Page 1: BUILDING Strong through the Holiday’s. SO HOW DO YOU? Yes, during the holidays, people are busy, and people are going places, shopping, and do not want

BUILDING Strong through the Holiday’s

Page 2: BUILDING Strong through the Holiday’s. SO HOW DO YOU? Yes, during the holidays, people are busy, and people are going places, shopping, and do not want


Yes, during the holidays, people are busy, and people are going places, shopping, and do not want to think about a home based business many times.

LET’S kick your mlm business into gear the first of the year.

Let’s find 12 new friends that want to help you in your MLM and Network Marketing business!

Great success during this time of year is possible

Page 3: BUILDING Strong through the Holiday’s. SO HOW DO YOU? Yes, during the holidays, people are busy, and people are going places, shopping, and do not want

This is a frazzling time of year PERIOD, without even factoring in a business, right?

Take a break like over 90% of home business owners do, and then struggle to catch up after the beginning of the year, and try to create some momentum.

OR, be a part of the ten% and with a little planning, keep things going.

And, don’t forget Social Media and online business tools to help you, too!

Page 4: BUILDING Strong through the Holiday’s. SO HOW DO YOU? Yes, during the holidays, people are busy, and people are going places, shopping, and do not want

Some ideas that work!!

"What is your favorite holiday memory? Please do share with me about it."

"I would love to chat with you the first of the year. I could really use some help on something."

People are focused on many things during this time of the year. One focus is CHANGE.

People are focused on EXPECTATION

Page 5: BUILDING Strong through the Holiday’s. SO HOW DO YOU? Yes, during the holidays, people are busy, and people are going places, shopping, and do not want

People are focused on SHOPPING

Talk to them about their children.Compliment their children

Ask them about their plans for the holidays.

Talk to people about the crowds in the malls.

Talk to people about the prices of goods today.

Ask people for their opinion on something you are thinking about buying.

Toy stores and BOOK stores are great places to meet folks who have kids, and are readers. Readers and parents are great MLM prospects.

Page 6: BUILDING Strong through the Holiday’s. SO HOW DO YOU? Yes, during the holidays, people are busy, and people are going places, shopping, and do not want

Retail Clerks

"Is next year going to be like this year for you working in this retail zoo? You have an incredible personality.

Do the crowds get to you sometimes?

Here is my card. Do you think you deserve better than this? Would you be OPEN to chatting sometime about the possibility of getting you out of here?"

Page 7: BUILDING Strong through the Holiday’s. SO HOW DO YOU? Yes, during the holidays, people are busy, and people are going places, shopping, and do not want

Is your radar on?

MLM Success during the holidays is easy and quite fun, if you let it be.

But you must keep your "radar" on

Page 8: BUILDING Strong through the Holiday’s. SO HOW DO YOU? Yes, during the holidays, people are busy, and people are going places, shopping, and do not want

First quarter of 2014

Explosion in their business around mid January.

New Years resolutions and starts taking action on those resolutions in January.

Guess what the two most popular resolutions are?

Work hard between Christmas and New Years (more people are home so you will be able to talk to more

Using Social Media...Healthy-Weight loss posts...Images of Before and After..


Page 9: BUILDING Strong through the Holiday’s. SO HOW DO YOU? Yes, during the holidays, people are busy, and people are going places, shopping, and do not want

Attend Holiday Parties & Network

Holiday parties offer an excellent opportunity for you to network. Go to these parties, talk to as many people as possible and get as many business cards as possible

The following days after the party, call these people up and see if they are OPEN to exploring some changes in 2014 in the areas of both Health and their Finances?

Those who have a good month in Decembers MAKE A DECISION to have a good month in December. The ones that don't simply assume that December is a bad month and it becomes a bad month. MAKE DECEMBER YOUR BEST YET!!!

Page 10: BUILDING Strong through the Holiday’s. SO HOW DO YOU? Yes, during the holidays, people are busy, and people are going places, shopping, and do not want

Business DOES NOT slow down during the holidays- DISTRIBUTORS DO-

and  Leaders Do NOT.

PEOPLE GATHERING. CONVERSATIONS WITHOUT VOMITING on them about our XALO/XANGO incredible products and business....


Find out their new years resolution. Ask people how they want 2014 to look different to them. FIND THE PAIN.


Page 11: BUILDING Strong through the Holiday’s. SO HOW DO YOU? Yes, during the holidays, people are busy, and people are going places, shopping, and do not want

“Forward Focused” “Fired Up for CHANGE.”

Stoke their fire. Ask them what they are planning on changing in 2014. Why?

“If you describe your 2013 in ONE or two words- what would it be?”

Page 12: BUILDING Strong through the Holiday’s. SO HOW DO YOU? Yes, during the holidays, people are busy, and people are going places, shopping, and do not want

Truly leverage TECHNOLOGY beyond your imagination.

Technology = The Accelerator.

YOUTUBE VIDEOS..Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Four Square, Instagram, Pinterest

Are they truly HAPPY?

Ask, are you where you thought you would be at the end of this year?

“So what is your PLAN for changing? Are you OPEN TO EXPLORING POSSIBILITIES?

Would you be open to exploring a Ground Floor business that had no risk and IF you are coachable, be mentored by Millionaires with proven systems already in place, treat it like a real business, your success could be guaranteed?

Page 13: BUILDING Strong through the Holiday’s. SO HOW DO YOU? Yes, during the holidays, people are busy, and people are going places, shopping, and do not want

Ideas from MDC/MMDC members

Ray & Cheryl Herron 500K MMDC

Page 14: BUILDING Strong through the Holiday’s. SO HOW DO YOU? Yes, during the holidays, people are busy, and people are going places, shopping, and do not want

Eileen Cohen 100K MDC

Page 15: BUILDING Strong through the Holiday’s. SO HOW DO YOU? Yes, during the holidays, people are busy, and people are going places, shopping, and do not want

John & Gina Jurewicz 100K MDC

Page 16: BUILDING Strong through the Holiday’s. SO HOW DO YOU? Yes, during the holidays, people are busy, and people are going places, shopping, and do not want

Marlene Brice 100K MDC

Page 17: BUILDING Strong through the Holiday’s. SO HOW DO YOU? Yes, during the holidays, people are busy, and people are going places, shopping, and do not want

Holiday Gifts


Samples...XANGO Singles, Limitless, XALO, Glimpse Nutrition for the skin, Juni Veggie Bar Soap, Juni Body Lotion, Juni Hand and Body Wash, Essential Oils, etc

The gift of Health and Wellness: The RIGHT MESSAGE

Page 18: BUILDING Strong through the Holiday’s. SO HOW DO YOU? Yes, during the holidays, people are busy, and people are going places, shopping, and do not want
Page 19: BUILDING Strong through the Holiday’s. SO HOW DO YOU? Yes, during the holidays, people are busy, and people are going places, shopping, and do not want
Page 20: BUILDING Strong through the Holiday’s. SO HOW DO YOU? Yes, during the holidays, people are busy, and people are going places, shopping, and do not want
Page 21: BUILDING Strong through the Holiday’s. SO HOW DO YOU? Yes, during the holidays, people are busy, and people are going places, shopping, and do not want

Beginning New Year’s Eve and running into January, we’ll be awarding the following prizes to those who like and share our FAVAO posts, and purchase one of the packs above.

It's as easy as like, share, buy, and you’ll be entered to win!

 1ST PRIZE ($400 value)

Winner announced December 31, 2013

iPad Mini 

Enduracool towel 

FAVAO Under Armour bag

Page 22: BUILDING Strong through the Holiday’s. SO HOW DO YOU? Yes, during the holidays, people are busy, and people are going places, shopping, and do not want
Page 23: BUILDING Strong through the Holiday’s. SO HOW DO YOU? Yes, during the holidays, people are busy, and people are going places, shopping, and do not want

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