Download - Bremen tvoc

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The Bremen Town MusiciansThe Bremen Town MusiciansVocabulary and Vocabulary and Amazing WordsAmazing Words

Second Grade ReadingSecond Grade Reading

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excitementexcitementWhen you have very strong, happy When you have very strong, happy

feelings about something that you feelings about something that you

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millmillA building in which grain is ground A building in which grain is ground

into flour or meal.into flour or meal.

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monstersmonstersMake-believe people or animals that Make-believe people or animals that

are scary.are scary.

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musiciansmusiciansA person who sings, plays, or writes A person who sings, plays, or writes

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robbersrobbersPeople who rob or steal.People who rob or steal.

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Amazing WordsAmazing Wordspartnershipartnershipp


strugglestruggledependdependfamiliar familiar insistinsist

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partnershippartnershipwhen two or more people become when two or more people become

partners and join together to share partners and join together to share something. something.

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solutionsolution the process of solving a problem.the process of solving a problem.

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survivalsurvivalthe act of living on or of surviving. the act of living on or of surviving.

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miserablemiserablevery, very unhappy. very, very unhappy.

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strugglestruggleworking hard to do something that is working hard to do something that is

difficult. difficult.

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dependdependcount on or trust a person or thing. count on or trust a person or thing.

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familiarfamiliar well-known or close to you from well-known or close to you from

repeated contact.repeated contact.

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insistinsist making a demand or taking a stand.making a demand or taking a stand.

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