
services Building Administrator’s

Quick Reference

last revised 11/13/131.888.728.1266 •

Table of ConTenTs

1 Navigate the Dashboard

4 Create, Modify, and Manage Accounts: New Student

5 Create, Modify, and Manage Accounts: Remove a Student from Building

6 Create, Modify, and Manage Accounts: New Teacher or Specialist/Librarian

8 Create, Modify, and Manage Accounts: Remove a Teacher or Specialist/Librarian

9 View Classes: Specific Class Information

13 Create and Manage Groups

21 Create and Manage Book Sets: Active Lists

25 Create and Manage Book Sets: Inactive Lists

28 Create and View School Wide Reading Contests

30 Generate School-Wide Reports

Note: Each section is hyperlinked to its corresponding page. Select the section you wish to view by clicking on the pink copy below.

services Building Administrator’s

Quick Reference

last revised 11/13/13


navigaTe The dashboard

Adashboard › Allows you to manage accounts

and track student activity

BLibrary › View the complete

collection of books

Caccount › Update/change the usename, password, avatar, or

email address for the buliding administrator

DschooL account › View your myON

subscription information

› License Info

› URL Info

› Collections

EschooL admin › Update/change the

username, password, avatar, or email address for the building administrator (same as the account feature)

Fuser activityA current snapshot of the entire student body activity, updated daily

› Current Average Lexile®

› Total Students: Include only active students

› Books Opened: Total books opened (accessed) since July

› Books Read: Total books read (finished) since July

› Time Reading: Total time students spent reading since July

GusersCreate and manage users in your building

› Student(s)

› Teacher(s)

› Specialist(s)/Librarian(s)

› Unassigned Students(s): students who are waiting for a teacher assignment

edit the name of your school and customize a Url

services Building Administrator’s

Quick Reference

last revised 11/13/13


HcLasses › See usage and

membership by class

jGrades › See usage by


IGrouPs › Manage

user-created groups/teacher assignments

› Create and modify your own groups including membership and reading options

lbook sets › Create and manage

active and inactive books in your building

kreadinG oPtions › Set the reading

options that will be defaults for new classes and students that are in multiple classes

navigaTing The dashboard (continued)


last revised 11/13/13


Building Administrator’s Quick Reference

ILeaderboard › See the top ten for various

statistics in your building

jreadinG contests › Create a reading contest for

your school

krePorts › Generate various reports about

your school, classes, and grades

navigaTing The dashboard (continued)

services Building Administrator’s

Quick Reference

last revised 11/13/13


CreaTe, modify, and manage aCCoUnTs: new sTUdenT

student users

1 Click the number listed

2 Click add a student

1 Select group(s)

2 Select grade

3 Enter new student information following the naming conventions of your building or district including:

› Username › Password › Student ID › First Name › Last Name

4 Click save

services Building Administrator’s

Quick Reference

last revised 11/13/13


CreaTe, modify, and manage aCCoUnTs: remove a sTUdenT from bUilding

2 Put a check mark next to any student you wish to remove or modify

1 Click the number listed below student(s)

4 go back to dashboard

5 Click unassigned student(s)

9 Click Downloadto export a student enrollment list in .CSV format. Contains: student names, grades, classes, and teachers

3 Select Remove from My Building and students are moved to your District Admin to be assigned to other schools

8 Click save assignments

7 select remove from this building

6 find student and click drop-down arrow next to student’s name

services Building Administrator’s

Quick Reference

last revised 11/13/13


CreaTe, modify, and manage aCCoUnTs: new TeaCher or sPeCialisT/librarian

teacher and sPeciaList(s)/Librarian(s) users

2 Click add a user

1 Click the number listed below Teacher(s) or specialist(s)/librarian(s)

3 User’s first name 4 User’s last name

5 enter user’s email: Used to send myON updates to teachers

6 Create a username, password, and unique teacher ID following the naming conventions of your building or district

services Building Administrator’s

Quick Reference

last revised 11/13/13


7 Choose a role

Librarian/Specialist: This account is for users who do not have students assigned to them, but wish to view the students in the building to run reports

Teacher: Create a new group for the teacher (default) or assign the teacher a group that already exists

* Teacher-group assignments are not replaced with each enrollment update or refresh. Only teacher-class assignments are updated.

CreaTe, modify, and manage aCCoUnTs: new TeaCher or sPeCialisT/librarian (continued)


last revised 11/13/13


Building Administrator’s Quick Reference

CreaTe, modify, and manage aCCoUnTs: remove a TeaCher or sPeCialisTs/librarian

B downloadstudent enrollment › To see the

student, grade, teachers, and class assignments

C download Teacher list › To see

the names of classes, associated teachers, and number of students in each class

A Click the number listed below Teacher(s) or specialist(s)/librarian(s) › Find a teacher or specialist/librarian › Put a checkmark next to any teacher or specialist/librarian you wish to modify › Select Remove from my building › This removes teacher from the building

services Building Administrator’s

Quick Reference

last revised 11/13/13


1 Click view classes

3 Click download to export a .Csv file that contains: class names, assigned teacher, number of students, total books opened and read, total reading time, and average lexile® level.

2 Use the drop-down menu to determine how you would like to view all the classes in the building (the default is by teacher)

view Classes: sPeCifiC Class informaTion

services Building Administrator’s

Quick Reference

last revised 11/13/13


AcLass snaPshot

BcLass book sets › View class reading assignments by book set name and description

view Classes: sPeCifiC Class informaTion (continued)

› Click on the class name to view

› Current Average Lexile®

› Total Students

› Books Opened

› Books Read

› Time Reading

services Building Administrator’s

Quick Reference

last revised 11/13/13


view Classes: sPeCifiC Class informaTion (continued)

C Class RosteR: View › View the roster- the class and/or group assignments will be identified next to the name of each student › Click Download for a class roster as a .CSV file

2 UsageClass reading behaviors: › Classes/Groups › Books opened › Books read › Time reading › Last session

1 Type a student name to find their specific redading info.

3 Class RosterClass reading progress measures: › Classes/Groups › Current Lexile® › Placement Test › Benchmark Test › Average Quiz Score

services Building Administrator’s

Quick Reference

last revised 11/13/13


view Classes: sPeCifiC Class informaTion (continued)

D Class RosteR: inDiViDUal stUDent › Click on the name of a specific student to see detailed information

1 Individual student dashboard

2 Books read › Book Title › Lexile® › Date Read › Time Reading › Book Status

• Opened• Finished

› Student’s Ratings

3 Benchmark › Exam type

• Book quiz• Benchmark

› Score › Date Taken

4 Classes › View

current class Memberships

5 Groups › Assign or

Unassign Groups

6 interests › Review

Interest Inventory


last revised 11/13/13


3 Click download to export a .Csv file that contains: group names, assigned teacher, number of students, total books opened and read, total reading time, and average lexile® level.

Building Administrator’s Quick Reference

› A group is a broad term that can refer to any class, group, team, and/or club (large, small, or individual), which is user created.

AaLL GrouPs

1 Click manage Groups

2 Use the drop-down menu to determine how you would like to view all the groups in the building (the default is by teacher)

CreaTe and manage groUPs

services Building Administrator’s

Quick Reference

last revised 11/13/13


5 Click apply

Bcreate a GrouP › Enter group name › Enter group description › Click add Group

CreaTe and manage groUPs (continued)

4 Place a check mark in the box next to the group(s) to be reassigned. from the drop-down menu, select either:

› Reassign to XYZ teacher › Delete Group(s)

services Building Administrator’s

Quick Reference

last revised 11/13/13


Creview/aPProve book reviews › To the right of your group name, click new book reviews or Previous book reviews

› By class name, click new book reviews


Type a student’s name to see just their reviews

Publish all

hide all

› Click on the name of your group

DGrouP identity (you wiLL onLy be abLe to edit your own GrouPs and not those of others)

1 edit name

2 edit description

CreaTe and manage groUPs (continued)

services Building Administrator’s

Quick Reference

last revised 11/13/13


EGrouP snaPshot

1 book quizzes (off or available)

3 word highlighting (off or on)

4 sentence highlighting (off or on)

5 audio (off or on)

FGrouP book sets › View group reading assignments

   1 Book set name   2 Book set description

G reader oPtions Determine Reader Options for the group (you will only see this option with your own groups; Reader Options for the entire school maybe accessed from the Dashboard)

2 book reviews (off or on)

CreaTe and manage groUPs (continued)

services Building Administrator’s

Quick Reference

last revised 11/13/13


HGrouP roster: view › View the roster: the class and/or group assignments will be identified next to the name of each student › Click download for a group roster as a .CSV file

1 Type a student name to find their specific reading info

2 usage group reading behaviors:

› Classes/Groups › Books opened › Books read › Time reading › Last session

3 assessment group reading progress measures:

› Classes/Groups › Current Lexile® › Placement Test › Benchmark Test › Average Quiz Score

CreaTe and manage groUPs (continued)

services Building Administrator’s

Quick Reference

last revised 11/13/13


HGrouP: assiGn students › First, select your group, then:

1 Click assign students (use the filter function or scroll to find students)

2 Place checkmarks next to students to be added, or de-select checkmarks next to students to be removed

3 note the total number of students selected

4 Click save

CreaTe and manage groUPs (continued)

services Building Administrator’s

Quick Reference

last revised 11/13/13


IGrouP: create a student › Click create a student (You will only be able to create new students within your own groups and

not those of others) › Enter new student information following the naming conventions of your building or district

1 select group(s)

2 select a grade

4 Click save

3 enter new student information following the naming conventions of your building or district

CreaTe and manage groUPs (continued)

services Building Administrator’s

Quick Reference

last revised 11/13/13


AGrouP roster: individuaL student › Click on the name of a specific student to see detailed information

1 individual student dashboard

2 books read › Book title › Lexile® › Date Read › Time Reading › Book Status

-Opened -Finished

› Student’s Ratings

3 benchmark › Exam Type

-Book Quiz -Benchmark

› Score › Date Taken

CreaTe and manage groUPs (continued)

services Building Administrator’s

Quick Reference

last revised 11/13/13


CreaTe and manage book seTs: aCTive lisTs

A my Book sets

1Click Create a book set

2 Enter book set name 3 Enter book set description 4 Click Add Book Set

sharing book sets › To share a book set, click share › To unshare a bookset, click

unshare. This unshares the book set from the shared book sets area

Remove book set › Click Delete › The user that created the book

set is the only one who can delete the set

› Are you sure you want to delete “XXX” book set? (new window)

› No, cancel › Yes, delete

modify sets › Click edit

add › Learn how to

add on the next page


last revised 11/13/13


Building Administrator’s Quick Reference

aDD anD RemoVe Books

Click Add selected books to set

add books › Find books using filters (Keyword, Category, Lexile®) › Click the forward arrow at the bottom of the page if

the book is not on the first page › Select books (check boxes) › Repeat search and select for each page until all

books are added › Added books will appear under the remove books tab

Remove books › Place checkmarks next to the

books you’d like to delete › Click Remove Selected Books

CreaTe and manage book seTs: aCTive lisTs (continued)


last revised 11/13/13


Building Administrator’s Quick Reference

1 Click Assign book set

4 Click Save

B assiGn/UnassiGn Book sets › To view, click book set name

C system Book sets › Click name of book set to see a listing of the book titles › Click use to select the set. A copy of the book set will be placed in your book sets list

(edit, assign and delete as usual)

2 Edit book set open/close › Edit book set name › Edit book set description

3 Place checkmarks next to group(s)/class(es)

› To remove assignment, de-select checkmarks

CreaTe and manage book seTs: aCTive lisTs (continued)

services Building Administrator’s

Quick Reference

last revised 11/13/13


D shaReD Book sets

G Book sets as a paRt of the teaCheR’s list › Click Teacher’s List while in student account

1 Click use

A copy of the book set will be placed in your book

sets list (edit, assign, and

delete as usual)

E DistRiCt Book sets › Click use › A copy of the book set will be placed in your book sets list (edit, assign, and delete as usual)

F sChool Book sets › Click use › A copy of the book set will be placed in your book sets list (edit, assign, and delete as usual)

Teacher creates and names the assigned book set

CreaTe and manage book seTs: aCTive lisTs (continued)

services Building Administrator’s

Quick Reference

last revised 11/13/13


CreaTe and manage book seTs: inaCTive lisTs

ACLICk create inactive book set

› Click edit


last revised 11/13/13


Building Administrator’s Quick Reference

2 Put check marks next to any books you would like to make inactive.

3 Click add selected book to set

1 search for books by using a keyword and/or filters

edit details: edit book set title and description Click update

BaddinG/editinG books

CreaTe and manage book seTs: inaCTive lisTs (continued)


last revised 11/13/13


Building Administrator’s Quick Reference

C remove books from inactive book set

2 Put check marks next to any book you would like to reactivate

3 Click remove selected books

1 Click remove books

* Creating inactive book sets at the school level will restrict access to all students. To limit access for a target group (grade 1, ELL, etc...), inactive book sets should be created at the teacher level.

A CliCk create inactive book set

1 fill in book set name 2 fill in book set description 3 Click Add inactive Book Set

B addinG/editinG books › Click edit

CreaTe and manage book seTs: inaCTive lisTs (continued)

services Building Administrator’s

Quick Reference

last revised 11/13/13


CreaTe and view sChool wide reading ConTesTs

edit a contest

type › Number of books read › Time spent reading

1 Click create a contest

3 enter challenge information

4 Click save or Update

2 select either Classes or Grades in my school

services Building Administrator’s

Quick Reference

last revised 11/13/13


B view resuLts

1 Click view

3 select Chart Type

4 Click submit

2 Click edit

CreaTe and view sChool wide reading ConTesTs (continued)

services Building Administrator’s

Quick Reference

last revised 11/13/13


generaTe sChool wide rePorTs

A seLect a rePort to run*

*For more information about each of the reports available, please view the Sample Report Guide

services Building Administrator’s

Quick Reference

last revised 11/13/13


B run a rePort

5 Click submit

6 Click download, where available, to export data to a .Csv for further analysis

1 first metric-select one

3 select date range with calendar

4 select chart type

7 select Print this Page

2 second metric—select one (optional)

generaTe sChool wide rePorTs (continued)

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