Page 1: Birth Day Wishes Wedding · 24th Nov Rtn Dr. Darshit & Dr. Avni Mapara 9408678714 99133 02919 Wedding Anniversary

Meeting 20Programme : School Days Are BackDate : 22nd NovTime : 8.30 PMMenu : School Time Munching (Nasta) Venue : Rotary Greater BhavanInvitee : Rotarians, Anns and AnnetsDress Code : Rotarians- Jeans & T- Shirt, Anns- Jeans & Kurti

Novel November22nd Nov : School Days Are Back29th Nov : Speaker Meeting


Birth Day Wishes18th Nov Ann Rita Riyani 99254 6631124th Nov Rtn Rajendra Sonvani 97275 60999

24th Nov Ann Kreena Adani 98259 29296

RTN. ANN. 17th Nov Rtn Dipak & Minaxi Gajjar 98250 79464 98250 7846423rd Nov Rtn Sanjay & Ushma Mehta 97277 44920 93276 9151124th Nov Rtn Dr. Darshit & Dr. Avni Mapara 9408678714 99133 02919

Wedding Anniversary

School Days Are BackBoring Uniforms, Un-adjustable Tie, Different kind of shoes, Many Sections, Many Classrooms, One Best Friend, One Favorite Teacher,Definite Bench Sharing Partners, Too many Crushes, One School and Yes Million Memories.School Days are one of the most unforgettable and cherished days of everyone’s life. We still bear in mind the sentiments intermingled with the memories/events/incidences of our school days and desire of re-live those untroubled days again whenever possible. We miss our happy-go-lucky school life awing to abundant raison d'être. I miss my school days,The days when the rambling one and half hour of speech of the principal even seemed amazing with stupid people around. The days when the first period started with yawning and drowsiness and last period ended with a pleasant smile on the face with the excitement to go home.The days when there were no other worries except the undone homework to be submitted.The days when a single lunch box had so many hands in it. The days when the most painful heartbreaks use to happen finding our bench mate absent.The days when even the scolding of teachers was a regular stuffThe days when we use to be – notorious, irksome, dumb, mischievous, troublesome, stupid but CAREFREE. Hats off to those carefree days of our life – The School Days – When one Hand was on Pen – The other on the lunch box, One ear on Lecture – the other on Gossip, one eye on Board – the other on Crush.Who said our student life was easyWe were always busyRCRG is providing its members with a long urged desire of reliving our school days in a very unique manner on 22nd Nov.

A family history of reading and/or spelling difficulties (dyslexia often runs in families)

For kindergarden and 1st grade Reading errors that show no connection to the sounds of the letters on the page—will say “puppy” instead of the written word “dog” on an illustrated page with a picture of a dog Does not understand that words come apart Complains about how hard reading is; “disappears” when it is time to read A history of reading problems in parents or siblings Left and right confusion. Cannot sound out even simple words like cat, map, nap Does not associate letters with sounds, such as the letter b with the “b” sound

For 2nd grade and above Very slow in acquiring reading skills. Reading is slow and awkward Trouble reading unfamiliar words, often making wild guesses because he cannot sound out the word Doesn’t seem to have a strategy for reading new words Avoids reading out loud

8) How can I tell my child has Dyslexia ?You can only sense that a child is facing difficulties. If your child is brigth in all areas but faces difficulties with reading , spelling or writing, there are chances that child may be having Dyslexia. It is best to get screened or assessed as early as possible. Early identification can lead to Early help and confident learners. Parents and teachers have to be vigilant.

9) Can Dyslexia be treated?YES Indeed, Dyslexia can be treated with different Intervention strategies suited for an individual . No two people with Dyslexia have the same symptoms. Everybody is different . So the strategies and Intervention plans are different for everybody. We teach the child the way he learns and build bridges for learning . However, Dyslexia cannot be cured completely. All the boards do give a lot help and support to children with Dyslexia. CBSE, IGCSE, IB gives 25 % extra time, reader and a writer if the child falls into that category . Indian Government has made major amendmends to support children having Dyslexia .

10) Can children with Dyslexia be successful?My answer here is DEFINITELY YES. To name a few, Steve Jobbs, founder of Apple . Majority of us use the I phones .Richard Branson, founder or Virgin Airlines. Albert Einstein, Walt Disney, Abhishek Bachhan and many more...Well, children with Dyslexia have a lot of strengths, we just have to identify that and nurture that as parents or teachers.

Page 2: Birth Day Wishes Wedding · 24th Nov Rtn Dr. Darshit & Dr. Avni Mapara 9408678714 99133 02919 Wedding Anniversary

Review of Night Out At RCRGIt takes loud music, great songs, mouth watering food, loads of chit chats, chilled out peers, yummy drinks, a scary – spooky movie, no limitations and sensible team of guardians to make for a wild night out for a bunch of enthusiastic adolescents along with witty, quirky – intelligent highly talkative small brood. A fun filled night out for the Annets started off – with their parents dropping them to Bhavan and departing their responsibilities principally on trustworthy board members under the capable guidance of the President and Secretary. They gathered for the night out in unexpectedly enormous number – rounding up to almost 38 Annets for the session.

Annet Sahil Lakhani and Annet Rishita Joshi were the main coordinator for this amusing experience and had planned an adventurous night for their peers – subordinately. Post the enthusiastic and excitement contended arrival at the Bhavan – all of them splurged into the luxury of being by themselves – enjoying, relaxing – chilling out with each other. Simultaneously, the younger broods/ the notorious clan of RCRG were busy playing and running around the venue uninterruptedly. Soon all of them segregated and sat down to enjoy an animated spooky movie at the Bhavan Auditorium. In continuum to the movie there were tits and bits of snack break (popcorn break) and indoor games going on as a source of dual entertainment.

Post midnight – almost after the completion of movie, Annets were headed towards Mad – House Mocha (late night café with restaurant - one of the most famous late night attractions for the youngsters in the city) for light munching. The ecstasy traverse to such a popular destination independently was witnessed when all the Annets boomingly voyage to the nibble junction in the cars of Board members. Everyone enjoyed mouth watering delicious delicacies at the food corner – which constituted of pizza, pasta, sandwiches, sizzlers – and hot /cold beverages. The younger kids could not get enough of yummy – tummy satisfying French fires and Maggie. Everyone ate to the point of almost elation – wherein their stomach was satisfyingly full but mind could stop savoring the experience. Post snacks – all the Annets took the luxury of capturing the moments with their friends in numerous – hundreds of photos. – The selfie mania was hitting at its superlative wherein each and everyone was busy clicking selfies with their beasties. Around 2 pm the team of board members along with Annets departed from Mad House Mocha – and each and every kid was safely dropped to their house by respective board members. President and his team personally dropped the kids to their door step assuring safety of all present.

Review of Magic Show at Happy school“Where there is kindness – there is goodness. And where there is goodness – There is magic.

So then – What is magic? – Magic is something you make. – Magic is a carpet of Imagination. Magic is Intention + Action. Magic is believing that anything and everything is possible in this world. Magic is acceptance, Magic is life with love. All kids need a little bit of the unexplained enchantment, a little help, a little hope and somebody who believes in them. All kids need a little bit of magic to lighten up the radiance of optimism and inspire them to dream bigger in verve.

In harmony to such an emotive – bigger underlying foundation – a magic show had been organized for the under – privileged kids of Happy School – on 4th of November. Eventually, Be the Inspiration - The R.I. theme for the year 2018-2019 was further implemented by RCRG. Joy of giving was extended to Happy School but this time in a very unique manner. Magic Show before Diwali was planned for students of Happy School. More than 350 students along with teachers and cheerful RCRG members were part of it. Kudos to Rtn Kunal Mehta for the taking such a thoughtful initiative and organizing the show.

A family history of reading and/or spelling difficulties (dyslexia often runs in families)

For kindergarden and 1st grade Reading errors that show no connection to the sounds of the letters on the page—will say “puppy” instead of the written word “dog” on an illustrated page with a picture of a dog Does not understand that words come apart Complains about how hard reading is; “disappears” when it is time to read A history of reading problems in parents or siblings Left and right confusion. Cannot sound out even simple words like cat, map, nap Does not associate letters with sounds, such as the letter b with the “b” sound

For 2nd grade and above Very slow in acquiring reading skills. Reading is slow and awkward Trouble reading unfamiliar words, often making wild guesses because he cannot sound out the word Doesn’t seem to have a strategy for reading new words Avoids reading out loud

8) How can I tell my child has Dyslexia ?You can only sense that a child is facing difficulties. If your child is brigth in all areas but faces difficulties with reading , spelling or writing, there are chances that child may be having Dyslexia. It is best to get screened or assessed as early as possible. Early identification can lead to Early help and confident learners. Parents and teachers have to be vigilant.

9) Can Dyslexia be treated?YES Indeed, Dyslexia can be treated with different Intervention strategies suited for an individual . No two people with Dyslexia have the same symptoms. Everybody is different . So the strategies and Intervention plans are different for everybody. We teach the child the way he learns and build bridges for learning . However, Dyslexia cannot be cured completely. All the boards do give a lot help and support to children with Dyslexia. CBSE, IGCSE, IB gives 25 % extra time, reader and a writer if the child falls into that category . Indian Government has made major amendmends to support children having Dyslexia .

10) Can children with Dyslexia be successful?My answer here is DEFINITELY YES. To name a few, Steve Jobbs, founder of Apple . Majority of us use the I phones .Richard Branson, founder or Virgin Airlines. Albert Einstein, Walt Disney, Abhishek Bachhan and many more...Well, children with Dyslexia have a lot of strengths, we just have to identify that and nurture that as parents or teachers.

Page 3: Birth Day Wishes Wedding · 24th Nov Rtn Dr. Darshit & Dr. Avni Mapara 9408678714 99133 02919 Wedding Anniversary

Review of Magic Show at Happy school“Where there is kindness – there is goodness. And where there is goodness – There is magic.

So then – What is magic? – Magic is something you make. – Magic is a carpet of Imagination. Magic is Intention + Action. Magic is believing that anything and everything is possible in this world. Magic is acceptance, Magic is life with love. All kids need a little bit of the unexplained enchantment, a little help, a little hope and somebody who believes in them. All kids need a little bit of magic to lighten up the radiance of optimism and inspire them to dream bigger in verve.

Rotary International news RI NewsSushil Kumar Gupta selected to be 2020-21 Rotary President

Sushil Kumar Gupta of the Rotary Club of Delhi Midwest, Delhi, India, is the selection of the Nominating Committee for President of Rotary International for 2020-21. He has been declared President Nominee on 1st October

President Nominee’s Motto – He wants to increase Rotary’s Humanitarian Impact as well as the Diversity of its Membership. He firmly believes that “as individuals we can only do to a limited extent – But when 1.2 million Rotarians work together, there is no limit to what we can achieve, and in the process we can truly change the world.”

Sushil Kumaar Gupta has been a Rotarian since 1977 and has served Rotary as – District Governor, Training Leader, Resource Group advisor, and as a member, vise chair or as a chair person of several committees.

President Nominee – Sushil Kumar Gupta’s Achievements

- He was awarded as a honorary Doctor of Science Degree by IIS University, Jaipur, in recognition of his contribution to Water Conservation

- He has also received the coveted Padma Shri award, the fourth highest civilian award in India, conferred by the President of India for distinguished service to tourism and social work

- He has also received the distinguished service award from otary Foundation for his support of its Humanitarian and educational Programmes. He and his wife, Vinita, are Major Donors to the Rotary Foundation and members of the Arch Klumph Society.

President Nominee – Sushil kumar Gupta’s Professional Endeavors

- He is the Chair and managing Director of Asian Hotels (West) LTD., and owner of Hyatt Regency, Mumbai and JW Marriott Hotel New Delhi Aerocity.

- He has served as the President of the Federation of Hotel and Restaurant Associations of India and on the Board of Directors of Tourism Finance Corporation of India Ltd.

- He is the President of the Experience India Society – a public private partnership between the tourism industry and the government of India that promotes India as a tourist destination

- He is also Vise Chair of the Himalayan Environment Trust and serves on the Operation Eyesight Universal in India.

In harmony to such an emotive – bigger underlying foundation – a magic show had been organized for the under – privileged kids of Happy School – on 4th of November. Eventually, Be the Inspiration - The R.I. theme for the year 2018-2019 was further implemented by RCRG. Joy of giving was extended to Happy School but this time in a very unique manner. Magic Show before Diwali was planned for students of Happy School. More than 350 students along with teachers and cheerful RCRG members were part of it. Kudos to Rtn Kunal Mehta for the taking such a thoughtful initiative and organizing the show.

A family history of reading and/or spelling difficulties (dyslexia often runs in families)

For kindergarden and 1st grade Reading errors that show no connection to the sounds of the letters on the page—will say “puppy” instead of the written word “dog” on an illustrated page with a picture of a dog Does not understand that words come apart Complains about how hard reading is; “disappears” when it is time to read A history of reading problems in parents or siblings Left and right confusion. Cannot sound out even simple words like cat, map, nap Does not associate letters with sounds, such as the letter b with the “b” sound

For 2nd grade and above Very slow in acquiring reading skills. Reading is slow and awkward Trouble reading unfamiliar words, often making wild guesses because he cannot sound out the word Doesn’t seem to have a strategy for reading new words Avoids reading out loud

8) How can I tell my child has Dyslexia ?You can only sense that a child is facing difficulties. If your child is brigth in all areas but faces difficulties with reading , spelling or writing, there are chances that child may be having Dyslexia. It is best to get screened or assessed as early as possible. Early identification can lead to Early help and confident learners. Parents and teachers have to be vigilant.

9) Can Dyslexia be treated?YES Indeed, Dyslexia can be treated with different Intervention strategies suited for an individual . No two people with Dyslexia have the same symptoms. Everybody is different . So the strategies and Intervention plans are different for everybody. We teach the child the way he learns and build bridges for learning . However, Dyslexia cannot be cured completely. All the boards do give a lot help and support to children with Dyslexia. CBSE, IGCSE, IB gives 25 % extra time, reader and a writer if the child falls into that category . Indian Government has made major amendmends to support children having Dyslexia .

10) Can children with Dyslexia be successful?My answer here is DEFINITELY YES. To name a few, Steve Jobbs, founder of Apple . Majority of us use the I phones .Richard Branson, founder or Virgin Airlines. Albert Einstein, Walt Disney, Abhishek Bachhan and many more...Well, children with Dyslexia have a lot of strengths, we just have to identify that and nurture that as parents or teachers.

Page 4: Birth Day Wishes Wedding · 24th Nov Rtn Dr. Darshit & Dr. Avni Mapara 9408678714 99133 02919 Wedding Anniversary

Little Wisdom At The Home Range – By Dr. Deepa Raja 1) What is Dyslexia ?A word meaning “difficulty with language” or “difficulty with words”, from the Greek morphemes “dys” and “lex”. Dyslexia is best described as a specific difficulty in learning, in one or more of reading, spelling and written language. It can be accompanied by difficulty in number work, short term memory, sequencing, auditory and visual perception, and motor skills. Oral language is often affected to some degree. Dyslexia occurs despite normal teaching and is indpendent of socio-economic background. Dyslexia occurs through range of Intellectual abilities.

2) What causes Dyslexia ?Genetic cause- Research says almost 10% population carry the gene linked with Dyslexia. Acquired Dyslexia-Brain trauma or injury.Developmental Dyslexia- Caused by hormonal development during early stages of fetal development. An impairment in acquiring reading abilities.Brain areas like parietotemporal region and occipitotemporal region involved in language acquisition shows slow activity levels.

3) But doesn't Dyslexia involve seeing words backwards?It is certainly a robust sign which is evident very early . As there are issues with perception in a child having Dyslexia , this sign is very common. BUT it is NOT the only sign to diagnose Dyslexia.

4) Can teachers or parents cause children to have Dyslexia ?NO, the teachers or parents cannot cause the child to have Dyslexia but they can certainly cause a child to suffer much more due to their ignorance. Parents and teachers can cause a great emotional trauma on a child as they keep on bombarding a child with phrases of being dumb or lazy or good for nothing.

5) Is Dyslexia related to Intelligence or Motivation ?DYSLEXIA has nothing to do with Intelligence or Talent. In fact, these people are mostly found to have average to above average Intelligence. They think out side the box, have good imagination power, great problem solvers.

6) How does one get Dyslexia ?As shared earlier in the causes, Dyslexia is caused by genes or acquired . It has also been noted that during pregnancy, if a mother has passed through stress or any other infection, the new born will be affected . Also, during delivery, a minor injury due to forcep may cause a child develop Dyslexia. Intake of heavy antibiotics during early years has also been found to have concerns with learning. The other cause is Attention Deficit Disorder. Due to increased use of technology, children are found to have Attention concerns primarily and due to lack of attention, learning difficulties follow.

7) What are early signs of Dyslexia ?For pre-school Trouble learning common nursery rhymes, such as “Jack and Jill” Difficulty learning (and remembering) the names of letters in the alphabet Seems unable to recognize letters in his/her own name Mispronounces familiar words; persistent “baby talk” Doesn’t recognize rhyming patterns like cat, bat, rat Mirror images or reversals of letters, numbers or words.

A family history of reading and/or spelling difficulties (dyslexia often runs in families)

For kindergarden and 1st grade Reading errors that show no connection to the sounds of the letters on the page—will say “puppy” instead of the written word “dog” on an illustrated page with a picture of a dog Does not understand that words come apart Complains about how hard reading is; “disappears” when it is time to read A history of reading problems in parents or siblings Left and right confusion. Cannot sound out even simple words like cat, map, nap Does not associate letters with sounds, such as the letter b with the “b” sound

For 2nd grade and above Very slow in acquiring reading skills. Reading is slow and awkward Trouble reading unfamiliar words, often making wild guesses because he cannot sound out the word Doesn’t seem to have a strategy for reading new words Avoids reading out loud

8) How can I tell my child has Dyslexia ?You can only sense that a child is facing difficulties. If your child is brigth in all areas but faces difficulties with reading , spelling or writing, there are chances that child may be having Dyslexia. It is best to get screened or assessed as early as possible. Early identification can lead to Early help and confident learners. Parents and teachers have to be vigilant.

9) Can Dyslexia be treated?YES Indeed, Dyslexia can be treated with different Intervention strategies suited for an individual . No two people with Dyslexia have the same symptoms. Everybody is different . So the strategies and Intervention plans are different for everybody. We teach the child the way he learns and build bridges for learning . However, Dyslexia cannot be cured completely. All the boards do give a lot help and support to children with Dyslexia. CBSE, IGCSE, IB gives 25 % extra time, reader and a writer if the child falls into that category . Indian Government has made major amendmends to support children having Dyslexia .

10) Can children with Dyslexia be successful?My answer here is DEFINITELY YES. To name a few, Steve Jobbs, founder of Apple . Majority of us use the I phones .Richard Branson, founder or Virgin Airlines. Albert Einstein, Walt Disney, Abhishek Bachhan and many more...Well, children with Dyslexia have a lot of strengths, we just have to identify that and nurture that as parents or teachers.

Page 5: Birth Day Wishes Wedding · 24th Nov Rtn Dr. Darshit & Dr. Avni Mapara 9408678714 99133 02919 Wedding Anniversary

Moments of Pride for RCRG1) A heartiest congratulation to Rtn Amit Raja for being selected as the Region Co-ordinator for the year 2019 – 20

2) Ebullient best wishes to Rtn Dipak Kothari for being selected as the Assistant Governor for the year 2019 – 20.

3) Warmhearted appreciation to Rtn Dr. Yogesh Mehta for being selected as Assistant Trainer of Region -1 for the year 2019- 20

4) Annet Riddhi Bhojani daughter of Rtn Nilesh Bhojani is going for 10 days training of NCC – (National Cadet Corps) – We wish her all the best for the same.

5) Ardent best wishes to Dr. Kartik Sutariya for launching a venture, CIGIS – Obesity Clinic, a dedicated centre to treat obesity in a scientific way – on the auspicious occasion of Labh Pancham.

6) One of the most adorable Annets of RCRG – Annet Sarthak Ravi Ganatra son of Rtn Ravi Ganatra has been featured on the poster of a popular Kids Garments shop in the vicinity– “Half Ticket”.

A family history of reading and/or spelling difficulties (dyslexia often runs in families)

For kindergarden and 1st grade Reading errors that show no connection to the sounds of the letters on the page—will say “puppy” instead of the written word “dog” on an illustrated page with a picture of a dog Does not understand that words come apart Complains about how hard reading is; “disappears” when it is time to read A history of reading problems in parents or siblings Left and right confusion. Cannot sound out even simple words like cat, map, nap Does not associate letters with sounds, such as the letter b with the “b” sound

For 2nd grade and above Very slow in acquiring reading skills. Reading is slow and awkward Trouble reading unfamiliar words, often making wild guesses because he cannot sound out the word Doesn’t seem to have a strategy for reading new words Avoids reading out loud

8) How can I tell my child has Dyslexia ?You can only sense that a child is facing difficulties. If your child is brigth in all areas but faces difficulties with reading , spelling or writing, there are chances that child may be having Dyslexia. It is best to get screened or assessed as early as possible. Early identification can lead to Early help and confident learners. Parents and teachers have to be vigilant.

9) Can Dyslexia be treated?YES Indeed, Dyslexia can be treated with different Intervention strategies suited for an individual . No two people with Dyslexia have the same symptoms. Everybody is different . So the strategies and Intervention plans are different for everybody. We teach the child the way he learns and build bridges for learning . However, Dyslexia cannot be cured completely. All the boards do give a lot help and support to children with Dyslexia. CBSE, IGCSE, IB gives 25 % extra time, reader and a writer if the child falls into that category . Indian Government has made major amendmends to support children having Dyslexia .

10) Can children with Dyslexia be successful?My answer here is DEFINITELY YES. To name a few, Steve Jobbs, founder of Apple . Majority of us use the I phones .Richard Branson, founder or Virgin Airlines. Albert Einstein, Walt Disney, Abhishek Bachhan and many more...Well, children with Dyslexia have a lot of strengths, we just have to identify that and nurture that as parents or teachers.

Page 6: Birth Day Wishes Wedding · 24th Nov Rtn Dr. Darshit & Dr. Avni Mapara 9408678714 99133 02919 Wedding Anniversary

President’s DeskrdÓp¡,

Ap hfk¡ hfkpv$ Ap¡R>p¡ ‘X$sp NyS>fps“p„ OZp rhõspfp¡ vy$óL$pm“u [õ’rs“p¡ kpd“p¡ L$fu füp R>¡. Mpk L$fu“¡ L$ÃR>“u lpgs h^y L$ap¡X$u R>¡. L$ÃR>“p ‘iy‘pgL$p¡A¡ ‘p¡sp“p dpg Y$p¡f kp’¡ rlS>fs iê$ L$fu qv$^u R>¡. spS>¡sfdp„ Åd“Nf fp¡X$ ‘f Þepfp ‘pk¡ Apif¡ 2500 Npep¡ L$ÃR>’u rlS>fs L$fu“¡ Aphu R>¡. Npep¡“u lpgs v$e“ue R>¡. A¡d kdÅ¡ L¡$ Npep¡ dv$v$ dpV¡$ cp„cfX$p “pM¡ R>¡. gNcN 90 S>¡V$gp Np¥‘pgL$p¡ A“¡ 2500 S>¡V$gu Npep¡ dv$v$ dpV¡$ ‘p¡L$pf L$f¡ R>¡. Npep¡ dpV¡$ OpkQpfp¡ “’u.

Qpgp¡, Ap‘Z¡ A¡d“p dpV¡$ L$iyL$ L$fu Ry>V$uA¡... aºg “l] s aºg“u ‘p„MX$u...

fp¡V$fu ¼gb Ap¡a fpS>L$p¡V$ N°¡V$f ‘qfhpf“¡ Ap sL¡$ Mpk rh“„su L¡$ Ap ‘fd ‘yÎe“p L$pddp„ kp¥ L$p¡B e’pi[¼s dv$v$ê$‘ ’pe.Those who wish to donate for this noble cause cag give their name to below mentioned rotrians.

Rtn. Hrishit Amlani +91 99133 42364

Rtn. Mihir Nagrecha +91 98244 90990

Hindu Religion Knowledge Quest1) In the epic Ramayana, which bird tried to prevent Ravana from carrying Sita away? a) Vibhishan c) Garuda b) Jatayu d) Bhulinga

2) Yama, the God of Death in Hinduism, uses what animal as his transport? a) Buffalo c) Elephant b) Raven d) Camel

3) In Indian Mythology, how many avatars or incarnations, has Vishnu, one of the Hinduism’s Holy Trinity, come to this world in? a) 10 c) 11 b) 12 d) 9

4) Which Hindu festival is celebrated once in every 12 years? a) Pagoda Mela c) Kurukshetra b) Ganesh Chaturthi d) Kumbhmela

Please send me your answers (WHatsApp) to this number – 8140277177

A family history of reading and/or spelling difficulties (dyslexia often runs in families)

For kindergarden and 1st grade Reading errors that show no connection to the sounds of the letters on the page—will say “puppy” instead of the written word “dog” on an illustrated page with a picture of a dog Does not understand that words come apart Complains about how hard reading is; “disappears” when it is time to read A history of reading problems in parents or siblings Left and right confusion. Cannot sound out even simple words like cat, map, nap Does not associate letters with sounds, such as the letter b with the “b” sound

For 2nd grade and above Very slow in acquiring reading skills. Reading is slow and awkward Trouble reading unfamiliar words, often making wild guesses because he cannot sound out the word Doesn’t seem to have a strategy for reading new words Avoids reading out loud

8) How can I tell my child has Dyslexia ?You can only sense that a child is facing difficulties. If your child is brigth in all areas but faces difficulties with reading , spelling or writing, there are chances that child may be having Dyslexia. It is best to get screened or assessed as early as possible. Early identification can lead to Early help and confident learners. Parents and teachers have to be vigilant.

9) Can Dyslexia be treated?YES Indeed, Dyslexia can be treated with different Intervention strategies suited for an individual . No two people with Dyslexia have the same symptoms. Everybody is different . So the strategies and Intervention plans are different for everybody. We teach the child the way he learns and build bridges for learning . However, Dyslexia cannot be cured completely. All the boards do give a lot help and support to children with Dyslexia. CBSE, IGCSE, IB gives 25 % extra time, reader and a writer if the child falls into that category . Indian Government has made major amendmends to support children having Dyslexia .

10) Can children with Dyslexia be successful?My answer here is DEFINITELY YES. To name a few, Steve Jobbs, founder of Apple . Majority of us use the I phones .Richard Branson, founder or Virgin Airlines. Albert Einstein, Walt Disney, Abhishek Bachhan and many more...Well, children with Dyslexia have a lot of strengths, we just have to identify that and nurture that as parents or teachers.

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