Page 1: Believe ~ Strive ~ Achieve School Prospectus · 2015. 9. 3. · Walls, Bungee Trampolines and much more. Key Stage 3 We aim to provide a high-quality educational experience for all

School ProspectusBelieve ~ Strive ~ AchieveNorham High School ~ Alnwick Avenue ~ North Shields ~ Tyne And Wear ~ NE29 7BU

T. 0191 200 5062 ~ F. 0191 200 5065 ~ E. [email protected] ~

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Introduction from our Executive Headteacher

At Norham High School we believe in offering all our pupils the highest quality education in a safe, happy and caring environment. Every individual is a valued member of the school community and is given access to a wide range of learning opportunities. We have high expectations of ourselves and our pupils and we want every pupil to develop their talents and to succeed.

We believe that all of our pupils from all backgrounds and of all abilities should have access to:

• High quality teaching to enable pupils to achieve their potential

• Excellent pastoral care and support for all pupils

• An exciting curriculum that supports pupils in raising their aspirations and achieving success

• A wide range of extra curricular activities that will engage, motivate and excite pupils

• Strong partnerships with other schools, business and industry, post 16 providers and the local community

All of our pupils can and should become capable, committed, caring, creative adults who leave their world, their country, their community and their family much better than they found them. We believe this is possible for every one of our pupils.

Our exam results are improving rapidly and not one pupil left without qualifications this year. We want the very best and want our pupils to aspire to be the very best. We know with your support we can achieve this for all the young people who make up our school community.

Our three way partnership between the pupil, school and home has proven crucial to supporting pupils to achieve success and we encourage regular contact, both formal and informal, throughout the year.

We are very proud of our school and we hope these pages will show you why. If you would like to know more you are most welcome to visit us on our open days or to contact us to make an appointment.

David Baldwin ~ Executive Headteacher

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What is special about Norham?

Unchanging Values

We believe our pupils need to appreciate things which will remain true and important throughout their lives: the unchanging moral values, such as orderly behaviour, respect for self, others and concern for people, the community and the environment. At Norham we base these beliefs on our RESPECT policy which is promoted by all.

Why families choose Norham

We asked Norham parents recently why they had chosen Norham for their child. These were some of the most common reasons...

• Improving exam results

• Good discipline

• Staff that are skilled and experienced, well qualified, caring, friendly and helpful

• Other parents say their children are happy at Norham

• Pupils have achieved well at Norham

• Good at keeping parents informed about progress and keeping in touch

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There is much good teaching and some outstanding


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Pupil Entitlement

Norham High School believes that all pupils are entitled to the highest level of education to support their academic progress. With this in mind staff and pupils worked together to create the ‘Pupil Entitlement’.

To be given opportunities in lessons to assess their learning and understand the progress they have made

• They are always taken back to the learning objective at the end of each lesson and given time to complete a task assessing how much they have learned in the lesson.

• Their teacher explains to them how their learning has progressed and what they will do in the next lesson to ensure they learn more. 

To know WHAT they are learning WHY they are learning it and HOW they are going to learn it

• They are always given learning objectives and know what they have to do to achieve the learning.

• They are always told how the lesson fits into a series of lessons and how the objectives will help them in the long term.

To feel safe and secure in their environment

Mutual respect is shown between themselves, other pupils and the member of staff teaching them through:

• The language they use.

• The tone of voice they use.

• The way they react to instructions or requests.

To understand their current level or grade and what they need to do to improve

They can answer the 3 questions below:

• What level or grade are they on now?

• What is the level or grade they are working towards?

• What do they need to do to reach it?

To be given the opportunity to work in different ways

• At times they work in groups, by themselves, as a whole class or with a partner.

• They do not work in the same way every lesson.

To feel challenged in their work

• They do not find the work they are doing too easy.

• They should complete the work provided in the set period of time.

We believe all pupils are entitled:

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Transfer from Primary School

Norham Partnership SchoolsThe large majority of our pupils have come to Norham from primary schools within the local authority. Our main partnership schools are: Collingwood, Waterville, Percy Main, New York, Riverside and St Joseph’s. We liaise closely with our partnership schools regarding the transfer of our pupils to our care. The key staff member to ensure transfer is as smooth as possible is our KS3 Co-ordinator Year 6/Year 7 who works with staff in our partnership schools during the academic year, arranges visits to Norham for all primary pupils and ensures that there are several opportunities during the academic year for parents to meet staff at Norham.

Autumn / Spring TermThe KS3 Co-ordinator Year 6/Year 7 and one of the Assistant Headteachers are responsible for the transfer from primary to secondary and will work with staff to ensure that all pupils visit Norham, at least once, during the Autumn or Spring term. The KS3 Co-ordinator Year 6/Year 7 and other members of the Senior Leadership Team also visit primary schools, leading assemblies and talking to parents. During the Autumn Term pupils and parents are invited to an Open Evening, which provides opportunity for parents to ask the Executive Headteacher, Head of School, staff and pupils about the high school, its curriculum, facilities and other points of interest.

Summer TermThe KS3 Co-ordinator Year 6/Year 7 and the Assistant Headteacher invite all pupils joining Norham in the September to be part of our ‘Transition Fortnight’. This takes place over the last two weeks of the Summer term where all pupils are invited to begin their education at Norham early. A distinct curriculum package is designed for pupils during the Transition Fortnight based on the SEAL (social, emotional aspects of learning) curriculum which allows pupils to settle into their new school and be ready to enjoy their learning experience in the September.

Induction FortnightYear 6 pupils are invited to an Induction Fortnight during the last two weeks of the Summer Term during which they follow a distinct curriculum package based on SEAL (Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning) objectives. During this time pupils meet staff, take part in lessons and are accompanied on trips to the coast or Plessey Woods where they work together to develop a year group ethos.

Academic Intervention and SupportAt Norham we believe that all pupils can achieve academic success and we provide a wealth of intervention to support this. This ranges from the Reading Initiative, where pupils are taught specific reading skills, to SLT Focus Groups where members of the Senior Leadership Team mentor specific pupils. Each Key Stage has a Progress Leader whose key responsibility is to source the most appropriate academic intervention to ensure that all our pupils make progress and achieve.

Family Fun DayEach year Norham celebrates its pupils’ success by hosting a Family Fun Day. All the community are invited to join staff and pupils in their celebrations by receiving a free invitation to the day. Attractions include Bungee Runs, Skate Ramps, Climbing Walls, Bungee Trampolines and much more.

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Key Stage 3We aim to provide a high-quality educational experience for all our pupils in all subjects, tailored to their needs and abilities.

All pupils follow a curriculum which is broad and balanced with the large majority studying 11 National Curriculum subjects:

English, Mathematics, Science, Technology, Modern Languages, History, Geography, Art, Music, Physical Education, Computer Sciences, Personal Social and Health Education and Religious Education.

Key Stage 4Since 2009 Norham has developed a personalised learning pathway for all pupils and we believe strongly that curriculum design and development has a major part to play in the meeting of every pupil’s needs. We have provided opportunities for assessment when ready, choice, flexibility and progression through the opportunity to start courses leading to GCSE qualifications earlier in some subject areas and to introduce more choice, in order to fit the curriculum even better to the needs of each individual pupil.

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Curriculum at Norham

The government wants to create a continuous phase of learning with pathways that will meet the needs and aspirations of young people and allow them to progress through learning at a pace that is right for them.

Norham is enthusiastic about this approach, because it fits our vision for an all-inclusive curriculum, which will meet the needs and ambitions of all pupils, including those whose aim is the highest ‘A’ Level standards, followed by academic degree courses at traditional universities, as well as those whose focus is on vocational studies leading directly to a modern career.

Norham’s curriculum structure is built around the pupils need to access:

• PLTs (Personal Learning and Thinking Skills)

• Subject knowledge and skills

• Wider curricular dimension

• Personal, social and health education

There are opportunities through our Focus Days to allow staff and pupils to work together and enjoy learning in a more exciting and untraditional way.


• Termly focus day – supporting our PSHE curriculum

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More Able Pupils

At school we believe that all pupils are entitled to an education that will enable them to develop their full potential, be that intellectual, physical, aesthetic, creative, emotional, spiritual or social, finding appropriate challenge in our learning environment.

All pupils have individual needs which puts personalised learning at the heart of our teaching. Norham is committed to providing a sufficiently challenging curriculum for all pupils. In addition, we will provide opportunities to identify and in turn nurture those who are more able.

All pupils have an entitlement to the following:

• Staff commitment and training to develop pupils’ full potential at all times.

• Lessons that stimulate, engage, challenge, inform, excite and encourage through partnership and dialogue with teachers and other pupils and active participation in the lesson.

• Courses that lead to examinations and accreditation.

• Skilled, well prepared and informed teachers who have a perspective and understanding of whole school needs, problems and policies, especially those concerning issues related to those pupils identified as more able.

• An entitlement beyond subject teaching, including preparation for adult life and preparation for the world of work. This should include extra-curricular activity, personal and social education, careers guidance and counselling, visits to local industry, work experience and community service.

Curriculum packages are created to support our more able pupils and progress is reviewed at various stages throughout the year by our More Able and Talented (MAT) co-ordinators to ensure that our most able and our gifted pupils are challenged in their educational journey at Norham.

Pupils talk enthusiastically about the school’s positive influence on their well-being


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What provision is made for Learning Support?

The Learning Support DepartmentAt Norham we have the strong belief that all pupils, regardless of their strengths or weaknesses should be able to enjoy all the benefits of a mainstream education. We therefore do our utmost to ensure that those pupils who need extra help and support are included in everything that is going on. This means that where necessary we assess pupils, identify any problems that they may have and then match them to a range of interventions that we offer in order to help develop their skills.

How We SupportSupport is offered in a variety of ways. One of the most usual ways is to provide extra staff in the classroom to help the pupils directly with their learning. We also offer a range of ‘Curriculum Enhancements’ that might involve the pupils coming out of lessons in order to work on particular skills like numeracy or literacy. We also work with pupils who need help developing social and independent living skills or maybe to improve their handwriting.

We ensure that all teachers of your child are aware of any difficulties that they may have so that they receive the right sort of help and teaching.

Reviewing ProgressAll parents of children on the Additional Educational Needs register are invited to school annually to meet with the people who support them. At these review meetings you have the opportunity to find out how we help your child, raise any issues or ask for advice. We do believe that we work most effectively when there is good communication between home and school and you are always welcome to make an appointment to come into school if you have any concerns about the support your child receives.

Learning SupportAt Key Stage 4 we support pupils who are part of the Route 3 Curriculum Package. This is for pupils that require a more vocational focus. We provide a tailored curriculum package and offer pastoral support through personalised 1:1 sessions and regular communication with parents.

nNorham High School has an Additionally Resourced Centre for pupils across the Local Authority, who have speech, language and communication difficulties. This is called the Communication Resource Base (CRB). Although admission to the CRB is through a Local Authority panel, the CRB does work closely with other pupils in school who have similar difficulties. The CRB is well established in the school and through our commitment to inclusion, all staff in school have a great interest in working with these pupils and have an in-depth understanding of the issues they face and the support they need.

The Communication Resource Base

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The School Day, Homework and Personal Education

The School DayThe school day begins at 08.30 and finishes at 14.50. Pupils experience five lessons during the day each lasting one hour. Each morning pupils meet with their Form Tutor to complete registration and to promote an appropriate attitude towards learning.

HomeworkHomework is important. It extends and develops what is learned during lessons. It encourages pupils to learn independently and from different sources, which will be very important in later years. It is also a very good way for parents and families to get involved and support their child’s education.

Homework is set regularly for all classes and pupils record it in their planners. It is also available to pupils and parents via our on-line system called, “Show My Homework”. At Key Stage 3 pupils will receive homework from all core subjects at least once a week and from other subject at least fortnightly. At Key Stage 4 it is set according to the needs of each accredited course.

Allowance is made for those pupils with learning difficulties who cannot at first produce a large amount of unsupervised work. If parents are worried that their child seems to be getting too much or too little homework they are requested to contact their child’s Progress Leader immediately.

We provide a homework club for pupils at lunchtimes and after school.

Personal EducationHigh quality personal, social and health education (PSHE) is crucial in making our pupils successful learners, confident individuals and responsible citizens.

During years 7 – 11 all pupils follow a programme of PSHE which is designed to help them develop into confident, independent young people, able to make effective choices both in school and in their personal life. All Form Tutors deliver PSHE to their tutor group on topics including Drugs Education, Sex and Relationship Education and Healthy Living.

During Key Stage 4 specific guidance is provided linked to careers choice to enable pupils to realise their potential in the world of work. Work experience is offered in Year 10 to all pupils.

Lunch at NorhamAll pupils are required to stay on school premises during the whole of the lunch break. This allows us to ensure the safety of pupils during the lunch period, give pupils access to a healthy food option for lunch and offer activities and facilities to support attainment and enjoyment.

08.30 - 08.50 Registration/ Tutorial

08.50 - 09.50 Period 1

09.50 - 10.50 Period 2

10.50 - 11.05 Break

11.05 - 12.05 Period 3

12.05 - 13.05 Period 4

13.05 - 13.50 Lunch

13.50 - 14.50 Period 5

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Uniform and Equipment

Boys• White shirt

• School tie

• Black trousers

• School jumper with embroidered school logo

• A warm outdoor coat should be worn to and from school but not in teaching areas

• Smart and sensible BLACK shoes

Girls• White shirt

• School tie

• Black skirt or black trousers (not leggings)

• School jumper with embroidered school logo

• A warm outdoor coat should be worn to and from school but not in teaching areas

• Smart and sensible BLACK shoes

General EquipmentIt is essential that pupils bring the correct equipment to school each day, to avoid wasting time and disrupting the beginning of lessons. There will be limited supplies of specialist equipment in faculty areas but, as a minimum, we would expect pupils to bring the following: Planner (provided by school), pen, pencil and ruler.

Being prepared for learning shows that pupils are committed to making the most of their learning opportunities.

PE EquipmentBoth boys and girls are required to wear the following for their PE lessons.

• Official Norham PE polo shirt

• Official Norham jogging bottoms or shorts

• Training shoes

• Optional – Official Norham hoodie

Supplementary items of PE Kit can be ordered from Emblematic or contact the school office for more advice. At times pupils may be required to wear football boots when doing outdoor games. Staff will inform pupils if and when this is the case.

Personal PropertyParents are advised most strongly that personal stereo equipment, mobile phones, jewellery, expensive watches and any other valuable items should be kept safely at home. The school cannot accept liability for the loss or damage of any pupil’s personal belongings.

Please note for health and safety reasons footwear should be sensible. School jumpers can be ordered directly from Emblematic or from the school reception.

Pupils participate in and enjoy many opportunities to contribute to the life of the school and the surrounding community


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Communication: Home & School Partnership

Pastoral CarePupils are allocated to a form on joining Norham High School within their Key Stage. Each Key Stage has a Key Stage Co-ordinator and Progress Leader who work closely together to support your child’s academic progress and care for their personal needs. The Key Stage Co-ordinator, Progress Leader and Form Tutor are responsible for the welfare and achievements of their pupils. They will:

• Get to know all their pupils personally

• Encourage them to make the most of their time at Norham

• Provide help and support where necessary

• Monitor their academic progress

• Plan and facilitate academic intervention to ensure progress is made

• Investigate absence

• Ensure positive attitudes to learning and behaviour

• Liaise with parents and offer help by discussing problems which may have arisen at school or at home

The Key Stage Co-ordinators and Progress Leaders will always be available to give advice and guidance.

Parents are welcome at school at any time, but it is advisable to telephone beforehand to ensure that the appropriate member of staff is available. In an emergency, parents have access to a senior member of staff. They are normally available between 07.45 and 16.00.

The PlannerThe planner is a very important tool to support pupils’ progress as well as the ideal way of keeping you up to date, helping you to help your child. Amongst other things it contains: Weekly planner including space to record homework, to help your child get organised and to help you check up on progress.

The Home - School AgreementThe Home – School Agreement is a document contained in the planner. This document is an agreement between the school and parents which aims to support all pupils to achieve success. At the start of each academic year the Form Tutor, pupil and parents are asked to sign this document as a way of recognising our commitment to working together to support your child.

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