have the chance. How Many?"

“Seven, I think,” chattered Demp- ton. “ ,Seven besides Torre and .luai . ... f iv e Inside, two outside with the horses.”

“Outside?” queried Stanway.“Yes. To ride away, loading extra

horses, SO that it would .sound like a Humber of riders were racing f o r the border. To leave the trail which you followed south. The other live to do the work Inside.”

vigor to the onslaught onredoubted the door.

Al last the door fell. Rtanway and Vhlal, side by side, lenped through. There was another hall, wider than 'he first, shorter. At the end of the hnll another door, studded with nails, Oanvd upon the farther side.

Evidently there had been a second Ciurd hero, evidently In the next room Wei (he prisoners.

1'c la Guerra!” shouted Rtanway. Teresa I”There was no answer, no sound.' Smash In the d oor!" he yelled.

Quick! Gaucho, go upstairs. Tell ent what has happened. them

ha,eh nut. Order the first man who hppenrs to he shot If he makes a move toward a gun or to escape. Run, "aticho!”

Before Gaucho had turned to obey, inf0r° Btanway’s echoing words sank „ 0 ^bnce, there came from lieyond

'e door an exclamation or terror, a udden cry, and the reverberating

Wack of a revolver.Then hrlef silence again for a mo- «nt which seemed long, and the blows Iwo axes, ripping and tearing at the

plunks of the door.


;; , UH.IRHKD FEBRUARY) 1015Entered as aeaond - class matter Feb­ruary 10, 1015, at the post, oiliee at Carmel, California, under the Act ofif and i S, 1870.

VV. L. OVERSTREET,Editor and Publisher PHONE <•,(>!> \y |

Official Paper of the City


S E P T E M B E R 4, 1919


For President HIRAM W. JOHNSON


Fresh candies

W E E K L Y C R E E L IN GHope is the bread o f ihe. unhappy4

hut the ^Devil a/so bakes that sort of dough, and his customers die of hun­ger. — Robert W. Chambers.

O u r Enterta inm entWhen it became definitely

known that the great fleet would anchor in Monterey bay fo r a .week a committee o f Peninsula ciiizensgot togetiier to plan a program fo r the event.

Money was needed. Carmel was set down fo r $500 to be paid over to this committee. The Carmel members did not like this, and said so. They preferred that Carmel have an affair o f its own backed by the committee, and we got away w ith it in good style, notwithstanding the threat to cancel our a ffa ir i f we didn’ t “ come through.”

Our a ffa ir for the boys cost in excess o f $500.

C a rm e l C h u rchLincoln st., south o f Ocean av.

Morning service 11 o ’clock Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Rev. S. C. Thomas, Pastor

Strangers Welcopie

Christian Science Services

Sunday, t / A .M .Sunday School, 9:45 A . M .

Wednesday, 8 P . M . C h u rc h E d i f i c e — M o n te V e rd e S t r e e t , one b lo c k n o r th o f O ce a n A v e n u e


D r. G ra c e A n d e r s o n O STE O PATH IC P H Y S IC IA N

Underwood Apts, Monterey R e g u la r hours . W in I '2, 2 in 5

O thers hi/ a p p o in tm e n tPhone 179 J

buy F U R N IT U R Eat Rudolph’ s NewM on terey


Del Monte LaundryW ill do your

R ough D ry L a u n d r y

Setter and cheaper than it. can be done at home. Try them and see for yourself. All laundry called for and delivered by leaving word at I he-office o f the agents, J- W . H a n d & S o n


evening last ,On Saturday the Dan M u rph y hom e at P eb b le Beach , Vasu i sang before a grou p o f Eastern musicians and Imlise guests. Assisted by H arriet J. W ilson and Ann D are, the affa ir was most successfu l. I t was r e ­peated at the D e tle f Sainmaun home Sunday even ing .Soaps, II "ashing Pow ders a m i

lionse.hoh t Goods a t s a v in g p r ic e s — J lo lm an's.E u gen e Pen s ion , well known

here, is back in San Francisco from overseas sendee. F a ilin g to make it, in the officers reserve, he en listed , l ie fe lt it his du ty to go , com m ission or not.

p u , $ a l j ^ 5 < ^ p E C


O R D IN A N C E N O . 28

J. E . B E C K , M . D .Office at C arm el-by -the-S ea

Pharmacy, Carmel, Cal.

P A IN L E S S D E N T IS R YDR. K L E IS E R , located between

the A rm y Y . M C. A . anti Long

& G re tter ’s Drug Store. High

class dentistry at reasonable price.

Crowns, fillings, bridges; teeth

extracted absolutely w ithout pain;

plates that fit. N o cocaine, gas or

dangerous drugs used. Specialist

in painless dentistry. 244 Alvarado

street, M onterey. Phone 105.

A N O R D IN A N C E L E V Y IN G M U ­N IC IP A L T A X E S F O R T H E C IT Y O F C A R M E L -B Y -TH E -S E A FOR T H E F IS C A L Y E A R BE­G IN N IN G J A N U A R Y 1, lk la .


M A Z D A SLA A A 6 PS*. B en L e id igHardware, Household Goods, Agent Florence and Perfection Stoves, Hotpoint Appliances

Headquarters for Hunting and Fishing outfitc,

Section I. T h a t the rate o f tax

iitiou fo r the fiscal year b eg in n in g January 1st, 1919, fo r genera l m unicipal purposes for the C ity o f Carm el by-the-Sea, upon real and personal property in th esa id C ity o f Carm el - by - the - Sett, C ounty o f

M onterey, S tate o f C a lifo rn ia , shall be, and the same is hereby fixed as fo llo w s :

F o r gen era l m unic ipa l expenses One H u n d red (100) cents ou each

One Hundred ($100.00) D o llars o f assessed valuation o f taxab le p ro p ­erty in said C ity .

Section 2. T h a t ihe above rate

o f taxation apportioned and segre­ga ted as above set forth is hereby levied for the fiscal year b eg in n in g January 1st, 1919; that the above rate is requ ired and w ill be sufii c ien t to raise the am ounts esti­mated to b e requ ired for the p res­ent fiscal year less the am ounts estim ated to be received from fines, licenses, and other sources o f re v ­enue.

Section 3. This Ordinance is here­by declared urgent and necessary to carry on the governm ent o f the City o f Carmel-by-the-Sea, and is there­fore necessary for the immediate preservation o f the public peace, health and safety , and shad take e f­fect. on its final passage and approavl.

AD O PTE D by the Board o f Trus­tees o f the City o f Carmel-by-the- Sea this 2nd day o f September A. D. 1919 . by the fo llow ing vo te :

Ayps: Trustees Fraser, Taylor, de

Sabla, Arne, K ibbler.Noes; Trustees None.Absent: Trustees None.Approved:

A. P. FRASER, Board of Trustees


Liong & Gretter*DRUGGISTS

246 Alvarado Monterey

Ocean A venue AgainT h e mouth I y m eetin g o f the

C ity T rustees was held on Tues- eveu in g, w ith M rs. deSab la actin g as clerk , A petitiou , s igned by owners o f 1890 o f the 3200 fee t o f Ocean Avenu e fron tage, was p re ­sented by R . G . L e id ig . I t asks the trustees to im prove that street w ith a roadway uot to exceed $3 in cost per front foot on the w idest portion o f the street and $2 on the narrowest. T h e petition was filed for fu tu re action.

In accordance w ith form er action the board passed and adopted a resolution p rov id in g lo r a concrete roadw ay on Oceuu A ven u e. T h e same w ill be published and notice o f im provem en t posted. P rotests w iil be heard O ctober 7.

T h e ord inance estab lish in g the tax rate, which is $ 1 on each $100 o f va lua tion , w ill be pub lish ed al

1,T ru s tee K ib b le r reported local

health con d ition s good

G et a c q u a in te d w ith o u r p o l i ­c ies a n d o u r m e rch a n d is e — H o lm a n ’s, P a c if ic Grove.

President of theAtteBt:

E V A K.


deS AB LA ,City Clerk.

P ro Tern


For Information I As to Property |


In and About 1 C A R M E L |

A D D R I5 S S

C a rm e l j D eve lo p m en t j

C o m p a n yjiiiiiiiiMiuimiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiuniuiiiiiHiiaiiiiiiiiiuTc

D a y lig h t H igh and Tides at Carm el

I -ow

GROVE LAUNDRYp a c i f i c g r o v e

p j r O u r wagon makes regu lar calls

to Carm el. P H O N E 488.

S ep Low F t 11 mu F t.4 12:38 p 3 3 8:12 a 4.2B 1 :38 p 3 1 8:64 a 4.16 2:30 p 2 8 9:31 a 4.77 3:17 p 2 4 10:05 a 4.!)8 4:02 p 2.0 10:37 a 5.19 4:47 p 15 11 ;07 a 5.3

10 5 :32 p 1.0 11 :37 a B.O

WEDGE WOOD Stoves and Ranges, Rudolph’ s,New


Page 4: Carmel Pine Cone, September 4, 1919

For Sum m er— G R A S S R U G S R A G R U G S


C lim a * pui*nitut*e Co.T h e Rig Store in Monterey on Franklin Street

Several patterns o f Inlaid Linoleum to close out at low prices


Carmel Knows HowC a rm e l b y - th e -S e a , C a l.

F r id a y , A u g . 29, 1919 W i t h t w o h u n d red b o y s o f

t h e P a c i f ic F le e t , I w a s t l ie s u p p e r a n d th e a t r e g u e s t th is e v e n in g o f th e r e s id e n ts o f th is b e a u t i fu l c i t y o f a r t is t s an d l i t e r a r y p eo p le ,

T w o hundred and tw en ty post­cards, stam ped, and bea rin g the above m essage and a p ictu re o f the beach and bath house, were d istribu ted to the sailors w ho were t h e c ity ’ s guests last F r id ay . These cards, signed and addressed, were sent in to tw enty e igh t States, not in c lu d in g C a lifo rn ia , as fo l lows :

N ew Jersey, G eorg ia , Colorado, N e w Y o rk , V irg in ia . Tennessee, M assachusetts, M ary lan d , R hode Is lan d , South D akota, C onnecti­cut, Illin o is , O hio, Kansas, Iow a. K en tu ck y , Ind iana, Texas, Penn sy lvan ia , Arkansas, N e w M exico, W isconsin , Nebraska, O klahom a, M issouri, W ash ington , N evada aud N e w H am psh ire.

T l ie h ead ing on this artic le is a paranhrase o f what form er Presi d en t T a ft said o f Sail Francisco, W e do not say i t ; the boys wht were here said it over aud over again in m any w a ys .

C a rm e l’s w onderfu l com m unity sp irit was ou tap in abundance for th is occasion T l ie cofhniittee in charge had eve ry th in g it needed— m oney, food, transportation, labor, en terta inm en t— and then some.

T h e Arts and C ra fts C lu b , whicl took the in itia tive in g e tt in g up the affa ir, desires to thank a ll w lio in any way con tribu ted to il success.

Milk Business hReSb Sness known as Carmel Dairy Depot is fo r sale. Customers take notice and do not buy tickets to last longer than September 30, as this busi­ness under my management will be discontinued on that date. P. L. McDonald

! n t > I 'atKR two-storyi l l ^ c l I C hotn€ f t Carmel-

by-the-Sea.— Three bedrooms, ser­vants’ room, garage, woiksnop, lib ­rary, large liv ing room, d ining room, kitchen, bathroom, extra to ilet down stairs, large grounds, lawn, flowers; electric lights, private gas plant; unfurnished; close in. Inquire at P ine Cone office.

W'fi t e l l the tru th in our mess ages to the b u y in g p u b lic — H o lu ia >i’s.




143 Alvarado st., Monterey

Latest Records, all makes, at Palace Drug Co., Monterey Pianos for rent. adv

For hire. Forde- U I S C aj]s address Gal-

atin Powers, Carmel.

C h ick e n s f o r table. Extra fine

Rhode Island Reds, friers and broilers, dressed on reserva­tion; fo r sale at Search cot­tage, 13th and Casanova._____

W a n te d Visiting nurs­ery governess

for half day, fo r two 5-year- old girls; one who speaks French. Apply Pine Cone.


A. M . A llen gnve nil open air linuer at Po in t hobos one even ing last week to several friends re- en tly retu rned from overseas ser­

vice. A m on g those present were M iss Beth D ysart, R itte r H o lm an , and L es te r H udson. ,

M rs J . B. Booth and daughter o f L o s A n ge les , w bo were sojourn ers here last year, are aga in in C a rm e l to rem ain several months.

A. Tj. L aw son , an Fp iscopa l c lergym an , recen tly arrived from Canada, is here w ith his w ife and ch ild , aud w ill be here several months.

Wermuth StageLeave Orders

Fisher’s Schweninger’s Phone 604 W 5 U. S. Mail A $10,000 bond protects you


!S ch w en in g *e r’s |G R O C E R Y


I B e s t Goods 1 F re sh Goods 115 —

| R ig h t P r ic e s js ' =| F re e A u to D e liv e ry |iTiiitiiimiaiiiiiiittiiiniiiiiiimiiniiiHiiiiiiioiitiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiimc

Roy your Meat at Home

Carmel Meat MarketBranch N ew M onterey M arket




tition o f A . P F raser, M rs. E . K . deSabln , C. J. A rne, P e te r T a y lo r and W ill. T . K ib b le r p etition in g this Com m ission to lix a tim e and p lace for a h ea rin g iu order to and that th is Com m ission then aud thero in vestiga te and acqu ire in form ation as to the physica l char­acteristics o f the M ission b u ild in g and ou tbu ild in gs known as Sau C arlos B orrom eo M ission, com ­m on ly known as Carm el M ission, near the town o f C arm el b y-tlie Sea, M ou terey C oun ty, C a liforn ia , and to give notice o f said hearing and tlie tim e and p lace fixed there for. as requ ired iu an Act entitled ” An act to am end section fou r of an act. en titled ‘ An net to create a com m ission fo r the purpose of m ak in g a survey o f local h istorical m aterial in tlie State o f C a lifo rn ia ; d e fin in g the pow er and duties of said com m ission ; and m aking an appropria tion th ere fo r,’ ’ ’ approved M ay 17, 1917, and good cause a p ­p ea rin g therefor.

I T IS H E R E B Y O R D E R E D that F r iila y , O ctober 31. 1919, at tlie hour o f 10 o ’c lock A . M . aud the audience room o f the Tow n H a ll o f the town o f C arm el by the- Sea, M on terey C oun ty, C a liforn ia , situated ou tlie N orthw est corner o f Ocean Avenu e and Sail Carlos S treet in said town o f Carm el by- the-Sea, M on terey C oun ty, be and the sam e hereby are fixed as the tim e aud p lace fo r enid hearing, and that any and a ll persons in terested in the said M ission b u ild ­ings or h av in g any in form ation as to the condition o f the said b u ild ­in g and ou tbu ild in gs connected therew ith , or any part th ereof, may present any fac ls aud any papers, records, docum ents or other in form ation substan tia ting the said persons’ ideas as to the condition o f said M ission bu ild ings and ou t­b u ild ings at the tim e when the F ranciscan Fathers were iu charge 1 hereof, and that the Secretary and A rch iv is t o f th is Com m ission g iv e pu b lic notice o f said tim e aud place fixed for said hearing at least sixty days p rio r to the said tim e, in tlie fo il ow in g newspapers : T l ie ‘ Sacram ijiito B ee ,” “ San Francisco E xam in er, ” “ L os A n ge les Ex p ress ,” and the “ C arm el -by-the Sea P in e C on e ,’ * tlie said latter paper b e in g the paper published in tlie cou n ty in which said M iss ion b u ild in g was situated and iu the town nearest tlie said M ission bu ild ing .

A N D I T IS F U R T H E R O R D E R E D that th is Com m ission then and there hear and consider a n y in form ation apperta in ing thereto which sha ll be b rough t be­fore it to the end that it m ay eB tablish accurate m odels o f the said San Carlos Borrom eo M ission with its ou tbu ild in gs , aud cause "to be prepared p lans and specifications sufficient in d eta il to en ab le the said M ission bu ild iu ga and ou t­bu ild ings to be restored as they were when the Franciscan Fathers were in charge thereof.

D ated A u gu st 19, 1919.J O H N F. D A V IS ,

Chairm an o f C a lifo rn ia H istorica l S u rvey Com m ission .

C au m e l S tu d io s

M. De N E A L E M O R G A N Lincoln st. near Ocean ave.

Oils, Tempera (w a te r colors), Monotypes

V isitors W elcome — Tuesday, Saturday, Sunday, 2 to 5

A R T H U R H. V A C H E L L

13t.H A ve., bet. M on te Verde and L in co ln

Saturdays 2 to 5

L A U R A W. M A X W E L L S


Santa Lucia and Cam ino Real

Saturday, 2 to 6 Also by appointm ent


Paintings on E xh ib ition

at the

BOOK SH O P Ocean Avenue


F o r su m m er v is ito r s , T h e P in e C o n e th re e m o n th s fo r 40 cen ts .

R atio n a l B a k in g S y s te mNO W H AS A

C a rm e l Stoue

PU R S U A N T to s ta tu te and toR eso lu tion N o . 48 o f the

Board o f T rustees o f th e C it y of C arm el - b y - the - Sea , p assed ami adopted on tlie 18th d a y o f Aug­ust, A. D. 1919, d ir e c t in g th is no­tice, notice is h ereb y g iv e n that saiil B oard o f T ru s te es , in opeft session, o n tlie Btli d a y o f Aug­ust, A. D 1919, p u b l ic ly opened, exam ined and d ec la re d a l l sealed proposals or b ids fo r t l i e fo llow in g im provem en t in sa id c i t y , to -w it:

F o r tlie im p ro vem en t o f E ighth A venu e in the C ity o f C arm el-bv- the Rea between th e w e s t line of Sau Carlos S treet au d t l ie w es t end o f said E igh th A v e n u e , a u d Cam- ino R ea l between t l ie sou th lin e of Ocean Avau ue and th e n o rth fin® o f Santa L u c ia A v e n u e , a n d Monte V erde S tree t b etw een th e south

line o f O cean A v e n u e and the north lin e o f S an ta L u c ia Avenue.

T h a t th erea fte r, to -w it , on th0

said 18th d ay o t A u g u s t , A . U 1919, said B oard o f Trustees, awarded the con tract fo r sa id wort by said R eso lu tion o f A w a rd No. 48, to the low est r e g u la r respons­ib le b idder, to -w it : T o S . Ruth-ven, at t lie p rice n a m ed fo r said work and im p ro vem en t iu b is pro­posal, to -w it:

For the w hole o f s a id w o rk the lu ll sum o f N in e T h o u s a n d Eigld H un dred N iu e and 0-100 ($9809.00) D ollars, and th a t s a ii l aw ard of

contract has been a p p ro v e d by th® P residen t o f said B oard o f Trustees o f Carm el by -tlie Sea.

D ated this 18lli d a y o f August.

A. D .1919.

G R A C E p . W IC K H A M ,

C ity C lerk o f tlie C it y o f Carmel- by-the-Sea.

(Sea l)

Old Bakery Ocean Avenue

Two Deliveries Every Day

In charge of Mrs. H. Aucourt




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