Page 1: Billie's Bounce - Wes Montgomery Guitar · PDF fileCheck for more Funk, Soul, Blues & Jazz transcriptions. ... Billie's Bounce - Wes Montgomery Guitar solo Author: Ian Paterson Created

F7 B¨7 F7

Bop q = ca.256

B¨7 F7 D75

G‹7 C7 F7 D7 G‹7 C79

F7 B¨7 F713

B¨7 F7 D717

G‹7 C7 F7 D7 G‹7 C721

44?b ∑

Billie's Bounce - Wes Montgomery's Solo (2 heads) From the album 'Fingerpickin'' (1958)

?b. .

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* Note the use of the F blues scale as the main scalic choice in this head

* This will probably sound better played an octave up but for ease of reading I've written it down an octave

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Transcribed by Ian 'dodge' Paterson, 2014. Check WWW.DODGEBASS.CO.UK for more Funk, Soul, Blues & Jazz transcriptions. Thanks to William for corrections. For educational and personal use only - not to be sold but please share! If you find it useful why not give a small donation to a charity of your choice?

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