Page 1: BJARNI THORVARDARSON CEO May 2015 Hibernia Express Providing Direct Access from Cork, Ireland to North America and Europe Hibernia Networks 2015 Private


May 2015

Hibernia ExpressProviding Direct Access from Cork,

Ireland to North America and Europe

Hibernia Networks 2015 Private & Confidential. Distribution without written permission strictly prohibited.

Page 2: BJARNI THORVARDARSON CEO May 2015 Hibernia Express Providing Direct Access from Cork, Ireland to North America and Europe Hibernia Networks 2015 Private

Sources: AV&Co. Research and Analysis, FCC, Akamai, Cisco VNI , Nielsen, SNL. comScore, Cisco

Global Internet Data Traffic Forecast

(Exabytes per month – 109 GB)

Global Bandwidth Demand is ExplodingNew and Evolving Customer Needs Like Video, Mobile, and Cloud are Driving Significant and Continued Bandwidth Demand

Hibernia Networks 2015 Private & Confidential. Distribution without written permission strictly prohibited.

• 3 billion global online users today• Half a billion more people online today than

2014• Half the global population now using mobile phones, 185

million new users in last 12 months



Page 3: BJARNI THORVARDARSON CEO May 2015 Hibernia Express Providing Direct Access from Cork, Ireland to North America and Europe Hibernia Networks 2015 Private


Driving Demand in Ireland

• Hyper-growth in bandwidth demands require long haul connectivity and cables• Connection with west coast US – a hotbed for cloud computing innovation• Cork, as the first Ireland landing point from the US, is ripe to take

advantage of these trendsSources: Irish Times - ; YouTube -; Google Consumer Barometer- -; DataCenter Dynamics -

Hibernia Networks 2015 Private & Confidential. Distribution without written permission strictly prohibited.

Demand Trends and Drivers in Ireland Mirror Global Trends

Page 4: BJARNI THORVARDARSON CEO May 2015 Hibernia Express Providing Direct Access from Cork, Ireland to North America and Europe Hibernia Networks 2015 Private

Hibernia Express - RFS September 2015The First New Transatlantic Fiber Optic Cable in 12 Years; Poised to Support the Growing Global Demand

• Ireland is the gateway between North America and Europe with Cork as its main entry, enabling further global commerce

• Hibernia Express directly connects North America via Halifax, Europe via Cork and London

• 6-pair system, designed to provide > 53Tb with diversity and scalability

• TE SubCom built - 3 ships currently laying 4,648 km of cable; shore head-ends complete


MontrealAlbany, Buffalo,


New York, New Jersey,







Paris Frankfurt

Hibernia North

Hibernia South

Hibernia Express


Boston Lynn


Hibernia Express Cable System 2015Hibernia North and South Cable System 2003


Hibernia Networks 2015 Private & Confidential. Distribution without written permission strictly prohibited.

Page 5: BJARNI THORVARDARSON CEO May 2015 Hibernia Express Providing Direct Access from Cork, Ireland to North America and Europe Hibernia Networks 2015 Private


Express ConstructionServices available in September 2015

Page 6: BJARNI THORVARDARSON CEO May 2015 Hibernia Express Providing Direct Access from Cork, Ireland to North America and Europe Hibernia Networks 2015 Private

Hibernia Networks Project Kelvin 2010

• Project Kelvin attracted business to Ireland, provided the country with resiliency and offered further economic stimulus

• Project Kelvin provided the island of Ireland with its first direct 40Gbps network

• Provided businesses operating into and within Ireland access to direct, low latency connectivity to Canada, US and mainland Europe at competitive pricing

• 2.2 Terabits of capacity on over 200 circuits (FastE, GigE, 10G and 100G) for 50+ regional and global customers

• Customers include financial exchanges, content delivery networks (CDNs), global media organizations, broadcasters, Internet Service Providers (ISPs) and other large bandwidth consuming companies

• Received the Golden Bridges Award for promoting partnerships between the US and Ireland

To Cork

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Proven Commitment to Investing in Ireland

Page 7: BJARNI THORVARDARSON CEO May 2015 Hibernia Express Providing Direct Access from Cork, Ireland to North America and Europe Hibernia Networks 2015 Private


Hibernia Networks 2015 Private & Confidential. Distribution without written permission strictly prohibited.

• Global Internet traffic will continue to rise

• Akin to steam power in the Industrial Revolution and semiconductor microchips, the Internet of Things will continue to transform the way people live and work

• More and more consumer devices are becoming connected to the Internet• Laptops, smartphones, power meters, home appliances, thermostats, light bulbs, autos, watches

• The move from wired to wireless, such as WiFi and mobile services, has brought significant flexibility to people’s everyday life by allowing mobility and increased responsiveness

• Mobile devices - The 1G generation launched in 1980. It is suggested that a new generation of 5G standards may be introduced approximately in the early 2020’s.

Investing in infrastructure today is essential in preparing for tomorrow’s market, societal, technical and economical changes

Addressing Global Bandwidth Demandby Investing Locally, Regionally and Globally

Page 8: BJARNI THORVARDARSON CEO May 2015 Hibernia Express Providing Direct Access from Cork, Ireland to North America and Europe Hibernia Networks 2015 Private


Hibernia Networks 2015 Private & Confidential. Distribution without written permission strictly prohibited.

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