Page 1: Capstone Project 1: Hammonds County Dog Park

Capstone Project 1: Hammonds County Dog ParkThe Capstone Project consists of an integrated, comprehensive set of problems related to a single scenario. Students apply concepts and skills presented in this book to create solutions to the problems using Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Access, and Outlook.

RescuePets Animal Shelter, which is located in Hammonds County in Florida, received a donation of land for a county dog park, to be called the Hammonds County Dog Park. The donation stipulated that the animal shelter must raise the necessary funds to build and maintain the dog park without using government funding. The board of directors for RescuePets already has a strategic plan and a master design for the dog park that builds the park in phases. Fund-ing for Phase 1 is almost completed, and pet owners are eager to begin using the park. Not only will the park be a place where dogs can run off leash, but there is enough space for a small educational building. The animal shelter can use the dog park and building to provide obedi-ence training and classes on pet care to children and adults. To raise funds to complete the dog park, the animal shelter put together a committee of interested and committed individuals to run a fundraising campaign. The campaign’s theme is Together we can make it happen! The committee holds fundraisers, solicits donations from businesses and individuals, and applies for founda-tion grants. Because you have a job at the animal shelter helping with community involvement and public relations, you have been providing support to the committee.

Note: To complete this assignment, you will be required to use the Data Files for Students. Visit for detailed instructions or contact your instructor for information about accessing the required files.

Word Capstone Project 1Creating a One-Page Flyer with a Picture and a TableProblem: The dog park committee has organized a Pet Party in the Park fundraiser and has asked you to create a flyer for distribution to the community.

Instructions Part 1: Create a blank document and change the theme colors to Red Orange. Use the default font of Calibri Body but change the font size to 12. Enter the text and table of the flyer and modify the text and table as shown in Figure 1 – 1 on the next page. Locate the clip art by searching for the text, pet, in the clip art search box. Check the spelling of your document. Save the document using the file name, Capstone 1 Flyer.

Capstone Project 1

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CAP 2 Capstone Project 1 Hammonds County Dog Park



ft p


ct s



ts u







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Figure 1 – 1


centered, 36-point, Arial Rounded MT Bold

14-point font, first-line indent at .25 inches

bulleted paragraphs, star bullet style

clip art left-aligned, reduced to 36%

List Table 5 Dark - Accent 6

bold, italicized, Red, Accent 1, Darker 50%

bold, underline, Red, Accent 1

Heading 1 style, centered

1 line space

1 line space

custom tab stops at 2" and 4"


centered, 16-point Arial Rounded MT Bold font, outline Red, Accent 3 text effect

Word Capstone Project 1 continued

Instructions Part 2: The committee is pleased with your flyer, but the committee chair does have some changes for you. Move the ‘Strut your mutt’ bullet so that it is the second bullet in the list. Delete the second sentence in the paragraph following the bulleted list. In the same paragraph,

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increase the font size for the text, 20%, to 14. Center this paragraph. Center the table and adjust the columns to fit the table contents. Move the clip art to the right side of the table title, and set it to Tight text wrap. Left-align the paragraph immediately under the table. Delete the tab stop at the 4-inch mark, and use a semicolon between the phone number and volunteer activity. Change the custom tab stops for the volunteer list so that the text is more evenly aligned across the page. Mary Jones cannot coordinate the children’s activities. Her daughter, Jackie Jones, has agreed to do it. Search for and replace Mary’s name with Jackie’s. Finally, use the Thesaurus to find a synonym to replace the word, donations, in the first paragraph, and check the spelling again. If requested by your instructor, change Pat Sinz’s name to your name. Save the flyer again with the same file name. Submit the document in the format specified by your instructor.

PowerPoint Capstone Project 1Creating a Presentation with Images and a TransitionProblem: The committee needs a short presentation that individuals can use when they visit local business groups to ask for funding.

Instructions Part 1: Use the typed notes shown in Figure 1 – 2 to start the presentation shown in Figure 1 – 3 on the next page. Use the Parallax theme with the brown variant. Use a Title Slide layout for Slide 1, the Two Content layout for Slide 2, the Content with Caption layout for Slide 3, and the Title and Content layout for Slide 4.

On Slide 1, resize and move the title placeholder to the position shown in Figure 1 – 3 (a). Bold the subtitle, change the font size to 36, and apply the Text Shadow effect.

On Slide 2, shown in Figure 1 – 3 (b), enter the text in the left placeholder and add the title in the top placeholder. In the right placeholder, locate the clip art by searching for the text, dog, in the clip art search box. Resize the picture to approximately 3" 3 4.5", change the color saturation to 66%, apply the Pastels Smooth artistic effect, and soften the picture by 25%. Add the Bevel Perspective Left, White picture style with a White, Background 1, Darker 5% border. Change the font size of the word, Dogs, to 24 point. Use the Format Painter to make the same change to the word, Owners. Bold the first occurrence of the word, safe, and change the font size to 20 point. Use the Format Painter to make the same change to the other occur-rence of the word, safe.

On Slide 3, shown in Figure 1 – 3 (c), enter the text in the right placeholder and enter the title text in the title placeholder. Change the title font size to 32 point. Move the title placeholder so that it is even with the first bullet as shown in Figure 1 – 3 (c). Delete the remaining text place-holder. Insert a right arrow and position it as shown in the figure. (Hint: Do not use SmartArt for the arrow.) In the arrow, type Phase 1 Design using a font size of 20 point and a font color of Orange, Accent 1, Darker 50%.

Figure 1 – 2

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CAP 4 Capstone Project 1 Hammonds County Dog Park

Figure 1 – 3

(a) Slide 1

PowerPoint Capstone Project 1 continued

(b) Slide 2

(c) Slide 3

(d) Slide 4

70% transparency; Fill-Black, Text 1, Shadow WordArt style; Red, Accent 2, Darker 50% text outline with a weight of 1½ pt; Off Axis 1 Left 3-D Rotation text effect

66% color saturation; Pastels Smooth artistic effect soften 25%; Bevel Perspective Left, White picture style; White, Background 1, Darker 5% border

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On Slide 4, shown in Figure 1 – 3 (d), enter the bulleted text and delete the title placeholder. Open the Format Background dialog box and use the text, girl with dog, to search clip art and insert the picture shown in Figure 1 – 3 (d). Set the transparency to 70%. Use Word-Art style, Fill-Black, Text 1, Shadow to enter the text Together we can make it happen! Change the Text Fill to Red, Accent 2, Darker 50%. Add a Red, Accent 2, Darker 50% text outline with a weight of 1½ pt, and apply the Off Axis 1 Left 3-D Rotation text effect. Save the presen-tation using the file name, Capstone 1 Presentation.

Instructions Part 2: The chair of the fundraising campaign reviewed your presentation and has sug-gested a few changes. Apply the Reveal transition to all the slides and decrease the duration to 02.75.

On the Dog Park Facilities slide, Slide 3, enhance the arrow by adding a Red, Accent 2, Darker 50% shape outline color with a border weight of 4 ½ pt. Change the shape fill to the Papyrus texture.

To more specifically target local businesses, the chair wants to emphasize the community benefits of a dog park. Duplicate Slide 3, and move Slide 3 so that it becomes Slide 2. On the new Slide 4, delete the arrow shape and text. Change the slide layout to Title and Content. Search for the word, commu-nity, in the clip art search box and insert the picture shown in Figure 1 – 4. Increase the size of the clip art to 275%. Apply a correction of Brightness: 0% (Normal) Contrast: 0% ( Normal) and change the color of the picture to Orange, Accent color 1 Light. Use a drop shadow rectangle picture style and add the Tight Reflection, touching picture effect. Replace the text on the slide with the text shown in Figure 1 – 4, formatted as bulleted text. If requested by your instructor, add another bullet with your first and last name. Change the font size of the title to 40 point.

Save the presentation again using the same name and submit the assignment in the format specified by your instructor.

Figure 1 – 4

Brightness 0% (Normal) Contrast: 0% (Normal), Orange color 1 Light, drop shadow picture style, Tight Reflection, touching picture effect

Excel Capstone Project 1Analyzing and Presenting Fundraising DataProblem: The dog park committee has had a busy six months raising funds for Phase 1 of the dog park. Although the committee maintains a workbook for expenses and revenues associated with the campaign, they now want to focus on funding sources. The committee has asked if you can organize the funding sources in a workbook, as shown in Figure 1 – 5 on page CAP 7, that can help in decision making.

Instructions Part 1: Enter the text from Table 1 – 1 on the next page. Type Funding Source in cell A1. Enter the remaining entries in the table in the adjacent rows and columns in the worksheet. Format the range B2:G2 using the Currency Number format. Format the range B3:G6 using the Accounting format. Change the column width of column A to 176 pixels. Change the width of columns B through G to 86 pixels.

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CAP 6 Capstone Project 1 Hammonds County Dog Park

Rename the worksheet tab as Phase 1 Funding. Change the tab color to Green (row 1, column 6 in the Standard Colors area.)

Insert two rows above row 1. Type Hammonds County Dog Park in cell A1 and Phase 1 Funding in cell A2. Merge and center the text in cell A1 across columns A through G, and repeat for the text in cell A2. Format cells A1:G2 with the Title style and change the font size of the text in row 2 to 16. Format cells A3 through G3 with the Heading 3 style. Format cells A4 through A8 with the Heading 4 style. Apply the Slice theme to the workbook, and select the Red theme color and Arial theme font. Save the workbook using the file name Capstone 1 Funding Sources.

Instructions Part 2: Modify the worksheet to create the workbook shown in Figure 1 – 5. In cell A10, enter Total and apply the Total cell style to the range A10:G10. In cell A12, enter Highest Amount. In cell A13, enter Lowest Amount and in cell A14 enter Average Amount. Change the font in cells A12 through A14 to Arial Rounded MT Bold with a font size of 10. Change the font size in cells B12:G14 to 10.

In cell B10, use the Sum function to sum the values in the range B4:B9. Copy the formula in cell B10 to the range C10:G10. In cell B12, use the Insert Function command to insert the MAX function for the range B4:B8. Use the fill handle to copy the formula in B12 to the range C12:G12.

In cell B13, use the keyboard to enter the formula to compute the MIN for the range B4:B8. Use the fill handle to copy the formula to cells C13 through G13. In cell B14, use the Insert Function command to insert the AVERAGE function for the range. Use the fill handle to copy the formula to cells C14 through G14.

Apply conditional formatting to cells B4:G8. Any cell with a value of 0 should be displayed with light red fill and dark red text. Highlight cells B3:G3 and apply the fill color Gold, Back-ground 2, Lighter 40%.

The chair of the fundraising committee reviewed the worksheet and realized that the grant amount for June was incorrectly recorded. It should be $5,000. Correct this entry. Resize columns B through G to best fit. Also, he prefers the term, Contribution, to Amount. Use the Find & Select button to replace the word Amount with Contribution. Resize column A to best fit. He also would like you to customize the AutoCalculate area to easily determine the sum of the values, the maxi-mum value, and the average value for the entries in cells B4 through G8.

Enter Total to Date in cell H3. In cell H4, use the sum function to sum the values in cells B4:G4. Use the fill handle to copy the formula to cells H5:H8. In cell H10, use the sum function to sum the values in cells B10:G10. Use the Format Painter to copy the format in cell G3 to cell H3 and the format in cell G10 to H10. Wrap the text in cell H3. Change the orienta-tion to landscape and the margins to narrow.

Before you turn in the workbook for further review, spell check your work and use Range Finder to check your formulas. Save the workbook again with the same file name, and print your work in formula view.

Table 1 – 1 Funding Sources for Hammonds County Dog Park

Funding Source April May June July August September

Corporate Donations 2300 2400 3500 1550 4250 2275

Grants 0 1000 500 2500 0 5000

Brick Campaign 1375 1450 1275 300 425 575

Individual Donations 262 489 475 267 345 326

Fundraisers 0 240 0 623 278 389

© 2







Excel Capstone Project 1 continued

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Instructions Part 3: You asked Misty Vern, the animal shelter director, to review your work. She would like you to emphasize the funding trends by using sparklines. She also would like a pie chart, and you also have some changes that you want to make before submitting the workbook to the dog park committee.

Enter Trends in cell I3. Use the Format Painter to copy the format in cell H3 to cell I3. Create a sparkline chart in cell I4 for the range B4:G4. Use the fill handle to build the same type of chart in each of the cells in the range I5:I8.

Apply a thick box border to cells A12:G14 with the Orange, Accent 2 color. Merge and center the text in cell A1 across cells A1:I1. Repeat for row 2. Center the text in cells B3:I3, and bold the values in cells H4:H8.

Use the range A4:A8 and H4:H8 and the Recommended Charts button to create a pie chart. Move the chart to a new chart sheet. Rename the chart sheet, Funding by Source, and assign the Brown, Accent 4 theme color to the sheet tab. Change the chart type to a 3D pie chart, and change the chart style to Style 3. Enter the title Funding by Source in the chart title placeholder. Place a solid line border around the title with the Dark Red, Accent 1 color. Change the font size of the data labels and the Legend to 12. Move the Legend to the position shown in Figure 1 – 6. Use Gold, Background 2 as the fill color for the chart shape.

Figure 1 – 5

Title Style

Total Style

Heading 3 Style, Gold, Background 2, Lighter 40% fill

Figure 1 – 6

Finally, add a header to the workbook with the text, Phase 1 Funding and the current date. If requested by your instructor, replace the text, Phase 1 Funding, with your first and last name. Spell check your work again. Save the workbook with the same name, and submit the workbook in the format specified by your instructor.

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Page 8: Capstone Project 1: Hammonds County Dog Park

CAP 8 Capstone Project 1 Hammonds County Dog Park

Import the data for the Owner table from the Capstone 1 Owner Data workbook shown in Figure 1 – 7 (a) to a new table named Owner. Be sure to determine the primary key. Open the Owner table in Datasheet view and make adjustments to the data types, captions, and field sizes. Add the captions, Own # for the Owner Number field, Joined for the Date Joined field, Mem Fee

(a) Owner Data Workbook

(b) Dog Data Workbook

Access Capstone Project 1Creating, Querying, and Maintaining the Friends of Dog Park DatabaseProblem: Misty Vern, the animal shelter director, has asked you to work on a special project for the new dog park. Because the dog park will not receive any county funding for maintenance, the shelter has created a Friends group. Friends are dog owners who pay a membership fee and dog fees to use the park. Membership fees are based on (a) whether the owner is a county resident and (b) whether they are over 65 years of age or disabled. Dog fees vary depending on the number of dogs as well as residency and age of owner. Currently, the shelter director has the information about dogs and owners stored in the two Excel workbooks shown in Figure 1 – 7. Each dog has only one owner, but an owner may have more than one dog. Alyssa Kelly has applied at the shelter to adopt a dog but does not yet have one.

Instructions Part 1: Using the data shown in Figure 1 – 7, design and create the dog park member-ship database. Use the database guidelines provided in Access Chapter 1 to help you in the design process. Call the database Capstone 1 Membership.

Figure 1 – 7

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for Membership Fee, and DP Fee for Dog Park Fee. Resize the columns to best fit the data. Save the changes to the layout of the table.

Import the Capstone 1 Dog Data workbook shown in Figure 1 – 7 (b) into the database. Use the name Dog for the table. Be sure to determine the primary key. Use Design view to adjust the data types and field sizes. The Age field is an integer field. Use the caption Lic # for License Num-ber and Own # for the Owner Number field. In Datasheet view, resize the columns to best fit the data and save the changes to the layout of the table.

Use the Simple Query Wizard to create a query that displays the owner number, last and first names, street, city, postal code, and date joined. Save the query as Owner Query. Open the Owner Query and add a criterion to restrict the postal code to those owners who live in postal code 32765. Save the query as Owner Postal Code Query.

Create a simple form for the Owner table. Save the form as Owner Form. Use the Report button to create the report shown in Figure 1 – 8 for the Owner table. Be sure to change the col-umn headings for the Owner Number, Membership Fee, and Dog Park Fee fields and adjust the column widths. You may need to move the page control and expand the size of the total controls. Save the report as Owner Financial Report.

Figure 1 – 8

Instructions Part 2: Answer the following questions using the Owner table, and include the owner’s number, last and first names, city, membership fee, and dog park fee fields. Save each query using a format similar to the following: Part 2 Step a Query, Part 2 Step b Query, and so on.

a. Which owners are located in Lewiston? b. Which owners’ last names begin with A? c. Which owners joined the Friends group before June 1, 2014? (Date Joined should not appear in

the results.) d. Which owners have dog park fees of $0.00? e. Which owners have membership fees greater than $100 and dog fees

greater than $50? f. Which owners have membership fees greater than $100 or live in Rivard?

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CAP 10 Capstone Project 1 Hammonds County Dog Park

g. Sort the owners so that those owners with the highest membership fees and the highest dog park fees appear at the top, and then display only the first five records.

h. Create a parameter query that requests the owner’s last name and then displays the owner’s number, last and first names, membership fee, and dog park fee.

Misty Vern wants to view information about the owners and their dogs. Join the Owner and Dog tables, including the owner’s number, last and first names from the Owner table. Include the license number, dog’s name and park fee from the Dog table. Sort the results in ascending order by Owner Number and License Number. Save the query as Owners and Dogs Query. She would like the results to include all owners even if they currently have no dogs registered to use the park. Ex-port the Owners and Dogs Query to Excel, and save the export steps.

Use the Report Wizard to create a report based on the query. Include all fields in the report except Park Fee and save the report as Owners and Dogs Report. Use the Form button to create a form for the query. Name the form Owners and Dogs Form.

Using the Owner table, create a query that includes a calculated field for the total of membership fee and dog park fee. Assign the caption Fee Total to the field. Display the owner’s number, last name and first name, membership fee, dog park fee, and Fee Total field in the results. Name the query Fee Total Query.

Create queries to calculate the following statistics (a) What are the total membership fees and the total dog park fees for all owners? (b) What is the average membership fee for all owners who live in Rivard? (c) What is the average dog park fee by postal code? Save each query.

Instructions Part 3: Misty has provided you with data to update some owner and dog information. Create a split form for the Owner table with the name Owner Split Form. Mike and Jane Robinson joined the Friends group on September 25, 2014. Their owner number is RO123 and they live at 900 Ocean Dr., Glander Bay, FL 31044. They paid $50 for a membership and $25 for the dog park fee. Currently, they do not have a dog, but they have applied at the shelter to adopt one. Add the Robinsons’ data to the Owner table. Use the Owner Split Form and the Find button to locate owner TR222, and change the address to 922 Crestwood St. Use a common filter to find all records in the Owner table where the dog park fee is $0.00. Change the fee to $25.00.

Bruce and Jean Adney’s daughter has just graduated from college and has a new job in Illinois. Oscar is her dog and she is taking him with her. Open the Dog table in Datasheet view, and use Filter by Form to find the record where the dog’s name is Oscar and the owner’s number is AD057. Delete the record. Alyssa Kelly adopted a dog from the animal shelter. Bella is a 2-year old female. Her license number is T0128 and her park fee is $25. Add Bella’s information to the Dog table.

Because there are only two choices for the Gender field in the Dog table, changing this field to a lookup field would make it easier to enter data. Also, the group would like you to add a field that gives an idea of the physical size of each dog. The values in this field will be Small, Medium, and Large. Small dogs weigh 30 pounds or less, large dogs weigh 80 pounds or more, and medium dogs are between 30 and 80 pounds. Using Design view, change the Gender field to a lookup field with only two values; Female and Male. Add a Size Category lookup field with the values, Small, Medium, and Large. The Size Category field should appear before the Park Fee field. For both lookup fields, limit the list to only those choices. Use an update query to assign all dogs to the Medium category and save the query. Make the following changes to the Dog table:

Change the Size Category for dogs A1111, B3456, E1515, H2978, P5444, and S0078 to Large.

Change the Size Category for dogs D8877, G4389, H1565, J2727, M2222, and P3211 to Small.

Access Capstone Project 1 continued

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In the Owner table, specify that Last Name is a required field and use FL as the default value for the State field. In the Dog table, specify that Dog Name is a required field and that Park Fee must be greater than $0 and less than or equal to $50. Test the validation rules in each table and save the changes.

After reviewing the database, the committee would like to make sure that no dog is assigned to an owner that is not in the database. They also want the ability to change an Owner Number in the Owner table and have the change applied to the Dog table.

Using the Owner table, add a Total row that includes the total for the Membership Fee and the Dog Park Fee. Change the font for the datasheet to Arial and the font size to 10. Change the alternate row color to Brown 3 (row 4 last column of Standard colors). If requested by your instructor, change the last name and first name for owner AD057 to your last and first name. Save your changes to the database and submit the database in the format specified by your instructor.

Outlook Capstone Project 1Problem: The Pet Party in the Park fundraiser requires coordination among several different individuals. You have been asked to send some information on the obedience demonstration to the person handling publicity. You also need to create a calendar for the event and meetings.

Instructions Part 1: Compose an email message to send to the person handling publicity, but address the message to yourself with a courtesy copy to your instructor. Enter the subject and mes-sage text shown in Figure 1 – 9. Insert your own name at the end of the message. Insert blank lines where they are shown in the figure. If Outlook flags any misspelled words as you type, check their spelling and correct them. Change the theme of the email message to the Ion Boardroom theme. Change the importance of the message to High. Attach the Capstone 1 Obedience Information.docx file from the Data Files for Students to the email message. Send the email message. When you receive the message, open it, print it, and then save the message using the file name, Capstone 1 Outlook Solution. Submit the file in the format specified by your instructor.

Figure 1 – 9

your name

your instructor’s name

attached file

Ion Boardroom theme

Instructions Part 2: You realize that you need to create a separate calendar to keep track of all the activities associated with raising money for the dog park. Create a new calendar with the name Hammonds County Dog Park. Create an appointment named PowerPoint Review for September 4, 2014 at the animal shelter from 3 PM for one hour. Create an appointment named Review

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