
Kidney stones look more like crystals than just

stones. In most of the cases there exists no specific

reason why a stone is formed.

It may form when substances like calcium, cysteine,

oxalate or uric acid are at high amount in urine.

Kidney stones form within the kidney or in the other

parts of urinary tract.

Kidney stones may produce severe symptoms such

as sudden rise of cramps or severe pain in abdomen.

Change in the body position does not relieve such a

huge ache.

This may be followed by nausea or vomiting or

both. It also causes blood in the urine. If the urinary

tract is infected, then there may be shivering and

even fever.

Kidney stones generally form when there is a

decreased amount of urine excretion or there is

presence of a stone-forming substance in the urine.

The most common kidney stone contains amount of

calcium combining with either oxalate or


Other chemical compounds include uric acid and the

amino acid cysteine.

Dehydration due to reduced fluid intake, especially

while performing intense exercise increases the risk

of these stones.

Obstacle in the flow of urine may also results in

stone formation.

White men are most likely to form stones in kidney

often as compared to African, Americans.

There is a high chance of developing kidney stones

when men enter the age group of 40s.

People who have already developed stones in

kidney are more likely to produce more stones.

A number of different medical conditions can

increase the risk of developing lead to kidney


1. Some medications such as medicine used to treat

HIV infection, calcium-containing antacids, etc. also

raise the risk of stones in kidney.

2. Hypercalciuria, meaning, high amount of calcium in

the urine, is another factor that causes stones in

more than half of cases. In this condition, too much

amount of calcium is absorbed via food intake,

where it is likely to form stones.

3. Increased amount of uric acid in urine results in the

formation of uric acid stones.

4. People who had an intestinal bypass or those who

had inflammatory bowel disease are also more

likely to form stones in kidney.

Though, most kidney stones gradually pass through

the urinary tract by their own by consuming plenty

of fluid intake but in case the person does not able

to bypass it, then there exits herbal treatment for

kidney stone.

We have been working in herbal treatment for

kidney that is more than effective and beyond

everyone’s expectations.

Since, ayurvedic treatments are completely reliable

and extremely effective, we have contributed in

developing that treatment which works as a whole

as an overall solution.

This method won’t generate any kind of side

effects and will give you permanent cure so that

you don’t undergo any further painful treatments

or surgeries.

This is why it is the best treatment for kidney


The method is Kid Clear capsules.

It breaks down the strong stubborn bonding of

stones and helps in excreting out along with urine.

It also protects any further stone formation

resulting in the good health of an individual.

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