
Table of Contents

Introduction 1College Essay 2Chaucer Character Essay 4Beowulf Compare and Contrast 5Gawain Critical Essay 7Diary Project 8Modest Proposal Essay 9Frankenstein Essay 12Prose Piece 13Literary Analysis 14


My writing since the beginning of the year has improved greatly. This course and the

number of written assignments we have had, has allowed my writing to improve tremendously.

When I would write an essay at the beginning of the year, I would rush to get it done, not

proofread my work, and would carelessly put information together.

When I am given an assignment now, I try to fully understand what is expected of me to

write. I attempt to follow the guidelines exactly. When I use to write, I would rush my work,

which would not have a great result. My work would be confusing to understand, and would not

be the best writing that I can achieve.

I have realized the importance of proofreading work. In the midst of rushing to get my

work done, I would not proofread my work. Therefore, I had numerous mistakes, which affected

my grades. I had several grammar mistakes, which was evident that I did not look over my work

before turning it in. since I would not proofread my work, I was unable to get my thoughts out

there. I have realized, reading some of my old essays, that my works were very hard to


I would not fully understand the assignment and would write about what I wanted to

write about, and not what was assigned. This is a terrible habit to get into, because once I started

this, I would continue to do it. I would not use quotes while writing about a specific source. This

is important because quotes are a great source of information.


Words of Wisdom – College Essay

Words of wisdom stay with people for a lifetime. The best advice I have been given is “to

get an education, and make something good of myself.” These words of wisdom come from my

two parents. They believe that an education is the one gift that I will always have, and I am

beginning to understand this concept.

To me, getting an education, means for me to make the most of my high school years,

and to always be attentive and care about school, even if I do not like it. School is not always the

place that teenagers want to be. Sometimes school can be very challenging, and when these

challenges occur, I try my hardest to overcome these obstacles. I have felt like giving up at times,

but when I get to this point, I always think of my parents, and there encouraging words. An

education can take me so many different places in life. I hope it allows me to achieve my desired

career, which is to become an educator. In order to fulfill the second part of the advice, I must

get an education to live out my dreams.

Making something good of myself simply means for me to follow my heart, and become

whatever I want to become. I have the option to do whatever I want in life, and if I want to

become the best, an education is required. My dream career is become an educator. It is

impossible for me to become a teacher without an education. This means that I cannot take the

“easy road” through life. I must be able to challenge myself in order to become all that I can be. I

feel that so far in my life, I have already learned how to challenge myself, and hopefully I will

one day become a teacher who gives the gift of education.

My parents are the two people who I look up to the most. They want me to succeed and

have a great life when I grow up. I use their advice everyday by remembering what they have


said and applying it. They tell me at least once a week “to get an education, and make something

good of myself.” I feel that it would be disappointing to them if I did not live this motto

everyday. They are spending thousands of dollars to send me to high school. I would feel very

worthless if I did not make the most out of what my parents have provided for me. They have

faith in me that I will not let them down. I also feel that I cannot let them down either. I respect

my parents very much, and I will never forget this advice that I have been told.


My Life Journey - Chaucer Character Essay

Greetings! My name is Rebecca. I am the type of person who loves to help others. I know

I do not physically gain anything from my good deeds, but mentally, the reward is remarkable. I

am a philosopher. I help people better understand themselves. I am a person of great wealth and

would like for others to gain from my riches. I understand that people are not all the same, and

some people are poorer than others. That is why I have decided to make this journey. This

journey is going to be a spiritual and mental awakening for others and myself. I know I can help

others by guiding them to true happiness. Another way I plan on helping is by bringing some

treasures along with me, and the people who I see to truly deserve will receive it. People who are

snobby and rude are not worthy, but people who are kind and humble are the gracious kind. I

plan on giving people life advice for free. I want everyone to be appreciative of what they have.

My role in this world is to help people better understand their faith. I decided to take this

pilgrimage to help myself learn more about people and to help teach people more about God and

their faith. Every person is different. Not all people are rich, but every single person in this world

is blessed. They are blessed because they have God on their side. That is the most important

aspect of life. God made everyone on this earth; therefore he keeps us away from harm. I hope I

can educate people on this lesson. For if people know, and understand this concept, life will be

much easier for them. I know that after these pilgrims take their pilgrimage, along with myself,

we will have enhanced our minds and souls. Along with several of my family members, I will

bring along a Bible. Bringing the bible will allow us to read daily and awaken our hearts to

accept everyone as equal.


Beowulf vs. Grendel – Beowulf Compare and Contrast

The poem Beowulf and the novel Grendel by James Gardner are alike in ways, yet very

different at the same time. From the characters to the attacks, Grendel and Beowulf have two

very different accounts. Beowulf is an epic poem that relates to heroism and fighting. Grendel

has themes that are more focused on physical courage and strength. One of the main differences

of the two is the point of view. Beowulf is written from an outside view. Grendel is written from

Grendel’s point of view, which can have a greater affect on the novel.

The character Grendel in Beowulf has animal-like features. He victimizes Hrothgar’s

warriors in the mead-hall because he is a brutal and viscous character who seeks revenge for

Cain’s murder. In Grendel, however, Grendel is given more human characteristics, and is not

seen as a wicked person. Unlike in Beowulf, Grendel in Grendel is now able to speak, which

allows for a better understanding of his features. He is a lost creature trying to discover the world

in which he lives in. Hrothgar in Beowulf is seen more as a background character. He is not this

huge monster who destroys the entire land. He is King of the Danes, and since he has ruled for

years, he is now more aware of heroism. He understands that there are good and bad benefits to

having a powerful role. Hrothgar in Grendel is a more furious and fearful character. He is still

named King of Danes, but his prospective has changed. He is now more human-like with

features and flaws. Grendel clams in Grendel, that he and Hrothgar are having a personal battle

in which they are trying to resolve. The attacks on the mead-hall have two very different points

of views. In Beowulf, Grendel attacks the mead-hall because he is jealous of the happiness that is

taking place. In Grendel, Grendel is seeking revenge and that is why he attacks the mead-hall.


The themes of the two are similar, but different too. In the beginning of Beowulf, the

main theme is about creating an identity for oneself. The characters are unable to speak, thus

relying on their actions to speak for them. There is also a sense of keeping the warrior culture in

Beowulf. This is made evident through their battles. Battles were the one way that they could

pronounce and make known of who they were. Being warrior means you have a strong

understanding for your land. You are able to fight with bravery. Since Beowulf is an epic poem,

heroism is an important theme. Heroism is revealed through the battles of the land. Grendel is

more centralized on Grendel’s point of view and remaining humble. Grendel is more about

fighting and realism. Grendel is more of a human-like novel, in which the characters are able to

speak and revel their true selves. Grendel is trying to relay the message, to not judge based upon

one’s outside view.

Just because Grendel is different than Beowulf, they are somewhat similar too. Just like

in Grendel, Beowulf is focused on bravery and fighting. The main differences between the two

are the way the characters go about fighting. Some go about fighting in a monster like way.

Grendel and Beowulf have similarities, but are mainly different pieces of work.


Gawain Critical Essay

The author of the article “Hiding the Harm,” is trying to portray Gawain as one who is

full of mistakes, and not perfect. Gawain is looked as like a vicious and wicked creature. The

Green Knight has little respect for life, since he initiates the game. The game is where they take

turns hitting each other in the head with an axe.

I agree with the author about the issue of a lack of respect for life. the Green Knight lacks

a respect for life since her instigates the game in which they take blows at one another’s head.

Gawain is trying to prove himself as, “outweighing all other considerations.” This is stating that

he does not take anyone else’s own personal means in account. He only and truly cares for



America’s Heartache – Diary Project

November 22, 1963. My mom wakes me up to tell me that my brother and me don’t have

to go to school today. I am so excited, but then I ask how come? She tells me that we are going

to see the president. Little do I know, this day will forever change America. When we get there,

my parents tell me to stay close to them so I don’t get lost. The president’s car is pulling onto

Elm Street, the street where my family is standing. All of a sudden, I hear a loud noise and see

that the president is no longer sitting in the car. Chaos begins. I can’t see Kennedy at all. My

parents immediately pack up our things to leave. When I ask them why, they start to explain that

the president was the target of an evil act. I wonder why such a great figure in our nation has

been killed, and what type of people would want him dead. A few minutes after the secret

service men out the president’s body in an ambulance, my daddy takes me, mom and brother to

our home. When we get to our home in Dallas, a few miles away from Elm Street, I turned on

the TV and see that he is being taken to Parkland Hospital. As I hear that name, I remember

that’s where my mom works. All four of us are gathered around the tv to see the updates on the

president’s condition.


Special Treatment for Athletes – Modest Proposal Essay (Social Satire)

Athletes are what make the world a better place. Although in the past many have

criticized for special treatment of athletes, they should receive special treatment for all of the

things that they do. They are the majority of the population in high schools, admirable role

models for young children, recipients of a good education, and entertainment for fans. 

Athletes are commonly called “jocks” in high school. Jocks rule most schools, whether it

is on the secondary or post-secondary level. According to Athletic Director Dave Toner at

Roncalli High School in Indianapolis, Indiana, the percentage of athletes partic ipating in just the

Indiana High School Athletic Association (IHSAA) sanctioned sports are fifty-two percent for

the 2006-2007 school year. That number is expected to rise, however, throughout the years.

Currently, the IHSAA does not allow high school athletes to be paid at all. This prohibits athletes

from getting an income whereas their non-athlete peers can get a job. An athlete’s job should be

just to be an athlete and focus on their sport and training.

A child’s dream is to grow up and be a sports figure. Therefore, athletes have many

pressures to be this big hero. At Northwestern High School in Miami, Florida, football player

Antwain Easterling, who was nineteen at the time, raped a fourteen-year-old girl in the school

bathroom. Luckily, he never received any type of punishment through the school because the

next day he led his school victoriously to a state title. Even though some think the lack of

punishment was less than honorable, Coach George Clayton said, “It’s a different world…I don’t

think you can compare apples to apples.”

Athletics receiving special entry requirements allow them20to get an education. At

Indiana University, four-two percent of football players in 2006 did not meet IU’s normal

entrance requirements. Likewise, at the University of California in 2004, ninety-five percent of


the freshman football class on scholarship was special admits. In the same year, Texas A&M had

ninety-four percent specially admitted to its athletic program and school. These actions assure

athletes are getting a great college education and can pursue a career after sports.

Media criticizes for illegal use of substances. However, without these products such as

steroids, the fans would be disappointed by the performance, for example, a lack of homeruns

and long distance hits by a player. Fans complain when their favorite athlete is not producing

which is caused by harsh rules by the leagues.

The current proposed solutions are athletes should be seen as equal, even though they are

much greater, stronger, smarter, and richer than the average person. What the media and

criticizers do not realize, however, is by using their skills and gifts to their best potential, athletes

contribute to society much greater than the average person.

For first, it is proposed that athletes do not receive enough special treatment. Others

should take this in consideration and give them they credit that they deserve. Athletes should

have no limits in what they do or say. The use of all illegal substances should be allowed at high

school, college, and professional levels. This allows better performance for the athlete which in

turn gives better viewing pleasure to the audiences.

Secondly, there should no requirements for entrances into colleges. This saves time for

both the administrators and the student-athlete. Also, the action allows the athlete to achieve a

higher education. There should be no penalty for a student who is not meeting the requirements

while in college. If they are failing a course, their professor should understand that they are an

athlete and give the student a passing grade because the priority should be athletics.

Thirdly, there should be no consequences, which result in government or higher authority

actions. If an athlete should find himself or herself in a predicament, the coach or athletic


department should receive funds to pay off the accuser. This assures happiness and a better

performance while playing for the athlete.

Fourthly, in high school and college, athletes should receive no school or homework

during game days. Athletes should be able to be paid for their sport, in season and out of season

because even during the off season an athlete is still training and preparing for the next season

and are not able to obtain a steady income.

            This proposal is beneficial for both the athlete and the non-athlete. Special treatment of

athletes is very important to their success, which in turn helps others. This is proposed with a

sincere heart and mind with every race, gender, and religion considered. Without athletes, the

world would be a harsh place.


Frankenstein Essay

Victor Frankenstein was very fascinated with science. Due to his love of science, he

created a vicious creature. His first creature was a male, and after awhile of roaming around, he

requested that victor create a female companion. The creature wanted a companion because he

was lonely, because he scared off everyone he saw.

Victor thought that if the creature does have a companion, then he would leave man

alone. While trying to pursue Victor, the creature tells him, “I will make peace with the whole

kind” (105). Victor could have interpreted this, as the creature will no longer kill anyone. The

creature is responsible for the murder of William, and Victor sees this statement as a promise.

Victor initially hesitated to the idea because the first creation isn’t the ideal creation, and

Victor says, “I thought of the possible consequences of my consent” (105). Victor believes that

the creature is trying to trick him, but senses that “there was some type of justice in his

argument” (105).

After Victor is done creating the female companion, he decides to destroy it. Victor

realizes that if the two mate, together they would create, “a race of devils propagated upon earth”

(121). Victor believes the creations could turn against him, and even though they promised, he

believes the two could harm him. He also takes into consideration that the two could end up

hating each other, creating even more problems.

Victor takes many things into consideration when he decides to destroy the female

creature. Victor makes the right decision because more bad than good would come from it. Even

thought the creature become very angry when he hears the news, Victor believes he is right for

destroying the monster.


“Lady of Shalott” - Prose Piece

“The Lady of Shalott” begins with the explanation of how the river is lined with long

fields of barley and rye before it reaches the town of Camelot. The people of the town go up and

down toward the island of Shalott. The island of Shalott is covered with lilies, aspens, and

willows. The Lady of Shalott is imprisoned in “four gray walls, and four gray towers.” Heavy

barges run along the shoreline of Camelot. Lord Tennyson is questioning if anyone has seen the

Lady of Shalott. Towards the end of part one, the reaper listens to the Lady singing.

The Lady of Shalott is described as weaving a colorful magical web. She hears a whisper

telling her that a curse will be on her if she looks down to Camelot. Since she does not know

what this curse will be, she does not lift her eyes; she concentrates very steadily on weaving. As

she continues to weave she notices a mirror hanging in front of her. She sees “shadows of the

world, in which she sees the highway winding near Camelot, river whirling, and the village.

A knight comes riding through the barley field. As he is riding, the gems glitter like “the

golden Galaxy.” He gallops along the island of Shalott. The Lady sees the knight in her mirror as

he is riding by. When she sees this, she leaves her web and stops weaving. She believes that the

curse has come upon her because the mirror cracked.

As the weather begins changing, the Lady comes down from her tower, finds a boat and

floats off in it. She writes “The Lady of Shalott” on the boats bow. Through the night filled with

noise, she floats toward Camelot. While traveling to Camelot in the boat, she is singing her song,

and then dies. Her boat reaches Camelot and everyone comes to see the sight. They see “the

Lady of Shalott” written on the bow of the boat. A knight, Lancelot, squeezed in to see the lady,

and claimed she had a lovely face, and God lend her grace.


Imagery in Lady of Shalott – Victorian piece

Alfred, Lord Tennyson’s “Lady of Shalott” uses a few literary devices that make this

poem delightful. Conflict with woman against society is made evident. Along with conflict,

Tennyson has imagery so vividly represented.

The poem first starts off by the explanation of the woman who is confined to “four grey

walls, and four grey towers” (l. 15). This is confirming her isolation of life, due to the king.

Each and everyday, she sits and weaves. She is not allowed to look out of her windows. The

King of Camelot imprisoned her. This is where the first part of woman versus society occurs.

The lady, however, has a mirror hanging in front of her. She looks through the mirror and sees

shadows of the world. Tennyson does not describe the woman very well at all. All that is known

is that a curse will be laid upon her. “…The Lady’s isolation and the conflict between the

interior and exterior worlds” (Nelson), shows that the woman truly lived a life of sadness and


The imagery of the poem is best described in the first two parts. They are describing the

beautiful lilies, aspens, and willows that Shalott is covered with. This plants a very vivid, and

liveliness of Shalott. The image of “four grey walls, and four grey towers” (l. 15) gives a very

sad and hopeless effect on the poem. This line gives that feeling that the woman will never and

has never seen anything but the four walls which surround her daily. When Tennyson is

describing her weaving everyday, this gives a mellow image. This is neither a happy, nor a sad

scene. It is just describing the Lady weaving. It does, however, set up the woman’s loneliness

that she experiences everyday. Sitting alone everyday in the same room, never leaving would

cause some people to go insane. Instead of going insane, she becomes very curious about the

world she never sees.


The Lady sees a knight riding by her window, and after this, her mirror cracked. She

believes this is her curse being stowed upon her. The woman finds her boat, and paints, “The

Lady of Shalott” on the side of it. She floats to the riverside of Camelot, where the townspeople

find her. Even though Tennyson did not describe the woman, the knight that finds her, claims she

had a face of beauty. This image is very vibrant. This shows that the woman, who even though

never had any communication with the outside world, was genuinely a beautiful woman. She

may have lived a life of isolation, but her looks did not represent that life. Another image that is

clear is an image of peacefulness. When someone dies, it is normally looked at as a sad and

depressing time. The woman was not sad or sorrowful about dying, nor was the townspeople.

In conclusion, the “Lady of Shalott” has energetic imagery throughout the entire poem.

Tennyson uses sad and depressing times, and turns them into a peaceful and joyous time.


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