Page 1: Barclaycard Spend Management Quick Cardholder … card transactions, Barclaycard will be shown as a heading and under the heading will be a list of the prior six month statement period


Barclaycard Spend Management Quick Cardholder Guide

Page 2: Barclaycard Spend Management Quick Cardholder … card transactions, Barclaycard will be shown as a heading and under the heading will be a list of the prior six month statement period


Contents Contents ..................................................................................................................... 2

Log on and Off ........................................................................................................... 3

Viewing Transactions ................................................................................................. 4

Transaction Coding .................................................................................................... 5

Icons ................................................................................................................................................... 5

Coding ................................................................................................................................................ 6

Narrative Description ....................................................................................................................... 7

Favourites .......................................................................................................................................... 8

Split Transactions ............................................................................................................................. 8

Receipts ............................................................................................................................................. 9

Completing the transaction coding .............................................................................................. 10

Reporting .................................................................................................................. 10

Transaction Search – Personal .................................................................................................... 10

Emails ...................................................................................................................... 11

Automatic Emails ............................................................................................................................ 11

Page 3: Barclaycard Spend Management Quick Cardholder … card transactions, Barclaycard will be shown as a heading and under the heading will be a list of the prior six month statement period


Log on and Off Open your internet browser and access the following website:

You will be required to enter the following:

• Your Username • Your Password • Three random characters from your memorable word.

Once you have successfully logged on to Barclaycard Spend Management, you will be taken to your home page.

In the centre of the screen you will see a Welcome message, the last time you logged onto the system and the email address stored in the system for you.

If you have only one account, the home page displays its balance, credit limit and any available credit at the time of the last data update to online system.

It also summaries the last three transactions loaded into the system and provides links to the last tree transaction periods for that account.

Page 4: Barclaycard Spend Management Quick Cardholder … card transactions, Barclaycard will be shown as a heading and under the heading will be a list of the prior six month statement period


Viewing Transactions From the home page main menu click on Accounts Statements. If you have transaction coding to perform, Accounts Statements will be flashing.

Alternatively, click on an Account Statement period from the Click to view at the bottom of the screen.

For card transactions, Barclaycard will be shown as a heading and under the heading will be a list of the prior six month statement period dates. Any statement period where some action is required by you will appear in red text.

Page 5: Barclaycard Spend Management Quick Cardholder … card transactions, Barclaycard will be shown as a heading and under the heading will be a list of the prior six month statement period


Transaction Coding Icons Once you’ve chosen an Account statement, a list of transactions will appear. A column of icons to the right if these indicates the coding status of each transaction.

If you hover your curser over the icon a text box will appear telling you what the icons means.

• Red Cross – indicates that the mandatory coding or information is still required for the transaction.

• Green Tick – indicates that all the coding and information has been entered for the transaction. Two green tick indicate that the transaction has been both coded and approved.

• Red Exclamation Mark – indicates that the transaction is awaiting approval by your manager.

• Gold Question Mark – indicates that the approving manager has requested further information from you regarding this transaction.

To begin coding of the transactions click on the Red Cross icon, another page will pop up, showing the fields that need to be coded.

Page 6: Barclaycard Spend Management Quick Cardholder … card transactions, Barclaycard will be shown as a heading and under the heading will be a list of the prior six month statement period



The nominal, cost and activity code fields are MANDATORY fields that you must complete. The other two fields are optional for you to use.

NB: The nominal code may already be populated as some of these have been mapped against the different purchase types.

To enter the codes either click on the drop-down arrow beside the field and select the code from the list.

Page 7: Barclaycard Spend Management Quick Cardholder … card transactions, Barclaycard will be shown as a heading and under the heading will be a list of the prior six month statement period


Alternatively, select Search from the drop-down and then search for the code.

If you know the Code Value or Description type it into the relevant field and then click the Search icon. The code will appear with a number of icons to the right of it.

Hover over the icons to see what your options are.

NB: You can add up to 15 codes to your favourite lists.

Narrative Description

As this field is visible to the approving manager and will be extracted into e5, please use this field to provide a brief description of the item you have purchased. For Inland Revenue purposes if the purchase was travel arrangements then include the destination and travel dates. If the purchase was for hospitality include the reason for the entertainment and the name of the organisation/ individual(s) receiving the hospitality.

Page 8: Barclaycard Spend Management Quick Cardholder … card transactions, Barclaycard will be shown as a heading and under the heading will be a list of the prior six month statement period



Split Transactions

You can split a transaction cost by clicking on the + to the left of the coding line. The Split Transaction Line dialogue box appears, allowing you to either:

• Split the amount evenly across 2-10 lines. (Select the number of lines from the drop-down field and click Save. Each line takes an even portion of the original amount); or

• Split each selected line by a different amount. Enter the figure required into the Line Amount box.

With either method any new lines are coded identically to the split line. To change this you will need to code each line separately.

Remember the Balance field must always show 0.00.

Page 9: Barclaycard Spend Management Quick Cardholder … card transactions, Barclaycard will be shown as a heading and under the heading will be a list of the prior six month statement period



To indicate that you hold a receipt / invoice for the transaction, click the Receipt check box on the Coding tab of the Transaction Details window, so that a green tick appears. If you do not hold a receipt / invoice, click the Receipt check box so that a red cross appears. If no receipt is available then use the Narrative Details box below to explain the reason for this.

NB: All your receipts must be attached to a completed period end statement and forwarded to Finance for filing, archiving and audit purposes.

Page 10: Barclaycard Spend Management Quick Cardholder … card transactions, Barclaycard will be shown as a heading and under the heading will be a list of the prior six month statement period


Completing the transaction coding

Upon your review and completion of any information and coding relating to your transaction, click Save and the expense is automatically made available to your statement approver. A green tick should now be visible against the right hand side of the transaction line

Reporting Transaction Search – Personal

This report is available from the home page under Reports menu. It enables you to report on your own transaction using a wide range of search criteria: date (statement period, user-defined date range, or a common execution range, e.g. last week or last month), transaction type, transaction status, the supplier’s merchant group or category, currency, amount or even by code. Search results will appear on screen and can be exported to Excel or PDF file.

Page 11: Barclaycard Spend Management Quick Cardholder … card transactions, Barclaycard will be shown as a heading and under the heading will be a list of the prior six month statement period


NB: Wildcard character – the report allows for the use of wildcard searching (using the % character) within search fields.

Emails Automatic Emails

You will receive a system generated email once the period statement is available online for you to code.

You will also receive 2 further emails on the 1st and 6th day of each month to remind you that you of any outstanding transactions that need to be coded. If you have completed your coding before these dates you will not be sent an email reminder.

The email will show you your outstanding transactions that require coding, as below.

Page 12: Barclaycard Spend Management Quick Cardholder … card transactions, Barclaycard will be shown as a heading and under the heading will be a list of the prior six month statement period


Transactions Requiring Review and Completion

The following transactions are incomplete and need your review.

Barclaycard - UK - 27/04/2012 to 25/05/2012

01/05/2012 Co-Op Trvl Mngmnt £ 58.50

04/05/2012 Amazon *mktplce Eu-Uk £ 68.20

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